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In 1943, shortly after the successful deportation of the Sephardim from Salonika to the
extermination camps in Treblinka and Birkenau, the Greek government in cooperation with the Nazi
Germany leadership in charge of administering the pro German Greek state during the war,
implemented and enforced the establishment of an institution which was in charge of eliminating
and erasing the four centuries long Jewish Heritage embedded in Ottoman Salonika since their
arrival from Spain in 1492.
To be just and equal, as well as to provide enough perspective and to be able to judge everyone in
retrospect for their crimes against humanity and war crimes, not only the Greeks, one must endorse
a relentless policy of pursuit and not live a single stone unturned.
Yes, it is true; Venizelos and his government were not the only ultra-nationalists in the Balkans, as
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk had to the same extent contributed to the ethnic cleansing of Anatolia and
his administration had been instrumental in the choreography, orchestrating and incorporating of
the Armenian Genocide.
But, this is the ultimate irony of world history; the two biggest butchers to have ever run legitimate
governments in the countries in the Balkan peninsula, are for the most part responsible for the
biggest atrocities and more human death than anyone else in the past, yet they are the very national
symbols of patriotism and both modern states that emerged from the turmoil of the WWI.
It is a paradox in itself, a great tribute and triumph of inhumanity to have these two savages to
represent two countries, after all the ethnic cleansing and genocide as well all the massacres they
were substantial to
It would have been greatly selective to only speak about the involvement of the Greek state in the
government endorsed ethnic cleansing, not only of the Aegean part of Macedonia that was
incorporated into Greece, but about the atrocities against the native Turks from the Peloponnese as
well as the assimilation of the Arvanites(Christian Orthodox Albanians), and all the other non-Greek
ethnic communities who were either by force converted or forever expelled or perhaps
exterminated from the region under Greek government for good
Of course, the story would be greatly undervalued and unappreciated, had we only spoken of the
involvement of the Greeks and their effort in the state sponsored ethnic cleansing of Macedonia and
Greece, and we dont mention the atrocities of the Young Turks and the Committee for Union and
Progress in their Fascist policies against all Non Turks in Anatolia, as well as the subsequent
genocides committed in Asia Minor
However, to a great detriment of millions who died for the establishment of one nation ethnically
clean states in the Balkans, the least we can do at the beginning of a new millennium is to correct
the mistakes from the past, accepted as the official and mainstream truth from regional national
history books, and to a great extent accepted by the whole world as the official history from the
period from that part of the world

We must correct these lies and finally accept revision of regional history for the benefit of a better
future for all, who did once know how to live and coexist together before they turned against each
other because they were indoctrinated to exterminate each other by a handful of politicians who
infiltrated regional politics to spread terror and intolerance, as well as religious hatred.
As far as the two million Macedonians, who were either assimilated or expelled, or perhaps
exterminated, all by force, their truth lies buried under ground, a victim of propaganda and lies that
have infiltrated mainstream history, only to prevail under great scrutiny and a sincere attempt to
distinguish Facts from Myth
I am one of these people who fight for the truth; to finally replace the lies that have for long enough
poisoned and suffocated the version of history that is officially accepted to be the truth about what
happened in Macedonia and the Balkans between 1913 and 1948
One must sustain and prevail as well as pursue the truth with great resistance from outside pressure,
if one is indeed determined to find out the truth about the first great state sponsored operation of
genocide, extermination, and forced assimilation that was enforced in the region of Macedonia by
the State of Greece.
The amount of schools that were closed down, the amount of people who disappeared or were
imprisoned and subject of assimilation and forced labour, the untold many stories of pogroms and
mass murder are all much too much buried under ground and concealed from the truth
The forced name changes, the forced religious conversions, the deliberately changed Slav and
Vallach names into Greek ones to be able to resume a life in the regions now incorporated into
Greece, all this to a great extend is a story untold, by a world much to indifferent much too reluctant
and complacent, but to the same extent mislead and lied to by an elaborate state propaganda of one
of the most undemocratic regimes in Europe of that period.
Let there be no mistake, the regime of Metaxas was a totalitarian police state run by a Military
Junta, that implemented and administered one of the most brutal and harsh regimes in Europe,
exterminating all opposition and dissent along the way.
Yes, the own Greek population was a great subject of abuse and mistreatment, false prosecution and
imprisonment on false and insinuated charges, but for the rest, the non-Greeks, life was a privilege
seldom offered to anyone
Such denial of identity and own heritage, such aggressive pursuit of a policy of forced assimilation
and identity change is unknown in modern European history, but not because it did not happened,
but because it was concealed and buried under ground to cover these crimes against humanity
Modern Greece is a country founded on Genocide and mass murder, its own government pursued
these War Crimes as state sponsored policies of total assimilation and forced conversions, yet the
World has not yet reprimanded anyone for it, allowing hypocrisy to evade the truth once more
Greece since its recent modern beginnings was a country founded on Apartheid values, but theres
no public outrage, theres no criticism for the abuse of humanity and the amount of Crimes against
humanity perpetrated in the country in the period between 1913 and 1948

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