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Official list of MDG indicators

All indicators should be disaggregated by sex and urban/rural as far as possible.

Effective 15 January 2008
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Goals and argets
(from the Millennium Declaration)
!ndicators for monitoring progress
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Target 1.A: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose
income is less than one dollar a da
1.1 !roportion of pop"lation below #1 $!!!% per da
1.2 !overt gap ratio
1.& 'hare of poorest ("intile in national cons"mption
Target 1.): Achieve f"ll and prod"ctive emploment and decent wor* for all,
incl"ding women and o"ng people
1.+ ,rowth rate of ,-! per person emploed
1.5 .mploment/to/pop"lation ratio
1.0 !roportion of emploed people living below #1 $!!!% per da
1.1 !roportion of own/acco"nt and contrib"ting famil wor*ers in total
Target 1.2: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of
people who s"ffer from h"nger
1.3 !revalence of "nderweight children "nder/five ears of age
1.9 !roportion of pop"lation below minim"m level of dietar energ
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
Target 2.A: .ns"re that, b 2015, children everwhere, bos and girls ali*e,
will be able to complete a f"ll co"rse of primar schooling
2.1 4et enrolment ratio in primar ed"cation
2.2 !roportion of p"pils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primar
2.& 5iterac rate of 15/2+ ear/olds, women and men
Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
Target &.A: .liminate gender disparit in primar and secondar ed"cation,
preferabl b 2005, and in all levels of ed"cation no later than 2015
&.1 6atios of girls to bos in primar, secondar and tertiar ed"cation
&.2 'hare of women in wage emploment in the non/agric"lt"ral sector
&.& !roportion of seats held b women in national parliament
Goal 4: educe child mortality
Target +.A: 6ed"ce b two/thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the "nder/five
mortalit rate

+.1 7nder/five mortalit rate
+.2 8nfant mortalit rate
+.& !roportion of 1 ear/old children imm"nised against measles
Goal !: "mprove maternal health
Target 5.A: 6ed"ce b three ("arters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal
mortalit ratio
5.1 9aternal mortalit ratio
5.2 !roportion of births attended b s*illed health personnel
Target 5.): Achieve, b 2015, "niversal access to reprod"ctive health 5.& 2ontraceptive prevalence rate
5.+ Adolescent birth rate
5.5 Antenatal care coverage $at least one visit and at least fo"r visits%
5.0 7nmet need for famil planning
Goal #: $om%at &"'(A")*+ malaria and other diseases
Target 0.A: Have halted b 2015 and beg"n to reverse the spread of H8:;A8-'

0.1 H8: prevalence among pop"lation aged 15/2+ ears
0.2 2ondom "se at last high/ris* se<
0.& !roportion of pop"lation aged 15/2+ ears with comprehensive correct
*nowledge of H8:;A8-'
0.+ 6atio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non/
orphans aged 10/1+ ears
Target 0.): Achieve, b 2010, "niversal access to treatment for H8:;A8-' for
all those who need it
0.5 !roportion of pop"lation with advanced H8: infection with access to
antiretroviral dr"gs
Target 0.2: Have halted b 2015 and beg"n to reverse the incidence of
malaria and other ma=or diseases

0.0 8ncidence and death rates associated with malaria
0.1 !roportion of children "nder 5 sleeping "nder insecticide/treated bednets
0.3 !roportion of children "nder 5 with fever who are treated with appropriate
anti/malarial dr"gs
0.9 8ncidence, prevalence and death rates associated with t"berc"losis
0.10 !roportion of t"berc"losis cases detected and c"red "nder directl
observed treatment short co"rse
Goal ,: Ensure environmental sustaina%ility
Target 1.A: 8ntegrate the principles of s"stainable development into co"ntr
policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental reso"rces

Target 1.): 6ed"ce biodiversit loss, achieving, b 2010, a significant
red"ction in the rate of loss
1.1 !roportion of land area covered b forest
1.2 2>2 emissions, total, per capita and per #1 ,-! $!!!%
1.& 2ons"mption of o?one/depleting s"bstances
1.+ !roportion of fish stoc*s within safe biological limits
1.5 !roportion of total water reso"rces "sed
1.0 !roportion of terrestrial and marine areas protected
1.1 !roportion of species threatened with e<tinction
Target 1.2: Halve, b 2015, the proportion of people witho"t s"stainable
access to safe drin*ing water and basic sanitation
1.3 !roportion of pop"lation "sing an improved drin*ing water so"rce
1.9 !roportion of pop"lation "sing an improved sanitation facilit
Target 1.-: ) 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of
at least 100 million sl"m dwellers
1.10 !roportion of "rban pop"lation living in sl"ms

Goal -: )evelop a glo%al partnership .or development
Target 3.A: -evelop f"rther an open, r"le/based, predictable, non/
discriminator trading and financial sstem
8ncl"des a commitment to good governance, development and povert
red"ction @ both nationall and internationall
Target 3.): Address the special needs of the least developed co"ntries
8ncl"des: tariff and ("ota free access for the least developed co"ntriesA
e<portsB enhanced programme of debt relief for heavil indebted poor
co"ntries $H8!2% and cancellation of official bilateral debtB and more genero"s
>-A for co"ntries committed to povert red"ction
Target 3.2: Address the special needs of landloc*ed developing co"ntries and
small island developing 'tates $thro"gh the !rogramme of Action for the
'"stainable -evelopment of 'mall 8sland -eveloping 'tates and the o"tcome
of the twent/second special session of the ,eneral Assembl%
Target 3.-: -eal comprehensivel with the debt problems of developing
co"ntries thro"gh national and international meas"res in order to ma*e debt
s"stainable in the long term
Some of the indicators listed below are monitored separately for the least
developed countries (LDCs), Africa, landlocked developing countries and
small island developing States
>fficial development assistance $>-A%
3.1 4et >-A, total and to the least developed co"ntries, as percentage of
>.2-;-A2 donorsC gross national income
3.2 !roportion of total bilateral, sector/allocable >-A of >.2-;-A2 donors
to basic social services $basic ed"cation, primar health care, n"trition,
safe water and sanitation%
3.& !roportion of bilateral official development assistance of >.2-;-A2
donors that is "ntied
3.+ >-A received in landloc*ed developing co"ntries as a proportion of their
gross national incomes
3.5 >-A received in small island developing 'tates as a proportion of their
gross national incomes
9ar*et access
3.0 !roportion of total developed co"ntr imports $b val"e and e<cl"ding
arms% from developing co"ntries and least developed co"ntries, admitted
free of d"t
3.1 Average tariffs imposed b developed co"ntries on agric"lt"ral prod"cts
and te<tiles and clothing from developing co"ntries
3.3 Agric"lt"ral s"pport estimate for >.2- co"ntries as a percentage of their
gross domestic prod"ct
3.9 !roportion of >-A provided to help b"ild trade capacit
-ebt s"stainabilit
3.10 Total n"mber of co"ntries that have reached their H8!2 decision points
and n"mber that have reached their H8!2 completion points $c"m"lative%
3.11 -ebt relief committed "nder H8!2 and 9-68 8nitiatives
3.12 -ebt service as a percentage of e<ports of goods and services
Target 3..: 8n cooperation with pharmace"tical companies, provide access to
affordable essential dr"gs in developing co"ntries
3.1& !roportion of pop"lation with access to affordable essential dr"gs on a
s"stainable basis
Target 3.D: 8n cooperation with the private sector, ma*e available the benefits
of new technologies, especiall information and comm"nications
3.1+ Di<ed telephone lines per 100 inhabitants
3.15 9obile cell"lar s"bscriptions per 100 inhabitants
3.10 8nternet "sers per 100 inhabitants
The 9illenni"m -evelopment ,oals and targets come from the 9illenni"m -eclaration, signed b 139 co"ntries, incl"ding 1+1 heads of 'tate and ,overnment, in 'eptember
2000 $http:;;www.";millenni"m;declaration;ares552e.htm% and from f"rther agreement b member states at the 2005 Eorld '"mmit $6esol"tion adopted b the ,eneral
Assembl / A;6.';00;1, http:;;www.";-ocs;=o"rnal;asp;ws.aspFmGA;6.';00;1%. The goals and targets are interrelated and sho"ld be seen as a whole. The represent a
partnership between the developed co"ntries and the developing co"ntries Hto create an environment @ at the national and global levels ali*e @ which is cond"cive to
development and the elimination of povertI.
Dor monitoring co"ntr povert trends, indicators based on national povert lines sho"ld be "sed, where available.
The act"al proportion of people living in sl"ms is meas"red b a pro<, represented b the "rban pop"lation living in ho"seholds with at least one of the fo"r characteristics: $a% lac* of access
to improved water s"pplB $b% lac* of access to improved sanitationB $c% overcrowding $& or more persons per room%B and $d% dwellings made of non/d"rable material.

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