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The News of Grace

Volume 37, no. 10 October 2014

What Shall We Do?
Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and
said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, Brothers, what shall we
do? And Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized every one of
you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and
you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you
and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the
Lord our God calls to Himself. And with many other words he
bore witness and continued to exhort them saying, Save yourselves
from this crooked generation. So those who received his word were
baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.
(Acts 2:37-41)
I am writing this on the first full day of Fall and it is indeed a
beautiful and delightful morning. It is a day that the Lord has made and
the little ones are rejoicing! We have the windows open and we are
listening to our ECDC children playing out on the playground. With the
October Newsletter come thoughts of celebrating the Reformation and
therefore what it means to be a Lutheran Christian in the twenty-first
century. We are drawing near to the beginning of a new century of those
who are called followers of Martin Luther. In three years we will be
celebrating the five hundredth anniversary of the nailing of the ninety-
five thesis on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg by the
Augustinian monk named Luther. Mind you, it was not an attempt by
him to begin a new church, but to call out for discussion, those who were
perverting the Gospel and sharing a false and misleading teaching that
one could redeem themselves by the works they do.
So if we are preparing to celebrate the Reformation, why have I
selected the above section of Scripture that we normally read on
Pentecost Sunday? Actually we are the far off ones Peter refers to in
this part of his Pentecost sermon in which he boldly preaches Jesus
Christ, crucified, risen and ascended. We have been baptized in the
name of Jesus Christ for, or into, the forgiveness of our sins and we have
received the gift of the Holy Spirit by which we can confess Jesus as our
Lord and Savior, crucified, risen and ascended. Our incorporation into
the body of Christ is Gods gift to us so that our consciences, terrorized
by our sin, may know the promise of Gods peace in Christ Jesus alone.
So as Christians, as Lutheran-Christians, as the far off ones in
Peters sermon, what shall we do?
First I would suggest that daily you should drown the Old Adam
and Eve in you by contrition and repentance. (See Luthers Small
Catechism Holy Baptism part 4; What does such baptizing with water
indicate?) That means that you should recognize that you are a sinner,
be sorry for those sins and repent. If you have sinned against someone
else through your words or actions, go and tell them you are sorry even
as you remember to do that before your Father in heaven.
Second, rejoice that in Christ you are forgiven. Remember that
you are a baptized child of God and He has given you the assurance that
in Christ Jesus your sins are forgiven and in Him you have eternal life.
(See Luthers Small Catechism Holy Baptism part 2; What benefits
does Baptism give?)
Third, I would suggest that given an opportunity to share this
hope with someone else, know that the Lord will give you the words to
do just that. After all as a child of God you are a part of His Church and
so you are His disciple. As a disciple you are to assist in sharing this
saving faith so that the Spirit can make other disciples. (See Luthers
Small Catechism Holy Baptism part 1; What is Baptism? and Which is
that word of God?)
Baptism is a special gift that does great things. It is not
something that we do, but something that the Lord does for us. It is a
Sacrament, a Means of Grace that works forgiveness of sins and gives
eternal life. While it is a one-time event in the life of the Christian, it is a
source of daily comfort and strength for all who believe. If you doubt
remember that you are baptized! In his Large Catechism Luther writes
these words: To be baptized in Gods name is to be baptized not by
men, but by God Himself. Therefore, although it is performed by human
hands, it is still truly Gods own work. From this fact everyone may
readily conclude that Baptism is a far higher work than any work
performed by a man or a saint. For what work can we do that is greater
than Gods work?
Certainly there are many things we are able to do as disciples of
our Lord Jesus Christ, but chiefly do we rejoice and give thanks to the
Lord for what He has done for us, remembering that we are His baptized!
Blessed October and Reformation Pastor Walter

News from Vicar Witte

Grace Congregation,

I have thoroughly enjoyed the past two years of serving as a part
time vicar at Grace, as I work to complete the requirements our
synod has given me as part of the colloquy program. At the
beginning of this month, I began my last class through the
seminary and I will complete the program in November. I could
not have accomplished this without your prayers and support.
Thank you! I hope to continue to serve the church and the greater
Lutheran community in the coming months. I appreciate your
continued prayers!

Additionally, the young adult Bible study group is meeting again
after our summer recess. Our next gathering will be Monday,
October 6th at 7:00 PM. We are studying Paul's letter to the
church at Ephesus using the new Lutheran Bible Companion as a
supplement to our studies. Please send me an E-mail at if you are interested in joining our group!

Vicar Witte


Noon Devotions with Pastor is Thursday, October 9
, at
12:00 noon in Parker Hall. Bring a sandwich and join us for
Bible study and fellowship. Drinks, chips, and dessert are
provided. We eat first and then Pastor Walter shares a devotional
Bible study with us. Bring a friend and join us this is a
wonderful opportunity for fellowship!!
Director of Parish Music

Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!
Our new season of music-making has gotten off to a great start, with a
great deal of music coming your way soon! We are blessed to have had
several musicians join our ranks over the summer, and Im sure youll
enjoy hearing them. So be on the lookout, and please let them know that
you appreciate all their hard work. I could not do my job without all
these wonderful volunteer musicians.
Once again we will have one service at 10am on Reformation Sunday,
which is October 26
, with a potluck to follow to welcome our new
members. Later that afternoon at 3pm there will be a Reformation service
at First Lutheran in downtown Little Rock. The preacher for the service
will be Rev. Gregory Seltz, the Speaker for the Lutheran Hour. Many of
our musicians will be participating in the Festival Choir and Central
Arkansas Kantorei. Please join us for the service, as you wont want to
miss it.
The hymn for this month is By Grace Im Saved (LSB 566). The text
is by Christian Ludwig Scheidt (1709-1761), a lawyer and historian in
the city of Hanover, Saxony, Germany. The tune is by Cornelius
Heinrich Dretzel (1697-1775), a composer, organist, and musicographer
in Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany.
This hymn fits very well with the major theme of the Reformation: the
justification of the sinner by grace alone, through faith alone, for the sake
of Christ alone.
Stanza One: By grace Im saved, grace free and boundless; My soul,
believe and doubt it not. Why stagger at this word of promise? Has
Scripture ever falsehood taught? No! Then this word must true remain:
By grace you too will life obtain. It seems too good to be true, that we are
saved from our sins without any works on our part. Yet this is what the
Scriptures tell us, and so we believe it.
Stanza Two: By grace! None dare lay claim to merit; Our works and
conduct have no worth. God in His love sent our Redeemer, Christ Jesus,
to this sinful earth; His death did for our sins atone, And we are saved by
grace alone. Indeed, there was nothing good in us that brought about our
salvation. Our works are as filthy rags. But Christ obeyed His Father and
came to earth to save us by His death on the cross.
Stanza Three: By grace Gods Son, our only Savior, Came down to earth
to bear our sin. Was it because of your own merit That Jesus died your
soul to win? No, it was grace, and grace alone, The brought Him from
His heavenly throne. Not only could we not save ourselves, there was
also nothing good in us that could convince Christ Jesus to come from
heaven and save us. It was purely His love and grace shown toward us
that brought Him down to earth.
Stanza Four: By grace! This ground of faith is certain; As long as God is
true, it stands. What saints have penned by inspiration, What in His
Word our God commands, Our faith in what our God has done Depends
on gracegrace through His Son. Amidst the ever-changing world, with
all its uncertainties, and especially in the ever-changing state of our
emotions and feelings, we have a firm foundation: the Word of God that
tells us that Christ has paid the price for us. We receive the benefits of
His cross and resurrection through Word and Sacrament. We need not
fear or doubt, for as long as our eternal God remains, this promise is sure
and certain.
Stanza Five: By grace to timid hearts that tremble, In tribulations
furnace tried, By grace, in spite of fear and trouble, The Fathers heart is
open wide. Where could I help and strength secure If grace were not my
anchor sure? The Gospel is all about comfort for terrified sinners, and in
the Scriptures we find comfort everywhere. Indeed, Christ is the hope
that anchors our souls, for He has gone before and prepared a place for
us with His Father. This brings the greatest comfort and certainty we can
Stanza Six: By grace! On this Ill rest when dying; In Jesus promise I
rejoice; For though I know my hearts condition, I also know my
Saviors voice. My heart is glad, all grief has flown Since I am saved by
grace alone. Even though we know the depths of our sinfulness, we also
know the heights of Christs love for us. So we rejoice that our sins are
forgiven, even, and especially, at the hour of our death. We can rest in
Jesus promise, a promise that lasts to eternity.
Almighty God, You invite us to trust in You for our salvation. Deal with
us not in the severity of Your judgment but by the greatness of Your
mercy; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns
with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Peace in Christ,
Nathan Beethe, Director of Parish Music

September 22, 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Grace Lutheran,

Greetings in the Lord! Quite a bit has happened since we last
visited and I am glad to have this opportunity to tell you about it. We
have recently moved from St. Louis to Concordia, Missouri to begin
vicarage. It has been an exciting change!
We are currently living in a nice and spacious farm house just
outside Concordia that is owned by one of the families that goes to St.
Paul's Lutheran. Allie has enjoyed spending her days out here with the
girls, and the girls have really been enjoying the space! There is all sorts
of room for them to run around in. Monica is now attending three year-
old pre-school and has been having fun learning about how to be a good
student. Tallulah is of course missing her big sister when she is gone, but
enjoying the alone-time with mommy! Scarlett is getting to be really big
and is starting to smile and laugh a little bit, not to mention her ambitions
of crawling!
Work here has been a busy, but good experience! I am serving at
two congregations. The church where my supervisor is serving is St.
Pauls Lutheran Church in Concordia. It is an old and established
Lutheran church with quite a number of people worshiping every
weekend. I have led worship on Monday Nights, preached, visited shut-
ins, made hospital calls, and learned a lot from my supervisor.
My other site is in Knob Noster at Faith Lutheran Church. Faith
is a smaller congregation which worships around 40-50 on a Sunday. I
have had many opportunities at Faith. While at Faith I get to plan and
lead worship services, preach, lead Bible-studies, and also serve
wherever they need me. It has been a very welcoming and kind
So far this has been a great opportunity! The town of Concordia
is a nice place to live. We have been warmly welcomed. And I have had
plenty of opportunities to improve on what I have been learning at the
seminary. We are so thankful to you all for your continued prayer and
support. The support we have received from Grace Lutheran has been a
huge blessing! We look forward to seeing you all around Christmas time
and wish the Lord's continued blessings!

Yours in Christ,
Kevin, Allie, Monica, Tallulah, and Scarlett Ray

2014 budget totals $531,856
which is an average weekly
General Fund contribution requirement of $10,228

Budget needs through September 21 $388,664
Actual expenses through September 21 $367,311

Contributions to General Fund from all sources $377,692*
Average weekly contribution through September 21 $9939

In summary, General Fund giving for the year is $10,381 more than
actual expenses. By comparison, this time last year giving was $7,668
less than expenses.

Non-budget giving to designated funds through Sept. 21 $37,393

*These contributions include a monthly payment from ECDC to help
offset expenses. They also include some memorials and honorariums
which are not designated to specific funds.

October 21
12:00 noon
Parker Hall

Fellowship Club will meet on Tuesday, October 21
at 12:00
noon in Parker Hall. Mark your calendar and plan to join us for a
delicious lunch provided by our ACTS friends and a great time of
fun and fellowship. Call the church office for more information.


Our Christian Sympathy to the family of Mrs. Bernice Wowra who
dies on Thursday, August 28
. A Memorial Service was held here
at Grace on Monday, September 15
. Please continue to keep
Bernices family in your prayers.
As you cross the bridge outside of Parker Hall, take a moment to
enjoy the beauty of the new Trinity stained glass art that was
designed and made by Nancy Wade. Thank you, Nancy, for using
your gifts and talents as you design the stained glass art for each of
the seasons of the church year; and thank you, Jim, for assisting
Nancy!! When you see Nancy and Jim, be sure to thank them for
this wonderful gift.

Our thanks to everyone who donated items and helped with the
ACTS Rummage Sale. A special thank you to Bette Bogart,
Paulette Goldsby and Janet Killough for all they did to make our
sale a success!!!

Kestin Schulz and John Christie
October 5

1:00 2:30 p.m.
Church Parlor

A WEDDING SHOWER to honor Kestin Schulz and John Christie
will be held Sunday, October 5
, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in
the Church Parlor. Kestin and John will be married on October 7
and they are registered at Target,, Bed Bath &
Beyond, and Honeyfund. Hostesses are Lori Bloom, Stephana
Loyd, Riley Middaugh, Paula Walter, and Sheila Wilimzig.

October 26

10:00 a.m.

with Holy Communion
Sunday School and Bible Classes at 8:45 a.m.

A Potluck Dinner will follow immediately after the Sunday
morning Worship Service. Everyone is asked to bring a large dish
of your choice to share. Meat and drinks will be provided.

Following the meal, we will recognize all of our new members
who have joined this year. Mark this date on your calendar. Lets
join together in worship, fellowship and celebration of our church

Festival of the Reformation

First Lutheran Church
Little Rock

Sunday, October 26

3:00 p.m.

First Lutheran Church, Little Rock, will host the annual Central
Arkansas Festival of the Reformation Service at 3:00 p.m. on
Sunday, October 26
. This year's guest preacher is The Rev.
Gregory Seltz, Lutheran Hour Speaker, and will be assisted by
Lutheran Pastors from the Central Arkansas area.

Following the service, a German meal will be served which is
prepared by First Lutheran Mens Network funded by Thrivent
Financial. So come on down and join us for some great music,
preaching, and food as we celebrate our Lutheran heritage!

Mark your calendar and make plans to attend!!!


Sit and Sew will meet on Tuesday, October 7
11:30 a.m.12:00
at La Casa Real Restaurant to finalize plans for the Fall Craft
Show and Used Book Sale to be held on November 1

If you have questions, call Riley Middaugh or Carole Nichols.


8:15 a.m. Worship Services Mason Andrews
10:45 a.m. Worship Services Annalia Buchanan
October 26
10:00 a.m. Crucifer Mason Andrews
Acolyte Annalia Buchanan

October 5
10:45 Service Greg Warren
October 12
8:15 Service Dave Graf
October 19
10:45 Service Craig Schluterman
October 26
10:00 a.m. One Service Carter Stein

8:15 a.m. Worship Services Robert Wilimzigs team
Robert Jones, Robert Nichols
10:45 a.m. Worship Services Tim Sweeneys team
Shaun Baker, Ron Krueger, Greg Warren

8:15 a.m. Worship Services Randy Middaugh
10:45 a.m. Worship Services Jeff Ralston

8:15 a.m. Worship Services Debbie Craig
Bill and Mildred Wilkins
10:45 a.m. Worship Services David and Andrea Faulkner
and Lauren and Matthew

8:15 a.m. Services Janet Killough
10:45 a.m. Services Russlynn Krueger
Wednesday Mid-Week Services Suzanne Raddle & Wilma Richter

I f you are unable to serve please ask someone to fill in for you
and then call the church office.



Volunteers Needed to Serve - Please take a minute and sign
up for the Sunday on which you wish to serve. The sign-up
sheet is on the bulletin board by the Parlor.

The schedule for October, 2014 is:

October 5
Robert and Sheila Wilimzig

October 12

October 19

LWML Sunday Grace Women in Mission

October 26
Reformation Sunday One Service

The schedule for November, 2014 is:

November 2
Alisa Coffey and Samantha Saenger

November 9
Board of Evangelism

November 16


November 23
Shirley Rieve

November 30

Thank you for serving!!!!
Lutheran Womens Missionary League

Grace Women in Mission will meet on Thursday, October 9
at 5:00 p.m. in the downstairs classroom to sew tote bags for the
School Kits for Lutheran World Relief. Bring your portable
sewing machines to sew bags or bring your scissors to cut out
bags. The LWR pattern for the bags and some fabric will be
available. We will also meet on Thursday October 16
at 5:00
p.m. in the downstairs classroom to assemble the LWR School
Kits. Thank you for supporting our Lutheran World Relief project.
Contact Ginny Ralston, 425-1487, if you can help or have


We will celebrate LWML Sunday in both Worship Services on
Sunday, October 19
. Following the 8:15 Service, Grace Women
in Mission will host our coffee fellowship in the Parlor. Talk with
any of the women serving today to get more information about
LWML Lutheran Women in Mission we would love to have
you join us!!!


The Mid-Arkansas LWML Fall Zone Rally will be Saturday,
October 18
, at Hope Lutheran Church in Jacksonville.
Refreshments and registration begin at 8:30 a.m. and the opening
welcome and Bible Study begins at 9:30 a.m. Registration is $8.00
per person and the registration deadline is October 6
. The rally
theme is Let Love Be Genuine based on the Bible verse
Romans 12:9-10. The guest speaker is Cheryl Pinkley, a member
of Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, in Searcy will share highlights
from her mission trips to Nepal, Central America. For the
Ingatherings bring paperback books for Words of Hope: or the
following food items for Hopes Foodbank: canned meats,
condiments, cereal, Kleenex, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce and toilet
paper. Call the Grace church office if youre interested in

Grace Lutheran Fall Craft Fair
and Used Book Sale
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Begin your Christmas shopping here! See some of our 25 great
vendors on Facebook.

Search for Grace Lutheran Craft Show.

- Back by popular demand the Grace Bakers
- Huge Used Book Sale
- Door prizes

We accept donations of books beginning mid-October. Please help
us make this a big success by donating used books.

Contact Riley Middaugh at 954-9281 or email at for more information.

Proceeds benefit Kevin Ray, third year student at Concordia
Seminary, St. Louis and the Concordia Seminary Food Bank.
Matching funds by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

Congregational Fish Fry
Saturday - October 4
Parker Hall
4:30 p.m. Moon Bouncer for Kids
6:00 p.m. Dinner is served

Coming Back! - Moon Bouncer for Kids Family Fun
Available for activity from 4:30-6 / 7:15+
Downtime/Quiet time during meal
Supervision for bouncing users

Sign-up sheets for setup/potluck dishes in Breezeway

Lots of fun & fellowship Eat @ 6:00 PM

We are counting on you!!
Questions call Ron & Russlynn Krueger 221-7383

Craft Show Raffle Quilt
Visit the breezeway to view the Queen size, handmade quilt being
raffled as a fundraiser for the Fall Craft Show. Tickets are $1 each
and go on sale October 5
. The drawing for the lucky winner of
the quilt will be Saturday, November 1
, during the craft show.


Grace Family Members in the month of October:

1 Anne McIntyre
2 Wyatt Price
3 Pastor James Walter
5 Lyle Catherine Dunlap, Betty Pils, Milo Witte
6 Stephanie Cannon
7 Sherry Clawitter, Catherine Manchester
13 Ken Carle, Judy Fastenau
14 Jenny Conrad, Sally McNabb
15 Suzanne Lambert
16 Sheila Wilimzig, Anna Kathryn Wallace, John Wilkins
21 Billy Wilkins, Jr.
22 Terry Bradshaw
23 Kristin Parsons, Ron Stewart
24 Elizabeth Gipson
25 Jennifer Morrison
26 Colleen Moorman
27 Holdyn Bryant, Christina Junkans, Kathleen Smith
28 Brian Dumont, Lauren Schluterman, Robert Wooley
29 Anna Junkans, Stephana Loyd, Nick Nichols, Craig Schluterman
30 Nathan Beethe, Betty Bryant
31 David Graf, Jordan Rowe, Madison Starr

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to these couples in October
6 Melanie and Wesley Davis
9 Debbie and Joe Craig, Faye and Larry Stillman
12 Sarah and Bryan Gipson
13 April and Tim Allaben
16 Nancy and Terry Clawitter
21 Courtney and Jason Sutterfield
22 Barb and Greg Warren
26 Carol and Robert Jones
27 Kristin and Phillip Roberts, Jr.
28 Catherine and Scott Manchester

We apologize if we have missed your birthday or anniversary; please let us know in the
church office so we can update our records. Thank you!!

Our nursery, downstairs in the church, is also available to take care
of the infants and toddlers during Sunday School/Bible Class time.

ADULT BIBLE CLASS - Pastor Walters Bible Class meets each
Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Parker Hall. Pastor Walter is leading a
study of the Letter to the Hebrews, and currently is on Lesson10
The Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11).

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES for children ages 3 through 6
are held in the lower level of the Family Life Center. Parents are
invited to join us for the opening service at 9:45 each Sunday.
Questions? Contact Sunday School Superintendent Colleen
Moorman for more information.
JUNIOR YOUTH class meets at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday in their
classroom downstairs in the church. John Calvillo leads the class
each Sunday morning.
SENIOR YOUTH class meets each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in their
classroom downstairs in the church. Dave Roberts leads the class
each Sunday morning.
YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY group has resumed after a summer
break and meets every other Monday at 7:00 p.m. Their next time
to meet is Monday, October 6
. They are currently studying the
book of Ephesians. Contact Vicar David Witte at
for additional information.
MENS BIBLE STUDY class meets each Wednesday morning at
6:30 a.m. at St. Vincent Hospital in the 4
floor conference room
(off the main elevator). Pastor Walter leads this Bible Study. All
men of Grace are encouraged to attend.
ECDC News & Notes
Were over a month into the new school year and are
pretty settled into our new routines although each
and every day is a new adventure when you are a child or an adult
taking care of Jesus little lambs! Weve got a great bunch of kids,
parents and staff this year drop by sometime and say hello and get a
big smile or if you are lucky a hug!!

Friday we go on our annual trek to the Little Rock Zoo hoping for a a
cool morning and all the animals being out, making lots of noise, eating
breakfast, and entertaining the kids young and old! And, of course,
well ride the train which is always fun. Then it will be off to Allsopp
Park for a picnic with the Junior and Senior classes and then back to
school for a well deserved nap. What a great way to cap off the month
as we learned all about Creation and Gods first promise to send us a

October will be busy as well Fall, pumpkins, leaves, acorns, and
learning all about the life and adventures of David. Mid-month well be
off to the Pumpkin Patch for a fun day in the country with all sorts of
adventures a petting zoo, picking our very own pumpkins, a picnic,
and Im sure a nice long nap as we drive home. Then to end the month
well have a special pajama party and activities to celebrate
Reformation Day (aka Halloween). October 8
its time for Early
morning Complimentary Donuts & Coffee for our parents one of
everyones favorite Grace Lutheran Churchs activities thanks to the
Board of Evangelism!

One last piece of news We submitted our application to become a
Level 3 Better Beginnings Program (currently were a Level 2). October
will be the month we are visited and evaluated. The ECDC staff
have worked hard to be ready! Please keep us in your prayers!!

One more friendly reminder to consider registering your KrogerPlus Card
for ECDC to benefit each time you shop. If you are interested or having
trouble signing up give me a call and well get you set up!

Okay Im all out of room See ya again next month, until then
Gods continued blessings to each of you
Painless Ways to Support
Little Rock Lutheran Education!

Many of you already take advantage of company programs that provide
financial incentives for Grace Lutheran ECDC and Christ Lutheran
School that dont cost you any extra money for that we all say THANK
YOU! These programs are really an untapped resource that benefits
Lutheran education in Little Rock by providing funds for all type of budget
needs! And all the programs are very user-friendly and simple - some
only require scissors!

Following are programs used by one or more of our Lutheran schools
please consider this painless way to support Lutheran Education in L.R.!

Grace ECDC

The Board of Christian Education encourages you to enroll your Kroger Plus
card at today. Once you choose Graces
ECDC program (code 80368), a portion of your eligible purchases at Kroger
goes directly to the ECDC. Holiday shopping is around the corner so please
support our ECDC. Every dollar you spend benefits this amazing program here
at Grace. For questions or help with your enrollment, please contact Catherine
Manchester (821-4140) or Colleen Moorman (663-0755). Thank you!

General Mills
Box Tops for Education
used by Christ Lutheran School
Campbells Labels
used by ECDC &
Christ Lutheran School
Heres how these work:
- Remove box top for education labels from General Mills containers (ie
Cheerios, Betty Crocker), and/or ENTIRE LABEL WITH UPC CODE from
Campbells products (ie soup, juices).
- collection boxes may be found on the bookcase next to the breezeway or the
entry area of ECDC.
- Box Tops for Education provide monetary support for the CLS Band,
Campbells Labels are turned into credit toward purchasing supplies and
equipment for both ECDC and Christ Lutheran School.

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