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Commission on Filipinos Overseas

Established on 16 June 1980 throuh !atas "a#bansa $9% the Co##ission on &ili'inos
O(erseas )C&O* is an aen+, o- the "hili''ine Go(ern#ent tas.ed to 'ro#ote and
u'hold the interests o- &ili'ino e#irants and 'er#anent residents abroad% and to
'reser(e and strenthen ties /ith &ili'ino +o##unities o(erseas0
1he e(olution o- the Co##ission on &ili'inos O(erseas +an be tra+ed o(er a series o-
'oli+, 'ronoun+e#ents0 "residential De+ree No0 223 )Labor Code o- the "hili''ines*%
/hi+h /as 'assed in 19$2% +reated the O(erseas E#'lo,#ent De(elo'#ent !oard in
order to set u' a s,ste#ati+ 'rora# -or the o(erseas e#'lo,#ent o- &ili'ino /or.ers%
as /ell as to reister and #onitor e#irants lea(in -or (arious +ountries0 1he -ollo/in
,ears /ere +hara+teri4ed b, a stead, in+rease in #iration% thus it ne+essar, to
establish an inde'endent unit /hi+h /ould +onstitute a lo+al su''ort net/or. solel, -or
&ili'ino e#irants0 In June 19$8% "residential De+ree No0 1213 /as 'assed the O--i+e
o- E#irant A--airs )OEA*0 1he de+ree s'e+i-i+all, identi-ied &ili'ino e#irants as the
re+i'ients o- its ser(i+es0
In June 1980% !atas "a#bansa !l0 $9 /as ena+ted to strenthen the o(ern#ent5s
'oli+, on the 'ro#otion o- #irant /el-are and interest0 It +reated the Co##ission on
&ili'inos O(erseas /hi+h re'la+ed OEA but retained and -urther e6'anded its #andate0
1he C&O reisters and 'ro(ides 're7de'arture orientation se#inars to e#irants0 It also
'ro#otes the trans-er o- te+hnolo, as /ell as #aterial and -inan+ial +ontributions -ro#
o(erseas -or de(elo'#ent 'ro8e+ts in underser(ed +o##unities all o(er the "hili''ines0
It also 'ro(ides ,ouner enerations o- &ili'inos o(erseas /ith o''ortunities to learn
"hili''ine histor, and +ulture0
!atas "a#bansa !l0 $9% #andates the C&O to 'er-or# the -ollo/in -un+tions9

"ro(ide assistan+e to the "resident and the Conress o- the "hili''ines in
the -or#ulation o- 'oli+ies and #easures +on+ernin or a--e+tin &ili'inos o(erseas:
De(elo' and i#'le#ent 'rora##es to 'ro#ote the interest and /ell7bein
o- &ili'inos o(erseas:
Ser(e as a -oru# -or 'reser(in and enhan+in the so+ial% e+ono#i+ and
+ultural ties o- &ili'inos o(erseas /ith the #otherland: and
Ser(e as liaisaon on behal- o- &ili'inos o(erseas /ith a''ro'riate
o(ern#ent and 'ri(ate aen+ies in the transa+tion o- business and si#ilar
(entures in the "hili''ines0
Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
1he Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) is an atta+hed aen+, o-
the De'art#ent o- Labor and E#'lo,#ent )DOLE*0

It is the lead o(ern#ent aen+, tas.ed to 'rote+t and 'ro#ote the /el-are and /ell7
bein o- O(erseas &ili'ino ;or.ers )O&;s* and their de'endents0

!ein a #e#bershi' institution% O;;A<s 'rora#s% 'ro8e+ts and ser(i+es are eared
to/ards sa-euardin and 'ro#otin the /el-are and interests o- its #e#bers0
O;;A de(elo's and i#'le#ents res'onsi(e 'rora#s and ser(i+es /hile ensurin
-und (iabilit, to/ards the 'rote+tion o- the interest and 'ro#otion o- the /el-are o- its

O;;A is the lead #e#bershi' /el-are institution that ser(es the interest and /el-are o-
#e#ber7O(erseas &ili'ino ;or.ers )O&;s*0

O;;A +o##its to a -und ste/ardshi' that is trans'arent% 8udi+ious% and res'onsi(e to
the re=uire#ents o- the #e#ber7O&;s0
1he O;;A has a two-fold mandate:
a0 Deli(er, o- /el-are ser(i+es and bene-its: and
b0 Ensurin +a'ital build7u' and -und (iabilit,

OWWA Objectives:
a0 "rote+t the interest and 'ro#ote the /el-are o- O&;s in re+onition o- their (aluable
+ontribution to the o(erall de(elo'#ent e--ort:
b0 &a+ilitate the i#'le#entation o- the 'ro(isions o- the Labor Code +on+ernin the
res'onsibilit, o- the o(ern#ent to 'ro#ote the /ell7bein o- O&;s:
+0 "ro(ide so+ial and /el-are ser(i+es to O&;s% in+ludin insuran+e% so+ial /or.
assistan+e% leal assistan+e% +ultural ser(i+es% and re#ittan+e ser(i+es:
d0 Ensure the e--i+ien+, o- +olle+tion and the (iabilit, and sustainabilit, o- the -und
throuh sound and 8udi+ious in(est#ent and -und #anae#ent 'oli+ies:
e0 >nderta.e studies and resear+hes -or the enhan+e#ent o- their so+ial% e+ono#i+ and
+ultural /ell7bein: and
-0 De(elo'% su''ort and -inan+e s'e+i-i+ 'ro8e+ts -or the /el-are o- O&;s0
Philippine i!rants "i!hts Watch
1he "hili''ine ?irants @ihts ;at+h is a reistered +i(il so+iet, net/or. that /as
established in 199A to en+ourae the re+onition% 'rote+tion and -ul-ill#ent o- &ili'ino
#irants< rihts 7 both in the "hili''ines and abroad durin the entire #iration 'ro+ess0
1he ob8e+ti(es o- "?@; are the -ollo/in9
1o +arr, out edu+ation% lobb,in% and #onitorin a+ti(ities to/ard the re+onition%
'rote+tion% and -ul-ill#ent o- the rihts o- all &ili'ino #irants and #e#bers o- their
-a#ilies be-ore de'arture% durin #iration% and u'on return0
1o #onitor res'e+t -or and e6'ose abuses o- &ili'ino #irants< rihts to/ard the
'ursuit o- 8usti+e0
1o disse#inate in-or#ation a#on #irant /or.ers and their asso+iations% and in
dialoue /ith the#0
Philippine Overseas #mplo$ment Administration
PO#A %ision
E6+ellen+e in o(ernan+e -or /orld7+lass &ili'ino #irant /or.ers
PO#A ission
"OEA +onne+ts to the /orld and in 'artnershi' /ith all sta.eholders% -a+ilitates the
eneration and 'reser(ation o- de+ent 8obs -or &ili'ino #irant /or.ers% 'ro#otes their
'rote+tion and ad(o+ates their s#ooth reinteration into "hili''ine so+iet,0
PO#A &e!al andate
"D $9$ )1983*7Creatin the "OEA
B 'ro#ote and de(elo' the o(erseas e#'lo,#ent 'rora#
B 'rote+t the rihts o- #irant /or.ers
EO 32$ )198$*7@eorani4in the "OEA
B reulate 'ri(ate se+tor 'arti+i'ation in re+ruit#ent and o(erseas 'la+e#ent #aintain
reistr, o- s.ills
B se+ure best ter#s o- e#'lo,#ent -or O&;s
@ A 8023 )199A*7?irant ;or.ers A+t
B tri'artis#
B -ull dis+losure
B dereulation
B sele+ti(e de'lo,#ent
B d,na#is# in s,ste#s and in-or#ation te+hnolo,
@A 9233 )300$*7A+t to Strenthen @eulator, &un+tions o- the "OEA
B rein-or+ed reulator, -un+tion
B 'rote+t the rihts o- O&; as a / and hu#an bein
Core F'nctions
(nd'str$ "e!'lation
Issues li+ense to enae in o(erseas re+ruit#ent and #annin to 'ri(ate
re+ruit#ent aen+ies and shi' #annin +o#'anies
Cears and arbitrates +o#'laints and +ases -iled aainst re+ruit#ent and #annin
aen+ies% -orein 'rin+i'als and e#'lo,ers% and o(erseas /or.ers -or re'orted
(iolation o- "OEA rules and reulations% e6+e't -or #one, +lai#s
I#'le#ents a s,ste# o- in+enti(es and 'enalt, -or 'ri(ate se+tor 'arti+i'ants
Sets #ini#u# labor standards
?onitors o(erseas 8ob ad(ertise#ents on 'rint% broad+ast and tele(ision
Su'er(ises the o(ern#ent<s 'rora# on anti7illeal re+ruit#ent
I#'oses dis+i'linar, a+tions on errin e#'lo,ers and /or.ers and sea-arers
#mplo$ment Facilitation
A++reditsD reisters -orein 'rin+i'als and e#'lo,ers hirin &ili'ino /or.ers
A''ro(es #an'o/er re=uests o- -orein 'rin+i'als and e#'lo,ers
E(aluates and 'ro+esses e#'lo,#ent +ontra+ts
Assists de'artin /or.ers at the 'orts o- e6it
De(elo's and #onitors #ar.ets and +ondu+ts resear+h
Condu+ts #ar.etin #issions
Enters into #e#orandu# o- understandin on the hirin o- &ili'ino /or.ers /ith
laborEre+ei(in +ountries
&a+ilitates the de'lo,#ent o- /or.ers hired throuh o(ern#ent7to7o(ern#ent
"ro(ides a s,ste# o- /<s reistr,
Worker)s Protection
Intensi-ies 'ubli+ edu+ation and in-or#ation +a#'ain
Condu+ts 're7e#'lo,#ent orientation and anti7illeal re+ruit#ent se#inars
Condu+ts "re7De'lo,#ent Orientation Se#inars )"DOS* to /or.ers hired
throuh the o(ern#ent7to7o(ern#ent arrane#ent and na#e hires
"ro(ides te+hni+al assistan+e in the dra-tin o- bilateral and #ultilateral
"ro(ides leal assistan+e to (i+ti#s o- illeal re+ruit#ent
"re'ares O&; lobal #a''in and 'ro-ilin
I#'le#ents ender7sensiti(e 'rora#s
Net/or.s /ith non7o(ern#ent orani4ations% /or.ers< orani4ations% et+0
"ro(ides re'atriation assistan+e
*eneral Administration and +'pport +ervices
Cu#an @esour+es De(elo'#ent
"ro'ert, and Su''lies ?anae#ent
&inan+ial ?anae#ent
In-or#ation and Co##uni+ation 1e+hnolo,
"lans and "oli+, De(elo'#ent
Fualit, ?anae#ent S,ste#
Provision of on-site remedies to OFWs to file complaints a!ainst emplo$er or
O&;s #a, -ile +o#'laints -or (iolations o- "OEA rules aainst 'rin+i'al% e#'lo,er%
andDor "hili''ine re+ruit#ent aen+, at the "hili''ine O(erseas Labor O--i+es )"OLOs*0
,ational "einte!ration Center for OFWs
In the interest o- the ser(i+e and 'ursunt to @A 8023% other/ise .no/n as the ?irant
;or.ers and O(erseas &ili'ino A+t o- 199A% s'e+i-i+all, its Se+tion 1$ /hi+h 'res+ribes
the establish#ent o- a @e7'la+e#ent and ?onitorin Center% and to EO 226% dated 13
Jul, 300A% authori4in the Se+retar, o- the DOLE to o(ersee and +oordinate the
i#'le#entation o- (arious initiati(es -or the /el-are o- O&;s to enable the# to
'rodu+ti(el, re8oin the #ainstrea# o- and to +ontribute t the de(elo'#ent o- the
"hili''ine So+iet,% a National @einteration Center -or O&;s is established /ithin the
DOLE -a#il, to -urther enhan+e and strenthen the e6istin reinteration 'rora#s -or
O&;s and their -a#ilies to ensure the reatest bene-its to our O&;s -ro# the -ruits o-
their /or. o(erseas0
1he National @einteration Center -or O&;s% re-erred to as the @einteration Center%
shall be a GOne Sto' CenterH o- the DOLE reinteration ser(i+es -or O&;s and their
-a#ilies0 It shall also be a GSer(i+e Net/ CubH to +oordinate and -a+ilitate the
deli(er, o- ser(i+es b, +oo'eratin sta.eholders or ser(i+e 'ro(iders to address the
#ulti7-a+eted reinteration needs o- O&;s and their -a#ilies% in+ludin the de(elo'#ent
o- their +o##unities0
-epartment of &abor and #mplo$ment
1he De'art#ent o- Labor and E#'lo,#ent )DOLE* started as a s#all bureau in 19080 It
be+a#e a de'art#ent on De+e#ber 8% 19II /ith the 'assae o- A+t 21310 1he DOLE is
the national o(ern#ent aen+, #andated to -or#ulate and i#'le#ent 'oli+ies and
'rora#s% and ser(e as the 'oli+,7ad(isor, ar# o- the E6e+uti(e !ran+h in the -ield o-
labor and e#'lo,#ent0

On De+e#ber 8% 19II% the !ureau o- Labor /as +onstituted as a De'art#ent b, (irtue
o- @e'ubli+ A+t 21310 Sin+e then% it has +ontinuousl, e(ol(ed its thrusts and strateies
to res'ond to e#erin so+io7'oliti+al and e+ono#i+ +hallenes /hile .ee'in as
'ri#ar, +on+ern the 'rote+tion and 'ro#otion o- the /el-are o- lo+al and o(erseas
&ili'ino /or.ers )O&;s*0

1oda,% the DOLE is the national o(ern#ent aen+, #andated to -or#ulate 'oli+ies%
i#'le#ent 'rora#s and ser(e as the 'oli+,7+oordinatin ar# o- the E6e+uti(e !ran+h
in the -ield o- labor and e#'lo,#ent0

It ser(es #ore than 20 #illion /or.ers +o#'risin the +ountr,5s labor -or+e% +o(erin
those in the -or#al and in-or#al e+ono#ies% 'ri(ate and 'ubli+0 On to' o- this% the DOLE
+lients also in+lude /or.ers5 orani4ations% e#'lo,ers andDor e#'lo,ers5 rou's% non7
o(ern#ent orani4ations )NGOs*% and other o(ern#ent aen+ies% the a+ade#e%
other sta.eholders% international orani4ations )e00% ILO% IO?% >ND"% >NICE&*% and
the international +o##unit, in+ludin the host +ountries o- our O&;s0

1o +arr, out its #andate% the DOLE has 16 reional o--i+es% 8I &ield O--i+es /ith -our )2*
Satellite O--i+es% I8 o(erseas 'osts% 6 bureaus% $ sta-- ser(i+es and 11 aen+ies
atta+hed to it -or 'oli+, and 'rora# su'er(ision andDor +oordination0 It has a total
#an'o/er +o#'le#ent o- 9%1300 &or 301I% the DOLE has a total budet o- "8008I
-epartment of Forei!n Affairs
1he histor, o- the @e'ubli+ o- the "hili''ines and that o- the De'art#ent o- &orein
A--airs )D&A* are intert/ined0 1he i#'ortant e(ents the 'assae o- the ,ears at
the De'art#ent are also #ilestones in the rise o- the "hili''ines as an inde'endent
O(er one hundred ,ears ao% the D&A had its aus'i+ious beinnins /hen "resident
E#ilio Auinaldo a''ointed A'olinario ?abini as the @e'ubli+5s -irst Se+retar, o-
&orein A--airs on 3I June 1898% ele(en da,s a-ter the de+laration o- "hili''ine
inde'enden+e at Ja/it% Ca(ite0 1he D&A /as a#on the -irst o(ern#ent de'art#ents
+reated -ollo/in the establish#ent o- the &irst "hili''ine @e'ubli+0 @eali4in the need
-or international re+onition o- the ne/ o(ern#ent% Auinaldo assined ?abini the
di--i+ult tas. o- establishin di'lo#ati+ relations /ith -riendl, +ountries0 ?e#bers o- the
Con Jon Junta% a rou' o- &ili'ino e6iles in Con Jon% ser(ed as the +ountr,5s
en(o,s -or this 'ur'ose0
1he "hili''ines under/ent +olonial rule under the >nited States -ro# 1898 to 1926% and
Ja'anese o++u'ation -ro# 1923 to 19220 1he +ountr, reained inde'enden+e%
in+ludin -ull +ontrol o- -orein a--airs and di'lo#ati+ #atters% on 2 Jul, 19260
Co##on/ealth A+t No0 $I3 /as 'assed +reatin the De'art#ent o- &orein A--airs0
Shortl, therea-ter% "resident ?anuel @o6as issued on Se'te#ber 16 o- that ,ear
E6e+uti(e Order No0 18 'ro(idin -or the orani4ation and o'eration o- the D&A and the
&orein Ser(i+e0 1he #ain tas.s o- the D&A then /ere to assist in 'ost7/ar
rehabilitation% -or#ulate 'oli+ies -or in(est#ent 'ro#otion% and establish di'lo#ati+
relations /ith other +ountries0
1he D&A led in the +on+lusion o- the @"7>0S0 ?utual De-ense 1reat,% as /ell as in the
Laurel7Lanle, Aree#ent% thus 'a(in the /a, -or a balan+ed ,et robust trade and
#ilitar, relations /ith the >nited States0
1he D&A had a he,da, durin the 'ost7/ar ,ears% /ith its in+reased 'arti+i'ation in the
international arena0 It be+a#e a -oundin #e#ber o- the >nited Nations and one o- the
dra-ters o- the >ni(ersal De+laration o- Cu#an @ihts0 It hel'ed -ore the General
Aree#ent on 1ari--s and 1rade )GA11*0 1he +ountr, /as also an earl, 'ro'onent o-
de+oloni4ation and lobal disar#a#ent0 1he "hili''ines5 d,na#i+ 'arti+i'ation in lobal
#atters +ul#inated in Carlos "0 @o#ulo5s ele+tion as the -irst Asian "resident o- the >N
General Asse#bl, in 19A30 At that ti#e% the international en(iron#ent bean to +hane%
re=uirin that ne/ thrusts and 'riorities in "hili''ine -orein 'oli+, be deter#ined0
Durin the Cold ;ar era% aainst the ba+.dro' o- the Jorean ;ar and risin
+o##unis# in China% the "hili''ines 'ursued an in+reasin internationalist -orein
@eali4in the i#'ortan+e o- -orein relations% "resident El'idio Fuirino in June 19A3
'ushed -or the 'assae o- the &orein Ser(i+e A+t o- 19A3% e#bodied in @e'ubli+ A+t
No0 $080 Durin the 'ost7/ar 'eriod% the D&A -o+used on institution buildin% +loser
enae#ent /ith Asian neihbors% and in+reasin "hili''ine lobal lin.aes0 In 19AI%
Se+retar, @aul S0 ?anla'us instituted the &orein A--airs O--i+ers e6a#ination )no/
&orein Ser(i+e O--i+ers e6a#ination* to 'ro-essionali4e the &orein Ser(i+e and
i#'ro(e the re+ruit#ent and sele+tion o- ne/ &SOs0
1he ?ar+os ,ears% -ro# 196A to 1986% /ere #ar.ed b, 'oli+, inno(ations and then
di--i+ulties brouht about b, the e6+esses o- the #artial la/ rei#e0 "resident
&erdinand ?ar+os rede-ined -orein 'oli+, as the sa-euardin o- territorial interit, and
national dinit,% and e#'hasi4ed in+reased reional +oo'eration and +ollaboration0 Ce
stressed KAsiannessK and 'ursued a 'oli+, o- +onstru+ti(e unit, and +o7e6isten+e /ith
other Asian states% reardless o- ideoloi+al 'ersuasion0 In 196$% the "hili''ines
laun+hed a ne/ initiati(e to -or# a reional asso+iation /ith other Southeast Asian
+ountries +alled the Asso+iation o- Southeast Asian Nations )ASEAN*0 1he "hili''ines
also nor#ali4ed e+ono#i+ and di'lo#ati+ ties /ith China and the >SS@% /hi+h
"resident ?ar+os (isited in 19$A and 19$6% res'e+ti(el,0 1he "hili''ines also o'ened
e#bassies in the eastern blo+ +ountries% as /ell as a se'arate #ission to the Euro'ean
Co##on ? in !russels0
1hrouhout the 19$0s% the D&A 'ursued the 'ro#otion o- trade and in(est#ents% 'la,ed
an a+ti(e role in hostin international #eetins% and 'arti+i'ated in the #eetins o- the
Non7Alined ?o(e#ent0 1he &orein Ser(i+e Institute /as +reated in 19$6 to 'ro(ide
in7house trainin to &orein Ser(i+e 'ersonnel0
1he EDSA @e(olution in 1986 sa/ the re7establish#ent o- a de#o+rati+ o(ern#ent
under "resident Cora4on A=uino0 Durin this 'eriod% the D&A on+e aain 'ursued
de(elo'#ent di'lo#a+,% in the a+ti(e 'ursuit o- o''ortunities abroad in the (ital areas o-
trade% in(est#ent% -inan+e% te+hnolo, and aid0 1he "hili''ines be+a#e one o- the
-oundin #e#bers o- the Asia7"a+i-i+ E+ono#i+ Coo'eration )A"EC* in No(e#ber
1989% and an a+ti(e 'la,er in reional e--orts to establish the ASEAN &ree 1rade Area0
In the 1990s% #ore di'lo#ati+ #issions /ere established in the ?iddle East to i#'ro(e
e6istin ties /ith Arab states and to res'ond to the ro/in needs o- O(erseas &ili'ino
/or.ers in the reion0
In 1991% heedin the ro/in nationalist senti#ents a#on the 'ubli+% the "hili''ine
Senate (oted aainst the e6tension o- the @"7>0S0 ?ilitar, !ases Aree#ent% thus
'uttin to a +lose the de+ades7old 'resen+e o- the >0S0 #ilitar, at Subi+ !a, and Clar.
&ield0 Also in 1991% "resident A=uino sined into la/ the ne/ &orein Ser(i+e A+t o-
1991 )@0A0 $1A$*% /hi+h reorani4ed the De'art#ent alon eora'hi+ lines and
strenthened the &orein Ser(i+e0 It instituted a Career ?inister Eliibilit, E6a#ination
as a re=uire#ent -or 'ro#otion o- senior &SOs to the ran. o- Career ?inisters% thereb,
ensurin the 'ro-essional sele+tion o- those /ho /ould e(entuall, rise to the le(el o-
+areer a#bassadors0
1he @a#os ad#inistration -ro# Jul, 1993 to June 1998 de-ined the -our +ore 'riorities
o- "hili''ine -orein 'oli+, na#el,9 the enhan+e#ent o- national se+urit,% 'ro#otion o-
e+ono#i+ di'lo#a+,% 'rote+tion o- o(erseas &ili'ino /or.ers and &ili'ino nationals
abroad% and the 'ro8e+tion o- a ood i#ae o- the +ountr, abroad0
"resident @a#os boosted -orein trade% in(est#ents and o--i+ial de(elo'#ent
assistan+e to the "hili''ines throuh his state (isits and su##it #eetins0 In 1996% the
"hili''ines su++ess-ull, hosted the A"EC Leaders5 Su##it% /hi+h resulted in the
?anila A+tion "lan -or A"EC 1996 )?A"A 596*0
1he ?irant ;or.ers and O(erseas &ili'inos A+t o- 199A )@0A0 8023* 'ro(ided a
-ra#e/or. -or stroner 'rote+tion o- &ili'ino /or.ers abroad% /ith the +reation o- the
Leal Assistan+e &und and the Assistan+e7to7Nationals &und% and the desination in the
D&A o- a Leal Assistant -or ?irant ;or.ers5 A--airs% /ith the ran. o- >nderse+retar, o-
&orein A--airs0
A#on the other sini-i+ant e(ents in -orein a--airs durin the @a#os ,ears /ere9 the
ado'tion b, ASEAN in 1993% u'on "hili''ine initiati(e% o- the De+laration on the
Condu+t o- "arties in the South China Sea ai#ed at +on-iden+e7buildin and a(oidan+e
o- +on-li+t a#on +lai#ant states: the establish#ent o- the !runei% Indonesia% ?ala,sia%
and "hili''ines )!I?"*7East Asia Gro/th area in 1992: the establish#ent o- the ASEAN
@eional &oru# )A@&* in 1992 as the onl, #ultilateral se+urit, dialoue in the Asia7
"a+i-i+ reion +ondu+ted at the o(ern#ent le(el: and the sinin bet/een the
"hili''ine Go(ern#ent and the ?oro National Liberation &ront on 3 Se'te#ber 1996 o-
the ?indanao "ea+e Aree#ent0
1he D&A% durin the Estrada ad#inistration% hosted the ASEAN ?inisterial ?eetin in
Jul, 1998% and undertoo. +on-iden+e7buildin #easures /ith China o(er the South
China Sea issue0 "resident Estrada strenthened bilateral ties /ith neihborin
+ountries /ith (isits to Vietna#% 1hailand% ?ala,sia% Sina'ore% Ja'an and South Jorea0
1he D&A 'la,ed a #a8or role in the -orin o- a Visitin &or+es Aree#ent /ith the
>nited States% /hi+h /as +on+urred in the Senate in 19990 1he +ountr, also sent a
deleation o- 108 obser(ers to the Indonesian 'arlia#entar, ele+tions% and enaed in
+oo'erati(e a+ti(ities in the areas o- se+urit,% de-ense% +o#batin transnational +ri#es%
e+ono#,% +ulture% and the 'rote+tion o- O&;s and &ili'inos abroad0
At the start o- its ad#inistration in 3001% "resident Gloria ?a+a'aal Arro,o 'ursued
-orein 'oli+, based on nine realities9 )see Philippine Foreign Policy*0
L First, the d,na#i+s o- relations bet/een China% Ja'an and the >nited States
deter#ine the se+urit, situation and e+ono#i+ e(olution o- East Asia0
L +econd% "hili''ine -orein 'oli+, de+isions are% in+reasinl,% bein #ade in the
+onte6t o- the Asso+iation o- Southeast Asian Nations )ASEAN*0
L .hird% Euro'e /ill +ontinue to 'la, a sini-i+ant role in 'ro#otin international
'ros'erit, and stabilit,0
L Fo'rth% the international Isla#i+ +o##unit, re#ains +ru+ial to the +ountr,5s sear+h
-or lastin and 'er#anent 'ea+e in ?indanao0
L Fifth% inter7reional orani4ations /ill be+o#e in+reasinl, in-luential in the lobal
L +i/th% the 'rote+tion o- the en(iron#ent% natural resour+es and #ariti#e territor,0
L +eventh% the dri(e -or -orein #ar.ets and -orein dire+t in(est#ents /ill -or# a
-o+al +on+ern o- e+ono#i+ di'lo#a+, e--orts0
L #i!hth% international touris# /ill be a #a8or dri(er o- national ro/th0
L ,inth% o(erseas &ili'inos 'la, a +riti+al role in the +ountr,5s e+ono#i+ and so+ial
1he D&A is also uided b, the three -unda#ental 'illars o- "hili''ine -orein 'oli+,0
1hese are9
10 "reser(ation and enhan+e#ent o- national sec'rit$0
30 "ro#otion and attain#ent o- economic sec'rit$0
I0 "rote+tion o- the rihts and 'ro#otion o- the welfare and interest of Filipinos
As /e enter the de+ade startin 3010% the D&A /el+o#es the +hallenes and
o''ortunities it /ill -a+e in the ser(i+e o- the &ili'ino 'eo'le in an in+reasinl, lobali4ed
-FA (++(O,

-FA %(+(O,
1CE DE"A@1?EN1 O& &O@EIGN A&&AI@S is the 'ri#e aen+, o- o(ern#ent
res'onsible -or the 'ursuit o- the State5s -orein 'oli+, and the ner(e +enter -or a
&orein Ser(i+e /orth, o- the trust and 'ride o- e(er, &ili'ino0
;e are an orani4ation o- +o#'etent% dedi+ated and hihl, #oti(ated 'ersonnel%
/ho de(ote their eneries to the bene-it o- the &ili'ino 'eo'le0
;e i#'le#ent -orein 'oli+, /ith the hihest standards o- 'ro-essionalis# and
;e 'ursue bilateral% reional and #ultilateral relations to ad(an+e the interest o- the
"hili''ines and the &ili'inos0
;e build 'artnershi's /ith national se+urit, and de(elo'#ent aen+ies% thin.7tan.s
and the a+ade#e% the 'ri(ate se+tor% the #edia and +i(il so+iet, in the interest o-
the nation and the 'eo'le0
;e endea(or to 'ro#ote reional and lobal +oo'eration in order to a+hie(e 'ea+e%
'ros'erit, and stabilit,0
In the lobal arena% /e /or. -or so+ial 8usti+e es'e+iall, -or the 'oor% hu#an rihts
and -unda#ental -reedo#s% and a de#o+rati+ /a, o- li-e0
;e are +o##itted to se+ure a /orld -ree -ro# serious en(iron#ental deradation%
transnational +ri#e and 'roli-eration o- nu+lear /ea'ons0
Our #issions abroad are the 'artners o- &ili'inos o(erseas in the 'ursuit o- the
national interest and in the 'ro#otion and 'rote+tion o- their rihts and /ell7bein0
;e ha(e hihl, res'onsi(e s,ste#% /hi+h ensures e--e+ti(e deli(er, o- ser(i+es0
Our 'ersonnel are our reatest asset0 ;e are +o##itted to the 'ersonal%
'ro-essional and +areer de(elo'#ent o- ea+h e#'lo,ee0
In 'ursuit o- our oals% /e stri(e -or and li(e b, the 'rin+i'les o- e6+ellen+e% interit,
and 'atriotis#0

-FA O23#C.(%#+
1o +ontribute to the enhan+e#ent o- national se+urit, and the 'rote+tion o- the
territorial interit, and national so(ereint,:
1o 'arti+i'ate in the national endea(or to sustain de(elo'#ent and to enhan+e
the "hili''ines5 +o#'etiti(e ede in a lobal #ilieu:
1o 'rote+t the rihts and 'ro#ote the /el-are o- &ili'inos o(erseas and to
#obili4e the# as 'artners in national de(elo'#ent:
1o 'ro8e+t a 'ositi(e i#ae o- the "hili''ines:
1o in+rease international understandin o- "hili''ine +ulture -or #utuall,7
bene-i+ial relations /ith other +ountries: and%
1o in+rease and #a6i#i4e hu#an% -inan+ial% te+hnoloi+al and other resour+es to
o'ti#i4e the 'er-or#an+e o- the De'art#ent0

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