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Assignment 2


phase, 1
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'!ite a !ep(!t () &##*+## ,(!-s a.(/t the !eas(ns )(! that spe0i)i0
(!-e!, the p(ints 1e)t (/t, the aspe0ts )!(m the a!ti01es an- the (nes (/
0ame /p ,ith (/!se1).
Be nice
Make the pupil perform at the highest possible level
Make the pupil discover things him/herself
Get the ability to encourage
Develops minds and talents
Teach because you want to
Good communication skills
Eliciting responses
Provide safety
Develops the pupils imagination and creative
Give good instructions
Teach differentially
Be able to improvise
Make pupils en#oy music
To start, I am going to talk about the aspects in the list in according to my experience.
The order of the list is according my personal opinion so I am going to explain every
aspect from my point of view.
Of course the person who you are working with must be nice people. I have met people
that they are good musicians but they are not honest. This way the relationship is not
really comfortable because of the bad attitude of the teacher. With a not honest teacher
you can find out some unpleasant surprises.
In my opinion, the first aim of the teacher is to raise the pupils level because the teacher
has to be able to teach well because it is what the pupil expects of him. The pupil wants
to learn as much as possible and to be able to play better each time. This is the main task
of the teacher.
Of course, the teacher has to be able to teach the pupil to discover things by himself.
The teacher is ust a guide and pupil learns of him but every pupil is different and
everyone has specific !ualities. "o the pupil must learn how to develop and how to find
out his own possibilities to be able to learn techni!ue by himself. In fact, this is another
task of the teacher# to make the pupil as independent as possible.
One of the most important points about the teacher is that he has to be able to find the
right words out to explain and to inspire his pupil. I have had some teachers who dont
pay attention enough to the pupil in this sense. Its very important to keep the pupils
motivated all the time. If the pupil doesnt notice that his work on his instrument is very
important he can think that his work is not good enough.
To teach well, it is necessary for the teacher to have enough confidence because
sometimes the teacher or the pupil, need to say things without being scared. I think the
relationship between the teacher and the pupil has to be somewhat like a close bond to
be able to say everything they want to say freely but also they have to respect each
other. This aspect was not in the list but I think that it is very important because this way
they are able to understand better in the lesson.
The teacher has to care about the pupil and has also wants to help him. The teacher has
also to be able to show the pupil how talented he is and by doing this it can help to
develop the pupils mind. The teacher can not think of his ob ust as an ordinary ob but
as a way of helping the pupil. Its more complicated than a normal ob.
The teacher must teach a pupil not because he has to do it or that he has to earn a living.
If the teacher teaches the pupil ust because he has to the pupil wont learn in a positive
way. To be a good teacher you dont have to have specific reasons, ust do it for love.
The teacher has to be able to explain to the pupil so that what the teacher is explaining
to the pupil would be understandable. If the pupil doesnt understand what he is being
taught then there is a problem with the way the teacher is teaching. "o therefore, good
communication skills are very important in this case. There are times when a pupil
would agree with the teacher and still not understand so the teacher has to have some
kind of techni!ue in the way he is teaching so that pupil will really understand. The
teacher has to notice if the pupil is or not switched$on to what he is teaching.
It is grateful for a teacher to receive responses from the pupil because this way the
teacher makes sure he has taught well and the pupil has understood how to do the
specific exercise. If it happens the teacher knows the pupil is ready to grow more and
more. When the teacher doesnt notice the pupil is learning and giving responses in
every lesson is because he didnt explain clearly. This point is in relation with the
The teacher has to create a safe environment so that the pupil would be safe and
comfortable. %or example, when a pupil asks something to the teacher he has to be able
to answer firmly without doubts. &ven if it is a young or a new teacher he has to be safe
and not show he is nervous because the pupil will get nervous and uncomfortable.
Of course, the teacher has to know that every pupil is totally different so for that reason
he has to know how to develop the personality of everyone. When we talk about music
everything is abstract so for that reason the teacher has to know how to guide every
pupil in the right way according to every personality.
When the teacher shows confidence about his ob and clear communication then he is
able to give good instructions and advices to the pupil about what he has to do, how he
has to manage the time or how he has to work on it. This way the pupil is able to
understand how to drive his career in the right way.
' good teacher has to be prepared to understand all kinds of reactions of the pupil. We
are humans so for that reason is important to have commonsense and the pupil has to
feel that the teacher really understands his situation.
Its important that the teacher has to be aware about every pupil because everyone is
different. (ot everybody understands and understands the instructions in the same way.
%or that reason the teacher has to know how to teach everyone and how to apply
different ways of working with the different pupils.
I have seen some cases in which the teacher does not expect some difficult situations.
Its important to be prepared for those specific cases. Of course it depends on the
experience. One example is when some important teachers do some master classes. I
was in Italy and a blind pupil came there to receive his class. The teacher wasnt
prepared but he could improvise some kind of not visual way to explain and to transmit
the same techni!ue and ideas to the pupil. It is very important for a teacher to improvise
to benefit the pupil when its needed.
Its also important to be fun during the lesson because this way the pupil himself feels
more comfortable and less nervous. %urthermore, the pupil is going to assimilate and to
keep in his mind all the advices the teacher gives to him because of the atmosphere.
%rom my experience I can say that a very strict teacher can be fun at the same time and
in this case there wouldnt be unnecessary tension during the lesson so you are able to
answer the teachers petitions well.
I have put this point at the end of the list because in my opinion the person who is
playing some instrument has some reason to do it. (obody can make you enoy music
unless the pupil is a child. There is a difference between motivation and be able to make
you enoy the music. I have seen how some families pay a lot of money to some
teachers to teach and to make the pupil understand the music is great. This does not
make any sense when the pupil is not interested in music at all. "o I think nobody has to
make the pupil enoy the music in this sense. )owever, the teacher can motivate and
encourage the pupil and be able to show the pupil how talented he is or how much
progress is he making.
The aspects I have left out are# &arn money and teach a good techni!ue first.
I have already explained above that a teacher has to teach because he wants to and not
for a specific reason like earn money. I think it because the teachers task is to educate
his pupil in a lot of aspects and not only techni!ue. I think the techni!ue is something
you learn yourself. The teacher can only give you some advice and show to you every
mistake and be able to solve it. It does not make any sense when people say that is very
important to teach a good techni!ue first. &veryone has a different body and a different
mind so conse!uently everyone is going to learn about his body himself and about the
physical feeling with his instrument. In my opinion everyone has his own techni!ue
and his own capacity to solve his problems. The teacher is there to guide you according
his knowledge and his way of playing but not to impose a specific techni!ue. Obviously,
no one has the same hands si*e.
To develop the pupils creativity and imagination is something that it was not in the
given list but I consider that it is very important because a musician becomes a
professional musician when he is able to communicate every feeling to the audience and
to make them understand it by his own creative and with the imagination the musician
do it more personally. The teacher has to know how his pupil is and be able to open his
mind and to understand what every composer felt with every piece. To do it is necessary
a closed communication and to be confidence with the pupil +this is the other point I
included,. The teacher has to know his pupil during his growth as a person and as a
musician. This way the teacher can understand the pupil and learn about him to show
the pupil how express the musical ideas according his personally. When the teacher
doesnt know how his pupil is, its very difficult for him to guide the pupil in the right
This is a report about the aspects on the list, the aspects I left out and the aspects I
included by myself. 'bove I have explained the points from my point of view and also
I explained the aspects I think are most important from the articles.

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