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PAR 1 : Slide 2: Nearly all of the energy in this earth is sourced from the sun. We call it solar energy.

All of
the living beings need the solar energy whether directly or indirectly. Plants need the solar energy directly as
one of the comonents to do hotosynthesis! and roduce energy and o"ygen. #erbivore animals eat lants!
while they are eaten by carnivore animals. So! animals need the solar energy indirectly to continue living in the
earth. #uman beings also need the solar energy to live. Slide $ : #uman beings eat rice! fruits! and also
vegetables that is roduced by lants! while lants need the solar energy to roduce its roducts. #uman beings
also eat animal%s meat! and the other roducts roduced by animals li&e mil&! and eggs. So! human beings need
the solar energy indirectly.
PAR 2 : 'lectrical energy get its ower from the sun indirectly because it re(uire a medium before becoming
an electrical energy. )ne of the medium is from the ower of water fallingdown a mountainside. *oving water
can be used to roduce energy because otential energy can be converted into &inetic energy! thus being used
for electricity.
+he rocess are: ,irst! evaoration! the sun will heats u the water in seas! rivers in other water sources on the
earth! which evaorates to atmoshere. +hen! condensation! this water vaor then comes in contact with air
currents! which ta&e it higher into the atmoshere. After reaching cooler temeratures! the water vaor
condenses to form clouds. +hese clouds move all round the globe and grow in si-e collecting more water vaor
on their way. When it becomes too heavy for the clouds to hold anymore water vaor! they burst and the
drolets of water fall bac& on earth in the form of rain. +he rain often falls in mountainous areas. .n the last
ste! rain flows bac& into water bodies li&e rivers! la&es! and streams. Some of the water also runs off the
surface or sees in the ground! which may later be seen as groundwater or freshwater srings. /efore the
electrical energy distributes to the consumer! transfomator will change the electrical energy to fit the caacity
that the consumer needed. ,rom this electrical energy! we can use it to turn on many electronic devices! the
street lam! and so on.
PAR $ : $00 million years ago! much of the 'arth was covered in flooded forests and swams. Secial tyes
of lants that don%t e"ist anymore lived in these areas. When those lants died! the stems and leaves would sin&
to the bottom of the water. +hose dead lants then turned into eat! which is soggy! songe1li&e material. As
time assed! the forest and swams dried u. +he eat changed into lignite. +he lignite was covered by more
layers of sand! clay! and other materials. As the lignite got buried further and further underground! it was
e"osed to both ressure and sun%s heat. +he ressure and heat made the lignite become harder and dar&er. .t
first transformed into sub1bituminous coal! then into bituminous coal! and then eventually into anthracite! the
final stage of coal. /ecause coal is buried dee in the soil! it is necessary to dig to retrieve it. After ta&en! the
coal is e"orted to countries that urchase through shiing. 2oal is used for ower lants.
PAR 3 : Slide 1: /ecause of solar energy! living beings could live normally. After the living beings was dead
by natural rocess ! they would be buried by ground. /ecause the remains of living beings were buried for
millions years! they became fossils. ,ossils then changed into etroleum4crude oil because of high ressure
and temerature inside the earth. Slide 2: We can find etroleum4crude oil by maing the ground and
analy-ing it. 5sually! it was found in the dee sea underground. Slide $: After the lace of etroleum4crude oil
were found by the rofessionals! they drill the ground to obtain the crude oil. +he crude oil goes u to the
earth surface because the ressure from the drilling machine. Slide 3: +he ieline bring the crude oil from its
original lace to the oil refinery.Slide 6: +he crude oil is searated by fractional distillation in oil refinery
based on its boiling temerature. 7ifferent temerature roduced different oils. ,or e"amle : &erosene! avture!
gasoline! lubricant. Ashalt was the residue of fractional distillation that is used for ma&ing road
PAR 6 : As we have &nown! sun has a really big role toward earth. /ased on what my friend has e"lained!
sun is needed by human or other creatures direct and indirectly. +he sun is not only a source of light! but also a
source of energy for life on 'arth. Plants need the sun for hotosynthesis8 if the lants do not hotosynthesi-e
then coal won%t e"ist! beside that humans cannot breathe and the lants will die. When the lant dies! it will
brea& u the food chain! there would be no food and the entire life cannot survive. +here will be no electricity8
earth will be dar& because it doesn%t have any source of light. 'arth will free-e8 it even will turn into an ice
age. /ecause of the fro-en earth! all living things will die.
2onclusion: Without the sun ... then there is no life9

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