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Multiple choice questions

1. Marketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public
to the marketer through (A)
a. Information
b. Sales.
c. Computer.
d. All of the above
1. Information is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems;
to generate, refine, and evaluate actions. (B)
a. Sales
b. Marketing
c. Computer
d. !atabase
1. M" stands for (B)
a. Medical "esearch
b. Marketing "esearch
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
1. Marketing research specifies (C)
a. $usiness to business.
b. %he data, manages and implements the data&collection process, analy'es
the results, and communicates the findings and their implications.
c. %he information, manages and implements the data&collection process,
analy'es the results, and communicates the findings and their implications.
d. All of the above
1. Marketing research is concerned (ith. (B)
a. %he application of theories, problem&solving methods, and techni)ues to
identify and solve problems in organi'ations.
b. %he application of theories, problem&solving methods, and techni)ues to
identify and solve problems in marketing.
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
*. In order to offset unpredictable consumer behavior, companies invest in
a. Market research
b. Computers.
c. +&$usiness.
d. All of the above
,. !ell Computer might (ant to kno( a demographic breakdo(n of ho( many and
(hat kinds of people or companies (ill purchase a ne( model in its personal
computer line It is an e-ample for (A)
a. Market research
b. Computers.
c. +&$usiness.
d. All of the above
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
/. Managers cannot al(ays (ait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from
marketing departments. %hey often re)uire studies of (A)
a. 0ormal.
b. Informal.
c. Convenient
d. inconvenient
1. !epartment provides specific information to marketing managers1 (C)
a. Marketing.
b. 0inance.
c. Marketing research.
d. Systems.
1. !epartment cannot provide specific information to a marketing
manager (A)
a. Marketing.
b. 0inance.
c. Marketing research.
d. Systems
*. %his formal study, (hether performed internally or e-ternally, is called .
a. Marketing.
b. 0inance.
c. Marketing research.
d. Systems
,. %he marketing research process consists of four steps they are se)uentially. (D)
a. defining the problem and research ob2ectives, developing the research plan,
implementing the research plan, and interpreting.
b. defining the problem and research ob2ectives, developing the research plan,
implementing the research plan, and interpreting and reporting the findings.
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
1. !efining the problem and research ob2ectives is often the step in the
research process. (B)
a. +asiest.
b. 3ardest.
c. Can4t say.
d. All of the above.
1. must be able to help the manager define the problem and to suggest (ays
that research can help the manager make better decisions. (C)
a. Marketing Manager
b. 0inance Manager
c. Marketing "esearcher.
d. All of the above.
1. M" stands for (A)
a. Marketing "esearch
b. Marketing "elations
c. Marketing "eporter
d. #one of the above
1. Managers (ho kno( little about the importance of research may obtain
conclusions (D)
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
a. Suitable
b. relevant
c. Subtle
d. Irrelevant
1. Managers must kno( enough about marketing research to help in. (C)
a. 5rgani'ing
b. Controlling
c. 6lanning
d. 7eading
1. 8hen the problem has been defined, the manager and researcher must set (B)
a. "esearch 6rinciples
b. "esearch ob2ectives
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
1. A marketing research pro2ect might have types of ob2ectives (C)
a. Causal
b. !escriptive
c. +-ploratory
d. All of the above
1. %he second step of the marketing research process calls for determining. (C)
a. Sample si'e
b. ob2ectives
c. Information needed
d. All of the above
1. A marketing researcher can gather secondary data, primary data, or both. (A)
a. 9es
b. #o
c. May be
d. All of the above
1. 5nly M#Cs prefer having this department (B)
a. Sales !epartment
b. Marketing "esearch
c. 6roduction
d. All of the above
*. 6rimary data consists of information collected (C)
a. 6roduction
b. In specific purpose
c. for the specific purpose
d. All of the above
,. data consists of information that already e-ists some(here. (C)
a. +nvironmental
b. primary
c. Secondary
d. All of the above
1. data consists of information that doesn4t e-ists. (B)
a. +nvironmental
b. primary
c. Secondary
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
d. All of the above
*. data collection re)uires more e-tensive research, more time, and more
money. (B)
a. +nvironmental
b. 6rimary
c. Secondary
d. All of the above
,. sources can sometimes provide information that is not directly available
or (ould be too e-pensive to collect.. (c)
a. +nvironmental
b. 6rimary
c. Secondary
d. All of the above
/. "esearchers can rarely obtain all the data they need from sources. (C)
a. +nvironmental
b. 6rimary
c. Secondary
d. All of the above
:. is the gathering of primary data by observing relevant people, actions,
and situations. (C)
a. Situational research
b. Marketing research
c. 5bservational research
d. All of the above
1. research is the approach best suited for gathering descriptive information
a. Survey
b. Marketing
c. 5bservational
d. Causal
*. can be used to obtain information that people are un(illing or unable to
provide. (C)
a. Situational research
b. Marketing research
c. 5bservational research
d. All of the above
,. is the most (idely used method for primary data collection, and it is often the only
method used in a research study (A)
a. Survey research.
a. Marketing research
b. 5bservational research
c. All of the above
*. %he ma2or advantage of survey research is its (B)
a. 5ptions
b. 0le-ibility
c. Cheap.
d. All of the above
1. Marketing "esearch management helps an organi'ation in. (C)
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
a. "educing production costs
b. !ecrease the production cost
c. "educe the time it takes to make a ne( product
d. All of the above
1. 5ne of the e-ample (here marketing research is e-tensively used by
organi'ations are (A)
a. Consumer durables.
b. 6harma Industry.
c. Industrial 6roducts.
d. All of the above.
1. In the early and mid&1;<=s, some cola companies created a taste test against their
competitors. %his is an e-ample of research. (A)
a. Survey research.
b. Marketing research
c. 5bservational research
d. All of the above
*. observation is best suited for research (A)
a. +-ploratory research.
b. Survey research
c. 5bservational research
d. All of the above.
,. research tries to e-plain cause&and&effect relationships.1 (D)
a. +-perimental research.
b. Survey research
c. 5bservational research
d. All of the above.
/. "esearch may be collected by1 (D)
a. Mail, personal intervie(.
b. %elephone,
c. email, fa-
d. All of the above
:. can be used to collect large amounts of information at a lo( cost per
a. Mail
b. %elephone, personal intervie(
c. email, fa-
d. All of the above
>. )uestionnaires lack fle-ibility in that they re)uire simply (orded
)uestions.. (A)
a. Mail
b. %elephone, personal intervie(
c. email, fa-
d. All of the above
?. intervie(ing is the best method for gathering information )uickly, and
it provides greater fle-ibility than mail )uestionnaires (B)
a. Mail, personal intervie(
b. %elephone,
c. email, fa-
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
d. All of the above
<. )uestionnaire can also take a long time to complete. (A)
a. Mail
b. %elephone, personal intervie(
c. email, fa-
d. All of the above
;. %elephone intervie(ing is. (A)
a. costlier
b. attractive
c. Cheap
d. All of the above
1. intervie(ing consists of inviting several people to talk (ith a trained
intervie(er about a company4s products or services (C)
a. $oard
b. Independent
c. 6ersonal
d. All of the above
1. %he intervie(er needs skills (C)
a. intervie(ing
b. communication
c. 5b2ectivity, kno(ledge of the sub2ect and industry, and some understanding
of group and consumer behavior.
d. Computer hard(are and soft(are.
1. The main drawbacks of personal interviewing are (A)
a. costs and sampling problems
b. Stationary costs
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
*. Marketing researchers usually dra( conclusions about large groups of consumers
by studying a relatively sample of the total consumer population (A)
a. Small
b. 7arge
c. !epends on the researcher
d. All of the above
,. A is a segment of the population selected to represent the population as a
(hole. (B)
a. 6opulation
b. Sample
c. Slice
d. All of the above
/. %he marketing researcher must design a sampling plan, (hich calls for three
decisions1 (D)
a. Sampling @nit.
b. Sample Si'e
c. Sampling 6rocedure
d. All of the above
:. determines (ho is to be surveyed.1 (A)
a. Sampling @nit.
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
b. Sample Si'e
c. Sampling 6rocedure
d. All of the above
>. determines the number of people to be surveyed (B)
a. Sampling @nit.
b. Sample Si'e
c. Sampling 6rocedure
d. All of the above
?. determines ho( the respondents should be chosen (C)
a. Sampling @nit.
b. Sample Si'e
c. Sampling 6rocedure
d. All of the above
<. In collecting primary data, marketing researchers have a choice of
research instruments (C)
a. )uestionnaire
b. Mechanical devices.
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
;. consists of a set of )uestions presented to a respondent for his or her
ans(ers. (A)
a. )uestionnaire
b. Mechanical devices.
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
1=.+-amples of mechanical instruments are (C)
a. people meters
b. supermarket scanners
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
11.techni)ues are not (idely used because they tend to be e-pensive, re)uire
unrealistic advertising e-posure conditions, and are hard to interpret. (B)
a. )uestionnaire
b. Mechanical devices.
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
1*.are the characteristics of good marketing research (C)
a. Scientific Method
b. "esearch Creativity
c. Independence of Model and data
d. All of the above
1,.Appropriate sample means (D)
a. 5ne (hich gives meaning to the research undertaken.
b. !epends on the topic.
c. !epends on the financial constrains to the researcher.
d. All of the above.
1/.!iffent constraits that may crop up in a research are (D)
a. %ime.
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
b. Money.
c. Sample si'e.
d. All of the above.
1:.Many managers see marketing research as only a operation (B)
a. Continuous operation.
b. 0act&finding operation.
c. All of the above.
d. none of the above
1>."egardless of the type of process, all research begins (ith a generali'ed idea in
the form of a research )uestion or a . (C)
a. !oubt
b. 3ypothesis.
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
1?.A hypothesis differs from a research )uestion; it is (C)
a. More specific.
b. Makes a prediction.
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
1<.3ypotheses provide the follo(ing benefits1 (D)
a. %hey determine the focus and direction for a research effort.
b. %heir development forces the researcher to clearly state the purpose of the
research activity.
c. %hey determine (hat variables (ill not be considered in a study, as (ell as
those that (ill be considered.
d. All of the above
1;.%he (orth of a hypothesis often depends on the skills (B)
a. Managing !irector4s
b. "esearcher4s
c. Marketer4s
d. All of the above
*=.A good hypothesis should (D)
a. 3ave logical consistency
b. $e in step (ith current literature.
c. $e testable.
d. All of the above
*1.3ypothesis testing is a systematic method used to evaluate data and aid the
decision&making process. 0ollo(ing is a typical series of steps involved in
hypothesis testing1 (B)
a. State the hypotheses of interest, !etermine the appropriate test statistic,
specify the level of statistical significance, !etermine the decision rule for
re2ecting or, not re2ecting the null hypothesis,
b. State the hypotheses of interest, !etermine the appropriate test statistic,
specify the level of statistical significance, !etermine the decision rule for
re2ecting or, not re2ecting the null hypothesis, Collect the data and perform
the needed calculations, !ecide to re2ect or not re2ect the null hypothesis
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
**.A research study includes at least hypotheses (B)
a. one
b. %(o
c. %hree
d. Cannot say
*,.name the t(o hypothesis (C)
a. #ull.
b. Alternate.
c. All of the above.
d. #one of the above.
*/.%he hypothesis presents the alternative to the null and includes a
statement of ine)uality (B)
a. #ull.
b. Alternate.
c. All of the above.
d. #one of the above.
*:.Measurable observations are called observations. (A)
a. Auantitative
b. Aualitative
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
*>.+-ample of Indian market research firms in India (D)
a. #e-gen
b. 0.# corporation
c. i+lvira Infomatri-
d. All of the above
*?.+-ample of Indian market research firms outside India (A)
a. %iger research
b. #e-gen
c. 0.# corporation
d. i+lvira Infomatri-
*<.5bservations that cannot be measured are termed as (B)
a. Auantitative
b. Aualitative
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
*;.Marketing researchers have increasingly used statistical techni)ues to
describe phenomena that are not easily measured, (B)
a. Auantitative
b. Aualitative
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
,=.%hese )uantitative observations are further classified as (C)
a. !iscrete
b. Continuous
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
,1. Statistics are typically simple summary figures calculated from a set of
observations.. (A)
a. !escriptive
b. Inferential
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
,*.statistics are used to apply conclusions about one set of observations to
reach a broader conclusion or an inference about something that has not been
directly observed. (B)
a. !escriptive
b. Inferential
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
,,. is a collection of any number of related observations. (A)
a. !ata
b. !ata set
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
,/. allo(s for the compression of data into a table (A)
a. 0re)uency distribution
b. % test
c. Chi test
d. #one of the above
,:.%he ob2ective of is to select that part (hich is representative of the entire
population. (B)
a. 0re)uency distribution
b. Sampling
c. % test
d. #one of the above
,>.Sample designs are classified into (C)
a. 6robability
b. #on&probability
c. all of the above
d. #one of the above
,?.A sample is a sample if each unit in the population is given some
chance of being selected. (A)
a. 6robability
b. #on&probability
c. all of the above
d. #one of the above
,<.A sample is a (hen some units in the population are not given any
chance of being selected, and (hen the probability of selecting any unit into the
sample cannot be determined or is not kno(n. (B)
a. 6robability
b. #on&probability
c. all of the above
d. #one of the above
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
,;.sampling is used in some manufacturing and distributing settings as a means of
a. Auality control
b. 6roduct control
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
/=. %he chi&s)uare and t&distribution are both(B)
a. @sed for hypothesis testing
b. !ependent on a number of degrees of freedom
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
/1.%he 0 ratio contains (A)
a. %(o estimates of population variance
b. %(o estimates of population mean
c. 5ne estimate of population variance and one estimate of population mean
d. All of the above
/*.If (e (ant to (hether the proportion of more than t(o populations are e)ual , (e
use (D)
a. Analysis of variance
b. estimation
c. Bariance
d. #one of the above
/,.8hich of these distributions has a pair of degrees of freedom (D)
a. 6oisson
b. #ormal
c. Chi&s)uare
d. #one of the above
//.A family of distributions differentiated by t(o parameters and used to primarily to
test hypothesis regarding variances is called distribution (B)
a. 6oisson
b. 0 test
c. Chi&s)uare
d. #one of the above
/:.Marketing research information is used to take decisions.(D)
a. 7ong
b. Short
c. Medium
d. all of the above
/>.%he ma2or advantage of survey research is its (B)
a. 5ptions
b. 0le-ibility
c. Cheap.
d. All of the above
1. Marketing "esearch management helps an organi'ation in. (C)
a. "educing production costs
b. !ecrease the production cost
c. "educe the time it takes to make a ne( product
d. All of the above
Sarath $hushan .aluturi
1. Information gathered for marketing research is from .(C)
a. Inside the organi'ation
b. 5utside the organi'ation
c. All of the above
d. #one of the above
*. Information gathered for marketing research is stored by. (A)
a. Market research Information systems
b. !atabase
c. library
d. #one of the above
,. Marketing research information is gathered by (B)
a. Surveys
b. Marketing personnel
c. customers
d. All of the above
/. M"IS is slo(ly being replaced by soft(ares(A)
a. +"6
b. C5$57
c. $ASIC
d. All of the above
:. 6eople (ho gather information especially for M" departments are called CAD
a. M" e-ecutive
b. "esearcher
c. #one of the above
d. All of the above
>. Most of the information fed into M" database is used by for refining of the
organi'ation (C)
a. Money management
b. Marketing management
c. .no(ledge Management
d. All of the above
?. !ocumenting of marketing research findings is called (B)
a. !ocument (riting
b. "eport (riting
c. #one of the above
d. All of the above
Sarath $hushan .aluturi

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