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Human Resource Management (203)

1. The focus of Human Resource Management revolves around

a) Machine
b) Motivation
c) Money
2. Human Resource Management function does not involve
b) Selection
c) Cost control
d) Training
3. Which one is not the specific goal of human resource management?
a) Attracting alicants
b)Searating emloyees
c)Retaining emloyees
d)Motivating emloyees
4. Human resource management helps improve
a) !roduction
b) !roductivity
c) !ro"its
d) !o#er
5. n advantage of recruitment from outside the compan! is
a) that it is cheaer than internal recruitment
b) that there is no need to advertise the vacancy
c" that it #rings in ne$ e%perience and s&ills to the firm
d) that it avoids $ealousy #ithin the "irm
'. Which of the follo$ing is an accurate definition of recruitment?
a% The rocess o" attemting to "ill gas that e&ist in the s'ills o" the current labour "orce%
b% The system o" "ollo#ing someone around and noting ho# they er"orm their duties%
c. The process #! $hich companies fill the need to find ne$ emplo!ees.
d% A statement that enshrines the "undamental ob$ectives o" the comany%
(. )))))))))) are the resources that provide utilit! value to all other resources.
a) Men
b) machine
c) material
d) money
*. +dentif! the managerial function out of the follo$ing functions of HR managers
a) !rocurement
b) develoment
c) organi(ing
d) !er"ormance Araisal
,. The human resource management functions aim at
a) ensuring that the human resources ossess ade)uate caital* tool* e)uiment and material
to er"orm the $ob success"ully
b) heling the organi(ation deal #ith its emloyees in di""erent stages o" emloyment
c) imroving an organi(ation+s credit#orthiness among "inancial institutions
d) ,one o" the above
1-. The term procurement stands for
a) recruitment and selection
b) training and develoment
c) ay and bene"its
d) health and sa"ety
11. The information resulting from .o# anal!sis is used for $riting /////.
a) $ob descritions
b) #or' activities
c) #or' aids
d) $ob conte&t
12. Which of the follo$ing methods is used to gather .o# anal!sis data?
a) intervie#s
b) )uestionnaires
c) observation
d) all o" the above
13. The #asic purpose of human resource planning is to
a) identi"y the human resource re)uirements
b) identi"y the human resource availability
c) match the HR re)uirements #ith the HR availability
d) All o" the above
14. The primar! responsi#ilit! for human resource planning lies $ith
a) HR Manager
b) general manager
c) trade union leader
d) line manager
15. Which of the follo$ing is not a forecasting techni0ue to assess the human resource
re0uirements of an organi1ation?
a" trend analysis
#" ratio anal!sis
c" managerial $udgment
d" relacement charts
1'. The first step in the human resource planning process is2
a) "orecasting%
b) goal setting%
c) rogram imlementation%
d) rogram evaluation%
1(. 3o# posting is2
a% the process of communicating information a#out a .o# vacanc! on compan! #ulletin
b% #oards and an!$here else the organi1ation communicates $ith emplo!ees.
c% advertising $obs in rint media that are designed to create a generally "avorable
imression o" the organi(ation%
d% osting aid advertisements at career services to attract eole #ho are searching "or
e% hiring an e&ecutive research "irm "or managerial or to ositions%
1*. +n personnel forecasting4 the HR professional tries to2
a% redict the number and tyes o" legal challenges the comany is li'ely to "ace #ithin the
b% develo HR olicies and ractices in resonse to anticiated moves by ma$or
c% determine the suly o" and demand "or various tyes o" human resources%
d% anticiate trends #ithin the HR "ield #hich are most li'ely to imact the success o"
e% comany oerations%
1,. What $as the traditional term used for HR5 and the one often associated $ith
personnel management?
a) -a analysis
b) Human resource !lanning
c) .mloyee lanning
d) Mano#er lanning
2-. Wh! is it important to ensure that HR plans are fle%i#le?
a" To accommodate changes to senior management teams
#" To adat to changing s'ills and )uali"ications%
c" To accommodate the rapidl! changing environments in $hich most organi1ations
d" To ensure a diverse labour "orce is maintained at all times%
21. 666.. strives to have right num#er 7 right &ind of people at the right place 7
at the right time.
(a) Human Resource Ac)uisition
(b) Human Resource !lanning
(c) Human Resource /eveloment
(d) Human Resource !lanning
22. HRM can #e performed #! 6666.
(a) HR Managers
(b) 0ine Managers
(c) 1oth
(d) ,one

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