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CDL Core Files 2014/2015 Index

Aquaculture Case AFF

Aquaculture Affirmative
Aquaculture Affirmative 4
Aquaculture 1AC [1/18]............................................................................................................ 5
Aquaculture 1AC [2/18]............................................................................................................ 6
Aquaculture 1AC [3/18]............................................................................................................ 7
Aquaculture 1AC [4/18]........................................................................................................... 8
Aquaculture 1AC [5/18]............................................................................................................ 9
Aquaculture 1AC [6/18].......................................................................................................... 10
Aquaculture 1AC [7/18]........................................................................................................... 11
Aquaculture 1AC [8/18].......................................................................................................... 12
Aquaculture 1AC [9/18].......................................................................................................... 13
Aquaculture 1AC [10/18]........................................................................................................ 14
Aquaculture 1AC [11/18]......................................................................................................... 15
Aquaculture 1AC [12/18]........................................................................................................ 16
Aquaculture 1AC [13/18]......................................................................................................... 17
Aquaculture 1AC [14/18]........................................................................................................18
Aquaculture 1AC [15/18]......................................................................................................... 19
Aquaculture 1AC [16/18]........................................................................................................20
Aquaculture 1AC [17/18]......................................................................................................... 21
Aquaculture 1AC [18/18]........................................................................................................ 22
2AC Inherency: A/T 1 !"#t Inherent$ [1/1].........................................................................23
2AC %ar&' ( )n*+r#n&ent: A/T 1 !,a-e' +t .#r'e$ [1/1].................................................24
2AC %ar&' ( )n*+r#n&ent: A/T 2 !"# I&/act$ [1/1]........................................................25
2AC %ar&' ( )c#n#&y: A/T 1 !0u'ta+na1le "#2$ [1/1].....................................................26
2AC %ar&' ( )c#n#&y: A/T 2 !3e4ect C#r1+n )*+5ence$ [1/1]..........................................27
2AC %ar&' ( )c#n#&y: A/T 3 !60 "#t 7ey$ [1/1].............................................................28
2AC %ar&' ( )c#n#&y: A/T 4 !"# I&/act$ [1/1]..............................................................29
2AC 0#l*ency: A/T 1 !T## ,any 8arr+er'$ [1/1]..................................................................30
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [1/18]
Contention One is Inherency:
1. There is no feeral re!ulatory a!ency for aquaculture in the status quo" resultin!
in fra!mente #olicies $hich #ose serious environmental an economic ris%s.
9#hn' 2013
[7r+'ten. 9: Can5+5ate at 60C ;a2 <Cla'' #= 2013>. !?ar& ?+'h+n@ %#le': Aa/' +n ?e5eral 3e@ulat+#n #= B=='h#re
Aquaculture$ The University of Southern California Law ReviewC D#l 86 "681. ,arch 2013. A*a+la1le *+a ;eE+'F
The current re@+&e =#r re@ulat+n@ #=='h#re aquaculture nee5' t# 1e re*+'e5. There +' n# lea5 =e5eral
a@ency =#r re@ulat+n@ #=='h#re aquaculture an5 n# c#&/rehen'+*e la2 5+rectly a55re''+n@ h#2 +t 'h#ul5 1e
[G699] a5&+n+'tere5C re@ulate5C an5 &#n+t#re5. ,ult+/le =e5eral a@enc+e' are then le=t t# a''ert the+r
auth#r+ty t# re@ulate 5+==erent a'/ect' #= #=='h#re aquaculture un5er a *ar+ety #= eE+'t+n@ la2' that 2ere
n#t 5e'+@ne5 =#r th+' /ur/#'e. n92 Th+' 'y'te& can lea5 t# 1#th #*erre@ulat+#n #= '#&e a'/ect' #= the
+n5u'tryC 'uch a' #*erla//+n@ /er&+tt+n@ requ+re&ent'C a' 2ell a' un5erre@ulat+#n #= #ther a'/ect'C 'uch
a' the e==ect' #= e'ca/e5 =ar&e5 =+'h #n natural ec#'y'te&'. ?urther&#reC 1ecau'e n#ne #= the eE+'t+n@
la2' 2ere 5e'+@ne5 t# 5eal '/ec+=+cally 2+th aquacultureC &any are le=t *ulnera1le t# challen@e a' /r#/er
le@al 1a'e' =#r re@ulat#ry auth#r+ty.H A. A5&+n+'trat+*e B*erla/ Create' Iatchy 3e@ulat+#nH A nu&1er #=
=e5eral a@enc+e' ha*e +n*#-e5 auth#r+ty t# re@ulate aquaculture act+*+t+e' +n =e5eral 2ater' un5er *ar+#u'
'tatut#ry auth#r+t+e': )IA un5er the Clean .ater ActC the )n5an@ere5 0/ec+e' ActC the "at+#nal
)n*+r#n&ental Ir#tect+#n ActC the Bcean :u&/+n@ ActC an5 the ?e5eral In'ect+c+5eC ?un@+c+5eC an5
3#5ent+c+5e ActJ "BAA un5er the ,a@nu'#nF0te*en' ?+'hery C#n'er*at+#n an5 ,ana@e&ent ActC the
"at+#nal ,ar+ne 0anctuar+e' ActC the ,ar+ne ,a&&al Ir#tect+#n ActC the ?+'h an5 .+l5l+=e C##r5+nat+#n
Act an5 the )n5an@ere5 0/ec+e' ActJ Ar&y C#r/' #= )n@+neer' un5er the 3+*er' an5 %ar1#r' Act an5 the
Buter C#nt+nental 0hel= ;an5' ActJ 6.0. C#a't Auar5 un5er the 3+*er' an5 %ar1#r' ActJ the ?+'h an5
.+l5l+=e 0er*+ce un5er the ?+'h an5 .+l5l+=e C##r5+nat+#n ActC the )n5an@ere5 0/ec+e' ActC an5 the ;acey
ActJ ?##5 an5 :ru@ A5&+n+'trat+#n un5er the ?##5C :ru@C an5 C#'&et+c ActJ an5 :e/art&ent #=
A@r+culture un5er the "at+#nal Aquaculture Act. 6n5er th+' /atchy re@ulat#ry 'che&eC each a@ency
+&/#'e' +t' #2n +n5e/en5ent requ+re&ent' 2+th l+ttle +ntera@ency c##/erat+#n #r c#lla1#rat+#n F re'ult+n@
+n 1#th #*erla//+n@ re@ulat#ry requ+re&ent' a' 2ell a' @a/' +n the re@ulat+#n #= certa+n 'er+#u'
en*+r#n&ental r+'-'.H The &#'t '+@n+=+cant c#n'equence #= all#2+n@ &ult+/le a@enc+e' t# +n*#-e
re@ulat#ry auth#r+ty #*er 5+==erent a'/ect' #= #=='h#re aquaculture +' that there +' currently n# central+Ke5
#r 'trea&l+ne5 /r#ce'' =#r #1ta+n+n@ a /er&+t t# #/erate a =ar& +n =e5eral 2ater'. n93 A' 5+'cu''e5 +n Iart
II.CC the /er&+tt+n@ /r#ce'' +' #=ten c+te5 a' the '+n@le @reate't c#n'tra+nt t# #=='h#re [G700] aquaculture
5e*el#/&ent. 8ecau'e there +' n# '/ec+=+c /er&+tt+n@ 'y'te& =#r #=='h#re aquacultureC &ult+/le a@enc+e'
ha*e +n*#-e5 the+r auth#r+ty t# requ+re /er&+t' =#r *ar+#u' a'/ect' #= the aquaculture act+*+t+e'. Th+'
c#&/leE &ult+a@ency /er&+tt+n@ 'y'te& +' c#n=u'+n@C t+&eFc#n'u&+n@C an5 c#'tly.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [&/18]
Contention T$o is 'arms. (u)#oint A is (cenario One: *nvironmental
1. (tatus quo aquaculture #olicies #romote overfishin! an $ill estroy the
environment + feeral re!ulations are %ey
(mith &,1&
[Turner. 9: ( %ar*ar5 ;a2 <2012>. !Areen+n@ the 8lue 3e*#lut+#n: %#2 %+'t#ry can In=#r& a 0u'ta+na1le
Aquaculture ,#*e&ent$ 2012 /5=C a*a+la1le
8e=#re 5el*+n@ +nt# an acc#unt #= the /re'ent 'tate an5 =uture challen@e' #= aquaculture +n the 6n+te5
0tate' +n Iart DC th+' Iart /au'e' t# 1r+e=ly 'u&&ar+Ke the 1ene=+t' an5 har&' #= the &#5ern aquaculture
+n5u'try. Th+' Iart a+&' t# @+*e the rea5er a 'en'e #= the rea'#n' aquaculture ha'C +n &ay re'/ect'
4u't+=+a1lyC 1ec#&e /#/ular a' an en*+r#n&entally 'u'ta+na1le '#urce =#r =+'h +n &#5ern t+&e'C an5 the
2ay' +n 2h+ch +t' /#/ular+ty &ay =#reca't '+@n+=+cant 5eter+#rat+#n t# the en*+r#n&ent an5 &ay ult+&ately
threaten the +n5u'tryO' c#&&erc+al *+a1+l+ty. The 'har/ r+'e +n /#/ular+ty #= aquaculture +' +n &any 2ay'
2ell =#un5e5 1ecau'e #= the '+@n+=+cant 1ene=+t' the +n5u'try ha' #*er ca/ture =+'her+e' an5 terre'tr+al
'#urce' #= /r#te+n. The 1ene=+t' #= =ar&Fra+'e5 =+'h are a1un5ant =r#& 1#th nutr+t+#nal an5 en*+r#n&ental
/er'/ect+*e'. Aquaculture ha' the /#tent+al t# a==#r5 'u1'tant+al nutr+t+#nal 1ene=+t' t# '#c+ety 1y
=ac+l+tat+n@ acce'' t# =+'hC /r#*+5+n@ =re'her an5 thu' &#re nutr+t+#u' =+'hC an5 /r#*+5+n@ an +nherently
health+er /r#5uct thr#u@h &an+/ulat+#n #= =+'h en*+r#n&ent' thr#u@h#ut the aquaculture /r#5uct+#n
/r#ce''. 8ecau'e aquaculture &ay 1e /ract+ce5 +n area' 2here =+'her+e' are a1'ent #r 52+n5l+n@C 'uch a'
/##r +nlan5 area' an5 #*er=+'he5 c#a'tal area'C aquaculture can /r#*+5e =+'h /r#te+n t# c#&&un+t+e' 2h#
2#ul5 #ther2+'e ha*e n#ne. Acce'' t# aquaculture /r#5uct' can /r#*+5e 'u1'tant+alC 'ta1le nutr+t+#nal
1ene=+t' t# +nlan5 c#&&un+t+e'C a' =+'h c#nta+n lar@e re'#urce' #= /r#te+nC an5 &any rea5+ly a*a+la1le
a&+n# ac+5'C +n c#&/ara1le quant+t+e' t# terre'tr+al /r#te+n '#urce' l+-e &eat an5 &+l-C 'uch a' ly'+neC
&eth+#n+neC an5 try/t#/han. 213 "a'h @#e' '# =ar a' t# cla+& that ![2]+th the+r un'aturate5 =at'C &+neral'C
an5 trace ele&ent'C all equally +&/#rtant t# the hu&an 5+etC =+'h an5 'hell=+'h are c#n'+5ere5 t# 1e al&#'t
a' 1ene=+c+al t# the 1#5y a' &#therO' &+l-.$ 214 In =actC =+'h &ay 1e health+er +n &any re'/ect' than
terre'tr+al =##5 '#urce'C a' =+'h #+l' ha*e &#re /#lyun'aturate5 c#&/#nent' than an+&al =at' an5 can hel/
t# re5uce the 1u+l5u/ #= ch#le'ter#l +n 1l##5.215 The h+@h c#ntent #= nF3 /#lyun'aturate5 =atty ac+5'
c#nta+ne5 +n aquaculture /r#5uct' are th#u@ht t# /re*ent car5+#*a'cular 5+'ea'e' an5 cancer'.216 )*en
2hen aquaculture =ac+l+t+e' are n#t l#cate5 near1yC aquaculture /r#5uct can #=ten 1e 'h+//e5 t# +nlan5
!=##5 5e'ert'$ &#re chea/lyC a' =ar&e5 =+'h are @enerally un+=#r& +n '+Ke '# n# '#rt+n@ +' requ+re5 t#
har*e't an5 'h+/ the /r#5uct t# /r#ce''#r'C 'tan5ar5 1#E '+Ke' &ay 1e u'e5C an5 /r#ce''+n@ 'te/' &ay 1e
aut#&ate5 1y u'+n@ &ach+ne' +n'tea5 #= &anual la1#r.217 ,#re#*erC =+'h =r#& aquaculture =ac+l+t+e' are
'#l5 #n the =re'h =+'h &ar-et' &#re #=ten than the+r 2+l5cau@ht c#unter/art'. 218 Bnly a th+r5 #= 2+l5F
cau@ht =+'h are '#l5 a' =re'h /r#5uct'C 2+th the re&a+n5er t2# th+r5' !/re'er*e5 +n '#&e 2ay +n can' #r
1#ttle'C #r re5uce5 +nt# c#&&erc+al =+'h &eal' an5 #+l'.$219 ,#re#*erC aquaculture /r#5uct' can 1e
+nherently &#re health=ul than /r#5uct =r#& ca/ture =+'her+e' 1ecau'e aquaculture =ac+l+t+e' can c#ntr#l
the quant+ty an5 qual+ty #= =ee5 the =+'h rece+*eC 2h+ch a==ect' the =at c#ntentC =la*#r+n@C an5 the c#l#r #=
=+'h /r#5uct'. 220 ?+nallyC aquaculture =ac+l+t+e'C e'/ec+ally cl#'e5Fcycle =ac+l+t+e'C can #=ten c#ntr#l
eE/#'ure #= culture5 =+'h /#/ulat+#n' t# t#E+n' l+-e &ercuryC 2h+ch +' #ne #= the &#'t /r#1le&at+c a'/ect'
#= =+'h c#n'u&/t+#n.221 Thu'C aquaculture ha' 'u1'tant+al nutr+t+#nal 1ene=+t' that are /#tent+ally &#re
'+@n+=+cant than /r#5uct =r#& ca/ture =+'her+e'.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [-/18]
(mith evience continues" no te.t elete/
++. )n*+r#n&ental 8ene=+t'
The /#tent+al en*+r#n&ental 1ene=+t' #= aquaculture are 'u1'tant+alC an5 acc#unt +n lar@e /art =#r the
'ur@e +n /#/ular+ty #= the +n5u'tryC a' 5el+neate5 a1#*e. The &#'t #1*+#u' 1ene=+t +' that 'u'ta+na1ly
=ar&e5 aquaculture /r#5uct can re5uce 5e&an5 =#r /r#5uct =r#& ca/ture =+'her+e'. In the 6n+te5 0tate'C
a' 5+'cu''e5 a1#*eC #*er=+'h+n@ ha' 1ec#&e a lar@e /r#1le&J acc#r5+n@ t# the Ie2 C#&&+''+#n +n 2001
30.6 /ercent #= -n#2n 2+l5 =+'h 't#c-' are eE/er+enc+n@ #*er=+'h+n@ #r are #*er=+'he5.222 T# the eEtent
that aquaculture +' /er=#r&e5 +n a 'u'ta+na1le &annerC a' 5+'cu''e5 1el#2C +t can ea'e /re''ure #n 2+l5
=+'h 't#c-' 1y c#nt+nu+n@ t# 'u//ly /r#5uct t# 'at+'=y a lar@e /ercenta@e #= 6.0. 5e&an5 =#r =+'h.
,#re#*erC aquaculture can hel/ natural =+'h /#/ulat+#n' 1y /r#*+5+n@ ha1+tat =#r natural '/ec+e' +n
art+=+c+al 2etlan5' create5 1y aquaculture act+*+t+e'C 1y /r#5uc+n@ e@@'C =ryC an5 4u*en+le' t# enhance =+'h
't#c-'C an5 1y /re'er*+n@ 1+#5+*er'+ty thr#u@h 't#c-Fra+'+n@ /r#@ra&'. 223 Aquaculture /r#5uct+#n al'#
ha' 'e*eral #ther 'u1'tant+al en*+r#n&ental 1ene=+t' relat+*e t# #ther =##5 '#urce'. Aquaculture 2a'te'C +=
han5le5 /r#/erlyC can 1e recycle5 a' nutr+entF5en'e =ert+l+Ker =#r a@r+cultural /r#5uct'C hy5r#/#n+c
#/erat+#n'C #r natural #r c#n'tructe5 2etlan5'C there1y re5uc+n@ the nee5 =#r /etr#leu&F1a'e5
=ert+l+Ker.224 Aquaculture #/erat+#n' can recycle 2a'te' =r#& #ther +n5u'tr+e'C l+-e the a@r+culture an5
ca/ture =+'her+e'C 1y u'+n@ th#'e 2a'te' +n the+r =ee5'.225 Aquaculture can 1ene=+t =r#& heat 2a'te =r#&
+n5u'tr+al /lant'226 an5 can e*en =ee5 #== #= an5 clean'e hu&an 2a'te'. ?#r eEa&/leC =+'h =ar&' +n
Calcutta !=ee5 #n the 600 &+ll+#n l+tre' #= ra2 'e2a@e that '/e2' =r#& [the c+ty] e*ery 5ayC turn+n@ a
health r+'- +nt# a *alua1le ur1an cr#/.$227 Acc#r5+n@ t# the .#rl5 .atch In't+tuteC ![t]he re't#rat+*e
/#tent+al #= =+'h =ar&+n@ +' *a't an5 . . . can 1e harne''e5 t# &ult+/ly eel@ra'' 1e5'C &an@r#*e 'ee5l+n@'C
an5 #ther l#'t ec#'y'te&'.$228 ,#re#*erC '#&e nutr+ent e==luent +' actually 1ene=+c+al t# 1enth+c
c#&&un+t+e'C an5 eEce''+*e nutr+ent e==luent can 1e c#unteracte5 += the =+'h =ar& =ac+l+t+e' c#eE+'t 2+th
'hell=+'h #r 'ea2ee5 culture #/erat+#n'C 2h+ch re&#*e nutr+ent' =r#& 'urr#un5+n@ 2ater'.229 The'e
'u1'tant+al en*+r#n&ental 1ene=+t' &a-e aquaculture 'ee& l+-e an #1*+#u' ch#+ceC e'/ec+ally 2hen the
alternat+*e '#urce #= /r#te+n 2#ul5 1e =r#& #*er=+'he5 2+l5 't#c-' #r /##rly treate5C en*+r#n&entally
har&=ul l+*e't#c-.230 %#2e*erC nearly all #= the 1ene=+t' 5el+neate5 a1#*e requ+re @##5 =a+th /lann+n@C
&#n+t#r+n@C an5 #/erat+#n #n the /art #= =ac+l+ty #2ner' an5 #/erat#r' 2+th an eye t#2ar5 &a+nta+n+n@
'u'ta+na1leC en*+r#n&entally =r+en5ly =ac+l+t+e'J a' the neEt 'ect+#n 5e'cr+1e'C th#u@hC en*+r#n&entally
c#n'c+#u' aquaculture #/erat+#n +' =ar =r#& the n#r&.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [4/18]
&. 0nsustaina)le overfishin! #ractices are the num)er one threat to the overall
health of the ocean
:en##n 2006
[:an+el. )n*+r#n&ental 3e/#rter =#r C80 "e2'C c+t+n@ .#r&C a Ih: +n 8+#l#@y at the 6n+*er'+ty #= %al+=aE. !0alt
.ater ?+'h )Et+nct+#n 0een 1y 2048$ CBS NewsC 11/2/2006. A*a+la1le *+a ;eE+'F"eE+']
The a/#caly/'e ha' a ne2 5ate: 2048. ThatP' 2hen the 2#rl5P' #cean' 2+ll 1e e&/ty #= =+'hC /re5+ct' an
+nternat+#nal tea& #= ec#l#@+'t' an5 ec#n#&+'t'. The cau'e: the 5+'a//earance #= '/ec+e' 5ue t#
#*er=+'h+n@C /#llut+#nC ha1+tat l#''C an5 cl+&ate chan@e. The 'tu5y 1y 8#r+' .#r&C Ih:C #= :alh#u'+e
6n+*er'+ty +n %al+=aEC "#*a 0c#t+aC FF 2+th c#llea@ue' +n the 6.7.C 6.0.C 02e5enC an5 Iana&a FF 2a' an
e==#rt t# un5er'tan5 2hat th+' l#'' #= #cean '/ec+e' &+@ht &ean t# the 2#rl5. The re'earcher' analyKe5
'e*eral 5+==erent -+n5' #= 5ata. )*en t# the'e ec#l#@yF&+n5e5 'c+ent+'t'C the re'ult' 2ere an un/lea'ant
'ur/r+'e. QI 2a' 'h#c-e5 an5 5+'tur1e5 1y h#2 c#n'+'tent the'e tren5' are FF 1ey#n5 anyth+n@ 2e
'u'/ecte5CQ .#r& 'ay' +n a ne2' relea'e. QTh+' +'nPt /re5+cte5 t# ha//en. Th+' +' ha//en+n@ n#2CQ 'tu5y
re'earcher "+c#la 8eau&#ntC Ih:C #= the Ily&#uth ,ar+ne ;a1#rat#ryC 6.7.C 'ay' +n a ne2' relea'e. QI=
1+#5+*er'+ty c#nt+nue' t# 5ecl+neC the &ar+ne en*+r#n&ent 2+ll n#t 1e a1le t# 'u'ta+n #ur 2ay #= l+=e.
In5ee5C +t &ay n#t 1e a1le t# 'u'ta+n #ur l+*e' at allCQ 8eau&#nt a55'. Alrea5yC 29R #= e5+1le =+'h an5
'ea=##5 '/ec+e' ha*e 5ecl+ne5 1y 90R FF a 5r#/ that &ean' the c#lla/'e #= the'e =+'her+e'. 8ut the +''ue
+'nPt 4u't ha*+n@ 'ea=##5 #n #ur /late'. Bcean '/ec+e' =+lter t#E+n' =r#& the 2ater. They /r#tect 'h#rel+ne'.
An5 they re5uce the r+'-' #= al@ae 1l##&' 'uch a' the re5 t+5e. QA lar@e an5 +ncrea'+n@ /r#/#rt+#n #= #ur
/#/ulat+#n l+*e' cl#'e t# the c#a'tJ thu' the l#'' #= 'er*+ce' 'uch a' =l##5 c#ntr#l an5 2a'te 5et#E+=+cat+#n
can ha*e 5+'a'tr#u' c#n'equence'CQ .#r& an5 c#llea@ue' 'ay. The re'earcher' analyKe5 5ata =r#& 32
eE/er+&ent' #n 5+==erent &ar+ne en*+r#n&ent'. They then analyKe5 the 1C000Fyear h+'t#ry #= 12 c#a'tal
re@+#n' ar#un5 the 2#rl5C +nclu5+n@ 0an ?ranc+'c# an5 Che'a/ea-e 1ay' +n the 6.0.C an5 the A5r+at+cC
8alt+cC an5 "#rth 'ea' +n )ur#/e. "eEtC they analyKe5 =+'hery 5ata =r#& 64 lar@e &ar+ne ec#'y'te&'.
An5 =+nallyC they l##-e5 at the rec#*ery #= 48 /r#tecte5 #cean area'. The+r 1#tt#& l+ne: )*eryth+n@ that
l+*e' +n the #cean +' +&/#rtant. The 5+*er'+ty #= #cean l+=e +' the -ey t# +t' 'ur*+*al. The area' #= the #cean
2+th the &#'t 5+==erent -+n5' #= l+=e are the health+e't. 8ut the l#'' #= '/ec+e' +'nPt @ra5ual. ItP' ha//en+n@
=a't FF an5 @ett+n@ =a'terC the re'earcher' 'ay. .#r& an5 c#llea@ue' call =#r 'u'ta+na1le =+'her+e'
&ana@e&entC /#llut+#n c#ntr#lC ha1+tat &a+ntenanceC an5 the creat+#n #= &#re #cean re'er*e'. Th+'C they
'ayC +'nPt a c#'tJ +tP' an +n*e't&ent that 2+ll /ay #== +n l#2er +n'urance c#'t'C a 'u'ta+na1le =+'h +n5u'tryC
=e2er natural 5+'a'ter'C hu&an healthC an5 &#re. QItP' n#t t## late. .e can turn th+' ar#un5CQ .#r& 'ay'.
Q8ut le'' than 1R #= the @l#1al #cean +' e==ect+*ely /r#tecte5 r+@ht n#2.Q .#r& an5 c#llea@ue' re/#rt the+r
=+n5+n@' +n the "#*. 3 +''ue #= 0c+ence.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [1/18]
-. That estruction of the ocean is an e.istential ris% + the health of the sustaina)le
fishin! is vital to every s#ecies on earth
2auly &,,3
[:an+el. Ir#=e''#r at the ?+'her+e' Centre #= the 6n+*er'+ty #= 8r+t+'h C#lu&1+a. !Aquacaly/'e "#2.$ 9/28/2009
The 4+@C h#2e*erC +' nearly u/. In 1950C the ne2ly c#n't+tute5 ?##5 an5 A@r+culture Br@an+Kat+#n <?AB> #=
the 6n+te5 "at+#n' e't+&ate5 thatC @l#1allyC 2e 2ere catch+n@ a1#ut 20 &+ll+#n &etr+c t#n' #= =+'h <c#5C
&ac-erelC tunaC etc.> an5 +n*erte1rate' <l#1'terC 'qu+5C cla&'C etc.>. That catch /ea-e5 at 90 &+ll+#n t#n'
/er year +n the late 1980'C an5 +t ha' 1een 5ecl+n+n@ e*er '+nce. ,uch l+-e ,a5#==O' +n=a&#u' #/erat+#nC
2h+ch requ+re5 a c#n'tant +n=luE #= ne2 +n*e't&ent' t# @enerate !re*enue$ =#r /a't +n*e't#r'C the @l#1al
=+'h+n@F+n5u'tr+al c#&/leE ha' requ+re5 a c#n'tant +n=luE #= ne2 't#c-' t# c#nt+nue #/erat+#n. In'tea5 #=
re'tr+ct+n@ +t' catche' '# that =+'h can re/r#5uce an5 &a+nta+n the+r /#/ulat+#n'C the +n5u'try ha' '+&/ly
=+'he5 unt+l a 't#c- +' 5e/lete5 an5 then &#*e5 #n t# ne2 #r 5ee/er 2ater'C an5 t# '&aller an5 'tran@er
=+'h. An5C 4u't a' a I#nK+ 'che&e 2+ll c#lla/'e #nce the /##l #= /#tent+al +n*e't#r' ha' 1een 5ra+ne5C '# t##
2+ll the =+'h+n@ +n5u'try c#lla/'e a' the #cean' are 5ra+ne5 #= l+=e. 6n=#rtunatelyC +t +' n#t 4u't the =uture #=
the =+'h+n@ +n5u'try that +' at 'ta-eC 1ut al'# the c#nt+nue5 health #= the 2#rl5O' lar@e't ec#'y'te&. .h+le
the cl+&ate cr+'+' @ather' =r#ntF/a@e attent+#n #n a re@ular 1a'+'C /e#/leFFe*en th#'e 2h# /r#=e'' @reat
en*+r#n&ental c#n'c+#u'ne''FFc#nt+nue t# eat =+'h a' += +t 2ere a 'u'ta+na1le /ract+ce. 8ut eat+n@ a tuna
r#ll at a 'u'h+ re'taurant 'h#ul5 1e c#n'+5ere5 n# &#re en*+r#n&entally 1en+@n than 5r+*+n@ a %u&&er
#r har/##n+n@ a &anatee. In the /a't 50 year'C 2e ha*e re5uce5 the /#/ulat+#n' #= lar@e c#&&erc+al =+'hC
'uch a' 1lue=+n tunaC c#5C an5 #ther =a*#r+te'C 1y a 'ta@@er+n@ 90 /ercent. Bne 'tu5yC /u1l+'he5 +n the
/re't+@+#u' 4#urnal 0c+enceC =#reca't thatC 1y 2048C all c#&&erc+al =+'h 't#c-' 2+ll ha*e !c#lla/'e5C$
&ean+n@ that they 2+ll 1e @enerat+n@ 10 /ercent #r le'' #= the+r /ea- catche'. .hether #r n#t that
/art+cular yearC #r e*en 5eca5eC +' c#rrectC #ne th+n@ +' clear: ?+'h are +n 5+re /er+lC an5C += they areC then '#
are 2e. The eEtent #= the =+'her+e'O I#nK+ 'che&e elu5e5 @#*ern&ent 'c+ent+'t' =#r &any year'. They ha5
l#n@ 'tu5+e5 the health #= =+'h /#/ulat+#n'C #= c#ur'eC 1ut ty/+callyC la1#rat#r+e' 2#ul5 =#cu' #nly #n the
'/ec+e' +n the+r nat+#nO' 2ater'. An5 th#'e 'tu5y+n@ a /art+cular '/ec+e' +n #ne c#untry 2#ul5
c#&&un+cate #nly 2+th th#'e 'tu5y+n@ that 'a&e '/ec+e' +n an#ther. Thu'C they =a+le5 t# n#t+ce an
+&/#rtant /attern: I#/ular '/ec+e' 2ere 'equent+ally re/lac+n@ each #ther +n the catche' that =+'her+e'
2ere re/#rt+n@C an5C 2hen a '/ec+e' =a5e5C 'c+ent+=+c attent+#n 'h+=te5 t# the re/lace&ent '/ec+e'. At any
@+*en &#&entC 'c+ent+'t' &+@ht ac-n#2le5@e that #neFhal= #r t2#Fth+r5' #= =+'her+e' 2ere 1e+n@
#*er=+'he5C 1utC 2hen the 't#c- #= a /art+cular =+'h 2a' u'e5 u/C +t 2a' '+&/ly re&#*e5 =r#& the
5en#&+nat#r #= the =ract+#n. ?#r eEa&/leC the %u5'#n 3+*er 'tur@e#n 2a'nOt c#unte5 a' an #*er=+'he5
't#c- #nce +t 5+'a//eare5 =r#& "e2 S#r- 2ater'J +t '+&/ly 1eca&e an anec5#te +n the h+'t#r+cal rec#r5.
The 1a'el+ne' 4u't -e/t 'h+=t+n@C all#2+n@ u' t# c#nt+nue 1l+thely 5a&a@+n@ &ar+ne ec#'y'te&'.
It 2a' n#t unt+l the 1990' that a 'er+e' #= h+@hF/r#=+le 'c+ent+=+c /a/er' 5e&#n'trate5 that 2e nee5e5 t#
'tu5yC an5 &+t+@ateC =+'h 5e/let+#n' at the @l#1al le*el. They 'h#2e5 that /hen#&ena /re*+#u'ly #1'er*e5
at l#cal le*el'FF=#r eEa&/leC the 5+'a//earance #= lar@e '/ec+e' =r#& =+'her+e'O catche' an5 the+r
re/lace&ent 1y '&aller '/ec+e'FF2ere al'# #ccurr+n@ @l#1ally. It 2a' a real+Kat+#n a-+n t# un5er'tan5+n@
that the =+nanc+al &elt5#2n 2a' 5ue n#t t# the =a+lure #= a '+n@le 1an-C 1utC ratherC t# the =a+lure #= the
ent+re 1an-+n@ 'y'te&FFan5 +t 5re2 a l#t #= c#ntr#*er'y. The n#t+#n that =+'h are @l#1ally +&/er+le5 ha'
1een challen@e5 +n &any 2ay'FF/erha/' &#'t n#ta1ly 1y =+'her+e' 1+#l#@+'t'C 2h# ha*e que't+#ne5 the
=act'C the t#neC an5 e*en the +nte@r+ty #= th#'e &a-+n@ 'uch alle@at+#n'.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [4/18]
2auly evience continues" no te.t elete/
?+'her+e' 1+#l#@+'t' are 5+==erent than &ar+ne ec#l#@+'t' l+-e &y'el=. ,ar+ne ec#l#@+'t' are c#ncerne5
&a+nly 2+th threat' t# the 5+*er'+ty #= the ec#'y'te&' that they 'tu5yC an5 '#C they =requently 2#r- +n
c#ncert 2+th en*+r#n&ental "AB' an5 are #=ten =un5e5 1y /h+lanthr#/+c =#un5at+#n'. 8y c#ntra'tC
=+'her+e' 1+#l#@+'t' tra5+t+#nally 2#r- =#r @#*ern&ent a@enc+e'C l+-e the "at+#nal ,ar+ne ?+'her+e' 0er*+ce
at the C#&&erce :e/art&entC #r a' c#n'ultant' t# the =+'h+n@ +n5u'tryC an5 the+r ch+e= @#al +' t# /r#tect
=+'her+e' an5 the =+'her&en they e&/l#y. I &y'el= 2a' tra+ne5 a' a =+'her+e' 1+#l#@+'t +n Aer&anyC an5C
2h+le they 2#ul5 5+'/ute th+'C the a@enc+e' =#r 2h+ch &any #= &y =#r&er cla''&ate' 2#r- clearly ha*e
1een ca/ture5 1y the +n5u'try they are 'u//#'e5 t# re@ulate. Thu'C there are =+'her+e' 'c+ent+'t' 2h#C =#r
eEa&/leC 2r+te that c#5 ha*e !rec#*ere5$ #r e*en !5#u1le5$ the+r nu&1er' 2henC +n =actC they ha*e
+ncrea'e5 &erely =r#& 1 /ercent t# 2 /ercent #= the+r #r+@+nal a1un5ance +n the 1950'. SetC 5e'/+te the+r
5+==erent +ntere't' an5 /r+#r+t+e'FFan5 5e'/+te the+r 5+'a@ree&ent' #n the !en5 #= =+'h$FF&ar+ne ec#l#@+'t'
an5 =+'her+e' 'c+ent+'t' 1#th 2ant there t# 1e &#re =+'h +n the #cean'. IartlyC th+' +' 1ecau'e 1#th are
'c+ent+'t'C 2h# are eE/ecte5 t# c#nce5e 2hen c#n=r#nte5 2+th 'tr#n@ e*+5ence. An5C +n the ca'e #=
=+'her+e'C a' 2+th @l#1al 2ar&+n@C the e*+5ence +' #*er2hel&+n@: 0t#c-' are 5ecl+n+n@ +n &#'t /art' #= the
2#rl5. An5C ult+&atelyC the +&/#rtant r+=t +' n#t 1et2een the'e t2# @r#u/' #= 'c+ent+'t'C 1ut 1et2een the
/u1l+cC 2h+ch #2n' the 'eaO' re'#urce'C an5 the =+'h+n@F+n5u'tr+al c#&/leEC 2h+ch nee5' =re'h ca/+tal =#r
+t' I#nK+ 'che&e. The 5+==+culty l+e' +n =#rc+n@ the =+'h+n@F+n5u'tr+al c#&/leE t# catch =e2er =+'h '# that
/#/ulat+#n' can re1u+l5. It +' e''ent+al that 2e 5# '# a' qu+c-ly a' /#''+1le 1ecau'e the c#n'equence' #=
an en5 t# =+'h are =r+@ht=ul. T# '#&e .e'tern nat+#n'C an en5 t# =+'h &+@ht '+&/ly 'ee& l+-e a cul+nary
cata'tr#/heC 1ut =#r 400 &+ll+#n /e#/le +n 5e*el#/+n@ nat+#n'C /art+cularly +n /##r A=r+can an5 0#uth
A'+an c#untr+e'C =+'h are the &a+n '#urce #= an+&al /r#te+n. .hatO' &#reC =+'her+e' are a &a4#r '#urce #=
l+*el+h##5 =#r hun5re5' #= &+ll+#n #= /e#/le. A recent .#rl5 8an- re/#rt =#un5 that the +nc#&e #= the
2#rl5O' 30 &+ll+#n '&allF'cale =+'her+e' +' 'hr+n-+n@. The 5ecrea'e +n catch ha' al'# 5ealt a 1l#2 t# a /r+&e
'#urce #= =#re+@nFeEchan@e earn+n@'C #n 2h+ch +&/#*er+'he5 c#untr+e'C ran@+n@ =r#& 0ene@al +n .e't
A=r+ca t# the 0#l#&#n I'lan5' +n the 0#uth Iac+=+cC rely t# 'u//#rt the+r +&/#rt' #= 'ta/le' 'uch a' r+ce.
An5C #= c#ur'eC the en5 #= =+'h 2#ul5 5+'ru/t &ar+ne ec#'y'te&' t# an eEtent that 2e are #nly n#2
1e@+nn+n@ t# a//rec+ate. Thu'C the re&#*al #= '&all =+'h +n the ,e5+terranean t# =atten 1lue=+n tuna +n
/en' +' cau'+n@ the !c#&&#n$ 5#l/h+n t# 1ec#&e eEcee5+n@ly rare +n '#&e area'C 2+th l#cal eEt+nct+#n
/r#1a1le. Bther &ar+ne &a&&al' an5 'ea1+r5' are '+&+larly a==ecte5 +n *ar+#u' /art' #= the 2#rl5.
,#re#*erC the re&#*al #= t#/ /re5at#r' =r#& &ar+ne ec#'y'te&' ha' e==ect' that ca'ca5e 5#2nC lea5+n@ t#
the +ncrea'e #= 4elly=+'h an5 #ther @elat+n#u' K##/lan-t#n an5 t# the @ra5ual er#'+#n #= the =##5 2e1
2+th+n 2h+ch =+'h /#/ulat+#n' are e&1e55e5. Th+' +' 2hat ha//ene5 #== the c#a't #= '#uth2e'tern A=r+caC
2here an u/2ell+n@ ec#'y'te& '+&+lar t# that #== Cal+=#rn+aC /re*+#u'ly 5#&+nate5 1y =+'h 'uch a' ha-e
an5 'ar5+ne'C ha' 1ec#&e #*errun 1y &+ll+#n' #= t#n' #= 4elly=+'h.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [5/18]
(u)#oint 6 is (cenario T$o: *conomic 7ro$th.
1. 8ac% of a ro)ust national aquaculture sector causes seafoo im#ort reliance +
this is a su)stantial rain on the overall health of the economy
Cor)in &,1,
[9#hn. Ire'+5ent #= the Aquaculture Ilann+n@ an5 A5*#cacy ;;C. !0u'ta+na1le 60 ,ar+ne Aquaculture )E/an'+#nC a
"ece''+ty$ Marine Technology Society JournalC 9une 2010. A*a+la1le t# 0u1'cr+1+n@ In't+tut+#n' *+a )1'c#h#'t]
B*erallC th+' 5+'cu''+#n +n5+cate' that the 6.0. 'ea=##5 ec#n#&y <ca/ture an5 culture /r#5uct' an5 ra2
&ater+al'> +n t#tal &a-e' a '+@n+=+cant 5+rect ec#n#&+c +&/act #n A&er+can c#&&erce each yearC e*en
2+th#ut ta-+n@ +nt# acc#unt the ec#n#&+c +&/act' #= 'ec#n5ary +n5u'tr+e' <e.@.C 'ea=##5 2h#le'aler' an5
reta+ler'C tran'/#rtat+#n an5 't#ra@e /r#*+5er'C har1#r 'u//#rt =ac+l+t+e' /r#*+5er'C etc.>. The t#tal *alue #=
eE/#rte5 <e5+1le an5 n#ne5+1le> =+'hery /r#5uct' /lu' the t#tal *alue #= +&/#rte5 /r#5uct' 2a' T51.9
1+ll+#n +n 2008. ?r#& an#ther /er'/ect+*eC 5#&e't+c =+'hery lan5+n@' an5 aquaculture /r#5uct+#n
<=re'h2ater an5 &ar+ne '#urce'> ha5 an e't+&ate5 *alue #= T5.4 1+ll+#n +n 2008 <",?0C 2009a>.
The c#ntr+1ut+#n #= &ar+ne recreat+#nal =+'h+n@ t# /r#*+5+n@ =+'h =#r the A&er+can 5+et 'h#ul5 n#t 1e
#*erl##-e5 +n a 5+'cu''+#n #= 'ea=##5 'u//ly. In 2008C al&#'t 12 &+ll+#n an@ler' '/ent T30 1+ll+#n #n
nearly 85 &+ll+#n &ar+ne recreat+#nal =+'h+n@ tr+/' #n the Atlant+cC Aul=C an5 Iac+=+c C#a't'. The t#tal
&ar+ne catch 2a' c#n'er*at+*ely e't+&ate5 at nearly 464 &+ll+#n =+'hC #= 2h+ch al&#'t 58R 2ere relea'e5.
T#tal har*e't 2e+@ht 2a' e't+&ate5 at 112C217 &t <248 &+ll+#n /#un5'>C 2h+ch 2#ul5 ha*e ha5 a
5+'/r#/#rt+#nately h+@her +&/act #n the 5+et' #= re'+5ent' #= c#a'tal 'tate' 2here the =+'h+n@ act+*+ty
#ccurre5 <",?0C 2009a> an5 2here 50R #= the 6.0. /#/ulat+#n l+*e' 2+th+n 80 -& <50 &+le'> #= the c#a't
<6.0. C#&&+''+#n #n Bcean I#l+cy [60CBI]C 2004>. It +' rele*ant t# n#te that #= the t#/ 10 recreat+#nal
'/ec+e' +n 2008C 'e*en <'tr+/e5 1a''C '/#tte5 'ea tr#utC yell#2 =+n tunaC re5 5ru&C 5#l/h+n =+'hC 'u&&er
=l#un5erC an5 1lac- 5ru&> are a&#n@ the tar@et' #= /u1l+c 'ect#rC /r+*ate 'ect#rC an5 un+*er'+ty
aquaculture re'earch #r =le5@l+n@ &ar+ne 't#c- enhance&ent e==#rt' <",?0C 2009aJ "BAAC 2009a>.
,ar+ne 't#c- enhance&ent #= recreat+#nal an5 c#&&erc+al =+'her+e' +' +n the /r#ce'' #= 1e+n@ rec#@n+Ke5
a' a *alua1le t##l =#r =+'her+e' &ana@er'. ,#re r#1u't 5#&e't+c c#a'tal an5 #cean =+'her+e' c#ul5 a55
'+@n+=+cantly t# 'ea=##5 'u//l+e' an5 eE/an5 the ec#n#&y 2h+le hel/+n@ /re'er*e A&er+caO' l#n@ an5
cher+'he5 cultural her+ta@e +n =+'h+n@ <60CBIC 2004>. ?+ll+n@ A&er+caO' =uture 'ea=##5 requ+re&ent' 1y a
@reater rel+ance #n +&/#rt' 'h#ul5 1e c#n'+5ere5 +n the c#nteEt #= @l#1al 'ea=##5 'u//ly an5 5e&an5
/r#4ect+#n' a' 2ell a' /#tent+al &ar-et =#rce'. Aquaculture ha' 1een the =a'te't @r#2+n@ 'e@&ent #= 2#rl5
=##5 /r#5uct+#nC eE/an5+n@ an a*era@e #= 9R /er year '+nce 1950C alth#u@h the rate ha' 1een 'l#2+n@ +n
recent year'. ,ar+ne ca/ture =+'her+e' 'u//l+e'Ur#u@hly 90R #= the t#tal 'u//l+e' =r#& =+'her+e'C 2+th the
1alance =r#& +nlan5 =+'her+e'U1e@an t# le*el #== +n the late 1980' at ar#un5 90 &&t <198 1+ll+#n /#un5'>
/er year. 0+nce thenC *+rtually all +ncrea'e' +n 'ea=##5 'u//l+e' ha*e 1een thr#u@h eE/an'+#n #= =re'h2ater
an5 &ar+ne aquacultureC 2+th &ar+ne =ar&+n@ c#ntr+1ut+n@ r#u@hly 38R #r 19 &&t <41 1+ll+#n /#un5'> +n
2006 <?ABC 20091>. A' the @l#1al hu&an /#/ulat+#n @r#2'C 5e&an5 =#r aquat+c /r#te+n 2+ll &#'t
certa+nly +ncrea'e 1ecau'e #= the cr+t+cal c#ntr+1ut+#n #= 'ea=##5 t# the 5+et' #= the 5e*el#/e5 an5
5e*el#/+n@ c#untr+e' ar#un5 the 2#rl5 <?ABC 20091>. :e&an5 /r#4ect+#n' *ary 2+th t+&e =ra&e an5
a&#unt'C 1ut all c#nclu5e that &uch &#re 'u//ly 2+ll 1e nee5e5 an5 =uture +ncrea'e' &u't c#&e =r#&
aquaculture +n all +t' =#r&'. Bne 'tu5y +n5+cate' that 4u't t# &a+nta+n current le*el' #= 2#rl52+5e /er
ca/+ta c#n'u&/t+#nC aquaculture 2+ll nee5 t# reach 80 &&t <176.8 1+ll+#n /#un5'> 1y 2050 #r 60R &#re
than +t' /re'ent a&#unt <?ABC 2003>.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [8/18]
Cor)in evience continues" no te.t elete/
Bther e't+&ate' =#reca't a /#tent+al +ncrea'e +n 2#rl5 /er ca/+ta c#n'u&/t+#n =r#& 16 -@ <35.4 l1> t# 21 -@
<46.4 l1> an5 2.3 1+ll+#n a55+t+#nal /e#/leC requ+r+n@ an a55+t+#nal 40 &&t <88.4 1+ll+#n /#un5'> t# 60
&&t <132.6 1+ll+#n /#un5'> =r#& aquaculture /r#5uct+#n 1y 2030 <0+l*aC 2001>. A &#re ur@ent 2#rl5
'ea=##5 5e&an5 /r#4ect+#n +' /r#*+5e5 1y :el@a5# et al. <2003>C 2h# =#reca't the nee5 =#r 1et2een 68.6
&&t <151 1+ll+#n /#un5'> an5 83.6 &&t <184 1+ll+#n /#un5'> =r#& aquaculture /r#5uct+#n 1y 2020C
2h+ch tran'late' t# 1et2een 18.3 &&t <40 1+ll+#n /#un5'> an5 33 &&t <72.8 1+ll+#n /#un5'> &#re than
2007 'u//l+e' +n 4u't 13 year' <",?0C 2009a>. I&/#rtantlyC the'e auth#r' al'# que't+#n += &eet+n@
+ncrea'e' +n 'u//l+e' thr#u@h @reater aquaculture /r#5uct+#n +' /#''+1leC 2+th the eE+'t+n@ tren5' +n
5e*el#/&entC re'#urce u'eC an5 techn#l#@y +nten'+=+cat+#n +n the @l#1al +n5u'try <:el@a5# et al.C 2003J
?ABC 20091>. The+r '-e/t+c+'& 'ee&' 2arrante5 u/#n =urther c#n'+5erat+#nJ =#r eEa&/leC an aquaculture
/r#5uct+#n +ncrea'e 1et2een 18.3 an5 33 &&t +n 13 year' 2#ul5 &ean an eE/an'+#n #= al&#'t 1 t# 1.5
t+&e' the '+Ke #= the 'al&#n +n5u'try +n 2006 <*#lu&e at 1.65 &&t #r 3.64 &+ll+#n /#un5'> +n each #= the
neEt 13 year'. A 5aunt+n@ ta'- at 1e'tV "#ta1lyC the @l#1al 'al&#n aquaculture +n5u'try t##- #*er 20 year'
t# @r#2 =r#& 80 th#u'an5 &etr+c t#n' <t&t> <17.6 &+ll+#n /#un5'> t# 1.65 &&t +n 2006 <A'che an5
T*etera'C 2009>. ?uture 6.0. 'ea=##5 5e&an5 ha' 'e*eral +&/#rtant 5r+*er' @#+n@ =#r2ar5C na&elyC
/r#4ecte5 /#/ulat+#n @r#2th an5 the c#nt+nue5 an5 @r#2+n@ /#/ular+ty #= 'ea=##5 a' a /r#te+n ch#+ce 1y
c#n'u&er'C 5ue +n lar@e /art t# tren5' +n 1uy+n@ l#callyC 'ee-+n@ *ar+etyC an5 eat+n@ =#r 1etter health.
The 6.0. /#/ulat+#n +' eE/ecte5 t# @r#2 =r#& 302 &+ll+#n /e#/le +n 2008 t# 341 &+ll+#n /e#/le +n 2020
an5 374 &+ll+#n +n 2030 <6.0. Cen'u' 8ureauC 2009>. 6'+n@ the 2008 c#n'u&/t+#n *alue #= 7.2 -@ <16 l1>
/er /er'#n an5 a current nat+#nal c#n'u&/t+#n =+@ure #= a//r#E+&ately 2.17 &&t <4C896 &+ll+#n /#un5'
#= e5+1le 2e+@ht2> /er year a' a 1ench&ar-C the nece''ary 'ea=##5 'u//ly 4u't t# &a+nta+n the 2008 /er
ca/+ta *alue 2#ul5 1e 2.46 &&t <5C437 &+ll+#n /#un5'> +n 2020 an5 2.69 &&t <5C945 &+ll+#n /#un5'> +n
2030. Ta-+n@ +nt# acc#unt the +ncrea'+n@ /#/ular+ty #= 'ea=##5C /art+cularly a&#n@ certa+n
5e&#@ra/h+c'C /r#4ecte5 5e&an5 c#ul5 1e e*en h+@her. ?#r eEa&/leC the A&er+can %eart A''#c+at+#n ha'
a5*#cate5 that A&er+can' 'h#ul5 eat 'ea=##5 t2+ce a 2ee- rather than the current a*era@e #= #nce a 2ee-C
an5 th+' 2#ul5 +ncrea'e current 5e&an5 1y 0.68 &&t <1.5 1+ll+#n /#un5'> <60CBIC 2004>. 3ecent
e't+&ate' +n5+cate that 1y 2020C /er ca/+ta c#n'u&/t+#n *alue' c#ul5 +ncrea'e =r#& 7.2 -@ <16 l1> t# 8.6
-@ <19 l1> <An5er'#n an5 0ha&'ha-C 2008>. The +ncrea'e' +n /#/ulat+#n an5 /er ca/+ta c#n'u&/t+#n
c#ul5 /u'h the a&#unt #= 'ea=##5 nee5e5 t# 2.93 &&t <6C475 &+ll+#n /#un5'> +n 2020 an5 3.33 &&t
<7C359 &+ll+#n /#un5'> +n 2030 #r 1 &&t &#re than t#5ay. The A&er+can 'ea=##5 /r#5uct+#nC /r#ce''+n@C
an5 5+'tr+1ut+#n +n5u'try an5 +t' /#l+t+cal 'u//#rter' an5 reta+l cu't#&er' are =ac+n@ a cr+t+cal ch#+ce t#
&eet /r#4ecte5 5e&an5. )+ther eE/an5 'u'ta+na1le 5#&e't+c '#urce' #= 'ea=##5 thr#u@h @reater
aquaculture /r#5uct+#n an5 @reater =+'her+e' &ana@e&entC re't#rat+#nC an5 enhance&ent act+*+t+e' #r rely
=urther #n +&/#rt'C lar@ely =r#& 5e*el#/+n@ c#untr+e'. It +' +&/#rtant t# eEa&+ne '#&e cr+t+cal +''ue'C
#ther than 1a'+c @l#1al 'ea=##5 'u//lyC that are relate5 t# the /#tent+al l#n@Fter& 'u'ta+na1+l+ty an5
'ta1+l+ty #= the 6.0. #/t+#n #= +&/#rt+n@ 'u1'tant+al a&#unt' #= 'ea=##5 #*er the neEt t2# 5eca5e'.
An5er'#n an5 0ha&'ha- <2008> /r#*+5e *alua1le +n'+@ht +nt# the c#&/leE+tyC +n'ta1+l+tyC an5 =arFreach+n@
+&/act' #= the @l#1al 'ea=##5 +n5u'try. They character+Ke the +n5u'try a' =#ll#2': The @l#1al 'ea=##5
+n5u'try +' the &#'t c#&/leE an5 5+*er'e an+&al /r#te+n 'ect#rC 2+th #*er 800 '/ec+e' tra5e5C ran@+n@
=r#& urch+n' t# #y'ter' t# '2#r5=+'h. The +n5u'try u'e' har*e't+n@ techn#l#@+e' that 5ate 1ac- th#u'an5'
#= year' a' 2ell a' ca/ture an5 culture techn#l#@+e' that are a&#n@ the &#'t a5*ance5 +n the 2#rl5.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [3/18]
Cor)in evience continues" no te.t elete/
Internat+#nal tra5e +n 'ea=##5 +' *alue5 at &#re than t2+ce the tra5e +n all #ther &eat' an5 /#ultry
c#&1+ne5. The +n5u'try +' =ra@&ente5 2+th ten' #= th#u'an5' #= c#&/an+e' '/rea5 ar#un5 the 2#rl5.
The +n5u'try =ace' the &#'t 1ureaucrat+c an5 +ne==+c+ent re@ulat#ry en*+r#n&entC relat+*e t# any #ther
=##5 'ect#r. Ca/ture =+'her+e' are -n#2n t# 2a'te '+@n+=+cant re'#urce' thr#u@h 1yFcatch an5 +ne==+c+ent
/r#ce''+n@. ,#re#*erC the +n5u'try thr#u@h#ut +t' h+'t#ry ha' #=ten 1een /la@ue5 2+th eEce'' ca/ac+tyC
#*erca/+tal+Kat+#nC an5/#r re@ulate5 +ne==+c+ency. 0ea=##5 +' tra5e5 +n a @l#1al &ar-et/lace that lac-'
tran'/arency. Accurate an5 t+&ely +n=#r&at+#n a1#ut /r+ce' an5 &ar-et c#n5+t+#n' +' 5+==+cult t# #1ta+n #r
n#neE+'tent. The auth#r' c#nclu5e thatC !All the'e =act#r' re'ult +n a 'ea=##5 'ect#r 2h+ch +' h+@hly
*#lat+le c#&/are5 2+th #ther an+&al /r#te+n 'ect#r'. The =act#r' a1#*e un5er&+ne e==+c+encyC &ar-et
/lann+n@C an5 &ar-et 5e*el#/&ent.$ In a55+t+#n t# the /#tent+ally 5+'ru/t+*e =act#r' &ent+#ne5 a1#*eC
2h+ch are l+-ely t# c#nt+nue =#r the =#re'eea1le =utureC there are #ther +&/#rtant rea'#n' 2hy &a+nta+n+n@
6.0. acce''+1+l+ty t# a5equate 'ea=##5 +&/#rt' &ay 1e *+e2e5 a' a !r+'-y /r#/#'+t+#n$ #*er the l#n@ ter&.
0trate@+callyC the +&/#rtant 'u//ly que't+#n +': C#ul5 the a5equacy #= 'ea=##5 'u//l+e' =r#& +&/#rt'C +n
2hat alrea5y +' a *#lat+le @l#1al &ar-et/laceC 1e 4e#/ar5+Ke5 1y the ant+c+/ate5 +ncrea'e' +n re@+#nal
c#&/et+t+#n =#r /r#5uctC the @r#2th #= &e@a c+t+e' +n 'ea=##5 '#urce re@+#n'C Ch+naO' 5#&+nance +n the
'ea=##5 tra5eC an5 the +ncrea'+n@ l+-el+h##5 #= un=#re'een @e#/#l+t+cal e*ent' an5 5+'/ute'M ?+'hery
/r#5uct' are e''ent+al c#&&#5+t+e' =#r 1#th 5e*el#/+n@ an5 5e*el#/e5 c#untr+e'C an5 re@+#nal
c#&/et+t+#n =#r 'ea=##5 '#urce' can 1e eE/ecte5 t# +ncrea'e +n the 5eca5e' t# c#&e. Ier ca/+ta aquat+c
/r#te+n c#n'u&/t+#n @l#1ally ha' 1een r+'+n@ the la't =e2 5eca5e'C 2+th e't+&ate' =#r 2006 at 16.7 -@
<35.9 l1>. I&/#rtantlyC =+'h t#5ay /r#*+5e &#re than 3 1+ll+#n /e#/le 2+th 15R #r &#re #= the+r annual
an+&al /r#te+n c#n'u&/t+#n <?ABC 20091>. :e*el#/+n@ c#untr+e' +n the A'+aFIac+=+c re@+#n acc#unte5 =#r
a//r#E+&ately 79R #= @l#1al =+'hery /r#5uct+#n +n 2006 <ca/ture an5 culture '#urce'>C an5 th+' *alue +'
eE/ecte5 t# +ncrea'e 2+th t+&e <?ABC 20091>. 9a/anC the 6n+te5 0tate'C an5 the )ur#/ean 6n+#n are the
&a4#r &ar-et' =#r the+r eE/#rt'C 2+th a '+@n+=+cant t#tal &ar-et 'hare #= 72R #= the t#tal 2006 *alue. .+th
re'/ect t# aquaculture /r#5uct+#n al#neC the A'+aFIac+=+c re@+#n t#5ay /r#5uce' 90R #= the =ar&e5 =##5
an5 80R #= the 2#rl5 *alue. The re@+#nO' 5#&+nance a' a cr+t+cal 'u//l+er #= culture5 /r#5uct' +' eE/ecte5
t# c#nt+nue 2ell +nt# th+' century <?ABC 20091>. 0e*eral e&er@+n@ tren5' +n A'+a c#ul5 5+rect 'ea=##5
'u//l+e' a2ay =r#& the eE/#rt channel' t# the 6n+te5 0tate'C that +'C create a &#re c#&/et+t+*e re@+#nal
en*+r#n&ent =#r /r#5uct'. The &a4#r+ty #= the 2#rl5O' /#/ulat+#n +ncrea'e +n the neEt 20 year' 2+ll #ccur
+n the A'+aFIac+=+c re@+#nC an5 +t +' ant+c+/ate5 that the re@+#nal culture' at all le*el' #= the ec#n#&+c
'/ectru& 2+ll &a+nta+n the+r /re=erence' =#r 'ea=##5J =#r eEa&/leC /er ca/+ta c#n'u&/t+#n a&#unt' +n
h+@her +nc#&e c#untr+e' are eE/ecte5 t# c#nt+nue t# @r#2. 3+'+n@ 'tan5ar5' #= l+*+n@C +ncrea'+n@ +nc#&e'C
an5 5+*er'+=+cat+#n #= 5+et' +n 'electe5 /art' #= the re@+#n are eE/ecte5 t# &a+nta+n an5/#r eE/an5 5e&an5
=#r 'ea=##5 <?ABC 20091>. T# +llu'trateC A'+an c#untr+e'C #ther than Ch+naC eE/er+ence5 an +ncrea'e #= 5.9
-@ <13.0 l1> +n /er ca/+ta c#n'u&/t+#n 1et2een 2003 an5 2007 <9#hn'#nC 2008>. An#ther n#ta1le tren5
that 2+ll &#5+=y 5+etary /attern' an5 +n=luence the @l#1al 5+'tr+1ut+#n #= 'ea=##5 +' the ur1an+Kat+#n #= the
2#rl5 /#/ulat+#nC that +'C the &#*e&ent #= /e#/le +nt# &e@ac+t+e' l#cate5 +n )ur#/eC A'+aC A=r+caC an5
"#rth an5 0#uth A&er+ca. In 2008C a &+le't#ne 2a' reache5 2hen &#re #= the 2#rl5O' /#/ulat+#n l+*e5 +n
c+t+e' than +n rural en*+r#n&ent'. 8y 2050C the ur1an /#/ulat+#n 2+ll 5#u1le =r#& 3.3 1+ll+#n +n 2007 t#
6.4 1+ll+#n #r t2# th+r5' #= the t#tal /r#4ecte5 2#rl5 /#/ulat+#n #= 9.2 1+ll+#n. The &a4#r+ty #= the @r#2th
2+ll 1e a1'#r1e5 1y c+t+e' +n le''er 5e*el#/+n@ c#untr+e' <?ABC 20091>.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [1,/18]
Cor)in evience continues" no te.t elete/
C+ty 52eller' are /r#4ecte5 t# ha*e @reater 2ealthC +ncrea'e5 5+etary ch#+ce'C an5 +&/r#*e5 a1+l+ty t# /ay
=#r 2hat they 2ant. ?urtherC a' n#te5 1y ?ABC e==+c+ently /r#*+5+n@ qual+ty =re'h /r#5uct' t# the'e ur1an
&ar-et' u'ually requ+re' /r#5uct+#n ca/ac+ty 1e+n@ relat+*ely near1y <?ABC 20091>. A 'cenar+# can 1e
en*+'+#ne5 2here re@+#nal aquaculture /r#5ucer' an5 =+'her' 2+ll 2ant t# /re=erent+ally 'er*e &ar-et' +n
the &e@ac+t+e' rather than 'er*e 5+'tant eE/#rt cu't#&er' 2+th l#2er *alue =r#Ken /r#5uct'. Th+'
/re'u&/t+#n +' 'u//#rte5 1y recent 6.0. +&/#rt 'tat+'t+c' that +n5+cate #*er 75R #= =+'h /r#5uct' entere5
the c#untry =r#Ken an5 =r#& a' =ar a2ay a' A'+aC 2h+le =re'h =+'h ca&e =r#& near1y c#untr+e' +n the
.e'tern %e&+'/here <)30C 2009>. The Ie#/le' 3e/u1l+c #= Ch+naO' ra/+5 tran'+t+#n t# a &ar-etF1a'e5
ec#n#&y ha' 1een eEtra#r5+nary. The c#untryO' =#cu' #n &#5ern+Kat+#n an5 +ncrea'+n@ 2#rl5 tra5e ha'
&a5e +t the &#'t +n=luent+al nat+#n +n A'+a an5 an +&/#rtant tra5+n@ /artner =#r A&er+can +n5u'try. Ch+na
al'# ha' 1ec#&e a h#l5er #= '+@n+=+cant a&#unt' #= 6.0. currency <=#re+@n eEchan@e re'er*e'> an5 nat+#nal
5e1tC 1#th h+@hly 'en'+t+*e /#l+t+cal +''ue' <"a+'1ett an5 "a+'1ettC 2010>. .+th re'/ect t# =+'hery /r#5uct'
an5 'ea=##5C Ch+na ha' 1ec#&e a 5#&+nant /layer +n 2#rl5 &ar-et'C an5 the c#untry 2+ll ha*e a &a4#rC
l#n@Fter& +n=luence #n the /r#5uct+#n an5 5+'tr+1ut+#n #= 'ea=##5 ar#un5 the 2#rl5 <9#hn'#nC 2009>.
C#n'+5er the'e 'tat+'t+c' a1#ut Ch+na an5 the @l#1al 'ea=##5 +n5u'try: Ch+na 2a' the lar@e't /r#5ucer
#= =+'her+e' /r#5uct' +n the 2#rl5 +n 2006 2+th a t#tal #= 46 &&t: 14.7 &&t <32.5 &+ll+#n /#un5'> =r#&
ca/ture an5 31.4 &&t <69.4 &+ll+#n /#un5'> =r#& aquaculture. T#tal =+'hery /r#5uct' /r#5uct+#n +' #*er
'+E t+&e' the neEt lea5+n@ c#untryC In5+a <",?0C 2009a>. Ch+na +' the @l#1al lea5er +n aquaculture
/r#5uct+#nC 'u//ly+n@ 67R #= the 2#rl5 'u//ly #= =+'h an5 'hell=+'h +n 2006 an5 49R #= the *alue.
?r#& 1970 t# 2006C Ch+naO' aquaculture /r#5uct+#n +ncrea'e5 at an annual a*era@e #= 11.2R. %#2e*erC
recently the @r#2th rate ha' 5ecl+ne5 t# 5.8R =r#& 17.3R +n the 1980' t# 14.3R +n the 1990'. 0+nce
2002C Ch+na ha' 1een the 2#rl5O' lar@e't eE/#rter #= =+'h an5 =+'hery /r#5uct'C *alue5 at T9.3 1+ll+#n +n
2007 <?ABC 20091>. .+th re'/ect t# Ch+naO' @r#2+n@ 5+rect +n=luence #n the 6.0. 'ea=##5 +n5u'tryC
c#n'+5er the'e re/#rte5 5ata <",?0C 2009a>: B*er the /er+#5 1998 t# 2007C 6.0. +&/#rt' #= =+'h an5
'ea=##5 =r#& Ch+na +ncrea'e5 =r#& T289.5 &+ll+#n t# T1.5 1+ll+#n. In 2008C Ch+na acc#unte5 =#r 22R #=
e5+1le an5 n#ne5+1le =+'hery +&/#rt'C *alue5 at T4.1 1+ll+#n. In ter&' #= e5+1le =+'hery /r#5uct'
+&/#rte5 +n 2008C Ch+na acc#unte5 =#r #*er 523C000 &tC *alue5 at T2.2 1+ll+#n. Ch+na rece+*e5 19R #=
all 6.0. =+'her+e' /r#5uct eE/#rt' <e5+1le an5 n#ne5+1le> *alue5 at T2.5 1+ll+#n. .+th Ch+naO' =un5a&ental
+&/#rtance t# @l#1al 'ea=##5 'u//ly an5 5e&an5C n#t #nly t# =ee5 +t'el= 1ut al'# t# 'u//ly &a4#r
+&/#rt+n@ c#untr+e' l+-e the 6n+te5 0tate'C +t +' 5+'tur1+n@ that the 6n+te5 "at+#n' ?ABUthe -ee/er #=
2#rl5 =+'hery an5 aquaculture 'tat+'t+c'Ulac-' c#n=+5ence +n Ch+naO' =+'hery 'tat+'t+c'C /art+cularly =#r
aquaculture /r#5uct+#n. ?AB 'tate5 +n 2009C !There are c#nt+nue5 +n5+cat+#n' that ca/ture =+'her+e' an5
aquaculture /r#5uct+#n 'tat+'t+c' =#r Ch+na &ay 1e t## h+@h an5 the /r#1le& ha' eE+'te5 '+nce the early
90'.$ Ch+ne'e #==+c+al' ha*e recently +n5+cate5 they are 2#r-+n@ t# re*+'e 5#2n2ar5 =+'hery an5
aquaculture 'tat+'t+c'J =#r eEa&/leC +n 2008 Ch+na re/#rte5 re5uce5 t#tal =+'hery an5 aquaculture
/r#5uct+#n =#r 2006 #= &#re than 10R <?ABC 20091>. The'e @lar+n@ uncerta+nt+e' ha*e 'er+#u'
+&/l+cat+#n' =#r the /re5+cta1+l+ty an5 'ta1+l+ty #= =uture 'ea=##5 +&/#rt' t# the 6n+te5 0tate'. ?+nallyC the
2#rl5O' 'ea=##5 +&/#rter' are lar@ely 'u//l+e5 1y 5e*el#/+n@ c#untr+e' that are +nherently &#re
*ulnera1le t# the @e#/#l+t+cal e*ent' an5 1+lateral an5 &ult+lateral 5+'/ute' c#&&#n t#5ay. T# un5er'c#re
the +nherent =ra@+l+ty #= 'u//l+e'C +t +' e't+&ate5 that u/ t# 75R #= @l#1al aquaculture /r#5uct+#n c#&e'
=r#& &+ll+#n' #= '&allF'cale =ar&'C 2+th the &a4#r+ty l#cate5 +n A'+a <?ABC 2009a>. ?urtherC c#ncern'
currently eE+'t that alth#u@h A'+an /r#5uct+#n ha' ra/+5ly eE/an5e5C re@ulat#ry 'tan5ar5' that en'ure a
1a'+c le*el #= c#&/l+ance 2+th =ee5 a55+t+*e u'a@e are la@@+n@ 1eh+n5J that +'C '&all =ar&er' are #=ten n#t
a2are #= c#&&#n =##5 'a=ety +''ue' <TanC 2009>. ?#r eEa&/leC +n 2007 the 6.0. ?##5 an5 :ru@
A5&+n+'trat+#n ann#unce5 1r#a5er +&/#rt c#ntr#l' #n all =ar& ra+'e5 aquat+c /r#5uct' =r#& Ch+na 5ue t#
re'+5ue' =r#& 5ru@' n#t 6.0. a//r#*e5 <BCAC 2009>.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [11/18]
Cor)in evience continues" no te.t elete/
The ?AB l+'t' 4u't '#&e &a4#r recurr+n@ +''ue' that can +&/act +nternat+#nal tra5e +n =+'hery /r#5uct' a'
=#ll#2' <?ABC 2009a>: <1> +ntr#5uct+#n 1y 1uyer' an5 +nternat+#nal reta+ler' #= /r+*ate 'tan5ar5' =#r =##5
'a=ety an5 qual+tyC an+&al healthC en*+r#n&ental 'u'ta+na1+l+tyC an5 '#c+al /ur/#'e'J <2> tra5e 5+'/ute'C
=#r eEa&/leC 'hr+&/C 'al&#nC an5 cat=+'h.J <3> u'e #= ec#la1el' an5 cert+=+cat+#n requ+re&ent' 1y reta+ler'J
<4> eE/an'+#n #= re@+#nal tra5e area' an5 re@+#nal an5 1+lateral tra5e a@ree&ent'J an5 <5> r+'+n@ ener@y
/r+ce' an5 the+r +&/act #n =+'her+e' an5 aquaculture. In 'u&&aryC the +ne*+ta1le @e#/#l+t+cal ten'+#n'
#*er nat+#nal 'el=F+ntere't an5 @l#1al =+nanc+al &ar-et'C tra5eC ener@yC hu&an r+@ht'C an5 nat+#nal 'ecur+ty
+''ue'C et al.C c#ul5 =requently an5 'u1'tant+ally 5+'ru/t the =l#2 #= =uture 'ea=##5 +&/#rt' +nt# the 6n+te5
0tate'C 2+th ra/+5 an5 la't+n@ ne@at+*e c#n'equence' t# the &ult+1+ll+#n 5#llarC nat+#n2+5e 'ea=##5
ec#n#&y. ?utur+'t'C 'uch a' ;e'ter 8r#2nC /#+nt t# @l#1al =##5 'ecur+ty a' the 2ea- l+n- +n 'ucce''=ully
=ee5+n@ the 2#rl5O' @r#2+n@ /#/ulat+#n. %e 'tate'C !?##5 'ecur+ty 2+ll 5eter+#rate =urther unle'' lea5+n@
c#untr+e' c#llect+*ely &#1+l+Ke t# 'ta1+l+Ke /#/ulat+#nC 'ta1+l+Ke cl+&ateC 'ta1+l+Ke aqu+=er'C c#n'er*e '#+l'C
an5 /r#tect cr#/lan5$ <8r#2nC 2009>. The +ne'ca/a1le c#nclu'+#n +' that =uture 6.0. +&/#rt' are
*ulnera1le t# &a4#r 5+'ru/t+#n a' the 2#rl5 ne@#t+ate' the challen@e' #= ach+e*+n@ a 'u'ta+na1le 21't
century '#c+etyC @+*en the +&/#rtance #= +nternat+#nal tra5e +n 'ea=##5J the que't+#na1le a1+l+ty =#r A'+an
c#untr+e'C /art+cularly Ch+naC t# &eet /r#5uct+#n /r#4ect+#n'J the @r#2+n@ /re''ure' #n the =l#2 #=
/r#5uct' +n @l#1al 'u//ly net2#r-'J an5 the 5e/en5ency #= 5e*el#/+n@ c#untr+e' #n 'ea=##5 =#r 1a'+c
aquat+c /r#te+n. Increa'e5 'ea=##5 'ecur+tyC 5e=+ne5 a' 'el=F'u==+c+ency t# &a+nta+n a5equate 'u//l+e' =#r
5#&e't+c u'eC 'h#ul5 1e tar@ete5 a' a cr+t+cal /#l+cy +''ue =#r hel/+n@ &a+nta+n a *+1rant an5 5+*er'e
nat+#nal ec#n#&yC a healthy an5 /r#5uct+*e #cean en*+r#n&entC an5 a r#1u't qual+ty #= l+=e =#r
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [1&/18]
&. *conomic ecline ris%s !reat #o$er conflict as a result of iversionary $ar
9oyal &,1,
[9e5e5+ahC :+rect#r #= C##/erat+*e Threat 3e5uct+#n at the 6.0. :e/art&ent #= :e=en'eC )c#n#&+c' #= .ar an5
Ieace: )c#n#&+cC ;e@alC an5 I#l+t+cal Ier'/ect+*e'C /@ 213F215]
;e'' +ntu+t+*e +' h#2 /er+#5' #= ec#n#&+c 5ecl+ne &ay +ncrea'e the l+-el+h##5 #= eEternal c#n=l+ct. I#l+t+cal
'c+ence l+terature ha' c#ntr+1ute5 a &#5erate 5e@ree #= attent+#n t# the +&/act #= ec#n#&+c 5ecl+ne an5
the 'ecur+ty an5 5e=en'e 1eha*+#r #= +nter5e/en5ent 'tate'. 3e'earch +n th+' *e+n ha' 1een c#n'+5ere5 at
'y'te&+cC 5ya5+c an5 nat+#nal le*el'. 0e*eral n#ta1le c#ntr+1ut+#n' =#ll#2. ?+r'tC #n the 'y'te&+c le*elC
I#ll+n' <2008> a5*ance' ,#5el'-+ an5 Th#&/'#nO' <1996> 2#r- #n lea5er'h+/ cycle the#ryC =+n5+n@ that
rhyth&' +n the @l#1al ec#n#&y are a''#c+ate5 2+th the r+'e an5 =all #= a /reFe&+nent /#2er an5 the
#=ten1l##5y tran'+t+#n =r#& #ne /reFe&+nent lea5er t# the neEt. A' 'uchC eE#@en#u' 'h#c-' 'uch a'
ec#n#&+c cr+'e' c#ul5 u'her +n a re5+'tr+1ut+#n #=relat+*e /#2er <'ee al'# A+l/+nC 1981> that lea5' t#
uncerta+nty a1#ut /#2er 1alance'C +ncrea'+n@ the r+'- #= &+'calculat+#n <?ear#n 1995>. Alternat+*elyC e*en
a relat+*ely certa+n re5+'tr+1ut+#n #= /#2er c#ul5 lea5 t# a /er&+''+*e en*+r#n&ent =#r c#n=l+ct' a' a r+'+n@
/#2er &ay 'ee- t# challen@e a 5ecl+n+n@ /#2er <.ernerC 1999>. 0e/aratelyC I#ll+n' <1996> al'# 'h#2' that
@l#1al ec#n#&+c cycle' c#&1+ne5 2+th /arallel lea5er'h+/ cycle' +&/act the l+-el+h##5 #= c#n=l+ct a&#n@
&a4#rC &e5+u& an5 '&all /#2er'C alth#u@h he 'u@@e't' that the cau'e' an5 c#nnect+#n' 1et2een @l#1al
ec#n#&+c c#n5+t+#n' an5 'ecur+ty c#n5+t+#n' re&a+n' un-n#2n. 0ec#n5C #n a 5ya5+c le*elC C#/elan5O'
<1996C 2000> the#ry #= tra5e eE/ectat+#n' 'u@@e't that !=uture eE/ectat+#n #= tra5e$ +' a '+@n+=+cant
*ar+a1le +n un5er'tan5+n@ ec#n#&+c c#n5+t+#n' an5 'ecur+ty 1eha*+#r #= 'tate'. %e ar@ue' that
+nter5e/en5ent 'tate' are l+-ely t# @a+n /ac+=+c 1ene=+t' =r#& tra5e '# l#n@ a' they ha*e an #/t+&+'t+c *+e2
#= =uture tra5e relat+#n'. %#2e*erC += the eE/ectat+#n' #= =uture tra5e 5ecl+neC /art+cularly =#r 5+==+cult t#
re/lace +te& 'uch a' ener@y re'#urce'C the l+-el+h##5 =#r c#n=l+ct +ncrea'e'C a' 'tate' 2+ll 1e +ncl+ne5 t# u'e
=#rce t# @a+n acce'' t# th#'e re'#urce'. Cr+'e' c#ul5 /#tent+ally 1e the tr+@@er =#r 5ecrea'e5 tra5e
eE/ectat+#n' e+ther #n +t' #2n #r 1ecau'e +t tr+@@er' /r#tect+#n+'t &#*e' 1y +nter5e/en5ent 'tate'. Th+r5C
#ther' ha*e c#n'+5ere5 the l+n- 1et2een ec#n#&+c 5ecl+ne an5 eEternal ar&e5 c#n=l+ct at a nat+#nal le*el.
8l#&1er@ an5 %e'' <2002> =+n5 a 'tr#n@ c#rrelat+#n 1et2een +nternal c#n=l+ct an5 eEternal c#n=l+ctC
/art+cularly 5ur+n@ /er+#5' #= ec#n#&+c 5#2nturn. They 2r+teC The l+n-a@e' 1et2een +nternal an5 eEternal
c#n=l+ct an5 /r#'/er+ty are 'tr#n@ an5 &utually re+n=#rc+n@. )c#n#&+c c#n=l+ct ten5' t# '/a2n +nternal
c#n=l+ctC 2h+ch +n turn return' the =a*#r. ,#re#*erC the /re'ence #= a rece''+#n ten5' t# a&/l+=y the eEtent
t# 2h+ch +nternat+#nal an5 eEternal c#n=l+ct' 'el=Fre+n=#rce each #ther. <8l#&1er@ an5 %e''C 2002C /. 89>
)c#n#&+c 5ecl+ne ha' al'# 1een l+n-e5 2+th an +ncrea'e +n the l+-el+h##5 #= terr#r+'& <8l#&1er@C %e''
an5 .eera/anaC 2004>C 2h+ch ha' the ca/ac+ty t# '/+ll acr#'' 1#r5er' an5 lea5 t# eEternal ten'+#n'.
?urther&#reC cr+'e' @enerally re5uce the /#/ular+ty #= a '+tt+n@ @#*ern&ent. !:+*er'+#nary the#ry$
'u@@e't' thatC 2hen =ac+n@ un/#/ular+ty ar+'+n@ =r#& ec#n#&+c 5ecl+neC '+tt+n@ @#*ern&ent' ha*e
+ncrea'e5 +ncent+*e' t# =a1r+cate eEternal &+l+tary c#n=l+ct' t# create a !rally ar#un5 the =la@$ e==ect. .an@
<1996>C :e3#uen <1995> an5 8l#&1er@C %e'' an5 Thac-er <2006> =+n5 'u//#rt+n@ e*+5ence 'h#2+n@ that
ec#n#&+c 5ecl+ne an5 u'e #= =#rce are at lea't +n5+rectly c#rrelate5. Ael/+ <1997>C ,+ller <1999>C an5
7+'an@an+ an5 I+c-er+n@ <2009> 'u@@e't that the ten5ency t#2ar5' 5+*er'+#nary tact+c' are @reater =#r
5e&#crat+c 'tate' than aut#crat+c 'tate' 5ue t# the =act the 5e&#crat+c lea5er' are @enerally &#re
'u'ce/t+1le t# 1e+n@ re&#*e5 =r#& #==+ce 5ue t# lac- #= 5#&e't+c 'u//#rt. :e :e3#uen <2000> ha'
/r#*+5e5 e*+5ence 'h#2+n@ that /er+#5' #= 2ea- ec#n#&+c /er=#r&ance +n the 6n+te5 0tate' an5 thu'
2ea- Ire'+5ent+al /#/ular+ty are 'tat+cally l+n-e5 t# an +ncrea'e +n the u'e #= =#rce.
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Aquaculture 1AC [1-/18]
Thus the #lan:
The 6n+te5 0tate' =e5eral @#*ern&ent 'h#ul5 /a'' the "at+#nal 0u'ta+na1le B=='h#re
Aquaculture Act.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [14/18]
Contention Three is (olvency:
1. 2assin! the :ational (ustaina)le Offshore Aquaculture Act creates an effective
national frame$or% for aquaculture + this #revents environmental ama!e an
solves economic !ro$th.
9#hn' 2013
[7r+'ten. 9: Can5+5ate at 60C ;a2 <Cla'' #= 2013>. !?ar& ?+'h+n@ %#le': Aa/' +n ?e5eral 3e@ulat+#n #= B=='h#re
Aquaculture$ The University of Southern California Law ReviewC D#l 86 "681. ,arch 2013. A*a+la1le *+a ;eE+'F
A. C#n@re'' 0h#ul5 )nact "e2 ;e@+'lat+#n Creat+n@ a "at+#nal B=='h#re Aquaculture ?ra&e2#r-. A ne2
an5 c#&/rehen'+*e =ra&e2#r- =#r re@ulat+n@ #=='h#re aquaculture +' nee5e5. %#2e*erC there +' &uch
5e1ate #*er h#2 th+' can 1e 1e't ach+e*e5. 0#&e #1'er*er' ar@ue that =e5eral a@enc+e' 'h#ul5 u'e [G713]
eE+'t+n@ 'tatut#ry auth#r+t+e' t# create an aquaculture =ra&e2#r-C n171 2h+le #ther' cla+& that C#n@re''
'h#ul5 enact ne2 le@+'lat+#n '/ec+=+cally a55re''+n@ #=='h#re aquaculture. n172 Th#'e +n =a*#r #= u'+n@
eE+'t+n@ la2' cla+& that the ,0A #r "at+#nal Aquaculture Act #= 1980 c#ul5 1e t2ea-e5 t# @+*e an a@ency
auth#r+ty t# 5e*el#/ an5 +&/le&ent a re@ulat#ry 'che&e =#r #=='h#re aquaculture. ?#r +n'tanceC "BAA
c#ul5 c#nt+nue t# u'e +t' auth#r+ty un5er ,0A t# a//r#*e aquaculture =+'hery &ana@e&ent /lan' that are
c#n'+'tent 2+th +t' ne2 "at+#nal Aquaculture I#l+cy. n173 %#2e*erC a' 5+'cu''e5 +n Iart III.8.3 a1#*eC
"BAAP' re@ulat#ry auth#r+ty un5er the ,0A +n the c#nteEt #= aquaculture +' #/en t# challen@e. T#
el+&+nate th+' a&1+@u+tyC '#&e ha*e 'u@@e'te5 that C#n@re'' '+&/ly a&en5 the ,0A t# +nclu5e
aquaculture a' a =+'h+n@ act+*+ty 'u14ect t# "BAA &ana@e&ent. %#2e*erC +t +' unl+-ely that th+' 2+ll
ha//en: C#n@re'' -ne2 #= "BAAP' /lan t# re@ulate aquaculture un5er the ,0A 2hen +t reauth#r+Ke5 the
Act +n 2007C yet 't+ll 5el+1erately eEclu5e5 aquaculture =r#& the ActP' 5e=+n+t+#n #= Q=+'h+n@ act+*+t+e'.Q
?urther&#reC e*en += "BAA ha5 auth#r+ty un5er the ,0A t# re@ulate aquaculture +n =e5eral 2ater'C a' +t
cla+&'C +t 2#ul5 't+ll n#t 1e a1le t# en=#rce re@ulat+#n' +n re@+#n' 2here the l#cal 3e@+#nal ?+'hery C#unc+l
ha' ch#'en n#t t# +&/le&ent an aquaculture /r#@ra& +nt# +t' ?,I. In5ee5C [G714] &#'t 3e@+#nal ?+'hery
C#unc+l' ha*e cla''+=+e5 aquaculture a' a n#n=+'h+n@ act+*+ty #ut'+5e the+r 4ur+'5+ct+#n #*er =+'her+e'. n175
?urther&#reC the "at+#nal Aquaculture I#l+cy /u1l+'he5 1y "BAA +n 2011 +' #nly &eant t# @u+5e th#'e
C#unc+l' ch##'+n@ t# +&/le&ent aquaculture /r#@ra&': +t ha' n# 1+n5+n@ e==ect an5 create' n#
en=#rcea1le 'tan5ar5' #r re@ulat+#n' #n e+ther a ?,I #r any /r+*ate aquaculture #/erat+#n. n176 Thu'C
the ,0A F e*en a&en5e5 F &ay n#t 1e the a//r#/r+ate '#urce =#r "BAA t# 1a'e +t' re@ulat#ry auth#r+ty
#*er aquaculture +n =e5eral 2ater'. Bther aca5e&+c' ar@ue that the "at+#nal Aquaculture Act #= 1980
c#ul5 1e u'e5 t# e'ta1l+'h an e==ect+*e re@ulat#ry =ra&e2#r- =#r #=='h#re aquaculture. Th+' Act &ay 1e an
+5eal 1a'+' =#r re@ulat#ry auth#r+ty 1ecau'e +t +' the #nly eE+'t+n@ =e5eral la2 '/ec+=+cally 5e'+@ne5 t#
a55re'' aquaculture. %#2e*erC '+nce +t' +nce/t+#n +n 1980C the Act ha' =a+le5 t# +n=luence aquaculture
re@ulat+#n +n any &ean+n@=ul 2ay. Alth#u@h +t create5 the 9#+nt 0u1c#&&+ttee #n Aquaculture <Q90AQ>C a
c##r5+nat+n@ 1#5y #= 'e*eral =e5eral a@enc+e'C an5 char@e5 that c#&&+ttee 2+th 5e*el#/+n@ a Qnat+#nal
aquaculture /lanCQ n177 the 90A ha' yet t# /r#&ul@ate any c#&/rehen'+*e re@ulat+#n' #r e*en reque't the
=un5' +t nee5' t# +&/le&ent the /lan. ?urther&#reC the Act /lace' the :e/art&ent #= A@r+culture <Q:AQ>
+n char@e #= the 90AC an a@ency 2+th l+ttle eE/er+ence #r eE/ert+'e 2hen +t c#&e' t# &ar+ne aquaculture. It
+' /#''+1le that C#n@re'' c#ul5 a&en5 the Act t# re5e'+@nate "BAA a' the lea5 a@ency #= the 90A.
%#2e*erC the 5#&e't+c aquaculture +n5u'try +' currently 5#&+nate5 1y #n'h#re #/erat+#n' F #nly 20
/ercent #= 6.0. =ar&' are l#cate5 +n the #cean. Th+' ar@ua1ly &a-e' the :AC @+*en +t' 4ur+'5+ct+#n #*er
a@r+cultural act+*+t+e' #n lan5C the a//r#/r+ate a@ency t# #*er'ee the 6.0. aquaculture +n5u'try +n +t'
/re'ent =#r&. n178 In5ee5C the :AP' 1u5@et =#r aquaculture re'earch +' &uch lar@er than "BAAP' F n#t
'ur/r+'+n@ @+*en that #n'h#re aquaculture #/erat+#n' &a-e u/ a lar@er /#rt+#n #= the 5#&e't+c
aquaculture +n5u'try than 5# &ar+ne =ar&'. n179
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Aquaculture 1AC [11/18]
;ohns evience continues" no te.t elete/
Th+' &a-e' +t unl+-ely that the Act 2+ll 1e re*+'e5 t# +5ent+=y "BAA a' lea5 =e5eral a@ency 2+th re'/ect t#
5#&e't+c aquaculture re@ulat+#n. 8ecau'e #= the c#ncern' eE/re''e5 a1#*eC eE+'t+n@ 'tatute' are n#t
a5equate 1a'e' #= auth#r+ty =#r +&/le&ent+n@ a =e5eral re@ulat#ry [G715] =ra&e2#r- =#r #=='h#re
aquaculture. In'tea5C C#n@re'' 'h#ul5 enact ne2 le@+'lat+#n that eE/l+c+tly create' a nat+#nal re@ulat#ry
=ra&e2#r-. 8el#2C I 2+ll 5+'cu'' 2hat a /r#/er =ra&e2#r- 'h#ul5 +nclu5e an5 5e'cr+1e /re*+#u' atte&/t'
t# +&/le&ent a &ar+ne aquaculture /#l+cy. I 2+ll c#nclu5e 1y en5#r'+n@ the "at+#nal 0u'ta+na1le B=='h#re
Aquaculture Act #= 2011 a' the +5eal /+ece #= le@+'lat+#n t# create 'uch a =ra&e2#r-. In 2003C the Ie2
Bcean' C#&&+''+#nC a 1+/art+'anC +n5e/en5ent @r#u/ #= A&er+can lea5er' +n 'c+enceC =+'h+n@C
c#n'er*at+#nC @#*ern&entC e5ucat+#n an5 1u'+ne''C rec#&&en5e5 that C#n@re'' +&/le&ent a Qne2
nat+#nal &ar+ne aquaculture /#l+cy 1a'e5 #n '#un5 c#n'er*at+#n /r+nc+/le' an5 'tan5ar5'.Q n180 ?+*e
year' laterC the 6.0. %#u'e #= 3e/re'entat+*e' C#&&+ttee #n "atural 3e'#urce' c#&&+''+#ne5 the
A#*ern&ent Acc#unta1+l+ty B==+ce <QAABQ> t# re'earch an5 re/#rt t# +t h#2 t# @# a1#ut 5e*el#/+n@ 'uch a
=ra&e2#r-. A=ter &eet+n@ 2+th a 2+5e *ar+ety #= +&/#rtant aquaculture 'ta-eh#l5er' an5 analyK+n@ la2'C
re@ulat+#n'C an5 'tu5+e'C the AAB +5ent+=+e5 the -ey +''ue' that 'h#ul5 1e a55re''e5 +n the 5e*el#/&ent #=
e==ect+*e re@ulat+#n. ?+r'tC the AAB n#te5 that +5ent+=y+n@ a lea5 =e5eral a@encyC a' 2ell a' clar+=y+n@ the
r#le' an5 re'/#n'+1+l+t+e' #= #ther rele*ant =e5eral a@enc+e'C 2a' central t# the a5&+n+'trat+#n #= an
#=='h#re aquaculture /r#@ra&. n181 0/ec+=+callyC &#'t 'ta-eh#l5er' +5ent+=+e5 "BAA a' the a//r#/r+ate
lea5 =e5eral a@ency 1ecau'e #= +t' eE/ert+'e +n =+'her+e' an5 #cean' &ana@e&ent. n182 In5ee5C &#'t
'ch#lar' an5 'c+ent+'t' a@ree that "BAA +' 1e't 'u+te5 =#r a''u&+n@ the r#le #= lea5 =e5eral a@ency 5ue t#
+t' l#n@ h+'t#ry #= &ana@+n@ #cean re'#urce' an5 +t' un+que /#'+t+#n+n@ thr#u@h the 3e@+#nal ?+'hery
C#unc+l' t# a55re'' the u'erFc#n=l+ct /r#1le&' a''#c+ate5 2+th any re'#urce /r#/#'al. A' #ne art+cle /ut +tC
QThere are #1*+#u' +&/act' #n 2+l5 ca/ture =+'her+e' an5 #n &ar+ne &a&&al' 2h+ch n# #ther =e5eral
a@ency c#ul5 &#re e==ect+*ely e*aluate.Q n183 The AAB al'# rec#&&en5e5 that a 'trea&l+ne5 /er&+tt+n@
'y'te& 1e create5 t# @+*e #=='h#re aquacultur+'t' the le@al r+@ht t# #ccu/y a @+*en area an5 t# e'ta1l+'h
ter&' an5 c#n5+t+#n' =#r #=='h#re aquaculture [G716] #/erat+#n'. n184 0ta-eh#l5er' a@a+n a@ree5 that
"BAA 'h#ul5 1e the /r+&ary a@ency t# &ana@e a /er&+tt+n@ #r lea'+n@ /r#@ra& =#r #=='h#re aquaculture
=ac+l+t+e'. n185 An#ther +&/#rtant a'/ect #= a re@ulat#ry =ra&e2#r- 2a' '#&e -+n5 #= /r#ce'' t# en'ure
/r#/er &ana@e&ent #= en*+r#n&ental +&/act'C e+ther 1y &an5at+n@ =ac+l+tyF1yF=ac+l+ty en*+r#n&ental
re*+e2 an5 &#n+t#r+n@C an5 / #r en=#rc+n@ /#l+c+e' &+t+@at+n@ the /#tent+al +&/act' #= e'ca/e5 =+'h an5
re&e5+at+n@ en*+r#n&ental 5a&a@e. n186 ?+nallyC a re@ulat#ry =ra&e2#r- &u't +nclu5e a =e5eral re'earch
c#&/#nent t# hel/ =+ll current @a/' +n -n#2le5@e a1#ut #=='h#re aquaculture. n187 A' #= 2013C C#n@re''
ha5 yet t# e'ta1l+'h 1y le@+'lat+#n any 'uch =ra&e2#r-. %#2e*erC th+' +' n#t t# 'ay that le@+'lat#r' ha*e n#t
tr+e5. 0e*eral 1+ll' ha*e c#&e 1e=#re the %#u'e thatC += enacte5C 2#ul5 'et u/ a c#&/rehen'+*e re@ulat#ry
=ra&e2#r- =#r #=='h#re aquaculture. 0# =arC C#n@re'' ha' =a+le5 t# ta-e the 1a+t. In 2005C /re''e5 1y
"BAAC C#n@re'' +ntr#5uce5 le@+'lat+#n that 2#ul5 '/ec+=+cally auth#r+Ke aquaculture +n =e5eral 2ater'.
The "at+#nal B=='h#re Aquaculture Act n188 2#ul5 ha*e create5 a re@ulat#ry =ra&e2#r- t# all#2 =#r 'a=e
an5 'u'ta+na1le aquaculture #/erat+#n' =#r =+'h an5 'hell=+'h +n 6.0. =e5eral 2ater'. n189 It =a+le5 t# /a''C
1ut +n 2007 2a' re+ntr#5uce5 1y 1#th the 0enate an5 the %#u'e #= 3e/re'entat+*e'. The 2007 *er'+#n
n190 5e'+@nate5 "BAA a' the lea5 =e5eral a@ency 2+th re'/ect t# #=='h#re re@ulat+#nC @+*+n@ +t the
auth#r+ty t# +''ue #=='h#re aquaculture /er&+t' an5 e'ta1l+'h en*+r#n&ental requ+re&ent'. The Act al'#
'tre''e5 the +&/#rtance #= +ntera@ency c#lla1#rat+#nC requ+r+n@ that "BAA 2#r- 2+th #ther =e5eral
a@enc+e' t# 5e*el#/ an5 +&/le&ent a c##r5+nate5 /er&+tt+n@ /r#ce'' =#r #=='h#re aquaculture. n191
?+nallyC +t &an5ate5 a re'earch an5 5e*el#/&ent /r#@ra& =#r all ty/e' #= &ar+ne aquaculture. n192
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [14/18]
;ohns evience continues" no te.t elete/
The 1+llC h#2e*erC 2a' challen@e5 1y a 2+5e array #= =+'h+n@C [G717] en*+r#n&entalC an5 c#n'u&er @r#u/'.
In a letter t# the %#u'e #= 3e/re'entat+*e'C en*+r#n&ental an5 =+'h+n@ a5*#cacy @r#u/' +nclu5+n@ the
Bcean C#n'er*ancyC 0+erra Clu1C In't+tute =#r ?+'her+e' 3e'#urce'C ?##5 W .ater .atchC an5 the Iac+=+c
C#a't ?e5erat+#n #= ?+'her&enP' A''#c+at+#n' 5eclare5 the+r #//#'+t+#n t# the 1+llC eE/la+n+n@ that +t
Qa//ear' t# /r#&#te aquaculture ... at the eE/en'e #= &ar+ne ec#'y'te&' an5 =+'h+n@ c#&&un+t+e'.Q n193
They =aulte5 the 1+ll =#r =a+l+n@ t# c#nta+n a5equate en*+r#n&ental 'tan5ar5' t# el+&+nate #r &+n+&+Ke the
har&' that aquaculture =ac+l+t+e' /#'e t# 2+l5 =+'h 't#c-C ec#'y'te&'C 2ater qual+ty an5 ha1+tatC &ar+ne
2+l5l+=eC an5 en5an@ere5 '/ec+e' an5 +n'tea5 &erely /r#/#'e5 that 'uch +&/act' 1e c#n'+5ere5 an5
a55re''e5 t# the eEtent nece''ary. In a 'e/arate re/#rt /u1l+'he5 1y ?##5 W .ater .atchC the Act 2a'
cr+t+c+Ke5 =#r +nclu5+n@ +na5equate &#n+t#r+n@ an5 =+'hFta@@+n@ /r#*+'+#n' an5 lac-+n@ 5e=+c+ent
&echan+'&' =#r en=#rce&ent an5 l+a1+l+ty. n194 ?urtherC the Act 5+5 n#t create a r+@ht #= act+#n =#r
c+t+Ken' t# en=#rce the 'tatuteC a /r#*+'+#n +nclu5e5 +n +&/#rtant en*+r#n&ental la2' 'uch a' the )0A an5
the C.AC an5 c#nta+ne5 n# lan@ua@e t# a55re'' l+a1+l+ty =#r 5a&a@e t# the &ar+ne #r hu&an
en*+r#n&ent. n195 6lt+&atelyC the 1+ll =a+le5 t# /a'' #ut #= the C#&&+ttee. In 2009C a=ter "BAA all#2e5
the Aul= #= ,eE+c# 3e@+#nal ?+'hery ,ana@e&ent C#unc+l t# +&/le&ent an #=='h#re aquaculture /r#@ra&
5e'/+te there 1e+n@ n# nat+#nal /r#@ra& t# re@ulate 'uch /r#4ect'C the "at+#nal 0u'ta+na1le B=='h#re
Aquaculture Act n196 2a' +ntr#5uce5. The 1+ll 2#ul5 ha*e auth#r+Ke5 aquaculture +n =e5eral 2ater'C 1ut
unl+-e the "at+#nal Aquaculture Act #= 2007C +t +nclu5e5 1+n5+n@ en*+r#n&entalC '#c+#ec#n#&+cC an5
l+a1+l+ty 'tan5ar5'. The Act 2#ul5 a@a+n auth#r+Ke "BAA a' the lea5 =e5eral a@ency =#r re@ulat+#nC @+*+n@
+t the auth#r+ty t# Q5eter&+ne a//r#/r+ate l#cat+#n' =#rC /er&+tC re@ulateC &#n+t#rC an5 en=#rce #=='h#re
aquaculture +n the [))X].Q n197 The Act 2#ul5 al'# requ+re "BAA t# +''ue le@ally 1+n5+n@ nat+#nal
'tan5ar5' an5 re@ulat+#n' t# /re*ent #r &+n+&+Ke +&/act' #n the &ar+ne ec#'y'te& an5 =+'her+e'. n198
?+nallyC +t 2#ul5 e'ta1l+'h a re'earch /r#@ra& Qt# @u+5e the /recaut+#nary [G718] 5e*el#/&ent #=
#=='h#re aquaculture +n the [))X] that en'ure' ec#l#@+cal 'u'ta+na1+l+ty an5 c#&/at+1+l+ty 2+th healthyC
=unct+#nal ec#'y'te&'.Q n199 The 1+llC +ntr#5uce5 1y a c#n@re''2#&an =r#& Cal+=#rn+aC 2a' &#5ele5 #==
the 'tateP' 0u'ta+na1le Bcean' Act #= 2006C 2h+ch e'ta1l+'he5 'tr+ct aquaculture re@ulat+#n'. n200
3e/re'entat+*e Ca//' 5eclare5 that a c#&/rehen'+*eC c#&&#n'en'e =ra&e2#r- &u't 1e create5 t# en'ure
that #=='h#re aquaculture 5e*el#/&ent 2+ll /r#cee5 +n an ec#l#@+cally 'u'ta+na1le =a'h+#nC an5 n#te5C Q.e
ha*e a @##5 &#5el =#r 5#+n@ th+' +n &y h#&e 'tate #= Cal+=#rn+aC 2h+ch recently enacte5 lan5&ar-
le@+'lat+#n #n th+' t#/+c.Q n201 0he c#nt+nue5C QI 1el+e*e th+' ty/e #= 1alance5C c#&/rehen'+*e an5
/recaut+#nary a//r#ach 2+ll 2#r- +n Cal+=#rn+aC an5 &y le@+'lat+#n 'ee-' t# acc#&/l+'h '+&+lar @#al' at the
nat+#nal le*el.Q n202 %er /re5+ct+#n &ay n#t /r#*e =ar #==. Intere't+n@lyC the 'a&e @r#u/ #=
en*+r#n&ental+'t' an5 =+'h+n@ +ntere't' that ha5 #//#'e5 the "at+#nal B=='h#re Aquaculture 1+ll *#+ce5
'u//#rt =#r the "at+#nal 0u'ta+na1le B=='h#re Aquaculture 1+ll. Ar@u+n@ that the "at+#nal B=='h#re
Aquaculture Act 2a' 5e=ect+*e =#r n#t +nclu5+n@ 'tatut#ry cr+ter+a #r le@ally 1+n5+n@ en*+r#n&ental
'tan5ar5'C the #//#nent' n#nethele'' a@ree5 that Q'#&e #= the'e +''ue' ha*e 1een a55re''e5 +n le@+'lat+#n
enacte5 +n Cal+=#rn+a +n 2006 <the 0u'ta+na1le Bcean' Act>.Q n203 Alth#u@h the "at+#nal 0u'ta+na1le
B=='h#re Aquaculture Act =a+le5 t# /a'' +n 2009C +t 2a' re+ntr#5uce5 +n 2011 n204 4u't a &#nth a=ter
"BAA +''ue5 the nat+#nP' =+r't c#&&erc+al =+'h+n@ /er&+t t# 7#na 8lue. A=ter +t' 9une 2011
re+ntr#5uct+#nC the 1+ll @a+ne5 'u//#rt =r#& 'c+ent+'t' an5 en*+r#n&ental+'t': the Bcean C#n'er*ancy
n#te5 that the Act Q+' an #//#rtun+ty t# /r#tect the 6.0. =r#& the r+'-' #= /##rly re@ulate5 #/en #cean
aquaculture.Q n205
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [15/18]
;ohns evience continues" no te.t elete/
The "at+#nal 0u'ta+na1le B=='h#re Aquaculture Act +' the +5eal le@+'lat+#n =#r creat+n@ a =e5eral re@ulat#ry
=ra&e2#r-. The 1+ll c#nta+n' e*ery a'/ect the AAB rec#&&en5e5 that an e==ect+*e =ra&e2#r- &u't
+nclu5e. ?+r'tC +t create' a c#&/rehen'+*e =ra&e2#r- that +nte@rate' the rele*ant nat+#nal an5 'tate la2'
an5 re@+#nal #cean /lann+n@ an5 &ana@e&ent e==#rt'. n206 Th+' el+&+nate' the /atch2#r- 2ay +n 2h+ch
en*+r#n&ental la2' are currently a//l+e5 t# #=='h#re aquacultureC /r#*+5+n@ re@ulat#ry certa+nty an5
le@+t+&acy t# the +n5u'try 2h+le al'# enc#ura@+n@ c#lla1#rat+#n 1et2een =e5eralC 'tateC an5 re@+#nal
a@enc+e'. 0ec#n5C the Act +5ent+=+e' #ne =e5eral a@ency a' ha*+n@ /r+&ary re@ulat#ry auth#r+ty #*er
#=='h#re aquacultureC an5 /r#/erly 5e'+@nate' "BAA a' the lea5 a@ency t# en'ure en*+r#n&ental
/r#tect+#n. n207 The Act al'# 'at+'=+e' the th+r5 a'/ect #= an e==ect+*e re@ulat#ry 'y'te&: a /r#ce'' =#r
en*+r#n&ental re*+e2 an5 &#n+t#r+n@. It e'ta1l+'he' r+@#r#u' en*+r#n&ental 'tan5ar5' t# @u+5e =e5eral
rule&a-+n@ an5 +n5u'try /er=#r&ance'. n208 The'e 'tan5ar5' a55re'' '#&e #= the &a4#r en*+r#n&ental
c#ncern' a''#c+ate5 2+th #=='h#re aquacultureC +nclu5+n@ =+'h e'ca/e'C 5+'ea'eC /#llut+#nC che&+cal'C an5
+&/act' #n 2+l5l+=e an5 /re5at#r'. ?#r +n'tanceC the Act all#2' =+'h t# 1e culture5 #nly += they are nat+*e t#
the l#cal ec#'y'te& an5 /r#h+1+t' the culture #= @enet+cally &#5+=+e5 '/ec+e'C 5ecrea'+n@ the r+'- #= har&
t# nat+*e =+'h /#/ulat+#n' +n the e*ent #= e'ca/e. n209 T# /re*ent the +nc+5ence #= e'ca/eC the Act requ+re'
that all =ac+l+t+e' Q1e 5e'+@ne5C #/erate5C an5 'h#2n t# 1e e==ect+*e at /re*ent+n@ the e'ca/e #= culture5
=+'h +nt# the &ar+ne en*+r#n&ent an5 2+th'tan5+n@ 'e*ere 2eather c#n5+t+#n' an5 &ar+ne acc+5ent'.Q
n210 A55+t+#nallyC a /er&+ttee &u't ta@ #r &ar- all culture5 =+'hC an5 +n the e*ent #= an e'ca/eC re/#rt the
nu&1er #= e'ca/e5 =+'h an5 c+rcu&'tance' 'urr#un5+n@ the +nc+5ent t# "BAA. n211 T# &+n+&+Ke the
+&/act #= 5+'ea'e an5 /ath#@en' #n 2+l5 =+'h 't#c-C the Act requ+re' that all =ac+l+t+e' 1e 5e'+@ne5C l#cate5C
an5 [G720] #/erate5 t# /re*ent the +ncu1at+#n an5 '/rea5 #= 5+'ea'e an5 /ath#@en'. n212 It al'#
/r#h+1+t' the u'e #= ant+1+#t+c'C /e't+c+5e'C 5ru@'C an5 #ther che&+cal treat&ent' eEce/t 2here nece''ary
t# treat a 5+a@n#'e5 5+'ea'eC an5 +n 'uch ca'e #nly 2here +t' u'e +' &+n+&+Ke5 t# the &aE+&u& eEtent
/ract+ca1le an5 +' a//r#*e5 1y the C#&&+''+#ner #= the ?:A. n213 The Act requ+re' that "BAA c#n'ult
2+th the )IA an5 #ther l#cal an5 re@+#nal a@enc+e' t# e'ta1l+'h a//r#/r+ate nu&er+cal l+&+tat+#n' #=
nutr+ent +n/ut' +nt# the &ar+ne en*+r#n&ent an5 that each /er&+ttee /re*ent 5+'char@e' #= /#llutant' +nt#
#cean 2ater' t# the &aE+&u& e*ent /ract+ca1le. n214 ?+nallyC the Act requ+re' "BAA t# c#n'ult 2+th
#ther =e5eral a@enc+e'C c#a'tal 'tate'C 3e@+#nal ?+'hery ,ana@e&ent C#unc+l'C aca5e&+c +n't+tut+#n'C an5
#ther +ntere'te5 'ta-eh#l5er' t# e'ta1l+'h an5 c#n5uct a re'earch /r#@ra& =#r 'u'ta+na1le #=='h#re
aquaculture. n215 The /r#@ra& 2#ul5 +n=#r& "BAA Qh#2 #=='h#re aquaculture /er&+tt+n@ an5 re@ulat+#n
can a5#/t a /recaut+#nary a//r#ach t# +n5u'try eE/an'+#n t# en'ure ec#l#@+cal 'u'ta+na1+l+tyQ an5 hel/ +t
Q5e*el#/ c#'tFe==ect+*e '#lut+#n' t# the en*+r#n&ental an5 '#c+#ec#n#&+c +&/act' #= #=='h#re
aquaculture.Q n216 Th+' requ+re&ent +' c#n'+'tent 2+th the AABP' rec#&&en5at+#n that a =ra&e2#r-
+nclu5e a re'earch c#&/#nent. n217 :e'/+te 1e+n@ en5#r'e5 1y &any en*+r#n&ental #r@an+Kat+#n'C the
"at+#nal 0u'ta+na1le B=='h#re Aquaculture 1+ll 5+e5 +n the 112th C#n@re'' an5 2a' re=erre5 t# the %#u'e
C#&&+ttee #n "atural 3e'#urce'C ha*+n@ rece+*e5 Ker# c#'/#n'#r'. n218 The 1+llP' =a+lure &ay 1e 5ue +n
/art t# the act+#n' #= the u'ual aquaculture #//#nent'. In5ee5C a=ter the 1+ll 2a' =+r't +ntr#5uce5 +n 2009C
an #r@an+Kat+#n #= c#&&erc+al =+'her&en 'ent a letter t# the %#u'e #= 3e/re'entat+*e' *#+c+n@ +t'
#//#'+t+#nC cr+t+c+K+n@ the 1+ll =#r all#2+n@ Q#=='h#re aquaculture t# 1e /er&+tte5 +n =e5eral 2ater' 2+th
l+&+te5 'a=e@uar5' an5 l+ttle #r n# acc#unta1+l+tyCQ n219 an5 ur@+n@ the %#u'e t# Q5e*el#/ le@+'lat+#n t#
't#/ =e5eral e==#rt' t# ru'h @r#2th #= the #=='h#re aquaculture +n5u'try.Q n220 ?urther&#reC "BAA ha'
yet t# /u1l+cly en5#r'e [G721] #r e*en +''ue a /#'+t+#n #n the 1+ll. A@enc+e' 'uch a' "BAA an5 #ther
en*+r#n&ental #r@an+Kat+#n' &u't '##n c#&e =#r2ar5 +n l#u5 'u//#rt #= the 1+ll t# 'ee that +t +'
re+ntr#5uce5 an5 'ucce''=ul +n C#n@re''. I= they 5# n#tC the current lac- #= any c#&/rehen'+*e re@ulat#ry
re@+&e &ay *ery 2ell '+n- the ent+re #=='h#re aquaculture +n5u'try.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 1AC
Aquaculture Case AFF
Aquaculture 1AC [18/18]
;ohns evience continues" no te.t elete/
The 6n+te5 0tate'P att+tu5e t#2ar5 5e*el#/+n@ +t' #=='h#re aquaculture +n5u'try &u't '##n &+rr#r +t' ta'te
=#r 'ea=##5. The a*era@e A&er+can eat' a1#ut '+Eteen /#un5' #= 'ea=##5 each year F the th+r5Fh+@he't /erF
ca/+ta c#n'u&/t+#n rate +n the 2#rl5 n221 F yet the nat+#n 't+ll +&/#rt' #*er 91 /ercent #= +t' 'ea=##5
/r#5uct' =r#& #ther c#untr+e'. A1#ut hal= #= the'e /r#5uct' c#&e =r#& =#re+@n aquaculture #/erat+#n'. In
#r5er t# &eet +t' #2n 5e&an5 a' 2ell a' 1ec#&e an +&/#rtant /layer +n @l#1al 'ea=##5 /r#5uct+#nC clearly
the 6n+te5 0tate' nee5' t# 'te/ u/ +t' 5#&e't+c aquaculture +n5u'try.
,ar+ne aquaculture currently acc#unt' =#r le'' than 20 /ercent #= 5#&e't+c aquaculture an5
/re5#&+nately #ccur' +n the 'tateF#2ne5 2ater' cl#'e t# 'h#re. %#2e*erC c#&/et+t+#n =#r '/ace
near'h#reC al#n@ 2+th techn#l#@+cal 5e*el#/&ent' +n #=='h#re =ac+l+t+e'C ha' le5 t# an +ncrea'e5 +ntere't +n
eE/an5+n@ aquaculture t# =e5erally re@ulate5 2ater'. .h+le #=='h#re 5e*el#/&ent ha' the /#tent+al t#
+ncrea'e 6.0. aquaculture /r#5uct+#nC n# c#&/rehen'+*e le@+'lat+*e #r re@ulat#ry =ra&e2#r- t# &ana@e
'uch an eE/an'+#n eE+'t'. In'tea5C &ult+/le =e5eral a@enc+e' ha*e auth#r+ty t# re@ulate 5+==erent a'/ect' #=
#=='h#re aquaculture un5er a *ar+ety #= eE+'t+n@ la2' that 2ere n#t 5e'+@ne5 =#r th+' /ur/#'e. Th+' '/#tty
'u/er*+'+#n 5#e' n#t a5equately a55re'' the /#tent+al en*+r#n&ental e==ect' #= #=='h#re aquaculture an5
lea*e' each a@encyP' 1a'+' =#r re@ulat#ry auth#r+ty *ulnera1le t# challen@e. ?urther&#reC the lac- #= any
=e5eral /#l+cy 5ecrea'e' aquacultur+'t'P +ncent+*e' t# ta-e the+r #/erat+#n' #=='h#re.
"#2 +' the t+&e =#r the =e5eral @#*ern&ent t# ta-e the lea5 +n enact+n@ a nat+#nal an5 c#&/rehen'+*e
re@ulat#ry =ra&e2#r- =#r #=='h#re aquaculture. The creat+#n #= 'uch a =ra&e2#r- +' 1e't ach+e*e5 thr#u@h
enact&ent #= ne2 le@+'lat+#nC rather than rely+n@ #n eE+'t+n@ la2'. B=='h#re aquaculture &u't 1e all#2e5
t# 5e*el#/ an5 @r#2 +nt# a thr+*+n@ /art #= #ur 5#&e't+c ec#n#&yC 1ut n#t at the eE/en'e #= a healthy
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 2AC Topicality Frontline: Coral ee!s
Topicality AFF
&AC Inherency: A/T <1 =:ot Inherent> [1/1]
1. The #lan is inherent + the :ational (ustaina)le Offshore Aquaculture Act has
not )een #asse in the status quo. As a result" aquaculture re!ulations are
outate an authority is share )y over &, ifferent feeral a!encies" resultin! in
confusion an lac% of inustry confience. That?s our 1AC ;ohns evience.
&. The #lan is inherent + there is no re!ulatory frame$or% for sustaina)le
aquaculture in the status quo.
8uenin! &,1-
[)r+chC !B1a&aP' ?+r't Ter& Aquaculture 0ucce''e'C$1/2/13 htt/://&artha'*+neyar5./atch.c#&/@r#u/'/er+chF
"e+l 0+&'C =#un5er an5 eEecut+*e #= Bcean' 0te2ar5' In't+tute an5 =#un5er an5 #2ner #= 7a&/ach+
?ar&' +n %a2a++.H !The 1+@@e't th+n@ acc#&/l+'he5 #*er the la't =#ur year' 2a' 5e*el#/+n@ a re@ulat#ry
=ra&e2#r- un5er the nat+#nal [aquaculture] /#l+cy. "AI +' a @##5 'tartC 1ut they ha*e t# @# #ut an5
e'ta1l+'h a re@ulat#ry =ra&e2#r-. .hy ha' +t ta-en =#ur year' t# 5# th+'M 0tate' ha*e #=='h#re aquaculture
re@ulat+#n' #= the+r #2n. .hat ha*e they 1een 5#+n@M The ent+re +n5u'try ha' 1een '+tt+n@ here 2a+t+n@. I
-n#2 aca5e&+c' canOt @et =un5+n@ =#r the+r aquaculture re'earch 1ecau'e they are t#l5 Yy#ur 4u't @#nna
4u't 'h+/ +t #*er 'ea'.O I th+n- "AI +' a 'tart 1ut +t ha'nOt turne5 +nt# a re@ulat#ry =ra&e2#r-.H !;et "BAA
re@ulate the +n5u'try 2+th the+r =+'h 1+#l#@+'t'. They 'ee& t# th+n- that 'u'ta+na1ly ra+'e5 'ea=##5 2+ll 4u't
arr+*e =r#& =ar&' #*er 'ea' an5 2+th#ut #ur en*+r#n&ental 'tan5ar5'.$
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 2AC Topicality Frontline: Coral ee!s
Topicality AFF
&AC 'arms + *nvironment: A/T <1 =@a%es it Aorse> [1/1]
1. 0nsustaina)le aquaculture #ractices are estroyin! the environment in the
status quo:
A. Their ar!uments is not a##lica)le + aquaculture is inevita)le" an the
affirmative solves environmental ama!e throu!h re!ulation.
6. 2rofita)ility increases to.ic #ollution an overfishin! + that?s our 1AC ;ones
&. The #lan solves environmental concerns associate $ith aquaculture )y
re!ulatin! ischar!e an #reventin! the esca#e of invasive s#ecies.
Aheeler &,1-
[Aarrett. 9: Can5+5ate at A#l5en Aate 6n+*er'+ty 0ch##l #= ;a2. !C#&&ent: A ?ea'+1le Alternat+*e: The ;e@al
I&/l+cat+#n' #= Aquaculture +n the 6n+te5 0tate' an5 the Ir#&+'e #= 0u'ta+na1le 6r1an Aquaculture 0y'te&'$ The
Golden Gate Environental Law JournalC 2013. A*a+la1le *+a ;eE+'F"eE+']
The lac- #= a c#&/rehen'+*e re@ulat#ry aquaculture /#l+cy ha' @+*en 2ay t# e==#rt' l+-e the "at+#nal
0u'ta+na1le B=='h#re Aquaculture Act #= 2011C the late't C#n@re''+#nal e==#rt c#ncern+n@ aquaculture
re@ulat+#nC /r#/#'e5 1y 3e/re'entat+*e ;#+' Ca//'C :F0anta 8ar1ara. n91 The 1+llC 2h+ch =a+le5 t# /a''
C#n@re''+#nal a//r#*al an5 2a' re=erre5 t# the %#u'e 0u1c#&&+ttee #n ?+'her+e'C .+l5l+=eC Bcean'C an5
In'ular A==a+r' +n 9uly #= 2011C 2#ul5 ha*e 'et an un/rece5ente5 re@ulat#ry =ra&e2#r- =#r #=='h#re =+'h
=ar& #/erat+#n' 1y a55re''+n@ en*+r#n&entalC '#c+alC an5 ec#n#&+c c#ncern'. n92 Central t# the 1+ll 2a'
a ne2 /er&+tt+n@ /r#ce'' &an5at+n@ 2#ul5F1e #cean =+'h =ar&er' t# #1ta+n auth#r+Kat+#n =r#& the
0ecretary #= C#&&erce a=ter &eet+n@ a 'er+e' #= requ+re&ent' a+&e5 at &+n+&+K+n@ /#tent+ally a5*er'e
+&/act' #n &ar+ne ec#'y'te&'. n93 The requ+re&ent' +nclu5e5 +5ent+=y+n@ a//r#/r+ate l#cat+#n' =#r
=ar&'C c#&/ly+n@ 2+th '+te +n'/ect+#n'C l+&+t+n@ 2here certa+n =+'h '/ec+e' &ay 1e =ar&e5C an5 /re*ent+n@
e'ca/e&entC 5+'ea'eC an5 har&=ul 2a'te 5+'char@e. n94 In a55+t+#nC the 1+ll atte&/te5 t# +n+t+ate a [G307]
re'earch /r#@ra& 5e'+@ne5 t# '#l*e '+@n+=+cant 5ata quan5ar+e' an5 a55re'' c#ncern' 2+th the ec#l#@+cal
'u'ta+na1+l+ty #= =urther aquaculture 5e*el#/&ent an5 eE/an'+#n. n95 Alth#u@h the 1+ll 5+5 n#t 1ec#&e
la2C +t' /#tent+al +&/act #n the 6n+te5 0tate' aquaculture +n5u'try a' a 2h#le 2a' 'u1'tant+alC an5 +t &ay
re/re'ent a tren5 t#2ar5 &#re c#&/rehen'+*e re@ulat+#n. At the &#&entC h#2e*erC uncerta+nty a1#un5'
an5 aquaculture #/erat#r' are le=t t# '+=t thr#u@h a 'ee&+n@ly en5le'' array #= =e5eral an5 'tate re@ulat#ry
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 2AC Topicality Frontline: Coral ee!s
Topicality AFF
&AC 'arms + *nvironment: A/T <& =:o Im#act> [1/1]
1. Ocean ecosystems are not resilient to a!!ressive overfishin! + all of the
safe!uars that allo$ oceans to )ounce )ac% from smaller instances of ama!e are
e#enent u#on a ro)ust fish #o#ulation that is at ris% as a result of unre!ulate
aquaculture. That?s our 1AC Benoon evience.
&. Overfishin! in #articular ama!es oceans to the #oint they are no lon!er
9aer &,14
[:#u@. Ch+e= Bcean 0c+ent+'t =#r the )n*+r#n&ental :e=en'e ?un5. !Tren5+n@: C#ncern =#r Bcean %ealth an5 the
3e'#urce' t# %el/$ 2/26/14 htt/://222.e5=.#r@/1l#@/2014/02/26/tren5+n@Fc#ncernF#ceanFhealthFan5Fre'#urce'F
;a't 2ee-C a C80 ne2' 't#ry h+@hl+@ht+n@ a 2006 'tu5y #n the 5ecl+ne #= #cean'P healthC 2a' re5+'c#*ere5
an5 1e@an tren5+n@ #n ?ace1##-. .+th the 'tu5y 1ac- +n the '/#tl+@htC I 2a' 5el+@hte5 t# 4#+n lea5 auth#r
:r. 8#r+' .#r& #n %u==I# ;+*e t# 5+'cu'' the 'tu5yO' =+n5+n@' an5 '#lut+#n' =#r +&/r#*+n@ the 'tate #= #ur
#cean'.H .h+le @reat 'tr+5e' ha*e 1een &a5e +n the e+@ht year' '+nce the 'tu5y 2a' 2r+ttenC #*erall #cean'P
health c#nt+nue' t# 5ecl+ne. Al#1allyC nearly t2#Fth+r5' #= =+'her+e' are +n tr#u1le 2+th /#llut+#nC
#*er=+'h+n@C an5 ha1+tat l#'' all c#nt+nu+n@ t# /#'e a *ery real threat t# #cean' an5 the+r re'+l+ence +n the
=ace #= ne2 threat'C +nclu5+n@ cl+&ate chan@e an5 #cean ac+5+=+cat+#n.H B*er=+'h+n@: The r##t cau'e #=
#cean' 5ecl+neH :ur+n@ #ur tal-C :r. .#r& an5 I 5+'cu''e5 the'e +''ue' an5 t##- a 5ee/er 5+*e +nt# the
r##t cau'e #= #cean' 5ecl+neU#*er=+'h+n@. The 2#rl5O' /#/ulat+#n +' r+'+n@ 'tea5+ly an5 +' e't+&ate5 t#
reach a1#ut 8 1+ll+#n /e#/le 1y 2024 an5 9 1+ll+#n 1y 2040. A' the /#/ulat+#n +ncrea'e'C '# t## 5#e' the
2#rl5O' a//et+te =#r 'ea=##5. A' a re'ultC =+'h are ta-en #ut #= the #cean =a'ter than they can re/r#5uce.
Th+' can cau'e #1*+#u' /r#1le&' u/ t# an5 +nclu5+n@ eEt+nct+#n #= e'/ec+ally *ulnera1le '/ec+e' <thu' the
catchy 1ut @r+& hea5l+ne #n the %u==I# 't#ryC !0c+ent+'t' Ire5+ct 0altF.ater ?+'h )Et+nct+#n$>.H ?ran-lyC
eEt+nct+#n +' n#t the 1+@@e't /r#1le&. B*er=+'h+n@ re5uce' the a1un5ance #= *ulnera1le '/ec+e'C 1ut +t al'#
alter' ec#'y'te& 'tructure an5 =unct+#nC a' #ther '/ec+e' react t# the re5uce5 a1un5ance thr#u@h 2hat
ec#l#@+'t' call !ec#l#@+cal ca'ca5e'.$ Dalua1le lar@e =+'h that hel/ &a+nta+n 'ta1le #cean ec#'y'te&' can 1e
re/lace5 1y &#re #//#rtun+'t+cC !2ee5y$ '/ec+e'. 6n5er 'e*ere =+'h+n@ /re''ureC the a1+l+ty #= &ar+ne =##5
2e1' t# 'u'ta+n the&'el*e' can 1e c#&/r#&+'e5 ( a real /r#1le& 2+th the challen@e' that l+e ahea5 =r#&
cl+&ate chan@e.H .hen #ur #cean' 'u==erC 2e 5# t##. B*er=+'h+n@ a==ect' the three 1+ll+#n /e#/le ar#un5
the 2#rl5 2h# rely #n 'ea=##5 a' a '#urce #= /r#te+n an5 &+ll+#n' &#re that 5e/en5 #n healthy =+'her+e'
=#r the+r l+*el+h##5'. ?urther&#reC /##r &ana@e&ent c#'t' the 2#rl5O' =+'her+e' T50 1+ll+#n annually.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 2AC Topicality Frontline: Coral ee!s
Topicality AFF
&AC 'arms + *conomy: A/T <1 =(ustaina)le :o$> [1/1]
1. Aquaculture is economically unsustaina)le in the status quo + the 0nite (tates
is reliant u#on a an!erously hi!h amount of seafoo im#orts" $hich unercuts
the )roaer commerce an e.acer)ates the trae im)alance + that?s our 1AC
Cor)in evience.
&. 9eCect their evience + it oesn?t say aquaculture is sustaina)le. It Cust says that
the e!ree to $hich aquacultural #ractices are unsustaina)le is e.a!!erate. This
may )e true" )ut it oesn?t is#rove the necessity of our #lan.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 2AC Topicality Frontline: Coral ee!s
Topicality AFF
&AC 'arms + *conomy: A/T <& =9eCect Cor)in *vience> [1/1]
1. Our ar!ument is not that aquaculture is the )ac%)one of the economy" )ut that
the seafoo im#ort/e.#ort im)alance is an unsustaina)le economic #ractice
)ecause it leaves us o#en to a volatile su##ly chain an ma%es us )eholen to
e.#orters li%e China. Cor)in may have an incentive to ar!ue that aquaculture is
im#ortant" )ut that oesn?t necessarily mean he?s $ron!.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 2AC Topicality Frontline: Coral ee!s
Topicality AFF
&AC 'arms + *conomy: A/T <- =0( :ot Dey> [1/1]
1. The 0nite (tates is %ey to the !lo)al economy +
A. Ae are the reserve currency for the entire !lo)e.
6. Our seafoo im#ort im)alance in #articular contri)ute to !lo)al economic
colla#se )y creatin! seafoo insecurity an rivin! u# !lo)al #rices.
C. The &,,8 recession #roves America?s economic im#ortanceE $hen our economy
contracte" so i the rest of the $orl?s.
&. The 0( is %ey to the !lo)al economy + other nations matter" )ut only the 0nite
(tates can lea
(uominen &,1&
[7at+C 3e'+5ent ?ell#2 at the ,ar'hall ?un5. !A&er+ca the A1'entC$
In the 20th centuryC 1e@+nn+n@ 2+th the creat+#n #= the 8rett#n .##5' 'y'te& +n 1944C A&er+caP' @reat
c#ntr+1ut+#n 2a' t# cha&/+#n an ec#n#&+c /ara5+@& an5 'et #= +n't+tut+#n' that /r#&#te5 #/en &ar-et'
an5 ec#n#&+c 'ta1+l+ty ar#un5 the 2#rl5. The 'ucce''+*e Ar#u/' #= ?+*eC 0e*enC an5 )+@htC =+r't =#r&e5 +n
the early 1970'C hel/e5 c##r5+nate &acr#ec#n#&+c /#l+c+e' a&#n@ the 2#rl5P' lea5+n@ ec#n#&+e' an5
c#&1at @l#1al =+nanc+al +&1alance' that 1ur5ene5 6.0. tra5e /#l+t+c'. The Internat+#nal ,#netary ?un5
<I,?> '/rea5 the .a'h+n@t#n C#n'en'u' acr#'' A'+a an5 ;at+n A&er+caC an5 'he/her5e5 ec#n#&+e' +n
tran'+t+#n t#2ar5 ca/+tal+'&. )+@ht &ult+lateral tra5e r#un5' 1r#u@ht 5#2n 1arr+er' t# @l#1al c#&&erceC
cul&+nat+n@ +n the e'ta1l+'h&ent #= the .#rl5 Tra5e Br@an+Kat+#n <.TB> +n 1995.H ,ean2h+leC a 2a*e #=
1an- 5ere@ulat+#n an5 =+nanc+al l+1eral+Kat+#n 1e@an +n the 6n+te5 0tate' an5 /r#l+=erate5 ar#un5 the
2#rl5C &a-+n@ cre5+t &#re a*a+la1le an5 a==#r5a1le 2h+le /r#/ell+n@ c#n'u&/t+#n an5 entre/reneur'h+/
the 2#rl5 #*er. The 6.0. 5#llarC the 2#rl5P' *enera1le re'er*e currencyC ec#n#&+Ke5 @l#1al tran'act+#n'
an5 =uele5 +nternat+#nal tra5e. Central 1an- +n5e/en5ence '/rea5 =r#& .a'h+n@t#n t# the 2#rl5 an5
hel/e5 u'her +n the Areat ,#5erat+#nC 2h+ch ha' /r#5uce5 a quarterFcentury #= l#2 an5 'tea5y +n=lat+#n
ar#un5 the 2#rl5.H Al#1al+Kat+#n 2a' n#t 2+'he5 +nt# 1e+n@: It 2a' the 6.0.Fle5 #r5er that @enerate5
/r#'/er+ty un+&a@+na1le #nly a =e2 5eca5e' a@#. 0+nce 1980C @l#1al A:I ha' qua5ru/le5C 2#rl5 tra5e ha'
@r#2n &#re than '+E=#l5C the 't#c- #= =#re+@n 5+rect +n*e't&ent ha' 'h#t u/ 1y 20 t+&e'C an5 /#rt=#l+#
ca/+tal =l#2' ha*e 'ur@e5 t# al&#'t T200 tr+ll+#n annuallyC r#u@hly =#ur t+&e' the '+Ke #= the @l#1al
ec#n#&y. )c#n#&+c re=#r&' an5 @l#1al ec#n#&+c +nte@rat+#n hel/e5 *+1rant e&er@+n@ &ar-et' e&er@e:
The QA'+an T+@er'Q <%#n@ 7#n@C 0+n@a/#reC 0#uth 7#reaC an5 Ta+2an> that 1##&e5 +n the 1980' 2ere
4#+ne5 +n the 1990' 1y the a2a-en+n@ @+ant' #= 8raK+lC Ch+naC an5 In5+a.H It 2a' the 6n+te5 0tate' that
quarter1ac-e5 the /layC 1r#-er+n@ 5+==erence' a&#n@ nat+#n' an5 /r#*+5+n@ the r+@ht &+E #= @l#1al /u1l+c
@##5': a un+*er'al re'er*e currencyC an #/enFtra5e re@+&eC 5ee/ =+nanc+al &ar-et'C an5 *+@#r#u' ec#n#&+c
@r#2th. Tra5e l+1eral+Kat+#n al#ne /a+5 #== han5'#&elyC a55+n@ T1 tr+ll+#n annually t# the /#'t2ar 6.0.
ec#n#&y.H Tal- a1#ut A&er+can 5ecl+ne n#t2+th'tan5+n@C the ec#n#&+c #r5er create5 1y the 6n+te5
0tate' /er'+'t'. In =actC at =+r't 1lu'hC +t a//ear' t# ha*e #nly 1een re+n=#rce5 +n the /a't =e2 year'. "e2
+n't+tut+#n' 'uch a' the AF20C a =#ru& =#r the 2#rl5P' lea5+n@ ec#n#&+e'C an5 the ?+nanc+al 0ta1+l+ty
8#ar5C a 2atch5#@ =#r the +nternat+#nal =+nanc+al 'y'te&C are 1ut 'equel' t# 6.0.Fcreate5 ent+t+e': the
Ar#u/ #= ?+*e an5 the ?+nanc+al 0ta1+l+ty ?#ru&. In*e't#r' 't+ll *+e2 A&er+ca a' a =+nanc+al 'a=e ha*enC
an5 the 5#llar re&a+n' the 2#rl5P' lea5 currency. B/en &ar-et' ha*e 'ur*+*e5C an5 1930'F'tyle
/r#tect+#n+'& ha' n#t &ater+al+Ke5. The .TB c#nt+nue' t# re'#l*e tra5e 5+'/ute' an5 recently 2elc#&e5
3u''+a a' +t' 154th &e&1erC 2h+le the &+''+#n an5 re'#urce' #= the 8rett#n .##5' t2+n' FF the .#rl5
8an- an5 I,? FF ha*e #nly eE/an5e5. "# c#untry ha' /ulle5 #ut #= the'e +n't+tut+#n'J +n'tea5C e&er@+n@
nat+#n' 'uch a' Ch+na an5 In5+a are 5e&an5+n@ @reater /#2er at the ta1le. C#untr+e' ha*e #/te5 +nC n#t
#utC #= the A&er+canFle5 #r5erC re=lect+n@ a real+ty #= @l#1al @#*ernance: There are n# r+*al #r5er' that can
yet &atch th+' #neP' /r#&+'e #= &utual ec#n#&+c @a+n'.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 2AC Topicality Frontline: Coral ee!s
Topicality AFF
&AC 'arms + *conomy: A/T <4 =:o Im#act> [1/1]
1. *conomic ecline ris%s conflict. 8eaers $ill attem#t to ivert attention from
omestic economic ecline throu!h !lo)al military maneuvers. 2ast conflicts li%e
Aorl Aar II #rove that there is a stron! relationshi# )et$een economic
contraction an !lo)al conflict + that?s our 1AC 9oyal evience. 2refer our
evience + it cites the conclusion of a ro)ust set of ata an comes from a qualifie
e.#ert in the fiel.
&. 'istory #roves that economic ecline ris%s $ar
Sulu 2003
[)c#n#&+c Analy't =#r the Ie#/leO' :a+ly <Ch+na>. !)c#n#&+c 3ece''+#n: The 8la't+n@ ?u'e #= .ar$. Ie#/leO' :a+lyC
7/25/3 ;eE+']
I= #ne eEa&+ne' the 2ar' 1r#-en #ut e*er '+nce &#re than a century a@#C #ne 2+ll 5+'c#*er an +ntere't+n@
/hen#&en#nC that +'C each =a+rly 1+@ ec#n#&+c rece''+#n <#r ec#n#&+c cr+'+'> 2a' +ne*+ta1ly =#ll#2e5 1y
the eru/t+#n #= a 2ar. Th+' +' true 2+th .#rl5 IC .#rl5 .ar IIC the Aul= .arC a' 2ell a' the Iraq 2ar. It can
1e 'a+5 that ec#n#&+c 5#2nturn +' the 1la't+n@ =u'e #= &#5ern 2ar .
-. *conomic ecline causes financial crises in unsta)le re!ions + causes $ar
Dem# &,1,
[Ae#==rey 7e&/C :+rect#r #= 3e@+#nal 0trate@+c Ir#@ra&' at The "+E#n CenterC 'er*e5 +n the .h+te %#u'e un5er
3#nal5 3ea@anC '/ec+al a''+'tant t# the /re'+5ent =#r nat+#nal 'ecur+ty a==a+r' an5 'en+#r 5+rect#r =#r "ear )a't an5
0#uth A'+an a==a+r' #n the "at+#nal 0ecur+ty C#unc+l 0ta==C ?#r&er :+rect#rC ,+55le )a't Ar&' C#ntr#l Ir#4ect at the
Carne@+e )n5#2&ent =#r Internat+#nal IeaceC 2010C The )a't ,#*e' .e't: In5+aC Ch+naC an5 A'+aO' Ar#2+n@ Ire'ence
+n the ,+55le )a'tC /. 233F4]
The 'ec#n5 'cenar+#C calle5 ,ayhe& an5 Cha#'C +' the #//#'+te #= the =+r't 'cenar+#J e*eryth+n@ that can
@# 2r#n@ 5#e' @# 2r#n@. The 2#rl5 ec#n#&+c '+tuat+#n 2ea-en' rather than 'tren@then'C an5 In5+aC
Ch+naC an5 9a/an 'u==er a &a4#r re5uct+#n +n the+r @r#2th rate'C =urther 2ea-en+n@ the @l#1al ec#n#&y.
A' a re'ultC ener@y 5e&an5 =all' an5 the /r+ce #= =#''+l =uel' /lu&&et'C lea5+n@ t# a =+nanc+al cr+'+' =#r the
ener@yF/r#5uc+n@ 'tate'C 2h+ch are =#rce5 t# cut 1ac- 5ra&at+cally #n eE/an'+#n /r#@ra&' an5 '#c+al
2el=are. That +n turn lea5' t# /#l+t+cal unre't: an5 nurture' 5+==erent ra5+cal @r#u/'C +nclu5+n@C 1ut n#t
l+&+te5 t#C I'la&+c eEtre&+'t'. The +nternal 'ta1+l+ty #= '#&e c#untr+e' +' challen@e5C an5 there are &#re
!=a+le5 'tate'.$ ,#'t 'er+#u' +' the c#lla/'e #= the 5e&#crat+c @#*ern&ent +n Ia-+'tan an5 +t' ta-e#*er 1y
,u'l+& eEtre&+'t'C 2h# then ta-e /#''e''+#n #= a lar@e nu&1er #= nuclear 2ea/#n'. The 5an@er #= 2ar
1et2een In5+a an5 Ia-+'tan +ncrea'e' '+@n+=+cantly. IranC al2ay' 2#rr+e5 a1#ut an eEtre&+'t Ia-+'tanC
eE/an5' an5 2ea/#n+Ke' +t' nuclear /r#@ra&. That =urther enhance' nuclear /r#l+=erat+#n +n the ,+55le
)a'tC 2+th 0au5+ Ara1+aC Tur-eyC an5 )@y/t 4#+n+n@ I'rael an5 Iran a' nuclear 'tate'. 6n5er the'e
c+rcu&'tance'C the /#tent+al =#r nuclear terr#r+'& +ncrea'e'C an5 the /#''+1+l+ty #= a nuclear terr#r+'t
attac- +n e+ther the .e'tern 2#rl5 #r +n the #+lF/r#5uc+n@ 'tate' &ay lea5 t# a =urther 5e*a'tat+n@ c#lla/'e
#= the 2#rl5 ec#n#&+c &ar-etC 2+th a t'una&+Fl+-e +&/act #n 'ta1+l+ty. In th+' 'cenar+#C &a4#r 5+'ru/t+#n'
can 1e eE/ecte5C 2+th 5+re c#n'equence' =#r t2#Fth+r5' #= the /lanetO' /#/ulat+#n.
CDL Core Files 2014/2015 2AC Topicality Frontline: Coral ee!s
Topicality AFF
&AC (olvency: A/T <1 =Too @any 6arriers> [1/1]
1. The #lan solves. (ustaina)le aquaculture is im#ossi)le in the status quo )ecause
there?s no national frame$or% an res#onsi)ility for aquaculture is share amon!
&5 ifferent com#etin! a!encies. The #lan creates a sustaina)le frame$or% an
)rin!s re!ulatory authority in line )y esi!natin! the :OAA as the lea a!ency in
char!e of #ermits" re!ulation" monitorin!" an enforcement + that?s our 1AC ;ohns
&. The #lan creates a national stanar for sustaina)le aquaculture FFF #rotects
marine environments an #revents colla#se of seafoo inustries
:aylor an 8eonar &,1,
[3#'a&#n5 an5 Ae#r@e ( :+rect#r' #= the Ir#@ra&' #n ?##5 0ecur+ty an5 AquacultureC re'/ect+*elyC at the Bcean
C#n'er*at#ry +n 0anta CruK. !Aquaculture ,a5e 0a=e$ The L! TiesC 2/15/10C a*a+la1le *+a ;eE+'F"eE+']
.h+le A&er+can'P a//et+te =#r 'ea=##5 c#nt+nue' t# @r#2C &#'t #= u' -n#2 l+ttle a1#ut 2here #ur =+'h
c#&e' =r#& #r h#2 +t 2a' /r#5uce5. In Cal+=#rn+aC &#re than hal= #= #ur 'ea=##5 c#&e' =r#& aquacultureC
#=ten +&/#rte5 =r#& =+'h =ar&' +n #ther c#untr+e'. 9u't a' &#'t ch+c-en'C /+@' an5 c#2' are ra+'e5 +n
t+@htly c#n=+ne5C +nten'+*e #/erat+#n'C '# t## are &any =ar&Fra+'e5 =+'h.H 8ut ra+'+n@ =+'h +n t+@ht quarter'
carr+e' '#&e 'er+#u' r+'-'. :+'ea'e an5 /ara'+te' can 1e tran'&+tte5 =r#& =ar&e5 t# 2+l5 =+'h. )==luent'C
ant+1+#t+c' an5 #ther che&+cal' can 1e 5+'char@e5 +nt# 'urr#un5+n@ 2ater'. "#nnat+*e =ar&e5 =+'h can
e'ca/e +nt# 2+l5 =+'h ha1+tat. An5 a rel+ance #n 2+l5Fcau@ht =+'h +n aquaculture =ee5 can 5e/lete =##5
'u//l+e' =#r #ther &ar+ne l+=e.H The'e en*+r#n&ental +&/act' ha*e 1een e*+5ent +n &any #ther c#untr+e'
2+th +nten'+*e &ar+ne =+'h =ar&+n@. In Ch+leC 2here +n5u'try eE/an'+#n 2a' /r+#r+t+Ke5 #*er
en*+r#n&ental /r#tect+#nC 'al&#n aquaculture ha' c#lla/'e5C cau'+n@ a &a4#r 1l#2 t# 2hat ha5 1een #ne
#= Ch+leP' lea5+n@ eE/#rt'. Ten' #= th#u'an5' #= /e#/le are n#2 4#1le'' +n '#uthern Ch+leC 2here the
'al&#n =ar&+n@ +n5u'try #nce 1##&e5.H I= aquaculture +' t# /lay a re'/#n'+1le r#le +n the =uture #=
'ea=##5 here at h#&eC 2e &u't en'ure that the Q1lue re*#lut+#nQ +n #cean =+'h =ar&+n@ 5#e' n#t cau'e
har& t# the #cean' an5 the &ar+ne l+=e they 'u//#rt.H In :ece&1erC 3e/. ;#+' Ca//' <:F0anta 8ar1ara>
+ntr#5uce5 +n the %#u'e the "at+#nal 0u'ta+na1le B=='h#re Aquaculture ActC a 1+ll that a55re''e' the
/#tent+al threat' #= /##rly re@ulate5 =+'h =ar&+n@ +n 6.0. #cean 2ater'. %er 1+ll 'hare' &any #= the
=eature' #= a Cal+=#rn+a 'tate la2C the 0u'ta+na1le Bcean' ActC 2h+ch 2a' 2r+tten 1y 'tate 0en. 9#e 0+&+t+an
<:FIal# Alt#> an5 '+@ne5 1y A#*. Arn#l5 0ch2arKene@@er +n 2006. That le@+'lat+#n re@ulate' =+'h =ar&+n@
+n 'tate 2ater'C 2h+ch eEten5 three &+le' #== the Cal+=#rn+a c#a't. At /re'entC all aquaculture #/erat+#n' +n
Cal+=#rn+a an5 the 6.0. are l#cate5 4u't a =e2 &+le' #=='h#re.H I= the 6.0. an5 #ther 'tate' =#ll#2
Cal+=#rn+aP' lea5C 2e &ay 1e a1le t# re2ar5 +nn#*at+#n an5 re'/#n'+1+l+ty +n aquaculture an5 at the 'a&e
t+&e /re*ent the -+n5 #= 1##&Fan5F1u't 5e*el#/&ent that ha//ene5 +n Ch+le. 6nl+-e /re*+#u' atte&/t' t#
le@+'late =+'h =ar&+n@ at the nat+#nal le*elC the Ca//' 1+ll 2#ul5 en'ure that 6.0. aquaculture +n =e5eral
2ater'C 2h+ch eEten5 =r#& three t# 200 &+le' #=='h#reC e'ta1l+'he' a' a /r+#r+ty the /r#tect+#n #= 2+l5 =+'h
an5 =unct+#nal ec#'y'te&'. It 2#ul5 en'ure that +n5u'try eE/an'+#n #ccur' #nly un5er the #*er'+@ht #=
'tr#n@C /er=#r&anceF1a'e5 en*+r#n&entalC '#c+#ec#n#&+c an5 l+a1+l+ty 'tan5ar5'.H The 1+ll al'# 2#ul5
/ree&/t ec#l#@+cally r+'-yC /+ece&eal re@ulat+#n #= #cean =+'h =ar&+n@ +n 5+==erent re@+#n' #= the 6.0.
In5ee5C re@ulat+#n e==#rt' are alrea5y un5er2ay +n &any 'tate'C 2+th n# c#n'+'tent 'tan5ar5' t# @#*ern
the +n5u'tryP' en*+r#n&ental #r '#c+al /er=#r&ance. I= the'e /+ece&eal re@+#nal +n+t+at+*e' &#*e =#r2ar5C
+t 2+ll @et &uch &#re 5+==+cult t# create a 'u'ta+na1le nat+#nal /#l+cy =#r #/enF#cean aquaculture.H

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