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Malayan Law Journal Reports/1983/Volume 1/PUBLIC PR!"CU#R $ M%R& &'I() * +1983, 1 MLJ 111
* 28 May 1982
- pages
+1983, 1 MLJ 111
28 May 1982
Criminal Law and Procedure -- Sedition -- Speech by Member of Parliament in Dewan Rakyat --
Questioning policy of o!ernment in allowing Chinese and "amil schools to continue in Malaysia --
Questioning use of Chinese and "amil on road signboards -- #d!ocating closure of Chinese and "amil
schools and complete restriction of use of these languages on signboards -- Suggesting amendment of
article $%& of 'ederal Constitution -- (hether seditious -- Sedition #ct $)*+, ss &, -, *.$/.b/ -- 'ederal
Constitution, arts 0- and $%&
#dministrati!e Law -- Sedition -- Member of Parliament charged for sedition -- (hether speech
contra!ened 'ederal Constitution, art $%&.a/
1nterpretation -- 2teaching or learning any other language2 distinguished from 2teaching or learning in any
other language2
In t./s 0ase t.e a00use12 a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament2 was 0.arge1 4or utter/ng se1/t/ous wor1s /n t.e 0ourse o4
./s spee0. /n t.e 'ewan Ra5yat an o44en0e un1er t.e Se!"!#$ %0t2 19687 In ./s spee0. t.e a00use1
8uest/one1 t.e pol/0y o4 )o$ernment /n allow/ng C./nese an1 #am/l s0.ools to 0ont/nue /n t./s 0ountry7
!e0on1ly .e 8uest/one1 t.e use o4 C./nese an1 #am/l on roa1 s/gn3oar1s7 9e a1$o0ate1 t.e 0losure o4
C./nese an1 #am/l s0.ools an1 t.e 0omplete restr/0t/on o4 t.e use o4 t.e two languages on t.e s/gn3oar1s7
#./r1ly .e suggeste1 /4 su0. 0losure an1 restr/0t/on 0ontra$ene1 %rt/0le 1:2 o4 t.e ;e1eral
Const/tut/on2 t.en t.e Const/tut/on s.oul1 3e amen1e1 /n t.e /nterest o4 t.e people an1 t.e nat/on7 %t t.e en1
o4 t.e prose0ut/on 0ase t.e learne1 tr/al <u1ge .el1 t.e prose0ut/on .a1 esta3l/s.e1 a prima facie 0ase
an1 0alle1 on t.e a00use1 to enter on ./s 1e4en0e7 #.e a00use1 ele0te1 to rema/n s/lent an1 1/1 not w/s. to
0all any w/tness7 %t t./s stage t.e learne1 tr/al <u1ge allowe1 0erta/n 8uest/ons o4 law to 3e re4erre1 to t.e
;e1eral Court ** see +1982, 2 MLJ 12=7 #.e ;e1eral Court rule1 /n e44e0t t.e amen1ments l/m/t/ng a
Mem3er o4 Parl/ament>s r/g.t o4 4ree spee0. /n Parl/ament are $al/17
1) t.e a00use1 was not gu/lty o4 &e!"!#$ w.en .e a1$o0ate1 t.e 0losure o4 #am/l or C./nese
s0.ools7 #.ere /s2 .owe$er2 not./ng unlaw4ul /n allow/ng C./nese or #am/l s0.ools to 0ont/nue@
1) t.e wor1s use1 3y t.e a00use1 /n relat/on to roa1 s/gn3oar1s 0oul1 not 3e sa/1 to .a$e a
se1/t/ous ten1en0y s/n0e .e 1/1 not /n 4a0t 0all /n 8uest/on t.e eA/sten0e o4 any r/g.t prote0te1
un1er any part o4 %rt/0le 1:2 o4 t.e ;e1eral Const/tut/on7 #.e a00use1 was /n 4a0t 1eman1/ng
4or t.e /mplementat/on o4 t.e nat/onal language as pro$/1e1 4or /n %rt/0le2 s/n0e roa1
s/gn3oar1s were ere0te1 un1er t.e Roa1 #ra44/0 r1/nan0e 4or an o44/0/al purpose@
1) t.e a00use1 0omm/tte1 a 3rea0. o4 paragrap. B3C o4 se0t/on 3B1C o4 t.e Se!"!#$ %0t2 19682 3y
1eman1/ng an amen1ment to t.e Const/tut/on an1 t.e repeal or amen1ment o4 %rt/0le 1:2 o4
t.e Const/tut/on@
Page 3
1) /n t.e 0/r0umstan0es t.e pu3l/0 /nterest woul1 3e su44/0/ently ser$e1 /4 t.e a00use1 /s put on a
3on1 4or two years /n t.e sum o4 D22=== to 3e o4 goo1 3e.a$/our7
Ca&e& 'e(e''e "#
Public Prosecutor ! 3oi 4ee Saik 5 3rs +19E1, 2 MLJ 1=8 111
Melan bin #bdullah 5 #nor ! Public Prosecutor +19E1, 2 MLJ 28= 282
Merdeka 6ni!ersity 7hd ! o!ernment of Malaysia +1981, 2 MLJ 3:-
Queen 8mpress ! 7algangadhar "ilak and 4esha! Mahade! ILR B189EC Vol FFII Bom3ay 112
Public Prosecutor ! 3h 4eng Seng +19EE, 2 MLJ 2=-
Maniben Liladhar 4ara ! 8mperor %IR 1933 Bom3ay -:
'an 9ew "eng ! Public Prosecutor +19E1, 2 MLJ 2E1
:aw "ua "au ! Public Prosecutor +1981, 3 GLR 39:@ +1981, 2 MLJ 69
Lob 4ooi Choon ! o!ernment of Malaysia +19EE, 2 MLJ 18E
Phang Chin :ock ! Public Prosecutor +198=, 1 MLJ E=
4esa!ananda ! 4erala +19E3, !CR !upp 1
8ast 6nion .Malaya/ Sdn 7hd ! o!ernment of State of ;ohore 5 #nor +198=, 2 MLJ 163
#nand Reddi ! St of #ndhra Pradesh %IR 19:9 %n1.ra Pra1es. 166
7 Surinder Singh 4anda ! "he o!ernment of the 'ederation of Malaya +19-2, MLJ 1-9

Dato Lamin bin :a<i Mohd 9unus B'eputy Pu3l/0
$)+- $ ML; $$$ at $$&
Prose0utorC 4or t.e Pu3l/0 Prose0utor7
Marina 9usoff B (ong Swee Min w/t. .erC 4or t.e a00use17
#.e %00use12 a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament2 /s 0.arge1 4or utter/ng se1/t/ous wor1s2 an o44en0e pun/s.a3le un1er
se0t/on 6B1CB3C o4 t.e Se!"!#$ %0t 1968 BRe$/se1 19-9C7 9e /s allege1 to .a$e uttere1 t.e se1/t/ous wor1s /n
t.e 0ourse o4 ./s spee0. /n Malay /n 'ewan Ra5yat on 0to3er 112 19E87 #.e /mpugne1 wor1s as 0onta/ne1
/n %ppen1/A H%H o4 t.e 0.arge are as 4ollows?
H&ea1aan e5s5lus/4 1alam negara 5/ta 1/ masa /n/ a1ala. .as/l 1ar/pa1a 3a/5 .at/ 5aum 3um/putra mem3/ar5an
se5ola.*se5ola. C./na 1an In1/a mengguna5an 3a.asa mere5a selepas Mer1e5a7 !e5/ranya to5o.*to5o. 5/ta yang
awal 1apat meramal5an 5ea1aan yang 3erla5u pa1a masa /n/ 1an t/1a5 3ertola5 ansur untu5 meng.apus5an pela<aran
C./na 1an #am/l su1a. tentu 5/ta t/1a5 a5an meng.a1ap/ masala. yang 5/ta .a1ap/ se5arang /n/7 Baga/manapun2
mas/. a1a lag/ masa untu5 5/ta mem3a/5/ 5ea1aan /n/7 #/n1a5an 5/ta 3u5anla. men0erm/n5an tu<uan 1an 5eper0ayaan
to5o.*to5o. 5/ta yang lalu ole. se3a3 mere5a tela. 3ert/n1a5 3er1asar5an 5epa1a 5ea1aan yang wu<u1 pa1a masa /tu
1an mere5a 1engan /5.las memper0aya/ 3a.awa mere5a tela. 1apat menyelesa/5an /ssu terse3ut7 Mere5a t/1a5 1apat
1/sala.5an 1engan apa yang ter<a1/ pa1a .ar/ /n/ ole. se3a3 0a3aran*0a3aran yang 5/ta ter/ma .ar/ /n/ 3u5anla. 1atang
1ar/ Iaman mere5a7 Ca3aran yang 5/ta .a1ap/ se5arang a1ala. tanggung<awa3 5/ta untu5 mengatas/nya7
#uan Jang 1/*Pertua2 masanya su1a. t/3a 3ag/ 'ewan yang mul/a /n/ untu5 memutus5an sama1a 5/ta a5an terus
mem3enar5an se5ola.*se5ola. C./na 1an #am/l 1an 3a.asa*3a.asa terse3ut 1/ papan*papan tan1a 1/ <alan*<alan raya
1/ neger/ /tu7 !aya2 seratus peratus 3erpen1apat 3a.awa 5/ta .arus menutup se5ola.*se5ola. <en/s terse3ut 1an
menye5at sama se5al/ penul/san papan*papan tan1a 1alam 3a.asa*3a.asa /tu7 !e5/ranya t/n1a5an*t/n1a5an /n/ 5ela5
Page 6
3ertentangan 1engan %rt/5al 1:2 Perlem3agaan ma5a 5/ta .arus merom3a5 Perlem3agaan terse3ut 1em/ 5epent/ngan
ra5yat 1an negara7 &alau 5/ta gagal mela5u5an .a5/5at /n/ 3erma5na 5/ta meng.ampa5an amana. yang 1/amanat5an
ole. ra5yat 1an <uga melenyap5an .arapan 1an asp/ras/ generas/ 3aru 5/ta yang t/1a5 ma.u mel/.at negara mere5a
1/0ap ole. /1ent/t/ orang as/ng7 %1a5a. 5/ta ma.u mengwu<u15an /1ent/t/ 5/ta atas asas 5emelayuan2 5e0./naan atau
5e/n1/aan7 !aya rasa su1a. past/ 5emelayuan atau 5e3um/puteraan 5erana t/1a5 a1a alternat/4 yang la/n 1em/ sur$/$al
negara 5/ta7H B!ee "A./3/t CE 4or "ngl/s. translat/onC7
%t t.e 0ommen0ement o4 t./s tr/al2 0ounsel 4or t.e %00use1 .a1 appl/e1 un1er se0t/ons 68 an1 69 o4 t.e
Courts o4 Ju1/0ature %0t (o7 E o4 19-6 BRe$/se1 19E2C %0t 912 4or t.e pro0ee1/ngs to 3e staye1 an1 4or t.e
0ourt to re4er to t.e ;e1eral Court 0erta/n 8uest/ons as to t.e e44e0t o4 t.e ;e1eral Const/tut/on /n t.e 4orm o4
a !pe0/al Case7 In eAer0/se o4 my 1/s0ret/on un1er se0t/on 68B2C2 I .el1 t.e proper stage 4or stay woul1
3e a4ter t.e w.ole e$/1en0e .a1 3een g/$en2 so t.e ;e1eral Court woul1 3e /n a 3etter pos/t/on to 1e0/1e
t.e 8uest/ons to 3e re4erre12 an1 /t woul1 also a$o/1 wastage o4 <u1/0/al t/me w./0. .a1 3een set as/1e 4or
t./s tr/al7 #.e !pe0/al Case .as now 3een re4erre1 to t.e ;e1eral Court2 an1 a4ter 1eal/ng w/t. two o4 t.e
t.ree 8uest/ons re4erre12 t.e ;e1eral Court .as rem/tte1 t.e 0ase to me 4or 0ont/nuat/on an1 1/sposal /n
a00or1an0e w/t. /ts <u1gment an1 ot.erw/se a00or1/ng to law7 B!ee ;e1eral Court Cr/m/nal Re4eren0e (o7 3
o4 1982C7
#.e 4a0ts /n t./s 0ase are not ser/ously /n 1/spute7 Mr7 #e05 BPG1C2 also a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament2
test/4/e1 to t.e e44e0t on 0to3er 112 19E8 w./lst atten1/ng t.e a4ternoon sess/on o4 'ewan Ra5yat2 .e
.ear1 t.e %00use1 ma5/ng a spee0. as reporte1 at pages 223 to 238 o4 Malays/an 9ansar1 ent/tle1
HParl/amentary 'e3ates o4 'ewan Ra5yatH Volume 1 (o7 3 4or Ge1nes1ay 0to3er 112 19E8 Bsee "A./3/t
P3C7 #.e %00use1 was /nterrupte1 3y Mr7 &7 Pat.mana3an ** t.e t.en 'eputy M/n/ster 4or La3our2 w.o
o3<e0te1 to t.e se1/t/ous nature o4 t.e spee0.7 #./s /s reporte1 at page 23= o4 "A./3/t P37 %4ter t.e spee0.
was o$er2 Mr7 1/s0usse1 /t w/t. ./s 0olleagues2 an1 e$entually on (o$em3er E2 19E82 .e lo1ge1 a
pol/0e report B"A./3/t P6C7 "n0/5 Ja.ya 3/n Manap BPG2C 0on4/rme1 t.e %00use1 1/1 ma5e t.e spee0. as
reporte1 4rom pages 223 to 238 /n "A./3/t P37 9e /s t.e C)!e( E!"#' #( ")e Ma%ay&!a$ Ha$&a' an1 .e
eApla/ne1 .ow /n Parl/ament are re0or1e1 $er3at/m2 0.e05e1 B/n0lu1/ng 0.e05/ng 3y t.e respe0t/$e
spea5ersC an1 4/nally pu3l/s.e17 In t./s /nstan0e2 a typewr/tten 0opy o4 %00use1>s spee0. ma1e on 0to3er
112 19E82 was sent to ./m on t.e 4ollow/ng 1ay7 #.e %00use1 0on4/rme1 t.e spee0. B"A./3/t P:%C $/1e
0o$er/ng memo B"A./3/t P:C7 #.e /n$est/gat/ng o44/0er2 %!P %3u 3/n U<ung BPG8C w.o .as s/n0e ret/re1
4rom t.e Pol/0e ;or0e2 ga$e 4ormal e$/1en0e regar1/ng t.e pol/0e report lo1ge1 3y Mr7 C.an7 In t.e 0ourse o4
/n$est/gat/on2 .e too5 possess/on 4rom "n0/5 Ja.ya "A./3/t P: an1 P:% w/t. two tapes 0onta/n/ng
%00use1>s spee0. B"A./3/t P-% an1 P-BC7 9e .an1e1 all t.ese eA./3/ts 4or sa4e 5eep/ng to Inspe0tor %31ul
Manan BPG6C w.o pro1u0e1 t.em /n 0ourt7 %part 4rom t.ese 4our w/tnesses2 t.e Prose0ut/on ** a4ter 0los/ng
t.e/r 0ase ** o44ere1 to t.e 'e4en0e 2= w/tnesses /n0lu1/ng 'atu5 Pat.mana3an7
#o esta3l/s. a 0ase un1er se0t/on 6B1CB3C o4 t.e Se!"!#$ %0t 19682 t.e Prose0ut/on must pro$e t.e
%00use1 1/1 utter t.e /mpugne1 wor1s2 an1 t.e /mpugne1 wor1s are Hse1/t/ousH as
$)+- $ ML; $$$ at $$-
1e4/ne1 3y se0t/ons 2 an1 3 o4 t.e %0t7 n t.e 4/rst /ngre1/ent2 t.ere /s ample e$/1en0e to pro$e t.e
%00use1 1/1 ma5e a spee0. /n 'ewan Ra5yat w./0. 0onta/ne1 t.e /mpugne1 wor1s7 #.ere /s t.e e$/1en0e
o4 Mr7 #e05 C.an2 an1 as re8u/re1 3y se0t/on -B1C2 ./s test/mony /s 0orro3orate1 3y "n0/5 Ja.ya BPG2C
an1 as well as 3y t.e Malays/an 9ansar1 B"A./3/t P3C2 an1 a 0opy o4 t.e spee0. as 0on4/rme1 3y t.e
%00use1 B"A./3/t P:%C7 n t.e e$/1en0e2 I 4/n1 t.e Prose0ut/on .a$e pro$e1 3eyon1 reasona3le 1ou3t
t.e %00use1 1/1 utter t.e /mpugne1 wor1s as 0onta/ne1 /n %ppen1/A H%H o4 t.e 0.arge7 n t.e se0on1
/ngre1/ent2 4or t.e /mpugne1 wor1s to 3e se1/t/ous2 t.e Prose0ut/on must pro$e t.ey .a$e a Hse1/t/ous
ten1en0yH as 1e4/ne1 3y se0t/on 3B1C o4 t.e Se!"!#$ %0t7 Un1er t./s su3se0t/on t.ere are s/A s/tuat/ons /n
w./0. Hwor1sH Bw./0. /s statutor/ly 1e4/ne1 to /n0lu1e any p.rase2 senten0e or 0onse0ut/$e num3er or
0om3/nat/on o4 wor1s oral or wr/ttenC w/ll .a$e a se1/t/ous ten1en0y7 In t./s 0ase2 alt.oug. t.e Prose0ut/on
are rely/ng on t.ree o4 t.em ** $/I7 paragrap.s B1C2 BeC an1 B4C o4 se0t/on 3B1C ** 4rom t.e 'eputy Pu3l/0
Prose0utor>s su3m/ss/on2 t.ey are /n 4a0t rely/ng .ea$/ly on paragrap. B4C7 Un1er paragrap. B1C2 wor1s w./0.
.a$e a ten1en0y to ra/se 1/s0ontent or 1/sa44e0t/on amongst t.e su3<e0ts o4 t.e Jang 1/*Pertuan %gong or o4
t.e Ruler o4 any !tate or amongst t.e /n.a3/tants o4 Malays/a or o4 any !tate2 are se1/t/ous un1er t.e %0t7
Un1er paragrap. BeC2 so are wor1s w/t. a ten1en0y to promote 4eel/ngs o4 /ll*w/ll an1 .ost/l/ty 3etween
1/44erent ra0es or 0lasses o4 t.e populat/on o4 Malays/a7 Un1er paragrap. B4C2 w./0. /s most rele$ant /n t./s
0ase2 wor1s w./0. .a$e a ten1en0y to 8uest/on any matter2 r/g.t2 status2 pos/t/on2 pr/$/lege2 so$ere/gnty or
Page :
prerogat/$e esta3l/s.e1 or prote0te1 3y t.e pro$/s/on o4 Part III o4 t.e ;e1eral Const/tut/on or %rt/0les 1:22
1:3 or 181 o4 t.e ;e1eral Const/tut/on are also se1/t/ous7
In t./s 0ase2 /t /s t.e 0ontent/on o4 learne1 'e4en0e Counsel t.e two passages o4 %00use1>s spee0.2 as
0onta/ne1 /n %ppen1/A H%H2 are not se1/t/ous on t.e groun1 t.ere /s no e$/1en0e o4 $/olen0e or a1$erse
rea0t/on to t.e spee0.7 Un1er 0ross*eAam/nat/on2 Mr7 C.an2 t.e 0ompla/nant2 a1m/tte1 .e was not
enrage1 3y t.e spee0.2 3ut .e 4elt .urt7 It seems to 3e suggeste1 t.e Prose0ut/on must lea1 e$/1en0e to
pro$e t.ere was a0tual $/olen0e or a1$erse rea0t/on to t.e spee0. 3e4ore t.ey 0an 3e0ome se1/t/ous7 It
/s also t.e 0ontent/on o4 'e4en0e Counsel w/t.out any eAplanat/on g/$en 3y Mr7 or 'atu5
Pat.mana3an as to w.y t.ey t.oug.t t.e spee0. was se1/t/ous2 t.e Prose0ut/on 0annot 3e sa/1 to .a$e
pro$e1 t.e/r 0ase7 It /s 0onten1e1 un1er se0t/on -B1C o4 t.e %0t2 Mr7>s op/n/on t.e
spee0. was se1/t/ous must 3e 0orro3orate12 an1 s/n0e 'atu5 Pat.mana3an 1oes not test/4y2 t.e %00use1
s.oul1 not 3e 4oun1 gu/lty7 In my $/ew2 4or t.e Prose0ut/on to su00ee1 /n t./s 0ase2 t.ere /s no ne0ess/ty to
pro$e t.e %00use1>s spee0. .as 0ause1 a0tual $/olen0e or a0tual a1$erse rea0t/on7 #.e Prose0ut/on
nee1 only pro$e un1er t.e se0on1 /ngre1/ent t.e wor1s uttere1 3y t.e %00use1 .a$e one or more o4 t.e
s/A ten1en0/es enumerate1 /n se0t/on 3B1C to ren1er t.e wor1s uttere1 as .a$/ng a se1/t/ous ten1en0y7 #.us2
all t.e Prose0ut/on nee1 to pro$e /s t.e %00use1 .as ma1e a spee0. or uttere1 wor1s w./0. 8ual/4y t.e
spee0. or wor1s as one .a$/ng a se1/t/ous ten1en0y7 In t./s 0ase2 /t /s su44/0/ent /4 t.e wor1s or spee0.
/mpugne1 .a$e a ten1en0y to ra/se 1/s0ontent or !&a((e*"!#$ a+#$,&" ")e !$)a-!"a$"& #( Ma%ay&!a. #' a
"e$e$*y "# /'#+#"e (ee%!$,& #( !%%01!%% a$ )#&"!%!"y -e"1ee$ ")e !((e'e$" 'a*e& !$ Ma%ay&!a. #' a
"e$e$*y "# 23e&"!#$ a$y +a""e'4 '!,)"4 &"a"3& #' /#&!"!#$ e&"a-%!&)e #' /'#"e*"e -y ")e /'#v!&!#$ #(
A'"!*%e 152 #( ")e Fee'a% C#$&"!"3"!#$7 #.us2 /n Public Prosecutor ! 3oi 4ee Saik 5 3rs +19E1, 2 MLJ
1=8 1112 Ra<a %Ilan !.a. J7 Bas .e t.en wasC .as t./s to say on t.e matter?
HIn my $/ew t.e prose0ut/on .a$e to pro$e an1 all t.e prose0ut/on .a$e to pro$e /s t.e wor1s 0ompla/ne1
o42 or wor1s e8u/$alent /n su3stan0e to t.ose wor1s2 were spo5en 3y a00use1 (o7 1 at t.e 1/nner party7 n0e /s
pro$e1 t.e a00use1 w/ll 3e 0on0lus/$ely presume1 to .a$e /nten1e1 t.e natural 0onse8uen0es o4 ./s $er3al a0ts2 an1 /t
/s t.ere4ore su44/0/ent /4 ./s wor1s .a$e a ten1en0y to pro1u0e any o4 t.e 0onse8uen0es state1 /n se0t/on 3B1C o4 t.e
%0t7 It /s /mmater/al or not t.e wor1s 0ompla/ne1 o4 0oul1 .a$e t.e e44e0t o4 pro1u0/ng or 1/1 /n 4a0t pro1u0e
any o4 t.e 0onse8uen0es enumerate1 /n t.e se0t/on7 It /s also /mmater/al t.e /mpugne1 wor1s were true or
4alse7 B!ee Queen 8mpress != #mbra Prasad/= %n1 /t /s not open to t.e a00use1 to say .e 1/1 not /nten1 ./s wor1s
to 3ear t.e mean/ng w./0. t.ey naturally 3ear B!ee Maniben != 8mperorC7H
%s regar1s t.e respons/3/l/ty o4 1e0/1/ng t.e wor1s are se1/t/ous2 Ra<a %Ilan !.a. J7 sa/1 t./s at
page 112?
H% l/ne must t.ere4ore 3e 1rawn 3etween t.e r/g.t to 4ree1om o4 spee0. an1 &e!"!#$6 In t./s 0ountry t.e 0ourt 1raws
t.e l/ne7 #.e 8uest/on ar/ses? w.ere /s t.e l/ne to 3e 1rawn@ w.en 1oes 4ree pol/t/0al 0r/t/0/sm en1 an1 &e!"!#$ 3eg/nL
In my $/ew2 t.e r/g.t to 4ree spee0. 0eases at t.e po/nt w.ere /t 0omes w/t./n t.e m/s0./e4 o4 se0t/on 3 o4 t.e Se!"!#$
%0t7 #.e 1/$/1/ng l/ne 3etween law4ul 0r/t/0/sm o4 )o$ernment an1 &e!"!#$ /s t./s ** /4 upon rea1/ng t.e /mpugne1
spee0. as a w.ole t.e 0ourt 4/n1s /t was /nten1e1 to 3e a 0r/t/0/sm o4 )o$ernment pol/0y or a1m/n/strat/on w/t. a
$/ew to o3ta/n /ts 0.ange or re4orm2 t.e spee0. /s sa4e7 But
$)+- $ ML; $$$ at $$*
/4 t.e 0ourt 0omes to t.e 0on0lus/on t.e spee0. use1 naturally2 0learly an1 /n1u3/ta3ly2 .as t.e ten1en0y o4 st/rr/ng
up .atre12 0ontempt or 1/sa44e0t/on aga/nst t.e )o$ernment2 t.en /t /s 0aug.t w/t./n t.e 3an o4 paragrap. BaC o4 se0t/on
3B1C o4 t.e %0t7 In 0onteAts t.e wor1 H1/sa44e0t/onH m/g.t .a$e a 1/44erent mean/ng2 3ut /n t.e 0onteAt o4 t.e
Se!"!#$ %0t /t means more pol/t/0al 0r/t/0/sm@ /t means t.e a3sen0e o4 a44e0t/on2 1/sloyalty2 enm/ty an1 .ost/l/ty7H
%lt.oug. 9/s Lor1s./p was 1eal/ng w/t. Hse1/t/ous ten1en0yH un1er paragrap. BaC o4 se0t/on 3B1C2 /t /s 0lear
law t.at2 t.e op/n/on o4 Mr7 or 'atu5 Pat.mana3an /s /rrele$ant /n 1eterm/n/ng t.e /mpugne1
wor1s are se1/t/ous7 It /s 4or t.e 0ourt to 1e0/1e an12 as su0.2 t.e 8uest/on o4 0orro3orat/on 1oes not ar/se7 In
my $/ew2 se0t/on -B1C o4 t.e Se!"!#$ %0t w./0. pro$/1es no person s.all 3e 0on$/0te1 o4 an o44en0e
un1er se0t/on 6 on t.e un0orro3orate1 test/mony o4 one w/tness2 re4ers to t.e actus reus= #.us2 /n t.e
present 0ase2 t.e 4a0t t.e %00use1 ma1e t.e /mpugne1 spee0. must 3e 0orro3orate12 3ut no
0orro3orat/on /s re8u/re1 on t.e mens rea, s/n0e t.e /ntent/on o4 t.e %00use1 /s /mmater/al 3y $/rtue o4
su3se0t/on 3B3C o4 t.e %0t7 #.us2 /t /s /mmater/al t.e %00use1>s /ntent/on or mot/$e was .onoura3le or
e$/l w.en ma5/ng t.e spee0.7
#.e test pro$/1e1 /n 3oi 4ee Saik 0ase B anteC 3etween law4ul 0r/t/0/sm o4 )o$ernment an1 &e!"!#$4 /s
rele$ant /n t./s 0ase /n 0ons/1er/ng t.e /mpugne1 two paragrap.s /n %ppen1/A H%H .a$e a se1/t/ous
Page -
ten1en0y un1er paragrap.s B1C an1 BeC o4 se0t/on 3B1C7 %s ment/one1 earl/er2 /t s.oul1 3e note1 t.e
Prose0ut/on /n t./s 0ase are rely/ng more on se1/t/ous ten1en0y un1er paragrap. B4C o4 se0t/on 3B1C7 It /s t.e/r
0ontent/on t.e /mpugne1 spee0. amounts to a 1eman1 4or t.e 0losure o4 C./nese or #am/l s0.ools2 an1
t.e a3ol/t/on o4 t.e use o4 t.e two languages on s/gn3oar1s w./0. t.ey say are prote0te1 3y pro$/so BaC to
%rt/0le 1:2 o4 t.e ;e1eral Const/tut/on7 Un1er pro$/so BaC o4 %rt/0le 1:22Hno person s.all 3e pro./3/te1 or
pre$ente1 4rom us/ng Bot.erw/se 4or o44/0/al purposesC2 or 4rom tea0./ng or learn/ng2 any
languageH7 %lt.oug. se0t/on 3B2C pro$/1es un1er 0erta/n 0/r0umstan0es a spee0. or wor1s s.all not 3e
1eeme1 to 3e se1/t/ous /4 t.ey /n 4a0t .a$e no se1/t/ous ten1en0y2 paragrap. B4C o4 se0t/on 3B1C .as
spe0/4/0ally 3een eA0lu1e1 4rom t.e 1eem/ng pro$/s/on 3y se0t/on 3B2CB3C as regar1s a ten1en0y to po/nt out
errors or 1e4e0ts /n any )o$ernment or Const/tut/on2 an1 also 3y se0t/on 3B2CB0C as regar1s a ten1en0y B1C to
persua1e t.e su3<e0ts o4 any Ruler or t.e /n.a3/tants o4 any terr/tory go$erne1 3y any )o$ernment to attempt
to pro0ure 3y law4ul means t.e alterat/on o4 any matter /n t.e terr/tory o4 t.e Ruler or go$erne1 3y t.e
)o$ernment as 3y law esta3l/s.e1@ or B2C to po/nt out2 w/t. a $/ew o4 t.e/r remo$al2 any matters pro1u0/ng or
.a$/ng a ten1en0y to pro1u0e 4eel/ngs or /ll*w/ll an1 enm/ty 3etween 1/44erent ra0es or 0lasses o4 t.e
populat/on o4 t.e ;e1erat/on7 #.us2 ng C7J7 /n Melan bin #bdullah 5 #nor ! Public Prosecutor +19E1, 2 MLJ
28= 282 .el1 t.at2 as regar1s se0t/on 3 o4 t.e Se!"!#$ %0t2 Ht.e most s/gn/4/0ant e44e0t o4 t.e 19E=
amen1ment l/es /n paragrap. B4C o4 su3se0t/on B1C2 w.ere3y t.e 1e4/n/t/on o4 a Hse1/t/ous ten1en0yH /n0lu1es
8uest/on/ng any o4 t.e pro$/s/ons an1 art/0les /n t.e ;e1eral Const/tut/on t.ere/n spe0/4/e17 #.e 3an on su0.
8uest/ons /s ma1e a3solute 3y paragrap. B0C o4 su3se0t/on B2CH7 Re4err/ng to t.e same su3<e0t*matter as
sens/t/$e /ssues2 Ra<a %Ilan J7 Bas .e t.en wasC .a1 t./s to say /n Public Prosecutor != 3oi 4ee Saik 5 3rs= B
anteC at page 1122 HI4 t.e natural 0onse8uen0es o4 t.e /mpugne1 spee0. /s apt to pro1u0e 0on4l/0t an1
1/s0or1 amongst t.e people or to 0reate ra0e .atre12 t.e spee0. transgresses paragrap.s B1C an1 BeC o4
se0t/on 3B1C7 %ga/n paragrap. B4C o4 se0t/on 3B1C 0omes /nto play /4 t.e /mpugne1 spee0. .as re4eren0e to
8uest/on any o4 t.e 4our sens/t/$e /ssues ** 0/t/Iens./p2 nat/onal language2 spe0/al r/g.ts o4 t.e Malays an1
t.e so$ere/gnty o4 t.e RulersH7
;rom t.e <u1gment o4 t.e ;e1eral Court /n t.e Re4eren0e perta/n/ng to t./s 0ase2 /t was .el1 or
not t.e %00use1>s spee0. as 0onta/ne1 /n %ppen1/A >F> was se1/t/ous w/t./n t.e %0t w/ll 1epen12 4/rstly2 on a
rea1/ng o4 part/0ular parts o4 /t2 se0on1ly2 on a rea1/ng o4 /t as a w.ole2 an12 t./r1ly2 on 0ons/1erat/on o4 t.e
0onteAt /n w./0. /t was ma1e7 Rea1/ng t.e two passages o4 %00use1>s spee0.2 part/0ularly t.e se0on1
passage2 /t /s my 4/n1/ng t.e %00use1 /s /n 4a0t 8uest/on/ng2 4/rstly2 t.e pol/0y o4 )o$ernment /n allow/ng
C./nese an1 #am/l s0.ools to 0ont/nue /n t./s 0ountry7 !e0on1ly2 .e 8uest/ons t.e use o4 C./nese an1 #am/l
on roa1 s/gn3oar1s7 9e a1$o0ates t.e 0losure o4 t.ese s0.ools an1 restr/0t 0ompletely t.e use o4 t.e two
languages on t.e s/gn3oar1s7 #./r1ly2 .e goes one step 3y suggest/ng /4 su0. 0losure an1
restr/0t/on 0ontra$ene %rt/0le 1:22 t.en t.e Const/tut/on s.oul1 3e amen1e1 /n t.e /nterest o4 t.e people an1
t.e nat/on7 9a$/ng regar1 to t.e <u1gment o4 ng C7J7 /n Melan b= #bdullahB anteC an1 o4 %31ool0a1er J7
/n Merdeka 6ni!ersity 7hd ! o!ernment of Malaysia +1981, 2 MLJ 3:-2 t.e true eAtent o4 t.e prote0t/on
g/$en 3y pro$/so BaC to %rt/0le 1:2 w/t. re4eren0e to Htea0./ng or learn/ng any languageH /s not as s/mple
as I t.oug.t7 ng C7J7 ga$e a $ery l/3eral prote0t/on w.en .e sa/1 at page 283?
$)+- $ ML; $$$ at $$%
HIt .as 3een 0onten1e1 a3ol/t/on o4 s0.ools /s not 8u/te t.e same t./ng as pre$ent/ng t.e Htea0./ng or learn/ngH o4
any language taug.t /n t.ose s0.ools7 #./s argument2 /n my op/n/on2 /s pure sop./stry 4or /t 0annot 3e sa/1 t.e
a3ol/t/on o4 #am/l or C./nese me1/um s0.ools 1oes not 1o away w/t. t.e $ery sour0e /n w./0. 5nowle1ge o4 t.ose
languages /s /m3/3e17 #.e mean/ng or1/nar/ly 0on$eye1 3y t.e wor1s H%3ol/s. #am/l or C./nese me1/um s0.ools /n t./s
0ountryH /s 0lear an1 unam3/guous7 #.ey 0all /n 8uest/on t.e tea0./ng o4 #am/l or C./nese7H
n t.e .an12 %31ool0a1er J7 appears to .a$e g/$en a more restr/0te1 prote0t/on 0on4erre1 3y t.e
pro$/so w.en .e sa/1 at page 3-2 last paragrap.?
HIt /s s/gn/4/0ant pro$/so BaC spea5s o4 >tea0./ng or learn/ng> an1 om/ts t.e prepos/t/on >/n> t.erea4ter7 It /s 8u/te
0lear MU proposes to g/$e /nstru0t/on /n /ts 0ourses /n C./nese2 as t.e only or t.e ma/n me1/um o4
/nstru0t/on2 w./0.e$er /t /s an1 t.e pro$/so a00or1/ngly a44or1s no prote0t/on 4or purpose7 #.e om/ss/on o4 t.e
prepos/t/on 0annot 3e repa/re1 /n $/ew o4 t.e eApress language o4 t.e pro$/so an1 no /nterpretat/on 3y analogy /n t./s
regar1 0an 3e resorte1 to e/t.er7 Gor1s /n a statute must 3e ta5en to 3e use1 0orre0tly an1 eAa0tly an1 t.e onus on
t.ose w.o assert t.ey are use1 loosely or /neAa0tly /s a .ea$y one B >ew Plymouth 7orough Council != "aranaki
8lectric-Power 7oard Bat page -82C7 It was la/1 1own 3y t.e Pr/$y Coun0/l /n Ram Chunder Dutt != ;ughesh Chunder
Dutt >arguments 4rom analogy may ar/se w.ere a pr/n0/ple o4 law /s /n$ol$e1@ 3ut w.ere t.e 0ourts are 1eal/ng w/t.
t.e pos/t/$e ena0tments o4 a statute2 reasons 4oun1e1 upon analog/es are s0ar0ely appl/0a3le>H7
Page E
#.e 8uest/on t.ere4ore ar/ses as to t.e true /nterpretat/on o4 pro$/so BaC to %rt/0le 1:2B1C7 9a$/ng regar1 to t.e
wor1s use1 /n t.e pro$/so2 $/I7 Htea0./ng or learn/ng any languageH as oppose1 to Htea0./ng or learn/ng
in any languageH2 I ten1 to agree w/t. t.e restr/0te1 mean/ng as enun0/ate1 3y %31ool0a1er J7 w.en
1eal/ng w/t. s0.ools or e1u0at/onal /nst/tut/ons7 In my $/ew2 un1er pro$/so BaC2 alt.oug. t.e (at/onal
Language s.all 3e t.e Malay language2 t.e usage o4 any language 4or o44/0/al purposes2 /s
guarantee1@ so /s t.e teaching or learning o4 any language /n s0.ools2 3e /t C./nese2 #am/l2 %ra3/0 or
"ngl/s.7 But t.ere /s not./ng /n pro$/so BaC to <ust/4y t.e eAtens/on o4 t.e prote0t/on to t.e operat/on o4 s0.ools
w.ere t.e me1/um o4 /nstru0t/on /s C./nese2 #am/l2 %ra3/0 or "ngl/s.7 #./s str/0t /nterpretat/on /s 0ons/stent
w/t. pro$/so B3C w./0. guarantees t.e r/g.t o4 t.e ;e1eral )o$ernment or any !tate )o$ernment to preser$e
an1 susta/n t.e usean1 study o4 t.e language o4 any 0ommun/ty /n t.e ;e1erat/on7 #.us2 t.e
preser$at/on an1 sustenan0e o4 usage o4 language o4 any 0ommun/ty /s guarantee17 !o /s t.e
preser$at/on an1 sustenan0e o4 stu1y o4 any 0ommun/ty>s language2 3ut aga/n t.ere /s no <ust/4/0at/on
/n eAten1/ng t.e guarantee to t.e preser$at/on an1 sustenan0e o4 stu1y in t.e language o4 any
0ommun/ty /n t.e a3sen0e o4 spe0/4/0 wor1s to e44e0t7 %ny /nterpretat/on o4 pro$/so BaC woul1 result
/n a3us/ng t.e wor1s use1 /n t.e pro$/so7 It /s a3sur1 4or /nstan0e to t./n5 t.e pro$/so g/$es 0onst/tut/onal
prote0t/on to tea0./ng or learn/ng /n s0.ool w.ere t.e me1/um o4 /nstru0t/on /s Russ/an or Japanese7 #o my
m/n12 t.e prote0t/on only eAten1s to language 3ut not to me1/um o4 /nstru0t/on /n s0.ools7 In wor1s2 no
person s.all 3e pro./3/te1 or pre$ente1 4rom tea0./ng or learn/ng C./nese or #am/l or2 4or matter2 any
language w./0. /s not t.e nat/onal language /n any s0.ool as a language su3<e0t2 3ut su0. prote0t/on 1oes
not eAten1 to t.e tea0./ng or learn/ng /n a s0.ool w.ere t.e tea0./ng or learn/ng /s in any language7 %s
0orre0tly state1 3y %31ool0a1er J72 t.e om/ss/on o4 t.e prepos/t/on H/nH a4ter t.e wor1s Htea0./ng or learn/ngH
/n pro$/so BaC ma5es t.e 1/st/n0t/on ne0essary7 In t.e e$ent2 /t /s my 4/n1/ng t.e %00use1 /s not gu/lty o4
&e!"!#$ w.en .e a1$o0ates 4or t.e 0losure o4 #am/l or C./nese s0.ools7 or not su0. 0losure /s
a1$/sa3le or 4eas/3le /s2 o4 0ourse2 matter to 3e 1e0/1e1 elsew.ere an1 not /n t./s 0ourt7 #.ere /s
not./ng unlaw4ul /n allow/ng C./nese or #am/l s0.ools to 0ont/nue7
%s regar1s t.e use o4 s/gn3oar1s /n C./nese an1 #am/l2 I am sat/s4/e1 4rom t.e spee0. t.e %00use1 was
re4err/ng to roa1 s/gn3oar1s7 !u0. s/gn3oar1s are ere0te1 un1er t.e Roa1 #ra44/0 r1/nan0e an1 t.ere4ore
t.ey are ere0te1 4or o44/0/al purpose7 In t.e e$ent2 t./s part/0ular part o4 t.e /mpugne1 spee0. /s not prote0te1
un1er pro$/so BaC w./0. pro$/1es no person s.all 3e pro./3/te1 or pre$ente1 4rom us/ng any
language ot.erw/se 4or o44/0/al purpose7 #.e wor1s use1 3y t.e %00use1 0annot t.ere4ore 3e sa/1 to
.a$e se1/t/ous ten1en0y s/n0e .e 1oes not /n 4a0t 0all /n 8uest/on t.e eA/sten0e o4 any r/g.t prote0te1 3y any
part o4 %rt/0le 1:27 In t.e 0onteAt o4 t.e two paragrap.s o4 ./s spee0. /n %ppen1/A >F>2 .e was /n 4a0t
1eman1/ng 4or t.e /mplementat/on o4 t.e nat/onal language as pro$/1e1 4or /n %rt/0le7 But2 on t.e t./r1
part o4 ./s spee0. /n %ppen1/A >F>2 t.e %00use1 .as2 to my m/n12 0omm/tte1 a 3rea0. o4 paragrap. B4C o4
se0t/on 3B1C 3y 1eman1/ng t.e amen1ment o4 t.e Const/tut/on /4 ./s 1eman1 4or a3ol/t/on or 0losure o4
C./nese an1 #am/l s0.ools2 an1 4or 1/s0ont/nuan0e o4 t.e use o4 su0. languages on roa1 s/gn3oar1s
0ontra$ene1 %rt/0le 1:27 By so 1o/ng2 .e .as 8uest/one1 t.e pro$/s/on o4 %rt/0le 1:2 3y 1eman1/ng 4or /ts
repeal or amen1ment s.oul1 /t pro$e ne0essary7 #o my m/n12 /t ma5es no 1/44eren0e /4
$)+- $ ML; $$$ at $$0
su0. repeal or amen1ment turne1 out to 3e unne0essary7 #.e 3an on 8uest/on/ng t.e eA/sten0e o4 %rt/0les
1:22 1:3 or 181 o4 t.e ;e1eral Const/tut/on /s ma1e a3solute 3y paragrap. B0C o4 se0t/on 3B2C o4 t.e
Se!"!#$ %0t7 %s state1 3y t.e ;e1eral Court at page 1=? HBut at t.e same t/me r1/nan0e 6: also amen1e1
se0t/on 3B2C o4 t.e Se!"!#$ %0t2 t.e e44e0t o4 w./0. /s to allow a person to 8uest/on t.e /mplementat/on o4
%rt/0le 1:22 as oppose1 to 8uest/on/ng t.e eA/sten0e o4 t.e r/g.ts guarantee1 3y /tH7 #o my m/n12 3y
suggest/ng %rt/0le 1:2 s.oul1 3e amen1e12 t.e %00use1 /s te0.n/0ally gu/lty o4 &e!"!#$ pun/s.a3le
un1er se0t/on 6B1CB3C o4 t.e %0t7 It /s my $/ew a1$o0at/ng 4or t.e /mplementat/on o4 t.e nat/onal language
w/t./n t.e am3/t o4 %rt/0le 1:2 0annot /n any 0ase 0onst/tute se1/t/ous ten1en0y2 unless 3y su0. a1$o0a0y a
person uses su0. 4/ery language w./0. /s apt to pro1u0e 0on4l/0t an1 1/s0or1 amongst t.e people or to 0reate
ra0e .atre12 /n w./0. e$ent2 t.e spee0. transgresses paragrap.s B1C an1 BeC o4 se0t/on 3B1C7 %4ter
0ons/1er/ng t.e /mpugne1 spee0. senten0e 3y senten0e2 an1 rea1/ng t.e spee0. as a w.ole an1 .a$/ng
0ons/1ere1 t.e 0onteAt /n w./0. /t was ma1e2 I 4/n1 t.e %00use1 .as not 0ontra$ene1 paragrap. B1C or BeC2
alt.oug. .e transgresse1 paragrap. B4C 3y 8uest/on/ng t.e eA/sten0e o4 %rt/0le 1:2 an1 a1$o0at/ng 4or /ts
amen1ment s.oul1 /t 3e 4oun1 ne0essary7
Page 8
In t.e 0/r0umstan0es2 I 4/n1 t.e Prose0ut/on .a$e esta3l/s.e1 a prima facie 0ase an1 0all t.e %00use1 to
enter ./s 'e4en0e7 #.e %00use1 ele0ts to rema/n s/lent an1 1oes not w/s. to 0all any w/tness7 In su0.
0/r0umstan0e2 t.e 0ourt woul1 .a$e no alternat/$e 3ut to 4/n1 t.e %00use1 gu/lty o4 t.e 0.arge7 But as state1
earl/er2 t.e %00use1 .a1 appl/e1 4or stay o4 pro0ee1/ngs at t.e 0ommen0ement o4 tr/al $/1e 9/g. Court
Cr/m/nal %ppl/0at/on (o7 2/1982 4or 0erta/n 0onst/tut/onal /ssues to 3e re4erre1 to t.e ;e1eral Court7 !/n0e t.e
%00use1 /s a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament2 an1 t.e /mpugne1 spee0. was ma1e /n 'ewan Ra5yat2 an1 0erta/n
8uest/ons .a1 ar/sen as to t.e e44e0t o4 %rt/0les -3 an1 1:2 o4 t.e ;e1eral Const/tut/on2 I was o4 t.e $/ew
t./s was t.e proper stage w.en an or1er stay/ng t.e pro0ee1/ngs s.oul1 3e allowe17 In eAer0/se o4 my
1/s0ret/on2 I .a1 allowe1 t.e 4ollow/ng t.ree 8uest/ons to 3e re4erre1 to t.e ;e1eral Court un1er se0t/on
68B1C o4 Courts o4 Ju1/0ature %0t 19-6 BRe$/se1 19E2C an1 un1er Rule 33 o4 t.e Rules o4 t.e ;e1eral Court
B1C %s a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament2 .as t.e %00use1>s r/g.t o4 4ree spee0. /n Parl/ament g/$en BaC 3y
se0t/ons 3 an1 8 o4 t.e 9ouses o4 Parl/ament BPr/$/leges an1 PowersC r1/nan0e 19:2 an1 B3C 3y
%rt/0le -3B2C o4 t.e 19:E ;e1eral Const/tut/on 3een $al/1ly l/m/te1 3y t.e su3se8uent 0onst/tut/onal
amen1ment w/t. t.e a11/t/on o4 Clause B6C to %rt/0le -3 3y %0t %3=L
B2C %s a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament2 /s t.e %00use1>s r/g.t o4 4ree spee0. /n Parl/ament g/$en 3y %rt/0le
-3B2C o4 t.e Const/tut/on e/ BaC part o4 t.e 3as/0 stru0ture o4 t.e Const/tut/on or B3C a 4un1amental
rule o4 natural <ust/0e2 so any purporte1 amen1ment o4 t.e Const/tut/on see5/ng to l/m/t su0. r/g.t
/s $o/1 an1 o4 no e44e0tL
B3C 9a$/ng regar1 to t.e pos/t/on o4 Malay language as t.e nat/onal language un1er %rt/0le 1:2 Clause
B1C o4 t.e ;e1eral Const/tut/on an1 8uest/on/ng /t woul1 3r/ng /nto operat/on se0t/on 3B1CB4C o4 t.e
Se!"!#$ %0t 1968 BRe$/se1 19-9C2 0an t.e 1eman1 4or 0losure o4 C./nese an1 #am/l s0.ools /n t.e
pro0ess o4 /mplement/ng t.e nat/onal language 3e legally an1 0onst/tut/onally treate1 as 8uest/on/ng
t.e pro$/s/on o4 pro$/so BaC o4 %rt/0le 1:2B1C2 notw/t.stan1/ng t.ere /s no 1eman1 4or t.e a3ol/t/on
or pro./3/t/on o4 t.e tea0./ng or learn/ng o4 su0. languageL
#.e ;e1eral Court .as 3y /ts <u1gment 1el/$ere1 on %pr/l 1E2 19822 answere1 t.e 4/rst an1 se0on1 8uest/ons
/n t.e a44/rmat/$e7 #.e rul/ng o4 t.e ;e1eral Court on t.e 4/rst 8uest/on /s t.e %00use1>s r/g.t o4 4ree
spee0. /n Parl/ament .as 3een $al/1ly l/m/te1 3y t.e amen1ment e44e0te1 3y t.e new Clause B6C o4 %rt/0le -3
a11e1 3y Const/tut/on B%men1mentC %0t 19E1 B%0t %3=C7 n t.e se0on1 8uest/on2 /t rule1 t.e
amen1ments 1o not a44e0t t.e 3as/0 stru0ture o4 t.e Const/tut/on an1 t.e %00use1>s r/g.t o4 4ree spee0. /n
Parl/ament g/$en 3y %rt/0le -3B2C o4 t.e Const/tut/on /s not part o4 t.e 4un1amental rule o4 natural <ust/0e7 In
s.ort2 /t /s t.e rul/ng o4 t.e ;e1eral Court t.e amen1ments l/m/t/ng a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament>s r/g.t o4 4ree
spee0. /n Parl/ament are $al/17 !/n0e I .a$e more or less answere1 t.e t./r1 8uest/on2 I 1o not w/s. to say
anyt./ng more /n t.e matter7 #.e answer /s /n t.e negat/$e2 su3<e0t to I .a$e sa/1 earl/er7
n resumpt/on o4 .ear/ng2 learne1 'e4en0e Counsel .as appl/e1 4or t.e 0ase to 3e reopene1 to ena3le t.e
%00use1 to 0all t.ree w/tnesses 4or t.e pro1u0t/on o4 0erta/n 1o0uments an1 a 3oo5 ent/tle1 HMalay
'/lemmaH7 %4ter .ear/ng o3<e0t/on 3y t.e 'eputy Pu3l/0 Prose0utor2 I agree t.e appl/0at/on s.oul1 3e
1/sm/sse17 #.e 0all/ng o4 4res. e$/1en0e2 a4ter t.e 'e4en0e .as 0lose12 s.oul1 not 3e enterta/ne1 unless
su0. e$/1en0e was not a$a/la3le earl/er an1 t.e 4res. e$/1en0e /s o4 su0. nature /t /s 0re1/3le an1
mater/al to t.e 0ase7 'e4en0e Counsel .as 4a/le1 to s.ow .ow t.e wor1s use1 /n 1o0uments 3y
people 0an .elp t.e 0ourt to 1eterm/ne t.e )+- $ ML; $$$ at $$? /mpugne1 spee0. /n t./s 0ase /s
se1/t/ous7 #.e appl/0at/on /s a00or1/ngly 1/sm/sse17
%4ter 0ons/1er/ng 'e4en0e 4/nal su3m/ss/on2 I 4/n1 t.e %00use1 .as 4a/le1 to ra/se any reasona3le 1ou3t /n t.e
Prose0ut/on 0ase7 I t.ere4ore 4/n1 t.e A**3&e ,3!%"y #( ")e *)a',e6
n senten0e2 I .a$e g/$en anA/ous 0ons/1erat/on to t.e $ar/ous eAtenuat/ng 0/r0umstan0es 4oun1 /n t./s
0ase7 %lt.oug. &e!"!#$ /s a ser/ous o44en0e2 I ta5e /nto 0ons/1erat/on t.e %00use1 /s a 4/rst o44en1er2 an1
t.e type o4 &e!"!#$ 0omm/tte1 /s a te0.n/0al one un1er paragrap. B4C o4 se0t/on 3B1C7 ;urt.er2 t.ere are
eAtenuat/ng 0/r0umstan0es /n t./s 0ase w./0. are /n %00use1>s 4a$our7 %lt.oug. t.e %00use1 /s a lawyer an1
a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament w.o s.oul1 3e presume1 to 5now t.e law2 /t /s 0lear 4rom t.e Malaysian :ansards w.en t.e %00use1 ma1e t.e /mpugne1 spee0.2 e$en t.e !pea5er2 4rom ./s /nter<e0t/on w.en Mr7
Pat.mana3an too5 o3<e0t/on2 was un1erstan1a3ly unsure to stop or allow t.e %00use1 to 0ont/nue
w/t. ./s spee0.7 #.e law o4 &e!"!#$ /n t./s 0ountry /s 1/44/0ult to un1erstan1 1ue to /ts art/4/0/al nature2 an1
Page 9
unt/l re0ently e$en a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament 0oul1 not 3e eApe0te1 to 5now w.y ./s 4ree1om o4 spee0. .as
3een $al/1ly l/m/te1 alt.oug. se0t/ons 3 an1 8 o4 t.e 9ouses o4 Parl/ament BPr/$/leges an1 PowersC
r1/nan0e 19:2 .a$e not 3een eApressly repeale17 !e0on1ly2 t./s o44en0e was 0omm/tte1 /n 19E8 an1 t.e
%00use1 was only 0.arge1 /n 1981 a4ter t.e 'eputy Pu3l/0 Prose0utor .a1 g/$en ./s 0onsent to prose0ute
some 2 years an1 9 mont.s a4ter a pol/0e report was lo1ge1 3y t.e 0ompla/nant7 #./r1ly2 t./s /s t.e 4/rst 0ase
/n t./s 0ountry a Mem3er o4 Parl/ament .as 3een 0.arge1 o4 0omm/tt/ng t.e o44en0e w./le 1/s0.arg/ng
./s 1uty /n Parl/ament7 ;ourt.ly2 t.e /mpugne1 spee0. was %00use1>s ma/1en spee0. /n Parl/ament7 In my
$/ew2 t.e 4a0t t.e %00use1 .as 3een 4oun1 gu/lty /n t./s 0ase2 /s su44/0/ent 1eterrent 4or ./m an1
Mem3ers o4 Parl/ament to 3e more 0are4ul /n 4uture w.en g/$/ng /n Parl/ament2 part/0ularly w.en
1eal/ng w/t. sens/t/$e /ssues7 #o my m/n12 /3-%!* !$"e'e&" woul1 3e su44/0/ently ser$e1 /4 t.e %00use1 /s put
on a Bon1 4or two years /n t.e sum o4 D22=== /n one surety to 3e o4 goo1 3e.a$/our un1er se0t/on 1E3%
Cr/m/nal Pro0e1ure Co1e w/t.out re0or1/ng a 0on$/0t/on7 I t.ere4ore /mpose t.e senten0e w./0. I t./n5 /s 4a/r
an1 a1e8uate .a$/ng regar1 to all t.e 0/r0umstan0es o4 t.e 0ase7 9owe$er2 t./s senten0e s.oul1 not 4orm a
pre0e1ent 4or 4uture 0ases /n$ol$/ng Mem3ers o4 Parl/ament w.o are 4oun1 gu/lty o4 s/m/lar o44en0es7
3rder accordingly=
!ol/0/tors? Marina 9usoff 5 Co=

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