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The News-Herald Election Questionnaire

Date completed: September 17, 2012 3:02 PM

Political Party: Libertarian
David Macko
Age: 72 Born: April 20, 1942 in Cleveland, Ohio
Home address: 28810 Cannon Road, Solon, Ohio 44139 for 46 years
Campaign web site:
Occupation: Retired from Key Bank
No elected office experience.
Non-elected office experience:
John Birch Society Chapter Leader, 1973 - c. 1982
American Party, Cuyahoga County Treasurer 1974-1977
American Party, Ohio Treasurer 1977-1980
American Legion Post Commander 1981-1982
Ohio Libertarian Party, Region Representative 1988-2003
Ohio Libertarian Party State Secretary 1989-1992
2003-2008 except for a few months Ohio Libertarian Party
Region Chairman or Region Representative
American Legion Post Finance Officer 2006-present.
2010-present Ohio Libertarian Party Central Committee Member
2010-2013 Libertarian Party Cuyahoga County Chairman

John Adams High School, Cleveland, Ohio graduate 1960
Adelbert College of (Case) Western Reserve University B.A History 1964

Marital Status: Single. No children.

Life member: Libertarian Party, The John Birch Society, The American Legion, Gun
Owners of America, Second Amendment Foundation, American Free Press Readership
Council, Council of Conservative Citizens, Campaign for Liberty, National Taxpayers
Association, Archangel Michael Orthodox Church, Broadview Heights, Ohio
Other : National Rifle Association, National Motorists Association, Oathkeepers, National
Organization For Reform of Marijuana Laws, Veterans for Peace, Cleveland Peace
Action, European-American Unity and Rights Organization, Northeast Ohio Anti-War
Coalition, Ohio, Western Reserve, Solon, Chagrin Falls and Moreland Hills Historical

Should you be elected, what are three specific areas you'd like to change, address,
improve or further research, and how specifically would you go about it?

End the police state by defunding and abolishing the Homeland Security Department, the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the TSA, the FBI. the CIA, the
USA P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, the DEA and the FDA, the unconstitutional, unnecessary,
counterproductive War on Drugs and all other federal agencies and laws which violate
the Bill of Rights, especially the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. The first unconstitutional
federal drug laws, the Food and Drug Law of 1906 and the Harrison Act of 1914, which
was promoted by Francis Harrison, a member of Skull and Bones class of 1895, set the
stage for the Drug War which was the chief excuse for establishing a police state before
9/11, which was an inside job. We need to stop the government from spying on the
American people, secret courts and all federal infringements on the right to keep and
bear arms, especially taxes on weapons and ammunition. The government should not
watch the people. The people should watch the government. Congress needs to
research the truth about 9-11, the Waco and Ruby Ridge massacres, the Gulf of Tonkin
incident, Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the Lusitania and a hundred or more incidents
about which the American people have been lied to by the government and the
establishment media. Finally, the House of Representatives should impeach Barack
Obama for treason, war crimes, murder, and attempting to destroy the Constitution in
order to set up a dictatorship. Their failure to do show shows cowardice or ignorance of a
staggeringly enormous level. We will continue to suffer worse atrocities and violations
until there are consequences for violations of the Constitution.

End World War III by stopping all of the meddling which "our" government has performed
at least since 1917. Bring all of our troops home now, sell all of our foreign bases, end all
foreign aid since it is unconstitutional, counterproductive by making enemies, especially
when "we" give it to both sides, and because "our" government may be at least $18
trillion in debt by the time that you read these comments. Get the United States out of the
United Nations and the United Nations out of the United States before it gains the powers
of taxation, military and judicial force and becomes a one-world totalitarian government.
We should get rid of all the tentacles of the coming world government, including NATO.
Some of our troops should be deployed to the southern border, if necessary, to stop the
invasion which Obama and the governments of Mexico and other banana republics have
collaborated about in order to greatly accelerate. I favor reimplementation of President
Eisenhower's successful Project Wetback of 1954, which successfully returned two
million illegals to their own country without infringing on the God-given, Constitutionally
guaranteed rights of Americans and lawful guests. We should utilize modern technology
and construct a wall, if necessary. We do not need a pathway to citizenship. We need a
pathway back to Mexico. Until the immigration invasion is ended there should be a
moratorium on all immigration. After that, it should be limited to less than 1/10th of one
percent of the population per year.
If "our" government has succeeded in creating a credible terrorism threat to our country,
or even if it has not, the BATFE, as I said above, should be defunded and abolished and
all federal gun control laws, and taxes on weapons and ammunition, which are
infringements of the Second Amendment, should be repealed and Barack Obama should
be impeached as a war criminal.

To end the depression and restore prosperity, the Liberty Amendment to the Constitution
should be ratified. It would require sale of all federally held businesses and land, a million
square miles so that the federal income, gift and death taxes could be repealed so that
the average American will receive a 20% pay raise forever. Corporation and other taxes
should be substantially reduced. Obamacare should be repealed and replaced with
nothing. OSHA, the EPA and other agencies, which also harass the people, especially
small businessmen, should be abolished. Taxes, edicts, executive orders and other
restrictions on the discovery, development, production, sale and distribution of all forms
of energy, as well as subsidies which distort the market, should be repealed. The Federal
Reserve System, which has looted the American people and stolen over 95% of our
wealth, should be audited, abolished and replaced with gold and silver money, which the
government cannot create out of nothing. Finally, Obama should be impeached.

Whether for past accomplishments or future goals, why should voters elect you?

I have been active in patriotic organizations such as the John Birch Society and the
Libertarian Party for many years.
I ran for State Representative as an American Party member in 1972 and for Congress in
2008, State Representative in 2010, and again for Congress in 2012, as a Libertarian
each time.
I promise never to vote to increase taxes or to impose new ones. I will always vote to
reimplement the Constitution and our liberties for everyone. I will always interpret the
Constitution as the Founding Fathers wrote and ratified it. I will work to restore liberty,
justice and peace and our national sovereignty. I will always remember that the half way
point between good and evil is evil and that there can be no compromise between truth
and lies or between the Constitution and its enemies. I will adhere to my oath to the
Constitution 100%, not 48% of the time. Finally, unlike the Republicans, I will propose to
and vote for the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, war crimes, murder
and attempting to destroy the Constitution and establish a dictatorship, as I stated above.
Vote Libertarian if you want to be free. We can and will do better.

For liberty, justice and peace,
David Macko Libertarian for Congress
Ohio 14th District

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