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Relief for Tight Hamstrings

Thanks to our step,by,step guide, stretchingyour hamstrings just got easier (and safer)!
Those darn hamstrings. Their stubborn inflexibility is a source oHrus'
tration for many yoga practitioners, often because they know (or have
heard) that forward bends would help their sore and stiff backs-if they
could just get past their hamstrings. More than vanity is at stake here;
lower back problems, hip problems, and knee problems can be traced, at
least in part, to tight hamstrings. So why are the hamstrings so resistant
to stretching? Three factors are worth considering: the anatomy of the
muscles themselves, the postural habits of our well,heeled (shoe'
wearing) culture, and counterproductive efforts to stretch them.
Let's first take a look at the anatomy of the hamstrings.
The hamstrings are a large set of four mus-
cles at the back of the thighs (Figs. ra and
I b). Their common name originated in
18th-century English meat markets, where
slaughtered pigs were hung by a string
through the large tendon at the back of
their hind legs. We know the feeling
us forward by pulling the thigh
bone back-thus extending the
hip in a backward-bending motion.
Then, when we pick up our foot to swing
it forward for the next step, the hamstrings
contract to bend the knee, so that we don't
literally trip over our own feet.
Overall , what the hamstring muscles
do depends upon what the foot is doing.
The hamstringr are constantly working to hold us upright and to help us walk and run.
Injury to these muscles is likewise debili-
tating for us humans, leaving us literally
and metaphorically hamstrung.
The hamstrings are muscles that
constantly work to hold us upright and
help us walk and run. Because of the
heavy-duty nature of their work, the tis-
sue structure ofthe hamstrings is corre-
spondingly tough. An abundance of
built-in connective (i.e. , fascial ) tissue
makes the hamstrings harder to stretch
than other muscles. But tissue structure
alone doesn't fully explain their resi s-
tance to stretching.
The hamstrings have two straightfor-
ward functions: they extend tile hip and
flex the knee. When we walk or run, our
hamstrings contract powerfully, propelling
When the foot is
fixed and weight bearing,
the hamstrings pull the thigh
back, extending the hip and propelling
us forward. When the foot is free to
move, the hamstrings contract to bend
the knee by pulling on the lower leg
below the knee.
But here is the paradox: the ham-
string muscles can either flex or extend
the knee (while most muscles do one or
the other). Although these muscles are
intended to simply flex the knee, when
Biceps Femoris
~ o n head)
Quadri ceps
Biceps Femoris
(short head)
Fig. Ia: of the
hamstrings insert below the knee.
the knee goes into hyperextension, the
hamstrings start to partici pate in extend,
ing (to the point of overstraightening)
the knee instead. Here's how. The ham'
strings attach at the head of the shin be'
low the knee, whil e the calf muscle on
the back side of the leg attaches to the
thigh bone above the knee. Usual ly the
Q..uadriceps contract to extend the knee,
while the hamstrings release to allow
the leg to straighten (Fig. 2). At the end
point, when the leg is full y straight, the
ligaments inside the knee prevent the
knee from hyperextension. But these lig'
aments can be weakened from the habit
of forcibly locking the knees (pushing
the knees back until they won' t go any
farther) . Just as the brakes in our car
wear down if we constantly ride them,
the ligaments of the knee weaken from
the habit ofl ocking the knees. Then the
hamstrings begin to dominate in a rol e
that they weren't meant to pl ay. When
weak ligaments allow the leg to go be'
yond straight, the hamstring muscles
(as well as the calf muscl e) pull the knee
into hyperextension.
Ti ght hamstrings may also be caused or
exacerbated by our footwear. Our shoes,
with their raised and cushioned heels,
prevent us from using our heels properly
Fig. Ib: lIIuscles are the
antagonists to the Q!ladriceps muscles.
when walking, and tend to shift our hips
forward when standing. This places a
burden on our hamstrings, while leaving
our gluteals underdeveloped as postural
muscles. In comparison, barefoot cuI,
tures show a significant difference in
muscle development related to posture.
We' ll look at the gluteals in the next
issue of Yoga+; for now, let's focus on
the hamstrings.
When the hips are habitually shifted
forward and the knees hyperextended
Fig. 2: (a) The hamstring
muscles flex tbe knee. (b) The hamstrings release
and tbe Il}tadriceps engage to stabilize tbe leg.
( c) When tbe knee ligaments are weak, tbe bam'
strings pull tbe knee into hyperextension.
The trick in uttanasana (standingforward bend)
1s to prevent the hamstrings from contracting
and locking the knees into extension.
TUR Due to tight
hamstrings, the hIps
shift forward, the knees
hyperextend, and the
IIpper back rounds.
Tight hamstrings pre'
vent the pelvis from
ing the lower back to
bend more than it
(i.e., locked back) , the hamstrings are
recruited to stabilize posture, effectively
dismissing the Q..uadriceps and gluteal
muscles, which normally support proper
alignment of the pelvis over the legs . To
hold the hips in place, the hamstrings
tighten the connection between the sit
bones and the back of the knees. The
resulting forward shift of the hips causes
the upper body to sway back, rounding
the upper back to compensate for the for'
ward shift of the hips and the hyperex'
tended knees (Fig. 3). The hamstrings
get tighter and tighter from chronic cow
traction, and the cycle of hyperextension
and muscle tension begins.
The hamstrings don't necessarily feel
tight while we're standing because of the
way the bones are balanced in line with
gravity-the sit bones balance directly
over the locked knees. Only the upper
part of the hamstrings close to the sit
bones, deep beneath the gluteals, cow
tracts. We may not notice the grip of the
upper hamstrings until we try to bend
fonvard. Then, we immediately find that
the pelvis cannot tip fonvard, and we
have little choice but to bend from the
lower back instead (Fig. 4).
Bending from the lower back can lead to
a number of aches, pains, and injuries,
since the lumbar spine (i.e., the lower
back) wasn' t built to bear weight in fop
ward' bending positions. Ideally, the leg
muscles, gluteals, and upper body do the
heavy lifting, while the spinal muscles
keep the spine straight. But if your ham'
strings are tight , even bending the knees
to keep the back straight when lifting a
heavy load may not be enough to protect
your lower back from muscle spasms or
damaged or ruptured disks.
Back pain is not the only negative
result of tight hamstrings. Many people
suffer chronic pain deep in the buttocks,
which actually arises from this tension in
the upper hamstrings, made worse by
friction- in this case, the rubbing caused
by pressure against the sit bones and ten'
dons from sitting in chairs and car seats,
or even from carrying a wallet in your
back pocket. Hamstring problems also
affiict many who can bend forward easily,
launching into a swan dive from tadasana
( mountain pose) to uttanasana (standing
forward bend) , as they fold neatly at the
hip creases. Although these people don ' t
think of themselves as having tight ham'
strings, tension hiding in the upper ham'
strings can result in a tear at the attach,
ment of the tendon to the pelvis during
advanced asana practice.
In some yoga classes you may hear
the instruction to lock your knees during
certain standing, balancing, and fonvard,
bending poses. The intention is to keep
the legs straight. But as we have seen,
this is a harmful and counterproductive
instruction that works against our joint
and hamstring health, and doesn' t allow
for progress in stretching the han1strings.
If anything, we need to consciously
+ To learn how to heal a torn hamstring
tendon, log all to and click on
"Healing Hamstring Illjuries."
unlearn this habit, and reinstate the mus'
c1es of the thigh in their proper role. Supta
padangusthasana is one pose in which we
can explore the proper activation of the
thigh muscles and stretch the hamstrings
Many yoga students tend to lock the
knees in this classic hamstring stretch,
which prevents them from progressing
in the pose and puts them at risk for
injury. Supta padangusthasana itself is
Quite simple. While reclining on the floor
(the IUpta part), take one leg up and
either grab the big toe (the padangustha
part) or place a yoga belt around the foot
at the ball of the big toe. Straighten your
leg and then stretch the hamstrings by
pulling on the belt to bring the leg closer
toward your chest-ideally while main-
taining a natural inward curve in your
lower back and keeping the other leg
straight and in contact with the floor.
Our bad habits usually take over
when we begin to straighten the leg. The
temptation is to hold the foot in place
with the belt and then straighten the
knee by pushing it away from the chest.
But this action, which locks the knee
into extension, actually contracts the
hamstrings as soon as the knee locks.
One sign of this hyperextension is that
the kneecap turns toward the opposite
shoulder because the thigh has rotated
inward as the knee locked. Often the
contracted hamstrings will pull on the sit
bone and tuck the pelvis under, flatten-
ing or even rounding your back on the
floor. If you are especially tense, you will
have difficulty straightening the leg at
all-not just because the hamstrings are
tight , but also because they are actively
contracting out of habit, and therefore
you are unable to use the Quadriceps to
straighten the leg properly. Reversing
this tendency in supta padangusthasana
is a simple matter and works to strengthen
the Q.uadriceps.
To begin, be sure you are not starting
the pose with a locked knee. Instead of
starting with the leg straight out along
the floor and then attempting to take the
straight leg up into the stretch, try the
1 Bend your right knee to place a belt
around your foot, and then keep your
knee bent.
2 Draw your knee a little closer to your
chest, allowing the thigh to rotate out
slightly, so that your hip releases down to
the floor. This slight outward rotation
allows the femur to slide into place in the
hip socket, and helps you maintain a slight
arch in your back. Keep the chest open
and your neck relaxed and long.
3 Keep your hip firmly grounded on the
earth, and your knee exactly where it is.
With the help of the belt, swing your foot
up into place, and straighten your leg by
contracting your Q!.ladriceps, drawing
energy from your kneecap toward your hip
(Fig. sa) . As your leg straightens, press up
against the belt with the ball of your big
toe while drawing your outer hip down
toward the floor. Pressing through the ball
of the big toe will spiral your leg in, adjust,
ing the outer rotation you allowed in step 2.
Keeping the outer hip grounded will bal,
Fig. 5a:
From a bent
knee position, straighten
your leg by engaging the
and liftingyour
foot tOlVard the ceiling.
ance that inward spiral with the outward
spiral at the top of the thigh by which you
grounded the femur in the hip socket-so
that in the balance between the two, the
leg stays centered. A sign of success is that
your right kneecap will be lined up with
your right shoulder rather than turning to
the left (Fig. Sb).
Fig.5b: ONT VIEW
Press up
through the ball ofyour
big toe and anchor YOllr
right hlp. Make sllre
YOllr kneecap is above
YOllr shoulder.
Resist the temptation to lock your
knee at the end. Here's the sure sign you
have gone too 'lr: your kneecap will rotate
inward to point toward your left shoulder,
and your outer hip will likely come up
away from the floor. Your lower back may
also flatten against the floor. These are
signs that you have locked the knee and
that your hamstrings are tightening rather
than submitting to the stretch.
Now we can return to the example of
uttanasalla. The trick is to prevent the
hamstrings from contracting and locking
the knees into extension, since the cow
tracted hamstrings will immediately grip
the sit bones and pull them down, pre'
venting the forward bend at the hip
joints. We need to unlock the hamstrings
by bending both the knees and the hips,
releasing them from their habitual state
of extension.
Stand with your feet about hip dis'
tance apart and your feet parallel. Place
your fingers on your hip creases-the
place where your hip folds when you lift
your leg-and bend your knees, keeping
your thighs parallel and in line with the
centers of your ankles.
Doug Keller holds a master's deg;ee in philosophy
and is tbe autbor oftbree books, including Yoga as
Therapy. His yoga journey includes 14 years of
practicing in Siddha yoga ashrams and intemive
training ill tbe Iyengar alld Allusara methods.
Hatha Tips for Healthy
Hamstrt"ngs, Gluts, and more!
Don' t miss the next issue of Yoga+
Now, while keeping your knees
bent-and resisting the temptation to
straighten and lock them-bend forward
at your hip creases (where your fingers
are) while keeping your back straight.
This is harder than it seems: the pull of
the hamstrings as your hips begin to fold
forward will begin to pull your knees into
extension. It's a big temptation to let
them do so, since you may think that the
hamstrings will get a better stretch when
the legs are straight. But it's self-defeat-
ing to allow them that luxury. Keep your
knees bent until you fold forward as far
as you can go with a straight back-you
may have to put your hands on supports,
such as a couple of blocks. Only now
should you start to straighten the legs,
using your more than your
hamstrings to extend your knees. Lift
your toes to help you pull energy up
through the front of your legs. (And be
aware that gripping your toes on the floor
only serves to tighten your calves and
hamstrings.) Straighten your legs by'
pressing down through your heels while
dra\ving energy up on all sides of your
thighs, especially through the front of
your thighs (the Q.Uadriceps), but also lift-
ing up through your sit bones (Fig. 6).
Think of it as stretching your heels and
sit bones away from each other. Straight-
en your legs with the intention of main-
taining the slightest micro bend in your
knees. The microbend keeps the ham-
strings engaged in a good way. Maintain-
ing the tiny bend in the knees keeps a
healthy resistance while stretching, and
ensures that the will continue
to work as they should, rather than sur-
rendering to the fix of locked knees
and a rounded back. You'll be rewarded
FIg. 6: FORWARD BEND Ground your heelr
and lift up through your sit bones as you engage
the Q!ltldriceps to strazghten YOllr legs.
with a healthier lower back and healthier
knees, as well as a balanced and more
beautiful posture! +

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