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Review Pointers in Political Science

Prepared by: AC Cayetano

1. A##ointin$ Power.
1.1. Appointment the selection by the authority vested with the power, of an individual who
is exercising the function of a given office.
1.2. Designation eans siply the iposition of additional duties, usually by law on a
person already in the public service.
1.!. Kinds of Appointment.
1" Re$%lar A##oint&ent one which undergoes the appointing process before an
appointee ay validly assue his position. #t is ade while Congress is in session.
2" A' Interi& A##oint&ent one which is ade while Congress is not in session and
is deeed effected before the confiration of the Coission on Appointent.
!" Per&anent A##oint&ent is one that is granted or extended to individuals with all
the $ualifications and eligibilities re$uired by law in the perforance of the functions
and are protected through the constitutional guarantee of security of tenure.
%" Te&#orar( A##oint&ent one that is revocable at the will of the appointing power.
2. Control Power.
2.1. Control the power of an officer to alter or odify or annul or set aside what a
subordinate officer had done in the perforance of his duties and to substitute the
&udgent of the forer for that of the latter.
2.2. Power of Control includes the power of the President to reove, to suspend, or to
cause investigation of any issue brought to his attention.
2.!. Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency one whereby the acts of the cabinet
secretaries of the executive departents, perfored and proulgated in the regular
course of business, are, unless disapproved or reprobated by the Chief 'xecutive,
presuptively the acts of the 'xecutive.
!. Militar( Power.
!.1. Military Power is one whereby the President as Coander of Chief exercises control
over ilitary operations during the progress of war, not only on the side of strategy and
tactics, but also in reference to the political and international aspects of the war.
!.2. T)e Presi'ent s)all *e t)e Co&&an'er+in+C)ie, . (he President as coander)in)
chief of all ared forces of the Philippines and whenever it becoes necessary, ay call
out such ared forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion or rebellion.
*+ec. 1,, Art. -##..
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%. Par'onin$ Power.
%.1. Pardon an act of grace which exepts the individual on who it is bestowed fro the
punishent, which the law inflicts for the crie he has coitted.
%.2. Reprieve a postponeent of a court sentence to a certain date, or a stay of execution.
%.!. Commutation a reduction of the original penalty iposed by a court that is fro death
to reclusion perpetua.
%.%. Amnesty an act of the +tate granting a total forgetfulness to a political offender
%.3. Parole one that is granted to a sub&ect who is still under the custody of the law by
releasing hi fro iprisonent while his liberty is not restored.
%.4. Executive Clemency one that is granted to person who is adinistratively charged of
less grave acts or oissions.
3. -orrowin$ Power one that is vested in the President to enter into contract or guarantee foreign
loans on behalf of the /epublic of the Philippines but with the prior concurrence of the 5onetary
6oard of Central 6an7.
4. Di#lo&atic Power.
4.1. (he President: head of the +tate, sybol of national unity and interest, and the chief
policy negotiator or ipleenter of both local and foreign policies,
4.2. Diplomatic Power the power of the President:
1" (o deal with foreign +tates and governents.
2" (o enter into treaty negotiation and conclude the sae.
!" (o extend recognition to foreign +tates.
%" (o establish, aintain or cut diploatic relations on his sound prerogative.
8. -%'$etar( Power the power of the President to subit to Congress a budget expenditures and
sources of financing, including receipts fro existing and proposed revenue easures. #t also
includes the power to deterine specifically to which governental agencies or activities these
appropriations should be allotted.
,. Veto Power.
,.1. Veto 9:at.: # forbid" eans the refusal of the executive whose assent is necessary to
perfect a law passed by the legislature, and the essage of the executive to the
lawa7ing body stating refusal and reasons therefor.
,.2. Kinds of Veto.
1" .eneral or A*sol%te Veto one that destroys totally the bill.
2" /%ali,ie' 0ite&+veto or line+veto1 one that prevents a bill or a portion or ite
thereof fro becoing a law unless passed again by stated proportion of votes or
with other foralities.
;. In,or&ation Power. (he President shall address the Congress at the opening of its regular
session. <e ay also appear before it at any other tie. *+ec. 2!. Art. -##..
1=. Resi'%al Power one that underlies the power of the President which ay not be specifically
granted by the Constitution and shall be exercised as an integral stature of Presidential power
that enables hi to proote the all)ebracing syste of general welfare.
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