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Adventures of Moon Moon and Doom Doom Chapter 1

'Twas the season of great harvest. The month when thousands of new born bunnies
reach of age. An age when their meat finally starts to taste tender and succulen
t. And tonight. Tonight was the night all wolves of Howley Forest looked forward
to. The one night of the year where all bunnies came together to worship the Gr
eat Carrot God, the Carroday. The thing was, bunnies have very short term memory
. Every year the wolves would terroize the bunnies on Carroday and every year th
e bunnies would gather again with the events of just 1 year ago completely forgo
tten. So thousands upon thousands of defenseless, unknowning bunnies would gathe
r every year and every year the wolves would have the chance to eat their weight
in the best bunnies. Every year that is except the last. The year that Moon Moo
n came of age.
How was it that on the night of the great harvest, not a single bunny was caught
? Although it may be hard to believe, that night wasn't the only night the wolve
s had gone without bunnies. Then two nights? three nights? one week? one month?
No. Following the incident of that Carroday, the wolves went an entire year with
out bunnies. For a whole year wolves of Howley Forest had barely anything to eat
. Throughout the year 2/3s of the Howley Forest wolf population had either died
out of starvation or left. What could have happened that day a year ago that cou
ld have caused such a travesty? Well, yes as I've hinted before, it was Moon Moo
n's fault. But you have to understand, it was the little cub's first hunting par
ty and understandibly, he was unbelievably excited. He quickly gulfed down his b
reakfast that morn without heeding his mother's wisdom to take the time to chew
his food for a wolf's digestive system is very weak. This resulted in miserable
stomach pains throughout the day for the unfortunate little cub. The cub did not
want to leave his first hunting party so he pushed through the pain. While they
surveyed the ceremonial grounds for possible bunny escape routes in preparation
for that night, Moon Moon could not hold it in any longer. Thus he released wha
t became known as the Super Shitstorm of Gigantic Stink right on the Carroday al
tar! Once the bunnies learned of the desecration of their altar, they cancelled
the Carroday ceremony that year. Throughout the whole year the great Shit Stink
filled the entire forest making it impossible for wolves to hunt using their nos
However, today. Today was the day. Exactly 1 year after the incident, the stink
started to subside and the bunnies would be gathering again for their annual Car
roday celebration. The wolves would finally get to eat again so no mistakes coul
d be made. The wolves made a decision to leave the unreliable Moon Moon at home
this year. A decision that they would all soon come to regret. A decision that w
ould lead to today becoming known as the day Moon Moon summoned Doom Doom.

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