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BSC 307 5-E Model Lesson Plan Form

Title: Cell Grade

Level: 9th
Objectives: TSWBAT
1. Describe the relationshis bet!een "#nction and shae o" cells.
$. Detail the di%ersit& o" cell shaes and "#nctions and ho! the&
!or' to(ether to "orm more comle) s&stems.
3. Demonstrate the abilit& to s#ccess"#ll& #se a microscoe to %ie!
Illinois Learning Standards:
Sta(e * 1$ +
2. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to analyze the cellular
organelles and functions, using different microscopic techniques, explaining
functional processes chemically and structurally (e.g., osmotic, active and
facilitated transport, enzyme action and protein/lipid/carbohydrate metabolism).
Engageent: St#dents !ill be resented !ith a blan' sheet o" aer
on !hich the& !ill dra! their concet o" !hat a cell loo's li'e. St#dents
!ill then comare their dra!in(s to their classmates.
E!"loration, St#dents !ill mo%e "rom station to station to obser%e
di-erent cell t&es. St#dents are to dra! each cell that the& %ie!
#nder the microscoe and in"er. based on the cell/s shae. !hat 'ind o"
"#nction the cell has. 0he st#dents !ill also ans!er 1#estions that are
"o#nd at each station. +"ter %isitin( e%er& station. st#dents !ill "orm
small (ro#s to disc#ss their res#lts.
Modifcation: If microscopes are not available the students will view
pictures of cells that were underneath microscopes.
E!"lanation: +s a class delineate the "#nctions o" the %ario#s cell
t&es "o#nd at each station and clear # an& misconcetions and
clari"& an& iss#es the st#dents ha%e re(ardin( the t&es2"#nctions.
Be(in introd#ctor& lect#re into or(anelles.
E!tension: St#dents !ill (et a !or'sheet "or home!or' !here the&
!ill be (i%en a list o" cit& str#ct#res !ith instr#ctions to match the
correct cell or(anelle to the correlatin( cit& str#ct#re based on their
similar "#nctions.
Eval#ation$Assessent Strategies%: E%al#ation o" st#dents !ill
incl#de (radin( the station !or'sheet "or comletion. class
articiation. and a 1#i3 !ill be (i%en o%er the di-erent t&es o" cells
alon( !ith their "#nctions and or(anelles.
&ationale: 4e desi(ned the en(a(ement acti%it& to ha%e st#dents
demonstrate their rior 'no!led(e2misconcetions o" cells !hile also
ro%idin( st#dents the oort#nit& to e)ress themsel%es creati%el&.
4e choose to "oc#s on di%ersit& to sho! that the 5te)tboo'6 %ersion o"
a cell onl& reresents a certain t&e o" cell. 0he stations are #sed to
(i%e the st#dents a chance to do some h&sical e)lorin( o" the
di%ersit& o" cells !hile addin( in1#iries asects o" ho! their shae
relates to "#nction. 0his lesson also #ses scienti7c obser%ations to
rocess abstract concets o" cells. 8#r e)tension reresents the lo(ical
ro(ression o" ideas re(ardin( the cell9 startin( at cell str#ct#re and
mo%in( into comosition and "#nction.
0eachin( cell di%ersit&. "#nction. and str#ct#re satis7es the :
le%el criteria. accordin( to Sta(e * 1$ + $ beca#se the #nderstandin( o"
basic cell str#ct#re leads to the di-erent "#nctional rocesses.


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