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The Chinese Horoscope

The Chinese New Year doesnt start until mid-January or February. Moreover,
every year it falls on a different date. So if you are a Capricorn born in January
or an Aquarius born in either January or February, you may have been born at
the end of the current Chinese year and, of course, wear the animal sign of that
year. To find out the exact date of the Chinese New Year in your case, you must
consult the charts to see where your birth date falls in the appropriate Chinese


This is the Basics and includes solid points (which is not available on internet) to
understand Chinese Astrology

There are 12 Zodiac Animals in the Order




The RAT is a very intelligent sign, it is the only sign which has ability
which no other sign has that they can sense danger in their guts,
and they can just sense it that is their gift and power.
When a rat is directly confronted he/she will not fight back. A RAT is
going to leave; a RAT is going to outsmart the other person or enemy
and 9 times out of 10. He usually well.
RATS are great sales people.
They are very at knowing what to say and when to say it, they can
manipulate people very easily ( not saying they can all do), but its a
trait they have
Not the most trustful sign when it comes to relationship, not saying
they cant be trusted.
The only thing they care about is their Kids; they can do anything for
their kids.
They have some cycles, when they have a pack of friends and they
move on. They dont stay one place for too long.
They may look like a strong force outside, but are very nervous from
Rats are extremely perceptive. They focus on titles because titles
translate into status and money.

Enemy Sign: HORSE (1990, 1978)

Best Friends & Love: Dragon, Monkey, Ox

1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
OX, is a very Steady and a trustworthy sign, basically a very
dependable kind of sign
It doesnt get mad very easily, but if it they get mad watch out, they
have hell of tempers.
When it gets in a position of power, it has a very dictatorial command,
or structure.
Ex: Napoleon, Hitler, Saddam Husain, Obama (All Dictators)
Saddam Enemy sign Sheep (he had a fall down in sheep years
1979,1991,2003(American attack)
Ox will search long and hard for the perfect partner as change makes
them uncomfortable.
Enemy: Sheep/Goat, Dragon
Best Friends & Love: Snake, Rooster, Rats

1962, 1974, 1986, 1998
Tigers people are impulsive and they like to have fun and they are
definitely the type of person who are in a very good shape.
They are great and good fighters. (one of the best MMA fighters are
Gift: Good health, Good Age, they age like fine wine. (They will look
younger for their age. A person of age 60, might look like a 35)
Womens are the strong one, Harder to TAME.
They like to enjoy HUNT, above all else.
Tigers have a continual need to be challenged. Partners need to be
equally active to keep up with their sense of adventure.
Enemy: Monkey
Best Friends & Love: Horse, Dog

1987, 1999
They like to play MIND games (beware of them, its their Gifts), great
psychiatrist & Lawyer. Dont fall for in CAT Traps(mind games)
Their serene and sensitive nature keeps Cats from becoming visibly
upset and they shy away from aggressive or competitive situations.
People born in the year of 1999 are extremely selfish
Enemy: Rooster
Best Friends & Love: Goats, Pigs

1976, 1988, 2000
People born in the year of Dragon are the luckiest and the most
powerful sign in the Zodiac.
Lucky in life, but may be not in the money(all the time)
Women born in the year of Dragon, probably stronger 90% of guys out
Dragon demand respect and they get it. They are not diplomats, they
do it by force and they boss people around and they get away with it,
because they are dragons. They are outspoken, honest and may hurt
people feelings without any care.
People born in the year of the Dragon are the toughest people in the
world - BRUCE LEE was born in Dragon year
A high % of WOMEN born in the year of the DRAGON R lesbians
Dragons prefer leading to being led. Dragons will give into love, but
wont give up their independence. Quick tempers
Enemy: Dogs
Best Friends & Love : Rats, Monkey, Rooster, Snakes

1977, 1989, 2001
The snakes are the astrologer & numerologist; they are the best
fortune tellers.
Very smart, wisdom, knowledge, Beauty
Hard to control.
Dont gamble, youre going to lose.
Its important to never betray a Snakes trust as a betrayed Snake
will make it a goal to get even some day!
Enemy: Pigs
Best Friends & Love : Rooster, OX

1978, 1990, 2002
Horses are great athletes.
Very intelligent when it comes to scientific pursuits, theyre great
Very smart and also very stubborn as Hell
Horse are extremely intelligent especially in scientific pursuits. Dont
like taking orders and theyll run from jobs they consider routine.

Enemy: Rats
Best Friends & Love : Tiger, Dogs, Sheeps/Goats

1979, 1991, 2003
Goats are very eccentric.
They carry good amount about their looks
Can be movie stars
They are patient and slow and Defiantly not warriors
Should be handle carefully and be pampered.
They cheer everyone in life.
The most Religious people in the world R born in the year of the SHEEP
- HOW FITTING - IRAN became a theocracy in 1979=YEAR OF THE
Goats spends money on fashion that give them a first class
appearance. They prefer groups or venues that hold many people.
Love limelight
Enemy: OX
Best Friends & Love : Pigs, Cats, Horse

1980, 1992, 2004
Monkey is very smart when to Riddles; they can figure things out, take
things apart working with their Hands, quicker than anyone else.
Is the smartest sign. (figure thing out the quickest) But Snakes are the
When it comes to relationships, Monkeys arent quick to settle down
can be promiscuous until they pair up with the perfect partner.
Enemy: Tiger
Best Friends & Love : Dragon, Snake, Rat

1981, 1993
They are warriors, Males are in the army, police etc. just like OX.
Females are very classy ladies, Very Loyal, very Beautiful.
The most Loyal Sign
Butt Heads
High Morals
Rooster Women almost never get along with other Roosters women
Roosters are sociable and prefer being the center of attention,
highly motivated and hard-working their caring hearts overflow with
Enemy: Cats
Best Friends & Love : Dragon, Snake, Ox

1982, 1994
Dogs are very loyal, but they dont trust anyone.
Their gift in life, is their ability to see things, they have a graphic
details, like a photographic memory
Great sense of Smell, just like a real dog. Make wonderful detectives
Dogs value friendships; theyre loyal, honest, trustworthy and reliable
and have strong morals and ethics. They have trouble trusting others.
Enemy: Dragon
Best Friends & Love : Tiger, Horse

Definitely know how to have fun
They are the good guys, they can help people sometimes
Always help a friend out
When it comes to Money or Gambling, there is no other sign luckier
than PIG
Pigs are giving souls and enjoy spending more than saving. They
often indulge more than they should eating or drinking.
Enemy: Snakes
Best Friends & Love : Goats, Cats

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