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SCL Week 3

Facts and Opinions

Deadline: 5
October 2014
Individual task
Task 1
Read the following articles from your textbook again and respond to the task that
i) ature!s "ires #pp $%)
ii) & wall of Water #pp 3%)
'dentify sentences that show facts and opinions from the abo(e readings. List down
facts and opinions that you can find in the space pro(ided.
1. Hoever! toda" there are #an" #ore $ires than in previous decades.
2. %ecent eather has been ar#er and drier than in the past.
&. The sea level is risin' because o$ 'lobal ar#in'.
4. Far#ers cannot 'ro their crops.
1. In #" opinion noada"s are #an" $ires because there are a lot o$ open
burnin' in #an" area. (ll the $actories and industrial co#pan" so#eho
use #ethod o$ burnin' to produce a ne product ithout thinkin' that
cause pollution in our countr". For e)a#ple! hen the" burn the $orest
to #ake a ne buildin' it also cause #an" #ore $ires in this ne
2. The eather has been ar#er and drier than in the past because o$
hu#an bein's activit" in this 'lobali*ation orld has been increase. In
past the" had control the burnin' activit" b" 'ive penalt" $or ho# did
)ffecti(e *ate+ , September $-./
SCL Week 3
the e)cess burnin' but noada"s the" cannot control cause too #an"
people did the open burnin'. The cli#ate chan'e also because o$ rapid
develop#ent take place. For instance! $actories that release too #an"
carbon dio)ide! carbon #ono)ide and #an" that ould be har#$ul to us
as hu#an bein's and also to our environ#ent. +hen too #an" carbon
dio)ide release to at#osphere it cause eather to be suddenl" chan'e
and beco#e ar#er than usual.
&. The sea level rise because o$ the #eltin' o$ ice in the north pole. This
#eltin' ice occurs because our earth are too hot and 'lobal ar#in'.
,urnin' o$ $ossil $uel at $actories such as 'as! oil and coal that lead to
produce a lot o$ 'reenhouse 'aseous such as carbon dio)ide. The
usa'e o$ transportation such as car or #otorc"cle also release 'as
carbon dio)ide because the" use o$ 'asoline.
4. Far#ers cannot 'ro their crops due to the coastal $loodin' that are
ver" destructive because it covers land ith salt" seaater. +hen there
are too #uch salt in soil the" cannot even 'ro their crops and $ar#s.
(s a result #an" $ar#ers cannot lon'er $ar#.
Task 2
0o to$-./1-,1$%1Whats&pp3hits3%--3
million3acti(e3users1. Read the article and list down as many facts and opinions as
you can find in the table below.
Facts Opinions
4ark 5uckerberg was right when
"or my opinion the apps had help us to
)ffecti(e *ate+ , September $-./
SCL Week 3
he said that the app was on its
way to connecting . billion people
around the world.
contact and communicate with others
such as family members6 friends6 and
others who are far from us. 't help us to
keep in touch with them e(en we are in
different country or state 7ust to make
sure they are in a good condition. So it is
do help us to connect with others around
the world.
2he number represents people
who actually use the app on a
regular basis6 rather than how
many times the title has been
downloaded and installed on a
tablet or smartphone.
"or my opinion6 the app is 7ust like our
regular basis cause we need to contact
many people within a day. 2he app 7ust
like our need in a day.
&nd with %-- million users sending
texts6 images6 (ideos and emo7is
on a regular basis6 it is now the
world8s most popular social
messaging app.
'n my opinion6 this social messaging
apps created new interesting way to
communicate with others cause it
contains emo7is6 images6 (ideo that will
help others to understand our feeling
whether we are in happy6 sad6 or stress
mood. So it is a new way that help others
to show their feeling or mood.
&ccording to *eloitte6 the rise of
social messaging apps6 from
&pple8s iMessage to WhatsApp
has created a new way of
'n my opinion6 from i4essage to
Whatsapp had created new way to
communicate as the app been renewed
to be more interesting for user to use it.
"or Whatsapp6 we can know that the
person had been read our message or
not. So it will be more easier for us.
2hen6 we can also check that the person
)ffecti(e *ate+ , September $-./
SCL Week 3
who we contact last seen when. 2his way
had created Whatsapp had been new
way to communicate.
"ound that the a(erage 9:
smartphone owners sends /%
instant messages a day6 partly
because they8re ;free8.
'n my opinion6 they used to send many
instant messages per a day because it is
free. 't was not like others app because
using whatsapp they do not need to use
their credit to send text to others. So it is
e(entually help them to communicate
with others without spend a lot money to
buy prepaid or top up.
)ffecti(e *ate+ , September $-./

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