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From what I have read in the sources available to me, the classic
suggestopedia class, as conducted in Lozanov's Institute of
suggestology in Sofia, Bulgaria, consists of the following. ourses
are given to small group, around !" at a time, and are intensive ,
meeting for four hours per day for one month. #ach for four class,
according to Bancroft consists of three parts$
!. %eview down via traditional conversational, games, plays,etc.
etc. It may include some e&ercises and error correction, but does
not include the use of a language lab or pattern drill.
". 'resentation of new materials. (ew material is introduced in the
Bancroft notes that new material presented in a some what
traditional way , with necessary grammar and translation.
). *he portion is the truly original feature of suggestopedia and
itself divided into parts. *he dialogue is read by the teacher ,
while students follow the te&t.
+. oncentration is greatly promoted by the retention or
suspension of breath.
*he second part , labeled the passive or concert part of the
s,ance, involves music. *he central idea of activity is the
teacher's reading of the dialogue with emotional or artistic
intonation, *he students with eye closed , mediate on the te&t
while baro-ue music is played. *hat is necessary for
unconscious absorption of the language materials which are
taught. *he three elements of Lozanov method are considered
essential for the system to wor. effectively inside the class.
Requirements for optimal input
!. omprehensible$ Several suggestopedia procedure are
specifically designed to aid comprehensibility of input.
Initial dialogues are based on situations familiar to the
students , and the use the student' first language in part
one is partly /ustified on the ground that it helps the
student confirm that he has indeed understood the te&t

". Interesting0relevant$ *he topics of the dialogues are
designed not only to be of inherent , but also to be of some
practical value and relevant to student' need. In
suggestopedia course designed to teach French to
1nglophone public service in anada , at the public
service commission in 2ttawa, the aim was to ta.e into
account both student interest and their communicative
needs in t3he office situation.
). Filter level$ 4hile suggestopedia attempts to meet the
other goals discussed both above and below, its primary
focus and greatest apparent success is here. 'ractically
every feature of suggestopedia is aimed at rela&ing the
students, reducing an&ieties , removing mental bloc.s, and
building confidence. 5ere are /ust a few more e&amples$
*he design of the classroom is meant to produce a
pleasant and warm environment . Students are seated on
comfortable chairs in a circle to encourage informal
contact and free natural communication.
6usic is also as a means of lowering an&iety and
diminishing tension, and inducing the state of rela&ed
alertness considered optimal for second language
ac-uisition. *he teacher behavior is meant to build the
student ' confidence both in their own potential for second
language ac-uisition and in the method itself$ the teacher
should be confident, but not tyrannical, e&ercise firm over
7all control but also encourage student initiative for
e&cellent discussion .

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