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Escape Babylon's Demons!

"Come out of her my people"

2009 Articles (click below to access PDF)

December: Glossary of Prophecy Terms and Concepts (Revelation 13) New!

October: "The United States of the World" (Revelation 13:3-4)
August: "The United States of the World" (Revelation 13:2)
July: "The United States of the World" (Revelation 13:1)
June: "The Overcome Overcomers"
February: "Abominable Economics Anger God"
January: "Overcoming Obstacles to a Renewed Mind in 2009"

10/21/09 New Video: Click here to watch "Fall of the Republic"

For decades, the United States of America has been the global leader. Though falling,
she's still the world's most powerful state. America's the first and only truly global
superpower. Her global reach militarily, industrially, financially and culturally place her
and Washington D.C. in the center of Satan's global web.

You've probably heard the common prophetic paradigm that the United States isn't
mentioned in the scriptures. It's true that the U.S. isn't mentioned specifically by name
in the scriptures. The real names of the Antichrist, the man of sin, the false prophet,
the son of perdition, the beast, numerous false prophets and the mysterious Babylon
the Great aren't specifically mentioned in scripture either, are they? In spite of this
fact, however, each of these characters is described in scripture in sufficient detail so
that the church can name them when God says it’s time to do so. The same is true of
the American Leviathan with global military reach of about 700 overseas bases in about
130 countries and about 6,000 bases in the United States and its territories.

One of the purposes of this website is to show that God isn't blind to the global
influence of the United States and is speaking through his word today to our nation.
The paradigm that the U.S. isn't in biblical prophecy because we don't find the words
"America" or the "United States" in scripture is being used to silence the living word of
God to the American church. It’s time to break this silence as America continues to fall
and the day of God's judgment nears upon all unrepentant idolaters, liars, cowards
and enemies of truth. A silent 501-c3 bible believing/evangelical church serves the
interests of the new international order and its world planners as a temporary
pawn helping integrate other nations into the global economic system.

In my opinion, based upon biblical truth and research, our planned and prophesied
national destruction is well underway. The time to complete destruction is unknown to
us, but near.

We continue to run against the moral law of God; fornicating against holy wind; on a
collision course with God's absolute justice led by another false prophet.

This treacherous global leader is a professing Christian President who

blasphemously promotes murderous abortion of human life, torture, reprobate
sexual behavior, and the same un-Constitutional wars and practices begun by the
Bush Administration.

In addition, following in footsteps of President George W. Bush and the Road Map to
Peace in the Middle East, the current false prophet is also intent on dividing

Even amidst the current U.S. and global economic crisis we've seen the former mouth
of the United States, George W. Bush, host world powers at a global economic
summit aimed at modernizing the nation’s global financial systems in the
process of consolidating the global economy and birthing the new global financial order.

Read here how Baron David de Rothschild sees a New World Order in global
banking governance.

Read here how President Obama is now running the next neck of this economic

Where are we on God's prophetic timeline in my opinion?

Consolidation of the world's wealth in wicked hands is occurring. (Isaiah 10:12-14;

Revelation 6:1-2)

In spite of some apparent economic upturns in the coming months, the dollar will be
killed soon in preparation for the birth of a new international currency. (James 5:1-6)
Wars will be used to balance economic equations. In the minds of the wicked, many will
have to die to balance incurred debt. (Revelation 6:3-4; Matthew 24:6-7)

The destruction of class divisions is in process and a type of National Socialism in which
the wicked prosperous elite rule over lower class slaves is the future. (Revelation 6:5-6)

73 year old Chaplain/Pastor Lindsey Williams has stated in interviews given the week of
10/23/2009 that an elderly elite friend has recently told him that the above points that
I was given and posted many months ago here are now planned for America and the
world to occur over the next two years. Williams states that the perpetrators are a
cabal of no more than twelve elite global planners. Mr. Williams says that they are
telling him that "America won't be recognizeable in two years."

You can click the links below to listen to an incremental timeline of events that Chaplain
Williams says that his inside source has given him concerning the planned death of the
U.S. dollar within two years and the subsequent start of WW3 in the Middle East.

Alleged planned timeline of major U.S./world events 10/2009-10/2011 (part 1)

Alleged planned timeline of major U.S./world events 10/2009-10/2011 (part 2)
Alleged planned timeline of major U.S./world events 10/2009-10/2011 (part 3)
Alleged planned timeline of major U.S./world events 10/2009-10/2011 (part 4)

The new international economic order and its rule set; the "mark of the beast
economy", and Antichrists war on the saints is near. (Revelation 13)

When true professing Christians begin to be imprisoned and killed here, cataclysmic
judgment from God through those that hate the U.S. for its whoredom will follow.
(Revelation 6:9-11, Revelation 17:16-17; Revelation 18:20-24)
For detailed biblical study regarding the fulfillment of this prophecy please
click Babylon the Great to access this work.

If you still think that the pre-tribulation rapture is your escape route from
tribulation; please read: Will the Church Experience Great Tribulation?

My Personal Background

If you're new to this site, I'm David.

I invite you to contact me at with your questions

and comments.

I'm thankful for the chance to share what I believe the Lord Jesus Christ has taught

I post a study every month or two and am considering adding short commentaries and
articles on a more frequent basis.

My personal background includes growing up outside organized religion and being born
of the Spirit at 21 years of age while completing a B.S. in Industrial Engineering.

I worked about 20 years in the corporate world as an Industrial Engineer before

beginning teaching in 2002. I studied within the Master of Divinity program at Columbia
Biblical Seminary during the late 1980's to early 1990's. It was after that period of
study, while actively involved in a church based home fellowship group which accepted
drinking alcoholic beverages, that a past addiction to alcohol was slowly rekindled
within me.

My relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ was miraculously restored about 8 years ago
after my adolescent faith was shipwrecked for a few years; my heart being weighed
down by excessive drinking and the cares of this life. I consider myself blessed to even
be alive today after that disaster. After escaping the demonic haze of those
shipwrecked years through God’s mercy and grace, it’s my desire to finish strong
serving the Lord. Praise and glory to God for His salvation!

It’s my prayer that this site helps you develop a better understanding of God's view of
the role of the U.S. in the process of globalization, as well as his desires for his body,
the church, within our Constitutional Republic.

Unlike his children, our Father in heaven doesn’t have opinions on socio-political or
church issues. God has truthful views. His just responses to the policies and acts of
nations and individuals are based upon his holy character and these truthful views. The
views that God wants people to understand are revealed in the commands, principles
and prophecies contained within the wisdom of the Old and New Testament scriptures.

Since 2004, the Lord has energized me to maintain this site in order to explain his
views. By nature, I'm a fun loving person who enjoys people and has little interest in
socio-political issues. The Holy Spirit, however, has changed my personality and gifted
me with the desire and ability to understand and communicate prophetic truth no
matter how hard and unpopular it might be. Those foreign to the grace of God don't
understand that true happiness and pleasure are not found by trying to have fun; these
things are a natural by-product of doing God's will. Pleasure and pain both happen at
times to those actively serving God. God's will is my cross that I have chosen to joyfully
carry for the one who carried his own cross in love for a major sinner like me.

The historical and socio-political research serving to expose the enigmatic, mysterious
nature of the U.S. and her evils is well documented fact; not presumptive conspiracy
theory. Conspiracy is real, however, as the biblical truth of Psalm 2:1-3; Psalm 21:8-
13; Psalm 83:3-5; Psalm 89; Psalm 94:20-21; Ezekiel 11:2; Ezekiel 22:25 and
Jeremiah 11:6 teach us.

There's evidence of evil conspiracy in our nation which is exposed on this site. This evil
is exposed in order to prepare God's people for the imminent tribulation we
face; to equip us to think and act in godly ways that please the Lord so that we more
accurately reflect his character; and to call others who haven't yet been saved to repent
of evil and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation from sin.

I've found by experience that correctly interpreting biblical truth, particularly the
prophetic, is very challenging work. I don’t claim to be infallible in my efforts; nor
completely perfected in character. I do, however, assure you that I seek to be honest in
biblical interpretation and sincere in my life of faith. As much as God has taught me up
to this point, I’m still very much a learning disciple who plans to remain in that role by
his grace until I see him face to face.

Below is a list of the prophetic biblical teaching contained on the site concerning
globalization, the global war on terror and God’s view of the role of the United States
within the world system as revealed in the scriptures.

Please click on the highlighted text below in order to access each work in PDF format.

Blood, Fire & Pillars Of Smoke (2008)

Written concerning the spiritual significance of "911"and seeking to answer the question
if "911" was an omen indicating the coming Day of the Lord. This study explores in
depth whether or not "911" was an inside job.
The Global Curse Of Antichrist’s Universal Law (2006)

Exegetical study of Zechariah Chapter 5. Includes insights into the prophetic

significance of the U.S. presence in Iraq and the globalization of financial capitalism.

For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized
upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim
we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret
cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as
'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global
political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am
proud of it." (David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2002, pg. 405.)

America: Fallen, Fallen (2006)

A Historical & Biblical Perspective On The Rise & Fall Of America As Babylon The Great.
54 pages. Chapters include:

• One Babylon: Parallels between Babylon the Great and the U.S.
• Is America A Nation Rooted In Christianity?
• The Satanic Roots of the Antichristian Conspiracy Against America
• Satan’s Secret New World Order Weapon
• America‘s Rise & Fall By Sorcery
• Freemasonry In American Church & State

Mystery, Babylon the Great (2005)

A exegetical study of the vision recorded in the Revelation Chapters 17-18 showing that
America is Babylon the Great. 92 pages.

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