Anda di halaman 1dari 4


1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord
Jess Chr!st, to the t"e#ve tr!$es "h!%h are
s%attered a$road, &reet!n&'
2 M( $rethren, %ont !t a## )o( "hen (e fa##
!nto d!vers tem*tat!ons+
3 ,no"!n& this, that the tr(!n& of (or fa!th
"or-eth *at!en%e'
4 .t #et *at!en%e have her *erfe%t "or-,
that (e ma( $e *erfe%t and ent!re, "ant!n&
5 If an( of (o #a%- "!sdom, #et h!m as- of
God, that &!veth to a## men #!$era##(, and
*$ra!deth not+ and !t sha## $e &!ven h!m'
6 .t #et h!m as- !n fa!th, noth!n& "aver!n&'
For he that "avereth !s #!-e a "ave of the sea
dr!ven "!th the "!nd and tossed'
7 For #et not that man th!n- that he sha##
re%e!ve an( th!n& of the Lord'
8 A do$#e m!nded man is nsta$#e !n a## h!s
9 Let the $rother of #o" de&ree re)o!%e !n
that he !s e/a#ted0
10 .t the r!%h, !n that he !s made #o"0
$e%ase as the f#o"er of the &rass he sha## *ass
11 For the sn !s no sooner r!sen "!th a
$rn!n& heat, $t !t "!thereth the &rass, and
the f#o"er thereof fa##eth, and the &ra%e of the
fash!on of !t *er!sheth0 so a#so sha## the r!%h
man fade a"a( !n h!s "a(s'
12 .#essed is the man that endreth
tem*tat!on0 for "hen he !s tr!ed, he sha##
re%e!ve the %ro"n of #!fe, "h!%h the Lord hath
*rom!sed to them that #ove h!m'
13 Let no man sa( "hen he !s tem*ted, I am
tem*ted of God0 for God %annot $e tem*ted
"!th ev!#, ne!ther tem*teth he an( man0
14 .t ever( man !s tem*ted, "hen he !s
dra"n a"a( of h!s o"n #st, and ent!%ed'
15 Then "hen #st hath %on%e!ved, !t
$r!n&eth forth s!n0 and s!n, "hen !t !s f!n!shed,
$r!n&eth forth death'
16 1o not err, m( $e#oved $rethren'
17 Ever( &ood &!ft and ever( *erfe%t &!ft !s
from a$ove, and %ometh do"n from the Father
of #!&hts, "!th "hom !s no var!a$#eness,
ne!ther shado" of trn!n&'
18 Of h!s o"n "!## $e&at he s "!th the
"ord of trth, that "e sho#d $e a -!nd of
f!rstfr!ts of h!s %reatres'
19 2herefore, m( $e#oved $rethren, #et
ever( man $e s"!ft to hear, s#o" to s*ea-,
s#o" to "rath0
20 For the "rath of man "or-eth not the
r!&hteosness of God'
21 2herefore #a( a*art a## f!#th!ness and
s*erf#!t( of na&ht!ness, and re%e!ve "!th
mee-ness the en&rafted "ord, "h!%h !s a$#e to
save (or so#s'
22 .t $e (e doers of the "ord, and not
hearers on#(, de%e!v!n& (or o"n se#ves'
23 For !f an( $e a hearer of the "ord, and
not a doer, he !s #!-e nto a man $eho#d!n& h!s
natra# fa%e !n a &#ass0
24 For he $eho#deth h!mse#f, and &oeth h!s
"a(, and stra!&ht"a( for&etteth "hat manner
of man he "as'
25 .t "hoso #oo-eth !nto the *erfe%t #a" of
#!$ert(, and %ont!neth therein, he $e!n& not a
for&etf# hearer, $t a doer of the "or-, th!s
man sha## $e $#essed !n h!s deed'
26 If an( man amon& (o seem to $e
re#!&!os, and $r!d#eth not h!s ton&e, $t
de%e!veth h!s o"n heart, th!s man3s re#!&!on is
27 Pre re#!&!on and ndef!#ed $efore God
and the Father !s th!s, To v!s!t the father#ess
and "!do"s !n the!r aff#!%t!on, and to -ee*
h!mse#f ns*otted from the "or#d'
1 M( $rethren, have not the fa!th of or
Lord Jess Chr!st, the Lord of &#or(, "!th
res*e%t of *ersons'
2 For !f there %ome nto (or assem$#( a
man "!th a &o#d r!n&, !n &ood#( a**are#, and
there %ome !n a#so a *oor man !n v!#e ra!ment+
3 And (e have res*e%t to h!m that "eareth
the &a( %#oth!n&, and sa( nto h!m, S!t tho
here !n a &ood *#a%e+ and sa( to the *oor,
Stand tho there, or s!t here nder m(
4 Are (e not then *art!a# !n (orse#ves, and
are $e%ome )d&es of ev!# tho&hts5
5 Hear-en, m( $e#oved $rethren, Hath not
God %hosen the *oor of th!s "or#d r!%h !n
fa!th, and he!rs of the -!n&dom "h!%h he hath
*rom!sed to them that #ove h!m5
6 .t (e have des*!sed the *oor' 1o not r!%h
men o**ress (o, and dra" (o $efore the
)d&ment seats5
7 1o not the( $#as*heme that "orth( name
$( the "h!%h (e are %a##ed5
8 If (e f#f!# the ro(a# #a" a%%ord!n& to the
s%r!*tre, Tho sha#t #ove th( ne!&h$or as
th(se#f, (e do "e##0
9 .t !f (e have res*e%t to *ersons, (e
%omm!t s!n, and are %onv!n%ed of the #a" as
10 For "hosoever sha## -ee* the "ho#e #a",
and (et offend !n one point, he !s &!#t( of a##'
11 For he that sa!d, 1o not %omm!t ad#ter(,
sa!d a#so, 1o not -!##' No" !f tho %omm!t no
ad#ter(, (et !f tho -!##, tho art $e%ome a
trans&ressor of the #a"'
12 So s*ea- (e, and so do, as the( that sha##
$e )d&ed $( the #a" of #!$ert('
13 For he sha## have )d&ment "!thot
mer%(, that hath she"ed no mer%(+ and mer%(
re)o!%eth a&a!nst )d&ment'
14 2hat doth it *rof!t, m( $rethren, tho&h
a man sa( he hath fa!th, and have not "or-s5
%an fa!th save h!m5
15 If a $rother or s!ster $e na-ed, and
dest!tte of da!#( food,
16 And one of (o sa( nto them, 1e*art !n
*ea%e, $e ye "armed and f!##ed+
not"!thstand!n& (e &!ve them not those th!n&s
"h!%h are needf# to the $od(+ "hat doth it
17 Even so fa!th, !f !t hath not "or-s, !s
dead, $e!n& a#one'
18 6ea, a man ma( sa(, Tho hast fa!th, and
I have "or-s0 she" me th( fa!th "!thot th(
"or-s, and I "!## she" thee m( fa!th $( m(
19 Tho $e#!evest that there !s one God+
tho doest "e##0 the dev!#s a#so $e#!eve, and
20 .t "!#t tho -no", O va!n man, that
fa!th "!thot "or-s !s dead5
21 2as not A$raham or father )st!f!ed $(
"or-s, "hen he had offered Isaa% h!s son *on
the a#tar5
22 Seest tho ho" fa!th "ro&ht "!th h!s
"or-s, and $( "or-s "as fa!th made *erfe%t5
23 And the s%r!*tre "as f#f!##ed "h!%h
sa!th, A$raham $e#!eved God, and !t "as
!m*ted nto h!m for r!&hteosness0 and he
"as %a##ed the Fr!end of God'
24 6e see then ho" that $( "or-s a man !s
)st!f!ed, and not $( fa!th on#('
25 L!-e"!se a#so "as not Raha$ the har#ot
)st!f!ed $( "or-s, "hen she had re%e!ved the
messen&ers, and had sent them ot another
26 For as the $od( "!thot the s*!r!t !s dead,
so fa!th "!thot "or-s !s dead a#so'
1 M( $rethren, $e not man( masters,
-no"!n& that "e sha## re%e!ve the &reater
2 For !n man( th!n&s "e offend a##' If an(
man offend not !n "ord, the same is a *erfe%t
man, and a$#e a#so to $r!d#e the "ho#e $od('
3 .eho#d, "e *t $!ts !n the horses3 moths,
that the( ma( o$e( s+ and "e trn a$ot the!r
"ho#e $od('
4 .eho#d a#so the sh!*s, "h!%h tho&h they
be so &reat, and are dr!ven of f!er%e "!nds, (et
are the( trned a$ot "!th a ver( sma## he#m,
"h!thersoever the &overnor #!steth'
5 Even so the ton&e !s a #!tt#e mem$er, and
$oasteth &reat th!n&s' .eho#d, ho" &reat a
matter a #!tt#e f!re -!nd#eth8
6 And the ton&e is a f!re, a "or#d of
!n!9!t(0 so !s the ton&e amon& or mem$ers,
that !t def!#eth the "ho#e $od(, and setteth on
f!re the %orse of natre+ and !t !s set on f!re of
7 For ever( -!nd of $easts, and of $!rds, and
of ser*ents, and of th!n&s !n the sea, !s tamed,
and hath $een tamed of man-!nd0
8 .t the ton&e %an no man tame+ it is an
nr#( ev!#, f## of dead#( *o!son'
9 There"!th $#ess "e God, even the Father+
and there"!th %rse "e men, "h!%h are made
after the s!m!#!tde of God'
10 Ot of the same moth *ro%eedeth
$#ess!n& and %rs!n&' M( $rethren, these
th!n&s o&ht not so to $e'
11 1oth a fonta!n send forth at the same
*#a%e s"eet water and $!tter5
12 Can the f!& tree, m( $rethren, $ear o#!ve
$err!es5 e!ther a v!ne, f!&s5 so can no fonta!n
$oth (!e#d sa#t "ater and fresh'
13 2ho is a "!se man and ended "!th
-no"#ed&e amon& (o5 #et h!m she" ot of a
&ood %onversat!on h!s "or-s "!th mee-ness of
14 .t !f (e have $!tter env(!n& and str!fe !n
(or hearts, &#or( not, and #!e not a&a!nst the
15 Th!s "!sdom des%endeth not from a$ove,
$t is earth#(, sensa#, dev!#!sh'
16 For "here env(!n& and str!fe is, there is
%onfs!on and ever( ev!# "or-'
17 .t the "!sdom that !s from a$ove !s f!rst
*re, then *ea%ea$#e, &ent#e, and eas( to $e
!ntreated, f## of mer%( and &ood fr!ts,
"!thot *art!a#!t(, and "!thot h(*o%r!s('
18 And the fr!t of r!&hteosness !s so"n !n
*ea%e of them that ma-e *ea%e'
1 From "hen%e come "ars and f!&ht!n&s
amon& (o5 come they not hen%e, even of
(or #sts that "ar !n (or mem$ers5
2 6e #st, and have not0 (e -!##, and des!re to
have, and %annot o$ta!n0 (e f!&ht and "ar, (et
(e have not, $e%ase (e as- not'
3 6e as-, and re%e!ve not, $e%ase (e as-
am!ss, that (e ma( %onsme it *on (or #sts'
4 6e ad#terers and ad#teresses, -no" (e
not that the fr!endsh!* of the "or#d !s enm!t(
"!th God5 "hosoever therefore "!## $e a
fr!end of the "or#d !s the enem( of God'
5 1o (e th!n- that the s%r!*tre sa!th !n va!n,
The s*!r!t that d"e##eth !n s #steth to env(5
6 .t he &!veth more &ra%e' 2herefore he
sa!th, God res!steth the *rod, $t &!veth &ra%e
nto the hm$#e'
7 S$m!t (orse#ves therefore to God' Res!st
the dev!#, and he "!## f#ee from (o'
8 1ra" n!&h to God, and he "!## dra" n!&h
to (o' C#eanse your hands, ye s!nners+ and
*r!f( your hearts, ye do$#e m!nded'
9 .e aff#!%ted, and morn, and "ee*0 #et
(or #a&hter $e trned to morn!n&, and your
)o( to heav!ness'
10 Hm$#e (orse#ves !n the s!&ht of the
Lord, and he sha## #!ft (o *'
11 S*ea- not ev!# one of another, $rethren'
He that s*ea-eth ev!# of his $rother, and
)d&eth h!s $rother, s*ea-eth ev!# of the #a",
and )d&eth the #a"0 $t !f tho )d&e the #a",
tho art not a doer of the #a", $t a )d&e'
12 There !s one #a"&!ver, "ho !s a$#e to save
and to destro(0 "ho art tho that )d&est
13 Go to no", (e that sa(, To da( or to
morro" "e "!## &o !nto s%h a %!t(, and
%ont!ne there a (ear, and $( and se##, and &et
14 2hereas (e -no" not "hat shall be on
the morro"' For "hat is (or #!fe5 It !s even a
va*or, that a**eareth for a #!tt#e t!me, and
then van!sheth a"a('
15 For that (e ought to sa(, If the Lord "!##,
"e sha## #!ve, and do th!s, or that'
16 .t no" (e re)o!%e !n (or $oast!n&s0 a##
s%h re)o!%!n& !s ev!#'
17 Therefore to h!m that -no"eth to do
&ood, and doeth it not, to h!m !t !s s!n'
1 Go to no", ye r!%h men, "ee* and ho"#
for (or m!ser!es that sha## %ome *on you'
2 6or r!%hes are %orr*ted, and (or
&arments are motheaten'
3 6or &o#d and s!#ver !s %an-ered+ and the
rst of them sha## $e a "!tness a&a!nst (o,
and sha## eat (or f#esh as !t "ere f!re' 6e have
hea*ed treasre to&ether for the #ast da(s'
4 .eho#d, the h!re of the #a$orers "ho have
rea*ed do"n (or f!e#ds, "h!%h !s of (o -e*t
$a%- $( frad, %r!eth0 and the %r!es of them
"h!%h have rea*ed are entered !nto the ears of
the Lord of sa$aoth'
5 6e have #!ved !n *#easre on the earth, and
$een "anton+ (e have nor!shed (or hearts,
as !n a da( of s#a&hter'
6 6e have %ondemned and -!##ed the )st+
and he doth not res!st (o'
7 .e *at!ent therefore, $rethren, nto the
%om!n& of the Lord' .eho#d, the hs$andman
"a!teth for the *re%!os fr!t of the earth, and
hath #on& *at!en%e for !t, nt!# he re%e!ve the
ear#( and #atter ra!n'
8 .e (e a#so *at!ent+ sta$#!sh (or hearts0 for
the %om!n& of the Lord dra"eth n!&h'
9 Grd&e not one a&a!nst another, $rethren,
#est (e $e %ondemned0 $eho#d, the )d&e
standeth $efore the door'
10 Ta-e, m( $rethren, the *ro*hets, "ho
have s*o-en !n the name of the Lord, for an
e/am*#e of sffer!n& aff#!%t!on, and of
11 .eho#d, "e %ont them ha**( "h!%h
endre' 6e have heard of the *at!en%e of Jo$,
and have seen the end of the Lord+ that the
Lord !s ver( *!t!f#, and of tender mer%('
12 .t a$ove a## th!n&s, m( $rethren, s"ear
not, ne!ther $( heaven, ne!ther $( the earth,
ne!ther $( an( other oath0 $t #et (or (ea $e
(ea+ and your na(, na(+ #est (e fa## !nto
13 Is an( amon& (o aff#!%ted5 #et h!m *ra('
Is an( merr(5 #et h!m s!n& *sa#ms'
14 Is an( s!%- amon& (o5 #et h!m %a## for
the e#ders of the %hr%h+ and #et them *ra(
over h!m, ano!nt!n& h!m "!th o!# !n the name
of the Lord0
15 And the *ra(er of fa!th sha## save the
s!%-, and the Lord sha## ra!se h!m *+ and !f he
have %omm!tted s!ns, the( sha## $e for&!ven
16 Confess your fa#ts one to another, and
*ra( one for another, that (e ma( $e hea#ed'
The effe%ta# fervent *ra(er of a r!&hteos
man ava!#eth m%h'
17 E#!as "as a man s$)e%t to #!-e *ass!ons
as "e are, and he *ra(ed earnest#( that !t
m!&ht not ra!n0 and !t ra!ned not on the earth
$( the s*a%e of three (ears and s!/ months'
18 And he *ra(ed a&a!n, and the heaven
&ave ra!n, and the earth $ro&ht forth her fr!t'
19 .rethren, !f an( of (o do err from the
trth, and one %onvert h!m+
20 Let h!m -no", that he "h!%h %onverteth
the s!nner from the error of h!s "a( sha## save
a so# from death, and sha## h!de a m#t!tde
of s!ns'

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