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Presented by Ervad Brigadier Behram Maneckshah Panthaki

At The North American Mobed Counci A!M
Montrea" Canada A#ri $%&$' ())*
The beauty about tash Neyyesh is that this prayer can be recited at
any time of the day. There are no restrictions on recitation of this
Neyyesh unlike some other prayers. As we all know it is a combination
of three paragraphs of Yasna 33.1!1" #beginning$% Yasna &.1!1' #main
portion$ and Yasna 3"." #end$ in that order.
,ariation- Content and Se.uence / 0admi tash Ney1yesh
1. The introductory para (A) *am +unh, is not there.
. (-s moi u)resw .% /afedri 0ouruchashne..% At rtm
1arathushtro.., #2aras from Yasna 33.1!1"$ are at the end
and are recited three times2
3. The 3ra0arne para #(thro Ahurahe 4a)do 2uthra..,$ is
". /ecitation of 5) #low tone$ para at the end of main portion is
6. There is no (At Toi trem, #Yasna 3"."$ para% after Yasnemcha
7ahmemcha ...
&. The se8uence after Yasnemcha 7ahmemcha is Ahmi
/aeshacha .... followed by (-s moi u)resw .% /afedri
0ouruchashne..% At rtm 1arathushtro.., recited three
9. 3ollowed by *a)anghrem% :asa me A0anghe 4a)da ...;hort
ending para in which ro< mh and gh is recited.
=. There is no >erfe 4o)d....
?. There is no (@dre +ehn..., 2ara
1'. tash 5ehrm A Bs recited as tash 5ehrm Neyyesh
11. tash darn A Bs recited as tash darn Neyyesh
1. tash @dgh A Bs recited as tash @dgh Neyyesh
B ha0e looked at translations of tash Neyyesh of a few indi0iduals A T. /.
;ethna% >anga% @astur 4inocheherhom<i and Cktor ;kyaer0o #3D1ANA!
;ummer ''"% 2ages 3? and "'$.
@astur 4inocheherhom<iEs elucidation is 0ery philosophical and emphasi)es
di0ine attributes of an indi0idual. >angaEs eFplanation leans more toward
corporeal #physical$ elements. ;ethnaE s work is an amalgam of both
0ersions where% at places% spiritual characteristics and at others physical
traits are highlighted.
To a lay man the translation of Dr0ad >anga would be most appealing as it
is written in simple terms and is easy to comprehend. *owe0er% my
narration is not based on translation of any one particular indi0idual in its
@uring the presentation B shall read out translations of selected paragraphs
of the Neyyesh of all three authors to highlight their respecti0e approach
and tenor. *owe0er% B ha0e% in my notes% full translation of the Neyyesh
of all three authors as reference for our later discussion.
B ha0e also done my own analysis based on these translations to arri0e at a
simple and less philosophical 0ersion of my own to understand what this
prayer con0eys.
Get me state at the outset that B ha0e omitted from my assignment the initial
and end passages from the +ths that form part of the Neyyesh. B ha0e

deliberated on the main portion of the Neyyesh i.e. what forms portion of
Yasna &.1!1'.
Transation & tash Puthra Ahurahe Ma3d1o
5efore B proceed with the main teFt of the Neyyesh% let me address the
phrase tash Puthra Ahurahe Ma3d1o. As you are aware there is a
contro0ersy about its widespread translation as (3ire% son of Ahura
4a)da,. According to >anga the ordinary meaning of the word (2uthra,
#;anskrit H2utraE$ Ais (son, but he deri0es the meaning of this word from
the ;anskrit root HpuE meaning to purify% to render pure% (source of
purifying% cleaning, and translates it as (purifier, throughout the
>anga translates the phrase as (C 3ire% the purifier #of all things$
pertaining to Ahura 4a)da,.
;ethna translates as (C purifying 3ire of Ahura 4a)da,.
@astur 4inocheherhom<i translates it philosophically as (Gight @i0ine,.
tash Neyyesh is allegorically composed of fi0e distinct sections.
;ection Cne ! Dthics and 2hilosophy ! The beginning 3 paragraphs from
Ahuna0aiti +th% Yasna 33.1!1" #-s moi u)resh0 ...$
;ection Two ! Admiration #2aragraph 1$% Adoration #2aragraph $% and
7eneration #2aragraph 3$
;ection Three A 2aragraphs "% 6 and & A @e0otee asking for blessings
;ection 3our A 2aragraphs 9% = and ? A Ihat 3ire eFpects from a de0otee
;ection 3i0e A 2aragraph 1' A 5lessings that 3ire gi0es to de0otee
>anga A Times New /oman 1&
;ethna A Times New /oman 1& Btalics
4inocheherhom<i A Times Ne5 6oman Bod
Paragra#h $ / 7ire is 5orthy o8 #raise and homage & Admiration
Bn 2aragraph 1 9Yasnemcha vahmemcha huberetimcha:% the reciter
praises the fire by saying ( The purifying fire of Ahura 4a)da% you are
worthy of praise #worship$ and homage #in0ocation$ in the abodes of
mankind and may there be happiness #greatness$ and good fortune unto
that man who shall always worship thee withJ
fuel #aesmo$% 5aresman #baresmo$% milk #gao$% and mortar #h0ano$ in
With shining hands, with exalted hands, with praying hands, and with
strong hands.
;ith iumination" 5ith inner e<atation" sou sustenance" sou
To me it implies that e0ery household should ha0e fire burning in his home
which in olden days #before the ad0ent of electric and gas fire$ was the norm.
And what is more if you recall in our childhood when we said our e0ening
prayers we went into the kitchen to recite tash Neyyesh in front of the
hearth fire.
Paragra#h ( / 7ire accorded e<ated #osition & Adoration
Bn 2aragraph 9=1ityo aesme buy1o" =1ityo baoidhi buy1o:
C 3ire% the purifier of all things
4ay you ha0e the right wood
4ay you ha0e the right incense
4ay you ha0e the right food
4ay you ha0e the right fuel
4ay thou be pro0ided nourishment for a long time
May you become bestower of light (Aesme)
May you become bestower of intellect (Baoidhi)
May you become bestower of nourishment (Pithi)
May you become bestower of high praises (!pasayene)
May you become protector of life of abundance ("arethre)
May you become protector of pious life
# purifying fire of Ahura Ma$da
Thou become 5orthier in- +umination" se8 consciousness" sou
sustenance" e<ated #osition o8 dignity2 Mayest thou be tended and
tendery cared 8or by devotees o8 maturity and 5isdom2
Bn physical sense it means that for lack of fuel the fire should not get
eFtinguished. Also it is like any li0ing being% that needs proper
nourishment to remain healthy% the fire should also be nourished well for
it to continue to bla)e. The reciter wishes that the fire gets its proper
Paragra#h > / Com#iments to 7ire & ,eneration
2aragraph 3 9Saoche buye ahmya nm1ne" mat&saoche buye ahmya
nm1ne:" to me" is the most appealing part of the prayer. 7ery often B
recite and translate this paragraph when B do a :ashan in someoneEs
home. Bt says
C fire of Ahura 4a)daK
4ay you burn #be a bla$ing fire$ in this houseAtabernacle (human body)
4ay you e0er burn #be a bla$ing fire$ in this house (human body)
3or a 0ery long time till the /eno0ation (%estoration)
4ay you bring brilliance #be light$ in this house (human body)
4ay you bring prosperity #on your growth$ in this house (human body)
May the mighty 8ame be in hearth and heart- ever gro5ing" dee#"
ever constant and steady" ever bright and cear" ever un.uenchabe
/ ever 5a<ing never 5aning ti the renovation be achieved aong the
miestones o8 eternity and sou?s consummation2
Cne can interpret the meaning of this paragraph in two different ways.
Cne ! these are blessings for a home. Two A fire is re0ered as a 0isible
symbol of the inner light% the inner spark that dwells in e0ery human
being% and the inner flame that burns within each of us. Ie need to keep
that fire ignited and keep it bla)ing. Bn physical sense A it is to be acti0e%
industrious% and progressi0e.
Paragra#hs %" ' and * / Seeking gi8ts and 5ishes to be 8u8ied
Bn neFt three paragraphs the person who recites the Neyyesh asks for
gifts to be bestowed through the fire and wishes heLshe desires to be
2aragraph " 9=1y1o me tarsh #uthra Ahurahe Ma3d1o" 1su
khv1threm" 1su thr1itim:
C fire of Ahura 4a)daK The purifier% grant me%
&oyous welfare #comfort ! >h0threm$ and sustenance #Thritim$%
Gong life #:itim$ and happiness #>h0threm$% +reatness #4astim$%
Iisdom #;pno$ % good memory% fluent ('uic() tongue% #>hsh0iwrem
hi)0m$% Bntelligence #-shi$ (reason$ for (holiness of) my soul #-rune$%
Bntellect #>hratum$ (wisdom) which may increase in proportion and 4ay
not diminish% and manly igor Mstrength #*m0aretim$ of manliness
>anga and ;ethna A almost the same.
!rant unto me @ 4ight =ivine dignity 9o8 humanity:
;isdom" cear convincing s#eech to e<#ound the !os#es
Consciousness o8 my sou to com#rehend the dee#er meaning
+nteigence / 6eason a com#rehending
Humanity a encom#assing
2aragraph 6 9Eredhvo&3ang1m" akhva8nay1m" thrishum asn1mcha
khsha8n1mcha 1sito&g1tum:
;trength for standing firm!footed% wakefulness #akh0afnaym: one third
#thrishum$ of the days #asnmcha: and nights #khshafnmcha$%
steadiness in oneEs duty #sito!gtum:
May + be ever active
Never dro5sy and du 9resting ony one third o8 the day:
;atch8u even 5hen seated and at rest
4ay B be blessed with progeny #fra)aintim$
Iho is nourishing #tuthrushm$%
Cf innate wisdom #snm$% & inteigence
/uling o0er regions #karsho!r)m$% ! Se8 sustaining
;itting in the assembly #0ykhanm$% ! !uiding the AnAuman
Thoroughly de0eloped #hm!raodhm$% ! ;ith a round deveo#ment
2ossessed of good respect #h0pm$% ! Accom#ishment
@eli0ering from distress #n)o!bu)im$% ! Se8&redeeming
As powerful as a hero #h0irm$ A Su#erior inteigence
An offspring who may render my home #nmnemcha$%
my family #0isemcha$% my town ! pro0ince #)antumcha$%
my country #dakhyumcha$ and the religion of my country #danghu!
sastimcha$ prosperous.
>anga and ;ethna A almost the same.
Such a #rogeny that 5oud advance i8e at various eves and stages o8
se8 reai3ation2
2aragraph & 9=1y1o me tarsh #uthra Ahurahe Ma3d1o y1 me
anghat a8ras1ongh1o:
C fire% the purifier pertaining to Ahura 4a)daK
@o thou grant me such knowledge and point out such a course
;o that B may perform 0irtuous deeds%
B may pay homage to Ahura 4a)da
And lead my soul to goodness%
;o that after my passing away B may obtain
3or my good deeds the eFalted place of *ea0en in return.
)ood rewards as a good return for prayers and a long time of
happiness for my soul
May + deserve that resut o8 my i8e dedicated to virtue" devotion and
duty2 Such is the biss8u i8e o8 the sou ever&enduring2
Paragra#h B / Yearning 8or =edication
Paragra#h B 9,is#aeibyo sastim baraiti tarsh Ma3d1o Ahurahe:
That 3ire of Ahura 4a)da carries admonition #sastim$ unto all for whom
that #3ire$ cooks #hm pachite$ the e0ening and noon meals
#khshafnimcha suirimcha$ #i.e. gi0es them good understanding$ #and$
from all he solicits a good #huberetimcha$% healthful #ushta!beretimcha$
and friendly #0anta!beretimcha$ offering A dedication o8 virtue and
Paragra#h C and D are .uestions and ans5ers
Paragra#h C 9,is#an1m #ara&charentam tarsh 3asta adidhay1:
The 3ire looks at the hands of all comers and saysJ
Ihat does the walking friend bring to the sitting friendO
Ie praise the 3ire% the beneficent% powerful% shining warrior.
#Ialking friend means the person going near the 3ire and the sitting
3riend should be understood as 3ire which itself cannot walk.$
>ersey Antia #3D1ANA A 3all ''% 2age &3$ translates it asJ
The #inner$ fire looks at those coming to it #as if to ask$J *as the friend
who is able to mo0e around #the human body$ used his energy to
de0elop his inner friend #soul% who is locked inside and hence unable to
mo0e around$.
BsnEt it a common practice that when we get in0ited by a friend or a
colleague for a meal% you carry a small gift as a token of your
appreciation and to con0ey your gratefulnessO
Paragra#h D 9at ye3i&she aem baraiti aesmem v1 ashaya beretem:
5ut if any person brings unto that fire
3uel with sincere heart or 5aresman spread% or the fragrant plant
*adhnaepata unto that offerer sanctimoniously
Then the 3ire of Ahura 4a)da being pleased%
/e0ered and satisfied gi0es a blessing
The blessings is in the neFt paragraph
Paragra#h $) / The bessings
Paragra#h $) 9E#a&th51 hakhshoit geush v1nth5a" u#a viran1m
-nto thee #i.e. in thy family$ may the flock of cattle increase ! have
am#e means"
-nto thee may there be an increase of heroic men (sons haing heroic
strength) A Bessed 5ith many 5orthy sons
4ay thou ha0e an acti0e mind (may thou be cleer and intellectual) A
Endo5ed 5ith active and aert mind
4ay thy life be acti0e (may thou perform beneolent and irtuous
deeds) A S#ending the i8e 8or others
4ayest thou li0e a <oyous life A EnAoying i8e o8 arger interests
Those nights that thou li0est.
This is the blessing of the 3ire #for him$ who brings to that fire dry fuel
DFamined in the light and purified with the blessings of righteousness
Such is the range o8 bessings 8or the #erson 5ho o88ers hisFher
e88orts 8or +nner +umination that is 8ree 8rom #oution / Tested by
5isdom and truth and #uri8ied by subimity o8 righteousness
The significance of the sentence (fuel eFamined in the light and
purified, is that the fuel is selected after eFamining in the light and after
remo0ing the bark wherein small insects and polluted ob<ects may not be
co0ered. The fuel and any other incense which may be put on fire
should be absolutely dry and cleansed. Any kind of wet and dirty fuel
should ne0er be put on the fire.
B consider that tash Neyyesh emphasi)es important tenets of our faith%
guides de0otee to fulfill hisLher commitment to life and carry out the
message of our prophetJ
/e0erence to fire #2ara 1$% be alert and acti0e #2ara 3$% self impro0ement
#2ara "$% be industrious #not la)y$ #2ara 6$% no discrimination of genders
#2ara 6$% not to be selfish #think of your clan% town% country and the
religion of your country$ #2ara 6$% to be en0ironmental conscious #not to
pollute atmosphere$ #2ara 1'$% concept of reciprocity!thank you #2ara
Bt is also a prayer where the reciter re8uests that certain blessings and
character traits be bestowed on the narrator.
4et me end 5ith a .uote by =r2 =r2 Eruch GS Tara#ore5aa
(No scripture in the world can be understood merely by analy)ing its
words and its grammarJ it has to be practiced. And when we li0e the life
according to the rules laid down in a scripture we are following some
@i0ine 4essenger and we are trying to work for the Gord.,

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