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MLP Tower/ Tenant Ha ndbook/ Chap ter 4: Building Rules & Reg ulations Page 14 of 19


In order to maintain a high prestige, good state of repair and effic ient operation for
Me Linh Point Tower, the Management would like to seek the c ooperation of all the
lessees to c omply with the following rules and regulations.

1. Inte rp re ta tion
Building means any part of the leased premises or any part of the area
outside the boundary of the leased premises or the whole area whic h
situated within the titled boundary of the building known as Me Linh Point
Tower .
Common area means any area within the building that is outside the
boundary of any leased premises and the purpose of whic h is to be used
jointly by all the Lessees visitors and workmen in the building.
Management means Me Linh Point Ltd. and its employ ees or its assigns or
appointed agents.
Lessee means the Lessee (which also inc ludes his employ ees) as named in
the lease agreement.
2. Usa g e
The leased premises must be at all times solely used for the purposes stated in the
lease agreement unless otherwise approved by the Management in writing.

3. Utilitie s Cha rg e s
The Lessee shall pay to the Management on demand the c osts and expenses of
elec tric ity and air-c onditioning outside the hours of servic es.
The standard hours of servic es are from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (Monday to Friday ) and
from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturday for Offic es (exc ept Public Holiday s and Tet
Holiday s or otherwise stated).
The Management reserves the right at any time to amend the standard hours of
servic e for the building.
Individual sub-meter shall be installed to the leased premises for the reading of the
utilities ac c ount. Lessee shall pay to the Management on demand ac c ording to
authority s rate applic able to foreign owned enterprise.

4. Una uthorize d Ta p p ing
The Lessee must not tap or use or permit to be tapped or use any water,
elec tric ity , telephone and other utilities from any sourc e other than that arranged
and paid by Tenant.

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5. Te na nta b le Re p a ir
The Lessee must keep the leased premises inc luding all fixtures and fittings
c ontained therein and wall and c eiling surfac es, doors and windows thereof in
good and tenantable repair c ondition exc ept fair wear and tear.

6. Losse s a nd Da ma g e s
The Lessee must be wholly responsible for all damages and bear the full c ost or
repairs and reinstatements of suc h damaged building, equipments, fixtures, fittings,
drains, wiring, and piping above and below c eiling level if the c ause or c auses of
suc h damages c an be attribut ed to the Lessee.

7. Alte rna tions a nd Add itions
The Lessee must not erec t any building and struc ture in the leased premises or to
alter and add to the premises and fixtures or fittings of any kind or desc ription
without first obtaining the Management s approval in writing. The Management
may within reasonableness impose c ertain c onditions to be c omplied with by the
Lessee as the pre-requisites of its approval.

8. Exte rior De c or a nd De sig n
The Lessee must submit all dec or and design of the exterior of the leased premises
to the Management for approval before installing the same. The Lessee shall
remove forthwith on demand any unauthorized c hanges and if not so removed by
Tenant, the Management may remove the same and c harge all c osts of removing
and making good the leased premises to Tenant.

9. Entra nc e
The Lessee must not alter the ty pe, size or loc ation of the entranc e of his leased
premises exc ept with the prior written approval of the Management.

10. Wind ows
The Lessee must keep t he leased premises windows c losed at all times during the
air-c onditioning (A/ C) working hours in order to maintain the suffic ient c ooling
c apac ity throughout Tenant s premises and so as to minimize the Building s power
supply c onsumption for operating A/ C sy stem.

11. Sig ns
The Lessee must not to erec t or install any sign, devic e, furnishing, ornament or
objec t whic h is visible from the street or from any other buildings.
The Lessee must not affix, erec t, paint, attac h or otherwise exhibit or permit to be
on any part of t he exterior or interior of the leased premises any name writing,
drawing, sign-board, plate, plac ard, sign post, flag pole, television or wireless mast
or advertisement whatsoever without having obtained the Management s prior
c onsent.
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12. Da ma g e to Common Are a
The Lessee must from time to time make good any breakage defec t or damage to
the c ommon area or to any adjoining premises or fac ility or appurtenanc es
thereof howsoever c aused by the Lessee or the Lessee s employ ees, agents,
c ontrac tors or sub-c ontrac tors.

13. Nuisa nc e a nd Annoya nc e
The Lessee must not do or suffer to be done upon the leased premises or any part
thereof any thing whic h is or may in the opinion of the Management is or may
bec ome a danger, nuisanc e or annoy anc e to the operations, business, and quiet
enjoy ment of the oc c upants of adjoining premises.

14. Ille g a l or Immora l Use
The leased premises must not be used for any illegal or immoral purposed.

15. Wa ste Disc ha rg e
The Lessee must at his own c ost and expense ensure that all waste disc harged at
the leased premises if any must be properly c onnec ted to the main waste disposal
sy stem of the building.

16. Live stoc k
The Lessee must not keep or allow to be kept livestoc k or other live animals at the
leased premises unless with the prior written c onsent of the Management.

17. Comb ustib le a nd Toxic Sub sta nc e s
The Lessee must not use, load, unload, or st ore in the leased premises or any part
thereof any liquids, goods, materials or things of an offensive, explosive,
dangerous, c orrosive, toxic or c ombustible nature without the prior c onsent of the

18. Ob struc tion of Fire - Fig hting Insta lla tions
The Lessee must not obstruc t, c ause or permit any form of obstruc tion of any fire-
fighting installations and equipment inc luding fire esc ape doors. All fire-fighting
installations and equipment upon the leased premises must be maintained in good
proper working at all times by the Lessee.

19. Cle a nline ss
The Lessee must keep the leased premises inc luding the interior surfac es of the
window in c lean and hy gienic standard ac c eptable to the Management and at
his own c ost and expense c omply with all direc tives, rules and regulations and new
requirements introduc ed by the relevant authorities.
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20. Ne a t a nd Tid y Cond ition
The Lessee must maintain the leased premises in a neat and tidy c ondition and
forthwith c omply with the management s direc tion to remove any materials,
goods or artic les of whatever nature and desc ription from the leased premises or
suc h part thereof.

21. Ob struc tion to Common Are a
The Lessee must c omply with t he management s direc tion to remove from the
c ommon areas, c arpark, lift lobby , loading doc k or any part thereof any materials,
goods or artic les or whatever nature and desc ription belonging to or left by the

22. Ele c tric a l a nd Me c ha nic a l Insta lla tions
The Lessee must not install or use any elec tric al or mec hanic al installations,
mac hines or apparatus that may c ause heavy power surge, high frequenc y
voltage, air-borne noise, vibration, interferenc e or disturbanc e whatsoever whic h
may adversely affec t the operation of other equipment , installations, mac hinery ,
apparatus of adjoining or neighboring premises or the Building or the inhabitants of
the neighboring premises within the Building.

23. Usa g e of Lift
The Lessee must not plac e of take into passenger lifts or esc alators any baggage,
furniture, parc els, sac ks, bags, artic les or other goods or merc handise exc ept only
suc h artic les as brief c ases, attac h c ases and handbags.
The Lessee must ensure that his workmen, employ ees and suppliers use the
designated servic e lift for the t ransportation of any baggage, furniture, parc els,
sac ks, bags, artic les and all other goods and merc handise.

24. Floor Loa d ing
The Lessee must not plac e or allow to be plac ed upon the leased premises or on
any of the floors in the Building any artic le, mac hinery or load in exc ess of 4KN psm
for retail area and 2.5KN psm for offic es.

25. Air- c ond itioning
Air-c onditioning of the leased premises is provided from Monday to Friday 8:00am
to 6:00pm and Saturday 8:00am to 1:00pm for offic es (exc ept Public Holiday s and
Tet Holiday s or otherwise stated).

The Lessee must arrange with the management for the use of air-c onditioning
bey ond the aforesaid hours subjec t to all terms and c onditions that may be
imposed by the Management from time to time.

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26. Pe ve ntion of Pollution
The Lessee must take adequate measures to prevent any pollution, and to
implement at his c ost measures for minimizing any forms of pollution when
requested by the Management or any relevant authorities.

27. Inte rfe re nc e with Ele c tric a l De sig n Loa d s
The Lessee must not inc rease, supplement, dec rease, modify , replac e or interfere
with any existing elec tric al design load, writing, apparatus, fixtures or fittings or any
fire alarm fixtures in or about the leased premises without the c onsent in writing
from the Management.

28. Insura nc e Polic ie s
The Lessee must at all times during the term of the lease and at his own c ost and
expense keep in forc e adequate insuranc e polic ies partic ularly in respec t of fire
polic y , public liability polic y and loss inc ome polic y . A duplic ate c opy of the
c ertific ate of c urrenc y for eac h polic y shall be furnished to the Management
without demand for rec ord purposes.

29. No Infla mma b le s
The Lessee must not (other than in ac c ordanc e with the spec ified use of the leased
premises approved by the Management) store c hemic als, inflammable liquids,
ac ety lene gas, alc ohol or volatile or explosive oil c ompounds or substanc es upon
the leased premises or any part of the Building.

30. Comp lia nc e with Fire Sa fe ty Re g ula tions in the le a se d p re mise s/ b uild ing
The Lessee must c omply with all Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting (PCCC) rules &
regulations & requirements of Vietnam Government, the Vietnam Fire Servic es
Departments (refer to Dec ree No. 27/ 2001/ QH10 dated 29/ 06/ 2001 issued by
Vietnam Parliament Mr. Nguy en Van An and The circ ular No. 04/ 2004/ TT-BCA
dated 31/ 03/ 2004 issued by Ministry of Polic e Department to implement &
enforc ement of Dec ree No. 35/ 203/ N-CP dated 04/ 04/ 2003 issued by Vietnam
The Lessee must c omply with all insuranc e sprinkler and/ or fire alarm regulations in
respec t of any partition whic h may be erec ted by the Lessee upon the leased
premises and the Lessee shall at his own c ost and expense c arry out suc h
installation or alteration to the sprinklers and/ or fire alarm sy stem whic h may
bec ome nec essary by reason of any non-c omplianc e by the Lessee.

31. Pre mise s to b e ke p t fre e from p e sts
The Lessee must take all prec autions to keep the leased premises free of rodents,
vermin, insec ts, pests, birds and animals and shall for this purpose at their own c ost,
the Lessee employ pest exterminator when being required by the Management.

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32. Usa g e of the Ca r Pa rk
The Lessee must arrange with the Management or its appointed c ar park operator
for c ar parking spac e in the Building and c omply with all the rules, polic ies and
c onditions in forc e from time to time in the said c ar park.

33. Pa rking of De live ry Ve hic le s
The Lessee must not allow trade vehic les while being used for delivery and pic k up
of merc handise to or from the leased premises to be driven parked or stopped at
any plac e or time within the Building exc ept at the loading doc k or at suc h other
plac e and times as may be designated by t he Management.

34. Promotion of the Build ing s Na me
The Lessee must render full c ooperation to the Management to promote the
Building by making known the name of the Building in all his letterheads, c all c ards,
advertisements, invitations, promotional leaflets and in any other form of media of
c ommunic ation that may be used by the Lessee from time to time.

35. Sa fe ke e p ing of the Pre mise s
The Lessee must ensure that his employ ees, workmen, c ontrac tors sec ure and loc k
all the doors t o the leased premises at the c lose of business eac h day and take full
responsibility of the safekeeping of the c ontents within the leased premises.

36. Pre ve ntion of Litte ring
The Lessee must ensure that his employ ees, workmen, c ontractors not litter over
external windows of the building any unused materials or things espec ially
c igarette butts that may c ause a fire in the building or adjac ent area. Otherwise,
the Management is entitled to c lose suc h windows to prevent suc h thing happen.

37. No Smoking Rule s
Smoking is stric tly prohibited inside our building exc ept the smoking room at our 5

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