Anda di halaman 1dari 3

Pronunciacion Traduccin

1 A Lion / lion / Len

2 A Chicken / chken / Pollo
3 A Tiger /taigar/ Tigre
4 A Cow / co / Vaca
5 A Monkey / mnki / Mono
6 A Sheep / ship / Oveja
7 A Wolf / uof / Lobo
8 A Rabbit / rbit / Conejo
9 A Mouse / muz / Ratn
10 A Snake / snik / Serpiente
11 A Bird / berd / Pjaro
12 A Gorilla / gorila / Gorila
1 3 7 10 12
4 6
5 8 9 11
Animales de Granjas
PETS ( /petzz/)
WILD ANIMALS( /wald//Anemols/)
Animales Salvajes
FARM ANIMALS( /Farmienemol/)
Longleat es un da fantstico para toda la familia. Usted puede
conducir alrededor del parque safari y ver cientos de animales en
su hbitat natural. Hay monos, lobos, leones y tigres en el parque,
as que no se olvide de cerrar las ventanas del automvil!.

Tambin se puede ir en un tour guiado de Longleat House,
construida en el siglo 16, o simplemente comer en los hermosos
jardines. Y luego, por la tarde se puede ir en un emocionante viaje
en barco de Safari - mirada hacia fuera para el gorila que vive en
una isla en el medio de la Lakel.

Longleat est abierto todos los das desde febrero a noviembre.
Usted puede comprar boletos en lnea en
1. How do you travel around the Safari Park?
I can go driving around the Safari Park
2. Which animals can you see there?
There are monkeys, wolves, lions and tigers in the park
3. Can you visit Longleat House?
Yes, I can. I can go on a guided tour of Longleat House.
4.Where does the gorilla live?
Este mundialmente famoso zoolgico abri sus puertas en 1828 y
es ahora el hogar de 12.000 animales. Puedes ver tigres, camellos,
serpientes, pjaros de colores y mucho ms - y no te olvides de
visitar la zona de selva emocionante.

El teatro est abierto de mayo a septiembre. Uno de los juegos de
esta temporada es el sueo de una noche de verano de
Shakespeare. Usted puede reservar boleto de a

A veces hay conciertos gratuitos por la tarde y de aves caminatas
guiadas los fines de semana. Ver para ms
detalles de lo que est en esta semana.


Hay seis excelentes cafs y restaurantes en el parque del regente.
El Boathouse Caf es un lugar popular para el almuerzo, y el Garden
Caf es un gran lugar para una comida antes de ir al teatro al aire


Usted puede alquilar botes en el lago de marzo a octubre del
Boathouse Caf.

1. When did london Zoo first open?
The london zoo first opened in 1828
2. Is the theatre open in October?
No, It isn't ; the theatre is open from May to September.
3. How many places to eat are there in the park?
There six excellent Cafs y restaunts
4.Where can you hire boats?
7. It is one of the largest zoos in Germany and with the most
species of animals in a zoo in the world. It was opened on August
1844, the first zoo in Germany. It is one of the largest zoos in
Germany and with the most species of animals in a zoo in the
world. It was opened on August 1844, the first zoo in Germany.
There are monkey, condor, giraffes, crocodiles, wolves, squirrels,
1. Do you live in a city or in the country?
I live in a city.
2. Do you like where you live? Why? Why not?
No, I dont , because It is a very noisy and too dangerous place.
There isnt a mall where you can buy fresh food and new clothes.
3. Would you like to move house? if yes , where to? Why
Yes, I would like, I would like to move to Lima, because There are
shopping centers, good restaurants, zoos, more quiet, and many
things you can do there.
9D -2
9D - 4
1.The country is quieter and have more time to spend with your
2.Because there isnt big business in a country.
3. The foods are cheaper and healthier.
4.You can choose public transport, which is cheaper for you
5.You can go to the cinema and You can find many tourist places.
6.There are very bad people,
1. A month ago, they decided to sell our house in the city.
2. He'd like to spend more time with his family .
3. He only see them on Sundays at the moment.
4. No, They don't, The kids aren't very happy about moving.
5. Yes, it was , He found one in the first week.
6. No, he hasn't. he doesnt need to have a car.
7.No, he doesn't, I think because Its crowded in the night

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