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Fanfiction Based On Characters From Stephenie Meyers Twilight Series

Rated M for Mature Content. Dark Themes.

By IWantAWerewolfForMyself

Summary: Governor Swan has forwarded the persecution of Vampires ever since their existence was revealed.
Their leader Aro wants revenge. He sends his best fighter and hater of humans, Edward, to abduct the
Governor's daughter Bella. Edward & Bella. DARK. AU.
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Chapter One
"Comfort in Tears" by Goethe
If I have wept in solitude,
None other shares my grief,
And tears to me sweet balsam are,
And give my heart relief."

The air smelled of death.
It was getting dark, only the silvery moon illuminated the lawn in front of my home.
The day had started normal. At least as normal as a day in my life could get. My bodyguards had driven me to school and
fetched me from it after classes were over. I should have realized that something was different though. Usually, my father
let two bodyguards accompany me everywhere I went but today four had followed my every step. I could have never
imagined that the day would end so horrible. If I'd known, I would have ended my life this morning after getting up. It
would have saved the lives of so many people.
I shivered and drew in a shaky breath.
The warm air spread the smell of death, the smell of several dead bodies. I'd have never thought that death had a smell. It
was a sharp acid sweet scent. It smelled of blood, of smoke, of despair. The air was filled with death and blood.
I wasn't able to get that smell out of my nose. The smell seemed to be burnt into my memory, into my mind, and I knew
that this smell would haunt me forever. I knew that even in several years from now I'd awake from a fitful sleep and this
scent would still be lingering in my nose.
Death was all around. The rattling breathing of the dying filled my ears and I knew that those noises would haunt my
dreams, would make every night a living hell.
I felt the dried blood sticking to my skin, the fresh warm blood dripping from my wounds, soaking my clothes and hair. I felt
the blood drenched earth beneath my trembling fingers and I knew that even in several years from now I'd still feel the
sticky blood on my skin.
I knew that I would awake in the middle of the night, feeling as though I were still smudged with blood and no matter how
often I would scrub my skin until it was raw and red under the hot shower, there would still be this feeling of being covered
with blood on my skin and I knew that this feeling would haunt me forever.
I shuddered. The lifeless eyes of my bodyguards were staring back at me, mocking me, blaming me, laughing at me. It was
my fault that they'd died. They'd been killed because of me, had died in their attempt to protect me. Their machine pistols
and Tasers hadn't helped them against an enemy who was impossible to injure.
The ground was tinged red from all the blood that had been shed. So many people had died today. All because of me. My
bodyguards, and the two house-maids who'd tried to come to our aid when they'd seen that we were attacked. All dead.
Because of me. They'd tried to protect me and had given their life in the attempt. I wasn't even worth it.
I looked down at my hands. There was blood on them and I didn't even know if it was my own blood or from the many
people I'd watched dying tonight.
And I knew that even in several years from now, I'd still see the blood on my hands and it would remind me of this day, of
my guilt. The picture of my crimson hands was burnt into my mind.
I knew that this image of death would haunt me forever.
Death was all around and I knew that in this moment of death there was only one consolation left, one thing I was clinging
to, one thing that would prevent me from reliving this day, those images of death, over and over again.
My sole consolation was death itself, because I knew that soon I'd be one of those dead bodies. Soon I'd be dead like the
people who'd died trying to protect me, soon those images wouldn't have the chance to haunt me.
I closed my eyes and hoped that all would be over soon, but at the same time I didn't want to die, I didn't want to let go of
my life.
I felt the dried tears on my cheeks, tears I'd cried over all the people I'd seen dying, tears I'd cried because I was afraid of
what those men had planned for me. I'd been their target and they'd killed everyone in their way. What was so special
about me that they'd killed to get me? I felt guilty for still being alive while the others had died. I felt guilty because a part
of me still wanted to live.
I stared down at the blood-red ground. I stretched my fingers slightly, gliding with them through the blood-soaked earth.
There was silence around me, no shouting, no fighting reached my ears and I knew what that meant.
This was the end. Everything was lost. They'd all given their life to protect me and it had been in vain. I wanted to cry but
there were no tears left for me to shed.
I wanted to scream but it seemed that my voice had left me forever.
I wanted to die but there was still this small part of me that wanted to live.
I averted my eyes from the blood-red earth and looked up. The two attackers were conversing quietly, chancing glances at
me now and then. They were clad in black and their faces were covered with masks. They were men, that was obvious from
their tall frames. I didn't need to see their faces to know that they were vampires. For too long Charlie had furthered the
persecution and killing of their kind. They hated him for it and had threatened his and my life if he wouldn't stop. Of course,
Charlie had remained resolute and had hired the best bodyguards to protect himself and me from the threat. In vain.
I'd never understood his utter hate for vampires. There were those like Carlisle Cullen and his supporters who were fighting
for a peaceful co-existence between humans and vampires. They were in the underground because they, like the rest of
their kind, were hunted by my father and other haters. I'd always thought that Mr. Cullen had the right ideas. The majority
of the human population however supported my father's hunt, particularly because of the Volturi that represented the
majority of the vampires. They were adamant about their right to hunt humans. Their misanthropy led to more hate for
vampires. It was a vicious circle.
People feared them and thus agreed with my father on his beliefs. Of course, my father didn't care for hunting habits. For
him all vampires, human hunters or not, should be killed. He hated them with a fervor that was terrifying to me.
My bodyguards and the housemaids had paid the price for his utter hatred and I would soon follow.
I was certain that this was the end. Fear and relief flooded my body at the same time. I'd always wondered how I'd die.
Being ripped apart or sucked dry by vampires hadn't crossed my mind. Naively I'd thought that maybe I'd die for my beliefs
one day, but now I would be dying for my father's beliefs, not mine.
Though, I didn't agree on his unwarranted hatred for vampires, I could say that I hated those men in front of me. They'd
killed without mercy. They were the reason why so many wanted vampires to be exterminated. And right now a part of me
wanted that, too. Creatures that could kill so easily, without hesitation or regret, didn't deserve the right to exist.
Those monsters were nothing but the bearer of death, the embodiment of pure evil. They would be my death. I was hoping
for a quick and painless death but I knew that it wouldn't be that way. For too long Charlie had angered the community of
I was certain that I'd be tortured and raped before they granted me death. I'd heard rumors about their horrendous crimes
and though I knew that some of them were nothing but the lies that my father had spread, I couldn't shake off the fear that
part of them were based upon real events. It was a terrifying thought.
I watched how they were probably discussing my fate, how they were laughing, how they were celebrating their victory. I
wondered briefly how death would be like. I felt too young to die but I knew it wasn't my decision to make.
"I think it's time for us to take the human with us," said a voice, soft like honey.
I gazed at the owner of this voice. He was impossibly tall and I saw red eyes through the slits in his mask. I'd never been face
to face with a vampire before and being so close to one who'd tasted human blood only moments before was horrifying. I
wanted to die because I knew death was preferable to the fate that was awaiting me.
His eyes were cold and merciless as they stared down at me. I cringed when he lifted his hand and began to pull his mask
off. If he didn't care that I saw his face, my death warrant was as good as rendered.
I held my breath as I waited for the man to reveal the face of a monster, hideous and abhorrent, and was shocked when I
gazed at the face of an angel instead. Such beauty couldn't possibly belong to a monster like him. It was unearthly. Pale skin
as smooth and unblemished as white Carrara marble, and features that were too symmetric and elegant to belong to a
mere mortal, and bronze-colored hair that glowed in the moonlight. The sight took my breath away until his mouth pulled
into a sneer of pure disgust.
I felt horrible for allowing myself to be blinded by his beauty. It was a clever disguise of what he truly was. A pitiless
"Disgustingly weak, these humans," he growled, the noise barely human.
The other vampire moved towards us and he was just as beautiful as the first but with blond hair.
"And they dare to hunt us!" roared the bronze-haired man, his red eyes turning a terrifying black.
My body shook in fear and I could barely breath as I directed my gaze back to the blood-soaked ground. I didn't want to see
the faces and eyes of those monsters. I wished they would kill me already but it was horrible to think that the faces of those
monsters would be the last I'd ever see in my life.
I knew that nothing good would ever happen again, I knew that nothing I'd ever hoped for would ever come true.
I felt tears, that I hadn't believed to be left, stream down my cheeks but I knew that they were useless because those men
weren't capable of pity. They were enjoying the misery of humans like me.
I chanced a hesitant look up and caught the bronze-haired demon stare at me with black, hateful eyes.
I recoiled in fear and my breathing came in short gasps as the trembling in my body turned into a violent tremor. I startled
when I heard sobs and whimpers, only to realize that those noises were coming from my mouth.
I wanted to die. I wanted to scream for death to take me now.
And then the bronze-haired man smiled at me- or rather grimaced because it was too cold and threatening to be anything
else- and revealed his teeth. The moonlight illuminated them in such a horribly fascinating way that my breath caught in my
throat. The breath left my mouth in a terrified gasp when the sharp-edged fangs extended slowly until they touched his
lower lip.
I closed my eyes then and prayed for death. I wasn't a religious person and it was ridiculous for me to begin now but it was
all I could think about doing in that horrible moment.
A chuckle broke the silence and it was so bare of any joy whatsoever that it sent shills down my spine.
My eyes flew open and I caught the blond vampire grinning at me in a horribly unsettling way. "So much fear. You're
outdoing yourself in scaring the human, Edward," he said with another chuckle but it sounded strained, or maybe I was just
beginning to imagine things. I wouldn't put it past my mind to slip into insanity in a moment like this.
Edward looked at me then, his aristocratic, pale face contorted with disgust and hatred, and I averted my eyes and stared to
the ground because the sight of him was too much for me. How could someone so unearthly beautiful be so horribly cruel
and pitiless?
Why couldn't they just kill me? That would be the kind thing to do. Kindness, however, was unknown to those monsters.
He moved closer until I was able to see his black shoes and his black trouser legs. There wasn't the slightest trace of blood
on them, not the tiniest stain, even though he had killed six people tonight and drank their blood. He was probably so very
adept at killing and drinking from humans that he knew of ways to keep the blood from flecking his clothes.
I wondered if they could ever clean their minds from all the blood they'd shed. The blood I'd seen tonight would certainly
be burnt into my head forever and I'd never be able to clean my mind from it.
"Get up, human." I heard his evil, cold voice and I just wanted to die. I tried to keep my eyes on the ground but my head
moved up on its own accord and now I was looking into those cold, black eyes and a tiny cruel smile played across the lips
of the man they belonged to.
I wanted to die, just die. In my mind I spread my arms, welcoming death, pleading death to grant me release but apparently
death didn't want me yet and so all I could do was stare into the face of the beautiful monster in front of me, in this
emotionless, cold mask that was his face.
"Get up, I said!" He roared, the rage on his face marring his handsome features, and all I wanted to do was scream, run, die.
"Disobedient, are we?" his cold voice seemed to freeze my soul, my heart, simply everything.
My eyes were fixed on him, frozen in fear and shock. In a movement too fast for my eyes to register he grabbed my arm in
an iron grip and pulled me up to my feet. I cried out in pain but his grip didn't loosen. It felt as if bones were breaking and
my stomach began to turn from the agony that ripped through my arm.
I kept my eyes on the ground because I didn't want to see him, didn't want to see his horribly hateful eyes but of course he
wouldn't grant me that little favor. His cold, strong fingers took hold of my chin and forced my face up until I was looking
into his dark-red eyes.
"If you ever disobey me or Jasper again," he nodded at the other vampire. "I'll break your arm with a tap of my finger." He
tightened his grip on my arm some more and I cried out again. I couldn't believe that my arm wasn't already broken from
his cruel grip. I didn't want to imagine how much more it would hurt if it were broken.
"Will you obey?" he snarled, his extended fangs flashing in the moonlight.
"Yes!" I cried desperately. "Please, you're hurting me!"
He loosened his hold on my arm and a joyless smile curled his lips as he turned away from me and towards Jasper. "We'll
leave the bodies here. Swan should see what he's caused," he said.
My eyes fell on the six bodies that littered the lawn in front of my home and a wave of sickness overcame me. I wasn't able
to suppress it and bent forward as I threw up right in front of Edward's feet. He pushed me away from him and I fell down
on my knees, still heaving. My eyes stung with tears but I tried to hold them in.
"You're such a repulsive creature!" he snarled angrily.
I wanted to be brave and strong but his cruel words and the memories of what has transpired only minutes before tore at
me. Uncontrolled sobs erupted from my mouth and I wasn't able to hold them back. I clapped my hand over my lips, trying
to stifle the sounds of my cries and whimpers.
"Do they ever stop crying?" growled Edward.
I bit down on my lip and forced my sobs down. My body kept shaking and tears still ran down my cheeks but no sound left
my lips.
I was pulled to my feet and dragged towards a black Mercedes limousine. Edward opened a door and pushed me forward
so I landed on the backseat. He closed the door with a bang and sat down on the front passenger seat. A moment later,
Jasper started the engine and drove off. After a few seconds the house vanished from my view, as did any hope of being
"My father will hunt you down," I promised in a hoarse whisper.
Edward turned around to me, his face hard and menacing. "Your father will regret the day he decided to mess with us," he
hissed. "And you will learn first hand what we're capable of."
I didn't doubt his words. I lowered my head back to the soft seat and pulled my knees up until they were pressed against
my chest. I tried to make myself as small as possible. This wouldn't save me, nothing could, but it gave me the tiniest bit of
Edward pulled a mobile from his pocket and raised it to his ear.
"Ahh..Governor Swan, what a pleasure to talk to you. I hope I didn't wake you. It's late after all," he murmured in a pleasant
My breath got stuck in my throat and I sat up with wide eyes.
"I don't think we should discuss how I got your number. I think what we should discuss right now is the life of your
daughter," Edward said calmly.
I could hear angry screaming through the phone but I couldn't make out the words. Edward was smirking, apparently
pleased with Charlie's reaction.
"I didn't call you to discuss religious beliefs with you and I can assure you that we both will burn in hell together, Governor.
I'm more interested in discussing the fate of your daughter with you."
This time Charlie's shout was so loud that I heard every single word. "Don't you dare touching her! Don't you dare, you
I swallowed hard, a new wave of sickness taking hold of me but I fought it down. I didn't want to think about what they
would do to me if I were to vomit on the beige leather of the backseat.
"I'll do much more than touching her and I will enjoy every second of it," Edward said in a soft growl, and I shivered at the
implication. I closed my eyes and prayed for death one last time but death wasn't granted to me, not yet. I caught Jasper
chancing a look at me through the rear mirror but I averted my gaze hurriedly.
"You monster! You disgusting monster, she is just a girl!" My father shouted furiously.
I tried to block out the rest of their conversation but it was impossible.
"You should be grateful that I don't force you to watch what I'll do to your daughter but maybe I'll send you a video."
Edward let out a dark chuckle.
Bile rose in my throat. A swoosh in my ears drowned out the conversation and all I heard was my own erratic breathing and
my fast heartbeat.
Thud. Thud.
And all I wished for was that my heart would stop beating; that it would slow down step by step until it stopped in the end.
But instead of doing me that favor, instead of fulfilling my most fervent wish, instead of giving me what I longed for, what I
prayed for, what I pleaded for, my heart seemed to beat even faster as though it wanted to mock me, wanted to punish me,
wanted to defeat me.
Thud. Thud.
"No, we're not interested in money, not at all. All your money won't save your daughter's life, Governor."
Edward's word filled my ears and absolute terror flooded my veins and breathing became an almost impossible task. Slowly,
so slowly I opened my eyes and stared at the back of his head. They would kill me and there was nothing my father could do
to make them stop.
I hugged myself tightly and looked down at the beautiful beige leather, only to notice small red blood stains- my blood.
Blood that was still dripping from the wounds on my body. Maybe it would affect them and they would become thirsty and
kill me. It was all I could hope for.
I felt a cold grip on my chin and my face was forced up until I looked into dark-red eyes. I felt new tears run down my
cheeks. It was just too much.
Today I'd seen things I was never going to forget, things that were so terrible that even grown men would break and I was
only a girl. A stupid girl who'd thought that a few bodyguards could keep her safe from vampires. But I hadn't known the
extent of their strength until today. My father, though, must have known and still he thought it was enough to protect me.
And even though all that seemed already too much to bear, I knew it was just the beginning because when I looked into
those cold, red eyes in front of me, I realized that there wouldn't be one happy, one carefree, one free day, hour or second
in all my life ever again. I knew that he and the Volturi would do anything to make my life a living hell.
"Stop crying! I'm growing tired of it," Edward muttered and released my chin from his cold grip.
I wanted to shout at him, tell him that I hated him, that he should be dead, that he was a monster and that I'd kill him as
soon as I got the chance but I didn't do any of those things. Instead I did something that would certainly prolong my torture.
I spit into his face.
Only Jasper's restraining grip kept Edward from attacking me. I pressed myself against the backseat as far from him as
possible, regretting my outburst already.
"You will pay for that, human," he hissed while he wiped my saliva from his face with a tissue. When I'd thought his eyes
had been terrifying before, it was nothing compared to how they looked now. They were pitch black and burned with fierce
"I'm not afraid," I murmured defiantly, even though my whole body was trembling from sheer terror and panic.
Edward chanced a questioning look at Jasper and then he laughed a dark, dangerous, joyless laugh.
"I guess then I'll have to give you a reason to fear me, girl. Believe me, you'll fear me more than the devil when I'm through
with you."
"You're the devil, no human could do what you did tonight." I whispered with all the strength that was left in my body.
"I'm not human," he snarled in disgust. "And I'm worse than the devil."
I didn't doubt him.
More and more tears were streaming down my face. The fear of what he would do to me was almost choking me. He was
going to hurt me, hurt me in the worst way possible and there was nothing I could do against it.
I was at the mercy of a merciless man, I was lost.
We pulled up in front of a house that was surrounded by a thick forest. It didn't look in any way extraordinary. Edward
pulled me out of the car and dragged me towards the entrance door. I stumbled a few times but his painful grip kept me
I didn't get the time to look around as he pulled me through the entrance hall and up the stairs. Jasper was nowhere to be
seen and I was terrified of being alone with Edward. In the car Jasper had stopped him but now there would be nobody
keeping him from hurting me.
My heart seemed to burst out of my ribcage from the panic that filled me.
I was led into a vast room and my eyes fell on the huge four-poster-bed with its black satin blanket. I could hardly breathe.
My body started to shake violently while my eyes seemed to be glued on the bed.
I began to struggle against his grasp but he was too strong. He ignored my futile struggling while he dragged me into the
adjourning bathroom.
He let go of my arm and walked towards the bathtub and opened the tap. The tub began to fill with steaming water and he
turned around to me, sneering.
"You smell of vomit and dirt. Get yourself cleaned up," he said. "Undress!" he roared when I didn't react.
He wanted me to undress in front of him? No.
I glided down to the ground and pulled my knees close to my body as though that could protect me from him, from what he
wanted to do. I took a deep breath, smelling the dried blood, smelling the mud, the vomit.
I smelt like death, my hair, my skin, my clothes, simply everything seemed to smell like death. I closed my eyes and all the
terrible images flashed in my mind. I could almost feel his cold, pitiless stare on me.
"Get up, girl," he demanded coldly.
He sighed in annoyance. "Apparently, you want to do it the hard way," He said emotionless. Suddenly he grabbed my arms
and pulled me to my feet. My eyes snapped open, wide and fearful, and I screamed, "No!"
I tried to struggle but he was much stronger than me. He pushed me towards the bathtub, watching me expectantly.
"Undress," he demanded, leaning casually against the wash-basin.
"Please don't," I pleaded, not caring about dignity anymore.
Something flashed in his eyes and they seemed to soften for a short moment.
"I'm not such a man," he said in a softer tone. "You need not fear me in that way."
To my surprise he lowered his gaze and turned so his back was facing me.
"Undress," he repeated his demand, all softness gone from his tone again.
My eyes on him, I began to remove my blood-soaked clothes. I was trembling when I got into the hot water. It stung in my
"Clean yourself," he said, his face still averted.
Hesitantly, I took the sponge into my shaking hands and started to rub my skin with it to get rid of all the blood and mud
that covered me. I washed my hair and watched how the water tinged more and more red from all the blood that had been
on my skin and hair.
When I was finished, I sat impassively in the warm water. I startled when Edward spoke up.
"There's a towel on the stool next to the tub."
I turned my head and grabbed the soft towel. I rose to my feet and dried my body off. With shaky legs I got out of the tub
and wrapped the towel around my body. I stared at my dirty clothes on the floor, deliberating if I should put them on. It
was better than being in nothing but the towel.
"Are you decent?"
I jumped slightly. "Yes," I breathed out.
He turned around, his gaze cautious and firmly focused on my face. His eyes were pitch black like they'd been in the car,
and I shivered in fright.
His expression was unreadable but I noticed how tightly he clenched his jaw.
"There are clothes in the wardrobe," he told me while he walked into the bedroom. I followed him at a safe distance and
my gaze fell on the window. Could I flee through it?
"Don't try anything stupid. The window won't open and Jasper and I will hear if you try anything," he said, his eyes dark and
threatening. "Sleep now." With that he left the room. He didn't even lock it. Because there isn't a chance for you to get out
here alive, a small voice in my head whispered. If I were to die, I would decide how and when.
I walked back into the bathroom and grabbed a small towel that I wound around my hand. I took a deep breath and hit the
mirror with my fist but there wasn't even a crack in the surface.
I looked around desperately and my eyes fell on the small stool next to the bathtub. I grabbed it and smashed it with all my
strength against the mirror that shattered into dozens of pieces. I took a very sharp fragment that cut into my palm as soon
as I touched it.
I nodded to myself. Perfect.
Before I was able to cut my wrist, Edward was already next to me, his eyes burning with unrestrained fury.
My breathing quickened and my heartbeat accelerated unbearably. It was beating so fast that it was almost hurtful.
I tried to stab him with the shard but he grabbed my wrist. I struggled desperately, trying to free myself, but he was much
stronger than me. He turned with me in his grip and pressed my back forcefully against the wall. My half-naked body was
trapped between him and the cold wall. My grip on the shard loosened.
He held my left wrist above my head while the hand with the shard was between me and his body. His eyes were horrible
pools of rage. Black and intense.
I didn't fight anymore, all strength had left me. More useless tears were streaming down my face.
"Did you think you could injure me with this tiny piece of glass, or maybe even kill me?" He snarled, the grip on my wrist
tightening while he watched the shard in dark amusement.
Suddenly he turned my hand and pointed the sharp edge of the shard at his chest.
I watched in horror how he forced my hand with the shard closer to his chest, pressing the blade-like edge of it against his
skin. Instead of injuring him, the shard broke apart. It was the first time that I realized how invincible vampires were.
He let go of my hand and the shard dropped to the ground. In impossibly fast movements he disposed of the remains of the
mirror. Then he looked at me, his face contorted with anger. "Do something like that again, and you'll regret it," he hissed.
His gaze flickered down to my hand and he grabbed it and brought it closer to his face. There was a cut in my palm that was
oozing fresh blood. He tilted his head slightly, gazing at my palm without breathing.
I tried to pull away from his grasp but he didn't let go. His black eyes burnt into me and I watched in horror how he brought
my hand to his mouth. A gasp flew from my lips when he licked over the gash, letting out a low purr as he tasted my blood.
My vision became blurry as shock set in and I felt my knees buckle under me moments before everything went black.

Chapter Two
Paying The Price
Everything was dark. And peaceful. Absolutely silent.
A sharp pain in my side tore through me and a scream rippled from my throat.
Pain. Sharp and burning.
My eyes flew open and I blinked, trying to clear my vision from the fuzziness. Another sharp pain, this time a bit higher,
close to my ribs. I cried out and my hand gripped my side protectively. My gaze fell on a dark figure, towering above me.
Edward. He was glaring down at me, his lips pulled over his lips in barely hidden disgust. Why did he hate me so much?
"Get up!" he roared, pulling back his leg as if to kick me. I recoiled, using my elbows to crawl backwards on the ground. Now
I realized what had caused the pain. He'd kicked me.
With a large step, he was at my side, his eyes burning with fierce rage. They were black and menacing and filled with more
hatred than should have been possible. He bared his teeth in a snarl, some of his bronze strands falling over his forehead,
casting shadows on his hateful eyes. There was a drop of blood clinging to the left corner of his mouth, the red contrasting
strongly with his almost white skin.
My blood. That was why I'd fainted. He'd licked my wound. My eyes flew to my hand where my skin was blemished by a
gash. He'd licked the blood from my skin. My stomach turned and it took all my willpower to keep myself from throwing up.
The consequences would have been harsh. Edward looked like the smallest mistake on my part could make him snap. I
didn't want to see that, didn't want to experience the full force of his hatred and cruelty.
"Why won't you obey?" Edward's furious snarl broke through the silence. Angry. Impatient. But with a hint of despair.
I looked up at him. Tears clung to my lashes and were slowly falling down on my cheeks. I flinched, scared, when he reached
out for me. His eyes hardened even more, his jaw clenched so tightly, his skin looked like it would shatter into thousands of
pieces any moment. Could his skin even break? Was there a power on earth that could destroy this creature?
I screamed out in pain as his cold fingers curled around my arm in a crushing grip. Like a vise, unyielding and cruel, was his
grip, and more tears stung in my eyes from the pain. He wrenched me up until I stood on my legs. My right hand still
clutched at the towel, trying to keep it around my body. My legs shook so much, I was certain they'd give away any moment
but I tried to be strong. The cold of the tiled bathroom floor seeped into my bare feet and made me shiver.
"Go!" Edward hissed and pushed against my back to make me move.
His shove was forceful, too forceful. I stumbled forwards into the bedroom and tripped over my own feet. I tried to regain
my balance but I felt myself falling backwards. I braced myself for the impact, my arms extended to cushion the fall and I
winced when my palms hit the floor. I lay on my back, trying to stop my vision from spinning.
Edward looked at me, his expression unreadable for once. He could have caught me but instead he let me fall. He enjoyed
torturing me, the bastard. Anger bubbled up in me strong and unstoppable as I stared him square in the eyes. Ever so
slowly the corners of his lips pulled back in a sneer, his expression repulsed. He looked almost sick as if the mere sight of my
face was disgusting for him.
But he wasn't looking at my face. My eyes followed his gaze and I felt the last bit of my strength crumble under the weight
of my mortification. During my fall, I'd let go of the towel and it had slipped from my body. I was completely exposed to his
cruel eyes. I felt so small. Naked. Vulnerable. Defenseless.
I was frozen in my embarrassment and shame, while his eyes roamed over my body. After a moment, his eyes snapped up
to my face, black and furious.
"For god's sake, cover yourself!" he hissed, his face full of disgust. He turned his head away from me as if I was too
disgusting to look at.
I stared at his profile, perfect and beautiful despite the hatred that seemed to be etched into it constantly. His beauty was
unearthly. I stared at my own exposed body and felt a wave of worthlessness wash over me. No wonder, he felt disgusted
by my body. I was insignificant, ordinary in comparison to the beauty of this creature before me. How could I have ever
thought that he'd try to take advantage of me? The mere sight of me was repulsing to him. He'd never lay hand on me in
such a way. Not because of kindheartedness, but because of his disgust for me.
Tears of humiliation stung in my eyes and left wet trails across my cheeks as they spilled over.
I grabbed the towel with shaking hands, feeling more humiliated than ever before. My hands were shaking strongly but
somehow I managed to wrap the towel around my body and cover myself. My dignity was gone, like any hope that I'd ever
My body froze and my head whirled around when a movement caught my attention. Jasper stood in the door frame, his
eyes shifting between me and Edward. I gripped the towel even tighter, wishing I could hide somewhere. My bare legs and
arms were visible, and so were my shoulders, and I felt embarrassed that they could see. Not only Edward but Jasper, too,
could see my imperfection and despise me for it. I cast my eyes to the ground, not able to stand the scrutiny of the two
Why had Jasper come here anyway? Were they planning on taking turns humiliating me?
"What are you doing here?" Edward's voice was impatient, but much more composed than when he'd spoken to me.
Again I saw movement from the corner of my eyes. Jasper stepped fully into the room, closer to Edward. "I heard shouting
and wondered what was going on here."
I chanced a look at them. They were looking at each other and it seemed to me as if they were communicating without
actually speaking a word. Jasper's expression was curious and reprimanding, which seemed to infuriate Edward. He let out a
harsh laugh and then he glared at me. "Get up!" he snarled when he caught me staring.
I stumbled to my feet, careful to keep the towel around my body. I took a few steps backwards, away from Jasper and
Edward. They were both staring at me. But while Jasper's face was emotionless with a hint of curiosity, Edward looked so
hateful and disgusted that just looking at him hurt me. He shook his head, sneering. "Just look at them," he gestured at my
barely covered body and I felt my skin flush from humiliation. "So plain, so weak, so ordinary, unremarkable. It's
Jasper's expression remained the careful, unmoving mask as he took in my appearance. It changed into a frown when he
looked at Edward, and then they were just staring at each other for a few moments.
Edward looked sick. "Why some of us enjoy bedding them before sucking them dry, I will never understand. The mere
thought of having to touch one of them like that..." He trailed off, his dark eyes boring into me, humiliating me further.
When would this nightmare end?
Finally, Edward tore his gaze from me and looked at Jasper who'd remained silent and unmoving throughout Edward's rant.
"How can you stand touching them, Jasper? The mere sight of them disgusts me."
Jasper shrugged. "Their warmth is enticing. They are inferior, I agree with you on that, but I'm not disgusted by them like
you want to be."
Edward growled, anger flashing in his eyes. Something must have infuriated him but I was still too shaken to follow their
conversation properly. He was at my side before I'd time to blink and grabbed my arm. I gasped in surprise when he pushed
me hard and I landed in Jasper's arms. "Take her then. I don't care if you sully yourself with one of them."
I felt cold arms on my shoulders, softer than Edward's grip, and I recoiled. My head shot up and I stared at Jasper but he
wasn't looking at me. He glared at Edward. I struggled against his grip and after a moment he looked down at me and
released my shoulders from his hold. I felt dirty and worthless and I was scared, so scared. I wrapped my arms around my
chest, hugging myself tightly. The sobs erupted from my lips and I wasn't able to stop them. Through blurry eyes I saw
Jasper stalk towards Edward, baring his teeth.
"What's wrong with you?"
Edward bared his own teeth in return. "Nothing," he replied in a hiss.
Jasper shook his head with a joyless smile. "You're lying and we both know it."
"Keep your opinion to yourself. This is none of your business, Jasper," Edward snarled, his fangs extending. Jasper brought
his face closer to Edward's, his own teeth bared in warning the entire time. They looked like they were going to lunge at
each other any moment, and I hoped they would. If they'd end up killing each other, I could flee.
"We'll both pay the price if we were to fail. So it's my business."
Edward took a step back and let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "It doesn't work," he said after a moment, his
eyes hard.
Jasper raised his eyebrows. "What doesn't work?"
Edward shifted his gaze to me, his eyes narrowing. "My gift. It doesn't work on her."
I watched them in confusion, wrapping my arms even tighter around myself, trying to shield myself from their piercing
stares. Jasper's eyes widened as he looked at me. "But how is it possible?" he asked aghast.
"I don't know!" Edward's voice was harsh and he glared at me. His gaze was accusing and angry as if I was to blame for his
I didn't even know what they were talking about but I had a feeling that it wouldn't be good for me, whatever it was. If he
thought I was the reason why his gift didn't work- whatever that might be- I'd certainly pay the price. I shuddered at the
"That makes our mission more complicated," Jasper said. "We'll have to make some changes then." He turned around
slowly, seemingly lost in thoughts, and walked out of the room.
Edward glowered at me and I shivered in fright. "Get yourself dressed and go to sleep. If I've to come up here again, I'll
break one of your fingers," he warned before he left the room and closed the door behind himself.
I stared at the dark wood of the door for several minutes, trying to make out their steps or voices but it was silent in the
house. Eerily silent. I knew that they were probably downstairs but their movements were lithe and soundless. My body
was still trembling and I tried to calm myself with slow breaths. After a moment, I felt like my legs could carry me and I took
the first hesitant steps towards the huge wooden wardrobe that stood opposite from the bed. I reached out for the handle
and winced from the pain in my arm.
Edward's grip had bruised my arm and I could already see that my entire arm would be bluish tomorrow. Careful not to
make too much noise, I opened the wardrobe, ignoring the dull pain in my arm. The wardrobe was almost empty, except for
two pairs of jeans, two t-shirts and something that looked like a black shirt. With trembling fingers I took hold of the soft
fabric and lifted it. It was a shirt for man.
I supposed it was meant for me to use as sleepwear. Hesitantly, I put it on. It was soft and reached my knees. I rolled up the
sleeves and buttoned it up. At least it wasn't too revealing, though I didn't like the thought that it probably had belonged to
Jasper or Edward. I grabbed the simple black cotton knickers from the wardrobe and put them on. Feeling exhausted, I
walked over to the bed and sat down on it.
I felt like everything was falling apart in my life. This was a nightmare come true. Slowly, I lay down on my side, ignoring the
tears pouring down my cheeks. I was too scared to close my eyes and make myself even more vulnerable.
Was Charlie already searching for me? Would he find me before it was too late? I buried my face in the soft pillow, trying to
stifle the sobs. I knew that Edward and Jasper could probably hear them anyway and did enjoy the sound of them. Likely, it
was like music to them. I hated them and I wished nothing more than for Charlie to find them and rip them into pieces. He'd
destroyed vampires before, maybe he'd do the same with them. This was all I could hope for.
Sun rays were warming my face and I felt my lips curl upwards in a smile. It didn't happen often that it was sunny in Forks,
especially in October. Why hadn't Fiona woken me yet? She never let me be late for school. She was the best house-maid I
could wish for and she'd become a friend to me over the years.
I yawned and sat up in bed, stretching my arms over my head. I gasped when pain shot through my arms and I was wide
awake instantly. I looked around in the room and my smile fell. The events from the day before came back and my stomach
turned. I dropped my arms, ignoring the pain. Fiona was dead. Killed. All because of me. Six people murdered pitilessly.
I stifled a sob and closed my eyes for a moment. There wasn't a sound in the house but I knew they were still there. I
pushed myself to the edge of the bed and stood, my legs shaking slightly. My stomach was growling but I ignored it. I didn't
think that my kidnappers would feed me. I'd die anyway. Why should they bother providing me with food? Maybe starving
was a kind death in comparison to what they'd planned for me.
I pushed those thoughts aside before they could drive me insane. Slowly, I walked into the bathroom and washed my face,
wincing from the pain in my arms. I'd destroyed the mirror last night, so I couldn't see my reflection. Wanting to see the
extent of my bruises, I unbuttoned the upper buttons of the shirt and pushed it from my shoulders, revealing my arms. I
looked down at my skin and saw finger-shaped bruises on my uppers arms. Bruises that Edward's cruel grip had caused.
They contrasted strongly with my pale skin.
A knock made me jump and I let out a startled shriek. With wide eyes I whirled around, clutching the shirt to my body, so
my chest was covered. I saw Jasper standing in the door frame of the bathroom, staring at me. I took a step back, never
taking my eyes from him, but he didn't move. His expression was emotionless, almost serene as he gazed at me. "You will
have lunch now," he said in a detached voice. I chanced a look at the clock and saw that it was indeed time for lunch. I'd
slept for several hours though I'd sworn to myself that I wouldn't make myself so vulnerable.
"Follow me," Jasper ordered and turned around. I followed him into the bedroom and watched how he stepped in the
corridor, looking at me expectantly.
I looked down at myself. "I need to get dressed," I said. My voice was raspy and my throat hurt from crying.
Jasper gave a curt nod. "Just put some pants on. You can stay in that shirt."
I grabbed the jeans from the wardrobe and slipped into them, then I buttoned up the shirt. Careful to keep enough space
between me and Jasper, I followed him down the stairs. He never tried to grab me or shout at me like Edward did, but I had
a feeling that he could be very menacing if he wanted to be. I'd seen him kill just as ruthlessly as Edward had.
We stepped into the kitchen where Edward was sitting on the counter, reading the newspaper. He didn't look up or
acknowledged my presence in any way. But I was glad. His attention had always led to pain or humiliation so far. Jasper
gestured at the table where cereals and muffins were waiting for me. I hesitated, eying the food suspiciously. They could
have poisoned it.
A dark laugh tore me from my thoughts and I looked up to find Edward staring at me with a smirk. "Do you think we've
poisoned it?" He shook his head, clearly amused, though his eyes didn't show any mirth. Did he even know what happiness
was? "If we want to kill you, we just rip your head off or suck you dry. We wouldn't bother buying poison."
I shivered at the thought of being drained by one of them and sat down at the table hastily, trying to ignore their presence.
I couldn't stop my hands from shaking as I reached out for a muffin and I hated myself for showing them my fear so clearly.
I wanted to be strong, but the last few hours had shaken me thoroughly. I took a bite of the chocolate muffin and had to
admit that it tasted delicious. Maybe this was my last meal.
"That smells horrendous!" Edward said, his nose scrunched up as he gazed at the muffins in disgust. I frowned at him, but I
kept my mouth shut lest I said something that would infuriate him further.
A mobile rang, startling us all. Edward pulled a small black mobile from his pocket and lifted it to his ear. "Yes, Master?"
Master? He was talking to one of the Volturi. My stomach turned over and over again. Jasper's face darkened as he seemed
to listen to the conversation.
"That was a very stupid thing to do," Edward said with a grim smile, his dark-red eyes focusing on me.
I froze.
"Of course, Master. We'll teach him a lesson. He'll regret his actions very soon. Jasper and I will make sure of that," he
murmured, his voice the softest whisper but so very scary. Goose-bumps spread on my skin. Jasper looked at me then and I
could have sworn that I saw pity in his dark-red eyes for a fleeting moment. But that was nothing but the imagination of a
desperate soul.
Edward hung up and jumped from the counter. "Do you think your father loves you?" he asked, his eyes boring into me.
I swallowed the lump that rose in my throat. "Of course," I replied.
"So you don't think that your father doesn't care about you?" A dangerous smile lifted the corners of his lips. "Why- if he
cares about your health and life- does he defy us? He should know that we won't let anyone mess with us and yet he
doesn't follow our rules."
I stared at him, my words getting stuck in my throat. What had Charlie done? God, what had he done to make them angry?
Jasper was leaning against the wall, his legs crossed at the ankles and his face emotionless.
"Aro thinks your father doesn't take us seriously and he doesn't like that, not at all. He thinks that we need to teach your
father some respect," Edward explained in a calm voice, too calm.
I shivered. His words sent shills down my spine. They were threatening and menacing.
"Aro suggested that we should rip some of your fingers off and send them to your father as a warning." He seemed to like
that idea quite much.
I swallowed, bile rising in my throat. Slowly I pulled my hands from the table top and rested them on my lap. I chanced a
look at Jasper since he seemed to be the more humane of the both, but his face was void of emotion.
"I think we should resort to different measures," Edward said, his hateful eyes frightening me. I was frozen from fear. He
turned his gaze to Jasper after a moment and began talking very fast and low. I wasn't able to hear what he said and I
started feeling sick, because I knew they were discussing my torture.
I closed my eyes and prayed once more. God, please help me.
But why would a God that had created such evil creatures like vampires come to my rescue? He wouldn't. I was on my own.
All alone. Lost.
I opened my eyes and found Edward and Jasper staring at me.
"We've decided to send Governor Swan a video with you in the leading role. I think it will be very enlightening for your
father. If he cares about you, he won't disobey us ever again," Edward said with a frightening smile. "Unfortunately, you will
have to pay for his mistakes."
I shook my head as he came closer. My survival instinct kicked in and I jumped up, causing the chair to topple over. I whirled
around and tried to run- where I didn't know. Cold arms wrapped around my waist but I struggled against the grip. I kicked
and lashed out, trying to get away.
"Calm down," Jasper's words in my ear made me shiver and I struggled even more but a wave of calm took hold of my body
and my muscles relaxed. Jasper's arms around my waist tightened and I looked up at his face, realizing that he was making
me so weak. There was nothing I could do against them. I was completely at their mercy.
Jasper carried me out of the kitchen and down a flight of stairs into a barely lit basement. I hung unresisting in his arms. My
mind was furious and scared but my body didn't obey my commands. My eyes widened when I saw Edward preparing a
video camera. He put it on a table and adjusted it so it recorded everything that was going on. It was directed at a mattress
that was lying on the ground and I felt my throat cord up in panic. I tried to fight the foreign calm that had a hold of my
body but it was in vain.
Jasper put me down on the mattress and I lay there unmoving, still too lethargic to move. "So, shall I do it?" he asked.
"No," Edward replied instantly. "I will do it. You can keep an eye on the camera." He gazed at me and in the flickering light
of the bulb his face looked almost diabolic.
"No," I breathed out, trying to scramble back but my muscles wouldn't budge.
Edward turned around to Jasper for a moment. "Stop calming her. Swan should see her fear." Then he looked at me and his
eyes seemed to burn with fierce resolve and frightening hatred.
The moment the calm was lifted from my body, I stumbled to my feet and took a few steps back until I bumped against the
cold wall. Edward kept advancing on me, his steps slow and measured. He knew that I was trapped, so there wasn't any
need for him to hurry. The predator was stalking his prey.

Chapter Three
Not Such A Man
He stopped right in front of me, our bodies mere inches apart, and I had to crane my neck to see his face since he was a
head taller than me. His face was cast in shadows, so I couldn't make out his expression but I imagined it to be smug. I
pressed my back still closer to the wall, wanting to get away from him.
His hand shot out and grabbed my arm, dragging me with him towards the center of the basement. I tried to free my arm
but he didn't seem to notice. He pulled me against him sharply, my back pressing almost painfully against his marble-like
chest. The cold of his skin seeped into my body and made me shiver. He was cold. So cold. Cold inside and out.
His hand snaked around my ribcage and his arm brushed against my breasts, making me gasp. I struggled against his grip
but he was too strong. I was the marionette and he was the puppet master. I felt his chin resting lightly on top of my head
as he was certainly smirking into the camera.
Be strong, Bella. Be strong for Charlie. He's probably already worried sick.
But it's his fault that you're here, a little voice in my head whispered, and resentment for my father flared up for a fleeting
second, but I quenched it instantly. This was their fault. Those monsters had captured me.
My body froze when I felt his fingertips graze my throat. I tilted my head and found him gazing at me with unreadable eyes.
They were so dark and impenetrable. After a moment, he averted his gaze and stared at the camera. "So vulnerable, so
breakable. One move of my hand," He wrapped his fingers around my throat, stopping my supply of oxygen. "And her
throat would be crushed. It would be so easy, Governor Swan. And you'd be the reason for her death. Could you live with
that knowledge?"
His voice was a whisper and yet it seemed to fill the basement, and yet it seemed to fill my body entirely with its horrible
iciness. I tried to breathe but air didn't reach my lungs. I was starting to feel dizzy and my eyes began to burn with tears as
my legs got weaker and weaker. It wouldn't take long until I lost consciousness.
Edward released his grip on my throat and I gasped for breath, trying to get as much oxygen as possible into my lungs. I
thought that maybe this was all he would do, maybe this was enough to scare Charlie, but I was mistaken.
I felt Edward's cool fingers on the shirt and after a moment I realized that he was unbuttoning it. I struggled against his grip,
my eyes wide and my body shaking from fear. What was he doing? I looked at Jasper but he didn't seem disturbed by what
was going on. He was watching the small screen of the video camera calmly.
"No," I ground out when Edward had unbuttoned half of the buttons. "Please, stop."
"Yes, beg me, Isabella." Edward crooned with a cruel smile and I froze. He returned his eyes to the camera, the smile not
leaving his face. "Your daughter is begging for me to stop, Governor, but because of your disobedience, my hands are tied. I
wonder if the sound of her begging will haunt you in your dreams, hm?"
I bit down on my lip to stifle sobs and directed my eyes to the ground, trying to pull myself together. I needed to be strong. I
wouldn't let Charlie hear me beg or cry. I would be strong for him.
I shivered when Edward's knuckles grazed the skin of my stomach as they worked on the next button. His fingers were long
and elegant, and they could have opened the buttons much faster but he was prolonging my torture on purpose.
Finally, the shirt was unbuttoned and the cool air in the basement hit my skin. Tears spilled over when Edward began to
push the shirt from my shoulders, exposing more of my skin. With a soft rustling the shirt landed on the ground and I tried
to cover my breasts with my arms but they were trapped behind my back, pressed against his chest. Edward's arm snaked
around my chest, the fabric of his black shirt brushing against my breasts. His arm was shielding my breasts and I was
grateful for that, though I hated the feeling of his arm against my skin. I didn't make a noise despite my mortification and
fear. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
"Completely at our mercy, Governor Swan," he said softly and ran his fingertips over the bruises on my upper arm. "I might
have handled her too roughly," he continued. "I guess, I should apologize for that." He looked down at me then and I
frowned. What was he up to? "I apologize for the pain I've caused, and in advance for the agony that will follow." He smiled
cruelly and shifted his gaze back to the camera.
I could hardly breathe from fear. His sick game was terrifying me.
"Do you want to tell your father anything?" Edward asked in a whisper, his eyebrows raised inquiringly.
I shook my head and pressed my lips tightly together. If I spoke I would certainly start sobbing. I couldn't allow that to
"Hm...She wants to play brave," Edward mused aloud and I felt a shill shoot down my spine.
I trembled when his fingers brushed my hair away from my throat. My eyes closed tightly as his index finger ran up and
down over my jugular. He let out a purr and I pressed my eyes even tighter together, not wanting to see his cruel face. His
cool breath against my throat made me tense and my eyes flew open when I felt sharp teeth graze my skin. Was he going to
bite me? Drain me? My stomach turned and I shifted in his arms to get away from his teeth. But his grip was like a vise and
kept me firmly in place.
He chuckled against my skin, the feeling of his cold lips against my throat making me shudder. "So sweet," he murmured
and I heard him inhale deeply before a sharp pain shot through my throat. His teeth sunk into my skin and it hurt like hell.
After a moment he pulled back from my throat. I felt a warm liquid run over my throat and down my chest, and I looked
down at myself and saw blood gathering in the valley between my breasts. It seeped into Edward's sleeve and turned the
fabric of his shirt even darker. Bile rose in my throat and my legs got weak at the sight and smell of my blood. I tried to stay
conscious and blinked back the fuzziness.
"I could let her bleed to death," Edward said, his lips and extended teeth tinged red from my blood. "But that would be a
waste of perfectly delicious blood."
Killing me would be nothing but a waste of blood. It didn't matter to him that I was a person with feelings and wishes, that I
had dreams and hopes, that I didn't want to die. He didn't care. I felt so sick, I was sure I would throw up any moment.
More and more blood was streaming down my chest and my jeans soaked up the liquid greedily. Edward's lips returned to
my throat where he'd bitten me and I felt him lick my skin. A pleasant warmth spread in my throat and my skin began to
tingle slightly. Almost instantly the flow of blood stopped and I wondered if his saliva had healing powers.
Only his grip around my chest kept me upright. My legs felt like jelly and if my stomach hadn't been so empty, I would have
probably thrown up all over Edward and myself. My eyes fell on Jasper and for the first time I noticed how tense he looked.
His eyes were black and he was staring at me in rapt attention. Apparently, my blood was having quite an appeal to him.
Maybe it would be best if he just attacked me and killed me. Maybe dying now would be the kindest thing. But I didn't want
to die.
I shuddered when Edward lapped the blood from my throat and shoulder, purring all the while. My body awoke from its
stupor when he licked over my collarbone, far too close to my breasts. I kicked against his shin and he let out an angry hiss
in reaction, his furious eyes snapping up to my face. A smile curled his lips and I knew this wasn't good. "You're awfully
silent. I'm missing your begging, Isabella."
The way he said my name sent shivers down my back. But in a twisted, frightening way I almost liked the sound of it. He'd
never called me by my name so far. It made things too personal.
"I think we need to do something about your silence," he murmured, his eyes flitting over to the video camera. "I hope you
won't mind if your daughter gets pregnant with a half-vampire, Governor."
I froze, my eyes wide in horror.
"But don't worry, I wouldn't let such an abomination live," he continued with an unsettling smile. I was petrified from fear,
my mind barely able to proceed his words. Edward looked down at me then. "I wonder how many human men have already
conquered your body?"
I just stared at him blankly, not able to understand what he was talking about, or maybe I just didn't want to understand.
Sometimes ignorance can be a blessing.
"Answer me!" he roared when I remained silent.
My lips quivered so much that it was hard to speak. "None."
Something changed in his expression but I was far too scared to analyze the change. "Hm...Very well," he murmured.
In a flash I was on my back, lying on the mattress, Edward towering above me, and then it hit me what he was planning on
doing. But he'd said he wasn't such a man! He'd said he'd never touch me.
I kicked and struggled against his grip but he held me down, his knees spreading my legs as he knelt between them. He
pushed my arms over my head, keeping me in place. I was crying so much I could barely make out anything. For less than a
second he let go of my wrists and ripped my jeans off my body with both of his hands. Before I could react, his hand had
returned to my wrists and was holding them in a painful grip. I was naked except for the little black cotton knickers, and I
was terrified.
He wasn't even looking at me but at the camera. "I wonder what you would feel if you had to watch me raping your
precious daughter, Governor."
"Please, don't," I pleaded between sobs and I hated myself for begging him, for being so weak, but I knew I wouldn't survive
if he raped me.
Ever so slowly, Edward tilted his head and looked at me. "You're begging me to stop?"
I nodded my head, tasting tears on my lips and tongue.
A crooked smile curled his lips. "Beg me, Isabella, and I won't hurt you."
My lips trembling, I whispered the words that he wanted to hear. "Please, don't hurt me. Please." I hated him for doing this
to me, for breaking me so easily and I hated myself for being so weak.
Edward averted his eyes from me and looked at the camera. "Today, I'll be merciful, but the next time you defy us,
Governor, your daughter won't be that lucky." He gave a small nod and Jasper turned the camera off.
Before I could blink, Edward had straightened up and stood next to Jasper, speaking to him in low voices. They both looked
very satisfied, ignoring me completely. I lay on the mattress, tremors shaking my body. Shakily I wrapped my arms around
my chest and hugged me tightly. I pulled my legs against my body and buried my face in my knees. I felt the fabric of my
shirt being put on my shoulders but I didn't look up.
"Get dressed and stop crying," Edward said, his voice bare of emotion. When I didn't react, he grabbed my arm and I
recoiled. "Don't touch me!" I cried, my wide eyes directed at him.
His lips were pulled in a tight line and he looked like he was going to snap any moment. "Be careful," he warned.
"You said you weren't such a man!" I whispered desperately. "And almost..." I swallowed. "...rape me."
His face was unreadable, the only change I could make out was the clenching of his jaw. "I wouldn't have raped you."
"Your father doesn't know that I wouldn't sink as low as to touch you like that. It's the greatest fear of every parent to
watch their child being raped. He won't disobey us ever again," he said calmly before turning his back to me. "Now put the
shirt on."
I noticed that we were alone in the basement and I didn't like it one bit. Jasper must have left without my notice and
though I didn't trust him either, I felt safer around him.
I slipped my arms into the sleeves of the shirt and buttoned it up hastily. I was glad that it reached my knees since my jeans
were torn, so I wouldn't be able to wear them.
"Are you done?" he asked impatiently. I wondered why he didn't just watch me getting dressed. He'd seen me naked
anyway, but it was probably too disgusting for him.
"Yes," I replied in a murmur. Edward grabbed my arm and led me out of the basement. His grip was tight but not painful. I
wondered why he always took my arm when he led me anywhere, though he was so repulsed by touching me. Jasper
wasn't grabbing me all the time.
He dragged me upstairs and locked me in my bedroom without another word. I stood right in front of the door for a
moment, still shaken by what had happened in the basement. My chest was sticky with blood and it had smudged the shirt.
With hesitant steps I walked into the bathroom.
The feel of the blood on my skin was disgusting and I just wanted to take a hot shower. I unbuttoned the shirt and it took
me longer than normal because my hands were shaking so much. The shirt slipped from my shoulders and landed on the
ground. Even my knickers were covered with blood. There was a trail of blood from my breasts leading down to my
stomach and below. I gagged when I saw it and I held my breath, so the smell wouldn't bother me.
I stepped into the small shower cubicle and turned the water on. It was icy at first and I sucked in a breath at the sensation,
but at least it seemed to waken me entirely. Since the events in the basement, everything had seemed so fuzzy and surreal
to me, but slowly I was coming to my senses. I didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing.
The water got warmer and I began to scrub my skin. The water tinged red while I cleaned every inch of my body from the
blood. It seemed to take forever until my skin was clean. It felt good to have the warm water pouring down on me and ever
so slowly my tense muscles relaxed. I still couldn't shake off the fear and anxiety but I felt better, or as good as one could
feel as a hostage.
I turned the water off and grabbed a towel from the stool next to the bath tub. I rubbed my skin dry and winced when I
came into contact with the bruises on my arm. Carefully, I ran my fingers over my throat, feeling the skin gently. It was
tender but it didn't exactly hurt. Wrapping the towel around my body, I walked into the bedroom where I spotted the small
mirror over the head of the bed.
I scrambled on the mattress and straightened slightly to get a view in the mirror. I tilted my head to the side and removed
my wet hair from my throat as I checked my reflection. Two white spots were the only sign that Edward had bitten me. The
skin was already healed but it was whiter than the skin around it. He'd marked me. I was sure that those marks would never
Slowly, I sank to my knees on the mattress. Even if I survived, the marks would be a constant reminder of what had
I closed my eyes briefly, trying to gather my strength. It wouldn't do me any good if I were to break down now. I needed to
be strong. I drew in a deep breath and opened my eyes. My stomach growled loudly but I tried to ignore it. I hadn't eaten
more than two bites from the muffin for lunch, but I knew better than to hope for more food today. I opened the wardrobe
and put the other jeans and the white t-shirt on.
There wasn't much I could do after that, except for hoping and maybe praying- though that likely wouldn't help me. There
wasn't a TV or books in the room. I walked towards the only window of the room and peered out of it. The house was
surrounded by a thick forest and it was the only thing I could see. I sat down on the small windowsill and gazed at the trees
I pulled my legs against my body and rested my cheek on my knees. Within a day my life had changed drastically and I was
sure that it would never return to how it was before I'd been kidnapped. How could it? I'd never forget what I'd seen, what
I'd experienced. It would haunt me forever. The look in Fiona's eyes when the life was drained from her. I shuddered and
wrapped my arms tighter around my knees, trying to find some comfort.
Would Charlie abandon all his beliefs and morals to save me? Or would he sacrifice me for his ideals? I knew he loved me
but he'd never had much time for me. He lived for only one purpose- the extinction of vampires. Ever since Mom had been
killed he'd spent every minute of every day hunting vampires. Would he stop just to save me? I wasn't sure.
The sound of the lock startled me and I turned my head around to the door, my body tense. The door opened and Edward
stepped in, carrying a tray. He looked irritated and angry but that was a current occurrence around me. He was just like
Charlie. They were both trapped in their hatred. I've never hated someone before, but Edward had changed that.
He stepped into the room and my muscles tensed even more in reaction. I released my legs ever so slowly and jumped from
the windowsill. I felt safer standing around him.
He put the tray on my bed. "Food," he said.
I eyed the tray cautiously as I approached the bed slowly. There was a plate with sandwiches, and a glass with something
that looked like orange juice on it. "Eat," Edward ordered impatiently.
I sat down on the bed and pulled the tray towards me, waiting for Edward to leave the room but he seemed very content,
leaning against the wall next to the bathroom door. He was watching me intently and it was making me nervous. After what
he'd done in the basement I was even more scared of him than I'd been anyway.
I grabbed a sandwich and bit into it. I was so hungry and it tasted delicious. Edward didn't take his eyes from me for a
second, as if I was some freak accident. I didn't understand it. He'd said I was disgusting and he'd complained that food
smelled horrendous, and yet here he stood, staring at me. I felt like he was trying to bore holes into my head with his eyes.
Maybe that was his special gift.
I took a gulp from the orange juice, ignoring the frightening black eyes as well as I could.
"How does it taste?"
I jerked, not having expected that he would talk to me. He wasn't even shouting. He just sounded curious. I looked up at
him and our eyes met. His face was hostile, though not quite as hateful as usual.
"It tastes delicious," I said carefully, not sure what he wanted to hear.
He seemed frustrated with my reply and shook his head. "Can't you say more?" he inquired.
I frowned in confusion and looked down at the remaining sandwich on the plate. I grabbed it and took another bite,
thinking of a way to describe it. Why did he care anyway? Maybe he was insane. Or had a split personality. That would
make him even more dangerous.
He let out an irritated sigh and I took that as my clue to swallow the bite and speak. "The bread is soft and the bacon is
crunchy and salty, and the lettuce is fresh..." I trailed off, not sure if this would satisfy him.
He straightened up, clearly frustrated, and walked over to the window, glaring out of it. I finished the sandwich and the
orange juice, all the while keeping an eye on Edward. He was ignoring me but I was wary of him. I wondered where they'd
gotten the food. It was really good and I doubted that vampires could prepare sandwiches.
Now that I was done eating, I sat on the bed, not daring to move. I waited for Edward to say or do something but he
seemed lost in thoughts. What was going on in someone like him? His hands were clasped behind his back and he stood
very straight. He looked like a gentleman, but of course I knew better.
"We're leaving in an hour," he said all of a sudden, still looking out of the window.
I bit my lip uncertainly. "Where are we going?"
He turned around and smiled at me mirthlessly. He looked really tired, though I wasn't sure if vampires were capable of
such a thing. "That's none of your business."
"Will there be more vampires where we're heading?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.
"I told you that it's none of your business!" He stalked towards me and reached out. I flinched and closed my eyes,
preparing for a blow. When nothing happened, I opened my eyes and saw that he'd just grabbed the tray from the bed. He
ignored my reaction and walked towards the door. He opened it and stepped into the corridor, turning around to me once
"Get ready. Go to the bathroom and do what humans do. We won't stop just because you need to have a human moment."
With that he closed the door.
I wondered where they were taking me. Maybe to the headquarters of the Volturi? Would there be more vampires and
what if they were even worse than Edward and Jasper? It was hard to imagine, but very possible. I tried not to worry about
it. It would only worsen my anxiety and fear.
Like Edward had suggested, I went to the toilet. I didn't doubt that they wouldn't stop if I needed to pee and I wasn't keen
on facing the consequences if I'd pee on the leather seats of the Mercedes. Edward would probably break my fingers and
enjoy it thoroughly. I shuddered at the thought and sank down on the bed, waiting for them to fetch me.

Chapter Four
Secret Touch
We'd been driving for hours and it was already dark outside. Jasper and Edward were ignoring me and I tried to do the
same. They were talking quickly and quietly. Their voices blended together like a constant whooshing and I closed my eyes
and it almost sounded like the rushing of a stream. For a fleeting moment I managed to imagine I was back in Forks, in the
woods, but the noise of a honk tore me from my pleasant fantasies.
My eyes fluttered open in time to see how our Mercedes cut in front of a car, almost pushing it from the street. Edward was
driving like a maniac, but since he didn't care for human lives he probably didn't see any sense in driving carefully. He and
Jasper wouldn't die in a car crash.
I shook my head and averted my gaze from the street that was flying past the window. The speed was making me sick and
so I decided to just stare at the expensive leather of the backseat. I couldn't help but wonder where all money was coming
from. The car and all the houses that the Volturi possessed. Charlie had mentioned once that they even owned planes. I
probably didn't want to know where they got their money.
It was blood money, I was sure. Acquired through murder, thieved from their victims.
I shuddered at the thought and wrapped my arms a bit tighter around my chest. I noticed Jasper watching me curiously and
averted my gaze hastily. The way he looked at me sometimes gave me the creeps. He looked as if he knew more about me,
as if he could read my mind, as if I was like an open book to him, and I didn't like it one bit. I knew that some vampires had
special abilities but Charlie had never elaborated on that matter, probably because he didn't know much about it either.
Most of the vampires that his men had hunted were killed before they could reveal anything about their kind. Charlie didn't
want to know more about them, he just wanted to see them dead. I'd always been interested in their secrets and their way
of life, had wanted to learn more about them. Now I was experiencing some of it, I thought wryly.
I closed my eyes briefly, feeling worn-out and exhausted. I tried to stay awake but the low humming of the engine and the
rushed words of the vampires were starting to lull me into sleep.
I opened my eyes and stared out of the window. I sat up immediately, angry at myself for falling asleep in a car with those
monsters. They weren't paying me any attention though.
I shifted a bit because my bladder was so full that it was getting uncomfortable. I raised my gaze and stared at my two
abductors. I didn't want to ask them for anything but I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer and I didn't
want to pee on the backseat, so I didn't have much of a choice.
I cleared my throat nervously and instantly their gazes snapped to me. Jasper turned around to me while Edward was
watching me through the rear mirror, not paying attention to the street. It was making me nervous.
I lowered my gaze. "Umm..I...uh." I blushed.
"Can't you even speak properly?" Edward inquired sharply. My head shot up and I glared at him, wishing I could kill him
with looks. Jasper was smirking, apparently rather amused.
"I need to use a bathroom," I said quietly, trying not to let my anger show. Perhaps he was provoking me on purpose to
have a reason to punish me.
"Didn't I tell you to do that before we left?" Edward sneered at me through the mirror and I wanted to reach out and wipe
that stupid sneer from his face.
I balled my hands to fists, feeling anger swell in my chest and threatening to burst out. "That was..." I chanced a look at the
clock. It was almost morning, so we'd been driving for more than twelve hours. I must have slept for several hours. How
could I've let my guard down for so long? "...twelve hours ago," I retorted indignantly.
"Be careful how you talk to me," warned Edward, his eyes flashing dangerously. "I don't condone disrespect, Isabella."
His own hands were balled to fists as if he was trying not to hit me. I felt almost compelled to irk him further and get him to
hit me because I was certain that a blow from him would kill me and put me out of this misery.
I remained silent though and returned my gaze to the window, trying not to think of how full my bladder was. Every road
hole and bump on the street made my plan a bit more difficult. I bit my lip in an attempt to distract myself. My eyes began
to water and it was getting more and more difficult for me to hold back. If we didn't stop soon I'd pee on the backseat, but
maybe that had been Edward's plan all along. Maybe he wanted to humiliate me that way. I clenched my teeth tightly,
concentrating very hard on a spot on the dashboard, just to distract myself.
I almost sighed in relief when Edward pulled the car off the highway and toward a roadhouse. The thought of escaping
crossed my mind as we came to a halt in front of the shabby building.
Edward cut the engine off and turned around to me. "If you try to run away, we'll kill every single human in the roadhouse
and then we'll come after you and you don't want to know what I'll do with you then. Understood?"
I swallowed, the intensity of his stare too much, and I lowered my gaze. His fingers took hold of my chin and I flinched back
but he didn't let go. He raised my head until I was looking into his frightening, black eyes. "Understood?" He was clenching
his jaw so tightly, it looked like his skin was going to burst.
"Yes," I replied quietly and he let go of my chin immediately. Jasper and he slipped out of the car and I took a moment to
catch my breath before I followed suit. Jasper leaned against the car, looking utterly bored.
I let my gaze wander over the building until I noticed the sign saying that the toilette was at the back of the building. I
walked in the direction and jumped slightly when I felt a hand gripping my upper arm tightly. I didn't need to look up to
know that it was Edward. Jasper never touched me. Edward on the other end didn't stop touching me despite his disgust for
I wondered why he did it. Was he trying to intimidate me with his closeness and touch? He was definitely succeeding if that
was his intention.
We arrived in front of the door to the bathroom and Edward scrunched up his nose in disgust. Even I could smell the stench
coming from the bathrooms and I could only guess how much worse it must have smelt for someone with such
extraordinary senses like a vampire.
I grabbed the handle and felt bile rise in my throat because it was slightly sticky. I fought against my sickness and pushed
the door open, revealing the barely lit restroom. Only a single bulb hanging from the ceiling was providing the room with
some light. I tried to breathe through my mouth since the stench was too much to handle. I stepped into the room and
froze when Edward followed me. I looked up at him. "What are you doing?"
He didn't say anything, just stepped further into the room, looking disgusted. I stared at him incredulously. Did he expect
me to pee with him in the same room? There were two cabins in the room but the doors were missing. "I won't go to the
toilette with you in the same room!" I said in frustration.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest, a look of disdain on his handsome face. "I fear you don't have a choice in the
matter, Isabella."
I hated how he called me by my name, I hated how good it sounded coming from his lips, I hated that someone so cruel
could be so beautiful. I just hated him.
I whirled around and stormed out of the restroom. "I won't let you watch me!" I shouted, trying to ignore my bladder that
seemed to burst any second. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of watching me pee. I cried out when his cold fingers
wrapped around my upper arm in a tight grip. He shook me slightly, glowering at me with menacing eyes. They were as
dark as the nightly sky, as black as his soul. If a creature like him even possessed a soul. Somehow I doubted it.
"You. Will. Go. Back. In. There. And. Stop. Being. So. Difficult," he hissed, emphasizing every word with a hard shake. It was
making me dizzy.
"Hey, stop harassing the girl," a deep voice said firmly.
Relief washed over me because I thought someone was finally saving me, but then it turned into horror. Oh no. Nobody
could save me, not from a monster like Edward.
I stared at the middle-aged man who stood a few feet away from us, resting his hand lightly on a gun at his waistband. "Let
go of the girl," he demanded.
Edward smiled darkly and let go of me. I swallowed. "Please don't hurt him. He just wanted to help me," I whispered
pleadingly. Edward didn't even look at me and took a step towards the man. I reached out and grabbed his arm, looking up
at him with pleading eyes as he glared at me. "Please."
He shook me off and turned back to the man, advancing on him. The man pulled his gun and shot at Edward. A scream tore
itself from my lips. The bullet collided with Edward's chest and plopped to the ground with a quiet thump. He followed it
with its eyes before he returned his gaze to the man who was staring at him with horror-widened eyes.
"That was very stupid of you, human," he said quietly, the threat woven into every word.
The man took a step back but it was too late. Edward was behind him before he could blink and wrapped his arms around
the torso of the man, squeezing tightly. I heard his ribs break and even saw a few of them stick out of his body as they
broke through the skin. A gurgling noise came from the man's mouth and his eyes rolled back in his head. I let out a small
Edward looked at me and a mirthless smile curled his lips before he sunk his teeth into the throat of the dying man. I turned
around, not able to watch him sucking this man dry. I'd caused the death of another person. It was all my fault. If I hadn't
refused to pee in front of Edward, he wouldn't have grabbed me and the man wouldn't have seen it, and then he'd still be
Eventually the gurgling died down and I knew the man was dead. I shivered and wrapped my arms around me tightly. I
didn't even bother wiping away the tears that were streaming down my cheeks. I felt so horribly guilty. To me it felt like I'd
killed the man with my own hands. Now there was blood on my hands, there would always be.
A low thump caught my attention and I turned my head cautiously to see that Edward had dropped the body on the ground
like it was nothing but dirt. I lifted my gaze and searched his now burgundy eyes for a sign of guilt, remorse, sadness, but
there was none of those feelings present.
"Are you willing to use the toilet now?" he inquired quietly, a triumphant smirk curling his lips.
God, how much I hated him! I stared at him long and hard, hoping he could tell how much I hated him. His smirk
disappeared and ever so slowly the triumph morphed into confusion and then to anger. "Go into the bathroom!" he
I jumped, scared by the fury in his eyes. I rushed past him and into the bathroom. He entered the room behind me but he
turned his back to me after a moment. I fumbled with the buttons on my jeans for a few seconds, angry tears blurring my
vision. The anger was consuming me but I let it, because anger was better than the horrible guilt. And right now my anger
and hate towards that monster was filling me up entirely.
I grabbed the waistband of my jeans and pulled it down together with my knickers. I peed as fast as I could, trying to forget
that Edward could hear me. My stomach churned and it took all my willpower not to throw up.
The tears had stopped by the time I pulled up my jeans and walked over to the washbasin to wash my hands. The anger was
gone, now all that was left was this frightening numbness. My body welcomed it, but deep down I knew feeling numb
wasn't good. My body was shutting down and giving up. I couldn't let that happen.
I followed Edward out of the restroom, not looking at him once. He picked up the body from the ground and held it away
from his own body, probably to keep it from dirtying his precious clothes. Without much of a glance at me, he walked
towards the car. He knew I'd follow. He knew I didn't have another choice. I hated him for taking all my choices from me.
Jasper shook his head with an amused smile. "Can't you go without killing for one day, Edward?"
He chuckled and Edward joined in. I balled my hands to fists and rammed my nails into the soft skin to keep myself from
attacking those creatures. No remorse. They didn't even know the meaning of it. The hatred burned fiercely in me.
Jasper turned his head and looked at me, raising his eyebrows curiously. I averted my gaze and glared at the ground. From
the corner of my eyes I saw Edward putting the dead man into the trunk. I swallowed down the bile and climbed into the
car. I felt uncomfortable on the backseat, so close to a corpse. I tried not to think about it. Instead I let the numbness take
over and cleared my mind. I didn't feel, didn't see, didn't hear. It was as close as I could get to happiness in a situation like
Minutes or hours later, I couldn't tell, we pulled up in front of a wooden cabin. Jasper and Edward excited the car and I
followed hesitantly.
It was quite cold despite it being only September and I could tell that we were far north. Canada or Alaska, I'd say. The cabin
was situated beautifully at a small lake. The patio was supported by long poles that reached into the water. What a
beautiful place for such a horrible occasion. Edward lifted the body from the trunk and vanished with it in the surrounding
forest. I followed him with my gaze until Jasper spoke up.
I turned around and walked into the cabin after him. It was much smaller than the house where we'd lived before. We were
in a spacious living room with a small kitchen to the side. Two sofas were positioned in front of a fireplace. A narrow
staircase led up to another floor but it wasn't more than a platform with a piano on it. The platform was supported by
wooden pillars. I frowned at the piano, wondering what it was doing there.
Slowly I lowered my gaze. Jasper opened one of the two doors that led to other rooms. "This is your room. You've got your
own bathroom." I wondered what was behind the other door, probably another bedroom though it wasn't needed. Jasper
gestured for me to go into my room and I obeyed since I wasn't keen on being punished. "There are clothes in the
I gave him a questioning look.
He smiled. "Someone brought a few of your clothes here before we arrived."
My eyes widened at this new piece of information but before I could ask a question, Jasper closed the door.
The only furniture in the room were a bed and a wardrobe. There weren't even pictures at the walls. I went into the small
bathroom and washed my hands. They felt dirty after what had happened at the roadhouse. I returned into the bedroom
and opened the wardrobe, curious about the clothes. My eyes widened when I saw that it were the clothes that I kept in
our vacation home in Phoenix. Most of them were intended for summer and they would be too cold for this region.
I searched for sleepwear and let out a frustrated sigh when I saw the pajamas that they'd chosen from my wardrobe in
Phoenix. Two flimsy, silk nightgowns which revealed far too much skin for my liking. I'd never worn them. They'd been a gift
from my friend Jessica.
After I'd taken a look at my clothes, there wasn't much to do for me and the guilt returned. My mind kept replaying the
events of the last few hours and I felt sick. I sat down on the bed and stared out of the window that was overlooking part of
the lake.
Jasper brought me some onion soup and a sandwich later that day but apart from that I was on my own. A few bottles of
water stood beside the bed and I drank from them now and then. I almost wished for Jasper and Edward to come into my
room, because I couldn't bear my thoughts. It was torture.
The sun had only just set when I decided to give my mind some rest and get some sleep.
I put the dark-green nightgown on, shivering as the cold air hit my exposed skin. It was cold in the room but I didn't know
how to change that. I slipped under the covers of the bed and lowered my head on the pillow. I worried that sleep wouldn't
come easily for me but to my surprise my body was absolutely exhausted.
It was dark when I woke up and I wondered what had torn me from sleep.
I stiffened. There was a cool touch on my back. A finger was running up and down along my spine ever so softly. Over the
the soft fabric of my nightgown and over the exposed skin between my shoulder blades. Up and down. So very gently.
Goose-bumps rose on my skin and I shivered. I wasn't able to make out anything since it was too dark. The curtains were
drawn, I realized a moment later. I hadn't done that. I sucked in a quiet breath, trying not to panic. I was too frightened to
turn around.
I didn't know who was touching me. But whoever it was, they didn't stop the movement of their finger, though they knew I
was awake. They must have heard the change in my breathing and probably sensed my fear. Yet the person didn't stop
touching me.
This frightened me even more. I didn't dare to move, not the fraction of an inch, though all I wanted was to get away from
the touch. It didn't hurt. The touch was gentle, almost like a lover's touch, and that above all made my stomach turn. I'd
rather he would hit me and kick me than to caress me like that, because I knew I would be able to deal with pain, but not
with this- whatever it was.
"So soft and warm."
The whisper was barely audible and I wouldn't have heard it, if I hadn't been listening so closely. The voice was male, but I'd
known that before. I wasn't sure if it was Jasper or Edward or maybe even someone else. I didn't know anything anymore,
just that I wanted them to stop touching me, that I wanted to be back home and safe.
It was too much and I couldn't stop the tears from falling, nor the sob from escaping my trembling lips. The touch was gone
instantly and only a draft and the shifting of the mattress told me that the person had left my side.
I sat up immediately and scanned my surroundings but it was still too dark, and I was too scared to get up and walk over to
where the light switch was. My breathing was frantic, my heart beating wildly in my chest as I stared into the darkness that
was engulfing me entirely. I pulled my legs against my body and wrapped my arms around them, scanning the room with
my eyes all the while though it was in vain.
It was silent in the room, except for my breathing but I knew that vampires could be absolutely silent if need be. They didn't
need to breathe or blink, and they could remain still for hours. Was he gone? Or was he still in the room, watching me?
I shuddered and pulled my legs a bit tighter against my body. I wasn't tired anymore and even if I'd been, I wouldn't have
allowed myself to fall asleep, not after what had just happened. I was scared, so very scared, but I tried not to let it show on
my face because I didn't want to let him see my fear in case he was still in the room. He could probably tell anyway.
Vampires seemed to know everything. I was like an open book to them.
I tried to forget that maybe I wasn't alone and started to hum the melody of Debussy's Clair de Lune to myself. This song
had always managed to calm myself. I closed my eyes and let the music transport me to another time, another place.

Chapter Five
Haunting Melody
I'd freaked myself completely out by the time the first hesitant sun rays peaked in threw a small gap in the curtains. My
eyes flitted through the room, frantic and fearful. I almost expected Edward to lean against the wall watching me, or Jasper
to look at me with this all-knowing look that tended to give me the creeps. But I was alone and for a second I considered if
maybe I'd imagined the touch last night, if maybe I was slowly falling apart and my mind was starting to play tricks on me.
A small part of me was worried that maybe the situation was pushing me into insanity, that soon I wouldn't be able to
distinguish reality from imagination. But deep down I knew it wasn't like that.
There had been someone in the room with me and they had touched me and watched me. Even just thinking about it now
made me shudder. I was at their mercy and they could do with me whatever they pleased or whatever their master saw fit.
I felt helpless and vulnerable. Last night had showed me that quite plainly. I closed my eyes briefly and almost instantly
sleepiness flooded my body and started clouding my senses. I was so very tired but I fought it. I wouldn't sleep, not after
what had happened last night.
A knock at the door made me tense and I pulled the blankets up, covering myself up to my chin. I peeked nervously at the
door as it opened. My body trembled from fear of what would come. Last night had shaken me quite thoroughly and I was
still trying to pick up the pieces of my shattered bravery.
Jasper stepped into the room, dressed in black jeans and a black shirt, looking as immaculate as ever. I'd never seen him or
Edward wear anything but black and it was so very fitting.
His gaze swept over me and I shivered when our eyes met. Had he been in the room with me last night? Had he touched
me? I dug my fingers into the skin of my calves under the blanket to keep them from trembling quite so much. Jasper's gaze
shifted to where my hands were hidden and I knew he could tell that I was shaking. He averted his gaze and stared out of
the room.
"Get dressed and then come out. You need to eat."
"I'm allowed to move around in the house?" I inquired hopefully, I couldn't help it.
Jasper returned his gaze to me and gave a curt nod. "Of course, it's not like you could run away without our notice." He left
the room and closed the door behind him.
It's not like you could run away. For a second the horrible severity of those words threatened to crush me.
I pushed the blanket off my body and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to calm myself. I was so very close to a panic attack.
I just wanted to be home. I'd never complain about Jessica's ramblings about Mike again, or about Eric's crush on me, or
Lauren's nasty looks. I just wanted to return to Forks and forget about everything that had happened. If I was home, I'd
never waste another thought on vampires. Charlie could kill them all, if that was what he wanted.
Oh god, Charlie. He was probably freaking out right now after he'd seen the video tape. My throat corded up when I
thought about it. Was he searching for me? I didn't know if I wanted him to. Enough people had died because of me. There
was so much blood on my hands already. Who could possibly save me from those creatures? They were indestructible.
I shook my head, trying to clear my mind from those depressing thoughts. I got up and pushed the curtains apart before I
walked on shaky legs into the small bathroom. I went through my morning routine like a zombie, using the toothbrush and
brush that they'd laid out for me. They were prepared. I had to admit that much. I probably wasn't the first human that
they'd abducted. Had their other victims survived? Somehow I doubted it.
I took a jeans and a long-sleeved shirt from the wardrobe and put them on. My hand shook when I reached out for the
handle and opened the door. I'd almost expected Jasper to wait there for me but he didn't. Hesitantly I walked out of my
room and into the vast living area of the cabin. To my left, in the open kitchen, I noticed Jasper. He was sitting on one of the
three chairs that were positioned around the small table.
I crossed the living area with cautious steps, and halted in the kitchen. There were cupboards, a sink and an oven on the
wall to my right, but the wall behind Jasper's back was made of glass. The french windows reached from floor to ceiling and
led toward the patio that overlooked the lake. My heart sped up when I saw Edward. He stood near the banister,
completely still, his gaze directed at the lake.
It was a cloudy day and the view wasn't too great but he seemed almost mesmerized by something. The wind was tousling
his bronze hair. From where I stood I couldn't see his eyes and for once his expression was void of all the hatred and
resentment. In this moment he looked human, almost like a lost boy who was searching for something to hold on to.
Edward had been human once, but what had happened to turn him into the monster he was now?
I almost felt pity for him. But then he turned his head as if he'd senses my eyes on him and his expression hardened.
I averted my eyes hastily and looked at the table. Jasper pushed a plate with two sandwiches in my direction and nodded at
the chair opposite from him. Reluctantly, I sank down on the chair and grabbed a sandwich. It was all I ever ate lately, not
that I had reason to complain. When they'd first kidnapped me I'd thought they would let me starve.
I lifted my gaze and watched Jasper inconspicuously. He was reading a history book about the southern wars, shaking his
head now and then, and muttering under his breath, as if he knew better than the book, as if he'd been there. And maybe
he had fought in the war. He could be hundreds of years old and still look like a handsome twenty year old.
I tried to find something in his expression that could tell me if he'd been in my room last night. I needed to know. Slowly I
lowered my hand with the sandwich because it was starting to tremble again. I sucked in a quiet breath to calm myself
slightly. Jasper looked up and stared at me, and for once I didn't avert my eyes but returned his gaze. Maybe I'd see
something in those dark-red pools that would give him away. But there was nothing, absolutely nothing, and I had a feeling
that he was watching me just as searchingly as I was watching him. What did he look for?
Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and stared down at my plate, fingering the sandwich nervously. I tilted my head
slightly and looked past Jasper's form towards the patio. I froze when my eyes met Edward's penetrating stare. His eyes
were boring into me and I searched them but there was nothing but the usual hatred and resentment. I couldn't say if he'd
touched me, it was impossible to tell. My eyes flitted towards his long fingers and I could almost feel them ghosting over my
spine as I looked at them. A shiver ran through my body and I returned my gaze to the table. I'd never find out if it had been
Jasper or Edward like this.
Their faces were void, unreadable masks, hiding whatever dark secrets those creatures were harboring, and I could only
imagine what horrors were lurking in the shadows of their mind.
Again I wondered if maybe I had just imagined last night, maybe nothing had happened, and I'd just woken from a
nightmare. I've had vivid nightmares before. It was a consoling thought. I was finishing the second sandwich when Edward
came into the kitchen, his hair still disheveled. His eyes found me and he stared at me. I swallowed the last bite,
uncomfortable with his scrutiny. I hated it and it irritated me. Why did he look at me if I disgusted him so much?
My eyes narrowed as my anger boiled up. He raised his eyebrows inquiringly, probably because of my expression. Jasper
had put down his book and was watching us in mild interest.
"Why are you feeding me anyway? Wouldn't it be easier for you to let me starve?" I muttered acidly, glaring at him. I knew
it was stupid of me to snap at him but I just couldn't stand his stare.
Edward was in front of me so fast, that I recoiled in fear. He leaned down until our faces were inches apart. I swallowed as I
stared into his furious, burgundy eyes.
"If anything or anyone kills you, then it's me," he said smoothly, his cool breath fanning over my face and his sweet scent
filling my nose.
His words sunk in and they made me nauseous. He backed away slowly, his eyes not leaving my face for a second. Jasper
cleared his throat louder than necessary and Edward wrenched his gaze away from me and glowered at Jasper. They were
staring at each other, having a silent conversation it seemed.
I watched them silently, not daring to move an inch so as not to turn their attention back to me. After what seemed like an
eternity, Edward tore his eyes from Jasper's face and left the kitchen. He crossed the living room and ascended the narrow
staircase that led to the piano. He looked pissed, and I wondered if he was going to throw the piano through the room in his
anger, but he lowered himself on the bench and stared at the keys. He didn't move, just kept looking at the keys as if he
was thinking very hard about something.
I looked away from him and stood up. Jasper followed me with his gaze as I grabbed the plate from the table and carried it
over to the sink. There was instant coffee on the counter and I prepared some for me, since I didn't think Edward or Jasper
would drink it.
I filled hot water into a cup and mixed it with the coffee. I took it from the counter and turned around to return to the chair.
Edward lowered his hands to the keys and soft music floated over to me, music that was so very familiar to me.
I let go of the cup and it hit the ground and burst into pieces. I stared at the mess that I'd made, at the coffee that was
slowly spreading on the wooden floor. He was playing Debussy's Clair de Lune. He was playing exactly the melody that I'd
hummed to myself last night. I drew in a shaky breath and felt how my chest seemed to tighten and my throat started
cording up.
"For god's sake!" Edward's snarl tore through the silence. He appeared in front of me, his eyes burning with anger. "Are you
too stupid to hold a cup of coffee?"
I didn't react to his words, all I could think about was that he had been playing Debussy's Clair de Lune. It must have been
him who'd touched me last night, who'd run his finger over my spine, who'd caressed me like a lover would do.
Oh god.
I gasped for breath but my throat was shut. My chest heaved as I tried to get oxygen into my lungs but it was in vain. My
pulse thudded madly in my veins and slowly my vision got blurry. A dull pain expanded in my chest from the lack of oxygen
and I knew it was a clear sign for an impending panic attack.
"What's wrong with her?" Edward's voice sounded far away and that was probably the reason why he sounded almost
"She can't breathe," Jasper's voice seemed even further away. My legs gave away and I braced myself for the impact but it
never came. Instead cold arms wrapped around my waist and a moment later I was lifted from the ground.
"Fuck, she's having a panic attack!" Edward sounded angry. Always angry.
Cold wind lashed against my face and my eyes fluttered open for an instant. We were standing on the patio and Edward
was looking down at me. Jasper stood next to him. Numbness spread in my body and it was pleasant. I didn't try to breathe
anymore, it was in vain.
And then we were flying and the next moment freezing water engulfed us. The cold awakened my body and my eyes flew
open as I gasped for breath. My lungs expanded when I sucked in a deep breath. The dizziness lifted and I started to
breathe evenly. I looked around and saw that we were standing in the lake. I turned my head and lifted my gaze to find
Edward staring at me with an unreadable expression. I was clinging to his shirt that was now soaked and he was holding me
in his arms.
Apparently, the cold water had shaken me out of my panic attack. Slowly I turned my head and looked at the patio which
was towering several feet above us. Edward had jumped down with me from there. He'd saved me. And then I remembered
his words that nobody would kill me but him, and I resented him for saving me. He could as well have let me die now, but
that would have spoiled all his fun, wouldn't it?
The cloud cover broke apart and sun rays peeked down at the earth, some of them hitting Edward. My eyes widened and a
gasp got stuck in my throat. His skin was sparkling like thousand diamonds and he almost looked like an angel. Of course, I
knew that he was anything but an angel. One look at his hateful, dark eyes was all it took to remind me of it.
"Are you coming back up anytime soon?"
I lifted my gaze and stared at Jasper who was looking at us from the patio, and he, too, was sparkling. It was unfair how
appealing those monsters looked.
My grip on Edward's shirt tightened when he crouched and jumped up all the way on the patio, landing with a low thud. He
set me down on my feet and I swayed slightly but he didn't care. He narrowed his eyes at me and I could tell that he was
utterly pissed at me. His clothes were soaked and were clinging to his body, revealing his lean but muscular frame. His lips
parted and his fangs were extended. "Listen," he growled low in his throat. "I'm getting tired of your antics!"
"Then maybe you should have let me die, you bastard!" I snapped. "But then you couldn't touch me anymore, could you?
And you don't want that, do you?" The words left my mouth before I'd time to think about them and the moment it
registered to me what exactly I'd said I knew I'd made a huge mistake.
Edward slapped me across the face and I was thrown to the ground from the vehemence of the blow. He must have held
back or I'd have been dead, but it still stung badly. I tasted blood in my mouth because I'd bitten down on the inside of my
cheek and something warm was dripping down my chin. I wiped it away with the back of my hand and saw that it was
blood. Hesitantly, I ran my tongue over my lower lip and felt a deep gash that was still oozing blood. Tears stung in my eyes
from the pain and slowly I lifted my gaze from the ground to look at the man who'd done that to me.
Jasper had a restraining grip on Edward's arm but it wasn't necessary. Edward didn't attempt to move. He was just watching
me with an unreadable expression. Something flickered in his dark eyes when our gazes met.
"Maybe I should just kill you now, maybe it would be for the best," he said, his voice very quiet and calm. He didn't sound
menacing or threatening, just thoughtful.
"Edward," Jasper said sharply, "You know what Aro told us. You know the rules."
Edward averted his gaze from me ever so slowly and stared at Jasper, then he gave a curt nod. He shook Jasper's hand off
and walked into the cabin without another look at me. I wiped more blood from my chin, the acid taste of it on my tongue
making me sick. The gash must have been pretty bad if the amount of blood was an indication. I didn't bother to get up
from the ground. It seemed pointless and a waste of energy.
Jasper approached me and reached out for me. I flinched but he didn't hit me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my
feet. His eyes focused on my lips and my blood seemed to mesmerize him. His grip on my arm tightened slightly and I
winced because there were still bruises in this spot.
Someone grabbed my other arm and pulled me roughly away from Jasper who let out an angry hiss. Edward growled in
return and dragged me after him into the cabin. I was so confused. I didn't know anything anymore. I stumbled a few times
but his grip was keeping me upright. He pulled me into my bedroom and closed the door behind us. Fear seized me and I
backed up from him slowly until my legs hit the bed. Hadn't he done enough? I was already bleeding and hurting. Wasn't he
He advanced on me slowly and there was nowhere I could go. I wrapped my arms around my chest protectively when he
stopped in front of me, so close that our chests were almost touching. I craned my neck to look at his face, hoping to see a
hint of what he'd planned for me in his eyes but they were impenetrable like usual. From the corner of my eyes I saw a
movement of his hand and tensed, expecting him to hit me again, but he didn't. He gripped my chin and inspected the
damage that he'd done to my lower lip. I wasn't sure if he was bothered by my blood. His eyes were black, but they were
almost constantly that color when he was around me.
"Your lip needs stitches," he said quietly and my eyes widened. Why did he care if I was bleeding? He should have been
pleased. His gaze hardened after a moment. "The stitches will keep you from bleeding on the ground. My shirt is already
I looked at the sleeves of his shirt and noticed a few bloodstains on it. He was worried about his shirt.
"Perhaps if you hadn't hit me, your shirt would still be fine," I retorted in a whisper.
His fingers on my chin tensed briefly and I could tell that he was fighting for control. "Perhaps it would be wise of you to
stop provoking me, Isabella," he said just as quietly.
I remained silent. My cheek and lip were still hurting and I didn't want him to cause me more pain. He turned and grabbed
something from the bed. I followed his movement with my eyes and saw that he'd placed a few things on the mattress. He
wiped the blood from my chin with a towel and took a needle from the bed. I froze as he brought it to my lower lip.
"Stay still, or it will hurt worse," he warned before he started to sewn up the wound on my lower lip.
It stung but I tried to stay strong and not to whimper, but the pain was too much and I felt a few tears ran down my cheeks.
Edward frowned when he saw it but he didn't comment on it. After he was done he inspected his work and he seemed
satisfied. He was still gripping my chin with his fingers and a small shiver ran down my back when I thought about last night.
Our eyes met and his expression was somehow strange. Why did he always touch me? And why did he hate me so much? I
was Charlie's daughter and maybe that was reason enough, but I'd never done anything to warrant Edward's hatred.
He pulled his hand from my chin in a jerk and took a step back from me. He backed away from me and walked out of my
room, leaving my door open. Like in a trance I grabbed a t-shirt from the wardrobe and stepped into the bathroom. I stared
at myself in the mirror. My lip was sewn with three stitches and a bruise was beginning to show on my left cheek. I splashed
some water in my face to remove the last traces of blood from my chin. My long-sleeved shirt was covered in blood and I
pulled it off, and slid into another shirt. I sighed as I looked back at my reflection.
I looked tired and worn-out, and my eyes were different. They looked almost hollow, it frightened me a bit.
I returned into my bedroom and since Edward had let my door open, I walked out into the living area. I couldn't stand being
alone in my room for a second longer. Alone with my fears, my worries, my thoughts. I'd rather have Edward hit me again.
At least that kept me distracted from the questions running through my head.
Jasper looked up from his book when he heard me. He was sitting on one of the sofas, his feet propped up on the table.
Being an assassin for the Volturi seemed to be quite a boring job, I thought sarcastically. I hesitated briefly before I sank
down on the other sofa. Jasper didn't seem to mind and quite frankly, I was beyond caring.
I stared blankly ahead of me.
"You can watch TV."
I jumped, not having expected Jasper to talk to me. He nodded at the remote lying on the table in front of me.
"Thank you." Even in a situation like this my manners were still impeccable. It made me want to snort. I grabbed the remote
and turned the TV on. I disabled the sound because I didn't want to disturb Jasper. I wasn't sure how he'd react if I spoiled
his reading. He hadn't been violent towards me so far, but I didn't count on it remaining like that.
I zapped through the channels until I came to a channel where news were just starting. I chanced a look at Jasper but he
wasn't paying me or the TV any attention.
I wanted to know what they were saying about my disappearance in the news and maybe find out how much they knew
about my kidnappers. As Charlie Swan's daughter my abduction was probably all over the news and though I hated
attention in general, this time it might be helpful. Without sound it would be difficult to gather much information though.
I watched the news patiently but ever so slowly I was starting to get nervous. There wasn't anything about me on the news.
Not a single word or picture. I stared at the TV in confusion. Why weren't they reporting on my abduction? I switched to
another channel and watched the news but again they didn't mention me or Charlie.
Jasper lowered his book. "Nobody knows that you're missing. Your father will keep it a secret if he's clever. There's too
much at stake."
I frowned at him, wondering what he meant, but the sound of the piano caught my attention. Jasper let out an exasperated
sigh and shook his head, as he looked at the platform. Edward ignored him.
The song that he was playing was hauntingly beautiful and I was glad that he refrained from playing Debussy again. I wasn't
sure if I could have endured being reminded of his touch like that.
I leaned back against the sofa and rested my cheek on the backrest, my eyes directed at Edward.
I'd never heard the song before and I wondered if he'd composed it.
The melody was sad and dark and forceful and even frightening at some point. It reminded me of Edward. It seemed to be
Edward's personality wrapped into a single melody. It was heart-wrenching and almost unbearable to listen, but I couldn't
stop, because while he played the piano he seemed to reveal more of himself. It was as if the melody was telling his own,
dark story.
I wanted to ask him what had inspired him to compose this melody. I wanted to ask him how he could do all these
gruesome acts with the same fingers that created such a beautiful melody. I wanted to ask him about his life and about the
horrors that he'd experienced to turn him into the monster he was now.
But I knew he'd never tell me and so I listened.

Chapter Six
A Whiff Of Freedom
Jasper's POV
"Of course, Master. We won't disappoint you," Edward and I said almost simultaneously as we bowed.
Aro beamed down at us, his hands folded as if to send a silent prayer to heaven. "Very well, sons. I know you won't. Now off
you go," he said in his suave voice that was reserved only for his most favored guards.
As gifted as we were, Edward and I had held a special spot in Aro's collection of talented subjects from the beginning.
Edward's gaze flickered over to me in reaction to my thoughts and he pierced my with a hard stare. I knew the reason for
his displeasure. It were always the same reasons. Edward resented his gift, saw it as nothing but a burden. He hated being
bothered by the thoughts of others, resented almost anyone for not giving him peace. As if we had any choice in the
matter. Always having your thoughts on display was certainly something I could live without.
Edward's face darkened even more, his anger spiking.
We straightened up from our bow and excited the hall in slow strides. The heavy iron doors closed behind us and silence
engulfed us like a cloak.
"Silence?" Edward muttered sarcastically. "I don't know what that is."
I cast a glance his way. I can't help my thoughts, Edward. If I could I'd gladly grant you the silence you desire so much.
Bitterness. Sometimes so much of it that his emotions threatened to pull me into the depth of depression like they used to
do with Edward.
Maybe our task would take his mind from his self-destructive thoughts.
He let out a sarcastic laugh, and shook his head in frustration.
I knew this job wasn't what Edward preferred. It was too personal. Required too much contact with those that he despised
so much. He liked the quick jobs. But this...
"Are you analyzing me again?" He didn't slow his steps, nor did I. Only few lights illuminated the long corridors of the
mansion but our eyes coped easily with the darkness.
I sighed. Denying it would be useless with him hearing every of my thoughts.
Edward halted so suddenly that it startled me. I turned to him and was hit by his glower. "Of course I can hear your
thoughts and soon I'll be bothered by the inane thoughts of a human girl as well."
"Nobody ever said that this existence was going to be easy," I spoke out aloud, so as not to aggravate him further.
He laughed darkly and gripped his hair in a tight grip. He closed his eyes briefly before he fixed me with another glare, but
the outward anger couldn't hide his despair from me. "Don't you think I know that, Jasper? Oh, believe me I do."
He shook his head as if to clear his mind before his usual mask slipped in place. "We should hurry," he said all businesslike.
I played along with his change in demeanor and didn't mention the utter anguish he felt. He never addressed the dark
thoughts that clouded my mind, and I owed him the same courtesy.
"They live their little lives, in their little houses, completely unaware of what's really going on. It's pathetic," he sneered at
nothing in particular. He was talking about the humans in this street and in general, I knew that. I'd heard those words from
his mouth before.
"You know, I think ignorance can be bliss. Sometimes I envy them."
"They are beneath us. Inferior in every regard. Why should we envy them?" Edward turned his incredulous look to me and
it might have fooled me if I wasn't an empath. But I was, and thus I knew better. I raised my eyebrows at him and he
narrowed his eyes at me. "I know that they are inferior," I said quietly.
The sound of a car caught our attention and we focused our attention back to the driveway of the Swan residence. A car
pulled up with five heartbeats in it.
Four bulky human men with machine guns excited the car and a petite young women followed suit.
"Four human guards. Is that all? He could as well deliver his daughter on a silver platter. I'd thought he'd have dogs, but
maybe he keeps them for himself. Selfish bastard," Edward ranted quietly, his eyes never leaving the premises of the
Swans. It was getting dark and the humans were constantly squinting their eyes because their sight was lessening.
We opened the door and advanced on them silently. They didn't even look our way. It would be easy. We hadn't hunted for
days because we'd known about the upcoming job. Why erase more lives than necessary? That would draw too much
attention. I snapped the first neck before either of the men had noticed us. One of them tried to shoot me with his machine
gun but before he could pull the trigger I ripped the gun from his hands. His attempt to use a Taser on me ended when I
sunk my teeth into his neck. Edward had already finished off the other men. The housemaids that came out of the house,
screaming, were collateral damage.
Isabella Swan was kneeling on the ground, next to one of the housemaids. She was scared and shocked, but she didn't try to
flee. I turned to Edward whose eyes were still feral. He shook his head slowly to snap out of it. "That was too easy," he said
I shrugged. "Maybe he underestimated our strength." Edward raised his eyebrows. We both knew that this wasn't the case.
He'd killed so many of us, he must have known more about us.
"It doesn't matter. We're doing our job and that's it."
His interaction with the girl was interesting to say the least. Edward was angry, but I'd expected that. Normally though, he
wouldn't show it so obviously. The girl seemed to infuriate him more than other humans and I wondered why that was. He
was frustrated, angry and confused. The last emotion surprised me. She knew how to push his buttons and he seemed to
let her.
A few times during our drive from the Swan residence towards our hiding place, I'd thought he'd snap her neck. The anger
radiating from him was unlike anything I'd ever felt from him before and I wasn't entirely sure if his fury was solely directed
at her. Edward tried to keep his emotions in check around me because he hated being analyzed, but hiding one's feelings
wasn't an easy feat. His attempts at doing so made me only more curious.
When we arrived at our hiding place, I'd thought he would want me to bring Isabella to her room, since he had always been
so adamant about keeping his distance to humans, but he grabbed her and pulled her into the house before I could do
anything. He reminded me of a predator that didn't want to share its prey. It astounded me quite a bit.
Edward wasn't a patient man and he despised humans, I couldn't see how he would not flip out soon. I walked into the
house and listened to the noises upstairs. It was oddly silent. Only the soft beating of a heart disrupted the eerie silence
occasionally. I ascended the staircase slowly, a bit worried. Aro wouldn't be pleased if Edward ended up killing her. Not yet
Edward started screaming and his emotions were all over the place. I hurried and stepped into the room. Isabella was
sitting on the floor, only covered with a towel and Edward stood a few feet away, looking at her. He was disgusted but for
once I was almost certain that the disgust was directed at himself. And there were other emotions. Emotions that I'd never
felt coming from Edward.
He ignored my thoughts. He looked disgusted when he asked me how I could stand touching them. It had been many years,
decades even, since I'd been with a human, before I'd joined the Volturi and I couldn't deny that it had been pleasant. I
wasn't sure why Edward was asking me such a question and why he was being all self-righteous about it, though he
obviously couldn't take his eyes from Isabella Swan.
He snarled at me and told me to take her if I wanted her, but his emotions were telling a different story. He wouldn't let me
if I tried. I knew that.
I didn't understand it, didn't understand him, but I knew that he was following a dangerous path.
He was silent for a moment and his emotions were difficult to decipher. He sighed and then he told me that his gift didn't
work on her and at first I couldn't believe it, but then a few things made sense. For the first time in decades someone didn't
burden Edward with their thoughts and this person being a human made it so much more confusing and fascinating for him.
The one person he was supposed to hate granted Edward his most fervent wish.
Edward's behavior towards Isabella was starting to confuse me more and more over the days. Sometimes his emotions
were changing so fast that it was hard to follow.
I don't think even Edward knew exactly what was going on with him and it frustrated him and made him even angrier than
was usually the case. I noticed the way he always grabbed her arm and stood close to her. It was as if he was seeking her
closeness and I could tell that he didn't like to let her alone with me. He was territorial and I wondered if maybe the display
in front of the video camera hadn't been solely for Swan's benefit but also for mine.
Sometimes I wondered if he'd tried to lay claim on her with his bite, if he'd tried to show me that I wasn't to approach her. I
didn't ponder these questions, since it were dangerous thoughts to have, even without Aro being around. If he caught those
thoughts in my mind, it might very well be the end of Edward. I knew that and perhaps Edward should remember it, too.
Edward stopped playing the piano and walked over to where I sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace. He'd probably
listened to my thoughts and was angry at me for having them. But he must realize that my worries were warranted. It could
end both our lives.
"I don't know why you worry about that. There's no reason for Aro to kill us off, Jasper."
"Aro has always been lenient towards us because he values our gifts so much, but he won't tolerate for either of us to break
the basic rule of the Volturi. And sometimes I worry that you might be very well on your way to doing just that. You know
the punishment for a breach of the rule," I reminded him quietly.
"Don't tell me you're suddenly clinging to this...this existence!" He spat but it didn't evade my notice how he didn't deny
that he was considering breaking the one rule that we weren't to break under any circumstances.
"I don't fear the end, Edward, but if that's what you're striving for I want to know. I don't like to be left in the dark."
He sneered. "I can't remember anymore how it is to be in the light, Jasper. You and I, we're damned to a life in the dark."
It was an all too familiar topic between us and there wasn't much I could say to contradict his point. I'd stopped hoping long
ago. Despair was Edward's and my constant companion. But I knew something was changing for him, if for better or for
worse I couldn't say yet. It was all revolving around Isabella and she was very unaware of it. He lashed out at her constantly,
always on edge when she's around, and yet he can't stay away, can barely take his eyes from her.
It's like she's a puzzle that he wants to solve. Unfortunately Edward isn't patient, and a mystery that he can't solve might
very well be too much for him to handle. He'd probably end up killing her in his unruly frustration and anger. He'd likely feel
remorse afterwards. It was strange.
He didn't seem to like hurting her and yet he couldn't stop.
Sometimes I wondered if he even noticed the subtle change in him. The most obvious change was his music. He hadn't
played the piano for decades, at least not in front of anyone. And then just as if it wasn't unusual he'd sat down at his piano
and had started to play with Isabella in the room.
When I'd first joined the Volturi, Edward had still played now and then, and Aro had loved it, but then he'd stopped. It was
about the time when darkness had consumed his thoughts more and more. Even Aro's pleading hadn't helped. Edward had
never touched a piano again, though Aro kept a piano in almost every house of the Volturi just for this reason. And now
after all these years he'd found his music again. Aro would be delighted. Though maybe not about the reason for Edward's
sudden return to music.
Edward started rubbing his temples. "Can you stop thinking for a moment?" he hissed.
"Stay out of my mind if you don't like what's going on there," I said calmly.
Edward brought his hands down on the wooden table and smashed it. "You know I would if that was possible!" He was on
edge again and it didn't evade my mind how he kept throwing glances at Isabella's bedroom door.
He let out a frustrated growl and jumped up from the sofa. I watched him walk towards the french window and open it, but
he didn't step on the patio. His entire body tensed and I could smell the venom pooling in his mouth while a low rumbling
came from his chest.
I rose from the sofa and the wind blowing in through the open window carried a smell over to me. I was at Edward's side in
a heartbeat and let my eyes scan the forest that surrounded the lake and the house. My muscles tautened, my senses
heightened. My body was preparing for fight. Venom coated my tongue and lips as I drew in another whiff of the stench. I
tried to make out a movement or a noise in the forest but there was nothing.
Where are they? Can you see them? I thought. Saying the words out loud might have brought attention to us.
Edward shook his head, his eyes never leaving the forest.
How many are there? Can you read their thoughts?
He gave a small nod and showed me four fingers, then five, before he shrugged. Apparently, he wasn't sure how many they
were. But they were superior in numbers. He was concentrating hard but it seemed to be difficult for him to read their
thoughts. This wasn't good.
Edward handed me his mobile and I started typing a SMS to Aro. I didn't think that there were any Volturi near-by who
could help us but it was worth a try and Aro would want to know. This was a matter of utmost importance. A rustling from
the forest to our left caught our attention and we crouched.
Edward let out a furious snarl when the first of them collided with us. They were attacking and we both knew what they

Bella's POV
A crash tore me from my sleep and I sat up in bed instantly, my eyes searching the darkness frantically. I couldn't believe
that I'd fallen asleep after what had happened last night. My heart was beating furiously and I worried that I'd woken
because someone was in my room. But nobody had touched me and I didn't feel like I was being watched. The curtains
weren't shut and the moonlight cast a soft light on the room. It was still too dark to make out much but at least it seemed
as if I was alone in the bedroom.
I waited for my heartbeat to calm down. I didn't think that I could return to sleep while my heart was beating so fast.
Another crash made me tense and I pulled back the blanket and sat on the edge of the bed hesitantly, wondering what was
going on. Snarling and growling carried over to me and my eyes grew wide. Someone was fighting. It sounded like animals,
but I knew that vampires could make such horrible noises.
Suddenly something burst through my window, covering the ground with broken glass. I shrieked and jumped from the bed
in my rising panic. I stepped on one of the shards on my way to the door and cried out when the sharp glass cut into my
heel. It didn't stop me though. I needed to get away from whatever was attacking me. It was ironic that I wanted to run
towards Edward and Jasper for safety, but with them I knew at least what to expect.
Before I could reach the door, a dark figure appeared in front of me. I gasped, startled and backed away towards the broken
window. I'd jump out of it if necessary. Another shard pierced my food and I cried out in pain.
"Calm down," a deep, soothing voice said. For the first time I dared to stare at the intruder.
A man with russet skin and short black hair stood in the room. He was impossibly huge, much taller than Edward even, and
his eyes seemed to glow in the dark. He was trembling and I had a feeling that he wasn't in control of himself. But that
wasn't the most unsettling thing about him. He was completely naked!
I let out a strangled whimper and tore my gaze from his body.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
I didn't believe him. I'd been hurt enough over the last few days and I wouldn't let a naked stranger rip the last bit of dignity
from me. I whirled around and stormed towards the window, determined to jump out of it. But a hand grabbed me from
behind and an arm snug around my waist, pressing me against a body. I struggled and screamed, scared and confused.
"Calm down, please," the man pleaded. "Please, Bella. I'm not going to hurt you. Your father sent us."
His last words silenced me and I stopped struggling against his restraining grip. I drew in a shaky breath and relaxed slightly
but tensed again when I reminded myself of the fact that the man was naked. And his skin was impossibly hot. He seemed
to burn and it was such a strong contrast to the touch that I'd gotten used to over the last few days that I shuddered at the
feeling of his heat. He let go of me and I turned around to him, careful to keep my eyes on his face. "Why are you naked?" I
asked hesitantly.
"My clothes ripped when I phased and I don't have a change of clothes with me."
I stared at him blankly. I didn't have the slightest clue what he was talking about. The moonlight illuminated his face and I
realized that despite his huge frame he couldn't be much older than me. He wasn't a man but he didn't look like a boy
"Who are you?" I asked quietly, still not trusting him.
"Jacob Black," he replied but his eyes were directed at something in the forest surrounding the house. "I'm here to save
I'd heard that name before but I couldn't remember in which context. I opened my mouth to ask more about him but he
shook his head. "We must hurry."
He lifted me into his arms and I tensed, ready to fight him if necessary. "You're save with me, Bella. I'll bring you home and
rip those monsters that have hurt you apart."
I stared at him with wide eyes and leaned my head against his firm, warm chest. His eyes were soft and they beckoned me
to lay my trust in him. He'd come to save me. Charlie had sent him to save me. My eyes widened when I thought of the last
man who'd tried to help me. I shook my head frantically, my eyes filling with tears. "No! You must leave me here. They will
kill you. I don't want..."
"Shh..." he pressed a warm finger against my lips to silence me. "The leeches won't kill me. I won't let them. I'll tear them
I wanted to protest but he used that moment to jump with me out of the window. We landed on the ground and it didn't
take him any effort. I watched him in shock. He wasn't a vampire. He had a heartbeat and he was too warm, but he wasn't
human, or was he? He ran with me towards the forest, not making the slightest noise. He brought his lips down to my ear
and whispered, "I'm a shape-shifter, some people call us werewolves. We're the mortal enemy of bloodsuckers."
I tried to understand what he'd just said but it was hard to believe. A loud crash caught our attention and we looked back to
the house. My eyes widened.
Three huge wolves were circling Edward and Jasper. The black wolf pounced on Edward, who grabbed him by the neck and
tossed him away. The wolf collided with the poles that were supporting the patio and they snapped. The patio crashed
down on the wolf and buried it under the debris. Jacob took a step in the direction of the fight but then he stopped, his
entire body shaking.
Edward looked at me and our eyes met. They were so intense and furious, but also determined. I wondered if this was the
last time that I'd see him. Would the wolves kill him? A part of me felt sorry for him. Had he ever been happy in his life?
Even just for a minute? Did he even know what happiness was? It was sad. Charlie always said that I was too compassionate
and forgiving.
Jacob started running and I lost sight of Edward as we moved deeper into the forest. He was moving impossibly fast and I
had to close my eyes or I would have thrown up. Suddenly we stopped and my eyes snapped open. "Paul will take you from
here. He'll bring you home," Jacob said.
I tightened my hold on him when I saw the huge gray wolf in front of us. "Why can't you bring me home?" I asked fearfully.
He smiled down at me and it was the first smile directed at me in quite a while. "You're safe with Paul. I need to help Sam
and the others. They need me."
He lifted me on the back of the wolf and I gasped in shock. He expected me to ride on its back?
"You need to hold on to Paul's fur or you'll fall off," Jacob told me before he pressed a soft kiss against my forehead. I
watched with wide eyes how he whirled around, burst into a huge russet wolf and ran off.
The gray wolf whined impatiently and I grabbed the fur at its neck and pressed my body against it. I was starting to sweat
from the heat radiating from the werewolf. Paul started running and I closed my eyes and buried my face in his soft fur.
It still seemed surreal to me that they'd come to help me. Werewolves. How did Charlie even know them? And why did they
help him? I don't care. As long as I'm safe, I don't care.
Paul accelerated even more and the cool wind lashed against my back. My flimsy nightgown did nothing to protect me. And
then I felt it. A prickling on my skin that told me we were being watched. Someone was following us. I pressed myself even
tighter against the wolf, praying that we'd get away. A draft to my right startled me and I tensed.
Paul jerked to a halt all of a sudden and I was almost thrown from his back by the force of the movement. I tightened my
hold on his fur and pressed my bare legs tightly against his side to keep me from falling. The wolf's body began to vibrate
from the growls coming from deep in his body.
I lifted my face and opened my eyes. Paul flattened his ears and bared his enormous teeth. I shivered when I saw them.
Saliva was dripping from his fangs. I didn't need to follow his gaze to know why he was acting like that, but I did it anyway.
There he stood. Edward. His hair was in total disarray, his clothes were torn and a chunk of his marble-like flesh was missing
in his left arm. His eyes were pitch black and feral, and they were burning with frightening intensity. His lips were pulled
back over his extended fangs and he was growling. Paul crouched down, as if preparing to attack.
Edward had only eyes for me though, and his next words sent a shill down my spine.
"Nobody will take you away from me."

Chapter Seven
Precarious Protectiveness
Nobody will take you away from me.
The words took my breath away and I tightened my grip on Paul's fur, partly because I was trying to suppress the tremor
starting to shake my body, and because I needed something to hold on to. I stared at Edward and he still hadn't averted his
eyes. Had he intended to frighten me with those words? Because they did frighten me.
They were possessive and threatening, and just altogether incomprehensible to me. He could as well have spoken in a
foreign language. I understood the meaning of every single word and even the sense of them put together, but coming
from Edward's mouth those words didn't make sense. He hadn't said 'nobody will take you away from the Volturi' or maybe
even 'nobody will take you away from us' to include Jasper. No, he'd said 'nobody will take you away from me'.
Nobody would take me away from him. It didn't make sense.
I wanted to understand him, wanted to catch a glimpse at what was lying behind the immaculate exterior, wanted to find
out what those cold eyes were hiding from the world. And they were still looking at me, boring into me. It felt as if he was
trying to crawl into me, as if he wanted to reveal my entire being with a simple look. The intensity was frightening and yet
mesmerizing. I wanted to look away, but it was impossible.
Paul snarled and I felt his muscles tighten beneath my body. He was preparing for fight, ready to jump and attack Edward.
Like in slow motion Edward averted his eyes from me and leveled his burning gaze on Paul. He cocked an eyebrow at the
wolf, almost amused. "You can't hear them, because they're either dead, or have run off like the cowards that they are."
Paul growled and moved closer to Edward.
I was confused to by those words, since the wolf hadn't said anything, wasn't even capable of speaking.
"Indeed, mutt, that's my talent." Edward laughed bitterly. "Or whatever you want to call it," he muttered quietly. "It can be
quite useful." He smirked, though it seemed forced.
His talent. My body froze. Could he...could he read minds? Was that why he had answered to a question Paul hadn't even
asked? Was that the reason for the silent conversations with Jasper?
Oh god. Was he able to read my mind? But he'd said that his gift wasn't working on me.
Paul leaped forwards and I screamed in fright and surprise, because I hadn't expected him to move so suddenly. I awaited
an impact because I thought he'd pounced on Edward, but the impact never came. I looked around and found Edward on
the other side of the clearing. He must have dodged Paul's attack. Why wasn't he fighting? He looked like he wanted to
fight against Paul. Badly.
His expression was menacing and murderous as he shook his head. "No. I won't fight with her on your back, dog."
I stared at him but he was avoiding my eyes. The wolf leaped again but just like before, Edward dodged him easily. He
snarled, frustrated and furious. "Stupid, mutt."
He raised his gaze and focused his eyes on me, capturing me with the intensity once again. "Get down from its back,
Isabella." I didn't move. "You don't want to be part of this fight. I said, get down from the wolf's back, Isabella. Now."
I wasn't sure why I did it, but I loosened my hold on Paul's fur. He turned his head and growled at me in warning, and I
stopped in my movement, unsure if he would bite me. Edward snarled and appeared right in front of the werewolf,
distracting it and giving me the chance to slip from its back. Paul lunged and I was thrown to the ground by the sudden
movement and landed a bit harder than I would have liked.
I crawled backwards, scared of the display of violence right in front of my eyes. Thank god, I'm no longer on Paul's back.
I cringed when he slammed into Edward, the sound like thunder in the silence. A few birds startled by the noise and
fluttered over our heads, searching for a safer place. What would I give to have wings like them. My back bumped against a
tree trunk and I remained frozen to the spot as I watched the deathly fight. Paul snapped his deadly teeth at Edward's face,
trying to rip his head off, but Edward held him by the throat at arm-length. I gasped when one of the wolf's claws tore
through his trouser leg and the skin below, making a screeching noise as they ripped a deep wound.
The snarl erupting from Edward's throat when Paul injured him was feral, his eyes wild in his fury and pain.
He threw Paul against a tree, felling it, littering the ground with leaves and smaller branches. The wolf struggled to its feet
but Edward had lunged already and crashed against its side. They landed on the ground with a sickening crunch. It made me
feel nauseous. But it got even worse. Edward's extended fangs glimmered in the moonlight only a second before he sank
them into the shoulder of the wolf. I cried out when he pulled back, blood streaming out of the wound and sticking to his
deadly teeth. The loud whine of the wolf tore right through me and I let out a sob. But Edward wasn't done.
He balled his hand to a fist and slammed it down, first on the right foreleg, then on the left, breaking the bones and
rendering the wolf unable to move.
I closed my eyes when he prepared for a blow against Paul's head. I didn't want to see that. A thud made me shudder and I
opened my eyes ever so slowly, peeking at the now unmoving werewolf. A choked sob left my lips. Was he dead?
Edward kicked him again, this time in the side, and I was certain that even if Paul was still alive, he wouldn't be for long. I
struggled for words but my throat was constricted, and I knew he wouldn't listen even if I pleaded him to stop.
"Don't beat him to a pulp just yet, will you?" Jasper appeared in the clearing, looking even worse than Edward. His right
trouser leg was missing completely and a huge gash was running all around his calf, his clothes were covered in blood and
fur, and his left arm was almost ripped off. Only a few muscles were keeping the limb attached to the body. I retched, but I
held back the overwhelming nausea that would have made me throw up.
I didn't move from my place against the tree, hopelessness and guilt running through me in strong waves. Nobody could
save me. And again people had died because of me. I was so tired of it.
Edward straightened up and stepped over the body of the wolf. "Where are they?" he asked, a hint of resentment swinging
in his voice.
"They're at the house."
"Why didn't you tell them to leave? Their presence isn't necessary anymore."
I frowned at Edward, wondering about whom he was talking. It didn't sound like he meant the werewolves. Had other
vampires helped them in their fight against the werewolves? I shuddered. I wasn't keen on more vampires.
"They were told not to leave until we can be sure that the wolves don't come back. It's a direct order from Aro," Jasper
replied calmly.
My gaze flitted over to where Paul lay and tears gathered in my eyes. The soft fur around his shoulder was covered with
blood and his eyes were closed. He looked almost peaceful.
"I don't like it. They shouldn't be involved. Why were they so close by anyway? They had no business here," Edward ran a
hand through his hair, pacing back and forth in agitation. He was limping slightly but he didn't seem to notice. He looked
upset, truly troubled. His gaze landed on me and he shook his head. "They should leave."
"They won't until it's safe, and we were quite lucky that they came to our help. The outcome might have been quite
different without them. The wolves are strong." Jasper glanced at Paul in disdain and nudged him slightly with the tip of his
A soft whine came from the seemingly lifeless body and instantly relief flooded me. He wasn't dead! But then I looked at
Jasper and Edward, and knew that they wouldn't let Paul live. Or so I'd thought. Jasper grabbed one of the hind legs and
dragged the wolf in the direction where I assumed the cabin to be.
"What are you going to do with him?" I asked, my voice shaking. They turned their heads to me and I regretted having
spoken. Now their attention was on me, and this couldn't be good.
"We will interrogate him," Jasper said simply, before he limped out of sight with the unmoving body of the wolf dragging
behind him.
Now it was only Edward and me, alone in the clearing, and his words kept flashing in my mind. Nobody will take you away
from me.
I glanced up and saw Edward advancing on me. His face was oddly void, emotionless, calm even. It frightened me. I could
deal with his anger and hatred, because I'd grown used to it, but this thoughtful, calm side of him seemed threatening. Our
eyes met for a moment as he looked down at me. I dropped my gaze to the ground, unable to bear his intense stare. I
waited for him to lash out at me, to blame me for what had happened. He bent down and I flinched when he reached out.
But he didn't hit me. He wrapped his fingers around my upper arm and pulled me to my feet.
His grip was too tight, painful even. It always was.
I raised my gaze from the ground and slowly my eyes swept over his torn shirt and over the wound in his arm where a
chunk of his marble-like flesh was missing. It was starting to mend itself but it looked painful. "Does it hurt?" I asked in
concern. I couldn't stop worrying about others. My father had always said it was my weakness. But I could as much stop
taking care of others as I could chop my own arm off. It was impossible.
Edward turned his gaze to me, his eyes wide and incredulous, his lips parted slightly in silent disbelief. Humanity and
compassion were foreign to him. He narrowed his eyes, as if suspicious about my motives. It made me sad that he couldn't
accept my words for what they were. Worry for another being.
"Why do you care?"
I let out a quiet sigh and shook my head. He wouldn't understand. "I don't like to see someone being hurt, even such a cruel
person such as yourself."
His stare was hard and piercing, and the worry that me calling him cruel might lead to punishment arose in me. His grip
tightened and I prepared myself for punishment, but he let go off me suddenly and turned his back to me. Stiff like a statue
he stood for a moment before he let out a dark laugh and shook his head. "Come on. We need to get back to the house."
He didn't look at me to make sure that I was following. It seemed as if he couldn't bear looking at me, as if my closeness
was bothering him.
I followed him slowly, wincing every time my bare feet were scratched by a rock or a twig. They were bleeding and were
sore, and burned fiercely. I'd forgotten that I'd stepped on the remains of the window in my room, but now the pain
reminded me of what had happened and my stomach tightened when I thought of Jacob. He'd been so nice. He'd tried to
help me. Was he still alive? Had he managed to flee?
"Can't you walk faster?" Edward cocked his head, his eyes narrowed.
I halted, wary of his mood, and shook my head no. He was in front of me in the blink of an eye and lifted me in his arms,
muttering under his breath all the while. I tensed so close to his body but he ignored me and started running. I closed my
eyes, feeling the wind lash against my face as we ran.
After a few seconds we slowed down and I dared to open my eyes. We were back at the house. Edward put me down and I
winced when my sore feet made contact with the ground.
I looked around, shocked by the sight. The patio lay in a heap of debris on the shore and a few boards were floating on the
lake. About a dozen trees were littering the ground around the house and a dark, almost black werewolf was lying amidst
them. The tip of its tail was white and one of its paws as well. The werewolf looked like it was wearing a sock, and it was
very obviously dead. Its throat was slashed, its head almost completely severed from its body. Another person who'd given
their life for me.
"Nice legs and butt. Not bad for a human." A man said, and I froze.
Slowly, I turned and caught sight of two unknown men, very obviously vampires. I hadn't noticed them so far, since they
were standing off to the side next to Jasper. One of them had dark skin and long black hair. The other had a blond ponytail
and was leering at me. I shivered, very uncomfortable with the attention. Luckily his gaze shifted and focused on something
to my left. Edward stood there, his eyes burning with fury and his hands balled to fists at his side. It seemed to cost him all
his willpower not to attack. The blond vampire cocked an eyebrow at him before he smirked. I didn't like him. Not one bit.
He seemed very dangerous and something told me that he was far worse than Edward or Jasper could ever be.
"James, maybe we should go on a short hunting trip. On our way here, I've noticed a cabin thirty miles south, " The dark-
haired vampire said, obviously trying to distract the blond vampire from his staring contest with Edward.
"Because the girl smells very enticing and Aro would have our heads if we'd end up draining her."
James tore his gaze from Edward and for a moment his eyes flitted over to me. I shuddered. There was something
unsettling about them. He whirled around and they were gone in a heartbeat. I drew in a deep breath. Edward growled low
in his throat and walked towards Jasper. "I don't like them."
Jasper sighed. " I know. But Laurent won't cause any trouble..."
"It's not Laurent I'm worried about," Edward hissed, running a hand through his hair.
Jasper nodded his head slowly. "We can't do anything about it right now." He stared at the ground where Paul was lying. He
was stirring slightly and whining quietly. I wanted to help him.
"Go into the house and take a shower. You reek of werewolf," Edward told me. I glared at him but I turned around and
walked towards the house, not wanting to get into trouble with him. In the door frame I stopped. "What happened to the
other wolves?" My voice shook and I didn't face them, so they wouldn't see the worry and guilt.
"They ran off. Four vampires were a bit too much for them to handle," Jasper chuckled.
I hurried into the house, relieved that not all of them had died. Jacob had survived. I could only hope that they wouldn't try
to save me again. I wanted to be saved, but I wasn't sure if it was possible, and I certainly didn't want more people to die
for me.
I stepped into my bedroom and had to step around the broken glass on the floor to get to the bathroom. I took a hot
shower and hissed when the water came into contact with my injured feet. A few minutes later, I stepped out of the
shower and took a look at my soles. There were a few gashes on them, but none of them was too deep. I walked back into
the bedroom and shivered when the cold air hit my skin. The window was destroyed and thus didn't provide any protection
from the cold weather. I sighed and tiptoed over to the wardrobe. Despair was weighing down on me heavily and it
threatened to crush me. I'd thought I'd be saved, but now it was probably even worse than before.
I got dressed quickly since I didn't think that I could get back to sleep after everything that had happened. I walked out of
the bedroom and stepped outside when I found the house deserted. Jasper and Edward were bent over a now human Paul.
He was shivering and his body was littered with wounds. I walked towards them immediately, worried. They looked up and
Edward held up a hand to stop me from coming closer, looking annoyed. "Haven't I told you to stay in the house?"
"No, actually you just told me to go in the house and take a shower. You didn't say I had to stay there after I was done," I
said as I watched Paul in concern. He opened his eyes and I gave him a smile.
Edward took a step towards me, his eyes flashing. "Careful, Isabella," he warned in a low voice.
"I'm tired of listening to you!" I glared at him.
Paul let out a weak laugh but it turned into a cough a moment later. I screamed when Jasper kicked him hard in the chest as
punishment for the laughter.
"Stop it!" I cried desperately.
Jasper approached me so fast that it startled me, and I froze in fear. "It's not your place to tell us what to do," he snarled
into my face, but almost abruptly he turned his head to stare at Edward. I followed his gaze and saw how Edward
straightened up. But he'd been in a crouch, ready to attack. I blinked at him, trying to understand what was going on.
Jasper shook his head as he looked between me and Edward. "I hope you know what you're getting us into," he said quietly.
Edward ignored him and walked towards me, grabbing me by the arm. "Go into the house."
I opened my mouth to protest, since I didn't want to leave Paul alone with them. Not that I could do much to protect him
but I wanted to help him as much as I could.
Edward shook me hard. "No, you will go into the house. Or do you want to see how we torture your friend?"
I gasped. "Please, don't hurt him." I pleaded him with my eyes, but his expression didn't change.
"God, bring her into the house. I want to get the information out of him," Jasper urged, glaring hatefully at Paul. He seemed
to harbor a great hatred for the werewolves. Usually he always appeared so composed but the fight with the wolves
seemed to have infuriated him.
"Go." Edward pushed me towards the house. I gave Paul an apologetic look, feeling the tears already fill my eyes. I ran into
the house and threw myself on the sofa, burying my face in my palms. I hated this feeling of helplessness.
A loud cry tore through the silence. Paul. I put my hands on my ears and pressed my legs against my body as I rocked back
and forth.
I wasn't sure how much time had passed while I'd tried to block out what was going on around me but when I raised my
head from my knees later, the sun had already risen. Jasper was conversing quietly with Laurent and James in the kitchen. I
tensed when I saw them. I hadn't even heard them enter. James turned his head to me and gave me a wink. My eyes
widened and I averted my gaze hastily. I almost had a heart attack when my eyes fell on Edward. He was sitting on the edge
of the other sofa and I hadn't even noticed him. He was watching me closely. He was already healed and had changed into
new clothes.
I shifted nervously. Why wasn't he in the kitchen with the others?
I lowered my gaze to my lap. "Where's Paul?" I asked quietly.
My head shot up and I stared at him in shock. His expression was void of remorse. "Why did you do that? Are you getting
off from torturing and killing?" I jumped up from the sofa and stood with my hands balled to fists.
Now that the words had left my lips, I realized that it had been the wrong thing to say. Edward rose from the armrest and I
took a step back in reaction.
James appeared next to me and grabbed my wrist in a hurtful grip, startling me. I flinched and Edward's eyes turned a
terrifying black. "You don't punish her enough. After Swan sicked his dogs on you, she must be punished. I'd gladly take care
of her."
I trembled in his grip as his eyes traveled up and down my body. I felt like he was violating me with his eyes and I felt sick.
Edward pushed himself between us and James let go off me, albeit reluctantly. I rubbed my sore wrist and breathed a sigh
in relief.
"You won't touch her. Ever. Do you hear me?" Edward snarled and if I didn't know better, I'd say he was protective. But why
would he protect me from anyone?
Nobody will take you away from me.
James raised an eyebrow, sneering. "Why? Are you too soft to watch the human in pain?"
Edward gripped him around the throat. "I don't care about her pain, but she's my responsibility and I won't let anyone lay a
hand on her."
My relief turned into anger at his words. Of course, he didn't care if I was in pain. He simply wanted to inflict the pain
himself. Bastard.
"I won't tell you again. Do not touch her." Edward pushed James away and let go off him.
James gave him a nasty look and stalked out of the house, muttering under his breath. Jasper and Laurent were watching us
and their scrutiny was making me nervous. I didn't understand Jasper's worried gaze, nor Laurent's surprise.
I sank down on the sofa, feeling worn out. Nobody bothered me after that and Edward ignored my presence. Yet he
hovered over me the entire day, not leaving me out of his eyes for a second, as if he was worried that James would try
anything. I tried to talk to him about the werewolves once but he remained silent.
I was allowed to prepare myself some food and to read a book that was gathering dust on the shelf, but apart from that
nobody paid me any attention. The atmosphere was tense, almost crushing, particularly between Edward and James.
As the evening approached I felt my eyes droop, though I tried to keep them open, but I hadn't gotten much sleep last
night. I didn't like the idea of falling asleep with two unknown vampires in the house, especially since I'd noticed James
glancing at me whenever Edward wasn't paying attention. Eventually, I had to give up on staying awake and rose from the
sofa. I walked towards my bedroom and had a hand on the handle when Edward spoke up.
"With your window broken, you need to take the other room." He didn't even look my way, since he'd already taken his
seat in front of the piano.
I stepped into the second room and was surprised to find an identical bedroom. At least the window was intact. I fetched
my clothes from my old room before I return to my new bedroom. I slipped into my dark-green nightgown, extinguished
the light and lay down, covering myself with the blanket. It made me nervous to think about the four vampires in the house
but I knew I couldn't do anything about it. I could only hope that Edward would at least keep James away from me.
My eyelids felt heavy and ever so slowly sleep overwhelmed me.
A cold hand clamped over my mouth and my eyes flew open in fear. I expected to see Edward, but James was looking down
at me. The room was dark and only the moonlight illuminated his face. I screamed but the sound was muffled by his palm
against my mouth. Panic flooded me and I started to thrash and kick, but his hand on my wrist and his knees on my legs
kept me in place. What was he doing here? What did he want? His eyes traveled over my barely clad body and I felt
sickened. Where was Edward?
I tried to scream again but James just chuckled quietly at my feeble attempts. He leaned down until his lips brushed against
my ear. I shuddered, and goose bumps rose on my skin at the close contact.
"Shh, sweetheart." The pet name sounded dirty coming from his lips and it made me want to vomit.
"Edward won't hear you. He's playing the piano." He gave me a sadistic smile, looking very smug and excited.
I listened to the piano music floating over to us, and I shivered when I realized that Edward wouldn't hear me.
"You know," James continued in a murmur, his lips brushing against my ear again. It made me want to shower. "I wonder
what Edward's going to say when he realizes that I've taken what he so obviously denies himself. I think I will enjoy his
Oh my god.
I was turned around so I was lying on my stomach, my face pressed into the pillow. I wondered what he was doing until I
realized that the new position didn't require for James to hold my mouth shut and now his hand was free. He brushed my
hair from my back and I tried to shake him off but he was too strong. Fear cursed through me, but there was also
determination. I wouldn't let him hurt me.
I felt James breath against my shoulder and I took my chance and turned my head slightly until my mouth wasn't in the
pillow anymore, and then I screamed the one word that I knew would save me. "Edward!"
James grabbed the back of my head and pushed me against the headboard but the vehemence was taken from the blow
when I felt him being lifted from me. Still my lip burned and the stitches were ripped open, and I was bleeding again. I sat
up instantly and turned around, only now realizing that I'd been crying.
"What did I tell you about touching her?" Edward snarled as he rammed James head over and over again against the
ground, leaving dents and holes all over it. He looked up and his expression made me shiver. James wouldn't survive. I was
almost certain about it.
The blood started dripping down my chin and covered my chest, but I didn't bother to wipe it off. Edward pulled his teeth
back in a terrifying roar and jumped to his feet. He grabbed James' neck and pulled him out of my room. I jumped out of the
bed and followed them. Jasper and Laurent were there as well, but they weren't doing anything to help James.
Edward dragged James out of the house and threw him to the ground. He knelt on his back, keeping him still.
"Edward," Jasper began in a soothing tone, slowly approaching the scene. I remained in the door frame, my arms wrapped
around my chest.
"No!" he roared. "I won't let anyone lay hand on what's mine!"
Jasper's gaze swiveled to me and I realized that Edward had meant me. Mine. I swallowed. Hard.
"Edward, you know the possible consequences of your actions," Jasper cautioned. He didn't try to intervene though. Nor
did Laurent but fear seemed to be his main motivation, while Jasper just didn't seem to care about James.
"I told him not to go near her. Not to touch her. And he..." Edward trailed off and shook his head as if to clear his mind. "I
warned him. He shouldn't have tried..." He looked at me and our eyes met. His gaze was angry and full of darkness, but
strangely it didn't frighten me. His current fury wasn't directed at me. And there was something else in his eyes that was
almost luring. "I told him not to, and he disobeyed. I don't tolerate disobedience."
He grabbed James head in a tight grip and twisted it around and wrenched it off. The sound, like fingernails on chalkboard,
made me wince and I covered my ears. Goose-bumps flashed across my skin as Edward proceeded to rip off the limps of the
still moving body. He threw the body parts in a heap on the ground. They were twitching and it looked like they were trying
to get back together with the body.
I struggled with my sickness, but I couldn't take my eyes off the horrible scene. It was something that you could see in a
horror movie but recently my own life had turned into the perfect sample for one of those movies. Edward started
collecting the boards of the destroyed patio and piled them up on the remains of James. After a moment, Jasper began
helping him. Laurent stood unmoving a few feet to the side, a strange expression on his face as he looked at me. I tried to
ignore him.
Jasper pulled a lighter from his pocket and chucked it at Edward, who caught it easily. He set the pile of wooden boards on
fire. I didn't feel sorry for James. I drew in a shuddering breath and walked slowly closer to the fire as I watched the flames.
They warmed my body and face, and made me forget about the cold creeping into my feet. I averted my eyes from the
flames and stared at Edward. He was glaring into the fire.
He'd killed. Because of me. For me.
He had killed to protect me, or that was at least what I told myself. Jasper looked worried, just like his worst nightmare was
starting to become reality. I tensed when Edward walked towards me and raised my head to meet his eyes.
He was looking at me strangely and we were so close that his cold breath cooled my heated face. Too close, a small voice in
my head warned, but I couldn't think straight with him looking at me like that. I licked over my lower lip, because it just
wouldn't stop bleeding, and the taste of blood in my mouth was making my stomach churn.
Edward's gaze followed the movement of my tongue and his eyes turned pitch-black, the irises no longer discernible.
He leaned closer, his eyes never leaving my lip, and I gasped. Was he going to kiss me? Why? But why?
Our breaths mingled and his sweet scent flooded my senses, making me dizzy. I blinked slowly, and he stared at me. Then
he closed the distance between us. But he didn't kiss me.
My lips parted in a silent gasp when he ran his tongue over my lower lip. It burned where his tongue met the gash but
almost instantly a pleasant warmth spread in my lips, and I could feel the bleeding stop. His lips brushed against mine softly,
like the touch of a feather, and not quite so accidentally. My eyes fluttered closed without my volition but the touch of his
lips was already gone, and the smallest part of me wanted them back on mine.
It frightened me.

Chapter Eight
My eyes fluttered open and I stared into the flames. The breath that I'd been holding rushed out of my body. What had just
happened? Edward was gone, out of sight. I turned my head and caught Jasper looking at me and something in his eyes was
utterly frightening. I averted my gaze hastily and sucked in a quiet breath.
I was trembling, shock taking its cruel hold over my body. Shock over what had almost happened with James, and shock
over what Edward had done. His lips against mine. I shivered. I'd thought he would kiss me. And the feel of his lips brushing
against mine.
Why? I didn't understand. He hated me and yet he appeared to seek my closeness constantly. The crackling of the fire made
me shudder. The sound was sinister and threatening, like a whispered threat. The darkness enveloped me like a cloak and
despite the fire a deep cold befell my body. I wrapped my arms tightly around myself but it didn't provide the necessary
warmth, nor the consolation I was longing for.
A startled cry flew from my lips when a cold hand wrapped around my upper arm. My head whirled around and I stared
into Jasper's ruby eyes. The flames were reflecting in them and made them look like they were on fire. I thought I felt the
air crackle with Jasper's anger and frustration. "Go into bed." His voice was tense and I had a feeling that he was fighting for
I wondered why he was so upset. He let go off my arm and I turned around and walked towards the house. Laurent was
watching me the entire time and I had an inkling that I was missing something. Something important.
I crossed the living area in a few strides and entered the bedroom. Sickness rose in me so fast that I had to grip the door
frame tightly to keep myself from swooning. The scent of blood filled the air and my eyes fell on the bed, my stomach
churning at the sight. The green blankets were covered with my blood. I retched and clamped a hand over my mouth. I
pulled the door shut behind me, not wanting the vampires to see me like that. I felt sick and dizzy. I stumbled into
bathroom and threw up into the toilet bowl.
I rose to my feet a few minutes later and walked over to the sink, leaning against the edge of it to steady me. My hands
shook when I turned the handle and let cold water fill the sink. I washed my hands and my face, and rinsed my mouth out.
When would this nightmare ever end?
I ignored the cruel little voice before despair could crush me with its ruthless grip.
I lifted my gaze from the sink and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were red from crying, my chin smudged
with dried blood. My lower lip however was healed. I leaned forward to take a closer look at myself.
If you looked very closely, you could see the fine line where the skin had mended. Why had he even bothered with stitches
the first time, if a touch of his tongue could have healed me so easily? Goose-bumps spread on my skin at the thought of his
touch. The way he'd licked over my lip. So very wrong, and yet...
My eyes shut on their own volition and I could feel his tongue on my lips, the soft brush of his lips against mine. My eyes
flew open and a gasp flew from my lips. What was wrong with me? Oh my god. What the hell was wrong with me?
I looked at my own reflection in disgust, barely able to stand the sight of me. That was so sick. What was he doing to me?
He was manipulating me. He was a monster, horrible, cruel and pitiless, and I wouldn't allow myself to see him as anything
else. I wouldn't allow those monsters to fuck up my mind. I would not allow it.
I drew in a shaky breath and grabbed the edge of the sink so tightly, my nails almost broke. Slowly I averted my eyes from
the pitiful girl in the mirror and stared down at myself.
There was blood on me. Almost everywhere. On my chest, my arms, on my nightgown, even on my legs, but I was too
exhausted, too numb to be sick. I'd thrown up everything that had been in my stomach anyway. I felt so...vacant. Numb. My
emotions were changing so fast these days, it was terrifying. One moment I was so angry, I thought committing murder was
a possibility for me, and the next moment I felt so horribly numb that I couldn't bring myself to care.
Maybe these were the first signs of insanity.
I leaned down and splashed some cold water in my face, but it didn't help. I felt weak. I inched out of the bathroom and
into the bedroom, my feet dragging over the ground. I froze and stared at the bed. The blankets had been changed and my
dark-blue nightgown was laid out on top of them. Someone had been in the room and done that without my notice.
I knew who had done it, but I was just tired of trying to find out why he was doing what he did. I was so tired of analyzing
his actions. I was just tired.
I walked towards the bed, careful not to step on the broken floorboards where Edward had smashed James' head against
the ground. I didn't feel sorry for James, not one bit. I sank down on the bed and wrapped the blankets around me tightly.
The light was still on. I knew I couldn't bear the darkness now, not after James' attack.
I'd never been scared of the dark, had always thought I was strong, but only a few days with those monsters had showed
me that I was anything but. I buried my face in the pillow, a small sob leaving my lips. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to block
out the horrible images of everything I'd witness over the last few days. Those images would haunt me forever, or at least
as long as the Volturi allowed me to live.
I was afraid to fall asleep, but I felt so very tired.
I wasn't sure how long I'd slept but it couldn't have been long, because the room was still cloaked into darkness when I
opened my eyes. My body froze and I swallowed. Darkness? I'd let the light on. I was close to panic when I felt a soft touch
on my back. My lips parted for a scream but then I recognized the touch. I'd felt it once before.
A finger was running up and down my spine, brushing against my skin ever so lightly. I stared into the darkness and tried to
breathe evenly. The touch was soft and almost soothing. It was absolutely silent in the room, except for my breathing. My
body relaxed slightly, though it shouldn't. Why was I reacting like that to his touch?
"He shouldn't have done it..."
Pause. I closed my eyes when his finger began drawing small circles on my bare shoulder.
"I told him."
I sucked in my breath as he ran the back of his finger up and down over my neck.
"But he wouldn't listen."
The words were spoken so quietly that I almost didn't hear them. The voice was soft and sent shills down my back. I was
sure that it was Edward, though he'd spoken too low for me to recognize his voice, and he never spoke so gently with me
anyway. Only in the darkness of the room, he seemed to be capable of such a soft tone. Maybe there was something good
in him, maybe he wasn't quite so cruel as I thought.
The tender caress made me sleepy and soon I felt my mind drifting off to sleep.
I wasn't surprised when I opened my eyes the next morning to find that I was alone in the room. I hadn't expected him to
be here, and now that I wasn't so exhausted anymore and could think straight, I didn't want him anywhere near me. I didn't
know why he had visited me last night, why he was seeking my closeness, but I knew it was dangerous for me.
I got dressed and walked out of the room to find Edward and Jasper arguing in low voices in the kitchen. Laurent wasn't in
the house and I hoped he'd left. He was giving me the creeps. They looked my way and both their eyes flashed with
something dark, something dangerous. I took a step back, my body seizing up with fear. Something was wrong. Very wrong.
Jasper's lips moved fast, too fast for me, and he turned to look at Edward imploringly. But Edward just stared at me long
and hard, and he looked like he was struggling with something.
Jasper shook his head in obvious frustration and advanced on me. My eyes widened and I backed off, almost stumbling over
my own feet in my attempt to get away from him. Before he could reach me, Edward grabbed his arm and stopped him.
"No, I won't allow it."
Jasper's eyes flashed dangerously. "You won't allow it?"
Edward clenched his jaw and frowned, just as if he regretted his words. "He will understand the warning."
"Will he?" Jasper raised his eyes in disbelief.
"The head will be enough of a warning," Edward said, but even I could hear the doubt in his voice.
I didn't know what they were talking about, but I had a feeling that it had something to do with me, my father and the
"Swan won't give a damn about it. Do you think he cares about the death of one of his stinking dogs? He will just throw the
mutt's head into the garbage can," Jasper hissed.
I swallowed. " sent my father a head?"
Jasper turned his face to me, a mirthless smile curling his lips. "We sent him Paul's head. Actually, Laurent is doing it just
I fought the bile that was rising in my throat and supported myself against the wall. This was a nightmare. I lowered my
gaze to the ground, taking deep calming breaths.
He returned his attention to Edward. "You know what Aro said. Swan broke the rules. He needs to be punished."
Edward turned his head and just stared out of the large window, a frown creasing his forehead.
"Do you want to go against Aro's direct orders? For a human?"
I froze and wrenched my gaze back to them.
Edward's eyes narrowed. "You don't know what you're talking about! Don't accuse me of such things!" he snarled.
What did Jasper mean?
I took another step back from them, everything in my body screaming at me to run away. I tensed when Jasper walked past
me and my eyes grew wide because of what he fetched from the table. The video camera. I shook my head slowly.
"Aro wants a copy of this video tape. He's suspicious and I don't know why, but you know very well that this is serious. Do
you want to be subjected to his wrath? Do you want us all to fall victim to it?" Jasper asked, his tone imploring.
Edward ran a hand through his hair, looking tortured as he shook his head no. "We can fake it," he murmured quietly.
Jasper whirled around and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. "Are you insane? He'd sent Demetri and Jane after us,
gifted or not, and we'd all die."
I listened to them silently, dread filling me up. Jasper pushed the camera into Edward's hands and turned around to me.
"It has to be done. If you're not able to go through with it, then I will do it." I stared at Jasper with wide eyes as he took a
step towards me. His face was an emotionless mask, as if he was steeling himself for what had to happen.
"No." My head snapped around to Edward and I felt relief flood me. "I will do it myself."
The relief morphed into panic and hatred. I glared at him but he avoided my eyes. I tensed when he gripped my arm and
pulled me in the middle of the room. Jasper positioned himself a few feet away from us, the camera directed at us.
"Prepare her. She needs to look as if she's gone through hell those last few days."
I couldn't help it. I let out a slightly hysteric laugh. They looked at me, startled by my laughter. "As if I've gone through hell?"
I all but screamed. "Those last few days have been hell. Every single moment since you kidnapped me has been hell, you
fucking bastards!"
Jasper didn't even blink, his expression one of eerie calm. Edward still wasn't looking at me, just as if he hadn't heard me,
and I realized why they didn't bother punish me for my words. They would hurt me very soon, but in front of the video
I felt so sick suddenly and my body went numb. I just stared at Edward. He grabbed my arm and brought it up to his lips. I
tensed and chanced a look at the camera. It was still off. What was he doing?
I gasped in pain when Edward sliced through my skin with his teeth but he pulled away instantly. Blood was dripping from
the gash in my arm and I gazed at it in trepidation. He pressed my arm against my chest, my other arm and my face, and I
realized he was covering me with blood to make me look worse. The smell of it reached my nose and I retched. I tried to
free my hand of Edward's grip but he was too strong.
"Ready?" Jasper asked, and I looked at him like in a trance. He'd started recording.
Edward pulled me against him until my back was resting against his chest. I didn't resist. It was useless anyway.
"Chief Swan," he began, his voice cold and threatening. "That was very stupid of you. We told you to do what we say and
you send your dogs?" He shook his head in mock disappointment. "Do you enjoy seeing your daughter suffer?"
I glanced into the camera, feeling sick to my stomach. "We'd hoped the last tape had showed you that we mean business,
but apparently it didn't. Why are you making this so difficult? Now your daughter will be punished for your mistakes."
Edward grabbed my left arm and held it in front of me, so the camera could record everything. I whimpered softly as his
grip tightened around my wrist and tears began to prickle in my eyes. What the hell was he doing?
I raised my face and looked at him. His lips were pulled in a tight line, his jaw clenched. He averted his gaze from the video
camera, probably feeling my eyes on him. His eyes were dark and tortured. He reminded me of a caged animal. His grip on
my wrist tightened further and I winced, a lone tear running down my cheek. His eyes followed it and something in his
expression shifted. The grip on my wrist loosened ever so slightly.
"Edward, for god's sake!" Jasper's low hiss broke the silence and whatever had been in Edward's eyes disappeared, and the
cold mask took hold of his face.
A sickening crunch reached my ears and I wondered briefly what it was, but then agony shot through my arm in hot waves. I
cried out and gaped at my wrist. It was broken. Edward's had snapped it with a move of his hand. He. Had. Snapped. It.
Oh god.
The pain. Pure agony, worse than anything I'd ever felt before, and he still hadn't let go and his grip made it even worse. I
heard myself, cry and sob and whimper, but it sounded distant. My legs gave away and I sank down on my knees, my arm
feeling like it was on fire.
God, it hurt so much. Tears were streaming down my face as I cradled my arm against my chest. Slowly I lifted my gaze from
my wrist to look into the face of my tormentor. Our eyes met and if I didn't know better I'd say Edward was in as much pain
as I. He reminded me of a wounded animal.
My vision turned black and I felt my body slip into a soothing numbness but before unconsciousness claimed me, another
scream ripped from my throat. Raw and desperate and angry.
I came to consciousness ever so slowly. I was lying on something soft and slowly I opened my eyes. It was already dark
outside. I must have been unconscious for several hours. The memory of what had happened came back and I stared down
at my hand which was stretched out next to me on the bed. My wrist was in a cast. Someone must have tended to my
broken wrist.
Anger cursed through me. I wanted to stand up and shout at someone, at them, at those frigging bloodsuckers.
But I still felt sluggish and weak, and it wasn't only from the unconsciousness. My arm wasn't hurting, at all. They must have
given me painkillers. Those bastards.
A rustling behind me caught my attention and the bed dipped slightly. He was there, sitting next to me. A cool finger
touched my neck and ran down my back slowly and then up again. He was touching me. He dared to touch me after what
he'd done to me mere hours ago?
Hot fury shot through my body. And then he whispered the words that made my anger boil over.
"I'm sorry."
And something snapped in me then. I didn't care about the consequences. I didn't care if he'd punish me, if he'd kill me. I
just didn't care. He was sorry? The fuck he was!
I sat up so fast that stars flashed before my eyes but I ignored them. I whirled around and glared into the darkness. The
moon was illuminating parts of the room and I could make out Edward's face. It was so pale that it was practically glowing
in the darkness, and the hatred burned so fiercely in me, as I stared into his beautiful face, into those fathomless eyes that
were widened in shock, that I thought it would light me on fire.
I couldn't stop myself. I raised my right arm, the arm that he hadn't broken, and slapped him across the face so hard that it
felt as if this hand was now broken, too. He didn't even try to shield himself or stop me, though he would have been fast
enough to do so. Or maybe my actions had shocked him so much that he was frozen. I didn't care. His eyes narrowed after a
moment. And then I screamed. I was so very furious.
"You are sorry? You are sorry?" And I hit him again and pounded against his chest with my fists, not caring if I hurt myself.
"You don't even know how to feel sorry. You don't know pity or compassion or mercy or regret or love."
Edward grabbed my arms tightly and halted my attack. I glared at him, wishing I could kill him with my eyes. I'd been so
stupid. After he'd healed me in front of the fire I'd thought that maybe there was something good in him. So stupid.
"Don't assume you know anything about me or about my feelings!" Edward snarled into my face, his eyes black and furious.
But I wasn't scared. I was beyond caring in that moment.
I pushed away from him and he let me go. I stumbled to my feet but he still didn't get up from the bed.
The light was switched on and the entire room was illuminated. Jasper stood in the door frame, his eyes wide in shock or
surprise or anger. I just didn't care.
I glared at Edward. "What's that?" I asked sharply as I gestured at the cast. "Do you think I'll forgive you just because you've
put my arm into a cast after you've broken it yourself!"
Edward rose and was in front of me instantly. "I'm not asking for forgiveness, human!"
"So we're back to human?" I snorted. "Human!? What about Isabella? Don't you think we've crossed the line when you
could still call me human? After all, you can't keep your hands off me for one night!"
Edward started to shake in rage, his eyes feral, wild, dangerous. Yet I still wasn't afraid. I was just numb and angry, and I
relished in it. "Why if you hate me so much, despise me so much, why if I'm nothing but a disgusting, stupid human, why
can't you stop touching me? I'm starting to believe that you're a hypocrite, Edward."
God, it felt so good to shout at him. So good, and I didn't care if those were the last words I'd ever say.
He'd never looked less human than in this moment. Jasper had rushed to his side and was talking to him in hushed
whispers, likely trying to calm him.
He glanced at me. "It might be better if you keep your mouth shut and return to bed." Jasper's condescending tone
infuriated me even more.
"Oh, is it better for me? I don't fucking care!" I started yanking at the cast, wanting to remove it. Maybe I was starting to
lose my mind.
Edward grabbed my hand and stopped me. "What are you doing?" he snapped.
"Do not touch me!" I shouted as I ripped my hand from his grip and took a step back, my chest heaving. "I don't want you
near me. You are nothing but a soulless monster."
The anger disappeared so suddenly from his face that it startled me. A deep sadness, defeating resignation and heart-
breaking despair took its place and in that moment Edward looked human. He reminded me of a heart-broken boy and my
own fury vanished into thin air, though I was trying to cling to it.
He nodded his head, his gaze tortured. "A soulless monster," he said quietly. "That's what I am." He turned around and left
the room. I stared at his retreating back, feeling tired and mentally exhausted now that the anger was gone.
Jasper gave me an unreadable look before he shook his head, a frown creasing his forehead. "So ignorant," he said under
his breath, and I narrowed my eyes at him, but he just walked past me and out of the room, closing the door behind
I sank to my knees and let out a shuddering breath. I was so confused and angry, but foremost I was numb again. This
numbness spread in my body and settled in my mind, and helped me to survive. But what if it was all I could feel someday?
What if someday this numbness wouldn't retreat anymore?
I buried my face in my palms and my mind drifted back to Edward's word. A soulless monster. That's what I am.
Now that I was no longer angry but numb, I felt bad for calling him soulless and it disturbed me that he'd agreed with me.
How could he think of himself as soulless? Everyone had a soul, even such a cruel and cold person like Edward.
If he'd just realize it, then maybe he would stop being the monster that he was. I shook my head and sighed quietly. I was
doing it again. I was caring about other people. Again.
I wanted to help Edward, despite his actions, despite everything that I'd told him. Charlie had been right. That was my
weakness. And I had a feeling that one day this weakness would cost me my life.

Chapter Nine
As soon as I awoke from my fitful sleep, my eyes began to water from the pain surging through my left arm. I struggled to
sit up and took a deep, shuddering breath. The pain was intense, unbearable. I opened my eyes slowly and stared down at
the bandage.
Nothing was left of the fury that I'd felt last night. I moved to the edge of the bed and tried to awake fully before I rose to
my feet. The agony shooting through my arm made my stomach turn. Obviously the effect of the painkillers had ceased, but
no matter how strong the pain was, I wouldn't ask my captors to give me drugs.
After what I'd said to Edward last night, he'd probably refuse anyway. He was certainly furious and would try to make me
pay for my words. Maybe he'd break my other wrist as well. A bitter laugh fought its way up my throat and bubbled from
my lips. I shook my head and closed my eyes briefly, trying to pull myself together. I needed to stay calm or I'd lose my
I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled clothes out. It was a bit difficult to slip into the long-sleeved shirt with the cast
but I managed eventually, and exited my room when I was fully dressed. I tried to ignore the pain in my wrist but it was
impossible. The living area was deserted and I trudged into the kitchen, halting abruptly when I saw Edward sitting at the
kitchen table, staring intently at the newspaper. I was wary about being in a room with him after last night. I wasn't sure
what he'd do to me and I was feeling almost guilty for what I'd said. He was cruel and he'd hurt me but I shouldn't have
called him soulless.
He looked up from the newspaper and I expected to see hatred and fury in his dark eyes, but they were void of those
emotions. His eyes were fathomless pools of nothingness and his face a mask of indifference.
He rose to his feet in an elegant movement and approached the kitchen counter where he fetched something from one of
the drawers. He turned around then and walked towards me. I flinched when I saw a movement of his hand, expecting him
to lash out at me. For the briefest moment he froze but then he extended his arm, palm upwards, presenting two small pills
to me. I stared at them for a moment before I lifted my gaze to give him a curious look. I assumed that those pills were
painkillers but I wanted him to say so, to say something. He couldn't expect me to take pills from him without an
explanation. I didn't trust him the least bit.
He narrowed his eyes ever so slightly but then he let out an exasperated sigh. "Painkillers. You should take them. They will
help with the pain in your wrist."
I kept looking at him, not making an attempt to take the pills from him.
His jaw tightened and his lips pulled into a tight line. "Take them. I won't offer them again. You will have to deal with the
pain for the rest of the day if you insist on being stubborn."
I reached out for the pills and my fingertips grazed his palm ever so slightly, causing me to gasp quietly. I froze, my fingers
still brushing against his skin and chanced a look at him, expecting to see disgust and anger in his expression, but there was
just shock and something else. I took the pills hastily and retreated my hand, trying to forget the way my skin had tingled
from the contact. I put the pills in my mouth and grabbed a glass of water to gulp them down.
"Sit down. You should eat something. I won't carry you if you're too weak to walk." His tone was cold.
I sent him a glower that he missed, since he wasn't looking my way, before sitting down at the table. There wasn't any food
for me, so I wondered what I was supposed to eat. I opened my mouth to ask him just that when he opened the fridge and
took a few things out. He wasn't paying me any attention, obviously lost in thought. My eyes widened when I saw him grab
two slices of toast and prepare a sandwich. He was diligent and it looked to me as if it wasn't the first time that he'd
prepared food.
Had he made my sandwiches all time long? I'd thought they'd bought them somewhere. For if he hated humans and
everything to do with them so much, why would he volunteer to prepare a sandwich for me? It didn't seem to disgust him.
He looked oddly at ease and I wasn't sure if he noticed how normal and human he appeared in that moment. He cut the
sandwich in half, his slim fingers holding the knife elegantly.
I frowned, confused by his behavior. There was so much that I didn't understand, so much I wanted to understand. He took
the plate and set it down on the table in front of me.
"You make sandwiches?" I gazed at him curiously.
He tensed, his expression hardening. "Eat," he ordered curtly before he sank down on the other chair, avoiding my eyes.
I grabbed the sandwich and took a bite, relishing in its delicious taste. Edward was an enigma. There was so much hatred
and cruelty, and yet sometimes he made me wonder if there was more. I moved my left arm to brush a strand of hair from
my face but winced in pain and returned the arm to my lap.
My entire body froze and my eyes widened when Edward reached out and put the bothersome strand behind my ear. His
hand lingered there and our eyes met. A look of horrified realization and disgust overtook his features, as if he'd just
realized what he'd done, and he pulled his hand back hastily. I was gaping at him, shocked by his actions, but he wasn't
looking at me. He was glaring at the newspaper, his hands balled to fists. With a shaky hand I brought the sandwich to my
lips and took another bite, trying not to freak out. I was confused. I let my eyes wander through the house, avoiding Edward
as much as possible.
"Where's Jasper?" I asked when I'd realized that I hadn't seen, nor heard the other vampire.
Edward didn't look up when he replied and his voice was strained. "Jasper had some business to attend to. He will follow us
as soon as he's done."
I frowned. "Follow us?"
Edward lifted his gaze, his expression back to the emotionless mask. "Yes. You and I will leave in an hour. This location isn't
save anymore. I don't want another visit from your father's dogs, though I hope he's clever enough not to do something
stupid again, or..." He trailed off, his gaze unreadable as it rested on me.
"Or you'll hurt me again," I whispered, putting down the rest of the sandwich since I wasn't hungry anymore.
Edward didn't reply but he didn't need to. I knew he'd hurt me again if Charlie disobeyed. I wrapped my arms around my
chest. "I'd thought you'd rape me yesterday." I wasn't sure why I'd said those words but in this moment I just needed to talk
to someone.
Edward's eyes were intense as he looked at me. "Rape is a horrendous crime. You won't be subjected to such a revolting
act. And you're forbidden to us anyway."
I wrinkled my forehead in confusion but before I could push the matter he rose from his chair. "Go, get ready."
Thirty minutes later I was sitting on the passenger seat of the Mercedes limousine and watched the cabin vanish from my
view. Edward was speeding again, but after what I'd experienced over the last few days it could hardly scare me anymore. I
was glad that the painkillers had finally taken effect, since the road was quite bumpy and the vibrations would have hurt
like hell.
We didn't talk but I hadn't expected us to. I had already been surprised when he'd talked to me civilly in the kitchen. I'd
expected him to snarl at me and try to hurt me after what I'd said last night, but it seemed to have the opposite effect on
him. Or maybe he was just hiding his anger well and was trying to lull me into a false sense of security. It was so difficult to
read him.
I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes, trying to relax a bit. I'd barely slept last night and I was feeling
tired. The painkillers were increasing my exhaustion even further.
I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes the landscape had changed. The forest consisted merely of firs
and the sun was starting to set. I assumed we were even further north. Maybe Alaska. I yawned and tried to stretch myself
but winced when dull pain shot through my wrist. The effect of the painkillers must have worn off by now and it confirmed
my suspicions that I'd slept for many hours.
I tilted my head to the side and watched Edward's profile. The last sun rays of the fading day made his skin sparkle and
without the hatred etched into his features, he looked like someone one might dream about. He reminded me of the image
of a seraph that I'd once seen in an art book.
But Edward was as far from a celestial being as one could get. Maybe he was a demon, though I doubted it. He was more of
a damned soul, a sinner.
Sometimes when I looked at him and the torture reflected in his eyes, I wondered if maybe being what he was, being a
monster, a creature of the night, pained him. Maybe it was atonement for his sins, for why should someone like him find
peace in his existence after all the horrors he'd committed? Maybe his obvious torture was just punishment. I'd once read
that Dante's Inferno portrays hell as a frozen lake of blood and guilt. To me it seemed as if those words described Edward
Maybe the reason why he abhorred humans so much was because he wanted to be like them. For what we desire and will
never obtain, we will learn to hate. Sometimes hatred is easier to bear than yearning. Or maybe I was just trying to find
reasons for his cruel nature, because I didn't want to perceive him as evil.
Edward averted his eyes from the windshield and looked at me, his eyes flashing with anger or hatred, or maybe both. He'd
noticed me staring and it obviously irritated him, but I didn't look away from him. I wanted to understand him. I needed to
understand him.
"Why do you hate me so much?" My voice was calm.
He looked at me, his expression void of feeling. And yet there was something in those burgundy eyes that I couldn't place,
couldn't understand. Maybe never would.
He wrenched his head away from me and stared at the street.
"You hate me more than anything else in this world, don't you?" He never looked at anyone with as much hatred as he
directed at me. Not even the humans that he'd killed had received this look of utter hate that he gave me so often.
His words were spoken very quietly and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear them, but I did. "I could never hate you as
much as I hate myself."
I licked my lips nervously, surprised by his words. Edward's grip on the steering wheel was so tight I was worried he'd break
"I'm sorry for calling you a soulless monster. I shouldn't have done that," I said quietly, feeling the need to apologize. I could
imagine how Charlie would have reacted if he'd heard me say those words. I had had every right to insult him, though
obviously in Edward's opinion calling him a soulless monster wasn't an insult, but the truth. It still disturbed me that he
thought that of himself.
Edward almost lost control over the car, he was so shocked. The car swirled precariously and I pressed myself against the
seat, afraid. After a moment, Edward got a grip on himself and the car, his hold on the steering wheel once again impossibly
tight. He turned his head to face me, an expression of incredulous desperation adorning his face. I met his gaze without
hesitation, once again startled by the torture in his dark eyes.
"Why do you apologize to me?" he asked in a hoarse whisper. Every word seemed to pain him.
"Because it was wrong of me to call you soulless. Even if you're cruel to me and have hurt me more than once, it doesn't
make you a soulless monster. Cruel and pitiless maybe, but not soulless. Even the darkest creature has a soul."
I trailed a finger over my bandage, a constant reminder of Edward's nature, of his cruelty. His gaze lingered on my cast for a
moment and as he looked up into my eyes the anguish in his eyes seemed to have multiplied. I wanted to understand him. I
wanted it so desperately. I didn't want to accept that someone was evil. There was good in everyone, even in Edward- there
must be. Maybe it was foolish of me to hope for something that simply wasn't there.
He shook his head, a mirthless smile curling his lips. "I am a soulless monster. You better realize it before it's too late," he
spat bitterly. His words confused me a bit, but they made me also angry.
I glared at him. "I suppose it's quite convenient for you to proclaim yourself as soulless, isn't it? Telling yourself you're a
soulless monster and hiding behind that mask helps you justifying your crimes, doesn't it? Maybe you should take
responsibility for your wrongdoings and stop blaming it on your nature."
He gazed at me with silent disbelief. I'd thought he'd have lashed out at me by now, but he was obviously rendered
incapable of movement and speech by my words.
"Our nature doesn't define who we are. It certainly limits our possibilities but in the end we are who determine who we
truly are, what we become. There's good and evil in every creature, no matter if vampire or human. Some decide to follow
their darker side because it might seem like the easier, like the more promising option." I shrugged. "You obviously chose
the easier option."
Edward's expression changed so fast, it startled me. Anger clouded his gaze, his face pulling into a grimace. "Don't assume
you know anything about me, or my options, or my choices, Isabella. You don't know anything."
"Then explain it to me. I want to understand!" I snapped indignantly.
He chuckled darkly and shook his head. "You would never understand."
"Don't assume you know anything about me, Edward. You don't know anything," I threw his earlier words right back at him.
I could have sworn a smile tugged briefly at his lips when he heard the words, but he guarded his expression almost
instantly. "What do you know about vampires?" he asked after a few moments of silence.
I was surprised by the calm in his voice since he never used that tone when he spoke to me. I bit my lip and gave a small
shrug. "Not much. Charlie," Edward tensed at the mentioning of my father's name but I continued. "...didn't talk much
about your kind. And when he did...well, it was more of a rant than an informative lecture. I read a bit about vampires in
the internet though and I found information about Dr. Cullen and his family."
"Coven," he corrected me quietly. "Vampire's don't have families." There had been a strange glimmer in his eyes ever since
I'd mentioned Dr. Cullen.
"Do you know Carlisle Cullen?"
"No," came his instant reply. "I don't know him." He emphasized the word know and it made me curious.
"But you've met him?" I inquired carefully.
Edward was silent for a moment and his expression was almost wistful. "I've met him, but it was a long time ago. A life time
ago, if you use human standards."
There were so many questions whirling around in my head that I wanted to ask, but I could tell that Edward didn't want to
talk about the topic further and I was worried about ruining our conversation altogether by being too curious.
I thought of something else to ask and his comment about families gave me an idea. "Do vampires have partners? Wives or
whatever you want to call it?"
"Some of us have mates. It's a bond stronger than anything humans could ever experience."
My eyes narrowed slightly. Was he trying to be insulting? It didn't seem that way. He wasn't paying much attention to me
anyway. He seemed lost in his thoughts.
"Do you have a...mate?" It wasn't my business but I was curious.
Edward chanced a look at me and something about the way he looked at me, made my skin tingle and for once not in an
unpleasant way. I averted my eyes hastily, shocked and more than a little scared by my reaction.
I tried to catch my breath and stop my heart from thumping quite so fast in my chest, knowing full well that he could hear
it. What the hell was wrong with me? I forced myself to look at the cast on my left arm and moved the arm so pain shot
through it. The pain reminded my of who he was, of what he'd done, and I could breathe easily again.
"So, how old are you?" I allowed myself to look at him. His face was handsome and undoubtedly young. But it was hard to
tell how old he was. I'd guess that he'd been in his early twenties or late teens when he'd been changed, but it was difficult
to tell.
I gasped, my eyes wide in shock as I stared at him. "I'm seventeen," I murmured incredulously. I'd turned seventeen a few
days before they'd captured me.
His face didn't show any reaction to my obvious surprise.
" long have you been seventeen?"
There it was again. A small tugging at his lips that he quenched instantly. "A while."
His cryptic answer didn't satisfy my curiosity, but I knew it was all I would get from him. I was incredibly shocked about his
age. He'd been so young when he'd been turned. How must it have been for him to become a vampire at that age? He must
have been scared.
I turned my head and stared out of the window. Had his parents tried to protect him? There were so many questions I
wanted to ask, but the question that left my lips was something that had been going through my mind since last night.
"Why did you say 'I'm sorry'?" I asked in a mere whisper, my gaze firmly fixed on the window.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw his expression hardening and his grip on the steering wheel tighten. He pressed his lips
together, obviously struggling with himself.
I sighed quietly and closed my eyes, certain that he'd remain silent.
But then he spoke.
"Because I am."

Chapter Ten
Sinner Or Saint
Edward's mobile rang, startling me. I turned my head and looked at him curiously. He stared at the mobile for a moment,
his expression clouding with anxiety, before he lifted it to his ears. "Yes?" His tone was careful, with a hint of deference. He
listened to the person who'd called and his lips pulled into a tight line. "But I thought..."
He stopped and nodded his head in resignation. "Of course, Master."
I froze and swallowed hard. I had a feeling that it didn't bode well if the head of the Volturi called. I waited until Edward had
hung up before I spoke. "Is something wrong?"
His expression was carefully guarded when he looked at me but the look in his eyes gave me reason to be worried, scared
even. "Aro, my master, requests our presence."
"Why?" I blurted.
Edward smiled mirthlessly. "I do not know. Aro enjoys his secrecy." His words were chosen carefully and I could tell that he
was anxious. It didn't make me feel better to know that Edward, a vampire, was anxious about Aro's request.
"Will he kill me?" I almost choked on the words, but I forced them out.
Edward stared at me intently as if he was looking for something. "Oh no," he shook his head and laughed harshly. "He
would never dispose of someone as long as they're still useful."
Somehow his words weren't encouraging. Was I still useful? Maybe Aro thought I was more trouble alive than dead. I
fought the tears that prickled in my eyes and drew in a deep breath.
"I'd thought the headquarters of the Volturi were in Italy," I said in a whisper.
Edward smiled wryly. "They haven't been for almost a century, but why should we enlighten the humans about our
Why indeed.
Edward pulled into a narrow dirt track that was surrounded by firs that blocked the sparse light of the setting sun. I shivered
and wrapped my arms around myself, trying not to think about what was awaiting me.
After thirty minutes the forest gave away to something that looked like the entrance to hell. I blinked a few times to make
sure I wasn't dreaming.
Only the fading glow of the almost set sun illuminated the black castle towering above its surroundings, its looming
presence making my pulse race. We drove towards a gate that was iron wrought and ornate. Ten-foot stone walls
surrounded the property, ivory trailing all over the old stone. It was something one might expect in medieval England, but
not in the middle of nowhere in Alaska or Canada, or wherever we were at the moment. Obviously the Volturi liked being
reminded of old times.
A cloaked figure appeared on Edward's side of the car, making me gasp. I hadn't seen them coming. I couldn't make out
their face but they obviously recognized Edward, because they pressed a button on a remote in their hand and the iron
door slid open with a creaking noise. We drove through the gate and I looked over my shoulder to see if the cloaked
vampire was following us, but they were already gone and the gates were sliding shut behind us.
I sucked in a breath and turned my gaze back to the front. My hands were clammy, and Edward's tense posture and the
deathly grip on the steering wheel weren't really reassuring. We were driving very slowly towards the castle. Now that we
were closer I could see that its front was dark-gray clinker and it was even higher than I'd thought. I could barely make out
the tip of its highest tower, even though I was craning my neck.
Edward stopped the car and looked at me, frowning. "Aro won't tolerate disobedience. If you care for your health, you will
treat him with utmost respect."
It didn't sound like he was threatening me. He sounded almost...concerned. Without waiting for my reply he opened his
door and got out of the car. I followed after a moment and walked around the car. Suddenly someone was in front of me,
his red eyes alight with something terrifying.
"Hello Missy."
I cried out in fear but before I could do much more, Edward was in front of me and had the other vampire at the throat. He
snarled and pushed the man away several feet. "Careful, Afton."
The man chuckled, his eyes flitting over to me once more. I hid behind Edward's back, so scared I could barely breathe.
"She smells so good," the vampire crooned, his lips parted slightly and venom dripping from his extended fangs.
"Her smell isn't your business," growled Edward.
Afton let out a cackle, smiling a frightening smile. "The Master sent me to tell you that he expects you in the throne room."
With a last greedy glance at me, he disappeared. I let out the breath that I hadn't even noticed I'd been holding. In
comparison to Afton, Edward seemed nice and normal. Were many vampires as...crazy as Afton? I chanced an inquiring
look at Edward when I caught him looking at me.
"Aro found him in a psychiatric ward. He was already schizophrenic as a human, becoming a vampire hasn't improved his
mental stability."
"But why did he change him?" I asked confused.
Edward smiled like one would smile at an ignorant child. "Because he's gifted."
I opened my mouth to ask about Afton's gift but Edward waved a hand at me. "Silent now," he hissed, his eyes searching
the darkness surrounding us. I took a step closer to him, because I felt like we were being watched. It was silent around us,
too silent. The silence felt unnatural. Forced. Or maybe produced. Maybe it was the work of a gifted vampire. I did not
know and wasn't keen on finding out. I just wanted to leave this unearthly place and be somewhere safe. Right now,
Edward's side seemed the safest choice in this eerie environment.
Edward wrapped his fingers around my upper, left arm and led me towards an iron door that looked like it was the entrance
to the basement of the castle. He rapped his knuckles against the door and after a moment it swung open, revealing
nothing but darkness. I shuddered as I followed Edward into the narrow corridor. I looked around for the person who'd
opened the door for us, but they were already gone, or maybe hiding somewhere.
Suddenly torches flared to life, making me jump. I glanced at Edward and caught sight of his face that was illuminated in a
bone-chilling way by the torches at the walls. The flickering flames lit the corridor sparsely, providing barely enough light for
my human eyes to see. Edward looked tense. He reached behind me and fetched two cloaks from an alcove in the
unrelenting stone. He handed one to me and I took it with a curious look at him.
"Put it on," he ordered in a low voice, his eyes staring ahead of us at something I could not see. I obeyed him, too freaked
out by our surroundings to muster enough energy to argue with him.
He grabbed my arm tightly and started to pull me along through the seemingly endless passage.
The corridor was so dark I could barely see what was in front of me. Only Edward's grip on my arm kept me upright as I
stumbled over slopes and dales in the floor.
It was as if the walls were whispering to me, to us. Uttering warnings that went unheard.
It seemed as if the shadows were moving, stalking us like a hunter would stalk its prey. Something was lurking in the
darkness, watching us with keen eyes, ready to pounce. Something flashed red a few feet before us and a gentle breeze
made our coats wave. The rustling of the soft fabric filled the air around us, drowning out the eerie whispers. I pressed
myself closer to Edward, hoping that despite his despise for me, he'd keep me safe from whatever was following us. He
remained silent and alert, his muscles tense.
The air smelled of humidity and rot, and something else that I didn't recognize immediately. It was a familiar scent. Acidly
The events of the night I'd been captured flashed before my eyes.
The air smelled of blood, seemed to be satiated with the stale scent. I could almost feel it on my skin. A scream behind the
walls made me jump and I grabbed Edward's arm, clinging to him. Another cry filled the corridor. More quiet, but not less
frightening. The voice was desperate, scared, terrified.
Cries turned into whimpers, and though we were moving away from where we'd first heard the scream, the sounds of
despair seemed to follow us. The whimpers echoed in the narrow corridor, but no matter how often I heard them, they
didn't lose their intensity.
Someone was crying for help, so desperate. And I could do nothing.
Useless tears clung to my lashes as I followed Edward until we came up to a wooden double-door. I froze when I realized
that the whimpers and cries were coming from there. Edward's lips were pulled into a tight line and he was frowning hard
at the door as if he was listening to something I couldn't hear. He shook his head and pushed the doors open.
It took a moment for my eyes to accustom to the brightness of the room. Several chandeliers hung by heavy chains from
the stone ceiling and illuminated the vast room with the light of dozens of candles. Three thrones stood at the end of the
room. I let my eyes wander around the room when I caught sight of the trail of blood on the ground. Bile rose in my throat
but I pushed it back and looked for the reason for all the blood.
When I saw the reason, I wished momentarily I'd never stepped foot into this forlorn place. A quiet sob escaped my lips and
I clapped a hand over my mouth. Two vampires, boy and girl, barely teenagers were towering above a human woman who
was kneeling on the ground, covered in blood. She was bleeding from several bite wounds all over her body. Her calves, her
arms, her throat, her shoulders. Her left arm hung in an unnatural angle from her body. Her eyes were wide and frightened
as she gazed at her tormentors.
The vampires were grinning, their lips red from the woman's blood. They were taunting her, playing with her, like a cat
would play with a mouse.
I stood beside Edward in silent horror.
The woman stumbled to her feet and tried to run towards the door but the blond girl was at her side almost instantly and
sank her teeth into the woman's neck, drawing blood before releasing her victim once more. How long would they keep up
that sick game? I didn't try to stop the tears anymore. I felt so helpless.
The woman heard my sob and looked in our direction, for the first time noticing Edward and me. She ran towards us,
stumbling over and over again, tears running down her pale cheeks. She dropped to her knees in front of us and grabbed
Edward's hand, her gaze wide and pleading. "Please," her voice was nothing but a hoarse whisper. She must have been
crying for hours. I felt sick. "Please make it stop," she pleaded.
Edward didn't shake her off. He released his grip on my arm and wrapped his fingers around the back of the woman's neck.
Then he snapped her spine with a move of his hand and the woman dropped to the ground. Dead.
I stared at the lifeless woman in shock. In a way Edward had saved her. But he'd killed her. Had she asked that of him? Had
she known that she would not leave this castle alive?
"Why did you do that?" screeched the blond girl angrily. "She would have lasted another hour at least."
"Jane," the dark-haired boy said in warning but she didn't listen and stormed towards us, her red eyes glowing menacingly.
Edward positioned himself in front of me, his muscles poised for fight. I peeked out behind his arm and found Jane glaring
at Edward. I froze when he sank to his knees, writhing in obvious agony that this little girl was causing. She was glaring at
him with a satisfied smile.
Edward wasn't making a noise but a look at his face told me in how much pain he was. He'd positioned himself in front of
me. Protecting me? I didn't know. But whatever his reasons had been, I could not bear to watch this girl torture him like
"Stop that." The demand came out in a meek whisper and she ignored me. I took a deep breath. "Stop it!" I ordered firmly.
Jane averted her gaze from Edward and I stepped between her and him. Her furious glare focused on me and the hatred
was burning fiercely in those mad eyes. I prepared myself for agony, wondering briefly why I was willing to take pain for
"No," Edward ground out, but Jane was already glowering at me with all her might. But nothing happened.
A delighted chuckle sliced through the silence and I whirled around to see a tall man in a long black cape enter the throne
room. His black hair almost reached his waist and his red eyes were full of excitement. He ignored the dead woman and the
blood on the ground, as if it didn't matter. And to him a human life probably didn't mean very much. He patted the girl's
shoulder in a fatherly way that made me sick. "Don't take it personal, my dear Jane. Young Isabella is quite adept at
resisting our gifts."
"But she's a human!" seethed the girl, her eyes boring into me with so much hatred that it made me shiver. She wouldn't
hesitate to kill me if the chance was presented to her. She'd torture and taunt me like her last victim if she could. I stifled a
relieved breath when Edward rose to his feet behind me, his expression filled with barely restraint anger towards the other
"I know," said Aro in a soothing voice, patting Jane's shoulder once more, his gaze one of similar frustration when he gazed
at me.
"Jane, Alec. Your presence isn't required." He dismissed them after a moment. The two vampires left the room without
protest, though Jane spared me another hateful glance before she closed the door after them.
Aro folded his hands in front of his stomach and smiled broadly. It was shark-like. Unsettling. Slowly his eyes traveled over
my body and it made my skin crawl to feel his gaze on me like that.
He tutted as he regarded my bandaged arm, his eyes alight with amusement. "You haven't treated the little human well,
have you?"
"I did as I was told," Edward said formally, bowing slightly, his eyes never leaving his Master.
Aro's expression darkened and cold fear gripped at me when I saw the abyss lurking in those old, burgundy eyes. "Not
quite," his voice was clipped, disapproving. "If I didn't know you better, I'd say you're feeling pity for her."
"I don't feel pity for humans," said Edward instantly, his tone harsh.
Aro laughed a sinister laugh.
His laughter made my skin crawl. I backed up until I felt Edward's cool presence behind me. It was soothing in a way. Him, I
knew. This vampire in front of me seemed less civilized. He looked like he could kill as easily as I could tie my shoelaces,
with as little remorse or thought.
"After all you've done, she still trusts you more than me?" He let out a delighted laugh. "Humans. Silly creatures. Oh, how
they fear the unknown."
Now I knew where Edward got his despise for humans from. Heeding Edward's warning, I remained silent and refrained
from saying something snarky in return. Aro scared me. Really scared me. I took a step back when he walked towards me,
but I bumped against Edward and he didn't move. My body was seized up with fear when Aro towered above me with a
predatory smile. He reached out and I flinched, causing his smile to widen. His fingertips touched my cheek and I
His touch felt wrong, almost as if the mere feel of his skin on mine tainted me. I tried not to show my disgust too obviously,
worried about offending him. I had a feeling that a broken wrist would be the least of my problems if I angered Aro too
much. I didn't want to end like this poor woman. My eyes flitted over to where she was still lying lifeless on the ground.
Aro's eyes narrowed slightly after a few moments and I stiffened. He dropped his hand from my cheek and shook his head
with an incredulous look at Edward. "Nothing. I hear absolutely nothing."
"I know," said Edward quietly, gazing at me. But his gaze wasn't frustrated like Aro's.
"Jasper's powers work on her. But it works physically, not mentally. That's the only explanation I've got." He paused, his
eyes returning to me. "It seems blocking our power comes naturally to her. How much more could she achieve were she
not a mere human!"
From the corner of my eyes I saw Edward's expression change but I couldn't tell what he was feeling.
"What about the plan? Swan won't..."
Aro interrupted Edward. "Swan is making things difficult. She isn't of much worth for us right now."
My blood seemed to freeze in my veins and my breath got stuck in my throat.
"But it will be difficult to make her loyal to the Volturi. Her shield will prevent Chelsea's gift from working," Edward argued
Aro's smile was so cold and cruel, it sent shivers down my back. "Afton believes he can break her will." He paused for a
heartbeat. My heartbeat, for it was the only beating heart in the room, probably in the entire castle. At least, if they didn't
have cells with poor human victims. I pushed the thought aside. The terror in my veins was already threatening to make me
pass out. "And I agree with him."
Aro agreed with Afton that he could break me. Break me. I started to tremble.
" want to give her to Afton?" Edward's eyes met mine and there was something fierce in them,
Aro gave Edward a smile that was probably meant to be fatherly, but it looked threatening. "I treasure you like a son. Don't
make me doubt your loyalty, Edward. We both won't like the outcome of it." With a rustling of his coat he turned and left
the room.
I thought of Afton. The look in his eyes, the madness in them, was more terrifying than anything Edward could possibly do.
I'd rather have Edward kill me now, than be given to Afton- whatever that meant. I started hyperventilating, my vision
becoming blurry. My legs gave out but strong arms wrapped around my waist and held me against a hard body. Panic
corded up my throat and the lack of oxygen would make me pass out soon.
Cool lips pressed against my mouth and pushed air into me. I drew it in and felt it fill my lungs. "Breathe," instructed
Edward in a calm voice.
After several ragged breaths, my breathing evened out and the dizziness lifted from my mind. Edward let go of my waist
and held my arm instead. I heard the creak of the door and tensed, but Edward's posture relaxed after a moment and so did
mine. I turned my head and saw Jasper walking towards us, clad in the same black cape that everyone was wearing. His
gaze flitted towards me for a fleeting moment before he looked at Edward and came to a halt in front of us.
"What did you tell him?" Edward hissed so low I could barely hear him.
Jasper's shook his head with a frown, looking around himself suspiciously.
"Nobody's here. I would hear their thoughts." Edward sounded impatient and angry.
"I didn't tell him anything. He found what he was looking for in my head and what he saw intrigued him. You know how he
is. He can't resist the temptation of someone as gifted as her. He wanted to see for himself if she's a shield and now that he
knows, he won't give her up."
Edward's expression morphed into something dark, something fierce, and his grip on my arm tightened. I don't know what
Jasper saw on his face but it couldn't have been good because he shook his head urgently, his eyes imploring. "Edward," he
whispered, as if he was afraid the walls would listen to us. "Aro is ruthless. He won't hesitate to dispose of you, and you
know I won't stand aside and watch. I will fight for you. Both of our lives will end."
Edward smiled grimly. "I don't fear the end of my existence. I've told you before."
"Neither do I!" said Jasper hotly, venom glistening in the corners of his mouth. "But the end of our existence won't change
the fact that he'll get her."
I wasn't sure what they were talking about. I could barely follow their conversation from the fear clouding my mind. But I
understood that Aro wanted to make me a vampire and give me to Afton, and that for some reason Edward didn't want
that. Jasper was obviously worried that they'd be killed because of it. They would die because of me, and though I knew
they deserved death for all their sins, I didn't want them to die for me.
I stared at Edward. "Kill me," I choked out, cold fear gripping my heart at the thought of dying.
Jasper and Edward turned their incredulous eyes on me.
After a moment, a small smile lifted the corners of Jasper's lips and he glanced at Edward. "So selfless, so innocent. Now I
Edward's ruby eyes were directed at me and they seemed to burn with an emotion so intense, a human would have
crumbled under its weight. "No," he said quietly, not even looking at Jasper. "You don't."
Jasper shook his head, rolling his eyes. "Sinner turned to saint. Do you expect the gates of heaven to welcome you because
of her?"
"No." Edward's voice was icy cold. "We will burn in hell's inferno till the end of time, and don't call me saint. Sin is burned
into the deepest part of my being, it flows through my veins."
"Then why, if not to atone for your sins?" I had a feeling that Jasper knew the answer to his question. His eyes and
expression said so. I, however, didn't have a clue what they were talking about.
Edward let out a harsh breath and turned his back to us, his fists clenched at his sides. "You know why!" he accused in a
snarl. He was shaking from rage, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles were snow-white.
"Maybe I do," Jasper said lightly. His calm was an act. He was just as tense as Edward. "And if it's how I guess, then I will be
at your side and help you with whatever you deem necessary."
I looked between Jasper and Edward but they didn't pay me any attention. They didn't bother explaining to me what the
hell they were talking about. As long as it entailed stopping Afton from getting me, I wouldn't argue with them.
Both men tensed at the same time and looked at the door, hearing something I could not.

Chapter Eleven
Act Of Atonement
Edward rushed to my side and positioned himself in front of me protectively. I stared at him, wondering where this sudden
protectiveness was coming from. So far he'd been the one causing me pain. Jasper stayed where he was, observing the
I held my breath when it opened, expecting it to be Afton, but released the breath I'd been holding when I saw Jasper and
Edward relax ever so slightly.
A woman with wavy mahogany hair and impossibly violet eyes entered the room. She was dressed in one of the black
capes, but it was open, revealing tight jeans and an even tighter shirt.
She was a vampire despite her not having red eyes. Maybe she was wearing contact lenses. Her movements were graceful
as she closed the door and turned to walk towards us. She halted after a few steps and regarded us carefully. Her eyes
lingered on me longer than on Edward and Jasper, and I lowered my gaze after a moment.
"Heidi," Edward said in a careful tone. "Shouldn't you be providing our Masters with food?"
I shuddered when I thought about the meaning of the word food. Poor humans would serve them as their dinner. I
wondered where they were getting the people from, since this region seemed rather deserted, but maybe it was better if I
didn't know. Sometimes ignorance was bliss.
She smiled a surprisingly nice smile before her expression grew serious. "I was just on my way out when Aro crossed my
way. He ordered me to tell you that the human should be brought into one of the guestrooms on the second floor."
"Did he say anything else?" Edward inquired, exchanging a glance with Jasper. They seemed anxious, and I guessed that it
wasn't a good sign. The guestroom didn't sound as bad as a cell, but I wouldn't let that lead me to believe that my fate was
anything but horrible.
Heidi shook her head and her gaze flitted between me and Edward, a look of understanding dawning on her face. I frowned,
wondering what she'd seen that I could not.
"Have you seen Afton? Is he in the castle?" Edward didn't move from his protective position in front of me, though Heidi
didn't look like she was posing a danger for me.
Heidi's eyes widened a fraction. "Afton? Aro wants to give her to him?" she asked in disbelief.
Edward's expression hardened and rage flared up in his eyes, turning them black. "It seems so," he ground out.
"Afton isn't in the castle. I don't know where he's gone, or what he's doing, and I'm not sure if I even want to know."
I thought I saw her shudder and it didn't make me feel better. If Afton had such an effect on a vampire, he must be really
terrifying, or exceptionally crazy.
Edward ran a hand through his hair and muttered something under his breath. Jasper gave him a warning look and moved
to his side before glancing at Heidi with piercing eyes.
Heidi laughed lightly. "I'm on your side."
Edward raised an eyebrow. "Are you?"
Heidi glanced at me, smiling sadly. "It's been so many years, Edward. Loneliness isn't a good companion for eternity."
I stared at her, willing her to explain, but she averted her eyes and looked at Edward. He was glaring at her and hissed
something I could not hear.
She laughed and patted his arm in an almost motherly way. Jasper was fighting a smile and I felt like I was the only people
on earth who didn't understand what was going on.
"It doesn't matter," said Edward bitterly, his gaze flickering towards me for an instant. I looked into his eyes and felt myself
being captured by the fire in them.
"You're wrong," argued Heidi in a light tone. "But I admit that the situation is somewhat complicated."
Edward let out a dark laugh and glowered at the female vampire.
"I'll set out for my hunt now. I will return with the prey shortly before dawn and I'll have a special treat with me. A group of
college students. Young and tasty."
I really didn't need to know that. I tried not to think about all the people who would lose their life in a few hours, drained by
a bunch of bloodthirsty vampires.
"It'll keep them busy for a while. You know Afton likes them young, and the Masters, too, will be occupied with the prey."
Edward and Jasper exchanged a look before Edward turned his attention back to the female vampire. "Demetri would find
us before we'd left the state."
Heidi moved closer until she could have kissed Edward. I didn't like it, and I liked even less that I did even care.
She leaned in until her lips were close to his ear. "Demetri and I think that the Masters have been acting unwise recently.
Aro hasn't been himself for a while, and Caius has never had the sense to act appropriately. And Marcus, well, you know
how Marcus is."
"What are you trying to say, Heidi?" asked Jasper under his breath, his eyes narrowed slightly as if he was testing her
"The Masters put too much trust in Afton. We don't agree with their assessment. Demetri might take his time chasing you,"
she said in a meaningful tone that should have told me more than it did. It was frustating.
"How much time will we have?" asked Edward instantly.
Heidi gave a small shrug. "He can't risk making the Masters suspicious, but two hours won't be noticeable."
Jasper shook his head with a sigh. "Then he'll have us two hours later. It won't change the fact that the Masters will have
our head."
Heidi checked our surroundings before she spoke again, so quiet that I barely heard her. "The dogs stop Demetri's powers
from working. It infuriates him, but you might us it to your advantage."
Edward nodded his head with a grim smile. "Thank you, Heidi."
"Don't thank me yet. You've to stay in the castle until I come back and then it's up to you to get away from the property
while the Masters are feeding," she said calmly. Then she brushed her lips against Edward's cheek and did the same with
Jasper before practically floating out of the room.
I opened my mouth to ask all the question that were on the tip of my tongue, but Edward's glance silenced me, and he
grabbed my arm. I glared at him, but he ignored me and pulled me out of the throne room. Jasper followed behind us and it
didn't even make me nervous. This place and most of the vampire here were much scarier than him anyway. I shivered
when we stepped into the cool, barely lit corridor.
My steps echoed in the halls as we walked through the castle, while the vampires moved noiselessly. I was relieved when
we ascended a stone staircase that led towards the first floor. Unfortunately the vast entrance hall wasn't much brighter
than the corridors in the basement. The heavy curtains were drawn and it was night outside anyway. The hall and the
rooms that I could catch a glimpse at were stuffed with art nouveau furniture and old paintings. Everything was clean. No
cobwebs or dust, like I'd expected, but a moldy smell hung in the air.
Edward led me up another staircase and opened a wooden door for me. The door was ornate and the golden handle had
the form of a snake. I shook my head in astonishment and entered the huge room. Edward and Jasper followed me before
they closed the door behind us.
An enormous four-poster bed that looked like it was made from ebony dominated the room. Drapes of red velvet hung
from the canopy and were tied to the bedposts. They matched with the red bed-linen. Even the walls were red. Someone
liked the color of blood. I shivered and rubbed my arms to provide some comfort. I turned around to the vampires when
they began to talk.
"I will stay here in case Afton returns before Heidi comes back with food. You don't need to risk your life, Jasper," Edward
said in an emotionless tone.
"I will help you, Edward. But we should probably go separate ways to confuse them. When she's safe we can meet again."
I stared at them with wide eyes. Were they really considering bringing me out of here? Away from Afton and from Aro, and
god knows what else? Hadn't they kidnapped me just for the purpose of bringing me to their Master?
I was so confused.
Jasper gave me an amused look and shook his head, holding laughter in. The amusement left his eyes after Edward's next
words. "It won't be of any use for us to run. When she's safe, we'll have to face our punishment."
"Edward?" Jasper looked confused, but his next words were spoken too quietly for me to overhear them. It infuriated me
that they were keeping things from me.
Edward turned his attention back to me and I was mesmerized by the whirlwind of emotions in his dark-red eyes. Though
his gaze seemed to burn into me, his words weren't directed at me. "We're selfish creatures, Jasper. I've been selfish for so
long, but not this time. This once I'll do the right thing. We...I have committed every sin possible. It's too late for me, but
not for her."
Sadness filled Jasper's eyes when he clapped Edward on the shoulder. "It's your decision. I'll await you at the wall before
dawn. I think it's better if we aren't seen together too often."
With a last glance at me, Jasper left the room. There was something in eyes, something he was trying to tell me, but I could
not see what. The door closed behind him and I was alone with Edward. Once that fact would have made me panic, but
right now I just felt drained and tired. And something had changed in the last few hours. Edward was actually trying to
protect me from monsters even crueler than himself. In comparison to them, he seemed humane.
I wasn't surprised that he'd become the cold man that he was. He'd been only seventeen when he'd fallen prey to Aro and
the other Volturi. It must have scarred him, must have destroyed the nice boy he certainly once had been. I didn't know
how I'd fare if I'd be turned a vampire now and be subjected to the cruelty of the Masters and Afton. Maybe I'd end up like
Edward. Maybe I'd become just as cold, as pitiless. Maybe I would have to become like that to protect myself from breaking
apart. Maybe that was what Edward had done.
Despite all he'd done and despite what he was, now he was trying to keep me safe from his own kind.
A mere human.
Sometimes I wondered if it was still all he saw when he looked at me. Just a human.
I looked at him and caught him staring at me with an unreadable expression. But his eyes conveyed what he'd never say
aloud, and what I barely dared to believe.
Slowly he grabbed the cape and removed it before folding it and putting it on the desk. "You should try to catch some
I was hungry and I needed a shower. Sleep was the last thing on my mind, and I doubted that I could fall asleep in this
castle, even if I tried. And now that I'd seen the look in his eyes, I'd never be able to close my eyes without remembering it.
When had he stopped seeing me as a disgusting human that didn't deserve the right to live?
I averted my eyes, afraid I'd say something stupid or embarrassing. "I need to take a shower," I said in a slightly shaky voice.
He gave a curt nod and opened a wooden door that led into a marble bathroom. Surprisingly it wasn't held in red, but in
dard-gray. I entered the room and my gaze flickered towards the mirror. I could prevent Edward and Jasper from risking
their lives for me. Whatever they'd done in their existence, I did not want to be responsible for their end.
Edward came into my field of vision. "I think I keep an eye on you."
Apparently, he'd noticed my look at the mirror. I was still startled every time I looked into his eyes and they were void of
the overwhelming hatred that I had gotten used to. Sometimes there was still hatred in his gaze, but I had a feeling it wasn't
so much directed at me.
Edward turned his back to me and I began to undress hastily. I chanced a look at his lowered head before I stepped into the
huge shower cubicle. I turned the water on and let it pour down my body, trying not to think about the dreary future. I
looked down at myself and saw that I'd forgotten about the bandage on my wrist, and now it was soaked. I let out a quiet
sigh and raised my head.
Then I froze.
Edward had raised his head and was watching my reflection in the mirror. His eyes were pitch-black as they took in my
naked form, and the look in them made my body tingle. Never had anyone looked at me like that. It made me nervous, but
it also felt good. It certainly wasn't supposed to feel so good.
I'm not sure how long we stood like that, but eventually embarrassment caught up with me and I felt my cheeks heat. I
lowered my eyes and saw Edward doing the same. I sucked in a small breath and finished my shower rather quickly. I
grabbed a towel and dried myself off before wrapping it around my body. "Are there any clothes for me?" I asked
Edward turned slowly and regarded me silently before he tore his gaze from me. He stared at the door, his profile turned to
me. "You will have to wear your old clothes," he said in a voice that was so quiet I could barely hear him. He kept his eyes
averted while I dressed and I was partly grateful, partly disappointed. It worried me.
Thankfully, my clothes didn't smell yet. We walked back into the bedroom and I sank down on the bed, and rubbed my
eyes. I felt weary.
"You should get some rest." Edward looked at me imploringly and I wondered why it mattered to him if I was tired or not.
Tiredness wouldn't kill me, but I decided to play along. I stretched myself out on the too soft mattress and lay on my side. I
startled when Edward extinguished the lights and for a brief moment I started to panic, but then I told myself that he was
risking everything to protect me. He wouldn't attack me now.
When the bed dipped behind my back, I held my breath, awaiting his next move. Now I knew the reason for his insistence.
He wanted to be close to me and he needed darkness for that. Yet nothing happened, and I began to breathe evenly and
closed my eyes.
Cool hands brushed the hair from my neck and I felt him lean in. Oddly I wasn't even scared. Either the last few days had
scarred me so much that I didn't know when to be afraid anymore, or my body just knew that there wasn't a reason to be
scared. A cold finger began stroking the side of my neck ever so softly. He knew I was awake. And he knew that I knew. It
was as if the darkness allowed him to drop the mask of the pitiless monster, as if it gave him the necessary shelter to show
another side of him.
And I let him.
His cool breath fanned over my neck and I stiffened when his lips pressed against my skin. I reached out with my hand in
reaction, but one of his stopped me. He held my hand and linked our fingers. My eyes flew open and goose-bumps erupted
on my skin when his teeth grazed the tender flesh of my throat. "Shh..." His voice was soothing, and so was the vibration of
his chest against my back. I closed my eyes and forced my body to relax. I had asked him to kill me, so I shouldn't be scared
His teeth sunk into my throat and sharp pain surged through me. To my surprise he pulled back instantly, not even drinking
a drop of my blood. I blinked into the darkness, wondering what this was about.
His thumb brushed across the bite wound and it stung slightly, but the cold of his touch eased the pain.
He pulled his thumb away and I imagined him bringing his finger to his lips and licking my blood off. It should have disgusted
me, but in that moment it fascinated me. This time he didn't lick over my wound to heal me. His lips brushed against my ear
and I shivered slightly from the touch.
"Even if it isn't granted to me to have you, Isabella, you are mine."
I was too stunned to say anything for several minutes. He kept stroking the back of my neck all the while, the darkness
engulfing us like a veil.
"Why are you risking your life? Why are you trying to save me?" I whispered.
Edward's finger on my neck halted and he leaned forward. I heard him inhale the scent of my hair before I felt him get up
from the bed without an answer to my questions. I'd wanted to hear him say it. I'd wanted him to admit that he didn't hate
I must have fallen asleep after that because someone shook my shoulder gently. My eyes flew open and I looked into
Edward's tense face. I sat up and looked out of the window, seeing the sky tingeing gray ever so slowly. It was shortly
before dawn.
"Come," Edward urged in a quiet voice. I stood and slipped into my shoes silently. He took my hand, startling me. He'd
touched me before but he'd never taken my hand. He led me towards the door, then he paused and frowned at my feet.
"You're too loud," he said more to himself than to me.
A gasp got stuck in my throat when he lifted me into his arms and carried me into the dark corridor. It was completely dark,
but Edward wasn't bothered by it. He rushed with me on his arms through the narrow halls, his steps noiseless. Only the
slight breeze tousling my hair indicated how fast he was moving. My eyes weren't able to make out anything in the
Screams rang out in the castle. Screams of dozens of people. The prey.
I buried my face in Edward's chest and tried not to think about it. I needed to be strong. Cold wind lashed against me and
the screams ceased. I raised my head and saw that we were on the vast grounds of the castle. Edward was practically flying
towards the stone wall. He jumped over it without any effort and landed soundlessly on the ground. Jasper was waiting for
us there, his posture alert. They gave each other a nod before they ran in different directions.
Once again I buried my head in Edward's chest. I took a deep breath. He smelled sweet. Like honey and cinnamon. I'd never
noticed before.
He ran for what felt like an eternity and I lost track of time, but when I opened my eyes I noticed the sun had already risen.
He didn't grew tired and he only paused when I needed a human moment. I could tell that he was tense and alert. Were the
Volturi following us already? Heidi had said that Demetri would give us two hours. I assumed Demetri was the hunter of the
Volturi and I wasn't sure if two hours were enough to escape. Edward seemed to think so. But where would he bring me?
Would Jasper and Edward hide with me somewhere, and hope the Volturi wouldn't find us? And why wasn't the thought
terrifying me after all that had happened?
Heidi had said something about dogs. Had she meant the werewolves? My head began to hurt from all the questions
whirling around in it.
We were slowing down and I lifted my face from Edward's chest and looked around. The landscape was familiar. Very
familiar. We were in Washington, near or in the Olympic National Park. I looked up at Edward inquiringly, wondering why
he was bringing me here. My father would never let him hide in our house or anywhere near us. Charlie would let the
werewolves kill Edward and Jasper.
"Edward?" I asked in confusion when he came to a halt. He set me down on my feet and steadied me with a grip on my
waist when I swayed slightly.
His gaze was imploring. "We're at the border of the werewolf territory. Tell your father he needs to let his dogs guard you
and best keep you hidden somewhere: He should trust no one except for his dogs. They hate us too much to cooperate
with Aro. You will be save with them."
"And you?"
He smiled darkly and stared off into the forest as if he was listening to something. And then I understood. He would not
come with me. But where would he go? I stared at him with wide eyes, not able to believe that he was letting me go, that
he would not stay here. I should have been happy. Hadn't I wanted to be free of him and Jasper?
I was confused.
They would be punished horribly, Jasper had said so. Demetri would find them. They would pay with their lives. All for me.
He took a few steps back from me, his eyes full of anguish. He looked like he was fighting an inner battle, and I just wanted
to reach out for him and hold him.
Suddenly he was in front of me again, and for a moment I was sure he'd changed his mind, or maybe would just kill me, but
he didn't. He cupped my cheeks and pressed his lips to mine, and everything lost significance in that moment, everything
but Edward. My world came to a halt the moment our lips connected and started spinning the other way around. His sweet
breath mingled with mine, making my head spin and my pulse race. His lips were so soft against mine, so unlike Edward,
and yet so right.
I wrapped my arms around his waist. His eyes opened and he looked at me in surprise. I'd never seen them so soft before,
so without the usual hatred. Yet, the desolation in them was so strong, so all consuming that it threatened to pull me into
its depth. I wished I could kiss away his sorrows. Slowly he pulled back, and my lips mourned the loss of his touch instantly.
His voice was a soft murmur when he spoke. "Now that I've tasted such sweetness, the end doesn't seem quite as dreary.
Hell has opened its gates, waiting for its lost son to come home." His fingers brushed across my cheek and he smiled a
horribly hopeless smile before he ran off.
"No! Wait!" I cried desperately, but he was already gone. I stared at the spot where he'd been moments before. I took a
step forwards. "Edward?" I shouted, fear clouding my voice. He was gone.
Now that I've tasted such sweetness, the end doesn't seem quite as dreary. Hell has opened its gates, waiting for its lost son
to come home.
His words sunk in and I gasped for breath. The end. He had never thought he could escape. He had never thought he could
survive. He had sacrificed himself for me, and so had Jasper. God, and the look in Edward's eyes.
My legs gave away and I sank to my knees, beginning to tremble. The Volturi would catch them and they would know what
they'd done, and then they'd be killed. I felt sick.
The dogs stop Demetri's powers from working. Heidi's words made sense now. Edward knew that with the werewolves
around the Volturi could not find me. But they would never protect him and Jasper, because my father would not allow it.
My breath was coming in short gasps. I did not want them to die for me. I did not want them to die at all. Despite all the
things they'd done, I did not want their deaths.
Rustling in the bushes caught my attention and I froze in fear. I didn't dare to rise from my kneeling position, worried I
might draw attention to me. It would be useless to run anyway. Even if I didn't stumble, I could never outrun a vampire, or a
wild animal.
Dark eyes were watching me from the bushes. Before I could panic completely, a russet wolf stepped out, revealing his
huge form.
"Jacob?" I asked hopefully.

Chapter Twelve
Friend Or Foe
The wolf stared at me for a moment before it threw back its head and let out a terrifying howl. I stiffened, but still didn't
dare to move from my spot. My breathing hitched when the wolf turned its attention back to me. It moved towards me and
when it was at my side, it nudged my arm gently - the arm that had been hurt and was in a cast, I noticed a moment later. I
winced from the pain and the wolves lowered its head as if he was ashamed.
"Jacob?" I repeated my question.
The wolf inclined its head ever so slightly in response, and I wondered why he wasn't just changing back into human form.
"Why do you stay in wolf form?" I asked.
The moment the words left my lips, howls from other wolves carried over to us and Jacob threw his head back once again
and answered them. Then, finally, he turned into human form and knelt down beside me. I tried to keep my eyes on his
face, since he was completely naked, but I still felt the heat rise into my cheeks.
"Bella, how did you get here?" he asked while his eyes were watching our surroundings suspiciously. He was trembling
slightly and every muscle in his body seemed to be poised for fight.
I licked my lower lip nervously before I spoke. "Edward, he brought me here."
"He brought you here?" Jacob's eyes were narrowed in suspicion. "Why? What's their plan?"
I shook my head. "The Volturi wanted to turn me into a vampire and he saved me."
Jacob looked at me incredulously. "Bella, he's a member of the Volturi. He despises humans. Why should he save you?"
I shrugged. I didn't want to talk about what I'd seen in Edward's eyes. It was still hard to believe that the emotions had
really been there.
"Have you forgotten what he's done?"
Jacob's dark eyes roamed over my body, probably assessing my injuries. When he reached my bandaged arm, he scowled
and took it in his hand gently. "He will pay for it. He will pay for hurting you," he said quietly.
Edward had hurt me. There was no denying it. "How do you know?" I asked in a whisper.
Jacob's eyes filled with sadness. "I saw the videos they sent to your father."
"Ohh..." I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Part of me didn't want anyone to know how weak I'd been, and the other part
didn't want anyone to know what Edward had done, because I wanted to forget his dark side and only remember the look
I'd seen in his eyes the last time he'd looked at me. This look had changed everything.
"Come on. I'll bring you home," said Jacob softly. He lifted me from the ground and held me against his chest, like one
would cradle a small child. His skin was so hot, it felt like it was burning. Despite his almost unbearable heat, I felt safe in his
arms for now. I was so exhausted and confused. My mind was still trying to wrap around the fact that Edward had saved
"What about the other wolves?" I'd heard them answer to Jacob, so they were probably on their way here.
Jacob looked down at me and gave me a reassuring smile. "They will follow the bloodsucker's trail and try to catch him."
My mouth went terribly dry. "What...what will they do to him if they catch him?"
"Your father will probably want to ask the leech a few questions before we tear him apart and burn his remains." Jacob
smiled grimly, his eyes once again searching our surroundings.
I stiffened in his arms. One way or the other I would be the death of Edward. My breathing grew uneven and I closed my
eyes and rested my forehead against Jacob's heated skin.
"'re safe now," he assured me in a soothing voice, misinterpreting my anxiety. He began to run almost as fast as
Edward had, the trees rushing past us. I started wondering where he was taking me when I realized that we weren't running
towards Forks. Unfortunately, I was feeling too sick from the speed to risk opening my mouth and ask him about it. The
landscape and even the houses I occasionally caught a glimpse at were oddly familiar.
He was taking me deeper into their land, into the reservation. Eventually a white two-story house came into my view. I
couldn't remember ever having seen this house before, but I'd never been so deep in the reservation. The few times I'd
been here, I'd spent time at the beach.
Two wolves were patrolling in front of the house. One of them had chocolate brown fur with a lighter colored muzzle, and
the other wolf was gray with black spots. The latter reminded me of Paul and I was instantly sad when I thought of his
horrible fate. The wolves looked up when we came closer and Jacob slowed down. "Are they in the house?" he asked.
The gray wolf moved his head in a move similar to a nod and let Jacob and me pass. Jacob must have told them about me
with his howl since they didn't seem too surprised to see me. We entered the house without knocking and Jacob carried me
through a small hall into a much vaster living room. Charlie and a tall man who looked like he was another member of the
Quileute tribe were conversing quietly as we entered. As soon as Charlie caught sight of me, he rushed over to us and took
me from Jacob. He held me against him tightly and even kissed my forehead over and over again.
I was a bit startled by it, since he wasn't someone who liked to show affection in public. He lowered me on a sofa and knelt
in front of me, cupping my cheeks. "Bells, I'd almost given up hope to get you back alive. If I'd lost you, too, after already
losing your mother..." His voice broke slightly and tears glistened in his brown eyes. He cleared his throat to get a grip on
himself and chanced a hesitant look at Jacob and the other man who were still watching us.
Tears prickled in my eyes at the sight of Charlie so emotionally. I knew that he loved me, but it was nice to have it shown so
obviously. "I'm fine, Dad," I assured him in a whisper.
He gave me a small smile, but it dropped from his face almost instantly. A frown creased his forehead as he gazed at my
throat. He pushed my hair aside and ran a finger over a spot on my skin, making me shiver. Anger filled his eyes and his
voice shook with rage when he spoke. "What's that?"
Jacob took a step forward, but the other man stopped him with a hand on the shoulder. "Go and get dressed," he ordered
and approached me instead. He looked older than Jacob, maybe in his late twenties. Jacob gave me a small smile before he
left the room. Charlie rose from his kneeling position and the other man stood in front of me and leaned down to take a
look at my neck. He reached out and I flinched, because I didn't know him and because I'd learned to be wary over the last
few days. Charlie balled his hands to fists at his sides.
The man ran a finger over the spot on my throat and jerked it back almost instantly, his entire frame starting to tremble.
"He bit her," he said quietly, his dark eyes boring into me. I lowered my gaze after a moment and stared at my lap. The
memories of last night came back. How Edward had bitten me, how he'd caressed my neck, how he'd linked our hands. I
wondered why they were all so surprised about the bite. The first video had showed Edward biting me, so they knew about
"But why is it visible, Sam? Usually their venom heals the bite marks!" Charlie's voice rose with every word he spoke, and I
could tell that he was close to an outburst.
"He wanted his marks to be seen. He marked her," said Sam while he straightened and took a few steps away from me, his
nose wrinkled as if my smell was bad.
"He marked her?" Charlie's expression was one of outraged disbelief.
I remained silent. It was futile to dispute something I hadn't even known. His furious eyes focused on my throat where
Edward had bitten me. I raised my hand and rubbed the spot unconsciously, shivering at the feel of the cold skin.
"He marked her!" His enraged roar bounced off the walls and echoed in the house, making me wince.
Charlie began pacing, a vein in his temple throbbing. "I will hunt him and his rotten kind! And I won't stop until every single
bloodsucker is gone. I want to see him burn. I want to look into Masen's eyes and see him burn!"
I wanted to defend Edward. Him. The vampire who'd abducted me, who'd threatened and hurt me. A creature who'd killed
countless humans without much thought or hesitation. Perhaps he didn't deserve my worry. Perhaps death would be just
punishment for him him, a repentant sinner. Despite his sins, despite the darkness lurking in the depth of his soul, I
wanted to protect him, though I knew I shouldn't, though I knew he didn't deserve my compassion. Or did he? He'd
abandoned his beliefs, had betrayed his own kind, had disobeyed his Masters for me. And as if that wasn't enough, he'd
sacrificed himself and would likely pay with his life for my safety. All for me. A mere human. Didn't I owe him my
compassion, and much more?
He'd tried to atone for his sins. Who was I to deny him a second chance? A chance at redemption.
"Is there a way to remove the marks?" Charlie looked at my throat once again.
Sam shook his head. "None that I know of."
"It isn't that bad," I argued. "It doesn't hurt and if I wear my hair down, nobody will notice anything."
Charlie closed his eyes briefly and rubbed the bridge of his nose before he gave a jerky nod. In a few strides, he was at my
side and sat down beside me on the sofa. He stared down at my bandaged arm that was resting on my lap and ran a gentle
finger over it. "I still can't believe that you're here. It's my fault that you've been dragged into this. I'll never forgive myself
that you've been hurt because of me."
"I'm fine," I assured him again, though I wasn't entirely sure if I really was. Physically? Probably. But I was an emotional
wreck. I didn't know how to deal with my new emotions for Edward. I didn't know if I was allowed to feel the way I did.
Charlie smiled at me sadly before turning his gaze to Jacob. "Where did you find her?"
Jacob began telling him about what happened and what I'd told him. When he was done, there was a moment of silence
before hell broke loose.
"It's a trick," muttered Sam, his dark eyes full of suspicion and anger.
"Yes," agreed Charlie instantly. "They're planning something, these filthy bloodsuckers. They're trying to lure us into a false
sense of safety!"
"I don't think that's the case. The Volturi don't know that Edward took me away and brought me here. They wanted to turn
me, and he saved me," I said hesitantly.
"If he saved you from anything, then from himself!" spat Charlie, his eyes furious. After a moment, his gaze softened and he
looked at me almost desperately. "Don't tell me, you believe what he told you, Bella. He didn't save you. He's the reason
why you've been in danger in the first place. He hurt you. I saw it, Bells. He's a monster, nothing but a pitiless monster."
"He risked his life to get me here," I protested in a firm voice.
"He's already dead, and certainly didn't risk his damned existence for a human," Sam informed me, his arms crossed in front
of his chest and a scowl on his face.
I glared at him, angry that he was treating me like a stupid child that didn't know what it was talking about. "You don't
know him."
"But you do?" Sam laughed darkly before he gazed at my father. "They brainwashed her. I've heard that vampires can do it,
and I'm sure the Volturi have some very talented manipulators in their rows."
"I'm not brainwashed, I'm just not blinded by hatred like you," I said sharply. "I know that many members of the Volturi are
monsters. I've met them and seen how they act. They-"
Charlie interrupted me with wide eyes. "You've met the Volturi?"
"Yes," I replied slowly. "I've met their leader Aro and a few members of the Volturi when I was in their castle."
"You were in their castle?" Sam looked at me eagerly, every muscle in in his body quivering in anticipation. "Where is it?"
Charlie had risen from the sofa and was pacing the room again.
"Yes. I don't know where it is exactly, but it's in the north. I guess somewhere in Alaska," I told them.
Charlie stopped his pacing and nodded, processing my words. "That was what we'd thought."
"You need to tell us everything you know about the Volturi and their castle," demanded Sam in a dictatorial tone.
"I'd appreciate if you wouldn't talk to my daughter like that," said Charlie coldly.
Sam looked like he wanted to argue, but after a moment he just nodded his head in acceptance.
I waited until they were silent before I began to tell them about what I remembered. I told them about the castle and its
terrifying basement, and about Jane, Alec, Afton, Heidi and Demetri. I couldn't bring myself to tell them anything about
Edward and Jasper, though.
"I'd feared that some of them might be talented, but I hadn't thought it was that bad. A mind-reader and a leech who can
cause pain with a mere look. Who knows what kind of powers we don't know of yet." Charlie looked like he was going to be
sick from the mere thought.
"They're a danger for the entire population. They must be destroyed," growled Sam, his eyes fierce and angry.
Their fervent hatred reminded me too much of Aro. I shivered and began rubbing my arms, but it didn't help making me
feel better.
Charlie's expression changed into one of worry. "I'm sure you're exhausted. You need to rest. You are safe here, Bells. The
Quileute have agreed to let us stay here and their protectors will keep you safe. The leeches won't hurt you again."
"So we're living here now?" I asked, my eyes growing wide.
Charlie nodded his head and took my uninjured hand before helping me get up. "For now. I won't let them get you again,
"One of my wolves will stay with you every minute of the day," said Sam, his voice forbidding any argument.
"Jacob," I said instantly. I wouldn't spend so much time with Sam or someone like him. Jacob appeared as if I could like him.
He wasn't rude and his hatred for vampires wasn't quite as overwhelming as Sam's.
Sam gave a curt nod and walked towards the window before opening it. "Jacob, come inside."
His tone wasn't much friendlier than when he'd addressed me. Maybe he was rude to everyone.
Charlie's next words tore me from my thoughts about Sam. "Should I call a doctor who checks you for injuries?" He looked
at least ten years older than his forty-seven years, and I realized how much my abduction had bothered him. During my
captivity I'd sometimes wondered if he was even trying to do what the Volturi wanted him to do, or if he just didn't care
enough about me to risk his cause for me.
I shook my head 'no' and smiled tiredly. "No, I'm really fine, Dad. My wrist will take a bit until it's healed. Maybe I'll let a
doctor take a look at it in a few days."
Charlie looked reluctant to accept my reply, but then Sam gave him a meaningful glance and distracted him. "Jacob will
keep you safe. I need to discuss a few things with Sam."
He was already half-way through the room, following the werewolf towards the hall, when my words stopped him. "They
aren't all bad, just like werewolves aren't monsters people often make them out to be. There are good vampires. If you'd
work with them, you could defeat the Volturi much easier."
Charlie gave me a look that was almost pitying and his tone was patronizing. "Bella, try to get better, and my people and I
will take care of the vampires."
I stared at his retreating back in frustration. Why couldn't he try to understand? My shoulders slumped and I wrapped my
arms around my middle, feeling alone and misunderstood. My stomach growled, but I ignored it. I hadn't eaten anything
since yesterday morning, but I had more pressing worries than hunger. Charlie would never help me protect Edward and
Jasper, not as long as he was so caught up in his utter hatred for vampires.
"Hey, are you listening to a word I say?" Jacob waved a hand in front of my face, an amused grin on his face.
I blushed and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry. I was lost in my thoughts."
"It's okay. After all that's happened to you, there's probably much going on in your head," his eyes were soft and
understanding. My neck hurt a bit from craning it in order to be able to look into his face. He was incredibly tall, but his grin
was worth the little discomfort. "So what did you say?" I asked sheepishly.
"I asked if you'd like to eat something. Your stomach growled."
"Ohh..." I felt my face heat even more. "Is your hearing as good as that of vampires?"
He shrugged, looking thoughtful. "I guess so. It's very good." He took my hand, startling me slightly, and pulled me with him
through the hall and into a small kitchen. "I can't cook," he warned me as soon as we stood in front of the fridge. "But I can
make pretty decent sandwiches."
My stomach was in knots instantly when I thought about sandwiches. Edward had always made them for me and now he
was on the run, or worse in one of the cells in the Volturi castle.
"Bella?" Jacob's expression was worried as he looked at me. I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face. "I'd rather
have some fruits and cereals," I told him.
"Alright." His voice was calm, but I could tell that he was concerned about my odd behavior. He took the milk out of the
fridge and handed it to me, gesturing at the small wooden table. "Sit down. I'll bring you everything you need."
I sank down on the uncomfortable folding chair and put the milk carton on the table. Jacob handed me a box of Lucky
Charms and a bowl that I filled with the cereals without much haste. My body might have been hungry, but my mind was
too occupied with thoughts of Edward and Jasper to pay too much attention to my body's needs. I covered the Lucky
Charms with some milk before I began eating halfheartedly. Jacob had made himself a tuna-sandwich and sat down on the
other chair. The sandwich was gone within a minute and I couldn't help but smile at his obvious hunger. He smiled
sheepishly when he noticed my stare.
"Still growing," he justified his actions.
I smiled. "You're already huge, I don't think it's possible for you to get even taller."
"Maybe not," he admitted with another grin. He grabbed a banana and an apple from the bowl on the counter behind him
and began cutting it into bite-sized pieces. Sitting with a werewolf at a kitchen table was the most normal thing I'd done in a
while, and if that didn't say all about the lunacy that was my life, than nothing could.
He put the fruit in a small bowl and pushed it over to me. I thanked him quietly and began eating a few pieces of apple. The
gray wolf walked past the kitchen window and towards the forest edge, reminding me once again of the wolf that had given
his life for me. I swallowed the piece of apple and looked at Jacob who was munching a banana. "I'm sorry about Paul," I
said quietly.
Jacob's body tensed and sadness filled his dark eyes. "We know that we might die during a fight, but..." He trailed off and
shrugged a shoulder. Slowly he lowered his gaze and stared at the table top intently, a frown creasing his forehead. "I don't
if you know, but the leeches sent us his head." His voice shook if with anger or grief, I could not tell.
"They told me." I blinked back tears that threatened to spill over.
"At least, it gave Paul's family a part of him that they could bury," his tone was calm, but his body was quivering as if he was
going to phase any moment.
I closed my eyes and tried to expel the images of a buried head from my mind. I didn't want to remember Paul as nothing
but a cut off head. I drew in a shaky breath and opened my eyes slowly. "How old was Paul?"
"He would have turned eighteen tomorrow."
I wanted to scream in despair. People were risking their lives and were dying who hadn't even gotten the chance to
experience life. It wasn't fair.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, both of us lost in thoughts. Exhaustion was catching up with me, and I rubbed my eyes.
I needed a shower and change clothes, and then I needed to straighten my thoughts, and find out what the hell I wanted to
do. "Can you show me my room?" I asked wearily.
Jacob looked up from the table top and pushed the chair back as he rose. "Sure."
I followed him silently, missing his cheerful self, but after our talk about Paul, sadness had taken hold of us.
The bedroom looked like it was supposed to be the master bedroom of the house with a huge bed and two nightstands at
its sides. There was a sofa at one wall and a wardrobe at the other. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked after a moment.
"Across the hall."
I walked towards the wardrobe and was happy when I found a few of my clothes in it. Apparently, Charlie had taken care of
everything. He must have hoped for my return. It made me happy to think about it, though I was still frustrated with him for
his lack of understanding. I grabbed sweatpants and a t-shirt before I made my way towards the bathroom for a quick
Jacob had made himself comfortable on my bed while I'd showered, and he opened his left eye to look at me as I entered.
His back was resting against the headboard and his legs were dangling sideways from the bed, his feet bare. Charlie hadn't
joked when he'd said that Jacob would keep an eye on me. He looked like he wouldn't leave my bedroom anytime soon. I
tiptoed towards the bed and sat down beside Jacob, my back resting beside his against the headboard. I pulled my legs
against my chest and rested my chin on my knees, while I watched my bare toes. I could feel Jacob watching me and after a
few minutes, he reached out and brushed his fingers over my right arm where a few bruises were slowly fading.
"I hate that he hurt you and I'm sorry that we couldn't protect you. I wish I could have saved you that day."
"What happened that day?" I tilted my head slightly and gazed at him curiously.
He frowned in obvious frustration when he thought about it. "They were stronger than we'd thought and the blond leech
could make us tired or calm, I don't know, but it weakened us."
"Jasper, he seems to be able to influence others that way," I agreed.
Jacob nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, and this Edward guy, he could anticipate our moves. Maybe we could have defeated them
despite their powers, but then two other leeches showed up, and they injured Sam and me."
"You were injured?" I sat up straighter and looked him over worriedly.
He shook his head with a smile. "It wasn't that bad, and werewolves heal faster than humans."
"I'm sorry that you got hurt because of me." I was so tired of people getting hurt because of me.
"Don't be. It was much worse to think about what they would do to you because we'd failed, and when I saw the video it
hurt much worse than the broken bones and the cuts. I wanted to kill him so badly when I saw it. I still want to rip him apart
for hurting you."
"He didn't want to hurt me." The words left my mouth before I could think them through, and I wasn't sure if it was true
what I'd said. Until very recently I'd thought Edward hated me and would like nothing more than to kill me, but the look in
his eyes when he'd kissed me good-bye had changed everything. Yet, I wasn't sure when his hatred had turned into
something else. When he'd broken my wrist, he'd seemed reluctant and I was almost sure that it had hurt him to do it.
Jacob's expression was doubtful. "It didn't look like he didn't want to hurt you on the video. He's a leech, he doesn't care for
I opened my mouth to protest, but decided against it and closed my mouth. It would have been futile to argue with Jacob,
or any other wolf, or my father about this matter. They had their beliefs, and my words alone could not shake them.
"More and more people hate and fear vampires. Your abduction has helped your father mobilize more people for his fight
against vampires. He's got more supporters than ever," Jacob said into the silence.
I gazed at him with a frown. "Have you never considered living in peace with them?"
"The Volturi don't want peace. They relish in violence, blood and power. War is inevitable." He sounded like a parrot that
repeated what others had told him. His muscles began to quiver and I could tell that he was looking forward to a chance to
fight them.
"The Volturi don't represent all vampires. There are people like Dr. Cullen and his supporters who want to live in peace with
humans and werewolves. Don't you think we should all make an effort to prevent war?"
"Vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies. There's only one reason why the people of our tribe can turn into wolves
and that is to protect everyone by killing vampires. They hate us, and we hate them. That won't ever change. But tell me,
Bella, after all the things that those bloodsuckers have done to you, don't you hate them? Don't you want to see them
gone?" His dark eyes were soft and curious, but I knew he would never understand, nor would the others.
"Hatred is the reason why I've been hurt. It is the reason why Paul and others have died. And it will be the reason why many
more people humans, vampires and werewolves will give their lives. I'm tired of all the hatred." I closed my eyes and
rested my forehead against my knees.
The werewolves would not help me in my quest to find Edward and Jasper, and to protect them from their own kind. I was
on my own, and I didn't have the slightest clue how to find them, much less save them from the Volturi. But I would not let
Edward and Jasper die for me, not after they'd sacrificed themselves so willingly for me. There was good in them. I knew it.
They deserved a second chance. A chance at happiness.
I could not, would not abandon them.

Chapter Thirteen
Fate Finds A Way
Ruby eyes were looking at me in torment. They were burning with emotions I dared not to believe. Emotions, I'd never
expected in the eyes of my abductor, in the eyes of my tormentor.
Ruby eyes full of longing, full of wistfulness and regret.
Hands cold as ice, hands destined to destroy with a small move, hands used to kill for decades- ghosting over my skin,
memorizing every inch of my body, writing apologies across my skin with their tenderness. Hands entwined, eyes locked,
bodies wrapped around each other...
Rustling of capes, smell of blood, whispering in the dark. Edward's screams raw, desperate, anguished. Afton's maniacal
I shrieked in fear and sat up, my eyes frantic in their search for my attacker. A shadow moved towards the bed, huge and
imposing. I whimpered and backed up in fright. The light was turned on and I blinked rapidly to accustom my eyes to the
brightness. Stars danced in my vision, confusing and frustrating.
"It's me, Jacob. You are safe, Bella," a soft voice assured me. Ever so slowly Jacob's huge form came into my focus and I
noted that he was once again wearing nothing but cut-off shorts. October wasn't a pleasant month in this part of the
country and the weather certainly didn't favor cut-off shorts. But the wolves didn't seem to be bothered by it. I'd never
seen them in much more. Sneakers now and then, but most of the time they were barefoot.
Jacob plopped down on the edge of the mattress and regarded me in worry. His forehead was creased and he looked tired.
I reckon he didn't get that much sleep ever since I'd showed up two days ago. He was like my shadow, following me
everywhere I went except for the bathroom.
"Another nightmare?" he asked softly.
I nodded with a small sigh as I lay back down. The nightmares were from another nature than Jacob would ever imagine.
Losing Edward, being the reason for his death, had become the greatest fear in my life. I don't think Edward had a
premonition of what he'd done to me. And I don't mean the physical aspect of his doings my wrist was healing just fine.
Those were fleeting reminders of my abduction. They would pass. They were nothing. Nothing in comparison to the marks
he'd left deep within, nothing in comparison to the mark he'd left on my heart.
The bite-marks on my neck were a daily reminder of that fact, but they weren't necessary. His tortured expression, the look
in his dark eyes were my constant companions, haunting me with their intensity.
I took another shuddering breath and chanced a look at Jacob's face. There was worry in his eyes and other emotions that I
could never return.
"I'm here. Try to get some more sleep," he murmured. He lay down on his side and propped himself up on his elbow,
"Only if you try to get some sleep, too," I said with a small smile. He gave a nod and grinned while his head sank down on
the mattress. I didn't mind him sleeping on the bed with me. Being with Jacob, felt like having a younger brother. Sadly, I
knew that he didn't regard me as a sister. Far from it. He extinguished the lights and my eyelids drooped ever so slowly.
I was afraid about hearing Edward's agonized screams in my nightmares again, but I was too tired to remain awake for long.
Jacob's soft snores lulled me into sleep eventually.
When I awoke my first thought was that I was alone, but after a moment Jacob entered the room. He'd probably heard me
waking up. He flashed me one of his bright grins. "Good morning!"
I crawled out of bed and gave him a not quite so cheerful smile. I was glad for Jacob's company, but I couldn't help but feel
like he was surveying me, just as much as he was protecting me. Charlie had probably ordered him to make sure that I
wasn't acting strange. Maybe he thought the bite might turn me into a vampire. I wanted to snort.
Without a word I disappeared into the bathroom to get ready, and emerged thirty minutes later, finding Jacob sitting on the
sofa in the bedroom. "Where's my father?" I asked him curiously. I hadn't seen Charlie more than twice since my return and
I'd spoken to him ten minutes at the best. He was busy, probably organizing his vampire hunt. He wouldn't listen to me and
didn't tell me about his plans. It was infuriating. Maybe I'd be more successful with Jacob. He seemed to have a soft spot for
me after all.
"Your father left with Sam this morning."
He accompanied me into the kitchen, and I waited until we'd grabbed something to eat and were both sitting comfortably
on the chairs before I spoke again. "Has my father had any success finding the castle, or Edward?" I asked casually and
pushed the spoon with the cereals in my mouth.
Jacob looked up from his own bowl, obviously hesitant about talking to me. I gave him a pleading look and a smile, and his
expression changed momentarily. I felt a bit guilty for using him like that.
He put down his spoon and looked contemplating for a moment. "We don't know where the castle is, and there's no trace
of Edward, or any other Volturi at the moment."
I tried to keep my relief hidden and gave a mildly interested nod. At least, the wolves hadn't found Jasper or Edward yet,
even though that didn't mean they were safe. If the Volturi had gotten a hold of them...I shuddered.
Jacob frowned. "Are you cold?"
I shook my head hastily and finished my cereals silently. I needed something to distract myself from the worry, from the
memories, from the look I'd seen in Edward's eyes.
It had been a while since I'd read a good book. Maybe reading would help me ignore the guilt gnawing at me. "Are there
any books in this house?" I asked eventually.
Jacob nodded with a smile. "Your father has brought a stack yesterday. He said it were your favorites."
My anger towards Charlie decreased slightly. At least he'd been thoughtful enough to provide me with my favorite books.
Jacob accompanied me into the living room where he pointed at the stack of books on the table. I smiled when I discovered
Wuthering Heights among them. It had been a while since I'd read that book. I sank down on an armchair and opened the
book. I realized very soon that Wuthering Heights hadn't been the wisest choice in my current emotional state. I tried to
ignored the sadness that befell me while reading, but one quote was my downfall, and breathing became a difficult task.
'Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It
is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!'
I stared at the words with wide eyes, my mouth becoming dry and my heart pounding wildly in my chest. Jacob looked up
from the sports magazine that he'd been reading and gazed at me with a worried frown. He must have heard my heartbeat
quicken. I gave him a forced smile and returned my attention to the book, drawing in calming breaths. It was silly of me to
react like that because of something I'd read in a book. Absolutely ridiculous.
I focused on the book once again and continued reading. I wasn't sure how much time passed until my breath was taken
away once more.
"If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the
universe would turn to a mighty stranger."
The book fell from my hands and tumbled to the ground, the pages crinkling. My hands began to shake and my breath came
in sharp intakes. I didn't believe in omen or fate, and yet those words shook me to the core.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw Jacob put away his magazine and rise to his feet. He approached me cautiously. "Bella?"
Slowly, I lifted my gaze from the book on the ground and looked up at Jacob's face. He was worried about me, and I felt bad
for the decision that I'd just made, but I couldn't stay here anymore. I could not read Wuthering Heights, sit in a
comfortable armchair and talk to Jacob, as if nothing had ever happened, as if I hadn't changed fundamentally in my time
with Edward and Jasper. I could no longer pretend that I could go on with my life and forget about him. It was impossible. I
would not have a peaceful moment in my life until I knew that Edward wasn't rotting in a cell somewhere. Because of me.
From the moment I'd laid eyes on Edward, I'd known that he'd be the death of me. I'd just never thought it wouldn't be his
own hands that ended my life. I'd have never thought that I'd risk everything willingly for the man who'd abducted and hurt
me. And here I was making plans to save Edward from all the powers hunting him.
God, I was doomed.
Jacob was still staring at me, kneeling next to my armchair with a deep frown. "Bella?"
I gave him a shaky smile. "I'm fine, Jacob. Don't worry."
His gaze was doubtful, but he didn't push the matter.
Jacob was a good guy. Caring and funny. And the way he looked at me with his dark eyes sometimes, I knew he would take
care of me, would love and cherish me, would never hurt or degrade me. I'd never have to fear him. I'd always feel safe
with him.
And before I'd seen the look in Edward's eyes, before I'd felt the touch of his cold lips on mine, it would have been enough.
Jacob would have been enough and I would have accepted his affection with open arms. But everything had changed. I had
changed. And nothing could ever be enough except for Edward. And though I didn't know why or how, I just knew.
Everything in my life seemed to divide in two major stages before and after Edward. And nothing could, nothing would
ever change that. It was frightening. And I knew without a doubt that I would do everything to stop the Volturi and the
werewolves from killing Edward and Jasper.
It would be difficult and dangerous, and I probably wouldn't succeed, but I had to try. I owed them that much. And I had no
choice anyway, because I knew I'd never forgive myself if Edward and Jasper died because of me. I had not forgotten the
hurt they'd caused, not forgotten the cruel words spoken, not forgotten the hateful looks. I'd never forget, but I could try to
Without forgiveness the hatred would consume us, and then war would truly be inevitable. Hatred had caused me too
much hurt already. I would not allow it to consume me.
My decision was made. The problem was the execution of my plan. Jacob didn't leave my side, and even if I could distract
him, there were still the other werewolves patrolling around the house. There were always two of them, but maybe others
were hiding in the surrounding woods. Maybe I could put sleeping pills in Jacob's coke, or in his food, but did they even
work on wolves? I didn't know, and even if they did, there was still the problem with the rest of the pack.
Charlie's Porsche Cayenne was parked in front of the house, because had driven off in Sam's car this morning. The car had
god-knows how many HP. It was fast. Maybe I could flee with it.
I excused myself to the bathroom and searched the cabinets for sleeping pills. I found sleeping drops. They were even
better, since I could just mix them with food or drinks. I put the small bottle in the pocket of my jeans and exited the
bathroom. Like usually, Jacob was waiting for me.
"I'll cook dinner. I need something to distract myself with," I said casually, hoping he wasn't able to sense a lie. He didn't
seem suspicious.
I rummaged the cupboards in the kitchen until I had all the ingredients for a chili. Maybe the spiciness would hide the taste
and the scent of the sleeping drops. Humans wouldn't be able to notice them, but I wasn't so sure about the wolves.
Jacob watched me as I prepared the chili, and I could tell that he was hungry. When I saw the elation on his face, I felt
horrible, but I knew he would never allow me to leave, so I didn't have a choice. "Would you tell the other wolves to eat
with us. I barely know them," I said with my best smile.
Jacob nodded hesitantly and walked out of the house. I watched him through the kitchen window as he spoke with Embry
and Quil. They were the only werewolves around it seemed. I could only hope that there weren't others hiding somewhere.
I was pretty sure that they were as fast as the Porsche and would catch up with me without difficulties. My only advantage
was that neither my father, nor the wolves would ever assume that I'd try to flee.
I set the table and filled the plates with chili. I took a sniff. It smelled normal to me and I could only hope that the wolves
wouldn't notice the drugs. After a few minutes, Jacob, Embry and Quil entered the kitchen, smiling and obviously hungry.
"Wow, that smells delicious!" exclaimed Quil with a huge grin.
I tried to ignore the guilt that was gnawing at me, and gave them my best smile. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells."
We sat down at the table and the boys dug in instantly. I held my breath as I waited for them to notice the sleeping drops in
the chili, but they didn't say anything. I'd put half of the bottle into the chili, since the werewolves would probably need a
higher dose than a human. I was worried that I'd put too much into the food, but I'd just call them later to make sure they
were okay.
I pretended to eat along with them while I waited for them to show signs of tiredness. I was beginning to feel anxious, when
Embry's eyelids finally began to droop. He shook his head as though he was trying to banish the exhaustion. I acted as if I
didn't notice anything. Eventually, they began to sway on their chairs and could barely sit up straight anymore. When
Jacob's head dropped to the table-top and Embry fell from the chair, I took that as my clue to leave. I jumped up from the
chair, grabbed the car keys from the small hook in the corridor and stormed out of the house. I didn't look back to see if
someone was following me and unlocked the car hastily. I slipped behind the steering wheel and had a brief moment of
panic when I saw the gear shift.
It had been a while since I'd driven one of Charlie's cars and I could only hope I still knew how to handle a gear shift. I
shifted into first gear and rammed my foot down on the gas pedal. The car shot forward and I almost lost control.
My heart pounding furiously in my chest, I sped away from the house, too scared to look into the rear-view mirror. I needed
to get away from the reservation as fast as possible. I didn't know how long Jacob, Embry and Quil would be asleep, and I
was pretty sure that their state wouldn't go unnoticed for long. The pack would follow me and Charlie would throw a fit. All
of a sudden, my plan didn't seem quite so clever anymore. My rising panic didn't make driving much easier, especially since
the car was nearing 150 miles per hour.
My breathing calmed to some extent when I left the reservation behind, but I knew I would have to change cars soon. I just
didn't know where to get another car. I didn't know how to break into a car, much less how short-circuit one.
I chanced a look into the rear-view mirror, but nobody was following me, or they were just hiding. I shivered and pressed
my foot even harder down on the gas pedal. The speed limit was the least of my concerns right now. I wasn't even sure
where I was heading. I didn't know how to find Edward, or where the castle of the Volturi was. My plan really wasn't that
When I crossed the border to Canada, I calmed slightly. Unfortunately, I was beginning to feel tired. I was in a small town in
the middle of nowhere when I saw a small diner at the roadside. I needed to visit the restroom and a coffee to keep me
awake. I pulled into the parking lot and let my eyes wander over the cars parked in front of the diner. There were two pick-
ups, a Chevy truck and a red sports car a Maserati or Bugatti - that looked entirely out of place. Of course, my Porsche
Cayenne didn't look like it belonged either.
I got out of the car and shivered when the cold air hit me. I hadn't thought about taking a coat with me when I'd fled.
Actually, I hadn't thought about taking anything with me. I let out a frustrated sigh and opened the grimy glass-door of the
small diner. The windows and the gray floor looked like they were in desperate need of a cleaning. The diner was almost
deserted, except for the two old men at a table in the back, drinking coffee, the waitress behind the counter, and a woman
sitting on one of the high bar-stools. She looked out-of-place in her red stilettos, tight black jeans and white babydoll-shirt.
She must have been the owner of the sports car.
She turned her head when I entered and looked at me with wide eyes. After a moment she jumped from the bar-stool and
walked towards me. I tensed, because I knew what she was. She was a vampire, though she was lacking the red eyes. A
vampire - one of the Volturi?
My first instinct was to run as fast as I could. But I reminded myself that fast wouldn't be fast enough against a vampire.
She'd catch up with me in a heartbeat. But she didn't look angry or dangerous. She reminded me of a fairy and she was
smiling softly. I knew, however, that looks could be deceiving.
"You've kept me waiting a long time," she said cheerily.
I stared at her blankly before I looked over my shoulder to check if there was someone behind me to whom she was
speaking, but there wasn't.
To say that this freaked me out quite a bit would have been an understatement. I was close to a full-fledged panic-attack.
The Volturi had waited for me here. Now they would change me and probably kill Edward right in front of me.
"Ohh..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Alice," she held her hand out for me and I took it after a moment of
hesitation. It didn't matter if I touched her or not. It wouldn't change anything about the situation.
"Did Aro sent you?" I asked in a shaky whisper. The other people in the diner had started looking at us, because we were
still standing in the middle of the room.
Alice looked at me in confusion. "Aro? I've heard that name before, but I can't remember where..." She tipped with her
index finger against her lower lip, her head tilted to the side in thought. Either she was a damn good actress, or she really
didn't know about Aro. But why would a vampire not know about Aro?
"The Volturi?" I added after a moment.
Her eyes widened a fraction and she shook her head. "Oh no. I've never met the Volturi, and from what I've heard about
them, I don't want to either."
I relaxed a bit, though I was still very suspicious. "Then, why have you been waiting for me? I don't know you."
Had Edward sent her? Excitement rushed through me in violent waves, and died when she spoke.
"I've had visions of you, of meeting you here," she said calmly, and gestured for me to follow her towards one of the tables.
We sat down and she smiled encouragingly.
"Visions?" I voiced my confusion.
She nodded with an eager smile. "Sometimes I get visions of the future."
"You can see the future?" I blurted, shocked and a bit doubtful.
"Sometimes, yes. But the future isn't set in stone, sometimes things change. I was worried that you wouldn't show up. I've
been waiting for almost a week in this diner."
My eyes widened in shock. If I hadn't known about the powers of some Volturis, I wouldn't have believed Alice, but she
seemed earnest.
I couldn't help but keep staring at her golden eyes. Why weren't they red?
"You seem confused," said Alice softly.
I swallowed. "Yes. Your eyes, they aren't like the eyes of other vampires I've met."
She seemed surprised. "You know other vampires?"
I gave a jerky nod, feeling my throat cord up.
"I suppose my eyes are golden because I feed on animals, and not on humans," she explained calmly.
I hadn't expected that answer. I hadn't even known that vampires had a choice. "That's possible?" I asked aghast.
She grinned, and the sight of it set me at ease. She seemed really nice, despite her being a vampire. "Well, it seems so. It
works fine for me, but I've never met others of my kind."
I gasped. "Never?"
She shook her head with a sad smile. "My past is a bit of a mystery to me. I can't remember anything that has happened
until three years ago."
"I'm sorry." It must be horrible not to know anything about one's past.
"It's okay. I've had my visions to guide me. They've been the only constant in my life for so long, but now I've found you."
She seemed genuinely happy about my presence, and I couldn't help but smile at her. She was so unlike any vampire I'd
ever met.
I shifted in my seat nervously. "So what now? What did you see?" I felt silly asking someone about the future, but it seemed
the right thing to do.
"First, we need to drive further north. I've had visions of us finding a family."
"A vampire family?"
"Yes, they are all vampires, but their eyes are like mine."
I had an inkling that I knew whom we were talking about. "Cullen?"
Her eyes lit up and she nodded. "Yes, their leader is called Carlisle Cullen."
I was barely able to contain my excitement. Dr. Cullen might be able to help me find Edward and Jasper, and I've been eager
to meet him for years.
Alice expression was dreamily as she continued. "We will seek this family together, and they will help us to find those that
will change our life irrevocably."
I frowned at her, confused by her cryptic words.
She smiled wistfully. "I keep seeing him in my visions. For years I've seen him, always him, but I never knew how to find him,
until one of my visions showed me you. And then I knew I had to find you, because you will help me find him."
Was she talking about Edward? Jealousy flared up in me, and startled me. "How does he look?"
She got a far-away look and her voice was a whisper when she spoke. "He's tall and lean. He's got blond locks and his eyes
are burgundy."
"Jasper?" I wondered aloud.
She blinked at me slowly. "Jasper," she tested the name with a soft smile. "I don't know, but the name sounds right to me.
I've never heard his name. Most of the time I've visions of him alone, only now and then, another vampire with copper hair
is with him."
"Edward?" My voice shook with emotions I could not comprehend.
"That's the one you are searching?" she asked curiously.
I gave a small nod, not able to speak.
Alice reached out and took my hand that had been lying on the table-top. She squeezed gently and smiled encouragingly.
"Edward. He's the one who will change your life. We will find Edward and Jasper. You and I together we will find the ones
we're longing for."
Her voice was certain, and when I looked into her golden eyes, I believed her. We would find them.

Chapter Fourteen
A Different Kind Of Vampire
After thirty minutes with Alice, I knew without a doubt that she was one of the nicest persons I've ever met, and definitely
the nicest vampire. She was cheery and optimistic, and she gave me hope. Though, I'd wanted to save Edward and Jasper
from the moment I'd fled from the reservation, I'd seen little chance to succeed. But now with Alice's help, I actually
believed that I - that we could find Edward and Jasper and save them from the Volturi.
Hope. It was a wonderful, a liberating feeling.
After I'd used the restroom for a human moment, Alice and I had exited the diner and we were now confronted with the
problem of what to do with my father's car.
"I guess we just need to leave it here," said Alice thoughtfully.
I let out a quiet sigh. I was worried that the werewolves and my father would find the car in front of the diner, but they
could probably follow its smell anyway, or something like that. Their senses were extraordinary after all.
"I suppose you're right," I agreed grudgingly.
Since I hadn't taken anything with me from home, there wasn't anything I had to fetch from the Porsche Cayenne which
was quite fortunate because there wasn't much room in Alice's tiny sports car. It wasn't a car that you could use to
transport luggage, or more than two people.
I sank down on the leather seat of the car and tried to make myself comfortable which proved to be difficult because this
car apparently wasn't supposed to be comfortable, how Alice informed me.
"It's not comfortable and you can't transport any luggage with it. So what's the use of it?" I asked as I shifted once again on
the seat, trying to find a better position.
Alice flashed me a grin from her spot on the drivers seat and pressed her foot down on the gas pedal. We shot forward and
I grabbed the seat in a death grip. Unfortunately, my bandaged wrist wasn't of much use, so I had only one hand to keep
me upright.
"It's fast and it's pretty, that's all I care about in a car," she said in a cheery tone.
I couldn't help but grin. It was surprising how well I got along with Alice and how easily I trusted her, but you couldn't dislike
Alice. I reckon even Charlie would have had difficulties hating her. Or maybe not. He wouldn't give her a chance to show her
personality. She'd be dead in the blink of an eye the wolves would make sure of that.
We sped along the highway and I began to wonder where exactly we were heading. I hadn't asked Alice about it before.
"Do you know where Dr. Cullen is hiding at the moment?"
Alice shook her head with a frown. "No, not exactly. I've concentrated on finding you, so I didn't get visions of him and his
family. But I know that they are somewhere in Alberta."
"So where are we heading now?" I asked curiously. I was worried about losing too much time, about being too late to save
"I've decided to drive us to Calgary first. Maybe I'll have a vision on the way that will give us a hint about Carlisle Cullen's
I let out a small sigh and rested my head against the cool window.
It took us twelve hours to reach Calgary, and Alice didn't even look the slightest bit tired. It amazed me that vampires could
go on forever without the need to sleep or rest. I'd slept almost the entire drive, since I'd been too tired to keep my eyes
Alice rented a room in a small motel for us, so we could wait for one of her visions.
We'd settled on the twin beds of the shabby room before I voiced a question that had been going through my head for a
while. "Do you know about my father?" I turned my head to the side and watched Alice. She was leaning against the
headboard of her twin bed, her brows furrowed in concentration as if she was trying to force a vision into her head. After
my words, her expression relaxed and she turned her face to me.
"Yes, I've read about him, and I've seen him in a few spots on television."
"Have you never worried that I might be just like him? Have you never doubted your vision?" I propped myself up on my
uninjured elbow and watched her curiously. She'd risked much by searching for me. I could have been another fanatic
vampire hunter.
She shrugged and smiled slightly. "I'm used to relying on my visions. And even if I'd thought you might be like your father,
I'd still have searched for you, because you are my only way to find Jasper. And I need to find him." Her tone grew
desperate and I could see the longing in her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile, knowing exactly how she felt. Sometimes
finding Edward felt like a need to me as well.
I stared down at my bandaged arm that was resting on the mattress. Edward had done that, and yet I could not hate him. It
puzzled me.
"Did he, did Edward, do that?" Alice asked softly, her golden eyes focused on my injured wrist.
I looked up in surprise. I hadn't told her much about my captivity and certainly not that Edward had hurt me. Somehow it
made everything more difficult when I talked about what he'd done. " do you know? Did you see it in a vision?"
My voice shook slightly as I spoke.
Alice shook her head, her expression gentle. "No, I haven't had a vision of your captivity, but the way you look at the
bandage's just an intuition."
I drew in a small breath. "Yes, it was Edward."
Alice got up from her bed and joined me on mine. She didn't seem shocked, just understanding. "Sometimes we do things
that we regret later, and sometimes our choices seem unwise, but in the end it'll all turn out well."
Most of the time Alice's cryptic words confused and frustrated me, but right now they soothed my nerves and worries.
"Thank you," I said quietly. She grinned and plopped herself down beside me.
We both lay on our backs and stared at the ceiling, letting the silence engulf us.
"How long does it usually take until you get a vision?" I asked after a few moments of utter silence.
"That depends. Sometimes I go days or weeks without a vision."
I stiffened. If it took us weeks to find Dr. Cullen, it might already be too late for Jasper and Edward. Perhaps it was already
too late, and Aro had killed them. Dread settled in the pit of my stomach.
Alice turned her head to the side and smiled reassuringly. "Sometimes I can force visions if I think hard enough about
something." She closed her eyes and lay completely still, frowning in concentration.
I watched Alice, hoping she would get a vision soon. I barely dared to breathe from fear of disturbing her concentration. She
looked like a beautiful porcelain doll, and she was just as motionless.
Minutes and then hours passed, and I grew desperate. The only noise in the room was my breathing and the pounding of
my heart that seemed to echo in the oppressing silence. Alice hadn't moved a single muscle yet and I'd only left the bed
when I'd had to use the bathroom. I wasn't even hungry because of my worry.
It was growing dark outside, the greyish tones of dusk reflecting my mood, and my eyelids drooped ever so slowly.
Watching Alice lie on the bed like a dead body wasn't exciting enough to keep me awake. I forced my eyes open and tried to
blink back the tiredness.
Suddenly, Alice's eyes flew open and she gasped, her chest heaving as oxygen flooded her lungs. I sat up and stared at her
widened eyes and parted lips. Her gaze was clouded and she wasn't blinking. After a moment, her eyes focused on me and
a small smile lifted the corners of her lips.
"A vision?" I asked tentatively, almost afraid of the hope settling deep within.
Alice nodded her head very slowly, as if she was still processing what she'd just seen in her head.
I could barely contain my anxiety and impatience. "So what did you see?"
"Carlisle and a woman were in a car. They were driving on highway 2...and they drove past a sign that said 'welcome to High
Prairie', and then they were on a smaller road that was surrounded by forest..." Alice trailed off and blinked once more
before staring blankly at the ceiling frozen once more.
It was a bit unsettling when she wasn't acting like a human. I was used to people who blinked and breathed at least
occasionally so it crept me out that she was forgetting about those things after her vision.
To distract myself from the unmoving vampire and my worries, I jumped off the bed and grabbed the map from the desk
before returning to the bed. I sank down next to Alice and she awoke from her stupor and sat up. She gave me a small smile
before focusing her attention on the map before us on the mattress. Alice helped me searching for High Prairie and
eventually we found it north of Edmonton. It would take us at least half a day to get there and then we would still have to
find the house of Dr. Cullen.
"Do you know where to find the house?" I asked, sitting cross-legged next to Alice.
"Yes." She paused and tilted her head in thought, a few strands of her black hair falling into her eyes. "I saw it in my vision.
I'm sure I'll find it," she replied thoughtfully.
"Okay," I got up from the bed and rubbed my hands nervously. "We should set out immediately. I don't want to waste any
time. It might be too late..." I trailed off, swallowing hard. Alice shook her head and patted my shoulder gently. "We won't
be too late."
She shook her head. "Intuition."
I'd have preferred if she's said 'vision'.
We grabbed Alice's bag and hurried out of the motel room towards the sports car parked in front of the gray building.
Within a few minutes we were on our way towards High Prairie and the Cullen clan.
This time I didn't sleep on the drive. I was too nervous to consider taking a rest and Alice kept my mind busy with her story
about her search for Jasper and me.
It amazed me that she'd searched for me for so long without giving up hope. She looked tiny and breakable, but she was a
tough woman.
I shifted on my seat for the thousandth time, still not finding a comfortable position. "I don't mean to pry but how can you
afford such a car?" I asked curiously, letting my gaze wander over the expensive leather. I didn't know much about cars, but
this Maserati had certainly cost a fortune.
Alice grinned mischievously. "You see, I like to gamble."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Gamble? I'd thought gambling only makes the casinos wealthier."
Alice let out a bell-like laugh and tipped with her index finger against her temple. "Not if you are a fortune teller."
Laughter bubbled out of me and I shook my head with mock shock. "That's cheating!"
Alice giggled and rolled her eyes at me. "No, I'm just using my resources. That isn't cheating."
I smiled to myself as I leaned my head against the seat, comfortable silence filling the car once more. I felt happy and
almost carefree in that moment, but then Edward's look when we'd parted flashed in my mind and my worry for him
returned full force.
It took us eighteen hours until we reached the town that Alice had seen in her vision.
We drove past the welcome shield of High Prairie. The inhabitants of the small town were gawking at Alice's car and their
eyes followed us even when we left High Prairie on highway 2. We'd been driving away from the town for a few minutes
when Alice slowed considerably.
I turned my head and looked at her with a questioning look.
"It's here somewhere...the small road is here somewhere," she murmured, her eyes scanning the landscape as we drove by.
Without a warning she pulled the car off the highway and onto a narrow dirt track. I hadn't even seen it, but I didn't have
vampire sight.
Alice smiled happily. "I saw this road in my vision. We have to follow it and then we'll find the house."
I gave a small nod, but my eyes were focused on the dirt track. It had been raining the last few hours and the ground
consisted of nothing but mud. I wasn't sure if it was clever to use this road with a Maserati, but we didn't have much of a
choice anyway.
"Alice," I said in warning a second before I noticed the deep mud hole in front of us, but it was already too late. We drove
right into the hole. The Maserati let out an angry roar when it got stuck in the dirt and Alice let out an impressive cry of
indignation. I chanced a look out of the passenger window to see that the tires were sunk into the knee-high mud. The car
was stuck and we were stuck with it.
It didn't move forth, nor back, and we were stranded in the middle of nowhere, and it was slowly getting dark. I shivered
from anxiety. I knew that vampires could move during daytime, but I still expected them to attack in the dark. I wasn't keen
on being here in the forest all night.
We should have known better than to drive a dirt track with an Italian sports car.
"I'll try to push the car out of the mud," suggested Alice after a moment.
I took her place on the driver's seat and watched how she stomped through the mud, her face pulled into a grimace. Her
beautiful high-heels and the expensive designer jeans were covered in mud and probably ruined. She moved behind the car
and started to push while I pressed my foot down on the gas pedal. The car lurched forward into the next even deeper -
mud hole. I heard Alice's frustrated shriek a moment before she appeared at my side, completely covered in mud. "My
hands have left dents!" she exclaimed desperately.
Dents? I reminded myself not to anger Alice too much. For a girl with the height of a parking meter, she could be quite
I gave her a reassuring smile, though I was fighting a losing battle with laughter. She tried to wipe the mud from her clothes,
but it was in vain. At least, her face was clean after a while.
"I guess we need to walk the rest of the way," I said eventually, though I really didn't want to walk through the forest at
Alice nodded with a resigned sigh and grabbed the bag from behind the drivers seat. We walked on the dirt track while
darkness was slowly descending on us.
I kept throwing nervous glances at the impenetrable forest surrounding us.
I couldn't shake off the feel that we were being watched, but Alice didn't seem bothered at all. I'd almost convinced myself
that I was imagining it, when something startled Alice. She tensed and looked around. I couldn't make out much, since it
was too dark for my eyes, but as a vampire, Alice's sight was much better.
"Someone is following us," she whispered after a moment, anxiety creeping into her tone.
I drew in a shaky breath, taking a step closer to her. "What if the Volturi have found us?" My voice shook from fear.
Alice gave me a wide-eyed look. "I will try to protect you, but I don't have any combat experience."
I shook my head. Enough people had lost their lives because of me. I wouldn't let Alice risk her life for me as well. Before I
could voice my thoughts, a rustling to our right startled us. I pressed myself even closer to Alice and she grabbed my hand
when a tall vampire stepped out of the bushes, the moonlight reflecting on his pale face. His hair was short and black, and
he was quite tall. Alice had positioned herself in front of me in a protective stance but she relaxed slightly and so did I
when his eyes came into our view.
They weren't red, but a darker shade of amber. He wasn't a member of the Volturi unless they had vegetarian members,
which I doubted.
The man was eying us curiously with a hint of suspicion, but he didn't seem aggressive. "What are you doing here?" he
asked in a deep voice. He didn't seem anxious. Maybe he knew that Alice and I couldn't pose much of a danger to him. I was
human and Alice wasn't an experienced fighter.
"We're looking for Carlisle Cullen," replied Alice quietly. I moved to her side and tried to look as relaxed as possible.
The man didn't give any indication that he'd ever heard the name before and he was still eying us with an assessing look. It
was making me nervous.
"Why are you looking for him?" he asked, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans, looking like he had no worry in
the world. I glanced at Alice, wondering if she should reveal her gift to him. We didn't know if he was the enemy or not.
She seemed relaxed on the outside, but maybe she could just hide her feelings better than me. All vampires seemed to
have a talent for deception. "I've seen Dr. Cullen in a vision and I knew that I had to find him."
The man wasn't showing any surprise. He gave a nod and smiled slightly. "I assumed something like that," he said in
"Did you?" I asked in surprise. I regretted my words almost instantly because he turned his attention to me. I was still wary
about the attention of vampires, especially if they didn't look as fairy-like as Alice. Particularly male vampires had that
effect on me. I shifted from one foot to the other and bit my lip nervously as I waited for him to say something.
His smile widened in a non-threatening way, his teeth hidden behind his lips. "Just like the two of you, I've got a certain
I exchanged a slightly confused look with Alice because he'd included me. I had a gift that he could somehow sense?
He laughed lightly at our confusion. "I can sense gifts. Usually it doesn't work so well on humans, but I can tell that you're a
mental shield."
I looked down at myself as if I could somehow find a sign for the shield on my body.
"And you," the vampire continued in a voice full of wonder as he gazed at Alice, "You are exceptional."
Alice smiled in embarrassment, and I was sure she would have blushed if she could. He moved slowly towards us, as if he
didn't want to startle us. It still made me a bit anxious and he must have noticed, because he glanced at me and smiled
gently. It helped a tiny bit, but I still took a small step closer to Alice.
He stopped and started rocking back and forth on his heels the epitome of relaxation. "What's your name?"
"I'm Alice, and that's Bella."
The man's gaze lingered on my face as if he knew who I was, and maybe he did. Charlie was probably very well known
among vampires. "I'm Eleazar."
Alice smiled brightly, and I tried to muster up a similarly happy expression, though I couldn't tell if I succeeded. It was dark
by now and it was difficult for me to see Eleazar's face, though the moon light was still illuminating it partly.
"I guess I'll bring you to Carlisle then. It's several miles from here, so it would be best if I carried you, Bella," said Eleazar,
taking a step in my direction.
I tensed at the thought of being so close to a vampire I didn't know even though he was a vegetarian.
Alice shook her head. "It's alright. I'll carry her."
I gave her a grateful smile, though I thought it was funny that a tiny girl like her would carry me. She lifted me into her arms
as if I was as light as a feather and winked at me. Eleazar started running and Alice followed him, her movements reminding
me of a gazelle. On her arms I actually enjoyed the run, though the speed was making me slightly sick. It took us a few
minutes until a huge, mansion-like house came into view. It was a white, two story-house with two double-garages at each
Alice slowed and came to a halt before setting me down on the ground. Eleazar stepped onto the porch and turned to us.
"Wait here. I will tell Carlisle that you are here to see him." He opened the door and disappeared from our view. I moved
closer to Alice and whispered so quietly that even I could barely hear myself. "Can you hear how many vampires there are
in the house?"
Alice shook her head 'no', her gaze not leaving the entrance door. "I'm not sure. But I've heard a few people move."
I began rubbing my arms in an attempt to warm myself. It was very cold and I still didn't have a coat to wear over my
sweater. Goose-bumps rose on my skin and I didn't know if they were from the cold or from anxiety. What if Dr. Cullen
didn't trust us? What if he didn't want us in his house? We'd seen where they live. Would he kill us? He was known as a
pacifist, but maybe even his peacefulness had a limit.
The door swung open and I felt Alice stiffen at my side. Apparently, she was just as anxious as I.
A tall blond man stood in the door frame, smiling at us. I recognized him from the photos that I'd seen in magazines. He was
Dr. Carlisle Cullen.
His golden eyes were kind and he looked pleased to see us. I tried to catch a glimpse past him to see if there were others,
but there wasn't anyone, or they were just hiding. "I'm Carlisle," he introduced himself in a pleasant voice. "Eleazar told me
you've been searching for me because of a vision." His gaze, too, lingered on me a moment longer than on Alice.
"Yes, that's true," said Alice with a hesitant smile.
Carlisle stepped back slightly, so we could walk past him and enter the house. I followed Alice onto the porch and hurried
past Carlisle. He gave me a compassionate smile, as if he could tell that I felt nervous in his presence. I doubted that I'd ever
feel entirely comfortable in the presence of vampires except for Alice. Apart from the not-breathing and not-blinking
issue, she often made me forget that she was a vampire.
He led us towards an office and I caught a glimpse at a vast living room, but not at a single vampire not even Eleazar was
anywhere to be seen. He gestured for us to sit on the chairs in front of the huge wooden desk. Alice and I sank down on the
comfortable leather armchairs. The room was filled with shelves full of books and I couldn't help but watch them in
fascination while Dr. Cullen settled in the chair behind his desk.
"So your gift brought you here?" Carlisle seemed intrigued. "And it brought you together?"
"Yes, I saw Bella in a vision and I knew I had to find her. We're both searching for someone."
I listened while Alice told him everything. Carlisle let her talk for almost an hour, only nodding now and then.
"So you assume that Edward and Jasper are in the hands of the Volturi?" he asked when Alice was done.
I took that as my clue to open my mouth and finally say something. "Yes, like Alice said, they defied their Masters by freeing
me. Aro seemed like a person who doesn't tolerate disobedience."
Carlisle gave a small nod. "Yes, Aro isn't a forgiving man. He will punish Jasper and Edward."
Something flashed in his golden eyes at the mentioning of Edward, just like it had the first time Alice had said the name. He
knew Edward and I couldn't wait to find out how and when they'd met. Maybe Carlisle could tell me more about Edward
and why he'd turned to the person that he was now.
"We need to find them," I murmured quietly, my voice sick with emotions that I was trying to suppress. Carlisle gazed at me
with an understanding smile while he got up from behind his desk and walked around it. He paced through the room, his
arms crossed behind his back. "I'll do what I can to help you find them."
"So you know where to find the Volturi?" Alice sat up a bit straighter and looked at Carlisle wide-eyed. I mimicked her
position, nervous about his reply.
"I've never been there, but Eleazar knows where to find it."
I exchanged a hopeful look with Alice, but Carlisle's next words dulled my euphoria slightly. "I need to speak with my family
before I can promise you our full support. We'll have a family meeting."
He gave us a reassuring smile before he focused his attention on Alice. "Would you mind to go into the kitchen and tell my
wife, Esme, to gather the family? The kitchen is the first door to the right in the hall."
I swallowed, wondering why Carlisle wanted Alice to leave. She looked at me questioningly and I inclined my head a bit to
indicate her that it was okay for her to go. She smiled and rushed out of the room.
I looked at Carlisle who had come to a halt a few feet in front of me. "Would you mind if I take a look at your wrist?" his
voice was gentle and his gaze was soft.
I gave him a small nod, trying not to tense. He approached me slowly and I extended my arm, so he could check it. He
removed the bandage and touched my wrist carefully, his cool touch soothing. The wrist didn't look too bad, though it still
seemed swollen and the bruises were yellowish. "I'm surprised that you are so willing to be in our presence and even risk
your life for one of us, though you've been hurt by our kind."
I raised my face to gaze at him with wide eyes. I didn't know what to say, so I shrugged.
"I assume that your abduction hasn't improved your father's opinion about vampires?"
I shook my head with a mirthless laugh. "My abduction hasn't changed anything. His hatred had already been great before
my kidnapping. It couldn't possibly get any worse."
"Your father can't see past his hatred," said Carlisle quietly as he put a new bandage on my wrist. "Hatred doesn't solve
"Sometimes I think I should hate Edward for what he's done. But I just can't. I want to help him and I want to forgive him.
Maybe it's stupid of me, but I can't help it," I whispered passionately.
"Compassion and the ability to forgive are virtues I value very much. I think you possess them both and that is something
you should be proud of." He released my wrist and took a step back, giving me more space.
I felt my cheeks heat in embarrassment from his words. I wasn't a saint and I didn't want to be perceived as one. And yet,
his words made me feel better.

Author pulled story. End of available published chapters.

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