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Art of Questioning

1.) What is art of questioning? What does it involve?

The art of questioning is one of the most basic and profound learning tools
that we work with. Whoever it is that is doing the asking, questioning is one of the ways
that we can drive our senses to become more deeply involved in what we are
experiencing. It can bring us deeply into the moment, present to the wondrous and
mysterious things happening around and within us.
It involves proper manipulation of information and ideas.
2.) What are the uses of questions? Give two examples for each use.
*To stimulate pupils to think
Ex: 1.) What are the implications of high dependency ratio?
2.) Why is education important?
*To motivate pupils
Ex: 1.) Can you imagine what else can the depreciated peso buy nowadays?
2.) Have you even wondered how the planets revolve around the earth?
*To diagnose pupils difficulties
Ex: 1.) What is referred to as the S form of the verb?
2.) What form of the verb is required by a plural subject in the third person?
*To discover pupils interest
Ex: 1.) List down some of your favorite hobbies.
2.) What would you prefer, horseback riding or mountain climbing? Why?
*To help pupils organize and evaluate
Ex: 1.) Do you think parents are to blame for their childrens mistakes?
2.) How true is the statement that Life is pre-destined?
*To aid pupils to relate pertinent experiences to the lesson
Ex: 1.) Why are the wheels on your toys like a circle?
2.) Why do you prefer a round table to a rectangle?
3.) What are the characteristics of a good question?
1. A good question is simple and clear.
2. A good question is definite
3. A good question is challenging and thought-provoking
4. A good question is adapted to the age, abilities, and interest of the students.
5. A good question requires an extended response.
4.) What are the techniques of questioning?
1. Questions should be asked in a natural and well-modulated voice.
2. A teacher should ask the question first and then wait for the class to think
about it before calling on a student to answer the questions.
3. A sufficient number of questions should be asked to stimulate students to
4. A teacher should refrain from repeating questions.
5. Questions should be evenly distributed so that the majority of the pupils can
take part in the discussion.
6. Answering in concert should be discouraged.
7. A teacher should encourage students to answer in a loud and clear voice.
8. Students should be encouraged to answer in complete thought units and
grammatically correct statements.
Handling Student Questions
1. Student questions should be welcomed by a teacher.
2. A teacher should not answer a student question right away.
3. Indiscriminate student questions should not be allowed.
4. A teacher should require students to frame grammatically correct questions.
5. If a teacher is asked questions he cannot answer, as sometimes happens, he
should promptly admit his inability
5.) How can u develop art of questioning?
By constant practice and exposure to different kinds of teaching environments.

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