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Conservation Center of

Environmental & Reserves in

Fallujah (CCERF)
Government War Crimes in Anbar

Fallujah as Example
February 2014
Fallujah !ra"

#$ !ntro%uction
Since the start of the peaceful sit-ins of December 2012, numerous peaceful protests
have sprung up and spread in the Sunni Irai provinces against the sectarian political
system, and the continued violation of human rights by the repressive !ali"i forces#
Instead of negotiating the legal, legitimate demands of the protesters, the !ali"i
regime conducted a brutal crac"do$n on the protests, the brutality increasing
gradually $ith time# %he number of arbitrary mass arrests increased $ith a parallel
increase in "illings in an attempt to e&terminate the protesters# %his $as especially
evident in the three consecutive crimes that too" place at the beginning of 201',
$here protesters $ere gathered in the cities of al (u$ay)a, Fallu)ah, an !osul#
!ali"i*s regime )ustified its policy $ith the e&cuse of fighting terrorism, then declared
that the demands of the protesters $ere legitimate, only to go bac" to declare $ar on
terrorism, a $ar that in reality is a $ar against those $ho oppose that regime and its
sectarian government#
%he +urdish ,oalition considered the D-IS( .Da$lat al Islam fi al Ira $al Sham,
/%he Islamic State of Ira and the 0evant12 uestion to be more of a political
fabrication than a terrorist reason, !r# Shu$an !uhammad %aha, a representative on
behalf of the +urdish ,oalition, in an intervie$ $ith Sumeria 3e$s, accusing I*itilaf
Da$lat al 4anun .5ule of 0a$ ,oalition2 of calling all of those $ho oppose it on the
D-IS( uestion terrorists .162# %he policies of political marginali7ation and
persecution have reached the representatives of !ali"i* !8s, $hen they accusing
their colleagues $ithin 8arliament of being D-IS(Is# - representative for I*itilaf
Da$lat al 4anun, !r# !uhammad Sadoun al Seyhud claimed that the political parties
that refused to be present under the 8arliamentary Dome to approve the ne$ budget
$ere all /D-IS(i1
3o$, increasingly the fact of genocide plan $ith increasing such statements that call
for genocide under the prete&t of terrorism, according to an Irai ne$spaper term
la$ma"ers .!ada2 said on the !8s of 8rime !inister 3uri al-!ali"i, said there $as
no part in -nbar valid to be as party in a dialogue $ith the government, and that raises
the political initiatives not only serve the terrorists# !r# (ussein Saffi .!8 in Da$a
party2 in a statement to this ne$spaper 9pointing out that military effort is the only
solution to end the crisis in -nbar, re)ecting calls for dialogue advocated by some
political sides, $ondering 9dialogue $ith $hom:9, and added,9 3o political party in
-nbar even tal" $ith them, they are a group of terrorists, and any trying to confuse it
supports terrorism9.'02#
;efore the military operations in the province of al -nbar began, !ali"i declared that
large units $ould be directed to go to -nbar desert, especially the (ouran <alley, $ith
a lot of troops from the rest of the provinces, in order to combat terrorism and the
terrorist groups that he claims have arrived from Syria==# ;ut, after the operations
began in -nbar Desert, he changed the redirected all of his troops to the cities of -l
5amadi and Fallu)ah in a clear act of sectarian-based e&termination# 5epressive
policies li"e these $ere the main motivation for the uprising in the first place, in
addition to the general public refusing to ignore the e&istence the crimes of his
unconstitutional private forces, S>-%# %he military operations began on !ali"i*s part
$hen he, $ith the use of the military, arrested an !8, !r# -hmed -l--l$ani and
assassinated his brother and his sister-in-la$# Immediately after$ards, he ordered
attac"s on the protesters in the suare in -l 5umadi, in order to ma"e sure that the
protests $ould not remain peaceful, and that it $ould turn into a sectarian conflict,

one $hich he could manipulate to his advantage in the election of -pril 2014# Since
December 22, the !ali"i government has been carrying out an operation in the -nbar
desert under the banner of fighting the terrorist groups that are hiding there, but it
soon became clear that it $as a $idespread, armed attac" directed at the residential
areas in 5umadi and Fallu)ah, $ith random bombing of buildings using heavy
artillery, tan"s, and air stri"es#
?nfortunately, the Security ,ouncil*s declaration of support for the !ali"i $ar on
terror has not ta"en into consideration the deadly attac"s carried out against innocent
Sunnis, and the opposition in general# %his grossly inappropriate reaction on the part
of the international community is the result of the ?3-!I failing to bring accurately
relate the humanitarian crisis and genocide crimes by the !aili"i* regime*s operations#
@vidence of the corruption and deliberate cover-up on the part of the ?3-!I in favor
of the !ali"i* regime can be seen in its disregard for human rights, as sho$n in the
delay in the periodical reports of the human rights situation in Ira# %his report
originally $as released every three months, then every si& months, and no$ it is
released only once a year, ma"ing it not as accurate of an analysis# %he ?3-!I has
also failed to ta"e any action by invitation the Special 5apporteurs of human rights to
Irai for investigate the mass crimes and violations of !ali"i* regime, despite the
numerous reports that e&pose his brutality and repression#
%he continuing genocidal policies against the Sunnis in Ira motivated a member of
the @uropean 8arliament, !r# Struan Stevenson, $ho heads the @uropean 8arliament
,ommittee on 5elations $ith Ira, to say that /Ira is regressing uic"ly to a state of
civil $ar and ethnic cleansing#1 (is point is made even clearer through the televised
speeches by !ali"i, in $hich he threatens the protesters, and, $ith sectarian language,
encourages supporters to aid him in his struggle against the residents of -nbar#
In the midst of this political drama, the residents of -nbar and Fallu)ah have been
forced to ta"e action in order to protect themselves from the very real threat that the
!ali"i forces pose# Self-defense of course, is a right that has been enshrined in all
Divine and human-made legal codes, and is a necessity for the inhabitants of these
provinces in the face of the criminal policies of this sectarian government#
%he dangerous situation of systematic targeting against the residents of -nbar,
especially those in the cities of -l 5umadi, Fallu)ah, al +armah, and al +halidiyah, in
addition to the government*s decision to cut off all humanitarian aid to those cities as
$ell as nearby cities $hich host thousands of refugees, all confirm the policy of
sectarian e&termination $hich many international politicians and analysts have
$arned of# %he inhuman cruelty of the attac"s carried out by the !ali"i regime
demands the international community*s immediate intervention in order to stop the
massacres mentioned in this report, "eeping in mind that the population of Fallu)ah
and its nearby to$ns adds up to AB0,000 civilians#

&$ Crimes of Genoci%e an% Collective Punishments A'ainst Civilians

Since the start of the military operations in Fallu)ah on 22 Dec# 201', the
indiscriminate bombing of the city targeted all aspects of life $ithin it# %he residents
of Fallu)ah have accused the !ali"i government of murdering their children and
bombing schools and demolishing mosues and homes .22,10,2','','42# %he victims
of the Irai forces* artillery, $hich are centered in !a7ra*a ,amp near Fallu)ah, have
confirmed that many bombs fell on their houses in the morning, $hile families $ere
having brea"fast, in)uring numerous $omen and children in the village of Sbeyhat
.the city of +arma2 near Fallu)ah .42# -n elderly man .living in the area of Cubeil2
$ho $as in)ured upon e&iting the ta&i-cab that had ta"en him to the city from
;aghdad, claimed that the military had opened fire on him meters after he left the area
$hich they controlled# (e $as transported to the hospital $ith life-threatening
$ounds and a critical state of shoc" .A2#
%he family of a young girl $ho $as shot during a battle in the 3a*imiyah area of the
city confirmed that the conflict has forced all the residents to flee, and that the
regime*s forces targeted families attempting to return to their homes .D2# @ye-
$itnesses and citi7ens related to victims in the city of +armah have released a video
of panic"ing orphaned children $hose orphanage had been bombed and reduced to
rubble .62# %o$ards the end of Canuary 2014, 0iaa >ardi, an !8 accused the !ali"i
government of failing to fulfill its promise of stopping the bombing of Fallu)ah and
other cities in the south of -nbar, claiming that over 1B roc"ets had been fired in the
different areas of city# >ardi said in an intervie$ $ith Sumeria 3e$s that the central
government has not stood by its promise of ceasing the shelling in Fallu)a city, $here
1B roc"ets and mortars $ere dropped in the areas of 3a*imiyah, ;u$ah$y, and
Camilah, south of 4adaa, resulting in many casualties, including a female refugee $ho
$as living in a school .1B2#
-nother $itness $as !r# (med al-Isa$y, aged '2, $ho $as a assistant in a high
school in -mriya, Fallu)ah# (e recalled for us that on Canuary 2E, 2014, government
forces bombed the ;u$ah$y area, near Fallu)ah, and ble$ up several houses, and
"illed livestoc", as can be seen in the images attached belo$# %his incident has been
confirmed also by !s# -um Camal, $hen she $as present $ith her family displaced
from Fallu)ah, in a mosue at this area $hen the shells rained do$n on as
indiscriminate shelling on the area, many residents rushed to her children rescued by
smuggled $ith the families of the other car out of the danger 7one# She has been
displaced from her house in Fallu)ah . neighborhood 5essala2 out of Fallu)ah because
of the indiscriminate shelling on Fallu)ah, and fear for her children life .'22#

&$ #$ (tatistics Re'ar%in' the )ictims of (hellin' in Resi%ential Areas

%he chief of the 5esiding 8hysicians in Feneral Fallu)ah (ospital, Dr -hmed Shami
Cassem, spo"e to us about the number of victims as of Canuary 2D
2014, saying there
$ere '1' severely $ounded civilians .amongst them '1 children, '1 $omen2# %he
number of dead is B6 martyrs .amongst them 10 children and 4 $omen2# (e added
that bullets caused most of the $ounds during the first three days of the operation,
$hich proves that military tried to force their $ay into the neighborhoods of the city#
%his contrasts $ith the $ounds that he treated after Canuary '
2014, $hich $ere
caused by shrapnel due to the indiscriminate shelling of the city and its homes .22#
>e $ere able to find an official medical document that confirms that the number of
civilian casualties in Fallu)ah since the beginning of the military operation by the
!ali"i 5egime on December '0 201' up until February B
2014 is 4B2 victims# Gf
them, A6 have died, and 'E' $ere $ounded# Gf the $ounded, 40 $ere children and '6
$ere $omen, and amongst the dead 10 $ere children and 4 $ere $omen .122# >hile
another medical sources in Fallu)ah said the number of martyrs reached EB, $hile the
$ounded had e&ceeded the 400 in)ured, mostly children, $omen and the elderly .'02#
&$&$ E*eWitness Accounts of the !n%iscriminate (hellin'
!any satellite television channels have tried to relay to the public the indiscriminate
shelling against the civilians in the city of Fallu)ah .1E2# ;elo$, $e have e&cerpts of
some cases and eye$itness accounts of victims and their families as follo$ingH
12 -ccording to documentary films passed on a satellite channel and $or"ers in place
mortuary in Feneral (ospital, has "illed t$o families of si& members $ere eating
their dinner during the fall of the shell on them in the house the night of Canuary 2' to
24, 2014, as the $ounded $ife one and remained the daughter of one of them the only
survivor of the accident and the accompanying image her name is -yat !ohammed
Fayyad .10 years old2 , note that the incident occurred in the neighborhood of 3a77al
.B2 #

22 0amiaa .2B year-old2 spo"e to us about one of her female relatives $ho lay beside
her in the Intensive ,are ?nit of the Fallu)ah hospital# She said that her house $as
targeted $ith mortars and heavy artillery, fired at them from the 3a*imiya 8olice
Station during the government forces* attac" on the residential neighborhood# (er
relative said that she $as shot in the head, and surgeons had to intervene in order to
remove the shrapnel from her head and she currently is bed-ridden and is in critical
condition .12#

'2 - child young girl .-ssile Caber (amid Fhatran2 .aged 142, she $as $ounded by
shrapnel in her nec", the upper right side of her body, and the lo$er left side of her
body, as can be seen in the picture belo$#

42 %he children girl .-dian Gmar2 from al Dubbat District, aged 4 months, $as
$ounded on the evening of Canuary 24
2014 due to a mortar landing on her relative*s
house# - $indo$ near her fell upon her, severely $ounding her head, as can be seen
in the images attached belo$ .'B2#

B2 %he young girl .Fatima %hamir (amid2 .11 years old2 $as $ounded by shrapnel on
her left hand, as can be seen in the image belo$#

A2 Documented information has reached us from medical sources regarding the
civilians $ho arrived in the Fallu)ah hospital on Canuary '0
, 2014# %heir images can
be seen belo$, and they areH
1# Iman !uhammad -bdel-5a77a, 40 years, female, $ounded in +armah,
2# Ishaa Saleh !uhammad, 4 years, male, $ounded in +armah, Fallu)ah
'# -bire Saleh !uhammad, 1E years, female, $ounded in +armah, Fallu)ah
4# Shurou ;urhan -li, D years, female, $ounded in 5esalah, Fallu)ah
B# -sh$a !uhammad Cassem, 2B years, female, $ounded in 5esalah, Fallu)ah
A# Sarah !uhammad -$dah, 1' years, $ounded in +arma, Fallu)ah
D# Fatima !uhammad -$dah, 1B years, $ounded in +armah, Fallu)ah
E# Saleh !uhammad -bdel-5a77a, 4B years, $ounded in +armah, Fallu)ah

D2 -mongst the tragic stories that have been relayed to us is the story of -bu
!uhammad al Fallu)i .-li al (albusi2 $ho lies today in the Intensive ,are ?nit in
one of @rbil*s hospitals, capital of the semiautonomous territory of +urdistan# (e
has been in a situation bet$een life and death for t$o $ee"s no$, and he does not
"no$ that he has lost t$o of his children due to shelling by the military# %he
family claims that the shelling occurred on the 3a77al neighborhood in the center
of Fallu)ah, and the shell fell upon his house, $hich he refused to abandon, due to
his belief that maybe a diplomatic solution $ould solve the -nbar ,risis# In an
intervie$ $ith !ada press, +arim (assan al (albousi, the victim*s relative, said
/-bu !uhammad, $ho is B' years old, $as an officer*s assistant in the former
military# -fter the dissolution of the military, he $or"ed as a cab driver in a car
o$ned by his brother# -l (albousi added that /(e provided for three children, t$o
of them are boys in middle schools# %he lone survivor is a girl $hose engagement
to her cousin $as supposed to be announced but had to be postponed due to the
conflict# -n eye$itness clarified to us that he, on />ednesday morning .Canuary
20142 issued a $arning about the number of casualties due to the density of
the bombings# Gne of these stray bombs fell upon -bu !uhammad*s "itchen
$hile the family $as having brea"fast#1 (e remar"s that /%he mortar resulted in
the destruction of the entrance of the house and prevented neighbors from saving
-bu !uhammad*s family, e&cept after a lengthy struggle $hich involved not only
direct neighbors, but people from all over the 3a77al neighborhood#1 (e added
that the event resulted in the immediate death of -bu !uhammad*s t$o sons, and
in his o$n in)ury, in addition to resulting in his $ife and daughter suffering from
minor in)uries# (e continuesH /%he medical team in the Fallu)ah hospital
performed t$o urgent surgeries on -bu !uhammad, but failed to improve his
condition or a$a"en him from the coma# (e $as placed in a coma due to a piece
of shrapnel that $as lodged near his brain, in addition to damage to his liver and
right "idney, as $ell as several fractures in his leg#/ Gn his part, another relative
of -bu !uhammad*s named -li !uhsin al (albousi, in an intervie$ $ith !ada
8ress claimed that /%he Fallu)ah hospital suffers from a lac" of resources and an
overcro$ding of casualties# -lso, it is threatened by shelling as $ell, for t$o
bombs $ere detonated near the @mergency 5oom door, $hich prompted us to
consider moving -bu !uhammad, but $e could not decide $here toI $e $ere
constantly concerned $ith ho$ $e could move him $ithin the city and out of it
throughout his surgeries and despite his critical condition, because of the constant
fighting and dense shelling bet$een the army and the armed rebels in our

E2 Gn Canuary 2A, 2014, Dr# >issam Cassem al Isa$i admitted that the hospital
had received that morning 'B in)ured civilians and D martyrs, amongst them
$omen and children# %he !ali"i regime*s forces had begun to indiscriminately
shell the residential suburbs in the 3aimiya neighborhood, +arma city, and al
Sala$iyah city, ensuring that all of the victims $ere members of peaceful
families that had stayed in their homes during the shelling .212# >hile some local
activists published intervie$s $ith the families of the victims of pictorial civilian
$as hit and damaged as a result of indiscriminate shelling by the forces of al-
!ali"i regime .2B2#
Gn Canuary '0
2014 an !8 representing Fallu)ah .0iaa >ardi2 critici7ed the
!ali"i regime*s failure to stop the indiscriminate shelling of Fallu)ah .1B2# %he
cruelty of the regime*s forces against innocent civilians violates article three of the
Feneva ,onvention# %his article demands that in the case of armed conflict in the
territory of one of the belligerents, anybody $ho is not participating /must be
treated $ith humanity at all times1#
&$ +$ ,he Crimes of -ombin' .e%ical Centers an% their Ca%res
Fallu)ah (ospital $as targeted more than three times up till Canuary 2D
government forces# %he first time, a mortar $as dropped on the hospital, $hich
resulted in the in)ury of civilians $ho had gone to the hospital for medicine# %he
second shelling damaged the roof of the building, causing ma)or monetary
damage# %he third attac" $as artillery shelling $hich heavily damaged the
hospital, and caused a po$er outage# %he (ead of the Doctors 5esiding in the
(ospital confirmed that the general state of depression, terror, and fear amongst
the medical cadres $as over$helming, not to mention the dangerous
psychological effect the shelling has on the patients# In addition, medical staffs
$ho $or"s in the hospital $as targeted on his $ay to $or"# !r# !uayed Salman
al Fura)i $as "illed by bullet $ounds shot by the !ali"i regime*s forces on
Canuary 2E
, 2014 as he entered Fallu)ah, coming from his home in the ;ufra) area
near the to$n of al 5umadi#

!r# !uayed Salman al Fura)i Shel in front of the emergency
department at the hospital

Gn the evening of Sunday, February 2
, 2014, the private hospital of %alib
(ammad $as damaged by several shells fired by the !ali"i regime, as is depicted
in the pictures of the )ournalist Sha"er al !uhammadi of the -l->aleed ne$s
agency# Gther film published of locals documenting this crime .2E2#

Gn February 4, 2014, and citing satellite Fallu)ah channel, a spo"esman for the
hospital in Fallu)ah Dr# >issam al-Issa$i confirmed that fall ' shells on nearby
Fallu)a !edical ,ollege (ospital for the educational year, $hich caused some
damage of building# %his accident ne$s also confirmed by the -l->aleed ne$s
agency, 0ocal 3e$s, $hich $as published the follo$ing photos to the scene H

&$ /$ Probabilit* 0se of (hells Carr*in' Chemical Weapons an%
Fissile Weapons
Some information from eye$itnesses $ithin Fallu)ah has confirmed that gasses
defused from some mortar shells for several hours after they landed# !ahmoud
3ouri +amel, one of these eye$itnesses has given us images of these thermal
shells, $hich fell on the city yesterday, near ice cream of Fairou7a# >hen the
shells fell, a strong flame bla7ed from it, and a chemical vapor that smelled li"e
rotten eggs $afted to$ards those nearby# Images belo$ depict the occurrence#
Gther eye$itnesses have sent us videos of the remains of a mortar that e&uded a
nausea-inducing vapor .E2#

-n eye$itness confirmed for -l-%aghier Satellite ,hannel that the military used
fissile .cluster2 $eapons targeting mar"ets, homes, and mosues# !edical sources in
the city hospital of Fallu)ah have spo"en of tens of civilians suffering from in)uries
and deaths due to such gases yesterday as the military tried to regain control of the
city from the tribesmen $ho currently lead the resistance and have control of the city
+$ Force% 1isplacement of Civilians
%he brutality of the indiscriminate shelling of residential neighborhoods has forced
tens of thousands of civilians to e&uding or escaping from the city# %he estimation of
humanitarian aids $or"ers said about 40J of the original population still resides
$ithin the city# !ost of the citi7ens $ho remain depend on daily salaries, meaning
that they do not have the resources to rent a house outside of the city# !any civilians,
$hen intervie$ed by satellite television channels said that they are forced to remain
under life-threatening shelling due to their inability to leave and find refuge any$here
else .1D2# Gthers $ere forced to see" refuge from the fighting in abandoned s"eletal
buildings despite the lac" of electricity, $ater, heat, and coo"ing utilities .242#
?3 5eports confirmed the displacement of over AB,000 people due to the struggle in
the to$ns of Fallu)ah and al 5umadi, and has left over 140,000 people homeless# %he
violent shelling has damaged numerous schools and hospitals and has thus displaced
those families that $ere residing in them#
>hile childrenKs organi7ation ?3I,@F pointed that more than 40 000 children have
been displaced $ith their families in addition to the "illing and $ounding many of
them through indiscriminate shelling of the city and the organi7ation continues its
attempts $ith the !ali"i regime in order to create safe corridors for the e&it of the
displaced families $ith "ids# >hile the International Grgani7ation for !igration
.IG!2 confirming on the 44 000 families have been displaced from -nbar, because of
the military campaign of the o$ners of the cities .'02#
!any civilians moved to the villages surrounding Fallu)ah, and a large group of them
have moved to the north of Ira and the other cities of -nbar and nearby Salahul Din#
Gthers have resorted to residing in schools, the lac" of temporary housing forcing
them to live in classrooms#

%he >atanya .3ational2 ,oalition, $hich follo$s the former 8rime !inister, Iyad
-la$i has admitted in a public statement dated on February 1
2014 that /%he
residents of the city of Fallu)ah suffer under deteriorating humanitarian conditions
$hich should inspire shame in any Irai $ho see"s the continued unity of the nation,
and the protection of its future#1 %he >atanya ,oalition has also declared that
/Fallu)ah is a city in a state of disaster, and promised to send immediate delegations to
the ?3-!I and the 5ed ,rescent to provide the necessary humanitarian aid for the
displaced families, since the government has failed to do so#1 %his statement confirms
the sheer si7e of the government cover-up on this genocidal crime, $hich is directed
even to$ards refugees $ho fled the city because of the military operation# It also
confirms the scandalous cover up and complete disregard on the part of international
humanitarian organi7ations, not only in providing aid, but also in observing and
implementing the articles of the Feneva ,onvention in cases of $ar#
8resident of the Irai 8arliament !r# Gsama 3a)afi said that there are B0 000 families
have been displaced due to military operations in -nbar province, and added that the
conditions of those displaced so bad to the point of need general alarm == Irai 5ed
,rescent Society announced, in .Canuary '0, 2014 2 , for the high number of displaced
people from -nbar to more than 4A thousand families, emphasi7ing assistance to more
than 24 thousand families of it .1'2 # >hich means more than 22 000 displaced
families stayed $ithout humanitarian aid==
>e documented in recent days, some of the films that demonstrate the survival of
many civilians inside Fallu)ah on 1 - 4February 2014, near the local mar"ets for
vegetables and food, $hich forced civilians to come out in these tough times for
shopping or livelihood daily .202 # In addition to the deployment of activists inside the
city for the movies to prove survival of many families that their points of relief in the
inner city $ith more than 100 000 civilians, most of them from poor families and
earning po$er per day, or are unable to $or" .262#
%he greatest proof of the sectarian gov# an is the report by refugees from -nbar, $hen
they arrived to the capitol ;aghdad, complaining of restrictions placed on them by the
armed forces, and the continued arrests, as $ell as the searching of Sunni uarters of
the city, obstructing the daily lives of the families living in them# Since the arrival of

fleeing families from Fallu)ah and al 5umadi to the capitol, the military, under the
e&cuse of security reasons, has been conducting raids on these fleeing families#
3umerous refugees have been arrested in the Sunni areas of -mriya, Fha7aliya,
Sayedeya, Larmou", and (ittin, $hich house the families that fled the indiscriminate
shelling in their homes# In addition, the local city councils in these areas has also
e&pressed a need to revie$ the families $hich flee to it, in order to "eep a record of
the number of families present in each area and handing them MI don*t "no$ if they
mean the records or the familiesN over to the government forces# Gn the other hand,
the fleeing families $ere banned by the !ali"i forces from entering the cities of
Samraa e&cept after sho$ing proof of a sponsor-resident from $ithin the city#
>ith the promotion of government sources and parliamentary belonging to !ali"iKs
bloc, for that there is the ris" of the spread of terrorism and spread in the rest of the
provinces after being accused the people of -nbar as they have become an incubator
for terrorism==, it is the definitive evidence to planned e&termination arguments did
not prove, but in their imaginations criminal diseased .'12#
3o$ I have ever been trapped in the city of Fallu)ah, about more than a month did not
stop the indiscriminate shelling of government or restless# Gver the days get
complicated living situation and deteriorating humanitarian situation, the center of the
steadfastness of the people and their determination to hold fast to the demands for
$hich more than a full year .2A2# -s the cut cellular communications in -nbar
province has increased the effects of the bloc"ade against civilians and increase the
suffering in the lac" of communication bet$een their children displaced in other areas
or $ith the vie$s that have prevented aid from entering the cities of Fallu)ah and
5amadi, e&cept in limited cases# %his prompted !otaheidon bloc" !8s to threat to
sue the cellular phone companies because of this non- humanitarian $or" after
pressure !ali"i regime, in order to tighten the bloc"ade and prevent the dissemination
of ne$s of crimes and the fact that the humanitarian situation there is frightening .2D2#
Gn B February 2014, the head of the parliamentary ,ommittee on !igration 0iaa
>ardi announced to -l-%agheir channel that the 1B thousand displaced people from
-nbar to +urdistan scored only three thousand of them== .2D2#
/$ Recommen%ations
1# ?rgent international action to stop the military operations in the province of
-nbar, $hich could be considered an operation of mass punishment that reach
the genocide level, in order to protect civilians and to ma"e it possible for the
"no$ing the truth, especially the catastrophic humanitarian crisis ta"ing place
right no$#
2# %he creation of an international investigation committee on behalf of the ?3
Security ,ouncil or the ?3 (uman 5ights ,ouncil# -lthough all of the
information available indicates an international crime $ithin the )urisdiction of
the International ,riminal ,ourt, $hich reuires the action from the
8rosecutor to investigate all available information#
'# - revie$ of the mechanisms used by the ?3-!I in Ira, $hich have become
a burden on the people, giving these transgressions political legitimacy# -nd it
became necessary to return the position of the Special 5apporteur for (uman
5ights in Ira#

4# Stopping any military aid to the !ali"i regime*s government in Ira until the
investigations surrounding the crimes that have been committed are done#
B# %he urgent entrance of international aid organi7ations in order to alleviate the
poor living conditions of the refugees, $ho number more than 200 thousand
from the city of Fallu)ah and its nearby villages, in addition to 100 thousand
$ithin the city#
A# %he need to adopt solutions based on )ustice and transparency in "no$ing the
facts and to hold the perpetrators, $hatever their positions, and stay a$ay from
political solutions that represent the agendas of some political parties,
domestic or international , $hich not only bring us more of the devastation and
suffering over the past ten years#
D# %he need urgent action by the International 5ed ,ross in the verification of
$ar crimes in violation of the Feneva ,onventions, especially $ith all the
evidence documented in this report # -nd the need to bring the perpetrators of
the $ar against international forums as stipulated in their responsibility, $hich
gave her the international community#
E# %he need for international pressure to force the Irai government to sign and
ratify the ,onvention on the International ,riminal ,ourt to halt the series of
genocide in Ira#
2$ References
1# %estimonies of people $ith indiscriminate bombing of the al-!ali"i
government forces# -rabic speech# httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:
2# -n intervie$ $ith a chief of doctors residents in Fallu)ah Feneral (ospital Dr#
-hmed Shami on Canuary 2E, 2014# httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:
'# Some houses $hich have long been indiscriminate shelling in the
neighborhood of -l -s"ary in Fallu)ah# httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:
vPiuBoFlp$nh$QfeaturePyoutu#be httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:
4# >omen in)ured as a result of indiscriminate shelling on the vine spend east of
Fallu)a '0O01O2014# httpsHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:vPu)v-h;R5cp-TtP11
B# Fovernment bombardment on Fallu)ah "ills entire family in the 3a77al
neighborhood# %< -l-%agheir channel# Canuary 24 Canuary 2014#
A# Fovernment forces firing on unarmed elderly man at the entrance to Fallu)ah
D# >oman infected as a result of indiscriminate shelling of the government army
forces on civilian homes in the city of Fallu)ah#
E# 8ictures of the remains of the pro)ectile, $hich too" place yesterday in the
Fallu)ah mosue near Gthman bin -ffan in Fallu)ah#

6# (ome $as bombed ;a"armh orphans and children appeal to the $orld to
intervene to save them from government aggression 01O2BO2014#
10# Fallu)ah residents accuse the prime minister of "illing their children and the
demolition of mosues and homes# %< -l-%agheir channel# 2 February
lJ'-B1aB40aB-0-21A1-EfEc-bcaecB4d4d4e httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:
vP-ISrb!Ba44L httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:vPFfsA$?i4m7o
11# -rmy shells used in the bombing of fissile revive Fallu)ah after failing to
brea" into# %< -l-%agheir channel# 2 February 2014#
12# !edical document issued by the hospital in Fallu)ah on February 2, 2014#
1'# 3a)afi H B0 000 families have been displaced from -nbar, and their need to
declare a state of the horn # -lsumaria %<# 2 February 2014#
14# ,hihod describes the bloc"s impeding the adoption of the budget as
9D-IS(i#9 -lsumaria %<# 1 February 2014#
1B# Deputy for !otahedon bloc accuses the government of not fulfill its
commitments on the stop the bombing of Fallu)ah# -lsumaria 3e$s# Canuary
'0 Canuary 2014#
1A# >itnesses do7ens of families migrating from the area east of the city of
Fallu)ah -badi because of indiscriminate shelling# %< -l-%agheir channel#

Canuary '0 Canuary 2014#
1D# Fallu)ah residents declare their stay in their homes in defiance of
indiscriminate shelling of the city# %< -l-%agheir channel# Canuary 2E Canuary
2014# httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:vP6?$+gFgv)7!
1E# -rmy continues bombing civilians in Fallu)ah and the succession of deaths
and in)uries, most of them $omen and children# %< -l-%agheir channel# 2A
Canuary 2014# httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:vPSd(A"5-ty&0
16# +urdistan -llianceH Daish issue of fabricating a political rather than a terrorist#
-lsumaria 3e$s# February 1, 2014#
20# 8ublic life for the people of Fallu)ah, near the local shopping centers and the
daily $or" in the sale of vegetables and food# httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:
vP$@;use0S"B$ httpsHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:vP>,L!3e&)80
21# Fallu)ah hospital is full of Irai -rmy random shelling victims#
22# -l-!ali"i -ir Force bombing on -bu -yyub al --nsari mosue in Fallu)ah#
2'# !assive destruction caused to civilian homes impact of the continuing shelling
violent boiling of Fallu)ah# %< -l-%agheir channel#
24# Family $ithout a $ater escape from the bombing of Fallu)ah to the semi-
abandoned building outside the city# httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:
2B# %estimonies of families hit and in)ured her children because of the
indiscriminate shelling of the al-!ali"i regime forces#
2A# %he humanitarian situation is deteriorating dramatically inside Fallu)ah and
the ?nited 3ations critici7ed the siege of the city# %< -l-%agheir channel# 4
February 2014# httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:vPG'>L7G!I0)4
2D# !otahedon bloc"H $ill $e prosecute telecommunications companies that cut their services for
the province of -nbar# 4 February 2014# -lsumaria %<#

2E# !ali"iKs forces bombed a hospital in Fallu)ah 02O0'O2014#
26# Intervie$s $ith many of the families remaining in the city#
'0# %he displacement of about 40 thousand Irai children $ith their families# -l
Ca7eera %<#httpHOO$$$#youtube#comO$atch:vPo&;i-gDbgsIQfeaturePyoutu#be
'1# 8! ;loc" .Dah$a party2H the storming of Fallu)ah needs to study the minute#
-nd her families are forced to be an incubator for militants# !ada 3e$spaper#
February B, 2014# httpHOOalmadapaper#netOarOne$sO4BEAAEOJDEJ-F
'2# Survivor testimony of -um Camal from 5essala neighborhood in Fallu)ah#
++$ ,hildren and $omen among victims of Fallu)ah due to Irai -rmy she#
+/$ -l !ali"i soldiers snipe a child by a bullet pierced her legs in Fallu)ah#
+2$ Irai +ids is no$ a target to the ne$ ?S $eapons $hich delivered to -l
!ali"i# https344555$*outube$com45atch6v7:(xi>R!&pE

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