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Lion Tiger

Class Mammalia Mammalia

Order Carnivora Carnivora
Family Felidae (cat) Felidae (cat)
Genus Panthera Panthera
Species P.leo P. tigris
375-496 lbs (males) !"-396
#o$nds (%emales)
579 #o$nds (average male) 3"!
#o$nds (average %emale)
Coloring coat& tan tail %$r'mane&dar( bro)n orange )ith bro)n-blac( stri#es
Speed 59 Miles Per *o$r 37 miles #er ho$r
Litter size +vg. , - +vg. - 4
Binomial name Panthera .eo Panthera /igris
Lion Tiger
0ear /hreatened 1ndangered
Diet carnivore carnivore
Panthera leo Panthera tigris
+ mane ranging in color %rom tan to
2tri#es all over the bod3
Haitat range +%rica and india 2o$theast and 1astern +sia
0oct$rnal 0oct$rnal - +mb$shes #re3
!umer in
$n(o)n 34""" to 44"""
Lion Tiger
#eeth and $a"s
3 in. canines and heav3 #ress$re
6ide mo$th that has strong teeth 4
in. canines
Most %emales h$nt together night to
ma(e it harder on the #re3 to see
them4 b$t the3 )ill sometimes h$nt
in the da3time. /he3 have three
im#ortant h$nting strategies7 that
var3 based on the #re3. /he amb$sh4
the blit84 and the siege.
h$nts alone d$ring night
%vg& 'eat
re(uired for
,, - 6" lbs also 57 %or large males
/he n$mber o% lions in the #ride
ma3 var3.
/igers ma3 cons$me $# to 4" (g
(!! #o$nds) o% meat at one time. 9t
is estimated that ever3 tiger
cons$mes abo$t 5" deer-si8ed
animals each 3ear4 abo$t one #er
Lion Tiger
'ain )rey
Medi$m to large $ng$lates4 most
notabl3 thom#son:s ga8elle4 8ebra4
)ildebeest4 im#ala4 )arthog4
hartebeest4 )aterb$c(4 ca#e b$%%alo4
hi##o4 rhino4 gira%%e4 and ele#hants.
.arge animals s$ch as deer4 b$%%alo
and )ild #igs4 b$t the3 )ill also
h$nt %ish4 mon(e3s4 birds4 re#tiles
and sometimes even bab3
ele#hants. ;ccasionall34 tigers (ill
leo#ards4 bears and other
tigers./he3 also h$nt <a$r and
9ndian =hinos.
Other food
;##ort$nistic and )ill readil3
scavenge the (ills o% cheetahs4
leo#ards4 )ild dogs and h3enas.
6ill strictl3 eat onl3 meat h$nted
b3 sel%. 6hen old4 )ill de#end on
either smaller #re3s re>$iring less
e%%ort or on other tigers o% the #ac(.
Brain size
*as the largest brain o$t o% all the
big cats e?ce#t the tiger.
.argest brain and reaches mat$rit3
%aster than other big cats. /heir
brain is 5@ larger than a lion .
Lion Tiger
=ich grasslands o% 1ast +%rica to
sands o% Aalahari Besert4 2o$th
2ahara to 2o$th +%rica4 e?cl$ding
the Congo rain %orest and 9ndia:s <ir
%orest. .ions li(e to live in o#en
)oodlands and thic( b$sh4 scr$b4
and tall grass3 areas.
9ndia to 2iberia and 2o$th 1ast
+sia. /he3 are also %o$nd in
grassland and s)am# margins.
/he3 re>$ire s$%%icient cover4 a
good #o#$lation o% large #re3 and a
constant )ater s$##l3.
+siatic - endangered4 ;thers -
Criticall3 1ndangered
Life Span
+vg. , 3ears in the )ild %or males
and ,5-,6 3ears in the )ild %or
+vg. ,5 - " Cears
'aturity of
4 - ! Months in Ca#tivit37 36 - 46
Months in 6ild
4 - ! Months in Ca#tivit37 36 -
46 Months in 6ild
Lion Tiger
Body Length
"" - 3""" (. - 3 meters) """ - 33"" ( - 3.3 meters)
#ail +mm, 7"" - ,""" 6"" - ,,""
Females )ill give birth a%ter a
gestation #eriod o% ,""-,," da3s
Females )ill give birth a%ter a
gestation o% ,"4 da3s
'other nurses
cus for
," - , Months ,! - 4 Months
ho" lends
into haitat
tan coloring to match dr3 grasses stri#es to resemble shado)s o% the
%orest and blac( ears )ith )hite
s#ot on bac( li(e e3es.

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