Anda di halaman 1dari 2


1. Set Up
a) Build 5 separate card piles and put them on the table side
1. Treasure Deck (golden cards)
2. Skill Deck (blue cards)
3. Monster Deck (red cards)
4. Quest Deck (purple cards)
5. oo! Deck (sand colored cards)
b) Place the Dun!eon Entr" in t"e !iddle o# table
c) Place # passa!es$ one on eac" o# t"e 4 sides o# t"e entr$
d) Dra% & blue s'ill cards ( T"e$ are $our starting "and
e) Dra% ) *uest #ro! t"e %uest deck. T"at is $our acti&e %uest.
#) Place !old to'ens
on e&er$ un&isited tile (1 token eac")
g) Place $our '"aracter Standup on t"e (ntr$ and get 1 !ana) 1 t"read and 1
gold card in e*c"ange #or t"e gold token
") Remo+e the !ra" cards (t+o crossed bones s$!bol) out o, the pla") t"e$
cannot be used #or t"is &ariant) cause $ou +ould !ake decisions against
2. ,la$ers ,"ase
(e&er$ action in t"is p"ase costs 1 !o&e!ent point)
a) -o+e
to anot"er tile (get !ana and t"read plus 1 treasure card i# t"e gold
token is still t"ere - roo! is une*plored)
b) Re+eal
a ne+ tile and place it ad.acent to $ours
c) Rest on $our tile) discard a card and dra+ a ne+ one
d) Attac' a !onster on $our tile /ou role #irst and $ou decide t"e attack #or!
e) /lee #ro! a tile +it" a !onster on it b$ !aking a !o&e!ent test against t"e
!onster. 0# $ou pass) !o&e directl$ on an ad.acent tile 0# u loose) get 1 +ound
and tr$ again) i# u got anot"er !o&e!ent point le#t.
3. Dungeon!aster ,"ase
a) Re+eal the top card o, the monster dec'0 0# its t"read cost are e%ual or lo+er
t"en $our t"read le&el) pla$ t"is !onster on t"e tile) on +"ic" t"e pla$er is
standing. 0# its costs are too "ig") discard it an dra+ t"e ne*t card. epeat t"is
until u dra+n 1 !onster card) t"at u can deplo$.
b) 1he monster attac's i!!ediatel$ in "is #or! o# attack. i# it "as t+o or
!ore possible #or!s o# attack) roll a die and deter!ine) +"ic" attack "e uses.
c) At the End o, ,i!ht$ gain bonuses or !aluses as +ritten on t"e card1
2, u %on the roll) t"e !onster gets on +ound.
2, u 'ill it +it" t"is +ound) u gain !ana e%ual to "al# o# t"e t"read cost o# t"e
!onster) rounded do+n. 2dditionall$) $ou get to dra+ t"e top card o# t"e skill deck
2, u don3t 'ill it but +in t"e roll) t"en place one +ound token on t"e !onsters card.
2dditionall$) place an 2 (3)')D...) !arker on t"e !onster and t"e corresponding one
on t"e tile on +"ic" $ou #oug"t it. T"e !onster sta$s on t"is tile until it is de#eated.
/ou can attack it t"en in $our ne*t pla$ers p"ase #or one !o&e!ent point or tr$ to
#lee #ro! it.
2, u loose the roll$ get t"e !alus +ritten on t"e card and #inis" t"is p"ase. 2lso place
a 2 (3)')D...) token on t"e !onster and t"e tile on +"ic" it spa+ned) to keep track o#
its destination. Monsters cannot !o&e) t"e$ sta$ in t"e roo! +"ic" t"e$ #irst
attacked $ou.
4. T"e 4oal o# t"e 4a!e
epeat ,"ase 2 and 3 until $ou sol&ed 3 %uests b$ #ul#illing t"e re%uire!ents +ritten
on t"e %uest cards. 2#ter resol&ing a %uest) u get all t"e bonuses and e&en a le&el up)
as in t"e standard ga!e. i# u sol&ed 3 %uests) !ake $our +a$ to t"e starting tile
((ntr$) again and 5lea&e5 t"e dungeon in spending t+o Mo&e!ent points.
5. 4eneral ules
a) T"ere is no "and card li!it
b) /ou can onl$ discard and dra+ a ne+ skill card (blue)) i# u per#or! a (ST action.
c) 0# u de#eat a !onster) u get t"e bonuses +ritten on t"e card) plus !ana points
e%ual to "al# o# t"e !onsters t"read cost. 2dditionall$) $ou get to dra+ t"e top card
o# t"e skill deck (blue). T"is is t"e onl$ +a$ $ou can dra+ additional skill cards b$ not
"a&ing to discard one.
) /ou clai! t"e gold token directl$ +"en entering t"e roo!) e&en on t"e (ntr$ tile 7"ene&er u re&eal a ne+ roo! or
passage) place one #res" gold token on it. (&en all 5 starting tiles "a&e 1 token eac". 7"en clai!ing it $ou #ind a
treasure) e*c"anging it #or a gold card #ro! t"e treasure deck. T"at is t"e onl$ +a$ u can get treasure cards. 4old
tokens are not re#res"ed. T"e$ onl$ spa+n once u re&eal a ne+ tile. T"e !ore tiles $ou re&eal and !o&e on t"e!) t"e
!ore treasure cards u can beco!e.
. T"roug" +"ite doors u can !o&e like in standard. T"roug" Test8Doors u can onl$ !o&e) i# u past t"e Mo&e!ent test.
0# u #ail) u cannot enter and t"e door is closed. U can tr$ again to open it) i# u spend anot"er !o&e!ent point. 0# u
!o&e on a tile +it" a trap) u gotta per#or! a !o&e!ent c"eck b$ (9T(094 t"e tile 0# u lea&e a tile +it" a trap) no
tests are re%uired. 0# u #ail t"e trap test) u are dela$ed and so!eti!es e&en loose a "ealt" point) depending on t"e trap
& 7"en re&ealing a ne+ tile u got to #it t"is to t"e tile) on t"at $our are standing at t"e !o!ent. 0# it +ill not #it) dra+
a ne+ one and place
Rules Variant by Tobias Dick 2014

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