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180 4 Stock

4.2 Main Unit Processes and Equipment 181
Fig. 4.37 Schematic arrangement of the Metso OptiBright
MC flotation cell (source: Metso Paper).
Fig. 4.38 Metso OptiBright
MC flotation cell installation
(source: Metso Paper).
the primary cells contains large quantities of air. Deaeration of the reect is often
necessary to ensure sta!le operation of the secon"ary cells. This can !e "one e. g.
in a "eaeration cyclone inclu"ing a mechanical foam !rea#er.
Typically$ flotation lines operate at stoc# consistencies of %.&'(.) * an" tem+
peratures of ,%'-% .C$ neutral to slightly caustic suspension con"itions (p/ -'0)
an" 1ater har"ness )'2% ."/.
,.3.4.3 Nonselective Flotation (Dissolved Air Flotation DAF)
5onselecti6e flotation is use" for process 1ater clarification in the 1ater loops (see
Chapter )). The o!ecti6e is to "ispose of all the un"esire" 1ater components
1hich cannot !e remo6e" !y mechanical separation$ such as anionic trash$ fines$
or microstic#ies. These components 1oul" negati6ely affect the pro"uction proc+
ess an"7or the pro"uct quality. 8s flotation is !ase" on !u!!les generate" !y "e+
Fig. 4.39 Schematic arrangement of the 9oith :coCell (source:
Fig. 4.40 9oith :coCell installation (source: 9oith).
pressuri;ing air+saturate" 1ater this unit process is calle" "issol6e" air flotation
The "ifferent steps in nonselecti6e flotation are:
=enerating flocs: <locculants (cationic polymers) are a""e" an" mi>e" 1ith the
1ater to !e clarifie". 8s a result the fine particles agglomerate to flocs. ?n a""i+
tion coagulants can !e use" to transfer colloi"al material (@anionic trashA) into
microflocs in or"er to ma#e it accessi!le to flocculants.
Bu!!le generation: <irst a si"e stream of the untreate" 1ater (sometimes also
clarifie" 1ater) is air+saturate" in a tan# at a!out - !ar. The amount of air "is+
sol6e" in the 1ater is proportional to the pressure. Bith increasing temperature
the amount of "issol6e" air is less. 8ll remaining non"issol6e" air is remo6e" as
182 4 Stock
4.2 Main Unit Processes and Equipment 183
Fig. 4.41 Schematic of a tan# for "issol6e" air flotation
(source: meri :ntsorgungstechni#).
Fig. 4.42 8ir flotation tan# (source: meri :ntsorgungstechni#).
these !igger !u!!les 1oul" negati6ely affect the further process. By "epressuri;+
ing the 1ater small air !u!!les 1ith a narro1 si;e range are generate"$ finely
"istri!ute" in the 1ater.
<lotation: The si"e stream of the aerate" 1ater is mi>e" 1ith the main stream of
unclarifie" 1ater an" fe" into a flotation tan#. The fine air !u!!les a"here to the
flocs an" rise to the surface 1here they form a sta!le layer of slu"ge. <or goo"
flotation results flo1 tur!ulences in the tan# ha6e to !e #ept to a minimum.
Slu"ge remo6al$ clarifie" 1ater outlet: The forme" sta!le slu"ge is remo6e"
from the 1ater surface an" "ischarge". The clarifie" 1ater e>its from the !ottom
of the tan#.
The largest equipment in "issol6e" air flotation is the clarification tan#. ?t can !e
circular$ rectangular$ 1ith or 1ithout !uilt+in elements for flo1 gui"ing$ an" ma"e
from metal or concrete. The "esign "epen"s e. g. on the requirements place" on
the quality of the clarifie" 1ater$ the position in the process an" the quantity of
1ater to !e clarifie". <igures ,.,( an" ,.,3 sho1 a schematic an" a photograph of a
circular tan# for "issol6e" air flotation. They sho1 the central fee" of the mi>e"
streams of aerate" an" unclarifie" 1ater$ the slu"ge remo6al !y a pa""le$ the "is+
charge to the tan# center !y a fee"ing scre1$ an" the e>traction of the clarifie"
1ater near the !ottom at the periphery. The tan#s can ha6e "iameters up to 3) m
an" throughputs of up to 3)%% m
Bleacing o! "econdar# !i$ers
Bith !leaching in stoc# preparation systems the optical properties of secon"ary
fi!ers are impro6e": the !rightness of the stoc# is increase" an" a possi!le color
sha"e is re"uce".
There are t1o "ifferent !leaching principles (see Section 2.2):
O>i"ati6e !leaching$ mainly 1ith pero>i"e as the !leaching agent$ for !rightness
increase !y fi!er lightening.
Ce"ucti6e !leaching$ 1ith either (so"ium) "ithionite or <8S (formami"ine sulfi+
nic aci") as the !leaching agent$ for color 6alue correction an" !rightness in+
crease !y color stripping an" fi!er lightening.
The main parameters influencing the !leaching result are the type of chemical$ its
"osage$ p/ 6alue$ temperature$ an" retention time.
Depen"ing on the requirements of the finishe" stoc# either one or !oth !leach+
ing types are integrate" in a stoc# preparation system (see Section ,.2). The
amount an" type of !leaching agents ha6e to !e a"uste" to the fi!er composition
of the stoc# an" to the "esire" properties of the finishe" stoc#.
Pero>i"e !leaching is carrie" out in the presence of 5aO/$ so"ium silicate$ an"
sometimes chelating agents at ele6ate" temperatures. The optimum "osage ratio
of 5aO/ an" pero>i"e pre6ents yello1ing an" ma#es !est use of the pero>i"e.
This ensures the !est possi!le !leaching effect at the lo1est chemical costs. This
#in" of !leaching is most effecti6e at high stoc# consistencies of a!out 2% *.
/ence a com!ination 1ith the "ispersion system 1hich operates at high con+
sistencies an" temperatures is a"6isa!le$ using the Disperger to a"mi> the !leach+
ing agents to the stoc#. Dosage of pero>i"e is a!out ( to 3 * of (%% * acti6e per+
o>i"e on o6en "ry pulp. The stoc# is then fe" into a !leaching to1er ("o1nflo1) to
ensure sufficient retention time$ a!out 2% to 4% min for 1oo"+containing an" 2% to
0% min for 1oo"free stoc#$ at ele6ate" temperatures of a!out 4% to 0% .C an" a p/
of (% to ((. The !rightness gain is a!out , to (( *?SO for 1oo"free stoc#s an" 3 to
) *?SO for 1oo"+containing stoc#s. These 6alues "epen" strongly on the #in" of
ra1 material an" the !leaching con"itions. 8 system for pero>i"e !leaching is
sho1n in <ig. ,.,2.
:conomic re"ucti6e !leaching of secon"ary fi!ers requires an o>ygen+free stoc#
as "ithionite is sensiti6e to the o>ygen containe" in the air. Therefore the stoc# has
to !e "eaerate" 1hich can !e "one sufficiently at a me"ium consistency of a!out
(% to () *. <8S is less sensiti6e$ thus operating consistency can !e as high as 2% *
an" a Disperger may !e use" for a"mi>ing of <8S. Best results are o!taine" 1hen
184 4 Stock
4.2 Main Unit Processes and Equipment 18%
Fig. 4.43 Pero>i"e !leaching system (source: 9oith).
operating the Disperger un"er pressure an" at temperatures up to (3% .C. Both
agents are usually fe" to the inlet of a me"ium consistency pump an" a"mi>e" to
the stoc# in the pump. Dosage is %., to (.% * ("ithionite) an" %.3 to %.4 * (<8S).
The chemical reaction is much faster than 1ith o>i"ati6e !leaching an" hence
re"ucti6e !leaching can !e carrie" out in a !leaching pipe or smaller to1er (up+
flo1) 1ith a retention time of () to 4% min. The temperature is 4% .C (minimum)
to 0) .C$ p/ 4.) to -.) ("ithionite) an" (%.% to (%.) (<8S). 8 system for re"ucti6e
!leaching is sho1n in <ig. ,.,,.
Fig. 4.44 Ce"ucti6e !leaching system (source: 9oith).
Bashing is applie" in stoc# preparation systems for reco6ere" paper processing.
/ere the o!ecti6e of 1ashing is to remo6e from the fi!er suspension soli" an"7or
"issol6e" su!stances 1hich may negati6ely affect the paperma#ing process or the
finishe" pro"uct quality. Dissol6e" an" colloi"al contaminants inclu"e e. g. organic
an" inorganic su!stances contri!uting to COD an" anionic trash. Soli" particles
comprise fillers$ coating an" in# particles$ microstic#ies an" fines. Cemo6al of in#
particles !y 1ashing (1ash "ein#ing) has !een quite usual in the Dnite" States.
Bashing is a filtrating+thic#ening process. To !e 1ashe" out the particles ha6e to
!e smaller than a!out 2% mm. The 1ashing effect is the greater the smaller the
particles$ the lo1er the consistency at the 1asher entrance an" the higher the
outlet consistency of the thic#ene" suspension mat. The ma>imum theoretical
1ashing effect is gi6en !y the ratio filtrate flo17inlet flo1. This theoretical num!er
cannot !e o!taine" in practice as more particles are retaine" in the fi!er mat than
correspon"s to the a!o6e ratio "ue to a certain filtering effect.
The application of a 1ashing unit an" the #in" an" amount of su!stances to !e
1ashe" out "epen"s on the ra1 material$ the other unit processes applie" in the
stoc# preparation system an" the finishe" pro"uct requirements (see Section ,.2).
8 1ashing stage in a system requires effecti6e cleaning of the filtrate$ usually !y
nonselecti6e flotation (see Section ,.3.4.3). This in turn means high soli" loss from
the system. ?f "esire" the 1ashing effect an" thus the soli" loss can !e a"uste"
e. g. !y cleaning only part of the filtrate or a"usting the 1asher itself if possi!le.
The machinery use" for 1ashing consists mainly of "is# thic#eners an" high
spee" !elt filters. Static filters such as incline" an" cur6e" screens$ spray filters
an" pressure screen type 1ashers are also foun". Dis# thic#eners are "escri!e" in
Section ,.3.0. 8n e>ample of a high spee" !elt filter is sho1n in <ig. ,.,). :ach
unit of this t1in machine consists of an inlet fee"ing the suspension into the gap
forme" !y the center roll an" the 1ire. The filtrate is collecte" an" the 1ashe"
stoc# "ischarge". These machines operate at spee"s of a!out 2)% to (%%% m min
The suspension is "e1atere" un"er the pressure e>erte" !y the 1ire tension$ lea6+
ing the roll 1ith a consistency of a!out ) to (% *. ?nlet consistency is a!out %.- to
(.) *. The 1ashing effect can !e a"uste" o6er a 1i"e range !y the fi!er mat
thic#ness i.e !y its !asis 1eight. The higher the !asis 1eight the lo1er the 1ashing
effect. The proportion of ash an" fines in the filtrate also "epen"s on the !asis
1eight as larger particles (as fines are$ on a6erage$ compare" to fillers) are !etter
retaine" than fillers 1hen changing e. g. from 6ery lo1 !asis 1eights of 3% to ,% or
)% g m
18' 4 Stock
4.2 Main Unit Processes and Equipment 187
Fig. 4.4% /igh spee" !elt filter (9ariosplit) 1ith t1o "e1ater+
ing units (source: 9oith).
The o!ecti6e of "e1atering a fi!er suspension in stoc# preparation is to separate
the soli"s in the suspension from the 1ater an" "issol6e" ingre"ients. The reasons
for "e1atering the suspension are technological an" economic. They are mainly
to separate the 1ater loops as regar"s chemical an" contaminant loa" as 1ell as
to a"ust stoc# consistency to a "efine" le6el require" !y specific unit operations
such as "ispersing or !leaching
to reco6er fi!ers from the 1hite or 1aste 1ater
to increase consistency to the highest possi!le le6el 1hen ma#ing 1et laps or at
"ischarge of the reects.
De1atering is a filtration process 1here a suspension stream of consistency c
"i6i"e" !y a filter into a thic#ene" part 1ith a consistency of c
an" a filtrate stream
of consistency c
. 8t the start of filtering the retention of the soli"s on the filter is
lo1est. Bith time mat thic#ness increases$ as "oes retention$ 1hich means that the
soli"s content in the filtrate "ecreases. De1atering usually aims for ;ero consis+
tency in the filtrate$ 1hich in practice is not reache" as retention is ne6er (%% *. ?n
contrast$ 1ashing ta#es a"6antage of this effect for soli"7soli" separation.
9arious types of machines are use" for "e1atering in stoc# preparation: Drum
filters$ !elt filters$ t1in 1ire presses$ "is# filters$ an" scre1 presses$ as 1ell as static
filters such as incline" an" cur6e" screens. They can "iffer in se6eral aspects such
the "ri6ing forces for "e1atering e. g. gra6ity$ 6acuum$ 1ire tension o6er a
cur6e" surface$ mechanical pressing in a nip
Fig. 4.4' Schematics of "rum thic#eners (source: 9oith).
the allo1e" inlet consistencies for ensuring safe operation$ from %.) * up to
more than 2.) *.
the o!taine" outlet consistencies of a minimum 2 * up to more than 2% *
the filtrate consistency 1hich may 6ary !et1een ppm an" * num!ers.
Machinery selection is "one accor"ing to technological an" economic require+
,.3.0.( Dr)* +ic,eners
Drum thic#eners (or slushers7"ec#ers) comprise an open roll co6ere" 1ith a filter
1ire$ rotating in a 6at fille" 1ith suspension (<ig. ,.,4). The fee" consistency may
6ary !et1een a!out %.) an" 3.) *. 8 slusher is use" 1hen the require" "ischarge
consistency is not more than a!out 2', *. <or higher outlet consistencies of a!out
)'4 * a "ec#er$ 1hich comprises an a""itional roll to press an" further "e1ater the
filter mat !efore "ischarge$ is use". 8s the cylin"er rotates a mat is !uilt up on the
outsi"e of the filter "rum. /ere "e1atering is go6erne" !y the "ifferential hea"
!et1een the suspension le6el in the 6at an" the filtrate le6el insi"e the "rum. ?n
the case of a slusher the thic#ene" stoc# o6erflo1s into a chute$ in the case of a
"ec#er the mat is remo6e" from the couch roll !y a "octor !la"e. The filtrate in the
"rum is e>tracte" from the insi"e through a hollo1 shaft.
,.3.0.3 Belt Filters- +(in &ire .resses
/ere$ in principle$ the suspension is fe" onto a hori;ontal mo6ing 1ire an" "e1a+
tere" !y gra6ity or a""itionally !y a 6acuum place" un"er the 1ire. De1atering
188 4 Stock
4.2 Main Unit Processes and Equipment 189
Fig. 4.47 T1in 1ire press (source: 8n"rit;).
capacity can !e further increase" !y a secon" 1ire co6ering the suspension an" the
!ottom 1ire. By gui"ing this san"1ich o6er roll(s) of "ifferent "iameter(s) D un"er
a tension S of the outer 1ire a "e1atering pressure p is e>erte": p E 3 S7D. The
highest "ry content of the thic#ene" stoc# is o!taine" 1hen a""itional "e1atering
is "one in one or se6eral press nips. T1in 1ire presses (<ig. ,.,-) ma#e use of all
three principles an" o!tain high consistencies of a!out 3) to )% *.
,.3.0.2 Dis, +ic,ener
The filtering elements in "is# thic#eners are hollo1 "is#s co6ere" on !oth si"es
1ith 1ires. 5umerous "is#s are mounte" closely an" equally space" on a hollo1
shaft. The length of the machine is up to a!out (3 m 1ith 2.%').) m "is# "iameter.
The filter "is#s are immerse" a!out half1ay in the suspension in a trough. The
"ri6ing force for "e1atering is the hea" "ifferential !et1een the suspension height
in the trough an" the filtrate le6el. 8s the filter "is#s rotate (at )'3% m min
at the
circumference) a fi!er mat !uil"s up 1hich continuously falls !ac# to the trough
"ue to gra6ity an" flo1 forces. Thus the trough consistency increases an" the
thic#ene" suspension e>its o6er a 1eir. The filtrate is remo6e" through the hollo1
shaft. ?ts consistency is high as the fi!er mat is continuously remo6e" resulting in
lo1 retention.
,.3.0., Dis, Filters
Compare" to "is# thic#eners "is# filters (<ig. ,.,&) a""itionally apply 6acuum to
further increase the consistency$ pro"uction$ an" retention. They are use" for
1hite 1ater cleaning in the paper machine 1ater circuit (sa6e+all) an" for "e1ater+
ing of pulp suspensions in pulping. Typical consistencies are %.)'(.2 * at the inlet
Fig. 4.48 Dis# filter (source: 9oith).
an" up to (3'(& * at "ischarge. The filter "is#s are similar in "esign to those in
"is# thic#eners. 8 filter mat !uil"s up "uring rotation at the filter "is# surface
supporte" !y the 6acuum generate" !y a @!arometric legA go6erne" !y the "iffer+
ential hea" of filtrate le6el in the filter an" the outlet to the am!iance. Due to the
6acuum the mat remains fi>e" to the filter "is#s an" is further "e1atere" after
ha6ing emerge" from the suspension (@"rying ;oneA). The thic#ene" stoc# is re+
mo6e" from the "is#s in the upper qua"rant !y #noc#+off sho1ers an" collecte" in
a con6eyor 6ia chutes !et1een the "is#s. The "is#s are then cleane" !y oscillating
cleaning sho1ers !efore the filter area is re+immerse" into the suspension$ an"
filtration starts again. ?n the !eginning filtration ta#es place !y gra6ity an" the
filtrate consistency is high (clou"y filtrate) "ue to the thin fi!er mat. Consistency
"ecreases 1ith increasing filter mat thic#ness (clear filtrate) 1hen a 6acuum is
applie". The filtrate is "i6i"e" into t1o streams !y separating means in the filtrate
;one$ the cleaner one !eing use" for sho1er 1ater. Sometimes a thir" stream
(superclear filtrate) is "ra1n off.
,.3.0.) "cre( .resses
Scre1 presses comprise a housing$ perforate" (roun" holes or slots) screens$ an" a
rotating scre1 (<ig. ,.,0). The stoc# is transporte" !y the scre1 to the outlet$ !eing
"e1atere" en route. The free 6olume !et1een the scre1 !o"y an" the housing$
a6aila!le "uring the transport$ "ecreases in the a>ial "irection !y the increase in
the "e1atering pressure. Ce"uction in the free 6olume can !e achie6e" !y "ecreas+
ing the scre1 pitch angle or scre1 rotor "iameter an" increasing the scre1 rotor
shaft "iameter. Since the filter mat is continuously remo6e" from the screen cylin+
"er a high consistency an" "e1atering capacity is possi!le. On the other han" the
filtrate consistency is highest compare" to all other "e1atering metho"s. Scre1
presses are also for "e1atering in reect han"ling systems.
190 4 Stock
4.2 Main Unit Processes and Equipment 191
Fig. 4.49 Scre1 press (source: 9oith).
Depen"ing on the furnish quality as 1ell as on the requirements of the finishe"
pro"uct$ the tas#s of a "ispersing system 6ary 1i"ely. They are e. g.
to re"uce the si;e of "irt spec#s to !elo1 the limit of 6isi!ility
to re"uce the si;e of stic#ies
to !rea# "o1n coating an" si;ing particles
to "istri!ute 1a> finely
to "etach in# or toner particles from fi!ers
to "isintegrate fi!er !un"les
to treat fi!ers mechanically an" thermally
to mi> in !leaching agents
to "econtaminate the stoc# as regar"s microorganisms.
Dispersing is use" in secon"ary fi!er processing. ?t is locate" at the point of 1ater
loop separation 1here the suspension is "e1atere" up to a consistency of a!out 3)
to 2) *. Often !leaching is "one in com!ination 1ith "ispersing. <or high quality
"eman"s t1o "ispersing steps may !e applie" in the process.
During "ispersing high shear forces are applie" to the "e!ris particles to !e
"isperse" an" also to the fi!ers. The shear forces ha6e to e>cee" the strength of
these "e!ris particles in or"er to re"uce their si;e. /ence stoc# consistency must
!e a!out 3, to 2% * to ensure the transfer of the require" amount of "ispersing
energy$ an" the temperature has to !e ele6ate" to re"uce their strength.
8 "ispersing system consists of three maor process steps (<ig. ,.)%):
"e1atering the suspension from , to (% * up to the require" consistency of
a!out 33 to 2) *
heating the "e1atere" stoc# to a temperature of a!out &)'0% .C (at am!ient
pressure) or higher (up to (2% .C un"er pressure)
applying shear forces to "isperse the stoc#.
Fig. 4.%0 Schematic of a Disperger system (source: 9oith).
Fig. 4.%1 Dis# "isperger (opene") sho1ing the fillings
(source: 9oith).
De1atering of the suspension is "one in a scre1 press ' in some systems in a t1in
1ire press (see Section ,.3.0). The require" stoc# temperature "uring "ispersing is
o!taine" !y "irect steam heating 1hich may !e "one either in a separate heating
scre1 or !y steam fe" "irectly into the "isperser. Dispersing itself is "one either in
a high+spee" "is# "isperger (<ig. ,.)() or in a slo1+running #nea"ing "isperger
(<ig. ,.)3).
The fillings of a "is# "isperger (<ig. ,.)2) usually ha6e intermeshing teeth or
sometimes refiner+type !ars. The rotor7stator element spacing is ( mm or less$
peripheral spee" is a!out )% to (%% m s
. The specific energy "eman" is )% to
&% #Bh t
$ in certain cases up to ()% #Bh t
. Dis# "ispergers are al1ays operate"
at ele6ate" temperatures other1ise the loss in freeness 1oul" !e consi"era!le.
This effect may ha6e use for /C refining of recycle" fi!ers (see Section ,.3.)).
192 4 Stock
4.2 Main Unit Processes and Equipment 193
Fig. 4.%2 Fnea"ing "isperger 1ith fillings (source: 9oith).
Fig. 4.%3 Dis# "isperger fillings (source: 9oith).
The fillings in a #nea"ing "isperger are much coarser than in a "is# "isperger. The
rotor7stator spacing is a!out (% mm$ the peripheral spee" is )'() m7s. The "esign
may !e (+shaft or 3+shaft. :nergy input for #nea"ing "ispergers is usually !et1een
2% an" &% #B7t$ in special cases up to (3% #B7t. They can !e operate" unheate" at
normal process temperatures 1ithout noticea!ly "ecreasing freeness of the
Control of the transferre" "ispersing energy for the #nea"ing "isperger is !y
a"usting the entering stoc# consistency. <or the "is# "isperger energy control is
!y a"usting the spacing of the rotor7stator elements.
The effects of the t1o "isperger types in general are 6ery similar 1ith some "iffer+
ing ten"encies:
the "is# "isperger may !e a"6antageous 1hen goo" stic#y an" "irt spec# re"uc+
tion is require"
the #nea"ing "isperger is recommen"e" 1hen high porosity an" !ul# of the
finishe" pro"uct are a priority.
0i1ing and "toring
Mi>ing has to ensure that all in"i6i"ual component flo1s entering a mi>ing appa+
ratus ha6e !een uniformly "istri!ute" in the e>iting suspension flo1. Bhen mi>+
ing is "one in a chest its 1hole 6olume has to !e agitate" continuously. This
requires relati6ely high energy input.
Mi>ing of suspensions in chests is usually "one at stoc# consistencies of 2 to
) *. The geometry of mi>ing chests shoul" ha6e an appro>imate (:( up to (:(.4
"iameter to height ratio for minimum energy "eman" an" goo" mi>ing effect. The
suspension is agitate" !y a chest mi>ing propeller similar to a shipGs propeller as
sho1n in <ig. ,.),. Specific energy "eman" is %.3 to %.) #B m
$ "epen"ing on the
si;e an" geometry of the chest as 1ell as on the stoc# type an" consistency.
During storage of a suspension$ "emi>ing of 1ater an" fi!ers an" other compo+
nents may occur at lo1 an" me"ium consistencies. This has to !e a6oi"e". Stirring
only a small part of the suspension at regular inter6als at "ifferent positions in the
storing chest is sufficient to hin"er or correct separation an" reflocculation. Thus
the energy "eman" is limite".
9ertically suspen"e" stirrer shafts 1ith pairs of propeller !la"es at se6eral le6els
of the shaft are use" to pre6ent "emi>ing. ?n larger "iameter storing chests the
shaft rotates epicyclically. The #in" of equipment in <ig. ,.)) is applie" at smaller
an" me"ium storage 6olumes. The energy "eman" is a!out %.%3 to %.( #B m
Fig. 4.%4 Chest mi>ing propeller 1ith
hori;ontal a>is (source: 9oith).
194 4 Stock
Fig. 4.%% Storage chest 1ith a 6ertical stirrer shaft
to pre6ent "emi>ing (source: 9oith).
<or large storage 6olumes to1ers are use" 1ith re"uce" "iameters at the !ottom.
Only this lo1er part is agitate" !y a mi>ing propeller. ?n this case stoc# can also !e
store" at higher consistencies$ e6en a!o6e (% *.
?n storing high consistency stoc# of a!out (% to () *$ the crucial requirement is
the continuous remo6al of the stoc#. <or that the stoc# is "ilute" close to the outlet.
/ere "emi>ing is usually not a pro!lem.
"#ste*s !or Fi$er "toc, .re/aration
Andrea Stetter
The target of fi!er preparation systems is to mo"ify the ra1 materials for paper
pro"uction so that the stoc# suits the requirements of the paper machine as 1ell as
those of the finishe" paper or !oar". Ca1 materials are 6irgin fi!ers from "ifferent
sources such as chemical pulps from har"+ or soft1oo" or mechanical fi!ers li#e
S=B$ P=B$ TMP or CTMP. The largest portion of ra1 materials to"ay is reco6ere"
paper 1hich is processe" into secon"ary or recycle" fi!ers. The reco6ere" paper
gra"es "iffer a lot as regar"s fi!er compostion an" cleanliness le6els (see 9ol.().
Therefore the processing systems ha6e to ta#e into account these "ifferences as
1ell as the 6arious quality requirements of the finishe" stoc#.

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