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Diabetes mellitus arises because the body lacks insulin ; resulting in disorders of carbohydrate

metabolism , protein , fat , water , and electrolytes . Soy milk is mengandungAsam Amino Amino
Acid Glycine and Arginine Insulin is able to maintain balance . In addition , the protein in soy milk is
more easily accepted by the kidneys than animal protein . Soy milk is good because it is consumed by
people with diabetes mellitus .

Autism is a developmental disorder that occurs in childhood , so that makes a person unable to
conduct social interaction and as if living in his own world . Autism in children is usually called
Autism Infatil . Autism sufferers should not mengkosumsi foods containing casein ( milk protein ) and
glutein ( protein powder ) . Because in addition to difficult to digest , foods that contain two types of
protein can lead to impaired brain function . If the consumption behavior of people with autism will
be more hyperactive . Casein sources derived from animal milk ( cow 's milk ) as well as a wide
variety of products , such as cheese and cream . For people with Autism , Cow Milk can be replaced
with Soy Milk . Thus , people with autism still obtain input protein , vitamins , and minerals is
sufficient . The most important thing of all, soy milk does not contain casein and glutein .

For every person ; memjadi old is a certainty that was not to be feared . One of the most powerful
ways that are believed to ward off premature aging is to rely Antioxidant sourced from food or drink
. Consuming food or beverage source of anti - oxidants is a wise choice , as well as the right choice to
combat premature aging . Anti- oxidants are generally derived from the class of vitamins and
minerals ; including vitamins B , E , C , Beta - Carotene , Chromium , Selenium , Calcium , Copper ,
Magnesium , and isoflavones . Soy milk should put into your diet list , so you stay young . Soy milk
contains many substances compounds Anti Aging ( inhibits premature aging )

Not only cow's milk can reduce the risk of osteoporosis , soy milk can also provide the same benefits
. The content of phytoestrogens in soy milk can help speed up the absorption of calcium by the body
and prevent the loss of bone mass . To obtain maximum results , make sure you buy soy milk
contains vitamin D , long experience menopause , female hormones estrogen production decreases
dramatically . The decrease very much this can cause some health problems in women , including
heart disease , diabetes and obesity . Women at this age are more prone to depression , irritability ,
and other psychological disorders . By eating phytoestrogen -rich soy milk to replace the hormone
estrogen , so women will be more healthy and comfortable undergoing menopause .

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