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Edgar Perez to Discuss Suspended China-US Bilateral Dialogue at

Cyber Security World Conference 20!

Building off of the momentum of past successful conferences, Golden
Networking brings Cyber Security World Conference 20! New "ork City
#www$CyberSecurityWorldConference$com%, forum that will bring the latest
thinking from security e&perts to hundreds of senior e&ecuti'es focused on
protecting enterprises( information assets$
"e# $or% City& "$& US' ()ctober 2& 20!* --
According to Reuters, China's top diplomat told U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerry that resuming cyber
security cooperation beteen China and the United
States ould be difficult because of !mista"en U.S.
practices!. #ang Jiechi, a state councilor o$erseeing
foreign affairs, told Kerry in %oston the United States
!should ta"e positi$e action to create necessary
conditions for bilateral cyber security dialogue and
cooperation to resume!, according to a statement seen
on the Chinese &oreign 'inistry ebsite on Sunday.
!(ue to mista"en U.S. practices, it is difficult at this
)uncture to resume Sino-U.S. cyber security dialogue
and cooperation.!
*hy is it so difficult for China and the United States to
spea" about cyber security ill be the topic to be presented by +dgar ,ere-, author of Knightmare on *all Street, at Cyber Security
*orld Conference 0123 4e #or" City ..CyberSecurity*,
forum that ill pro$ide a platform for information security authorities and inno$ati$e
ser$ice pro$iders to distil their latest research for hundreds of senior e5ecuti$es
focused on protecting enterprise and go$ernment $aluable assets. Cyber security
e5perts ill discuss topics such as protecting indi$iduals and companies against cyber-
attac"s, biometrics as the future of security, ris"s brought by mobile computing, and
protecting corporate and national infrastructure against foreign attac"s.
'r. ,ere- is idely regarded as the preeminent global e5pert in technology and
in$esting. 6e is the author of Knightmare on *all Street and 7he Speed 7raders and
has been inter$ieed on C44, C4%C, &89 %US:4+SS, %loomberg 7;, C44 en
+spa<ol, %44, CC7; China, %an",, =eaderonomics, >,* 'edia,
Channel 4esAsia's %usiness 7onight and Cents ? Sensibilities. 'r. ,ere- has been
globally featured on &9&actor, Columbia %usiness, 8pen'ar"ets, Sohu,, #icai, eastmoney, Cai)ing, +7&, AB1doc, A6 Radio,
C4&, C:7:CS &utures, 7ong5in Securities,, C%4ee".com,
Cai5in, &utures (aily, 9inhua, C%4 4esire, Chinese &inancial 4es,,
:nternational &inance 4es,, &, &, 7he
Korea 7imes, 7he Korea 6erald, 7he Star, 7he 'alaysian :nsider, %'& @E.E, i'oney
6ong Kong, C4%C, %loomberg 6edge &und %rief, 7he *all Street Journal, 7he 4e
#or" 7imes, (allas 'orning 4es, ;alor +conFmico, &:9>lobal 7rading, 78(A#
8nline, 8riental (aily 4es and %usiness 7imes.
'r. ,ere- has been engaged to present at the Council on &oreign Relations, ;adym
6etman Kyi$ 4ational +conomic Uni$ersity .Kie$/, Duant :n$estment ? 6&7 Summit
A,AC 0120 .Shanghai/, U.S. Securities and +5change Commission .*ashington (C/,
C&A Singapore, 6ong Kong Securities :nstitute, Courant :nstitute of 'athematical
Sciences at 4e #or" Uni$ersity, Uni$ersity of :nternational %usiness and +conomics
.%ei)ing/, 6ult :nternational %usiness School .=ondon and Shanghai/ and ,ace
Uni$ersity .4e #or"/, among other public and pri$ate institutions.
'r. ,ere- as a $ice president at Citigroup, a senior consultant at :%', and a strategy
consultant at 'cKinsey ? Co. in 4e #or" City. 'r. ,ere- has an undergraduate
degree from Uni$ersidad 4acional de :ngenierGa, =ima, ,eru .2EE3/, a 'aster of
Administration from Uni$ersidad +SA4, =ima, ,eru .2EEH/ and a 'aster of %usiness
Administration from Columbia %usiness School, 4e #or", ith a dual ma)or in &inance
and 'anagement .0110/. 6e belongs to the %eta >amma Sigma honor society. 'r.
,ere- resides in the 4e #or" City area and is an accomplished salsa and hustle
Cyber Security *orld Conference 0123 is produced by >olden 4etor"ing, the premier
netor"ing community for business and technology e5ecuti$es, entrepreneurs and
in$estors. ,anelists, spea"ers and sponsors are in$ited to contact >olden 4etor"ing
by sending an email to informationIgoldennetor"
+edia Contact,
Julia ,etro$a
'edia Relations Coordinator
>olden 4etor"ing

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