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<p><b>Fruit Drinks</b></p>

<p>Fruits are often regarded as a healthy part of ones diet. Numerous research
studies have found that eating a healthy diet with large portions of whole fruit could
help signifcantly decrease the risk of one developing chronic illnesses including
type 2 diabetes cancer as well as heart disease. !oreover fruit drinks have also
been pitched as e"ective replacements for whole fruits. #owever a large number of
researchers believe that the e"ectiveness of fruit drinks on ones health depends
on the actual amount and type of fruit drinks consumed.<$p>
<p>%arents concerned with their childs diet and whether or not fruit &uice will
a"ect their childs weight should be aware that consumption of moderate amounts
of fruit drinks has been shown not to a"ect a childs weight. 't should be noted
however that fruit drinks &ust like any other food source contain calories. (oo much
fruit drinks will result in weight gain. )s such one should moderate the amount of
fruit drinks their child consumes.<$p>
<p>) number of considerations need to be taken when deciding which kind of fruit
drinks to give to your child. *hile sweetened fruit &uices and cocktails are rather
popular the healthier option has been shown to be fruit drinks that are made
solely from fruit &uice i.e. +,,- fruit &uice. (hough sweetened fruit &uices and +,,-
fruit &uice drinks may have the same amount calories the latter has signifcantly
more vitamins and less additives.<$p>
<p>)s previously mentioned the health benefts derived from fruit drinks depend
on the type of fruit &uice the drink is made from. %omegranate fruit drinks for
instance are known to be rich sources of antio.idants which are known to lower /0/
1bad2 cholesterol levels. )nother health beneft associated with pomegranate fruit
drinks involves reducing$controlling the growth of prostate cancer where the &uice
has been known to stabili3e the %rostate 4ignifcant )ntigen 1%4)2 levels in men.
(his antigen is typically measured to gauge the progression of prostate cancer in
the individual. !oreover pomegranate &uice has also been shown to improve blood
5ow in patients with ischemic coronary heart disease.<$p>
<p>6ther fruit drinks that you might want to consider adding to your daily diet
include orange &uice cranberry &uice and blueberry &uice. 6range &uice has been
known to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones while fruit drinks that contain
cranberry &uice have long been used as an e"ective remedy for urinary tract
infections. 7ecent studies have also shown that such fruit drinks may be helpful in
preventing the onset of such infections. 8lueberries and blueberry fruit drinks
have similar properties to cranberry fruit drinks and are therefore useful in
treating and preventing 9('s. !oreover moderate consumption of fruit drinks
made from blueberries may help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.<$p>

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