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We, the People is looking for YOU!

Designation: Project Coordinator - Western India

Application Deadline: Sunday, 2
November 2014
Apply only if you are truly driven by a passion towards developing
active citizens through awareness, training and action. It is good if
you have education and/or experience in any of the areas of
democracy, human rights, law, governance, civics, politics, training
and education BU mostly it will be your attitude and passion that
will count.
We, the People is a network o individua!s and or"ani#ations committed to
res$onsib!e citi#ens%i$& 'ur vision is, !to ignite a million spar"s across the
country by initiating exploration, understanding and action towards
being an active and responsible citizen#. (owards t%is vision, we %ave
deve!o$ed a trainin" $ro"ramme ca!!ed the $citizenship program% w%ic%
combines understandin" o "overnance rameworks )constitutiona! ri"%ts, duties
and structure o t%e State* and a$$!ication o too!s or citi#en action )com$!aints,
t%e +(I ,ct* in a creative manner& We $artner wit% educationa! institutions to
incor$orate t%e -Citi#ens%i$ $ro"ram. wit% t%e e/istin" curricu!um by usin"
innovative too!s, met%ods and works%o$s& (%is $ro"ram aims to c%an"e t%e way
civics is tau"%t in sc%oo!s and sow t%e seed o res$onsib!e citi#ens%i$ in c%i!dren
ri"%t rom sc%oo! days&
(%e se!ected candidate wi!! be mana"in" and coordinatin" $roject activities in
Western India, $rimari!y, 0umbai, Pune, Nasik and surroundin" areas& 12S%e wi!!
be res$onsib!e or bui!din" new $artners%i$s o!!owin" u$ on e/istin" $artners%i$s
)educationa! institutions, N3's2C4's, cor$orate, o$en "rou$s* to sustain
re!ations%i$s and or or"anisin" dia!o"ue events and citi#ens%i$ $ro"ramme
works%o$s& (%is wou!d invo!ve im$!ementin" $ro"ramme activities, coordinatin"
wit% anc%or aci!itators, ensurin" t%at t%ey aci!itate works%o$s, com$!ete
re$ortin" $rocesses and re$ort back to t%e Centra! Secretariat& ,$art rom
coordinatin" (rustees meetin"s, t%e Coordinator wi!! a!so com$i!e mont%!y data
rom t%e Western re"ion and send it to t%e Centra! secretariat, su$$ort
communication c%anne!s and mana"e 5nancia! uti!isation or Western re"ion
(%e $osition is based in 0umbai wit% trave! to surroundin" #ones and to ot%er
$arts o t%e country i re6uired&
Primary responsiilities incl!de !t are not limited to:
1& 7/$ansion o Citi#ens%i$ $ro"ram by identiyin"2deve!o$in" new
$artners%i$s wit% educationa! institutions and civi! society or"anisations
2& Im$!ementin" $ro"ramme activities in terms o aci!itatin" dia!o"ue events
and works%o$s
8& Su$$ortin" anc%or deve!o$ment, mentorin" t%em and or"anisin" trainin"
$ro"rammes or anc%ors
4& 'r"ani#in" dia!o"ue events and citi#ens%i$ $ro"rams and coordinatin" wit%
$artners, tar"et audience and anc%ors
9& 4ui!din" and maintainin" re!ations%i$s wit% di:erent stake%o!ders
;& Com$i!in" Western re"ion data on a mont%!y basis, monitorin" and
re$ortin" to Centra! Secretariat
<& 0ana"in" events and $romotiona! $ro"rams
=& Su$$ortin" Centra! Secretariat in im$!ementin" strate"ies or increasin"
awareness o t%e $ro"rams over di:erent communication c%anne!s suc% as
Website, >ace4ook, (witter, ?ou(ube, Print media-0a"a#ines, News$a$ers,
(e!evision, Network database
@& Su$$ortin" 5nancia! mana"ement or uti!i#ations in t%e West and
communicatin" wit% accounts team
"no#ledge, $kills and Ailities:
1& Passion or bui!din" active citi#ens
2& '$enness to !earnin" and Ae/ibi!ity
8& Stron" mobi!i#in", $!annin" and or"ani#in" ski!!s
4& 3ood trainin" ski!!s and e/$erience in workin" wit% "rou$s
9& Stron" written and verba! communication
;& Stron" data ana!ysis and mana"ement ski!!s
<& 0u!titaskin"
=& Critica! (%inkin"
@& +esourceu!ness
&emuneration will be commensurate with expertise and
%f this interests yo!, please contact:
,!ka S%es%a, (rustee
7mai!B a!ks%es%;4C"mai!&com
+ama S%yam, 1ead o Secretariat
0obi!eB @8201@1800
7mai!B rama&ak%tarC"mai!&com
WebsiteB www&we-t%e-$eo$!e&in
>4B %tt$sB22www&acebook&com2We(%ePeo$!e

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