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1. Download Vmware Workstation 7 (current version on vmware.

com) make sure it

includes the Vmware tools otherwise you will have to manually download it from here
2. You need Windows 200 !nter"rise !dition (to create the cluster).
. #nstall V$Ware Workstation% confi&ure a V$ with these attri'utes (
*+$( 20$'
)DD0( ,-,#% . /0
!thernet 1( 0rid&ed
!thernet 2( )ost2only
+dvanced( !na'le 3em"late mode
.. #nstall Windows 200 !nter"rise !dition on it (if you are not "lannin& to install too
many thin&s on the -( drive 7/0 should 'e ok).
4. 5ost 1, #nstallation u"dates( V$Ware 3ools% ,ervice 5ack. 6ink to Win2k ,52
7. 5ost 1, #nstallation ,te"s
2*ename the )ost2only ada"ter( )eart'eat -onnection
28n'ind -lient for $icrosoft 9etworks and :ile and 5rinter ,harin& for $icrosoft
9etworks from this ada"ter
2Disa'le 9et0#1, over 3-5;#5 and 6$)1,3, looku" on this ada"ter
2*ename the 0rid&ed connection( 5u'lic 9etwork -onnection
7. *ename this server name as D- (Domain -ontroller which you will need for the
cluster service account). *estart.
<. -onfirm everythin& is in "lace% we will use this server as 3em"lace.
=. ,hutdown server
10. 3ake a sna"shot of the server while 'ein& off. +nd -lone it twice.
(make sure you select the full clone o"tion 2 # had to take the sna"shot "rior to the clone%
if not # wasn>t a'le to clone it).
11. 6et>s say we have -luster 9ode + and -luster 9ode 0. +lso we have D-.
12. Don>t turn on anythin& yet and do this (
!dit the settin&s of -luster 9ode + and create two new ,-,# hard disks into a new folder.
Do not use an e?istin& folder in which one of the V$s resides.
Disk 1( 3his will 'e the @uorum disk. $ake this 0.4 /0 and allocate all disk s"ace now.
Disk 2( 3his will 'e the shared data disk. $ake this at least 2.0 /0 and allocate all disk
s"ace now.
When addin& the disks make sure to manually add the file e?tension .vmdk
#f you don>t see the e?tension delete and re2create addin& the e?tension.
<. -lose V$ware Workstation and edit the V$ware -onfi&uration :ile (.V$A) file for
this machine and make the followin& chan&es(
+dd the followin& lines to create a second ,-,# channel(
scsi1."resent B C3*8!C
scsi1.virtualDev B Clsilo&icC
$odify the additional hard drives to 'e attached to the new ,-,# channel. !?am"le(
scsi1(4."resent B C3*8!C
scsi1(4.file9ame B C#(D-luster ,haredDEuorum.vmdkC
scsi1(7."resent B C3*8!C
scsi1(7.file9ame B C#(D-luster ,haredDData.vmdkC
+dd the followin& lines to disa'le disk lockin& and cachin&(
disk.lockin& B CfalseC
disk6i'.data-ache$a?,iFe B C0C
$ake sure the inverted comma is co"ied;"asted correctly C and not GH
# created the -lones on se"arate disks to hel" the #;1 of the "hysical disk (# ho"e it hel"ed
somethin& at least).
=. +dd the same lines to the V$ware -onfi&uration of -luster 9ode 0.
10. 3urn on the D- ,erver we used as a tem"late (we can disa'le the o"tion +dvanced(
!na'le 3em"late mode if you want).
-han&e the ,ervername% the "u'lic 9#- #5 +ddress (static and use the same #5 address
for the D9,)% disa'le the )eart0eat 9#-.
+dd the +ctive Directory role% make sure to select the o"tion to install D9,% this will also
inte&rate D9, to +D.
3his is the first D- in the network so we don>t have many worries.
Done we have all on &oin&.
#n my case # chose name ( -ontrol ; "u'lic static i" 1=2.17<.1.1 ; D9, 1=2.17<.1.1
11. ,tart V$ware Workstation and start -luster 9ode +. -onfi&ure the new disks as
0asic disks% format them with 93:, and assi&n drive letters
(,u&&estion use the E( drive letter for the Euorum disk% 400$0).
-han&e the ,ervername% the "u'lic 9#- #5 +ddress (static and use the D- #5 address for
the D9,)% -han&e the )eart0eat #5 +ddress.
#n my case # chose name ( 9ode1 ; "u'lic static i" 1=2.17<.1.10 ; )eart0eat
12. ,tart -luster 9ode 0. +ssi&n the same drive letters to the same disks.
-han&e the ,ervername% the "u'lic 9#- #5 +ddress (static and use the D- #5 address for
the D9,)% -han&e the )eart0eat #5 +ddress.
#n my case # chose name ( 9ode2 ; "u'lic static i" 1=2.17<.1.11 ; )eart0eat
1. 9ow we have to chan&e the ,#D of the 2 clones% if not we won>t 'e a'le to Ioin 9ode
+ J 0 to the domain.
Well to 'e s"ecific% you will 'e a'le to Ioin these servers to the domain% 'ut when you
want to lo&in usin& a Domain +ccount you will &et an error a'out the Domain not 'ein&
,#D -onsistent ( 6ink
,o avoid the trou'leshootin&% download 9ew,id to chan&e the ,#D of the cloned ,ervers.
9ew,id was a tool develo"ed 'y sysinternals 'ut after $, 'ou&ht them% they had to
shutdown 9ew,id. You can still find it on the we'% try this "lace # downloaded it from
there. #f it>s not workin& let me know.
You can of course use any software that let you chan&e your -om"uter ,#D% 'ut most of
the (at the moment at least) are "aid. 9ew,#D was a &reat freeware tool.
1k% if you have 9ew,#D Iust &enerate a random ,#D and let the tool a""ly the chan&e to
your system ('oth 9ode + J 0).
1.. Koin 9ode + and 9ode 0 to the domain. *e'oot. $ake sure you are a'le to Ioin the
#f you are wonderin& a'out the new added disks that are shared 'y 'oth servers(
When # tried to create a folder # could% 'ut the chan&e was not reflrected on the other
node. ,o Iust leave it em"ty% don>t create anythin& on them% if you did% Iust delete what
you have done.
14. 9ow we are ready for the 5arty% #nstallin& and confi&urin& $,-, Windows 200 (
# Iust followed this very nice &uide from $icrosoft
17 #n case you don>t want to download the file let me do a summary%
-rete a Domain +ccount to 'e used as the service account for the cluster service.
+dd it to the local +dministrator &rou" on 'oth 9odes.
1n 9ode + 2 ,tart 2 *un 2 -luadmin 2 ,elect create 9ew -luster
#t will 'e&in with a few checkin&s% when it ask you a'out how to confi&ure it% select
custom (Iust to make sure we select the E( drive as the Euorum disk).
When it>s time select the E( drive for the Euorum
9e?t 2 9e?t 2 ty"e the account name;"assword for the cluster service.
3y"e the cluster name% #5 +ddress.
We are done% you have your cluster runnin&.
9ow +dd the other 9ode 'y ( ri&ht click on the cluster% 9ew 2 9ode 2 ty"e the serve name
of 9ode 0. 9e?t to any Window% when it comes ty"e the "assword for the service account
of the cluster service.
-onfi&ure the -luster "ro"erties for the )eart0eat;1nly 5rivate communication (to"
"riority)2 5u'lic;$i?ed -ommunication.
We>re done.
3est the cluster 'y movin& the -luster /rou" 'etween each node.
# installed all on my com"uter which only has 1/0 *+$ $emory so if you are short of
$emory% decrease the memory siFe of the D- to 247$0% re'oot your com"uter%
sto" any service you don>t need at that very moment% close any a""lication you don>t
need% kill "rocesses% "ro'a'ly it will run a little slow like me 'ut it will work.

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