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Topic: PREV (My version of EV..

Pre-Researched EV) (1 of 5), Read 334 times Conf: >> Advanced From: TylerDurden Date: Monday, March 31, 2003 01:35 AM PRE-RESEARCHED EV (values elicitation):
Rather than eliciting the values of a chick on the spot, I use my knowledge of c
hicks to feed them back stuff that MOST chicks would definetely be into. It's PR
E-RESEARCHED, rather than elicited right then and there.
It's my belief that EV is fake, and that guys who claim to use EV and SS their *
exclusive* sarging method were probably fabricating or exaggerating their claims
. This is not a direct accusation, but just something that I've experienced in t
he field. I've never seen it work the way that SS claimed it should, in the actu
al field.
Toecutter has written alot on this, about how it can bore chicks to death. The k
ind of girls that I'm dealing with (early 20s little princesses) won't talk to m
e long enough to run a PURE EV session on them. (although of course I can cherry
-pick it through less direct means).
Rather than EV, simply become massively attractive (become an 'attractor') throu
gh conveying a higher-value. I can use C&F, social proof, mentalism, story-telli
ng, negs (which implicitly social proof you, since you must be with only the mos
t beautiful women if you would neg a hottie, right? :).... )
Consequently, the woman BECOMES SIMILAR to a man who is willing to fuck a chick
who he doesn't like that much, out of sheer lust. She stops caring as much about
the LEGITIMATE connection, and tries to fabricate one in her head in order to b
ackwards rationalize her lust for you.
However, I *do* use a FORM of EV, which is PRE-RESEARCHED.
For this, I recall the knowledge from different sources:
-"Memoirs of an ex-prom queen"
-Nancy Friday "My secret garden"
-Romance Novels (with my de-crypting of what the themes imply)
-various fem-lit (again, with my de-crypting of what the themes *really* mean, n
ot what they *claim* they mean in their chick-logic heads)
Then I use the TRUISM idea that Kooper identified from my BF-Destroyer stuff, in
order to FEED to the chick that I am her ideal man.
I use TRUISMS to discuss relationships and social dynamics, in a way that chicks
are SO INTO, that they deduce that I am their perfect guy.
Combine this with the fact that I just teased the hell out of them C&F style, an
d conveyed higher value with social proof, and she is stunned.
-discuss male-insecurities that your friends have (JEALOUSY), how lame it is
-lame little bitch-fights in relationships where partners are insecure, and the
lame unhealthy things that partners do to eachother out of insecurities
-discuss how the sex-life needs to be fostered the same way that the emotional l
ife does, and how you need to keep it always fresh
etc etc (see Kooper's post)
I use alot of what Kooper wrote in his "truisms" post, as well as the stuff from
my old-school "BF Destroyer Material" post (I & II), except just without the di
rect comparisons to her BF.
I know what most chicks want, so I prefer to just feed it to them and take my ch
The downside is that I don't get their "trance words" and stuff like that, but I
ME, this is totally unnecessary if you have a great early game, since the chicks
are more than sufficiently attracted by that point.
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Topic: PREV (My version of EV.. Pre-Researched EV) (2 of 5), Read 301 times Conf: >> Advanced From: Manifestis3 Date: Monday, March 31, 2003 02:03 AM --TRIUSMS:
-discuss male-insecurities that your friends have (JEALOUSY), how lame it is
-lame little bitch-fights in relationships where partners are insecure, and the
lame unhealthy things that partners do to eachother out of insecurities
-discuss how the sex-life needs to be fostered the same way that the emotional l
ife does, and how you need to keep it always fresh
can u go deeper into this? waht kind of things do u say that work well for u reg
arding "Truisms"?

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