Anda di halaman 1dari 4

Number User Sub-types Use Case Priority Notes

Researcher Newcomer gain an impression of the church 1

2 Networker find specific contact information 1
Content provider provide content 1
4 Content provider new content 1
Enquirers find out about God and the church 1

Maintainer Skills: basic computer competence e.g. create new content 1
6 knows Word
Maintainer change content 1
8 Maintainer maintain domain registration 1
9 News seekers get news 2
Researcher Newcomer, Mission partner, wider find out about some topic in the 2 Mission links, associated
church, genealogist, elderly, parents church organisations,
elderly/befriending, related
links, genealogical info,
advice, for kids, church
10 building/history,
Service consumer book a service 2 baptism, wedding, funeral
People in groups on rotas find a schedule 3
Networker find out about specific 3
13 person/role/group
People in groups on rotas find themselves on a schedule 4
Venue seekers make a venue booking 4
16 Monitor audit site 5
Use Case outline
follows link to our site, system shows what we're like, they read some welcoming
text, find out contact information, make contact
open website, select contacts, make contact
open website, find content they are interested in, get some or no content into
Word, update, send to Maintainer
write content in word, send to maintainer
open website, select "find out more about God" link, system provides basic
information expressing our faith, mission statement, give info on courses, make
contact, provide links
receive content from content provider, reformat to HTML/CSS, upload to server,
test server, close
download content from, server modify HTML/CSS, upload to server, test server,

opens website, navigates to news info, select news item, read news item, close
open website, navigate to topic area, select specific information, read, get contact
information, close, make contact,

open website, find what's available, costs, rules, requirements and restrictions, get
contact details, make contact
opens website, navigates to schedule, search for day, selects entry, read schedule
entry, close
open website, select "who's who bit" groups/leaders/.., read some info on
individuals/group, get contact information, make contact
opens website, navigates to schedule, search for names, selects entry, read
schedule entry, close
open website, find what's available and recurring restrictions, display prices, get
contact details, make contact
opens website, see all pages, make contact
News seekers who wants to know what's going on, when and where
People in groups or who wants to check when they (or other people) are involved
on rotas
Newcomer who wants to find out about the church in Birstall
Researcher who has a specific query on a defined topic
Networker who wants to make contact with a specific role or person in the
Monitor who wants to audit the site for some reason
Venue seekers who wants to book a venue
Maintainer who wants to maintain the site
Service consumer who wants to arrange a service
Content provider who wants to put some content on the site
Enquirers who want to find out more about God/the church
Impacted Group
Local non-church population
Diocesan church
Charitable supportees
Genealogical researchers
People interested in finding God
Website maintainer
Website content provider
Service users
Movers to parish
Local Parents
Local Elderly

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