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Changing Lifestyles and Eating Habits

1194 words
Speaker 1 : Good morning to everyone. Our topic today is Changing Lifestyle and
Eating Habits. Homo Sapiens also !no"n as human beings have to eat to live.
#ccording to the research done by Harvard $niversity%the "ay people live determines
the "ay they eat. &he real 'uestion is ho" far that this affects the health of all of us( #re
there any pros and cons(
Speaker 2 : &han! you ))))). #s "e all !no"%*alaysia is a globali+ed nation. ,eople
are al"ays On &he Go mood and doing everything in a fast pace is a necessity% even
eating. -ecause of this phenomena%people have less time to ta!e care of their health as
they are al"ays focusing on achieving their goals. &hey eat "ithout considering on ho"
the foods might affect their precious health. &he evolution of fast foods is the main
cause to this.
Speaker 3 : . agree "ith )))))). /ast foods restaurants such as 0entuc!y /ried
Chic!en 10/C2% *c3onaldss or 3ominos are the easiest place to get fast foods. .
might say%fast foods have become the ne" "ay of eating today as they are very simple
and affordable. $nfortunately%fast foods contain a high amount of sugars%salts and
*onosodium Glutamate 1*SG2 that leads to a various health problems such as high
blood pressure%heart attac!%stro!es%cancers and diabetes.
Speaker 1 : So%fast foods are considered as a ne" trend of eating( Ho"(
Speaker 2: 4es%it is considered as a trend especially among youngsters. *any
teenagers love to hang out in fast foods 5unctions "hile doing their assignments or
"atching football match "ith their peers. &his leads to a high inta!e of unhealthy food
and drin!s as they are not a"are of "hat they are eating. &hey are consuming a lot of
snac!s and sodas "ithout reali+ing it.
Speaker 1 : .s there any "ays to overcome this problem(
Speaker 3 : 4es%there are. /irst of all%parents should ta!e some action%especially at
homes. &he best "ay to teach their children to eat healthily is to prepare foods for them
at home. ,arents should start teaching their children to ta!e a good brea!fast in the
morning% lunch and dinner. ,arents may also prepare some foods for their children to
bring to school. .t is easier "hen you start "hen your children are still young. &hey
might ma!e it as a habit to bring o"n foods to school.
Speaker 1 : Ho" about the foods specifications(
Speaker 2 : &he foods prepared must be healthy and nutritious. .t depends on ho" the
foods are coo!ed and served.
Speaker 3 : 4es%. agree. -esides being healthy and nutritious%the foods prepared must
can attract !ids to eat them. So%parents should do some more research on that. &he
best "ay is to as! their children themselves about foods. 6hat they love to eat and
"hat is not. ,arents should prepare dishes that they children loves to eat. *ost !ids
prefer to eat chic!en. So%parents should learn on ho" to coo! chic!en meat in a
healthier "ay so that the foods "ill benefit their children.
Speaker 1 : #re there any coo!ing techni'ues that you "ant to highlight(
Speaker 2 : Sure there is. &he best "ay to coo! is to use less oil. Oil is an e7ample of
unsaturated fat that contribute to many health problems such as heart attac!. &he high
amount of cholesterol and fat in oil may cause clogged arteries. Cholestrol and fats also
leads to obesity problems among !ids%even adults.
Speaker 3 : 4es%. agree "ith ))))). Coo!ing "ith less oil or "ithout oil at all is the best
"ay to prepare foods. &he coo!ing techni'ues that are healthy includes
grilling%steaming%roasting%ba!ing and poaching. &hese techni'ues are more healthier as
it preserves the nutrients in the foods that are being coo!ed. So%all of us can reap the
benefit of eating.
Speaker 1 : &hat is ama+ing. *aybe . should start it tomorro". So%people no"adays
prefer to eat fast foods and s!ipping their meals. &hese are considered as a bad eating
habits. 6hat is the best "ay to fi7 a bad eating habits(
Speaker 2 : &hat is easy. /irstly is by ta!ing baby steps. *a!ing small changes in our
diet and lifestyle can improve our health. Some of the things that "e can do is teaching
ourselves to eat "hen "e are really hungry and stop "hen you are comfortably full.
-esides%"e can reduce our meal portion si+es by 89: and giving up second helpings.
Eat a nutritious snac!s every fe" hours to prevent over;eating.
Speaker 3 : *oreover%"e should drin! more "ater and fe"er sugary drin!s. 6e must
remember to eat smaller portions of calorie dense foods li!e pi++as or burgers and
larger portions of "ater;rich foods li!e broth;based soups%salads%fruits and
vegetables./lavor our foods "ith herbs%vinegars%mustards or lemon +est instead of fatty
sauces such as mayonnaise.
Speaker 1 : 6o"%that are some really interesting suggestions. . cannot "ait to eat
healthily no". .t sounds delicious and at the same time%it is good for our health. #ny
addition to that(
Speaker 2 : 4es%there are. &o fi7 bad eating habits%"e must become more mindful. One
of the first steps to"ard con'uering bad eating habits is paying more attention to "hat
you are eating or drin!ing. *a!e sure that "e read food labels and become familiar "ith
the lists of ingredients and start to ta!e notice of everything that "e put into our mouths.
Once "e become more a"are of "hat are "e eating%"e "ill start to reali+e ho" "e
need to improve our diets.
Speaker 3 : -esides%"e can also tac!le a ne" goal each "ee!. &his steps "ill
eventually add up to ma5or change. /or e7ample%if your goal is to eat more
vegetables%tell yourself that you "ill try one ne" vegetables each "ee! until you "ill find
some you really en5oy.
Speaker 1 : Ho" to ma!e it seems easy to do so(
Speaker 2 : 6ell%.m not a chef but . still !no" ho" to ma!e foods seems more
en5oyable to eat. &ry topping your lunch sand"iches "ith slices of cucumbers%adding
shredded carrots to the muffins you have for brea!fast or topping your dinnertime pi++as
"ith sun;dried tomatoes and mushrooms. Easy%arent they(
Speaker 1 : 4es%they are indeed< . am so fascinated to !no" that ho" simple gestures
can ma!e a great change to our health. )))))))%any advice before "e "rapped out this
Speaker 3 : 4es. . believe that the !ey to healthy eating is the time;tested advice of
balance%variety and moderation. *a!e sure you follo" that advice "hile still en5oying
the foods that you eat. &han! you.
Speaker 1 : 4ou are most "elcome ))))))). &han! you again for being here today.
)))))))).anything to say before "e ended this forum(
Speaker 2 : Of course. 4ou must remember%foods are not good or bad. 3ont feel guilty
if you love foods such as apple pie%potato chips%candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in
moderation and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to
good health. &hats all. &han! you for inviting me.
Speaker 1 : 4ou are most "elcome. &han! you everyone. =emember to al"ays be
healthy and happy<
&here are many changes to #mericans lifestyle and their eating habits./irst%they have a
broader !no"ledge of nutrition.#mericans rush and s!ip their meals.-esides using
micro"ave ovens to prepare foods%they also eat out regulary. *oreover #mericans are
a"are of the dangers eating unhealthy foods.&hey change their eating patterns to the
needs of different situation./urthermore%they choose foods to increase athletic
stability.&hey also eat to lose "eight./inally%#mericans eat to ma!e them alert.
>. &he "ay people live determins the "ay they eat.
8. 3octors believe that cholesterol is a threat to human health.
?. #mericans purchase increasing 'uantities of s"eets%snae!s dan sodas.
a. Some of the problem that . had to

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