Anda di halaman 1dari 8

East Jamaica Conference

Communication Department
74 Constant Spring Road P.O. Box 181 Kingston 10 Jamaica W.I.
!"# $8 7 % & ' (4 )10%1 )* + ,ax $87%& '(4)0(%*. -).ai"# !/cc o m m 0n ic a ti on 1 ! / c s d a . c o m
2!3sit!# 4 t tp #55! / c s d a . c o m
Octo3!r (*+ (014
o# 6"" Pastors+ -"d!rs+ 7!ad!rs and C40rc4 .!m3!rs
Sinc!r! C4ristian gr!!tings8
P"!as! s!! important dat!s and !9!nts o: t4! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! o: S!9!nt4)da; 6d9!ntists
(1) IAD Virtual Graduation Ceremony - Oct 25-2014
.!m3!rs o: t4! c40rc4 ar! in9it!d to /oin -"d!rs+ Sa33at4 Sc4oo" !ac4!rs and c4i"dr!n 24o 4a9!
comp"!t!d t4!ir co0rs! o: st0d; in a massi9! grad0ation !x!rcis! 2it4 40ndr!ds o: p!rsons in
C0racao 24o 2i"" a"so 3! participating in a simi"ar !x!rcis!. 4is 9irt0a" grad0ation c!r!mon; 2i""
ta<! p"ac! on Octo3!r (=+ (014 at t4! 6ndr!2s S>6 c40rc4 at (#00 pm.
P!rsons 24o 2i"" 3! participating in t4is !xtra sp!cia" 9irt0a" c!r!mon; ar! 0rg!d to 3! on tim!. S!!
post!r 2it4 mor! in:ormation 3!"o2.
(2) Mad about Marriae !eminar"
4! Int!r)6m!rican >i9ision P03"is4ing 6ssociation and Boo< ? @0trition C!ntr! in association
2it4 t4! Jamaica Anion Con:!r!nc! o: S!9!nt4)da; 6d9!ntists 2i"" 3! 4osting t4! .ad a3o0t
.arriag! S!minars :or Sing"!s+ >ating and .arri!d Co0p"!s. Pr!s!nt!rs 2i"" 3! a3o0t
.arriag!C ? B*= .otto!s :or Dapp; .arriag!sC 60t4ors .i<! and Ea;"! 0c<!r. 4! s!minars
2i"" 3! 4!"d on Octo3!r (4 at t4! K!ncot S>6 C40rc4 at %#*0 pm and Octo3!r (= at t4! Dag"!;
Par< S>6 C40rc4 at *p.m. 6"" P03"is4ing >ir!ctors and Co"port!0rs ar! in9it!d to att!nd as 2!"".
P"!as! s!! :";!r 3!"o2.
(#) $otice %rom t&e 'amaica (nion
4! Jamaica Anion in9it!s a"" m!m3!rs to S;mposi0m (014 Sa33at4 @o9!m3!r 8+ (014 0nd!r t4!
t4!m! B7oo<ing 3ac<Fr!ac4ing :or2ard 2it4 C4rist.C E0!st sp!a<!r 2i"" 3! >r. >ona"d King G
Pr!sid!nt o: t4! 6t"antic Anion Con:!r!nc!. P"!as! s!! :";!r 3!"o2.
(4) $otice %rom t&e !te)ard"&i*+ ,ill" and -ru"t D*t.
/etter to0 All 1a"tor"+ 2ir"t 3lder"+ !te)ard"&i*+ ,ill" 4 -ru"t !er5ice" Director"
R!# St!2ards4ip ? Wi""s and r0st S!r9ic!s S!minar and ot4!r .att!rs
4! St!2ards4ip and r0st S!r9ic!s >!partm!nt o: t4! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! is !xt!nding t4is
sp!cia" in9itation to a"" o0r St!2ards4ip >ir!ctors and r0st S!r9ic!s >ir!ctors to a sp!cia"
com3in!d St!2ards4ip and Wi""s ? r0st S!r9ic!s S!minar5Wor<s4op to 3! 4!"d at t4! -ast
Jamaica Con:!r!nc! Board Room on S0nda;+ @o9!m3!r '+ (014 at '#*0am. 4! t4!m! o: t4is
sp!cia" :or0m 2i"" 3!# 6!ecret" to Increa"ed 7le""in" and 8e)ard".6 8ead more
(5) $otice" %rom t&e C&ildren9" and Adole"cence Mini"trie" De*artment
1. 6"" C4i"d Pr!ac4!rs and .issionari!s ar! as<!d to 3! pr!s!nt at t4! 6ndr!2s .!moria" S>6
C40rc4 on Sa33at4+ Octo3!r (=+ (014 1 (#00 p.m. :or t4! g"o3a" /oint grad0ation. >r!ss cod!)
3"ac< pants5s<irt 2it4 .ission po"o s4irt or 24it! 3"o0s!5 s4irt 2it4 ti!.
(. -JC Bi3"! Sp!"")a)t4on :ina"s 2i"" 3! 4!"d on @o9!m3!r 8+ (014 1 t4! Kings2a; Sc4oo".
(:) $otice" %rom t&e 2amily /i%e De*artment
1. $o5ember 2;+ 2014 i" International !inle"9 Day. R!m!m3!r to p"an a sp!cia" program o:
a::irmation :or a"" o0r sing"!s. 6 program g0id! 2i"" :o""o2 soon. .ain 9!n0! 2i"" 3! t4! Constant
Spring C40rc4.
(. >ir!ctors <ind"; s!nd 0s t4! :0"" nam!s and dat! o: marriag! o: a"" t4! m!m3!rs o: ;o0r c40rc4
3; >!c!m3!r *0+ (014.
*. <at" o%% to t4! Hon!s 1)* ,ami"; 7i:! >ir!ctors and committ!! m!m3!rs :or att!nding t4!
prod0cti9! ,ami"; 7i:! s!minar t4at 2as 4!"d on S0nda;+ October 12+ 2014.
4. Ion! 48 Coming soon+ ;o0r pr! marita" co0ns!"ing c"inic to 3! 4!"d on W!dn!sda;Js 3!ginning at
=#*0 p.m. >!tai"s to :o""o2.
=. =one 4 ;o0r sp!cia" ,ami"; 7i:! s!minar 2i"" 3! 4!"d at t4! .orant Ba; S>6 C40rc4 in
$o5ember. All ,57 >ir!ctors a"ong 2it4 1 t!am m!m3!r :rom !ac4 c40rc4 ar! !xp!ct!d to 3! in
att!ndanc!. Kind"; con:irm ;o0r att!ndanc! 2it4 0s 3; Octo3!r (8+ (014+ so t4at 2! can ad!K0at!";
cat!r :or ;o0r n!!ds. Com! s4ar! ;o0r 9ision 2it4 Pr!sid!nt @at4an and t4! ,57 t!am.
%. 6 m!!ting o: a"" 9o"0nt!!r p!rsonn!" in co0ns!"ing+ m!diation+ socia" 2or<+ !tc. :rom Hon!s 1)4
2i"" 3! 4!"d on @o9!m3!r ((+ (014. 6"" p!rsons 24o 2o0"d "i<! to 9o"0nt!!r to gi9! !9!n a %e)
&our" *er year ar! as<!d to ca"" 7811=%= or !mai" cg!nas1!/ 7!t 0s 4!"p L2or< 24i"! it
is da;J.
7. B-6.S Junior Convention 4as 3!!n postpon!d :or a dat! to 3! anno0nc!d. 6"" c40rc4!s ar!
as<!d to s!nd t4! nam!s o: t2o ma"!s $0nd!r 1% ? o9!r 17& 2it4 "!ad!rs4ip K0a"iti!s+ sanction!d 3;
;o0r C40rc4 Board to 3! train!d as B-6.S r!pr!s!ntati9!s :or ;o0r c40rc4. W! comm!nd t4os!
c40rc4!s t4at 4a9! a"r!ad; r!spond!d.

(>) $otice" %rom t&e ,omen9" Mini"trie" De*artment
1. 6"" 0s4!rs and 2om!n o: -JC ar! as<!d to com! pr!par!d to participat! in 0s4!r d0ti!s at t4!
t4an<sgi9ing s!r9ic! :or t4! "i:! o: .rs. -na .ars4a""+ $mot4!r o: >r. 7orrain! M!rna"&. 4is 2i"" 3!
4!"d at K!ncot C40rc4 on S0nda;+ Octo3!r (% 1 10 a.m.
(. @o9!m3!r (= is Int!rnationa" >a; :or t4! -"imination o: Mio"!nc! 6gainst Wom!n $I>-M6W&.
4! mat!ria" 4as 3!!n circ0"at!d :or ;o0 to s4ar! 2it4 ;o0r c40rc4.

*. .O.S in o0c4# ,or t4! mont4 o: Octo3!r "!tJs :oc0s on and pra; :or o0r c4i"dr!n and ;o0t4
24o ar! 3!ing attac<!d 3; t4! 9ario0s ma"adi!s.
4. Coming soon D-6R @6 So:t S<i""s Erad0ation. M!n0! and dat! to 3! anno0nc!d.

(?) $otice" %rom t&e 3ducation De*artment
1. 4! S!a9i!2 Eard!ns Basic Sc4oo" in9it!s app"icants to :i"" t4! post o: B!ac4!rC. Int!r!st!d
p!rsons p"!as! 9isit t4! /o3 "isting s!ction o: o0r 2!3sit! :or d!tai"s. C"ic< 4!r!
(. P"!as! 9isit o0r 2!3sit! :or t4! Contact "ist and Sc4oo" :!! in:ormation :or o0r 6d9!ntist
sc4oo"s. C"ic< 4!r!.
(;) $otice" %rom t&e !ab. !c&ool+ 1er"onal Mini"trie" 4 Comm. !er5ice" D*t.

1. Ingat4!ring (014 4as 3!!n "a0nc4!d. Inc!nti9!s :or 3!st p!r:orm!rs inc"0d!#
,irst c40rc4 in Con:!r!nc! to r!mit goa"
,irst c40rc4 in !ac4 Hon! to r!mit goa"
Dig4!st ingat4!ring inta<!

(. .ission W!!< G @o9!m3!r ' G 1= ))) E!t ;o0r c40rc4!s in9o"9!d
Erand -9ang!"ism S;mposi0m and Baptism G @o9!m3!r 1= G *#00 p.m.$9!n0! to 3!
(10) $otice" %rom t&e @out& De*artment
1. 4! r!c!nt o0t3r!a< o: t4! C4i<0ng0n;a Mir0s $C4i< M& 4as s!9!r!"; a::!ct!d pr!paration :or t4!
-JC Pat4:ind!r ? 6d9!nt0r!rJs -xamination+ 4!nc! t4! dat! 4as 3!!n c4ang!d :rom S0nda;+
Octo3!r (%+ (014 to S0nda;+ @o9!m3!r '+ (014.
(. 4!r! 2i"" 3! grand Pat4:ind!r ,!sti9a" at t4! K!ncot gro0nds and t4! M.D. P!rc; C!ntr! on
S0nda;+ @o9!m3!r (*+ (014 to c!"!3rat! t4! cr!ati9! g!ni0s+ 9!rsati"it;+ p4;sica" proc!ss+ and
t4! C4ristian Commitm!nt o: o0r 6d9!nt0r!rs and Pat4:ind!rs. It promis!s to 3! an 0n:org!tta3"!
*. P"!as! sta; post!d :or d!tai"s o: No0t4 Congr!ssor!!+ p"ann!d :or >!c!m3!r 1( ) 14+ (014+ 2it4
s!r9ic!s and acti9iti!s to str!ngt4!n+ !nric4+ inspir!+ and d!)str!ss+ !9!r; ;o0t4 o: -JC and
4. P"!as! r!ad "!tt!r :rom t4! No0t4 .inistri!s >ir!ctor Re: Youth in Leadership
Month, and Training of Youth in all Departments of Church 3;
c"ic<ing on t4is "in<.
(11) 2uneral $otice
4! t4an<sgi9ing s!r9ic! :or t4! "i:! o: .rs. -na .ars4a""+ .ot4!r o: Sis. 7orain! M!rna"+ 2i"" 3!
4!"d at t4! K!ncot S>6 C40rc4 on S0nda;+ Octo3!r (% 1 10 a.m. 4! :ami"; is !xpr!ssing
t4an<s :or t4! "o9!+ pra;!rs and s0pport o0tpo0r!d d0ring t4is di::ic0"t tim! and is r!K0!sting t4at
c4!!r:0" co"o0rs 3! 2orn to t4! s!r9ic!.
(12 ) Communication De*artment

/ate"t $e)" (*date A Ad5enti"t 3lder" 8ecei5e Go5ernment A)ard
-"d!rs 60dr!; S!2!"" :rom t4! @ort4 Str!!t S>6 C40rc4 and 6":onso .ars4a"" :rom t4!
r!nc4 o2n S>6 C40rc4 4a9! ta<!n t4! spot"ig4t in t4! 6d9!ntist 2or"d in -ast!rn Jamaica
4a9ing r!c!i9!d a2ards :rom t4! Eo9!rnm!nt d0ring t4! co0ntr;Os ann0a" D!ro!s da;
4! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! o: S!9!nt4)da; 6d9!ntists 2o0"d "i<! to congrat0"at! t4!m.
R-6> .OR-

(1#) $otice" %rom t&e con"tituency
1. 4! Ston; Di"" S>6 c40rc4 2i"" 3! 4a9ing its No0t4 W!!< o: Pra;!r @o9!m3!r 1)8+ (014
0nd!r t4! t4!m! BC4rist .!t4ods 6"on!C as 2!"" as a No0t4Js da; c!"!3ration @o9!m3!r ((+
(014. P"!as! s!! :";!rs 3!"o2.
(. 4! Da":)Wa; r!! S>6 c40rc4 2i"" 3! 4osting its 10t4 6nni9!rsar; Dom!coming
C!"!3rations Octo3!r (4)(% 0nd!r t4! t4!m! B6 3!acon in t4! D!art o: t4! Cit;# rans:orming
7i9!s+ B0i"ding Comm0niti!s.C S!! :";!r 3!"o2.
*. 4! -3!n!H!r S>6 C40rc4 at *1 .o";n!s Road+ Kingston 10+ 2i"" 3! c!"!3rating >!acons ?
>!acon!ss!s da; on Sa33at4+ Octo3!r (=+ (014+ 0nd!r t4! t4!m!+ BIn ;o0r Dands+ 7ord.C
>i9in! 4o0r sp!a<!r# Pastor Jo9an W4;t!.
4. 4! Was4ington Eard!ns S>6 C40rc4 in9it!s ;o0 to t4!ir Comm0nit; E0!st >a; on Sa33at4
Octo3!r (=+ (014 0nd!r t4! t4!m! B4!n Cam! t4! .orningC. 4! g0!st sp!a<!r 2i"" 3! Pastor
>!9on D!at4+ @ort4 Jamaica Con:!r!nc!. Wors4ip 2i"" 3!gin at 'am. S!! :";!r 3!"o2.
=. 4! Jo4nson o2n S>6 C40rc4 in9it!s ;o0 to t4!ir Comm0nication >a; on Sa33at4 Octo3!r
(=+ (014 0nd!r t4! t4!m! Pransmitting t4! Eosp!" 3!;ond 3o0ndari!sP. 4! sp!a<!r 2i"" 3!
-"d!r P4i""ip Cast!""+ Comm0nication >ir!ctor )-JC. Com! and 3ring a :ri!nd. Wors4ip
3!gins prompt"; at '#1=am.
%. 4! S!a9i!2 Eard!ns S.>.6. Basic Sc4oo" in9it!s app"ications :rom s0ita3"; K0a"i:i!d p!rsons
:or t4! post o: !ac4!r. Jo3 Scop!# R!porting to t4! Board o: .anag!m!nt+ t4! s0cc!ss:0"
candidat! 2i"" 3! r!K0ir!d to p!r:orm t!ac4ing :0nctions :or sta:: and st0d!nts r!sp!cti9!"; o:
t4! c!ntr!.
1. Encourage children to be independent learners.
2. Help children to develop positive self-image.
3. Respond to emergency situations such as accidents and illness, and ensure
childrens safety at all times
4. Prepare all learning materials.
5. Assist in the spiritual, social, physical and emotional development of the
6. To maintain high moral standard according to the principles of the eventh
!ay Adventist "hurch.
7. #e able to $rite and submit a full $ee% lesson plan consistently.
4! 6pp"icant s4o0"d 3! a pr!)train!d t!ac4!r 2it4 !xp!ri!nc! in !ar"; c4i"d4ood !d0cation
and 3! c!rti:i!d at @MQR)J 7!9!" (.
6pp"ications a"ong 2it4 rRs0mR s4o0"d 3! :or2ard!d no "at!r t4an Octo3!r (7+ (014 to t4!
C4airman o: t4! Board S!a9i!2 Eard!ns S.>.6. Basic Sc4oo" =1 Paci:ic Bo0"!9ard+ S!a9i!2
Eard!ns+ P4as! ( Kingston 11. S!nd Email to : da4"o7771;< or
7. On S0nda;+ Octo3!r (%+ (014 3!t2!!n 10.00am and (.00pm+ t4! K!ncot S>6 c40rc4 2i"" 3!
4osting 2833 m!dica" and "!ga" s!r9ic!s+ co0ns!""ing on !mp"o;m!nt+ 4!a"t4; "i:!st;"!+
coo<ing d!monstration+ spirit0a" co0ns!""ing !tc. P"!as! t!"" ;o0r :ri!nds and
n!ig43o0rs a3o0t t4is sp!cia" !9!nt.
(14) Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events
Dates Event Location
Oct 25 &A! 'irtual (raduation "eremony Andre$s !A "hurch
Nov 8 Trust ervices !ay Every$here
Nov 8 E)" #ible pell-a-thon
Nov 8 ymposium *+,- .)A/01 ee Poster #elo$ /andeville !A "hurch
Nov 9 te$ardship 2 Trust eminar E)" #oard Room
Nov 10 A 3eaders "onference .)A/01 ee Posters #elo$ /andeville !A "hurch
Nov 15 3aunch of "omprehensive "are Plan All "hurches
Nov 22 #eams )unior "onvention
Nov 29 &nternational ingles !ay
Nov 29 - Dec 7 te$ardship 4ee% All "hurches
Dec 7 3eaders5 ummit 6encot !A "hurch
Dec 17 - 20 "amp /eeting 6encot !A "hurch

1&illi* 3. /. Ca"tell
Comm0nication >ir!ctor

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