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Testing Fresh Concrete

BS EN 12350-Part-2: Slump Test

Testing Fresh Concrete
This European standard specifies a method for determining the consistency of fresh concrete.
1- Apparatus Required
1- Base Plate 3- Compacting Rod 2- Slump Cone
This test in not suitable when the maximum size of aggregate in concrete is greater than 40 mm.
Before taking a sample of freshly mixed concrete, dampen
the sampling container (wheelbarrow) toughly by clean
water. Take a sample of freshly mixed concrete by using
every precaution that assist in obtaining sample that are truly
representative of the nature and condition of concrete. Take
enough sample to perform the Slump test and if there is any
test specimen required to take for testing.
1. Sampling
Test specimen made of metal not readily attacked
by cement paste, smooth free from dent, not thinner
than 1.5 mm, with diameter of base (2002)mm,
diameter of top (1002)mm, height of (3002)mm,
having open base and top parallel to each other at
right angles.
4- Scoop 5- Wheelbarrow
Capable of accurately measuring the
temperature through [0 to 50C] . With
immersion of 3 in. [75 mm]
2- Procedure
This test is sensitive to changes in the consistency of concrete which correspond to slumps between 10mm and 200mm.Beyond these extremes the measurement of slump
can be unsuitable.
Graduated form 0 mm to 300 mm, at
intervals not exceeding 5 mm.The zero
mark begin at the extreme end of the
Made of hard non-absorbent material to
ensure proper mixing of concrete.
Made of a non-absorbent solid material , Rigid, flat
Made of steel or other non-absorbent hard material.
Straight having diameter of (16 1) mm and length
of (600 5) mm with rounded ends.
6- Thermometer 7- Measuring Ruler
A container made from non-absorbent
material not attacked by cement paste,
with appropriate dimensions such that
the concrete can be toughly re-mixed.
Dampen & Sampling
Test Report Shall include following :

a).Temperature of concrete b). Identification of the test Sample.
c) Date of test. d) Any indication of Shear slump.
e) No. of samples taken f) Location of performing of test
4. Measuring the Slump
Immediately after removal of the mould measure the slump
by determining the difference between the height of the
mould and that of the highest point of the slumped test
The test in only valid if the slumped specimen remain
substantially intact and symmetrical.
If the Slumped specimen shears, another sample shall be
taken and repeat the procedure.
if two consecutive tests show a portion of the concrete
shearing off, so the concrete lacks the necessary plasticity and
not suitable for the slum test.
2. Testing Temperature
After taking a representative sample of freshly mixed
concrete, insert the thermometer sensor at least 75 mm inside
the concrete, make sure the concrete should cover the sensor
in all directions around it.Gently press the concrete around
the temperature measuring device at the surface of the
concrete so that ambient air temperature does not affect the
Leave the temperature measuring device in the freshly mixed
concrete for a minimum period of 2 min or until the
temperature reading stabilizes, then read and record the
8.Strike of the concrete level with the upper edge of the
mould with the rod and remove spilled concrete from the
base plate.
9.Carefully raise the mould vertically by the handles, in
period of 5 s to 10 s in a steady upward lift.
1. Place the base plate on a flat and horizontal surface free
from external vibration or shock.
2. Clean the plate and dampen immediately prior to testing.
But keep free from superfluous moisture.
Report the true slump to the nearest 10 mm.
Testing Fresh Concrete
BS EN 12350-Part-2: Slump Test
3. Slump Test.
After testing the temperature, start test the Slump test
immediately. Perform the test in following steps.
5. Reporting
7.Add more concrete if necessary to the top layer to maintain
an excess concrete above the top of the mould.
3.Clean and dampen the Slump mould,than place it centrally
on the plate and hold in position by standing on two foot
4. Mix the concrete toughly by scoop and fill the mould with
the concrete in three equal layers.(By volume)
10.Carry out the entire operation from start filling to removal
of the mould with in 150sec.
5. Compact each layers with 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
Uniformly distribute the strokes over the cross-section of
each layer.
6. Compact the Second and top layer each throughout its
depth. So that the strokes just penetrate into the immediately
underlying layer.
Testing Temperature
Positioning & Filling
Raising & Measuring
Rodding & Leveling

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