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We are now tightly gripped in a dire struggle to save our

planet from being asphyxiated by greenhouse gases which

are being churned out by the billions of tons every year.

Few people are ready to admit that they are responsible

for that prodigious output, but it is an unarguable fact
that rich countries and those classified as super rich are
the ones most responsible for greehouse gases.

Greenhouse gases comprise carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous

oxide, fluorocarbons and other waste compounds produced by
ovens, furnaces and internal combustion engines. Countries
with huge commercial or industrial hubs are often associated
with greenhouse gases. Also included are those who sprout
giant skyscrapers, giant resorts and who possess nightmarish
traffic conditions. Below is a table showing the top twelve
capitals directly associated with output of greenhouse gases.
They are also the world's most foremost centres of luxurious

Table of top twelve countries with the highest output

of greenhouse gases on a per capita basis in the world
| | | Amount of annual|
| Rank | Country |greehouse gas o/p|
|_________|________________|__(per cap) _____|
| | | |
| 1 | Qatar | 55 tons |
| | | |
| 2 | UAE | 37 tons |
| | | |
| 3 | Kuwait | 35 tons |
| | | |
| 4 | Luxembourg | 27 tons |
| | | |
| 5 | Australia | 26 tons |
| | | |
| 6 | Bahrain | 25 tons |
| | | |
| 7 | US | 24 tons |
| | | |
| 8 | Canada | 23 tons |
| | Trinidad & | |
| 9 | Tobago | 20 tons |
| | | |
| 10 | New Zealand | 19 tons |
| | | |
| 11 | Saudi Arabia | 18 tons |
| | | |
| 12 | Ireland | 17 tons |

This goes to show that the rich and the super rich are
the ones who are busily producing more than their fair
share of greenhouse gases mainly by pursuing or choosing
the wrong kind of lifestyles. The kinds of lifestyles
that are no longer compatible with saving the planet.

To cut down on the production of greenhouse gases, the

world must learn to adopt a more frugal and spartan way
of life. No more building of luxury hotels, giant swimming
pools, night discos and glorifying the Michael Jackson
wanton lifestyle. The Western media is largely at fault
for the enormous power consumption and sheer waste seen
in the countries producing the most copious amounts of
greenhouse gases.

Our earth cannot support the wanton and wasteful manner

by which we live our lives today. Cut out all the bad
and artificial packaging and the glamour so espoused by
the Western media today. The white man is most evil. He
pollutes and mesmerises everyone with all the slick ads
and the non-stop mind-numbing commercials portraying the
decadent Western lifestyle and its synthetic products
and its vainfully idealistic goals and wantonly making
highly false impressions on everyone. No wonder we are
now up to our noses swimming in their hot gas. He is
truly the scum of the earth.

He is very responsible for the troubles we now face today.

He is EVIL. He is the greenhouse god !!!!!

He is the fake and evil god. The evil greehouse god.

He is indeed the greenhouse god !!!

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