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Answer all the questions.
Jawab semua soalan.
1. Figure 1.1 shows students throwing a raw egg at a high speed towards a wall.
Figure 1.2 shows similar eggs being thrown in the same manner towards a
towel held b his !riends.
Rajah 1.1menunjukkan seorang pelajar melontarkan telur mentah pada laju
yang tinggi pada dinding, Rajah 1.2menunjukkan telur yang sama
dilontarkan pada laju yang sama pada sehelai tuala yang dipegang oleh
Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2
Rajah 1.1 Rajah 1.2
a" i" #hat is meant b impulsi$e !or%e&
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan daya impuls?
'1 mar()
ii" *bser$e Figure 1.1 and 1.2. +ompare the !inal %onditions o! the eggs.
,elate the !inal %onditions o! the eggs and the sur!a%es the landed on
to dedu%e a rele$ant phsi%al %on%ept
Perhatikan Rajah 1.1 dan 1.2. andingkan keadaan akhir telur-telur
tersebut. !aitkan keadaan akhir telur-telur dengan permukaan dinding
dan tuala untuk menerangkan konsep "i#ik yang rele$an
'- mar(s)
b" Figure 1.. shows the %ondition o! the %ar a!ter an a%%ident. The in/uries o! the
dri$er and the passengers during the a%%ident were minimi0ed with the
in%orporated sa!et !eatures on the %ar.
Rajah 1.% menunjukkan keadaan sebuah kereta selepas kemalangan.
!e&ederaan pemandu dan penumpang semasa kemalangan diminimumkan
dengan adanya &iri '&iri keselamatan pada kereta tersebut.
Figure 1..
Using the appropriate phsi%al %on%epts1 suggest and e2plain the design o!
sa!et !eatures on %ars.
(engan menggunakan konsep "i#ik yang sesuai, &adangkan dan terangkan
rekabentuk keselamatan pada sebuah keret.
'3 mar(s)
%" In a %ar %ollision test1 a %ar o! mass 1-44 (g was mo$ing at a speed o! 1- m5s
toward a rigid obsta%le. I! the %ollision time is 4.12 s1 %al%ulate
(i dalam satu ujian pelanggaran, sebuah kereta dengan jisim 1)** kg
bergerak dengan laju 1) m+s ke satu halangan. Jika masa pelanggaran adalah
*.12 s, kira
i" the de%eleration o! the %ar
nyahpe&utan kereta tersebut
'. mar(s)
ii" the impulsi$e !or%e a%ting on %ar
daya impuls yang bertindak terhadap kereta tersebut
'. mar(s)
2. Table 1 shows the properties o! liquids P1 61 , and S.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan si"at &e&air P, ,, R dan -.
Spe%i!i% heat %apa%it
7 (g
/uatan 0aba 1entu
7 (g
,ea%tion to engine %omponents
1indakbalas pada komponen enjin
P 9244 :o rea%tion
1iada tindakbalas
:o %ost
1iada kos
Q 3944 ;ighl rea%ti$e
1inggi tindakbalas
R 2144 :o rea%tion
1iada tindakbalas
:o %ost
1iada kos
S .244 =oderatl rea%ti$e
1indakbalas sederhana
Table 1
Jadual 1
a" #hat is meant b spe%i!i% heat %apa%it&
Apakah yang dimaksudkan oleh haba pendam tentu? '1mar()
b" i" >es%ribe the %ooling pro%ess in a %ar radiator and %hoose the most suitable material
!rom P1 61 , and S as a %ooling agent in the %ar. ?i$e reasons !or our %hoi%e.
1erangkan proses penyejukan engin kereta menggunakan &e&air dan antara &e&air P,
,, R dan -, pilih agen penyejuk yang paling sesuai. 2yatakan alasan anda?
' 14 mar(s)
ii" It is ad$i%eable to use an i%e water as a %ooling agent in a turbo engine. <2plain our
Air batu digunakan sebagai agen penyejuk dalam engin turbo. 1erangkan jawapan
anda. '. mar(s)
%" S(et%h a graph o! the %hange in temperature against time !or the heating o! a bod
!rom the solid state to the gas state. ;en%e1 e2plain the %hanges tha o%%ur in the
arrangement o! the mole%ules during heating.
3akar gra" perubahan suhu lawan masa untuk objek yang dipanaskan dari pepejal
kepada gas. 1erangkan perubahan yang berlaku dari sudut susunan molekul semasa
'@ mar(s)
.. Figure 1 shows a (arate trainee is hitting a %on%rete blo%( and a !oam !rom the
same height. Figure 2 shows the state o! the %on%rete blo%( and the !oam a!ter
Rajah 1 menunjukkan seorang pelatih karate sedang menghentak sebuah blok
konkrit dan sebuah span dari ketinggian yang sama. Rajah 2 menunjukkan
keadaan blok konkrit dan keadaan span itu selepas hentakan.
a" Ai" >e!ine momentum.
1akri"kan momentum. '1 mar(s5markah)
Aii" Based on obser$ation1 %ompare the shape o! the %on%rete blo%( and the
!oam be!ore and when the man hits the sur!a%e. ,elate the %hanges in
the shape o! the sur!a%e to dedu%e a rele$ant Phsi%s %on%ept.
erdasarkan pemerhatian. andingkan bentuk blok konkrit dan bentuk
span itu sebelum dan apabila pelatih itu menghentaknya. 0ubungkan
perubahan bentuk permukaan dengan konsep 4i#ik yang sesuai.
'- mar(s5markah)
b" <2plain the %hanges in the energ !rom the moment the traineeCs hand mo$es
downward until he hits the sur!a%e in Figure 1.
1erangkan perubahan tenaga dari ketika tangan pelatih bergerak ke bawah
sehingga dia menghentak permukaan seperti Rajah 1.
'9 mar(s5markah)
%" In laun%hing an <arth8monitoring satellite to the spa%e1 some sa!et !etaures
ha$e to be installed in the satellite. Using the appropriate Phsi%s %on%epts1
suggest and e2plain suitable designs to prote%t the satellite when
-emasa melan&arkan sebuah satelit kawalan umi ke angkasa lepas,
beberapa &iri keselamatan hendaklah dipasang pada satelit itu. (engan
menggunakan konsep 4i#ik yang sesuai, &adang dan terangkan reka bentuk
yang sesuai untuk melindungi satelit itu semasa
Ai" It is laun%h to the spa%e passing through the atmosphere.
5a dilan&arkan ke angkasa lepas dan melalui lapisan atmos"era.
Aii" It !alls through the <arthCs atmosphere and lands on the sur!a%e o! the
5a jatuh melalui lapisan atmos"era umi dan mendarat di atas
permukaan umi.
'14 mar(s5markah)
9. Figure Aa" and Figure Ab" shows two positions o! a di$er in the sea.
6ambarajah menunjukkan dua kedudukan penyelam dalam lautan.
FigureAa" FigureAb"
*bser$e the positions o! the di$er and the pain in his ear.
/emerhatikan kedudukan penyelam dan kesakitan telinga.
Based on the obser$ationsD
erdasarkan pemerhatian7
Aa" State one suitable in!eren%e that %an be made. A1m"
2yatakan in"eren yang sesuai 81m9
Ab" State one apporopriate hpothesis !or an in$estigation. A1m"
2yatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai 81m9
A%" #ith the use o! apparatus su%h as a thistle !unnel1 a measuring %linder1 a
manometer and other apparatus 1 des%ribe an e2perimental !ramewor( to test
our hpothesis.
In our des%ription 1 state %learl the !ollowingD
(engan alatan seperti thistle &orong, silinder penyukat, manometer dan
sebagainya, ran&angkan satu e:perimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang
ternyata di atas7
Ai" Aim o! the e2periment
1ujuan ekperimen
Aii" Eariables in the e2periment
Pembolehubah dalam ekperimen
Aiii" List and apparatus and materials
-enarai alat dan bahan
Ai$" Arrangemant o! the apparatus
-usunan alatan
A$" The pro%edure o! the e2periment
3angkah-langkah ekperimen
A$i" The wa ou would tabulate the data
.ara menjadualkan data
A$ii" The wa ou would analse the data
.ara menganalisis data A14m"
A:S#<, D
.a"i" Impulsi$e !or%e is the rate o! %hange o! the momentum in a %ollision or
ii" 8 The egg brea(s when it hits the wall while the other egg
remains inta%t when it lands on the towel
8 Sin%e both eggs are being thrown in the same manner1 the
a%quire the same $elo%it when the land either upon the wall
or the towel
8 Both eggs are similar1 so the ha$e same momentum. The
%hanges in momentum are also the same be%ause the are
brought to %omplete stop at the end
8 ;owe$er1 a longer time is ta(en !or the %hange in momentum to
o%%ur in the egg in !igure ..2 be%ause o! the so!ter nature o! the
towel. This means a smaller impulsi$e !or%e is a%ting on it
8 Phsi%al %on%ept D impulsi$e !or%e %an be redu%ed b in%reasing
the time o! impa%t
b" Sa!et !eatures <2planation
+rumple 0one in the
!ront and rear and
padded dashboard
This will in%rease the time inter$al o!
impa%t and hen%e redu%e the impulsi$e !or%e
Automati% air bag
whi%h is in!lated upon
It a%ts as a %ushion !or head and the bod to
pre$ent serious in/uries
Passenger sa!et
%ompartment5 %ase
and strong steel struts
at the side
This pre$ents the %ollapse o! the !ront and
ba%( o! the %ar into the passenger
%ompartment and also gi$es good prote%tion
!rom a side8on %ollision
Sa!et seat belts It helps to hold the passengers in their seats
during %ollision and pre$ents them !rom
being thrown due to their inertia as a result
o! the abrupt stop
The bod o! the %ar is
Its %entre o! gra$it is nearer to the ground.
This ma(es the %ar relati$el more stable
and less prone to topple when negotiating
sharp bends
8Any "our9
%"i" >e%eleration 1 a
F $ G u 1
F 4 G 1-
F 8 12- m5s
ii" Impulsi$e !or%e1 F
F m$ G mu
F A1-44" A812-"
F 8 1.3H- 2 14
1Aa" Spe%i!i% heat %apa%it is the quantit o! heat needed to in%rease the
o! a mass o! 1 (g b 1 I+ or 1 K
Ab" 8 ;eat !rom the engine blo%( is absorbed b a liquid
8 Pump is used to mo$e the liquid to the radiator
8 A !an is used to %ool the hot liquid
8 Liquid %arries the heat out o! the engine and releases it to the surroundings
8 %ool liquid is pumped ba%( to the engine blo%(
8 liquid a%t as a %ooling agent
J high spe%i!i% heat %apa%it
J no rea%tion to engine %omponents
J no %ost
=ost suitable liquid is liquid P
.. Ai" momentum is the produ%t o! mass and $elo%it o! the ob/e%t.
/omentum ialah hasil darab jisim dan halaju objek.
Aii" the shape o! the %on%rete blo%( remains un%hanged whereas the !oam is
bent. The time o! impa%t on the %on%rete blo%( is shorter than that on
the !oam. ;en%e1 the impulsi$e !or%e on the %on%rete blo%( is greater
than that on the !oam. Impulsi$e !or%e is the rate o! %hange o!
entuk blok konkrit tidak berubah manakala bentuk span berubah.
/asa hentakan pada blok konkrit lebih pendek dari masa hentakan
pada span. /aka dari impuls yang bertindak ke atas blok adalah lebih
besar daripada daya yang bertindak ke atas span. (aya impuls ialah
kadar perubahan momentum.
a" Be!ore he stri(es the blo%(( !rom the height1 he possesses gra$itational
potential energ. #hen he stri(es downward1 potential energ is %on$erted to
(ineti% energ. #hen he hits the blo%(1 the (ineti% energ %hanges to sound
energ and heat energ.
-ebelum dia menghentak blok daripada suatu ketinggian, dia mempunyai
tenaga keupayaan gra$iti. Apabila dia menghentak ke bawah, tenaga
keupayaan bertukar ke tenaga kinetik. Apabila dia menghentak blok itu,
tenaga kinetik bertukar kepada tenaga bunyi dan tenaga haba.
b" Ai" 1. Satellite is made o! materials with high melting point so that it does
not melt easil when it rea%hes high temperature due to the !ri%tion
with the atmospheri% air.
-atelit dibina daripada bahan yang mempunyai takat lebur yang tinggi
supaya ia tidak mudah melebur apabila suhu naik disebabkan geseran
dengan lapisan udara.
2. Satellite is designed to ha$e streamline shape whi%h graduall tapers
towards the end to de%rease the air resistan%e.
-atelit direka dengan bentuk larus yang semakin menajam ke hujung
untuk mengurangkan rintangan udara.
.. Satellite is sheltered with insulator tiles to pre$ent heat !rom
-atelit dilindungi dengan jubin penebat haba untuk mengelakkan
pengaliran haba ke dalam.
Aii" 1. Satellite is made o! material whi%h %an redu%e the impulsi$e !or%e o!
-atelit dibina dengan bahan yang boleh mengurangkan daya impuls
semasa mendarat.
2. Satellite is made o! %omposite material whi%h is light1 hard and
strong so that it is not easil bro(en into pie%es on landing.
-atelit dibina dengan bahan komposit yang ringan, keras dan kuat
supaya ia tidak mudah pe&ah semasa mendarat.
.. Satellite is equipped with a para%hute so that it des%ends slowl and
de%reases $elo%it on landing.
-atelit dilengkapi dengan payung terjun supaya ia turun dengan
perlahan dan mengurangkan halajunya semasa mendarat.
1. 1 Aa" #ater /et at deeper water shoots !urther hori0ontall
Ab" A deeper water %olumn produ%es a bigger pressure
A%" Ai" To in$estigate the relationship between the height o! water %olumn and the
pressure it produ%es
Aii" =anipulatedD depth o! water
,espondingD pressure produ%ed
+onstantD water used
Aiii" ?raduated %linder1 thistle !unnel1 Bourdon gauge1 rubber tube1 wooden

A$" 1. The apparatus is set up as abo$e
2. The membran%e on the thistle !unnel is let to tou%h the water le$el. The reading
on the Bourdon gauge is ad/usted to 0ero.
.. The Thistle !unnel is lower down $erti%all so that the membran%e is tou%hing
the h F -.4 %m le$el.
9.The pressure produ%ed b the water %olumn1 P1 is read on the Bourdon gauge.
-. The e2periment is repeated with h F 14.4 %m1 1-.4 %m1 24.4 %m and 2-.4 %m.
@. The $alues o! P and h are tabulated.
A$ii" A graph o! prssure against depth o! water is plotted.
The result o! the graph shows that the pressure is dire%tl proportional to the depth o!

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