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Brevity, Simplicity and Methodology are

the elixirs of life.


Dharm is the fountain-head of spirituality and it forms the foundation upon which the
edifice of our life is raised. It resides within the core of our conscience and, at all the stages of
our life it adequately guides us and urges us to conduct ourselves with all senses of fairness,
rationality and responsibility. On occasions when we tend to default, or to behave indifferently,
it promptly comes to our rescue by the way of reminding our innermost, most unambiguously,
of the ensuing unfavourable even severely painful consequences.
India continues to be the epicentre of Dharm from the times immemorial and from here
Dharm emanates to the remotest corners of the world. Most undisputedly, we derived strength
from Dharm to fight for our countrys independence and finally won it in the year 1947.
The present era of science and technology has brought the man to the gateway that
leads to a decent and comfortable living, and he has been trying hard to have an increasingly
better life by the way of having more and more of agricultural and industrial outputs; rapid and
comfortable transportation; and, better housing, infrastructure and healthcare. In our
independent India, we have also been carrying on with our intensified efforts to have more or
less similar type of living facilities..
However, with the passage of time, our intensive materialistic pursuits have become
more and more tempting; plentifully, more so, because Dharm has been defined by our
political leaders to convey an altogether different meaning falling short of all spirituality. This
has resulted the man to run -- virtually in a degenerated state of mind -- after money, life-
luxuries flamboyance and glamour; and, to meet this end, he has no qualms for resorting to all
sorts of nasty and nefarious means.
At the international level, lack of spirituality and intensive materialistic greed have spoilt
relations between nations and the powerful nations have developed tendencies to dictate
terms and to dominate the weaker ones. This has raised global conflicts and consequent
dangers of eruption of war between nations as well as in between groups thereof.
The above state of affairs has made the peaceful living of the common man absolutely
an impossible affair, as he has to face all sorts of harassments, cruelties and fatalities in his day-
to-day living and, thus, his quality of life stands badly deteriorated. Simultaneously, the
degenerated mind-sets of the wrong-doers that prompt them to dare for their mis-
adventures / misdeeds -- have also worsened their life-quality even to a far greater extent.
The writer firmly believes that the only and exclusive approach to reverse the
aforesaid exasperating situation is to bring the man nearer and nearer to Dharm and the same
has been elucidated in this book. He and his fraternity have been carrying on with this mission
for the last quite a few years by the way of transmitting the message of Dharm and Peace to
the mankind by post as well as through e-mails and would ever be too glad to furnish the same
to the interested parties. Bringing out this book, of course, is an extension of this process.

Further, for the purpose of maintaining uniformity in approach, the relevant documents have
been incorporated in their original form, in this book.
Presently, the book is getting printed only in English and Hindi languages, but it has
been envisaged to be printed, later on, in other regional languages of the country, as well as in
all the major world- languages for the maximum possible coverage. The cost of the book has
also been kept zero for the same purpose. Moreover, readers in possession of more than one
copy of the book, are also requested to retain only one copy and pass on the remaining ones to
Before concluding, I would like to thank abundantly my fraternity members for their
active participation to carry on with the aforesaid mission, that, hopefully, beside conferring a
far superior quality of life upon all concerned, will, simultaneously, also bring an era of all-
round peace, prosperity and a better world. Over and above, our grateful thanks are / will also
always be to all those who ever came / come forward for the cause of this mission.
My most sincere thanks are also to my wife, children and grand-children for having
unflinching faith in my efforts and for their active support althrough.

Year : 2013. RAJ KUMAR.


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