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Chávez Daily Lesson Plan Template


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (FLEX DAY)

SWBAT ask for SWBAT greet SWBAT ask and SWBAT practice
and provide a name SWBAT identify and take leave answer how they LSRW cycles.
the from and others are
SWBAT ask for benefits of conversations. doing SWBAT recognize
and state origin studying SWBAT writing and
another -introduce speaking rubrics.
express their
pleasure at LSRW cycle
having met

How can I express Why should we study How can I express How can I express How can I build my
myself in another another language? myself in another myself in another Spanish skills?
language? language? language?

HW #1 – “Me llamo” HW #2 –If you could HW #3 – Write a HW #4 - Why do we Practice vocabulary.

worksheet only learn 10 phrases dialogue for meeting learn Spanish in a
to communicate in a your study abroad cycle of LSRW? Try to use your
Read syllabus with a foreign country, what family for the first What skill do you Spanish conversation
parent and return with would you want to time. think will be most skills with somebody
signature know? challenging and new.
what will be easiest
for you? Respond
with 1 paragraph for
each question.

Basic Spanish Introductions

DATE: Monday, August 31
SUBJECT: Spanish I
Learning Exchange names and present basic introductions.
Aligned IP.1.4 Exchange basic personal information orally, with emphasis on present time.
Standard Connecting:

Daily SWBAT ask for and provide a name

Essential Why should we study another language?
will: -first person use of llamarse -ask for and state their name in Spanish
-question phrases: ¿Como te llamas? and ¿De -ask for and state origins
donde eres?
-first person use of ser to tell where a student is

Public N/A
Assess- Scholars will respond orally to teacher prompt ¿Cómo te llamas?
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WARM UP What excites you about studying Spanish?

(5min) What makes you nervous about studying Spanish?

Respond to each question with 2-3 sentences.

Agenda As students enter, teacher will greet each student at the door, hand each student a seating chart and
(46 min) warm up and instruct them to find their seats.

1. Warm-up (5 min) See above.

2. Objective (2 min)…student reads from the board (will choose a different student each day
from popsicle stick)…point out where students can find the agenda each day and where they
can sign the bathroom clipboard.

3. Share out (3 min) warm-up responses and explain procedure of collection on Friday, must
keep the same sheet all week with no replacements!
-Expectation: Actively listen to the classmate that is sharing.

4. Intro to Spanish (10 min)

-introduce myself and the course briefly…Spanish as combination of language skills
(LSRW) and culture…today we will see a piece of each
-pass out the syllabus, highlight the sections, instruct students to read at home with a
parent and come back with a signature and questions
-5 keys to be success in Spanish class: 1. Positive Attitude 2. Be here, working hard 3.
Homework! 4. Participate and Practice, practice, practice 5. Respect (each other, other cultures)

5. First Spanish words – a quick GRR (10 min) Students do not need to write. Need to listen to
the sounds and practice repeating after the teacher.
Step 1: To ask a person’s name: “¿Cómo te llamas?” Teacher will say and write on the
board. “Me llamo Ms. Reilly.” Write on board.
Step 2: Repeat after me. 100%! Repeat until all students are saying the two phrases.
Step 3: Turn to a partner and ask for each other’s name.
EXPECTATION: When I say practice with a partner, I should hear SPANISH only,
and all eyes should be up front after the short conversation. Many people will be talking at once,
so we must use low, indoor voices.
“All eyes on me in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”
Step 4: Dipsticking: Call on students and ask their names.
(10 min) REPEAT process adding in “¿De donde eres? Soy de Virginia/DC/etc”

Transition: We just began to speak Spanish…on the first day of class! Now we are going to take
a moment to reflect on why learning the language is important.

6. Closing (5 min): Explain procedure for exiting: (Dismissed with “Adelante”), everyone writes
their homework in the agenda, as teacher checks she will pass out the homework and
explain procedure for the next day.

Modifications for Provide a think/pair/share graphic organizer with guiding questions in the table
Students with
Special Needs
Homework HW #1 – Me llamo (worksheet: how would people like your mother, sister, etc. introduce
themselves in Spanish)
Return signed syllabus/parent survey (are we doing a joint one with the whole 10th grade?)
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Why study Spanish?

DATE: Tuesday, September 1, 2009
SUBJECT: Spanish I
Outcome Identify the benefits of studying another language and culture.

Aligned 5.1.1 Recognize applications and uses of the language studied and culture within the local
Standard community.

Objective SWBAT identify the benefits of studying another language

Essential Why should we study another language?

will: -jobs that list Spanish as a required or -identify advantages of studying Spanish
recommended skill -describe why job listings would require Spanish
speaking ability
Public N/A
Assess- Exit ticket which requires students to list advantages of studying Spanish.

WARM UP Complete a student survey.

As students enter, teacher will greet each student at the door and ask ¿Cómo te llamas?

1. Warm-up (5 min) See above. Collect student surveys.

2. Objective (2 min)…student reads from the board

3. Review syllabus (8 min)

-highlight expectations, review contact information, 5 min. for questions
-Expectation: where to go when you were absent!

Transition: We are going to get to know each other well in Spanish through this course, so let’s get
to know each other in English a little bit.

4. Quick review from yesterday (5 min):

-Teacher models name/origin exchange, stating first, then asking a student
-Turn to a NEW partner and find out name and origin…review partner expectations

5. Think Pair Share (10 min): Why should we study Spanish?

-Explain think (2 min), pair (2 min), share (6 min) procedure
-during “Think” you should be writing ideas for yourself, during pair and share you
should be adding ideas you hadn’t though of
-Introduce topic: Why should we study Spanish? (in terms of our communities and our
futures) Conduct think pair share with guiding questions on the overhead:
Where can we use Spanish in the community?
How does Spanish prepare us for college?
For what kinds of jobs is Spanish an advantage?
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6. Spanish on the job (10 minutes reading/writing, 5 minutes sharing):

a. Pass out various job listings
b. Expectation: when you read, you mark the text….so you should always read with a
c. Students read, analyze and answer “Why would this job require Spanish?”
d. Share out findings and discuss why – one student writes at the board
7. Closing (5 min): Students record homework in agendas. As teacher checks, she hands
out exit tickets. Students complete exit ticket and hand to teacher on the way out the door.
Exit ticket: Least 3 advantages of studying the Spanish language. Be specific!
-explain exit ticket procedures and expectations…still working hard until the bell rings
and TEACHER dismisses with “adelante”

Modifications for Varied levels of difficulty for reading level and formatting of job listings.
Students with
Special Needs
Homework HW#2 Imagine you are traveling to Mexico next weekend. What 10 phrases would you
want or need to know in Spanish to communicate with people there? Write in English.
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Conversation Starters
DATE: Wednesday
SUBJECT: Spanish I
Learning Exchange greetings and present and respond to introductory conversations.
Aligned IP.1.3 Ask and answer simple questions about basic personal information and the student’s
Standard immediate environment.

Daily SWBAT greet and take leave from conversations.

Objective SWBAT express pleasure at having met someone.

Essential How can I express myself in another language?

will: -vocabulary for greetings, goodbyes and nice to -exchange greetings for an introductory conversation
meet you -write and speak the dialogues
-difference in masculine and feminine address -build vocabulary to carry on conversations
Public N/A
Assess- Exit ticket (see below)

In what real-life situations would you greet or say hello to somebody in Spanish?

As students enter, teacher will greet each student at the door and ask ¿Cómo te llamas?

1. Warm-up (5 min) …share out responses

2. Objective (1 min)…student reads from the board

3. Quick review from Monday (5 min):

-Teacher models name/origin exchange, stating first, then asking a student
-Turn to a NEW partner and find out name and origin…review partner expectations

GRR of intro conversations….practice the STOPLIGHT time

4. I do (7 min): Graphic organizer of Greetings/Nice to Meet Yous/Goodbyes

Expectations: Note taking! What to do with your notes
Teacher reveals on power point, students take notes

5. We do (8 min): Use the new vocabulary to create a dialogue together at the board.
Choose a specific time (ie morning). Teacher directs and student writes on the board.
Talk about the importance of correct spelling!

6. You do (12 min): PAIRS! Students, by section, are assigned a time of day and write their
own intro conversations. Must include name, origin, hello, nice to meet you, goodbyes.
Students choose the order, can make up fake identities of who they are/where they are
from…both students write and contribute!

7. Share! (10 min) Students share their dialogues for the class
Norms: students actively listening for presenters…okay to make mistakes, no
laughing, clap for presenters
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8. Closing (7 min): Students record homework in agendas. As teacher checks, she hands
out exit tickets. Students complete exit ticket and hand to teacher on the way out the door.
Exit ticket: Identify each expression as a hello, goodbye or nice to meet you

TEACHER dismisses with “adelante”

Modifications for Partner students of low ability and high ability with each other
Students with
Special Needs
Homework HW #3 - Choose a time of day different from what you did in class. Imagine you are
studying abroad and your family meets you at the airport. What does the start of
your conversation with them look like? Write in Spanish, at least 8 lines. Answer:
What parts of the conversation changed depending on the time of day?
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How are you?

DATE: Thursday
SUBJECT: Spanish I
Learning Exchange greetings and present and respond to introductory conversations.
Aligned IP.1.3 Ask and answer simple questions about basic personal information and the student’s
Standard immediate environment.

Daily SWBAT ask and answer how they and others are doing
Essential How can I express myself in another language?
will: -that Spanish language learning occurs in a -describe the language acquisition cycle
constant cycle of listening, speaking, reading -ask someone how they are doing
and writing -tell someone how they are doing
-vocabulary for expressing how you are doing
Policy N/A
Assess- Collect independent practice and check for accuracy.

With which of your teachers or school staff can you practice greetings in Spanish?
What greeting would you use with them? (Depending on time of day)

Lesson As students enter, teacher will greet each student at the door and ask ¿Cómo te llamas?
1. Warm-up (5 min) …share out responses

2. Objective (2 min)…student reads from the board

3. Practice/review from the week (3 min)

-introduce expectation: teacher will now greet in Spanish, students should as a well
-practice as a class, must have 100%

4. LSRW cycle (5 min) Introduce cycle of learning Spanish

-comparison to the way the babies acquire English: listen, speak, read, write

TODAY: one new piece to those intro conversations

5. I do (7 min): Graphic organizer of How are you?

-review notes expectations
-person in the middle, write and illustrate
-don’t always need to write English definitions if an illustration defines it for you

6. We do (8 min): say and repeat. Focus on pronunciation….students up front hold up

smiley face images of how people feel, teachers and students act out how they feel. Dip
sticking: ask students how they feel for practice
7. You do: Listening (7 min) Explain process and expectations. Listen without asking
questions, indivdidual work. Students listen to recording and answer questions in English.
Second time, use strategies! Read questions first, listen for key words. Play the recording
Reading (8 min): Reading expectations! Individual (yellow) work time. Answer
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questions in English about the conversation you see.

LSRW cycle: two pieces today, two tomorrow…today = listening and reading

8. Closing (5 min): Students record homework in agendas. As teacher checks, she hands
out exit tickets. Students complete exit ticket and hand to teacher on the way out the door.

TEACHER dismisses with “adelante”

-potentially introduce word wall as a task to do when finished with work, if there is time. If
not, do it on Friday!

Modifications for Have a key of a couple important vocabulary words on the listening/reading
Students with worksheet
Special Needs
Why do we learn Spanish in a cycle of LSRW? What skill do you think will be most
challenging and what will be easiest for you? Respond with 1 paragraph for each
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Goal Setting
DATE: Friday
SUBJECT: Spanish I
Learning Engage in conversations in spoken and written form.
Aligned IP.1.5 Initiate brief conversations applying basic language patterns, and familiar phrases and
Standard sentences.

P.1.2 Present orally and in writing information that contains a variety of familiar vocabulary,
phrases, and structural patterns.

Daily SWBAT practice LSRW cycles.

SWBAT recognize writing and speaking rubrics.
Essential How do I build my Spanish skills?
will: -how they will be graded in Spanish speaking Participate in timed writing and speaking practice
and writing assessments.
Public N/A
Assess- Teacher will assess writing and speaking of students according to the rubric.

WARM UP What did you find challenging about the Spanish “listening” exercise from
yesterday? What about the “reading” exercise?

As students enter, teacher will greet each student at the door and ask ¿Cómo estás?

1. Warm-up (5 min) …share out responses

2. Objective (2 min)…student reads from the board

-talk about flex Fridays and the way we will use the time for skills practice

3. Practice/review from the week (3 min)

-ask students how they are doing
-have a student explain the LSRW cycle

TODAY: continue the LSRW cycle, learn the rubric, set goals

4. Importance of rubrics (5 min) – whole class discussion

5. Spanish WRITING (15 min): read the rubric together, mark the text, check for
understanding, answer questions
-given the prompt, and no vocabulary sheet, do the best you can to respond
-grade an exemplar together, then students grade their own

6. Spanish SPEAKING (15 min): read the rubric together, mark the text, check for
understanding, answer questions
-Use of video cassette recorders. Talk about setup, norms, procedures.
-Students are given a prompt (partner dialogues), 1 min to jot notes and plan: who will
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start? What is key vocabulary? Then 1 minute to record. Listen for the timer!
Depending on time, go back, listen, grade yourselves, re-record.

7. Closing (5 min): Students record homework in agendas. Talk about homework as a

challenge to themselves.
Popsicle dipsticking – ask students to reflect on use of the rubrics today.

TEACHER dismisses with “adelante”

Modifications for No time limit in writing prompt or in preparation for speaking task.
Students with
Special Needs
Homework Practice vocabulary.

Try to use your Spanish conversation skills with somebody new.

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