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What would Mike do?

Im sure youve no doubt been thinking this on occasion, right? Faced with only vegetarian
options at dinner Maybe youve woken up in a strange place and thought- What would
Mike do in this situation?

No, I am kidding. Of course you havent, and
I certainly hope you havent. That would be
weird, and creepy. Although somewhat
flattering I guess.
I know what you might be thinking though-
Hold on, is this guy comparing himself
to Jesus- WWJD?No, I am not. Im certainly
no carpenter. What Im going to attempt to
do here is express me- how my brain works
and what causes me to do what I do, in some
You see I find myself giving out advice quite a lot these days. A majority of it asked for, and
some of it not (one of the things Im working on), however, Im also writing, seeking advice,
reading , learning, soaking up and taking in the best things from people I respect and
admire. What Ive learnt is there are certain things I do, ways I act, behaviours that dead set
piss me off when I witness others exhibit and traits in myself that I
catch from time to time and go Yeah, good work me, that rocked.
Or not.
And if you think Im making that last part up, then think again. I not
only talk to myself often, but I talk to my food a lot. Just some of the
crazy youll see in this post.
The idea for making this list of rules that I live by first came to me
via John Romaniello (Roman) and his post What Would Roman
Do? In which he explained his continual formation of rules that he
lives by. Its an awesome post and Ive definitely taken some
inspiration from it into this and some of my own rules. .com/unleashyouralpha @mcampbell2012

However, all of these rules are my own- meaning I do live by, or try to live by them where

Im not quite as experienced at keeping track of my thoughts as Roman, and certainly do not
have actual notes from when I was a horny, drunken, idiotic teenager like he does. Although
I do have a memory. So I have pieced together the rules that I actually adhere to, that
govern (the majority of) my actions and that keep me in check, and that I think some others
could use a bit more to keep themselves in check.

I am by no means saying everyone should live by these rules- these are for me- however,
that doesnt mean you cant get something out of them and perhaps even start your own.
You should note that not all of these really make sense, but thats me- I have a sense of
humour that sometimes no one else gets. Thats ok, find your own weird.

For this is the real reason for this post. I believe every man should have a set of rules that he
lives by, be it conscious or not; something to govern your behaviour and a list to hold you
accountable to your actions.

When you list something like this and really put some thought into it, you can start to get
some clarity on who you are, start to see what makes you tick, what pisses you off and
what you value most. These things are crucial for any man to not only become better at
being himself, but be happy, live an awesome life and unleash his inner alpha- to become a

Thats why I bring you these words today- I want to inspire you to write your own, as Roman
and others have for me.
This is one of the keys that I encourage my alpha clients to do- to put some thought into
what it is that governs their life, take note of these things and add what is needed.
Its something that I address in my book as well, and if you happen to read it and implement
the steps laid out then writing your own rules to live by is part of it.

And so with that in mind, here are mine.
In no particular order with notes to explain some

Know what you want and go after it. Do not float, dont fluff and waste time. Think
about what you really want and go after it. Hustle- like a boss.
Get outside your comfort zone. Be adaptable to any situation and just say screw it,
Ill do it.
Put others first, but never neglect yourself. Be selfish, but to a point. Always have
the interest of others at heart, but make sure you get your best too.
Treat everyone as an equal. To do otherwise = douchebag.
Eat real food. Keep it simple and keep processed crap to an absolute minimum- but
every now and then eat whatever the hell you want. .com/unleashyouralpha @mcampbell2012

Treat yourself like an athlete. Train often, train hard and train with purpose. Know
the difference between training and exercise- do the former and do it well.

Sleep like your life depends on it, because you know, it does. Try to get at least 7
hours but limit it to 9.
Smile often and choose to be positive and enjoy life. The choice is always yours, and
if it isnt then you need to change something. Of course shitty and tough times
happen, but where you can choose to be positive and happy. Besides, who likes a
grumpy bastard?
Know your body and its limits. Learn to pay attention to your key indicators of
health, such as energy, sex drive and how you feel before bed and upon waking.
Listen to your body and act accordingly.
Give your best at everything- love, insight, advice, listening, compliments,
friendship, hugs, jokes, training, arguments etc
Know what defines you and how others describe you. This is your personal brand-
know it inside out, its what the world gets with everyone of your actions. If the
world sees something different to what you have in your head- somethings amiss.
Know your core values. Get familiar with the things that you value most in yourself
and others. You should be trying to align your life in order to meet these. If youre
not- change something.
Never be completely satisfied. Always strive for more; just dont be an impossible
Have a purpose bigger than yourself. There is more to life than your needs and
wants, find what it is that makes sense to you and go about making it happen.
Have a little vanity and take pride in your appearance- body, fitness, health,
hygiene, just dont be a conceited arsehole.
Give good hugs. Always.
Pick your battles, but keep an open mind. Dont close off the possibility of change or
a different opinion, but if you have to take a stand- take a fucking stand.
Dont give haters the pleasure of your time, energy and attention. Let them be
jealous, petty and sad little people.
Be polite. Manners cost you nothing, but get you the world.
If youre going to swear, make sure you fucking mean it. By no means think that
swearing is bad, just find the time and place. For fucks sake.
You have two ears and one mouth- use them in that proportion. Listen and give
opinions when asked, but be a considerate and empathetic listener first and
foremost. .com/unleashyouralpha @mcampbell2012

Read more books. Then read more- you dont read enough books man!
Ring your family. Or text, email, Skype- whatever- just stay in touch.
Get to know and love yourself. If you dont then its going to be hard to understand
why someone else would love you. You can be critical of yourself, but do not self
Train your legs. This includes hamstrings and gluts.
If a situation calls for something to be done, be the man to do it. Dont hesitate,
even if its awkward or uncomfortable, man up and get it done.
Have more sex. Not only is the sexy time awesome, the ability to and want to have
sex is a great indicator of health. Plus, its awesome.
Act with integrity, always. Be a man of your word and make it mean something.
Know what you do well, but be humble and have modesty. Theres very rarely any
reason to show off. Sure, do what you do well, but be gracious and modest. No one
likes a smug know-it-all.
Know how to cook at least 3 meals incredibly well. If you dont know how- learn to
cook. Seriously, cooking for yourself is a basic human necessity, sort your shit out
and learn, then master at least 3 dishes- dishes that can get you places.
Embrace your weird. Everyones got the little things that make them special, dont
hide it, embrace it.
If youre going to criticise youd better have an alternative. Complaining for the
sake of it is painful to be around. However, if youve got something better in mind,
have at it.
Give everyone a chance, to a point. If someone proves themselves not worthy of
your time and energy then dont give them any, otherwise see whats on offer.
Ask questions. Of everything, your teacher, boss, trainer, me, yourself! Dont just
settle for information, especially dogma- ask questions and empower yourself. If you
never ask, youll never know.
If youve got it, flaunt it. Dont be afraid to get in the pelt (shirts off). You work hard
to stay in great shape, so dont be afraid to show it-
where appropriate.
Have at least one go-to joke. It can be a cheesy one-
liner or it could be an involved story, but it should be
able to get a laugh.
Grow a god damn moustache. At least one in your life
warm your upper lip with hair, you never know, you
might suit it. Outside of this- grow a beard, full beard
only. Goatees are tough to pull off (for a white guy) ==>
Do not zumba.
Be a best mate. Contact your closest mates regularly,
meet up for a beer, share old times, do epic shit together- be an awesome mate. .com/unleashyouralpha @mcampbell2012

If youre going to a BBQ, take quality meat. Also grab some tongs and offer to help
Get the first round in. And dont sit there working out when its your turn next, just
shout regularly.
Dont be so serious. Laugh at yourself and often, laugh at immature shit like when
someone says box or when someones name is Cockram. That shit is funny!
Dont watch the news or read the paper. Apart from sports- do that and know
whats going on, especially your team. Just avoid mainstream media propaganda
crap, its making you dumberer. Facebook will tell you anything worth knowing soon
Time is your most precious commodity- use it wisely. Plan your days and get shit
done. If you need to chill and do nothing, then do it, but dont waste time on
needless crap.
If you love someone, let them know.
Look after your teeth- floss every day. Not only can you enjoy some of the steak you
had at lunch again, but youll be doing your health and body a big favour.
If you have an argument, speak your mind with clarity, honesty and conviction. Be
open minded, resolve it and move on. Dont dwell.
Be on time where possible. You might not value being on time, but the person
youre meeting might, and that shit is annoying, so dont be late.
Use peoples names, or nicknames if appropriate. On this- be imaginative with
nicknames. Allow them to evolve and get abstract. For example, I know a guy called
Willie Cox, his nickname is Penis Penis- absolutely brilliant!
Learn to explain healthy eating and living in sixty seconds. Anything more is just
painful and too detailed. Simplicity must prevail.
Youve got nothing to lose, so man-up and take a
chance. This relates to anything, but especially women
(or it did for me in the past). Its a big ocean full of
fish, so have a crack; youve got nothing to lose and
everything to gain. If it doesnt work out, move on.
Set yourself some rules around dating. Dont be
dictated to, for example if a girl has a 3 date rule
have one too; the if it doesnt happen in 3 dates, Im
out rule ========>
If you want to talk to someone you dont already
know- establish contact and always complement
them. Youve got nothing to lose remember, but let
them know why you want to establish contact, make
them feel special. Also- a simple thank you will do
when complimented. Dont make it awkward. .com/unleashyouralpha @mcampbell2012

Help someone everyday who doesnt expect it. Havent mastered this, but I try to
where I can.
Go on more holidays. Organise life so you can travel, chill and live.
Buy a suit that fits YOU. This goes for all clothes, they should fit you- chose trends
carefully and dress to impress. We can say dont judge a book by its cover as much
as we like, but people will still judge you by your appearance, so look good fucking
Learn how to cook the perfect steak. There is no situation where a man shouldnt
know this, unless youre at a vegan BBQ, in which case you should probably leave.
Learn everything you need to know to cook the perfect steak in this post here or this
video here.
Deadlift, squat, chin up, overhead press and sprint. Not all at once silly, but do these
things. Theyre primal movements, in fact Im pretty sure cavemen dead lifted- those
If the service was good reflect that in your tip. Regardless of where youre from and
where you are, if the service was awesome then show some gratitude, at the very
least because theyve probably had 5 arseholes sit at that table already, yet they
managed to remain professional and make your experience better.
Dont be afraid to say no. Saying no to things that will drain your energy or clash
with your values is not only essential to ensure your time and energy isnt wasted,
but its fucking liberating. Next time you are about to say yes to something you
would really rather say no to-say no!
Be your own rock. Look within yourself for strength and be a strong shoulder for
others. This doesnt mean you cant be vulnerable, but also dont be weak. You
should be able to get through most of the shit life throws at you yourself. If you cant
then I suggest taking a long hard look in the mirror- what needs work?
Details make a dress-up costume. If youre going to
dress-up make sure you pay attention to the finer
details, its what makes you best dressed worthy,
and provides endless conversation.

Yes I have gone to a house warming as a House- warming-
that is a hot water bottle tied to the house. Awesome, I
know Its the little details
Dont take things personally. This is a tough one
admittedly, but Im working on it. Surprisingly the
world doesnt revolve solely around me (or you), so
other peoples shit is just that- their shit, dont be so
sensitive and self important to think that its about
you. .com/unleashyouralpha @mcampbell2012

Leave your ego at the door.
Write shit down, your memory isnt that good. Definitely taken inspiration from
Roman on this one, and luckily I wrote it down, otherwise Id forget!

And thats my list. Ive refined this, added things, removed a bunch of swear words and
Im sure Ill have plenty of new additions as time goes by, but the main thing is that I have
now written my rules, and Ive shared them with you. These rules are how I live or try to
live, and now I have the accountability of all of you.

Since Ive written these I have definitely become more aware of many of my actions day to

So heres what I propose- a challenge: write out your own rules. Take your time, leave it
and come back to it. Write through blockages and stalls and get a decent list down. Then
refine it.
Have some fun with it, but make sure its a list of things youd like to abide by. Then, to give
it meaning and reality, post it up here in the comments and you can share in the

And if you look at the rules you come up with and theyre pretty average, or could do with
some serious work, then get to work, as you no doubt need this work on yourself- to
unleash your alpha and become more awesome.

Make sure you check out Romans post, as well as 37 ways to be a total badass by Chris
McCombs and On Living Well, My Own Way By My Own Rules by Jon Goodman as some
great examples on this.

And remember- these are to be your rules, not anyone elses. Figure out how you want to
live your life, and go do it! Unless of course you need to dress up for a house warming and
find yourself thinking- What would Mike do?, in which case- check above!

Now, go be awesome.


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