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In 1991 Barnard and Teasdale created a multilevel theory of the mind called

Interacting Cognitive Subsystems, (ICS! The ICS model is based on Barnard

and Teasdale"s theory that the mind has multi#le modes that are res#onsible
for receiving and #rocessing ne$ information cognitively and emotionally!
Barnard and Teasdale"s (1991 theory associates an individual"s vulnerability
to de#ression $ith the degree to $hich he%she relies on only one of the
modes of mind, inadvertently bloc&ing the other modes! The two main
modes of mind include the doing mode and being mode. The
doing mode is also &no$n as the driven mode! This mode is very goal'
oriented and is triggered $hen the mind develo#s a discre#ancy bet$een
ho$ things are versus ho$ the mind $ishes things to be! The second main
mode of mind is the being mode! Being mode, is not focused on
achieving s#eci(c goals, instead the em#hasis is on accepting and
allowing what is, $ithout any immediate #ressure to change it!)9* The
central component of Barnard and Teasdales ICS is
metacognitive awareness. etacognitive awareness is the
abilit! to e"perience negative thoughts and feelings as mental
events that pass through the mind, rather than as a part of the self.
Individuals $ith high metacognitive a$areness are able to avoid de#ression
and negative thought #atterns more easily during stressful life situations, in
com#arison to individuals $ith lo$ metacognitive a$areness! +etacognitive
a$areness is regularly re,ected through an individual"s ability to decenter!
-ecentering is the ability to #erceive thoughts and feelings as both
im#ermanent and ob.ective occurrences in the mind!
Based on Barnard and Teasdale"s (1991 model, mental health is related to an
individual"s ability to disengage from one mode or to easily move among the
modes of mind! Therefore, individuals that are able to ,e/ibly move bet$een
the modes of mind based on the conditions in the environment are in the
most favorable state! The ICS model theori0es that the being mode is the
most li&ely mode of mind that $ill lead to lasting emotional changes!
Therefore for #revention of rela#se in de#ression, cognitive thera#y must
#romote this mode! This led Teasdale to the creation of +BCT, $hich
#romotes the being mode!
This thera#y $as also created by 1indel Segal and +ar& 2illiams, and $as
#artially based on the mindfulness'based stress reduction #rogram,
develo#ed by 3on 4abat'1inn! Theories behind these mindfulness'based
a##roaches to #sychological issues function on the idea that being a$are of
things in the #resent, and not focusing on the #ast or the future, $ill allo$ the
client to be more a#t to deal $ith current stressors and distressing feelings
$ith a ,e/ible and acce#ting mindset, rather than avoiding, and, therefore,
#rolonging them!

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