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Submitted by
In the partial fulfillment for the award of
To whom it may concern
This is to certify that Zamir Ahmed Nanda pursuing MBA Degree from
RIMT- Institute of Management and computer Technology has successfully
completed his summer training in the marketing division of the
ammu and !ashmir "ank #td$
The topic assigned to the student %as& '(ffectiveness of
Advertisement Tool used "y the ammu and !ashmir Bank)$ The
%ork is "eing su"mitted to the Department of Business *tudies+
Regional Institute of Management and Technology for the a%ard of
The student has su"mitted the pro,ect in time$
-ro,ect .uide
/ 0 - a g e
A successful pro,ect is the result of team %ork and co-ordination that includes not
only the group of developers %ho put forth the ideas+ logic and efforts "ut also guide them$
*o at the completion of the pro,ect+ %e feed o"liged to e1tent our gratitude to%ards all those
made valua"le contri"ution throughout our training period$
2e e1press our thanks to all those associated %ith this pro,ect including customers at
3! Bank %ho shared their opinion and e1perience through %hich %e receive the crucial
information re4uired for our pro,ect$
2e deem it to "e profound privilege to e1press our deep sense of gratitude and
profound personal regards to esteem in charge of Marketing Department Mr. Mushtaq
Ahmad Khan+ %hose impecca"le guidance+ critical analysis+ constructive criticism+ constant
encouragement and unparallel e1ecution of the essential re4uisites during the entire course of
the study are "eyond reach of my formal %ords$
In addition+ %e %ish to convey deep sense of gratitude to%ards Mrs.Asooda Ali for
her constant support and guidance at any time I needed$
2e %ould like to record our deepest sense of gratitude to our parents+ family
mem"ers and friends for their continuous support %ho helped us for making this pro,ect a

5 0 - a g e
I+ Zamir Ahmed Nanda+ here"y declare that the pro,ect report entitled+
Effectiveness of Advertisement of 1ammu and Kashmir Bank su"mitted "y me to the
RIMT- Institute of Management & computer Technology+ in partial fulfillment of the
re4uirement for the a%ard of degree of Master6s in Business Administration is the original
%ork and the conclusions dra%n therein are "ased on the material collected "y me7$
The report su"mitted is my o%n %ork and has not "een duplicated from any other source$ I
shall "e responsi"le for any unpleasura"le movement8 situation$
Date: Zamir Ahmed Nanda

: 0 - a g e
> B?B#I?.RA-@A 74-75
B ANN(CDR( 76-80

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An economy consists of the economic system in a certain region+ comprising the
production+ distri"ution or trade+ and consumption of goods and services in that region or
country$ An economy is the total aggregate sum of all transactions of value "et%een t%o
agents+ such as one individual to one other individual+ or "et%een groups of individual
activity+ such as in organiEations to other organiEations+ and "et%een one nation and another
nation$ Transactions only occur %hen "oth parties agree to the value+ commonly e1pressed in
some currency+ or price$ Then and only then is the sale of good or service acted on in the
transaction$ An economy represents the diverse activity of all agents engaged in the
production of valua"le goods and services for other agents in the economy $In the past+
economic activity %as theoriEed to "e "ounded "y natural resources+ la"or+ and capital$ This
vie% ignores the value of technology Fautomation+ accelerator of process+ reduction of cost
functionsG+ and creativity Fne% products+ services+ processes+ ne% markets+ e1pands markets+
diversification of markets+ niche markets+ increases revenue functionsG+ especially that %hich
produces intellectual property$ A given economy is the result of a set of processes that
involves its culture+ values+ education+ technological evolution+ history+ social organiEation+
political structure and legal systems+ as %ell as its geography+ natural resource endo%ment+
< 0 - a g e
and ecology+ as main factors$ These factors give conte1t+ content+ and set the conditions and
parameters in %hich an economy functions$ *ome cultures create more productive economies
and function "etter than others+ creating higher value+ or .D-$
A market-"ased economy is %here goods and services are produced %ithout
o"struction or interference+ and e1changed according to demand and supply "et%een
participants Feconomic agentsG "y "arter or a medium of e1change %ith a credit or de"it value
accepted %ithin the net%ork+ such as a unit of currency and at some free market or market
clearing price$ Hapital and la"or can move freely to any area of emerging shortage+ signaled
"y rising price+ and thus dynamically and automatically relieve any such threat$ Market "ased
economies re4uire transparency on information+ such as true prices+ to %ork+ and may include
various kinds of immaterial production+ such as affective la"or that descri"es %ork carried
out that is intended to produce or modify emotional e1periences in people+ "ut does not have
a tangi"le+ physical product as a result$
Gross Domestic Production
Gross domestic product FGDPG is the market value of all officially recogniEed final goods
and services produced %ithin a country in a given period of time$ .D- per capita is often
considered an indicator of a countryIs standard of living$ .D- per capita is not a measure of
personal income$ Dnder economic theory+ .D- per capita e1actly e4uals the gross domestic
income F.DIG per capita$ .D- can "e determined in three %ays+ all of %hich should+ in
principle+ give the same result$ They are the product For outputG approach+ the income
approach+ and the e1penditure approach$
The most direct of the three is the product approach+ %hich sums the outputs of every
class of enterprise to arrive at the total$ The e1penditure approach %orks on the principle that
all of the product must "e "ought "y some"ody+ therefore the value of the total product must
"e e4ual to peopleIs total e1penditures in "uying things$ The income approach %orks on the
principle that the incomes of the productive factors FJproducers+J collo4uiallyG must "e e4ual
to the value of their product+ and determines .D- "y finding the sum of all producersI
= 0 - a g e
GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending+ (exports

IndiaIs 4uarterly .ross Domestic -roduct gre% at :$> percent in the first 4uarter of
/K95+ only slightly "etter than an up%ardly revised :$= percent gro%th in the previous three
months$ 2hile *ervices %ere the largest contri"utor to gro%th+ Manufacturing rose only /$<
percent+ (lectricity+ gas and %ater supply increased /$> percent+ Agriculture+ forestry and
fishing %ere up 9$: per cent and Mining and 4uarrying declined 5$9 percent$
.D- at factor cost at constant F/KK:-K;G prices in L9 of /K95 is estimated at Rs$ 9:+
=K+=>/ crore+ as against Rs$ 9:+ K5+=/= crore in L9 of /K9/+ sho%ing a gro%th rate of :$>
percent$ According to the latest estimates availa"le+ the inde1 of mining+ manufacturing and
electricity registered gro%th rates of -:$/ percent+ /$< percent and /$5 percent respectively+ in
L9 of /K95+ as compared to the gro%th rates of -K$: percent+ K$5 percent and :$; percent
respectively in these sectors in L9 of /K9/$
> 0 - a g e
-rivate Minal Honsumption (1penditure and .ross Mi1ed Hapital Mormation at
constant F/KK:-K;G market prices in L9 of /K95 are estimated at Rs$ >+ <<+>;: crore and Rs$
;+ 9=+K5B crore+ respectively$ The rates of -MH( and .MHM as percentage of .D- at market
prices in L9 of /K95 %ere ;:$= percent and 5/$< percent+ respectively+ as against the
corresponding rates of ;:$5 percent and 5/$; percent+ respectively in L9 of /K9/$
.ro%th rates in various sectors are as follo%s& Nelectricity+ gas and %ater supply6 F/$>
percentG Nconstruction6 F:$: percentG+ Itrade+ hotels+ transport and communicationI F<$/
percentG+ Ifinancing+ insurance+ real estate and "usiness servicesI FB$9 percentG+ and
Icommunity+ social and personal servicesI F:$K percentG
B 0 - a g e

Industrial background
Banking in India originated in the first decade of 9>th century %ith the .eneral Bank
of India coming into e1istence in 9=><$ This %as follo%ed "y Bank of @industan$ Both these
"anks are no% defunct$ The oldest "ank in e1istence in India is the *tate Bank of India "eing
esta"lished as JThe Bank of BengalJ in Halcutta in une 9>K<$ A couple of decades later+
foreign "anks like Hredit #yonnais started their Halcutta operations in the 9>;Ks$ At that point
of time+ Halcutta %as the most active trading port+ mainly due to the trade of the British
(mpire+ and due to %hich "anking activity took roots there and prospered$ The first fully
Indian o%ned "ank %as the Allaha"ad Bank+ %hich %as esta"lished in 9><;$ By the 9BKKs+
the market e1panded %ith the esta"lishment of "anks such as -un,a" National Bank+ in 9>B;
in #ahore and Bank of India+ in 9BK<+ in Mum"ai - "oth of %hich %ere founded under private
o%nership$ The Reserve Bank of India formally took on the responsi"ility of regulating the
Indian "anking sector from 9B5;$ After IndiaIs independence in 9B:=+ the Reserve Bank %as
nationaliEed and given "roader po%ers$
9K 0 - a g e
By the 9B<Ks+ the Indian "anking industry has "ecome an important tool to facilitate
the development of the Indian economy$ At the same time+ it has emerged as a large
employer+ and a de"ate has ensued a"out the possi"ility to nationaliEe the "anking industry$
Indra .andhi+ the-then -rime Minister of India e1pressed the intention of the .?I in the
annual conference of the All India Hongress Meeting in a paper entitled "Stray thoughts on
Bank ationa!i"ation#$ The paper %as received %ith positive enthusiasm$ Thereafter+ her
move %as s%ift and sudden+ and the .?I issued an ordinance and nationaliEed the
9: largest commercial "anks %ith effect from the midnight of uly 9B+ 9B<B$ A second dose of
nationaliEation of < more commercial "anks follo%ed in 9B>K$ The stated reason for the
nationaliEation %as to give the government more control of credit delivery$ 2ith the second
dose of nationaliEation+ the .?I controlled around B9O of the "anking "usiness of India$
After this+ until the 9BBKs+ the nationaliEed "anks gre% at a pace of around :O+ closer to the
average gro%th rate of the Indian economy$
In the early 9BBKs+ the Narsimha Rao government em"arked on a policy of
li"eraliEation and gave licenses to a small num"er of private "anks+ %hich came to "e kno%n
as e% Generation tech&savvy 'anks+ %hich included "anks such as .lo"al Trust Bank Fthe
first of such ne% generation "anks to "e set upG %hich later amalgamated %ith ?riental Bank
of Hommerce+ DTI Bank Fno% re-named as A1is BankG+ IHIHI Bank$ This move+ along %ith
the rapid gro%th in the economy of India+ kick-started the "anking sector in India+ %hich has
seen rapid gro%th %ith strong contri"ution from all the three sectors of "anks+ namely
government "anks+ private "anks and foreign "anks$ The ne1t stage for the Indian "anking
has "een setup %ith the proposed rela1ation in the norms for Moreign Direct Investment+
%here all Moreign Investors in "anks may "e given voting rights %hich could e1ceed the
present cap of 9KO+ at present it has gone up to :BO %ith some restrictions$ The ne% policy
shook the Banking sector in India completely$ Bankers+ till this time+ %ere used to the :-<-:
method FBorro% at :OP #end at <OP .o home at :OG of functioning$ The ne% %ave ushered
99 0 - a g e
in a modern outlook and tech-savvy methods of %orking for traditional "anks$ All this led to
the retail "oom in India$ -eople not ,ust demanded more from their "anks "ut also received

Current situation:-
Hurrently F/K9/G+ "anking in India is generally fairly mature in terms of supply+
product range and reach-even though reach in rural India still remains a challenge for the
private sector and foreign "anks$ In terms of 4uality of assets and capital ade4uacy+ Indian
"anks are considered to have clean+ strong and transparent "alance sheets relative to other
"anks in compara"le economies in its region$ The Reserve Bank of India is an autonomous
"ody+ %ith minimal pressure from the government$ The stated policy of the Bank on the
Indian Rupee is to manage volatility "ut %ithout any fi1ed e1change rate-and this has mostly
"een true$ 2ith the gro%th in the Indian economy e1pected to "e strong for 4uite some time-
especially in its services sector-the demand for "anking services+ especially retail "anking+
mortgages and investment services are e1pected to "e strong$ ?ne may also e1pect as+
takeovers+ and asset sales$ Hurrently+ India has 88 scheduled commercial "anks F*HBsG - 28
pu"lic sector "anks Fthat is %ith the .overnment of India holding a stakeG+ 29 private "anks
Fthese do not have government stakeP they may "e pu"licly listed and traded on stock
e1changesG and 31 foreign "anks$ They have a com"ined net%ork of over 53,000 "ranches
and 17,000 ATMs$ According to a report "y IHRA #imited+ a rating agency+ the pu"lic sector
"anks hold over 75 percent of total assets of the "anking industry+ %ith the private and
foreign "anks holding 9>$/O and <$;O respectively$
Banking services in India: -
2ith years+ "anks are also adding services to their customers$ The Indian "anking
industry is passing through a phase of customers market$ The customers have more choices in
choosing their "anks$ A competition has "een esta"lished %ithin the "anks operating in India$
2ith stiff competition and advancement of technology+ the services provided "y "anks have
"ecome more easy and convenient$ The past days are %itness to an hour %ait "efore
%ithdra%ing cash from accounts or a che4ue from north of the country "eing cleared in one
month in the south$ This section of "anking deals %ith the latest discovery in the "anking
9/ 0 - a g e
instruments along %ith the polished version of their old systems$ *tating that the contri"ution
of the "anking sector to gross domestic product F.D-G %as lo% at 5; per cent$
95 0 - a g e
HBI National Housing
Regional Rural
State co-operative
operative Banks
Primary credit

9: 0 - a g e
bank of
9; 0 - a g e
Allaha"ad "ank
Andra "ank
Bank of Baroda
Bank of India
Bank of Maharashtra
Hanara "ank
Hentral "ank of India
Horporation "ank
Dena "ank
Indian overseas "ank
-un,a" national "ank
Qi,aya "ank
*yndicate Bank
DH? "ank
Dnion "ank of India
-rivate "anking in Indian %as practiced since the "eginning of "anking system in
India$ The first private "ank in India to "e set up in private sector "anks in India %as inducing
"ank$ It is one of the fastest gro%ing "ank private sector "anks in India$ IDBI ranks the 9Kth
largest development "ank in the %orld as private "anks In India and has promoted a %orld-
9< 0 - a g e
class institution in India$ The first private "ank in India to receive an in principal approval
from the reserve "ank of India %as housing development Minance Horporation limited$
List of private banks in India:-
Bank of -un,a"
Bank of Ra,asthan
Hatholic *yrian "ank
Henturion "ank
Hity union "ank
Mederal "ank
@DMH "ank
IHIHI "ank
IDBI "ank
ammu and !ashmir "ank
A1is "ank
RBI as a Regulatory Body:-
The central "ank of the country is the Reserve Bank of India FRBIG$ It %as esta"lished
in April 9B5; %ith a share capital of Rs$ ; crores on the "asis of the recommendations of the
@ilton Aoung Hommission$ The share capital %as divided into shares of Rs$ 9KK each fully
paid %hich %as entirely o%ned "y private shareholders in the "eginning$ The .overnment
held shares of nominal value of Rs$ //K+KKK$ Reserve Bank of India %as nationaliEed in the
year 9B:B$ The Bank %as constituted for the need of follo%ing&
To regulate the issue of "anknotes$
To maintain reserves %ith a vie% to securing monetary sta"ility$
To operate the credit and currency system of the country to its advantage$
Functions of Reserve Bank of India:-
9= 0 - a g e
The Reserve Bank of India Act of 9B5: entrust all the important functions of a central
"ank the Reserve Bank of India$
Bank of Issue:-
Dnder *ection // of the Reserve Bank of India Act+ the Bank has the sole right to
issue "ank notes of all denominations$ The distri"ution of one rupee notes and coins and
small coins all over the country is undertaken "y the Reserve Bank as agent of the
.overnment$ The Reserve Bank has a separate Issue Department+ %hich is entrusted %ith the
issue of currency notes$
Banker to Government:-
The second important function of the Reserve Bank of India is to act as .overnment
"anker+ agent and adviser$ The Reserve Bank is agent of Hentral .overnment and of all *tate
.overnments in India$
Bankers Bank and Lender of the Last Resort: -
The Reserve Bank of India acts as the "ankersI "ank$ According to the provisions of
the Banking Hompanies Act of 9B:B+ every scheduled "ank %as re4uired to maintain %ith the
Reserve Bank a cash "alance e4uivalent to ;O of its demand lia"ilities and / per cent of its
time lia"ilities in India$ By an amendment of 9B</+ the distinction "et%een demand and time
lia"ilities %as a"olished and "anks have "een asked to keep cash reserves e4ual to 5 per cent
of their aggregate deposit lia"ilities$ The Reserve Bank of India can change the minimum
cash re4uirements$ The scheduled "anks can "orro% from the Reserve Bank of India on the
"asis of eligi"le securities or get financial accommodation in times of need or stringency "y
rediscounting "ills of e1change$ *ince commercial "anks can al%ays e1pect the Reserve
Bank of India to come to their help in times of "anking crisis the Reserve Bank "ecomes not
only the "ankerIs "ank "ut also the lender of the last resort$

9> 0 - a g e

Controller of Credit:-
The Reserve Bank of India is the controller of credit i$e$ it has the po%er to influence
the volume of credit created "y "anks in India$ It can do so through changing the Bank rate or
through open market operations$ According to the Banking Regulation Act of 9B:B+ the
Reserve Bank of India can ask any particular "ank or the %hole "anking system not to lend to
particular groups or persons on the "asis of certain types of securities$ *ince 9B;<+ selective
controls of credit are increasingly "eing used "y the Reserve Bank$ The Reserve Bank of
India is armed %ith many more po%ers to control the Indian money market$ (very "ank has
to get a license from the Reserve Bank of India to do "anking "usiness %ithin India+ the
license can "e cancelled "y the Reserve Bank of certain stipulated conditions are not fulfilled$
(very "ank %ill have to get the permission of the Reserve Bank "efore it can open a ne%
"ranch$ (ach scheduled "ank must send a %eekly return to the Reserve Bank sho%ing+ in
detail+ its assets and lia"ilities$ This po%er of the Bank to call for information is also intended
to give it effective control of the credit system$ The Reserve Bank has also the po%er to
inspect the accounts of any commercial "ank$
As supreme "anking authority in the country+ the Reserve Bank of India+ therefore+
has the follo%ing po%ers&-
FaG It holds the cash reserves of all the scheduled "anks$
F"G It controls the credit operations of "anks through 4uantitative
and 4ualitative controls$
FcG It controls the "anking system through the system of
licensing+ inspection and calling for information$
FdG It acts as the lender of the last resort "y providing rediscount
facilities to scheduled "anks$
Supervisory functions:-
9B 0 - a g e
In addition to its traditional central "anking functions+ the Reserve "ank has certain
non-monetary functions of the nature of supervision of "anks and promotion of sound
"anking in India$ The Reserve Bank Act+ 9B5:+ and the Banking Regulation Act+ 9B:B have
given the RBI %ide po%ers of supervision and control over commercial and co-operative
"anks+ relating to licensing and esta"lishments+ "ranch e1pansion+ li4uidity of their assets+
management and methods of %orking+ amalgamation+ reconstruction+ and li4uidation$ The
RBI is authoriEed to carry out periodical inspections of the "anks and to call for returns and
necessary information from them$
Promotional functions:-
2ith economic gro%th assuming a ne% urgency since Independence+ the range of the
Reserve BankIs functions has steadily %idened$ The Bank no% performs variety of
developmental and promotional functions+ %hich+ at one time+ %ere regarded as outside the
normal scope of central "anking$ The Reserve Bank %as asked to promote "anking ha"it+
e1tend "anking facilities to rural and semi-ur"an areas+ and esta"lish and promote ne%
specialiEed Minancing agencies$
Classification of RBIs functions:-
The monetary functions also kno%n as the central "anking functions of the RBI are
related to control and regulation of money and credit+ i$e$+ issue of currency+ control of "ank
credit+ control of foreign e1change operations+ "anker to the .overnment and to the money
Banking services in India:-
2ith years+ "anks are also adding services to their customers$ The Indian "anking
industry is passing through a phase of customers market$ The customers have more choices in
choosing their "anks$ A competition has "een esta"lished %ithin the "anks operating in India$
2ith stiff competition and advancement of technology+ the services provided "y "anks have
"ecome more easy and convenient$ The past days are %itness to an hour %ait "efore
%ithdra%ing cash from accounts or a che4ue from north of the country "eing cleared in one
month in the south$ This section of "anking deals %ith the latest discovery in the "anking
/K 0 - a g e
instruments along %ith the polished version of their old systems$ *tating that the contri"ution
of the "anking sector to gross domestic product F.D-G %as lo% at 5; per cent$
Innovations in the Sector:-
In the 9BBKs+ the "anking sector in India sa% greater emphasis "eing placed on
technology and innovation$ Banks "egan to use technology to provide "etter 4uality of
services at greater speed$ Internet "anking and mo"ile "anking made it convenient for
customers to do their "anking from geographically diverse places$ Banks also sharpened their
focus on rural markets and introduced a variety of services geared to the special needs of their
rural customers$ Banking activities also transcended their traditional scope and ne% concepts
like personal "anking+ retailing and "ank assurance %ere introduced$ The sector %as also
moving rapidly to%ards universal "anking and electronic transactions+ %hich %ere e1pected
to change the %ay "anking %ould "e perceived in the future$
Understanding the CRR:-
Hash reserve Ratio FHRRG is the amount of funds that the "anks have to keep %ith
RBI$ If RBI decides to increase the percent of this+ the availa"le amount %ith the "anks
comes do%n$ RBI is using this method Fincrease of HRR rateG+ to drain out the e1cessive
money from the "anks$
What is a Repo Rate?
2henever the "anks have any shortage of funds they can "orro% it from RBI$ Repo
rate is the rate at %hich our "anks "orro% rupees from RBI$ A reduction in the repo rate %ill
help "anks to get money at a cheaper rate$ 2hen the repo rate increases "orro%ing from RBI
"ecomes more e1pensive$
Monetary policy:-
Monetary policy is the process "y %hich the government+ central "ank+ or monetary
authority of a country controls FiG the supply of money iiG availa"ility of money+ and FiiiG cost
of money or rate of interest+ in order to attain a set of o",ectives oriented to%ards the gro%th
/9 0 - a g e
and sta"ility of the economy$ Monetary theory provides insight into ho% to craft optimal
monetary policy$
Monetary policy is generally referred to as either "eing an e1pansionary policy+ or a
concretionary policy+ %here an e1pansionary policy increases the total supply of money in the
economy+ and a concretionary policy decreases the total money supply$ (1pansionary policy
is traditionally used to com"at unemployment in a recession "y lo%ering interest rates+ %hile
concretionary policy involves raising interest rates in order to com"at inflation$ Monetary
policy should "e contrasted %ith fiscal policy+ %hich refers to government "orro%ing+
spending and ta1ation$
Monetary policy rests on the relationship "et%een the rates of interest in an economy+ that is
the price at %hich money can "e "orro%ed+ and the total supply of money$ Monetary
policy uses a variety of tools to control one or "oth of these+ to influence outcomes like
economic gro%th+ inflation+ e1change rates %ith other currencies and unemployment$
2here currency is under a monopoly of issuance+ or %here there is a regulated system
of issuing currency through "anks %hich are tied to a central "ank+ the monetary
authority has the a"ility to alter the money supply and thus influence the interest rate
Fin order to achieve policy goalsG$ The "eginning of monetary policy as such comes
from the late 9Bth century+ %here it %as used to maintain the gold standard$
A policy is referred to as concretionary if it reduces the siEe of the money supply or
raises the interest rate$ An e1pansionary policy increases the siEe of the money supply+
or decreases the interest rate$ Murther monetary policies are descri"ed as
accommodative if the interest rate set "y the central monetary authority is intended to
spur economic gro%th+ neutral if it is intended to neither spur gro%th nor com"at
inflation+ or tight if intended to reduce inflation$ There are several monetary policy
tools availa"le to achieve these ends$ Increasing interest rates "y fiat+ reducing the
monetary base+ and increasing reserve requirements all have the effect of contracting
the money supply+ and+ if reversed+ e1pand the money supply$ *ince the 9B=Ks+
monetary policy has generally "een formed separately from fiscal policy$ And even
prior to the 9B=Ks+ the Bretton Woods system still ensured that most nations %ould
// 0 - a g e
form the t%o policies separately$ The primary tool of monetary policy is open market
operations$ This entails managing the 4uantity of money in circulation through the
"uying and selling of various credit instruments+ foreign currencies or commodities$ All
of these purchases or sales result in more or less "ase currency entering or leaving
market circulation$


/5 0 - a g e

3! Bank is the only "ank in the country %ith ma,ority o%nership vested %ith the state
government- The ammu and !ashmir .overnment$ 3! Bank functions as universal "ank
in the 3! *tate and as a specialiEed "ank in rest of the country$ It is the only private "ank
designated as RBI6s agent for "anking "usiness+ and carries out the "anking "usiness of the
Hentral government+ "esides collecting central ta1es for HBDT$
3! Bank follo%s a t%o legged "usiness model %here"y it seeks to increase lending
in its home state %hich results in higher margins despite modest volumes+ at the same time it
seeks to capture niche lending opportunities on a -an-India "asis to "uild volume and
improve margins$
3! Bank operates on the principle of socially empo%ering "anking and seeks to
deliver innovative financial solutions for households+ small and medium enterprises$ The
"ank incorporated in 9B5> and is listed on N*( and B*($ It has a track record of
uninterrupted profits and dividends for four decades$ The 3! Bank is rated -iR indicating
the highest degree of safety "y standards and poor and HRI*#$
/: 0 - a g e

Traditional moneylenders till 9B/K-5K performed entire "anking in the state of ammu
3 !ashmir at e1or"itant interest rates$ At the same time some "anks functioned "ut at a very
limited scale+ such as -un,a" National Bank+ .rind lays Bank and Imperial "ank of India$
The role of these "anks %as reduced to the acceptance of deposits+ as they could not grant
loans and advances to the people of the state o%ing to the statutory limitations$ Dnder this
scenario "anks could not ameliorate the financial and social position of people of the *tate$
To overcome this critical situation the then Mahara,a of *tate conceived an idea of setting up
of a *tate Bank in the state$ After prolonged e1ercises and deli"erations the assignment for
esta"lishment of 'The ammu 3 !ashmir Bank #imited) %as given to the late *ir *ora",i N
-ochkhan%ala+ the then Managing Director of the Hentral Bank of India$ Mr$ *$
N$-ochkhan%ala formulated a scheme on /:$KB$9B5K+ suggesting esta"lishment of a *emi
*tate Bank %ith participation in capital "y *tate and pu"lic under the control of *tate
.overnment$ Thus the Bank %as formally incorporated on 1
of October 1938 and
commenced "usiness from :
of uly 9B5B at its Registered ?ffice, Residency Road,
Srinagar, and Kashmir
In its formative years+ the "ank had to encounter several serious pro"lems+ particularly
around the time of independence+ %hen out of its total of 9K "ranches t%o "ranches of
MuEafara"ad and Mirpur fell to the other side of line of control FNo% -ak Administered
!ashmirG along %ith cash and other assets in 9B:=$ @o%ever+ *tate .ovt$ came to its rescue
%ith the assistance of Rs$ <$KK lacks to meet the claims$ The Bank steadfastly overcame its
difficulties and kept gro%ing$ Mollo%ing the e1tension of Hentral #a%s to the *tate of
ammu 3 !ashmir+ the Bank %as defined as a .ovt$ Hompany as per the provisions of Indian
Hompanies Act 9B;<$ The Bank had its first full time Hhairman in 9B=9+ follo%ing the social
control measures in "anks$ The year 9B=9 %as a turning point for the Bank on conferment of
/; 0 - a g e
scheduled "ank status and %itnessed remarka"le progress in all the vital fields of operations$
Reserve Bank of India declared the Bank as 'A) class "ank in 9B=<$ In recognition of
dominant role and e1alted performance+ RBI entrusted the Bank as its agent for performing
the general "anking "usiness of the Hentral .overnment+ especially in maintaining currency
chest and collection of ta1es$
The Bank has "een forerunner in responding to the need for technology up gradation
in meeting its commitment to the customer to offer the "est of service and %ide range of
products$ Mrom a small Beginning the Bank has gro%n to "ecome a giant %ith a %ide
net%ork of <B9 "ranches8offices spread over the length and "readth of India$ A significant
contri"uting factor for this fast gro%th is the solid founding principles+ %hich are dedicated to
the cause of transforming the "ank not only as a financial heart "ut also as a social heart of
the community$ Nearly <B9 "ranches have "een either partly or fully computeriEed covering
B>O of the total "usiness of the "ank$ The "ank has already installed around ;>; ATMs at
vital locations of the country$ The ATMs are interconnected and thus provide the customer
convenient and /:-hour Banking facilities$ Bank has also commissioned any%here "anking
facilities at more than 9K5 "ranches throughout the country$ The "ank has already made
availa"le (-mail facilities at all of its computeriEed "ranches and also Tele-"anking facilities
at most of these "ranches$ The "ank has also launched Internet+ *M* and mo"ile "anking
-resently the Bank is the fastest gro%ing "ank in the India offering %orld class "anking
products8services to the masses$ Today "ank has a status of value driven ?rganiEation and is
al%ays %orking to%ards "uilding trust %ith *hareholders+ (mployees+ Hustomers+ Borro%ers+
Regulators and other diverse *takeholders+ for %hich it has adopted a strategy directed to
developing a sound foundation of relationship and trust aimed at achieving e1cellence+ %hich
of course+ comes from the %om" of good Horporate .overnance$ .ood .overnance is a
source of competitive advantage and a critical input for achieving e1cellence in all pursuits$ It
also ensures that "ank is managed "y an independent and highly 4ualified Board follo%ing
"est glo"ally accepted practices+ transparent disclosures and empo%erment of shareholders+
"esides also ensuring that shareholders aspirations and societal e1pectations are met$

3! Bank is going from strength to strength as it sees tremendous revenue gro%th
opportunities in all "usinesses$ The Bank %ill continue to invest to increase revenue+ and
/< 0 - a g e
(nhance shareholder value through %hichever means is most appropriate+ including organic
development+ ac4uisitions+ ,oint ventures and partnerships$ In recognition of its e1cellent
customer service+ fair "usiness practices+ overall operational efficiency+ overall performance+
etc the "ank has "een felicitated "y the follo%ing a%ards during the last fe% years&
- Asian Banking Awards - 2004
- Excellence Award - Institute of Economic Studies
1amaal Baja Uchit Vyavahar Puraskar 2002- Council for Fair Business Practices
dated 26
March 2003.
- Asian Banking Award 2004 for the Customer Convenience programme.
- 1&K Bank awarded Best Enterprise by Europe Business Assembly London.
Meaning of Logo of 1&K Bank:-
The ne% identity for 3! Bank is a visual representation of the "anks philosophy and
"usiness strategy$ The three colored s4uares represent the three regions of 3! namely
ammu+ !ashmir and #adakh$ The counter form created "y the interactions of the s4uares is a
falcon %ith outstretched %ings-a sym"ol of po%er and empo%erment$

.reen signifies .ro%th and Rene%al
Blue conveys *ta"ility and Dnity$
Red Represent (nergy and -o%er
The synergy "et%een the three regions propels the "ank to%ards ne% horiEons$ All these
attri"utes are integrated and assimilated in the %hite counter-form$
Unique Characteristics of the Bank:-
*ole "anker and lender of last resort to the .overnment of ammu 3 !ashmir$
-lan and non -plan funds+ ta1es and non-ta1 revenues routed through the "ank$
/= 0 - a g e
*alaries of .overnment officials dis"ursed "y the Bank$
?nly private sector "ank designated as agent of RBI for "anking$
Harries out "anking "usiness of the Hentral .overnment$
Hollects ta1es pertaining to Hentral Board of Direct Ta1es in 3 !$

Infrastructure: Global Standards:-
The fastest gro%ing "ank %ith <B9 "ranches across the country
B>O of the "usiness computeriEed
Internet Banking+ *M* and Mo"ile Banking provided
ATMs connected glo"ally to all MasterHard net%orked ATMs
Mo"ile ATM *ervice availa"le S first of its kind in Northern India
(lectronic Mund Transfer F(MTG *ystem
Name of the Board of Directors of the Bank of 1&K Bank:-
9$ Mr$ $Mushta4 Ahmad FHhairman 3 H(?G$
/$ Mr$ @ari Narayan Iyer FDirectorG$
5$ Mr$ M$I$*hahdad FDirectorG$
:$ Mr$ Qikrant !uthiala FDirectorG
;$ -rof$ Nisar Ali FDirectorG$
<$ Mr$ $A$M$Matto FDirectorG$
=$ Mr$ R$!$.upta FDirectorG$
>$ Mr$ Nihal H$.ar%are FDirectorG$
Corporate Headquarter:-
The Horporate @ead4uarter+ registered office of the Bank is located at *rinagar and is
headed "y Hhairman and Hhief (1ecutive officer FH(?G+ %ho is appointed "y the 3!
/> 0 - a g e
.overnment for a period of 5 to ; years$ .enerally+ the Hhairman is selected among reputed
(conomists+ Bankers or8and the Administrators of the *tate$ The Hhairman is guided "y the
Board of Directors of the Bank$
'To catalyse economic transformation and capitalise on gro%th$)
?ur vision is to engender and catalyse economic transformation of
ammu and !ashmir and capitalise from the gro%th induced financial
prosperity thus engineered$ The Bank aspires to make ammu and
!ashmir the most prosperous state in the country+ "y helping create a ne%
financial architecture for the 3! economy+ at the centre of %hich %ill "e
the 3! Bank$

?ur mission is t%o-fold& To provide the people of 3! international
4uality financial service and solutions and to "e a super-specialist "ank
in the rest of the country$ The t%o together %ill make us the most
profita"le Bank in the country$
/B 0 - a g e
The Horporate *ocial Responsi"ility FH*RG of the 3! Bank seeks to recogniEe
o"ligations to%ards society and aims to integrate the H*R ideals into its mission for optimiEing
"oth "usiness and social performance$ It stresses on promoting %ork life "alance+ give attention
to social and environmental concerns and host of factors that facilitate "usiness pursuits and
accomplishment of economic goals$ The H*R is not ,ust recogniEed as promulgating the BankIs
o%n values and principles of philanthropy "ut also the values and principles of all those %ho
have a stake in it or are affected "y its operations$ By supporting social cause aligned to the
mission the H*R strategy differentiates the BankIs "rand and enhances its reputation$ The Bank
manages social issues in the same manner as any other strategic "usiness issues$
The Bank "esides playing its role in economic development of the *tate and country
contri"utes significantly to%ards the social cause$ The Bank has esta"lished its credentials for the
poor and needy "y donating generously for various philanthropic activities aimed at ameliorating
their sufferings$ Be it victims of natural calamity+ like fire+ flood+ sno%storm or tsunami and
disa"led or patients %ith serious ailment %ho lack relia"le means of survival+ the "ank has "een
all through supporting them$ The one and a half decades long turmoil in the *tate of 3! has
added to the agonies of people %ith hundreds of children losing their parents to fend for
themselves in this harsh %orld$ The Bank realiEing its responsi"ility of saving the life8 future of
these "looming children+ adopt several of them "y providing financial support either through
various orphanages %here they are sheltered or directly to the orphans "y "earing their
educational or other e1penditure$ The Bank continues to provide study scholarships to the poor
and needy students including students from far-flung areas+ %ho %ithout such support %ould
have "een school dropouts$
In socio-economic development of the society$ The physically challenged persons
5K 0 - a g e
"elonging to socially and economically deprived classes especially children are "eing helped "y
ac4uiring prosthetic support "y meeting partly or fully cost of surgery %ith pre and post
In order to ena"le socially and economically %eaker classes to live a healthy life the
"ank endeavors to give financial support to the needy and poor patients+ afflicted %ith dreaded
diseases like Hancer+ cardiac failure+ !idney failure etc$ for their treatment 8 surgery$
@eritage preservation is an important responsi"ility of every conscious individual+
institution or agency$ The thrust areas %here the Bank assist is museums+ li"raries+ protection of
environment8ecology etc$ and sponsoring seminars and a%areness camps+ art and literary %orks+
cultural activities+ social service camps+ etc$
The Bank continues to play a vital role in the promotion of tourism and it is in this
"ackdrop the Bank has "een shouldering the responsi"ility of registering yatris for the *hree
Amarnath,i Aatra through its e1tensive net%ork of "ranches spread across the country$ During the
yatra+ the "ank esta"lishes mo"ile "ranches even at the holy cave
Apart from a"ove activities the Bank has "een constructing8developing the pu"lic utility
service like pu"lic parks+ "us stands+ drinking %ater posts+ lavatories+ conveniences+ rain shelters$
In addition to this+ the "ank organiEes relief camps+ service camps+ night shelters+ health resorts+
health clinics+ disaster 3 calamity management centers+ reha"ilitation centers etc
*ome of programmes under H*R Activity are&
9$ -overty Alleviation -rogramme&- To educate and provide the underprivileged sections
financial services through intervention and community participation$
/$ (nvironmental (1cellence -rogramme&- To preserve and promote green 3 pollution free
5$ (ducation for All -rogrammes&-To promote education among the employees and the
deprived sections of the society$
59 0 - a g e

Financials of the Bank
*urpassing its set target for the MA /K9/-95+ 3! Bank today posted net profit of Rs 9K;;$9K
crores against net profit of Rs >K5$/; crores for the previous year+ registering Aear-on-Aear
gro%th of 59$5;O$ In its -latinum u"ilee year+ the Bank6s Board of Directors recommended
special dividend of ;KKO Fprevious 55;OG su",ect to the approval of shareholders at the
ensuing Annual .eneral Meeting$ The Business of the Bank registered an increase of Rs$
9<BB> crores during the MA /K9/-95 reaching Rs 9K5:/9 crores there"y recording a gro%th
of 9B$<=O$ Deposits during the period %ere up "y /K$5> O reaching Rs <://K crores$ The
#oans and Advances of the Bank stood at Rs 5B/KK crores registering gro%th of 9>$;9O in
comparison to Rs 55K== crores at the end of March-/K9/$ Against the regulatory norm of
=KO the N-A Hoverage Ratio of the Bank is at B:$K9O for the year ended March /K95+
%hich is one of the "est in the industry$ The total income of the Bank is up "y />$K< O
having increased to Rs$ <</K$;5 Hr from Rs$ ;9<B$=K Hr recorded during the previous year$
The operating profit of the Bank during this period has increased from Rs 95=K$55 crores to
Rs 9>9K$=< crores$ All key ratios have registered improvement during the year$ The Net
%orth is at Rs$ :><:$<B crore Fup "y 9>$>;OG+ (arnings per share at Rs$ /9=$<; Fup "y
59$5;OG and Net Interest Margin FNIMG at 5$B= O against 5$>:O$ Return on Assets has
improved from 9$;<O to 9$=KO reflecting strong fundamentals of the Bank$ During the year
/K9/-95 the Bank opened =K ne% Business Dnits there"y increasing its net%ork to <B9 %hile
as 9K; ATMs %ere commissioned during this period taking their num"er to <;K e1cluding 9
mo"ile ATM$
The 1ammu and Kashmir Bank Limited
Constitution Public Limited
Founded 1938
Headquarters M.A.ROAD SRINAGAR, 1&K,
No. Of locations 691 branches/offices
Industry Banking
Employees More than 10000.
5/ 0 - a g e
55 0 - a g e
Marketing is the process of communicating the value of product or service to
customers+ for the purpose of selling the products or services$ It is critical "usiness function
for attracting customers$ Mrom a societal point of vie%+ marketing is the link "et%een a
society6s material re4uirements and its economic patterns of response$ Marketing satisfies
these needs and %ants through e1change processes and "uilding long term relationships$ It is
the process of communicating the values of a product or service through positioning to
customers$ Marketing can "e looked at as an organiEational function and a set process for
creating+ delivering and communicating values to customers and managing customers
relationship in %ays that also "enefits the organiEation and its shareholders$ Marketing is the
science of choosing targets markets through market analysis and market segmentation as %ell
as understanding customer6s "ehavior and providing superior customer value$

5: 0 - a g e

Advertising or advertiEing is a form of communication for marketing and used to
encourage+ persuade+ or manipulate an audience Fvie%ers+ readers or listenersP sometimes a
specific groupG to continue or take some ne% action$ Most commonly+ the desired result is to
drive consumer "ehavior %ith respect to a commercial offering+ although political and
ideological advertising is also common$ In #atin+ advertise means Jto turn the mind to%ard$
The purpose of advertising may also "e to reassure employees or shareholders that a company
is via"le or successful$ Advertising messages are usually paid for "y sponsors and vie%ed via
various traditional mediaP including mass media such as ne%spaper+ magaEines+ television
commercial+ radio advertisement+ outdoor advertising or direct mailP or ne% media such as
"logs+ %e"sites or te1t messages$
Hommercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their
products or services through J"randing+J %hich involves associating a product name or image
%ith certain 4ualities in the minds of consumers$ Non-commercial advertisers %ho spend
money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service include political parties+
interest groups+ religious organiEations and governmental agencies$ Nonprofit organiEations
may rely on free modes of persuasion+ such as a pu"lic service announcement F-*AG$
Modern advertising %as created %ith the innovative techni4ues introduced %ith
to"acco advertising in the 9B/Ks+ most significantly %ith the campaigns of (d%ard Bernays+
%hich is often considered the founder of modern+ Madison Avenue advertising

5; 0 - a g e
Advertising is mass communication of information intended to persuade "uyers so as to
ma1imiEe profit$
'Littlefield and Kirkpatrick)
Advertising is any form of selling other than personal contact "et%een the seller
representative and the prospective customer$
Advertising is essentially form of communication through such diverse media as hand"ills+
Ne%spapers+ MagaEines+ Bill"oards + #etters + Radio and Television "roadcasts and motion
' Encyclopedia and Britannica

Importance of Advertising
Advertising plays a very important role in today6s age of competition$ Advertising is
one thing %hich has "ecome a necessity for every"ody in today6s day to day life+ "e it the
producer+ the traders+ or the customer$ Advertising is an important part$
1. Advertising is important for the customers :-
ust imagine television or a ne%spaper or a radio channel %ithout an advertisementT
No+ no one can any day imagine this$ Advertising plays a very important role in customer6s
life$ Hustomers are the people %ho "uy the product only after they are made a%are of the
products availa"le in the market$ If the product is not advertised+ no customer %ill come to
kno% %hat products are availa"le and %ill not "uy the product even if the product %as for
5< 0 - a g e
their "enefit$ ?ne more thing is that advertising helps people find the "est products for
themselves+ their kids+ and their family$ 2hen they come to kno% a"out the range of
products+ they are a"le to compare the products and "uy so that they get %hat they desire after
spending their valua"le money$ Thus+ advertising is important for the customers$
/. Advertising is important for the seller and companies producing the
products :-
Aes+ advertising plays very important role for the producers and the sellers of the
products+ "ecause
U Advertising helps increasing sales$
U Advertising helps producers or the companies to kno% their
competitors and plan accordingly to meet up the level of competition$
U If any company %ants to introduce or launch a ne% product in the market+
advertising %ill make a ground for the product$ Advertising helps making people a%are of
the ne% product so that the consumers come and try the product$
U Advertising helps creating good%ill for the company and gains customer
loyalty after reaching a mature age$
U The demand for the product keeps on coming %ith the help of advertising and
demand and supply "ecome a never ending process$
5$ Advertising is important for the society&-
Advertising helps educating people$ There are some social issues also %hich
advertising deals %ith like child la"our+ li4uor consumption+ girl child killing+ smoking+
family planning education+ etc$ thus+ advertising plays a very important role in society

5= 0 - a g e
Types of advertising
Qirtually any medium can "e used for advertising$ Hommercial advertising media can
include %all paintings+ "ill"oards+ street furniture components+ printed flyers and rack cards+
radio+ cinema and television adverts+ %e" "anners+ mo"ile telephone screens+ shopping carts+
%e" popup+ sky%riting+ "us stop "enches+ human "ill"oards and forehead advertising+
magaEines+ ne%spapers+ to%n criers+ sides of "uses+ "anners attached to or sides of airplanes
FJlogo ,etsJG+ in-flight advertisements on seat"ack tray ta"les or overhead storage "ins+
ta1ica" doors+ roof mounts and passenger screens+ musical stage sho%s+ su"%ay platforms
and trains+ elastic "ands on disposa"le diapers+ doors of "athroom stalls+ stickers on apples in
supermarkets+ shopping cart handles Fgra"ertisingG+ the opening section of streaming audio
and video+ posters+ and the "acks of event tickets and supermarket receipts$ Any place an
JidentifiedJ sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertising$
Television advertising / Music in advertising:-
The TQ commercial is generally considered the most effective
mass-market advertising format+ as is reflected "y the high prices$ TQ net%orks
charge for commercial airtime during popular TQ events$ The annual *uper Bo%l
foot"all game in the Dnited *tates is kno%n as the most prominent advertising event
on television$ The average cost of a single thirty-second TQ spot during this
game has reached D*V5$; million Fas of /K9/G$ *ome television commercials feature a
song or ,ingle that listeners soon relate to the product$ Qirtual advertisements may "e
inserted into regular television programming through computer graphics$ It is
typically inserted into other%ise "lank "ackdrops or used to replace local "ill"oards
that are not relevant to the remote "roadcast audience$ More controversially+ virtual
"ill"oards may "e inserted into the "ackground %here none e1ist in real-life$ This
techni4ue is especially used in televised sporting events$ Qirtual product placement is
also possi"le$
5> 0 - a g e
An infomercial is a long-format television commercial+ typically five minutes
or longer$ The %ord JinfomercialJ is a portmanteau of the %ords JinformationJ 3
JcommercialJ$ The main o",ective in an infomercial is to create an impulse purchase+
so that the consumer sees the presentation and then immediately "uys the product
through the advertised toll-free telephone num"er or %e"site$ Infomercials descri"e+
display+ and often demonstrate products and their features+ and commonly have
testimonials from consumers and industry professionals$
Radio advertising:-
Radio advertising is a form of advertising via the medium of radio$ Radio
advertisements are "roadcast as radio %aves to the air from a transmitter to an antenna
and a thus to a receiving device$ Airtime is purchased from a station or net%ork in
e1change for airing the commercials$ 2hile radio has the limitation of "eing restricted
to sound+ proponents of radio advertising often cite this as an advantage$ Radio is an
e1panding medium that can "e found not only on air+ "ut also online$ According to
Ar"itral+ radio has appro1imately /:9$< million %eekly listeners+ or more than B5
percent of the D$*$ population$
Online advertising:-
?nline advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and 2orld
2ide 2e" for the e1pressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract
customers$ ?nline ads are delivered "y an ad server$
(1amples of online advertising include conte1tual ads that appear on search engine
results pages+ "anner ads+ in te1t ads+ Rich Media Ads+ *ocial net%ork advertising+
online classified advertising+ advertising net%orks and e-mail marketing+ including e-
mail spam$
Press advertising:-
-ress advertising descri"es advertising in a printed medium such as a
ne%spaper+ magaEine+ or trade ,ournal$ This encompasses everything from media %ith
a very "road readership "ase+ such as a ma,or national ne%spaper or magaEine+ to
5B 0 - a g e
more narro%ly targeted media such as local ne%spapers and trade ,ournals on very
specialiEed topics$ A form of press advertising is classified advertising+ %hich allo%s
private individuals or companies to purchase a small+ narro%ly targeted ad for a lo%
fee advertising a product or service$ Another form of press advertising is the Display
Ad+ %hich is a larger ad Fcan include artG that typically run in an article section of
Billboard advertising:-
Bill"oards are large structures located in pu"lic places %hich display
advertisements to passing pedestrians and motorists$ Most often+ they are located on
main roads %ith a large amount of passing motor and pedestrian trafficP ho%ever+ they
can "e placed in any location %ith large amounts of vie%ers+ such as on mass transit
vehicles and in stations+ in shopping malls or office "uildings+ and in stadiums$

:K 0 - a g e
Tools of Advertisement
1. Radio:-
Radio "roadcasting is considered to "e a traditional medium$ RadioIs strength lies in its
a"ility to target audiences through its programming+ %hich is reflected in its advertising$
Radio advertising is effective in that most commercials are targeted at local audiences+
compared to television commercials+ %hich are mostly national$ A dra%"ack to radio
advertising is that the effectiveness of a message is solely audio-dependent$ This can
present challenges in descri"ing certain products or services "eing marketed$
2. Television:-
Television is considered to "e a traditional medium "ut has the a"ility to adapt to ne%
media$ *ome television advertising strengths are its impact in com"ining sight and sound+ its
a"ility to reach local+ national and glo"al audiences+ and its more recent adaptation to
interactive marketing$ Through service technology like ?n-Demand+ vie%ers can engage in
advertising messages %ith a remote control$ Television advertising %eaknesses are high
production costs+ programming disruption+ and short-lived messages$
3. Newspapers:-
The ne%spaper is part of the print media+ and is argua"ly the oldest form of traditional
media$ Ne%spaper advertising has much strength that is "eing affected "y ne%+ interactive
marketing strategies$ Ne%spapers provide a loyal readership "ase for advertisers and lo%
advertisement production costs$ Ne%spapers also offer value through short lead times to
insert advertisements and ensure high audience reach$ Dra%"acks of ne%spaper advertising
include poor print 4uality+ a decrease in overall readership+ and a general sense of advertising
4. Magazines:-
:9 0 - a g e
Another mem"er of the print media is the magaEine$ The value in advertising in
magaEines lies in its audience selectiveness and high 4uality print$ MagaEines hold
credi"ility %ith their audiences+ allo%ing its advertisements to resonate %ith readers$
MagaEine advertising has several %eaknesses to consider such as high production cost+
limited fre4uency+ and long lead times$ #ike ne%spapers+ many magaEines have an
online version of their content$ *ome re4uire paid mem"ership %hile others provide free
online content$
5. Outdoor:-
?utdoor advertising reaches the people %hen they are out of door$ It refers to display
of advertising in open places %here from people fre4uently pass through such as rail%ay
station+ Bus stands +Road sides + *treets etc$ ?utdoor media is designed for moving audience
%ithout any cost on their "ehalf$ The attraction of such advertising takes a mass form as
nearly B= percent of adult6s population moves out of door every %eek$ The Qehicles ?f
outdoor media are -osters+ -ainted display+ (lectronic *ign Boards+ Travelling Display+ *ky
6. Internet:-
The internet has changed the %ay advertising occurs$ It has affected practically every
corner of the advertising spectrum and has forced traditional media to reinvent itself %here it
can$ The advantages to internet advertising are many+ "ut the most critical is its e1tremely lo%
cost compared to other media$ The internet offers interactivity+ making it possi"le to involve a
target audience in the advertising message
:/ 0 - a g e
Tools used by 1ammu &Kashmir Bank for advertisements:-
The tools used "y ammu and !ashmir "ank for its advertisements are as under&-

1. Print:-
This is one of the tools used "y the "ank for its promotion of products and also for
advertising of his products$ The various types %here print type of advertisements is used are
as under&-
FaG Newspapers&-
The "ank is using ne%spapers as a source of channel for advertising his products$ The
"ank is using different ne%spapers for ammu and different ne%spapers for !ashmir region$
These are fully descri"ed "elo%&-
Ne%spapers used in !ashmir valley for
Ne%spaper used in ammu region
9$ .reater !ashmir 9$ (1celsor
/$ !ashmir DEma /$ !ashmir Times
5$ Aftaa" 5$ Dainik agran
:$ *rinagar Times :$ *tates Times
;$ !ashmir image
<$ Rising !ashmir
:5 0 - a g e
F"G Magazines&-
The "ank also uses magaEines also a source of advertisements "y printing on the
magaEines$ The different magaEines used for advertisements used "y the 3! Bank are as
F9G ?utlook (1press$
F/G Images Business Mashion$
FcG Broachers&-
The "ank uses "roachers also as a source for advertisements of their products$ The
"ank pu"lishes at least 9KKKKK "roachers per year and distri"utes them to pu"lic for the
advertisements of their products$
(2) Audio Visual:-
The "ank uses "oth types of audio and visual sources for advertising$ The audio and
visual sources used for advertising are as under&-
*ources for audio type of advertisement *ources for visual type of advertisement
9$Radio /$Television
FaG Radio&-
The radio is an audio type of advertising used "y the "ank$ The "ank uses t%o sources
of Radio channels for its advertisements $These are as under&-
FiG 92.7 FM.
FiiG 102.6 MW.
:: 0 - a g e
F"G Television&-
The television is a visual type of advertising used "y the "ank$ The "ank uses t%o
sources of television channels for its advertisements$ These are as under&-
FiG Take 9$
FiiG Doordarshan
(3) Out of House (OOH):-
?utdoor advertising is essentially any type of advertising that reaches the
consumer %hile he or she is outside the home$ This medium used for out of house advertising
is as under&-
FaG #HD *creens&- The "ank uses #HD screens of advertising at different shopping malls
and also in their o%n all "usiness units for the advert rising of their products$
F"G @oardings& - The "ank also uses hoardings for their advertisements at different places
such as "us stands+ rail%ay stations+ and parking lots for their advertising of their products$
FcG Banners& - The "ank uses "anners also for it advertising$ Mor this they are using "anners
at different places such as electricity polls+ traffic lights$
(4) Web:-
The "ank also uses 2e" for its advertisements "y using internet$ Mor this the "ank has
made its o%n %e"site for advertising and also uses social %e"sites such as Mace"ook for
(5) Direct Selling:-
The "ank also uses direct selling as a tool of advertisements of their products$ Mor this
the "ank has made a team %hose duty is to visit different places and meet %ith the customers
and a%are the customer a"out their products and services$

:; 0 - a g e
*ervice marketing is a su" field of marketing+ %hich can "e split into the t%o main
areas of goods marketing F%hich includes the marketing of fast moving consumer goods
FMMH.G and dura"lesG and services marketing$ *ervice marketing typically refer to "oth
"usiness to consumer FB/HG and "usiness to "usiness FB/BG services+ and includes marketing
of services like telecommunications services+ financial services+ all types of hospitality
services+ car rental services+ air travel+ health care services and professional services$ The
range of approaches and e1pressions of a marketing idea developed %ith the hope that it "e
effective in conveying the ideas to the diverse population of people %ho receive it$ *ervices
are economic activities offered "y one party to another$ ?ften time-"ased+ performances "ring
a"out desired results to recipients+ o",ects+ or other assets for %hich purchasers have
responsi"ility$ In e1change for money+ time+ and effort+ service customers e1pect value from
access to goods+ la"or+ professional skills+ facilities+ net%orks+ and systemsP "ut they do not
normally take o%nership of any of the physical elements involved$ *ervice is anything in an
intangi"le from %hich a customer gets in consideration of a price$ It is considered as an
intangi"le having potential to achieve the core competence in the market$ *ervice+ "y nature+
are those economic activities that "ring a"out a desire change in the consumer in terms of
creating value+ distinction and image in deregulation and rela1ation in professional and
finance sectors$ A range of services are offered "y organiEations to derive a competitive edge
in the market$ @ence+ service refers to social efforts %hich generate the satisfaction of an
individual$ The organiEations such as hospitals+ Medicare and health centre6s+
communications organiEations and educational institutions provide social "enefits to the
:< 0 - a g e
A service is an act or performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially
intangi"le and does not result in o%nership of an activity$ Its production may or may not "e
linked to a physical product$
Philip Kotler
*ervice is an activity offered for sale %hich yields "enefit and satisfaction %ithout leading to
a physical change in the form of goods$

*ervices are activities+ "enefits or *atisfaction %hich are offered for sale or are provided in
connection %ith the sale of goods$
American Marketing Association

:= 0 - a g e
1. Intangibility:-
?ne of most important feature of service is intangi"ility$ *ervice lacks the physical
4ualities like *hape+ Design+ 2eight+ colour+ @eight$ Hustomer cannot Touch @ear+ *ee and
*mell the service "efore purchasing$ *ervice is Deed+ -erformance and (fforts$ Hustomer
cannot have a sample or test to make a thought elevation due to a"sence of Intangi"ility in
case of service$
2. Heterogeneity/Variability:-
.iven the very nature of services+ each service offering is uni4ue and cannot "e
e1actly repeated even "y the same service provider$ 2hile products can "e mass-produced
and "e homogenous the same is not true of services$ e$g$& All "urgers of a particular flavor at
McDonalds are almost identical$ @o%ever+ the same is not true of the service rendered "y the
same counter staff consecutively to t%o customers$
3. Inseparability/Simultaneity of production and consumption:-
This refers to the fact that services are generated and consumed %ithin the same time
frame$ ($g$ a haircut is delivered to and consumed "y a customer simultaneously unlike+ say+
a takea%ay "urger %hich the customer may consume even after a fe% hours of purchase$
Moreover+ it is very difficult to separate a service from the service provider$ ($g$& the "ar"er is
necessarily a part of the service of a haircut that he is delivering to his customer$
4. Service is perishable:-
A service has a high degree of perish a"ility$ The utility of ma,ority of services is
short lived$ .oods can "e produced ahead of time and stored for the period of peak loads of
demand$ *ervice unlike tangi"le goods cannot "e stocked$ *ervices are "orn %ith the feature
of perish a"ility$
:> 0 - a g e
The 7 Ps of Services Marketing
1. Product:-
The term product includes physical tangi"le goods and services$ A product is anything
that can "e sold in the market to satisfy a %ant or need of customer in the market$ A product
may "e tangi"le or physical product or intangi"le$ @ence product is the "undle of "enefits or
satisfaction that purchases perceive %hen they "uy the products$ It is a total of physical+
psychological+ *ym"olic and service feature not ,ust the physical items$
2. Pricing :-
?ne of the most important elements of service marketing mi1 is pricing$ -ricing of
services must "e suited to the target customers$ -rice of the service is one of the important
types of e1ternal communication in services$ A critical signal is sent "y the price and it
should "e considered carefully$ -ricing of service plays a premium role in achieving the
marketing and organiEational goals$
3. Promotion :-
-romotion is a techni4ue used to convey information a"out goods and services to the
target customers$ It is a descriptive term for the mi1ture of communication activities like
Advertisement+ -ersonal selling+ *ales promotion+ -u"licity+ -u"lic relations+ Direct mail+
Telemarketing+ ( marketing$
4. Place :-
The distri"ution system of marketers must "e effective and efficient$ It means
marketer must deliver service to the right place in the right condition+ at the right time for the
right cost+ *pecific form of distri"ution is re4uired to service due to specific features like
Intangi"ility+ Inconsistency and Insepara"ility$ No transfer o%nership takes place in case of
service$ The service is simply rented or consumed$ But it is important that service must "e
availa"le and accessi"le "efore it is consumed$
:B 0 - a g e
5. People :-
It is essential for organiEation to recruit right staff and training them in the delivery of
their service to get a competitive advantage$ *taff should have the appropriate Interpersonal
skills+ aptitude and service kno%ledge to provide the service$ There is customer service at the
heart of modern service industries$ ?rganiEation can ensure the loyalty of their customers "y
serving them %ell$ Direct interaction "et%een customer and organiEation re4uires high
4uality training for the employee$
6. Process :-
A num"er of processes are associated %ith customer service$ These processes make
the marketing of service effective$ These include process handling customer complaints+
-rocesses for identifying customer needs and re4uirement+ processes for handling orders etc$
A process means the system used to help the organiEation in delivering service$
7. Physical Evidence :-
*ince services are intangi"le in nature most service providers strive to incorporate
certain tangi"le elements into their offering to enhance customer e1perience$ Thus+ there are
hair salons that have %ell designed %aiting areas often %ith magaEines and plush sofas for
patrons to read and rela1 %hile they a%ait their turn$ *imilarly+ restaurants invest heavily in
their interior design and decorations to offer a tangi"le and uni4ue e1perience to their guests$
;K 0 - a g e

*uccess or failure of any pro,ect entirely depends upon methodology adopted "y the
researcher$ Methodologies "asically use different methods of research systematically and
scientifically$ ?",ective of the study+ its research design+ its sampling design+ coding and
;9 0 - a g e
editing methods+ presentations and analyses of the data together %ith interpretation of the
data are essential part of research methodology$
Choice of methodology
Mor the field research I decided that the most appropriate approach %ould "e a
4uestionnaire that %ould "e filled out "y people of *rinagar+ ammu and !ashmir$ To
encourage the peoples not to re,ect the 4uestionnaire outright+ and to increase the response
rate+ the 4uestionnaire should "e limited to ma1imum of five sheet of A: paper$
Sampling Technique:-
Initially+ a rough draft %as prepared and a pilot study %as done to check the accuracy
of the Luestionnaire and certain changes %ere done to prepare the final 4uestionnaire to make
it more ,udgmental$ The respondents are selected randomly+ so %e can say that random
sampling has "een done$ It is an e1ploratory research study$
Sampling Unit:-
The respondents %ho %ere asked to fill out the 4uestionnaire in the *rinagar Region are the
sampling units$
Sample Size:-The sample siEe %as restricted to only 9KK respondents$
Sampling Area:- The area of the research %as *rinagar city$
;/ 0 - a g e
Data Collection
Primary Data:-

W -rimary data for the research %as collected through 4uestionnaires$ 2hen collecting primary data
one can choose to do intervie%s+ o"servations+ e1periments+ and 4uestionnaires$ Due to the purpose
of our research+ only the 4uestionnaire method %ould "e a"le to approach the topic and "e a"le to
collect the ans%ers in a satisfactory manner$
In the research the primary data is mainly concerned %ith analyEing the respondent in order to later
on classify the respondent$ Murther on+ the primary data %ill "e used to analyEe the factors and ho%
these are related to the respondent$ The primary data is conducted in a manner to "e a"le to approach
our research and solve our research 4uestions$
Secondary Data:-
2e have mainly used documentary secondary data com"ined %ith multiple source data$
Documentary secondary data has "een the data collected through different types of research
conducted %ithin the topic+ articles+ and "ooks$ This type of data has "een the fundamental source
for gaining kno%ledge %ithin the topic in order for us to "e a"le approach the research pro"lem$ The
secondary data that %as used for the research is data that has also lead to the conclusion of %hich
factors that %ill "e e1amined$ The multiple source data that %e have used has "een in order to choose
%hich product %e %ould use for our research in order to "e a"le to find the product that is most
%idely "ought
;5 0 - a g e
Questionnaire :-
A 4uestionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of 4uestions and other
prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents$ Although they are often
designed for statistical analysis of the responses+ this is not al%ays the case$ The
4uestionnaire %as invented "y *ir Mrancis .alton$
Luestionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are
cheap+ do not re4uire as much effort from the 4uestioner as ver"al or telephone surveys+ and
often have standardiEed ans%ers that make it simple to compile data$ Luestionnaires are also
sharply limited "y the fact that respondents must "e a"le to read the 4uestions and respond to
them$ Thus+ for some demographic groups conducting a survey "y 4uestionnaire may not "e
practical$ Luestionnaires are fre4uently used in 4uantitative marketing research and social
research$ They are a valua"le method of collecting a %ide range of information from a large
num"er of individuals+ often referred to as respondents$ Ade4uate 4uestionnaire construction
is critical to the success of a survey$ Inappropriate 4uestions+ incorrect ordering of 4uestions+
incorrect scaling+ or "ad 4uestionnaire format can make the survey valueless+ as it may not
accurately reflect the vie%s and opinions of the participants$ A useful method for checking a
4uestionnaire and making sure it is accurately capturing the intended information is to pretest
among a smaller su"set of target respondents$

;: 0 - a g e
Types of questions:-
1. Contingency questions:-
A 4uestion that is ans%ered only if the respondent gives a particular response to a
previous 4uestion$ This avoids asking 4uestions of people that do not apply to them Ffor
e1ample+ asking men if they have ever "een pregnantG$

2. Matrix questions:-
Identical response categories are assigned to multiple 4uestions$ The 4uestions are placed
one under the other+ forming a matri1 %ith response categories along the top and a list of
4uestions do%n the side$ This is an efficient use of page space and respondents6 time$
3 . Closed ended questions:-
Respondents6 ans%ers are limited to a fi1ed set of responses$ Most scales are closed
ended$ ?ther types of closed ended 4uestions include&
FaG Aes8no 4uestions - The respondent ans%ers %ith a JyesJ or a JnoJ$
F"G Multiple choices - The respondent has several options from %hich to choose$
FcG *caled 4uestions - Responses are graded on a continuum Fe1ample& rate the
appearance of the product on a scale from 9 to 9K+ %ith 9K "eing the most preferred
4. Open ended questions:-
No options or predefined categories are suggested$ The respondent supplies their o%n
ans%er %ithout "eing constrained "y a fi1ed set of possi"le responses$ (1amples of types of
open ended 4uestions include&
;; 0 - a g e
Hompletely unstructured - Mor e1ample+ J2hat is your opinion on 4uestionnairesX
FiG 2ord association - 2ords are presented and the respondent mentions the first
%ord that comes to mind
FiiG *entence completion - Respondents complete an incomplete sentence$ Mor
e1ample+ JThe most important consideration in my decision to "uy a ne% house
is $ $ $J
FiiiG *tory completion - Respondents complete an incomplete story$
FivG -icture completion - Respondents fill in an empty conversation "alloon$
;< 0 - a g e
;= 0 - a g e
Data Analysis and Interpretation:-
Q No.1. In which bank you have account?
Bank you
3 ! Bank @DMH Bank *BI -NB Any other
Mre4uency => 9; 9= B 9
Fig1 Respondent having bank account
The a"ove graph FMigure 9G sho%s respondents are having mostly 3 ! "ank
accounts$ As it is indicated in the graph out of the respondents F9KKG a"out => respondents
are having 3 ! Bank accounts %hile as 9; respondents are using @DMH "ank accounts and
9= respondents are using *BI accounts and B respondents are using -NB accounts and 9
respondent are using any other accounts$ The total respondents has more than 9KK accounts
"ecause some respondent have more than one account$ This sho%s that most people are
having 3 ! "ank accounts$
;> 0 - a g e
Q No.2. In which bank you mostly deal?
Bank you
mostly deal
3 ! Bank @DMH Bank *BI -NB Any other
Mre4uency >9 5 < > /
Fig 2. Respondent dealing with banks.
The a"ove graph FMigure /G sho%s respondents are mostly dealing %ith 3 !
"ank $As it is indicated in the graph out of the respondents F9KKG a"out >9 respondents are
dealing %ith 3 ! Bank %hile as 5 respondents are dealing %ith @DMH "ank and <
respondents are dealing %ith *BI "ank and > respondents are dealing %ith -NB "ank and 9
respondent are dealing %ith Any other "anks$ This sho%s that most people are dealing %ith
3 ! "ank$
;B 0 - a g e
Q No.3. What do you like about your bank?
#ike a"out your Bank -roducts *ervices
Mre4uency >= 95
Fig 3. Respondent regarding liking about your bank.
The a"ove graph FMigure 5G sho%s respondents mostly like products of the "ank$ As it
is indicated in the graph out of the respondents F9KKG a"out >= respondents like the products
of the "ank %hile 95 respondents are using the services of the "ank$ This means the
customers like the products of the Bank most as compared to the services of the "ank$
<K 0 - a g e
Q No.4. Bank must show the advertisements of their products on
the national channels?
Bank must sho%
advertisements of their
products on national
Aes No
Mre4uency >B 99
Fig 4. Respondent regarding advertisement of products on national
The a"ove graph FMigure :G sho%s respondents %ant that the "ank must advertise their
products on the national channels$ As it is indicated in the graph out of the respondents F9KKG
a"out >B respondents %ants the products of the "ank should "e advertised on the national
channels %hile 99 respondents does not "elieve that the "ank should do advertisements of
their products on the national channels$ This means that the "ank must start advertising their
products on the national channels$
<9 0 - a g e
Q No.5. Are you aware about various products and services provided by
the 1 & K Bank?
A%are a"out products
and services of the Bank
Aes N?
Mre4uency :5 ;=

Fig 5. Respondent regarding awareness of various products of the bank.

The a"ove graph FMigure ;G sho%s respondents are not mostly a%are of the products
offered "y the "ank$ As it is indicated in the graph out of the respondents F9KKG a"out :5
respondents are a%are of the products offered "y the "ank %hile ;= respondents are not a%are
of the various products offered "y the "ank$ This means the "ank must try more to a%are the
customers a"out the various products offered "y the "ank$
</ 0 - a g e
Q No.6. From where you get information about the products and services of
the bank?
Medium of
ATM6s Ne%spaper Television Radio Internet Branch @oarding
Mre4uency : B > < 9 =K /
Figure 6. Medium of information.
The a"ove graph FMigure <G sho%s respondents get the information of the products of
the "ank from different sources$ As it is indicated in the graph out of the respondents F9KKG
a"out =K respondents are getting information a"out the products of the "ank from the
Branches and B respondents are getting information a"out the products of the "ank from the
ne%spapers and > respondents are getting information a"out the products of the "ank from
the television and < respondents are getting information a"out the products of the "ank from
the radio and : respondents are getting information a"out the products of the "ank from the
Atm6s and / respondents are getting information a"out the products of the "ank from the
@oardings and 9 respondents are getting information a"out the products of the "ank from the
internet$ This means that the customers are getting more information of products and services
of Bank from Branches$
<5 0 - a g e
Q No.7. In which newspaper do you see the advertisements of 1&K Bank
Ne%spaper in
is mostly seen
Aftaa" *rinagar
Mre4uency :K 9K /K = > 9;
Figure7 Paper in which advertisements is seen more
The a"ove graph FMigure =G sho%s respondents see the advertisements of the products
of the "ank mostly in .reater !ashmir ne%spaper$ As it is indicated in the graph out of the
respondents F9KKG a"out :K respondents see the advertisements of the products of the 3!
Bank in .reater !ashmir ne%spaper and 9K respondents see the advertisements of the
products of the 3! Bank in !ashmir DEma ne%spaper and /K respondents see the
advertisements of the products of the 3! Bank in Aftaa" ne%spaper and = respondents see
the advertisements of the products of the 3! Bank in *rinagar Times ne%spaper and >
respondents see the advertisements of the products of the 3! Bank in !ashmir DEma and
9; respondents see the advertisements of the products of the 3! Bank in Rising !ashmir
ne%spaper$ This means the customers sees the advertisements of the Bank mostly in .reater
!ashmir ne%spaper$
<: 0 - a g e
Q No.8. Do you notice the advertisements of the products of 1&K Bank in
Notice advertisements of
"ank in ATM6s
Aes No
Mre4uency >K /K
Figure 8. Advertisements noticed in the ATMs

The a"ove graph FMigure >G sho%s respondents notices the advertisements of the
products of the "ank in the ATM6s$ As it is indicated in the graph out of the respondents F9KKG
a"out >K respondents notices the advertisements of the "ank in the ATM6s and /K respondents
does not notice the advertisements of the "ank in the ATM6s$ This means most of the
customers notice the advertisements of the "ank in the ATM6s$
<; 0 - a g e
Q No.9. Are you aware of the 1&K Bank diary programme on 102.6MW?
A%are of 3! Bank
diary programme
Aes No
Mre4uency ;; :;

Figure 9. Awareness of 1&K Bank diary.
The a"ove graph FMigure BG sho%s respondents are a%are of the 3! Bank diary
programme on 9K/$<M2$ As it is indicated in the graph out of the respondents F9KKG a"out ;;
respondents are a%are of 3! Bank diary programme on 9K/$<M2 and :; respondents are
not a%are of the 3! Bank diary programme on 9K/$<M2$ This means the Bank has to try
more to a%are the people a"out the 3! "ank diary programme on 9K/$<M2$
<< 0 - a g e
Q No.10. Do you see the information of the products of the 1&K Bank from
the hoardings?
Information from the
Aes N?
Mre4uency :/ ;>
Figure10. Information from the Hoardings.
The a"ove graph FMigure 9KG sho%s respondents are not in large seeing the
advertisements of the products of 3! "ank from the hoardings$ As it is indicated in the
graph out of the respondents F9KKG a"out :/ respondents are seeing the advertisements of the
products of the 3! Bank from the hoardings and ;> respondents are not seeing the
advertisements of the products of the 3! Bank from the hoardings$ This means the Bank
should set up more hoardings at different places so that customers get a%are of different types
of products of the "ank from advertisements "y the hoarding
<= 0 - a g e
Q No.11. Do you ever have received the broacher of the products of the
advertisements of the 1&K Bank?
Receive Broachers from
the "ank
Aes No
Mre4uency :K <K
Figure 11. Receive Broachers from the bank.
The a"ove graph FMigure 99G sho%s respondents are not mostly receiving "roachers
from the Bank$ As it is indicated in the graph out of the respondents F9KKG a"out :K
respondents are receiving "roachers and <K respondents are not receiving the "roachers of
advertisements from the "ank$ This means the "ank must pu"lish more and more "roachers
and must distri"ute these "roachers to the respondents so that the customers get a%are of
different products of the "ank through the use of "roachers$
<> 0 - a g e
Q.No. 12. Face to face interaction with customers is the better option for
the bank?
Figure 12. Face to face interaction by respondents
The a"ove graph FMigure 9/G sho%s respondents thinks face to face interaction is the
"etter option of advertisements of the "ank$ As the => of 9KK respondents gave the positive
response in this respect that personal selling Fface to face communicationG is "etter for the
"ank if they use this option$ These results realiEe this reality that it is no% time for the 3!
"ank to follo% its competitors "y introducing the personal selling tool to promote their
"usiness and to "e much closer to their prospective customers$ By the face to face interaction
only the "ank can "rought an end to the customer6s dou"ts and "ring them closer to the
organiEation$ As %e kno% today that many "anks are using the face to face communication
tool on its marketing communication "ut the 3! "ank is lagging "ehind in this respect$ *o
the 3! "ank should realiEe this as its opportunity to act on time "y utiliEing their
organiEations human resource assets to deal %ith their customers face to face %ithout any
<B 0 - a g e
Importance of face to face Aes No
Mre4uency => //
Q No.13. The contents in the advertisement by the bank are clear and
Agree Neither Agree Nor
Disagree *trongly
Mre4uency 5/ ;< 9K K /
Figure 13. Advertisement contents are clear and informative by
No% a days the advertisement is the nerve impulse of any organiEation to propel its
"usiness in today6s competitive service marketing "usinesses$ *o it6s necessary for
organiEation that the message for%arded through these advertisements should "e clear and
informative to make them to reach the listeners to give the re4uired purposeful results$ In this
respect to make the advertisements contents clear and informative the 3! had succeeded to
make it happen as >> of 9KK Fstrongly agree and agreeG agreed in this fact that the 3! "anks
advertisement contents are clear and informative to put for%ard their message clearly$ This
sho%s the keen interest of the 3! "ank to keep its customers dou"t free %hile sho%ing them
the advertisement of the various services offered "y the "ank$ As for any organiEation
advertisement is important "ut to make its contents clear and informative is the only
challenge "efore the marketers$ *o+ in this respect the 3! "ank is having
the good image as the most of the customers have agreed on the fact that the "anks
advertisement is clear and informative$ By sho%ing their clear and informative
advertisements through various means like ne%spapers+ radio+ television+ internet and other
mediums 3! "ank has sho%n its strength as one of the effective market communicators in
the area$
=K 0 - a g e
Q No. 14. Do you think Internet advertising by the bank is effective & can
be clicked to see the details easily?
is effective
Agree Neither
Agree Nor
Disagree *trongly
Mre4uency 9: :< /< 9/ /
Figure 14. Internet advertisement is effective
The internet advertisement "y the organiEations should "e effective so that the
customers easily click and see the details$ In this conte1t the 3! "anks advertisement on the
internet is effective as <K of 9KK Fstrongly agree and agreeG agreed that the 3! "anks
internet advertisement is effective and can "e clicked easily to vie% details$ As it6s very
important that the internet advertisement should "e effective other%ise there is no fun of
using this as the medium of the communication medium$ By this internet advertisement the
customers can easily access to look into the availa"le information re4uired "y them time to
time$ In this respect the 3! "ank has need to improve as %e can6t ignore the num"ers %hich
are sho%ing the disagreement in the prominence of the "anks internet advertisement$ *o the
3! "ank is to%ards the right track "ut there is al%ays the scope of improvement %hich the
3! "ank is re4uired to sho% and act fast to retain the customers through this important
medium of marketing communication$
=9 0 - a g e
Q No. 15. Do you think the communication of 1&K bank by various
sources delivers same and consistent information?
delivered is
the same
Agree Neither
Disagree *trongly
Mre4uency 9: ;: // < :
Figure 15. Information delivered is same and consistent by respondents
The information %hich the organiEations %ant to communicate %ith its prospective
customers as and %hen re4uired must "e same and consistent to make the customers mind
free from any dou"t %hile they are %atching or listening any kind of promotion add "y the
"ank$ The a"ove graph clearly indicates that the 3! "anks promotion mediums through
various effective marketing communication tools is same and consistent as
9: of 9KK strongly agree and ;: of 9KK agree %ith this statement$ This implies that the 3!
"ank %hile for%arding its re4uired information to the customers takes care of the consistency
and sameness of the information "y %hich the customers cant face any dilemma as to deal
%ith the "ank or not$
Q No. 16. Overall impression of the advertisements tools used by the bank?
=/ 0 - a g e
Impression of
Qery .ood .ood Neutral -oor Qery -oor
Mre4uency ;K 5K 5 9K =
Figure 16. Overall impression of advertisements.
The a"ove graph FMigure 9<G sho%s respondents indicate that the overall impression
of advertisement tools used "y the "ank is very good $As it is indicated in the graph out of the
respondents F9KKG a"out ;K respondents indicates that the overall impression of the
advertisements of the "ank is very good and 5K respondents indicates that the overall
impression of the advertisements of the "ank is good and 5 respondents are neutral and
9K respondents indicate that the overall impression of the advertisements of the "ank is poor
and = respondents indicate that the overall impression of the advertisements of the "ank is
very poor$ This means that the overall impression of the advertisements of the "ank is good$
=5 0 - a g e
=: 0 - a g e
?ut of 9KK respondents+ => respondents are having accounts in the ammu and
!ashmir Bank$
?ut of 9KK respondents+ >9 respondents are mostly dealing %ith the ammu and
!ashmir Bank$
?ut of the same num"er of respondents+ >= respondents like the products of the "ank
%hile only 95 respondents like the services of the ammu and !ashmir Bank$
?ut of the same num"er of respondents+ >B respondents "elieve that the "ank must
sho% the advertisements of their products on national channels %hile only 99
respondents "elieve that there is no need for the "ank to sho% its advertisements of
their products in the national channel6s$
?ut of 9KK respondents+ :5 respondents are a%are of the products and services of the
"ank and ;= respondents are not a%are of the products and services of the "ank$
?ut of the respondents F9KKG a"out =K respondents are getting information a"out the
products of the "ank from the Branches and B respondents are getting information
a"out the products of the "ank from the ne%spapers and > respondents are getting
information a"out the products of the "ank from the television and < respondents are
getting information a"out the products of the "ank from the radio and : respondents
are getting information a"out the products of the "ank from the Atm6s and /
respondents are getting information a"out the products of the "ank from the
@oardings and 9 respondents are getting information a"out the products of the "ank
from the internet$
?ut of 9KK respondents it %as found that :K respondents see the advertisements of the
products of the "ank in the .reater !ashmir ne%spaper and /K respondents see the
advertisements of the products of the "ank in the Aftaa" ne%spaper and 9;
respondents see the advertisements of the products of the "ank in the rising !ashmir
ne%spaper and 9K respondents see the advertisements of the products of the "ank in
the !ashmir DEma ne%spaper and > respondents see the advertisements of the
products of the "ank in the !ashmir Image ne%spaper and = respondents see the
advertisements of the products of the "ank in the *rinagar times$
=; 0 - a g e
?ut of the same respondents >K respondents notices the advertisements of the
products of the "ank in the ATM6s and /K respondents does not notices the
advertisements of the products of the "ank in the ATM6s$
It %as also found that out of 9KK respondents+ ;; respondents are a%are of the 3!
Bank diary programme on 9K/$<M2 and :; respondents are not a%are of the 3!
Bank diary programme on 9K/$<M2$
It %as also found that out of 9KK respondents+ ;> respondents does not see the
information of products of 3! Bank from hoardings %hile :/ respondents sees the
information of products of 3! Bank from hoardings$
?ut of the 9KK respondents+ only :K respondents had received the "roacher of
advertisements of products from 3! "ank and <K respondents had not yet received
the "roacher of advertisements of products from the "ank$
?ut of the 9KK respondents+ => respondents "elieve that face to face interaction %ith
customers is "etter option for "ank %hile // respondents "elieve that face to face
interaction %ith customers is not a "etter option for the "ank$
?ut of 9KK respondents+ a"out 5/ respondents strongly agreed that the contents in the
advertisement "y the "ank are clear and informative and ;< respondents agreed that
the contents in the advertisement "y the "ank are clear and informative and 9K
respondents neither agree and not disagree %hile only / respondents strongly disagree
that the contents in the advertisement "y the "ank are clear and informative$
?ut of 9KK respondents+ a"out :< respondents strongly agreed that the Internet
advertising "y the "ank is prominent and can "e clicked to see the details easily and
9: respondents agreed that the Internet advertising "y the "ank is prominent and can
"e clicked to see the details easily %hile /< respondents neither agreed nor disagreed
and 9/ respondents disagree that the Internet advertising "y the "ank is prominent and
can "e clicked to see the details easily and / respondent strongly disagreed that the
Internet advertising "y the "ank is prominent and can "e clicked to see the details
=< 0 - a g e
?ut of 9KK respondents+ a"out ;: respondent agreed that the communication of 3!
"ank "y various sources delivers same and consistent information and 9: respondents
strongly agreed that the communication of 3! "ank "y various sources delivers
same and consistent information %hile // respondents neither agree nor disagree and
< respondents disagree that the communication of 3! "ank "y various sources
delivers same and consistent information and : respondents strongly disagree that the
communication of 3! "ank "y various sources delivers same and consistent
?ut of 9KK respondents+ a"out ;K respondents agreed that the ?verall impression of
the advertisements tools used "y the "ank is very good and 5K respondents agreed
that the ?verall impression of the advertisements tools used "y the "ank is good
%hile 5 respondents %ere found to "e neutral and 9K respondents "elieved that the
?verall impression of the advertisements tools used "y the "ank is poor and only =
respondents "elieved that the ?verall impression of the advertisements tools used "y
the "ank is very poor$
Suggestions and Recommendations :-
The "ank should use face to face interaction to those customers %ho are very "usy
and as such for these customers the "ank should use the tools of direct selling to
a%are those customers a"out the products of the "ank$
== 0 - a g e
The "ank must do more advertisements of their products near Bus stand+ Airports+
Tourist spots+ @ospitals and *chools "y using the tool of hoardings$
The "ank must try to make people more a%are a"out the 3! Bank diary programme
on 9K/$<M2$
The "ank must try to make more "roachers and spread them to most of the people so
that "y using the tool of the "roacher more people gets a%are a"out the various
products %hich the "ank is offering$
There should "e proper information a"out the product8 services through advertisement
i$e$ F-rint and electronic mediaG$ The "ank officials should adopt various forms of
advertisement in order to give timely information a"out the updated product8 services
to the customers$
To mark their effect in the market the "ank should try to introduce the concept of
telemarketing tool$ The "ank can minimiEe the gap in the relation %ith its valua"le
customers+ "y %hich customers can feel free to ask for and order on the line for the
services offered "y the "ank$
Advertisement should "e according to the products$
3! "ank should concentrate more to%ards rural areas in using ne% technology$
Investment in advertisement should "e made %ith great care of media$
=> 0 - a g e

(1) Books:-
FaG !otler+ -hillip F/KK5G+ Marketing Management+ Bth (d$ Ne% ersey&
-earson (ducation$
F"G (tEel+ M$ $+ 2alker+ B$ 3 *tanton+ 2$ F/KK9G+ Marketing: 9/
Ne% Aork& The Mc.ra%-@ill Hompanies+ Inc$+ /KK9$
(2) Websites:-
=B 0 - a g e
FaG %%%$,k"ank$net $
F"G %%%$,k"ank$org $
FcG %%%$,ammuandkashmir"ank$com$
FdG %%%$,k"ankonline$com $
FeG %%%$yahoosearch$com$
FfG %%%$google$com$
(3) Corporate Communication department CHQ, Srinagar

>K 0 - a g e


(he )ammu * +ashmir Bank ,td
A study on Advertising tools of ammu and !ashmir Bank$ The purpose of this study is to
analyEe the effectiveness of the advertising tools used "y the "ank$ Besides that is the part of
our internship programme to complete our MBA degree$
>9 0 - a g e
Please tick one box for each question
L No$9& In %hich "ank you have an accountX
aG 3 ! Bank
cG *BI
dG -NB
eG Any other
L No$/&- 2ith %hich "ank you mostly dealX
aG 3 ! Bank
cG *BI
dG -NB
eG Any other

L No$5&- 2hat you like "est a"out your BankX
aG -roducts
"G *ervices
L No$:&- Do you think the "ank must also sho% the advertisements of their products on the
national channelsX
aG Aes
"G No
>/ 0 - a g e
L No$;&-Are you a%are a"out various products and services provided "y the 3! "ankX
aG Aes
"G No
L No$<&-Mrom %here you get information a"out the products and services of 3! BankX
aG Television
"G Radio
cG Ne%s paper
eG Internet
fG Branch
gG @oardings
LNo=&- In %hich ne%spaper do you see the advertisements of 3! Bank mostX
aG .reater !ashmir
"G !ashmir DEma
cG Aftaa"
dG *rinagar Times
eG !ashmir image
fG Rising !ashmir

L No$>&- Do you notice the advertisements of the products of 3! Bank in ATM6sX
aG Aes
"G No
L No$B&- Are you a%are of the 3! Bank diary programme on 9K/$<M2X
aG Aes
"G No
>5 0 - a g e
L No$9K&- Do you get the information of the products of the 3! Bank from the hoardingsX
aG Aes
"G No
L No$99&-Do you ever have received the "roacher of the products of the advertisements of the
3! BankX
aG Aes
"G No
L No$9/&-Do you think face to face interaction %ith customers is the "etter option for the
"ank for advertisement of their productsX

aG Aes
"G No
L No$95&-Do you think the contents in the advertisement "y the "ank are clear and
aG *trongly Agree
"G Agree
cG Neither Agree nor Disagree
dG Disagree
eG *trongly disagree
L No$9:&-Do you think internet advertising "y the "ank is effective 3 can "e clicked to see
the details easilyX
aG *trongly Agree
"G Agree
cG Neither Agree nor Disagree
dG Disagree
eG *trongly Disagree
L No$9;&-Do you think the advertisement of 3! "ank "y various sources delivers same and
consistent informationX
>: 0 - a g e
aG *trongly Agree
"G Agree
cG Neither Agree nor Disagree
dG Disagree
eG *trongly Disagree
LNo9<&- ?verall impression of advertisement tools used "y the 3! "ankX
aG Qery .ood
"G .ood
cG Neutral
dG -oor
eG Qery -oor

>; 0 - a g e

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