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The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth

Chapter One: Vegetables

1) Artichokes cleanses liver. Contains silymarin which helps protect and nourish
liver. They also bring stomach relief. Contain magnesium, potassium,
folate, lutein, zeaxanthin, and plenty of fiber, with only 76 calories.
2) Arugula one cup = 5 calories. Has folate, vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin, calcium,
vitamin K, which is essential for clotting and is key in developing
strong bones. Arugula also helps fight cancer.
3) Asparagus Very favorable ratio of potassium to sodium. Folate, Vitamin K,
Rutin, Quercetin, fiber. One cooked cup = 40 calories. Also has
anti-tumor activity.
4) Beets (star) Good source of betaine and folate. These two nutrients reduce
homocysteine, which means a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke,
dementia, and peripheral vascular disease. Lots of potassium. Some
magnesium, and a little vitamin C. They are high in sugar, but not
significant unless you are really sensitive. Not for diabetics.
5) Bok Choy Contains indoles, which have been shown to lower cancer. Loaded
with calcium, potassium, beta-carotene, and vitamin A. Stir-frying
is best way to get leaves tender while maintaining crisp stalks. Good
raw as well.
6) Broccoli (star) Most frequently listed healthy food. Fights cancer.
Broccoli has protein, fiber, potassium, calcium, vitamin C, folate,
Magnesium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, vitamin A, lutein and
Zeaxanthin. Dont use Indole-3-carbinol supplement. Instead use
7) Broccoli Rabe Often called turnip green. Peppery and bitter to taste. Helps
prevent cellular degeneration. Only 28 calories contains 100 mg of
calcium, 292 mg potassium, 31 mg vitamin C, 60 mcg folate, 217 mg
vitamin K, 3,800 IUs of vitamin A, 2,300 mcg beta-carotene plus plenty
of lutein and zeaxanthin. Not to mention lots of fiber. Many people
blanch the leaves and shoots to tame flavor. But try sauting in olive
oil and garlic for ten minutes, add it to cooked pasta with a bit of
cooking liquid, add chopped dried figs, and pine nuts. Sprinkle with
salted sheeps milk, or ricotta salata, plus pepper.
8) Brussel Sprouts (star) Could help reduce colon cancer. American Cancer
Society recommends including them in diet on a regular basis. Helps
to detoxify nasty environmental toxins. Good amounts of folate,
potassium, vitamin K and beta-carotene.
9) Cabbage (star) Probably the most important vegetable from the point of view
of nutritional benefits and cancer-fighting ability. Indoles are heavy
cancer fighters. Red and purple cabbages contain powerful anti-
oxidants. Has anti-inflammatory effects. Also good source of calcium,
magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, beta-carotene, and lutein
and zeaxanthin, plus lots of fiber.
10) Carrots (star) Fights lung cancer. High in carotenoids. Actually good for your
eyes. Also has calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C,
and a ton of Vitamin A, plus fiber. To get most out of the carotenoids,
eat them with a little fat. May not be recommended for severe cases
of diabetes, but overall, incredibly healthy.
11) Cauliflower Contains many indoles that make it a potent cancer fighter. Also
has potent antioxidants. Contains fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and
folate. Look up making fauxtatoes, with a little butter, lemon and
salt. Not recommended for people suffering from gout.
12) Celery Stems carb cravings, terrific for appetite control. A spoonful of almond
butter or natural peanut butter on it is a perfect low-sugar snack
thats filling. Stimulates saliva and can aid in digestion. Number one
vegetable for treating high blood pressure. Important to wash celery,
because it may have a lot of pesticides. For a juice, combine four
stalks, with one pear and a couple of inches of ginger.
13) Collard Greens Clean it thoroughly before eating/cooking. For tender leaves,
simmer for several hours. Or boil them for 15 to 30 minutes if you
dont mind firmer leaves. Often served with beans, especially black-
eyed peas. Try just using some sweet butter and sea salt. Contains
cancer-fighting phytochemicals. Lots of calcium, fiber, plus
magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins C, K, and A.
14) Dandelion (Star) Used in herbal traditions all over the world. Has profound
effects on the liver, up there with milk thistle. Also helps relieve
heartburn and indigestion. Helps in the treatment of diabetes. It is a
natural diuretic. It is a wonderful aid in reducing high blood pressure.
And it is one of the most nutrient-rich vegetables on the planet. They
make an excellent salad.
15) Eggplant Contains nasunin, a powerful antioxidant. Try it cooked with a miso-
ginger sauce. Also great sprinkled with olive oil.
16) Endive Fresh and slightly bitter flavor. Belgian endive is also called French
endive or witloof. Curly endive has lacy, green-rimmed, curly leaves
with a prickly texture. Escarole has a milder flavor than the other two.
Packs a lot of nutrients. Calcium, iron, potassium, folate, vitamin A and
K. Try tossing some with walnuts and sliced pears and a little blue
Cheese and olives, with a little olive oil.
17) Fennel Its seeds may suppress growth of tumors. Relieves gas and cramps.
Has a soothing effect on digestion. Makes a nice tea pour boiling
water over a couple of spoonfuls of the dried fruit, crushing it
immediately before using. Steep for 10 minutes and strain.
18) Green Beans All types of green beans, including runner beans, snap beans,
wax beans, Italian beans, etc. Not a powerhouse of a food, but
reliable and useful. Eat them raw or cooked.
19) Horseradish - A digestive stimulant and great for clearing up the sinuses.
Inhibits bacterial infection and increases circulation. Believed to
prevent tumors and suppress tumor growth. One of the few foods
that improves with processing. Wasabi is also beneficial for anti-
inflammatory effects.
20) Jerusalem Artichokes Resembles a gnarly potato or ginger. Very good for
your stomach. May cause flatulence. They are delicious baked.
21) Jicama Squeeze some lime on strips and add a dash of chili powder. Has a
ton of fiber, plus calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and A
and beta-carotene. Bake or broil it like a potato. Or eat raw.
22) Kale (Star) A superstar vegetable. Number one vegetable in most rankings.
Strong cancer fighter. High in sulfur and sulforaphane. Loaded with
calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, and K, beta-carotene, and lutein and
zeaxanthin. Plenty of fiber. Make a salad by tossing kale with pine
nuts and cranberries, then soften it all with olive oil.
23) Kohlrabi The stem can be crisp and juicy, almost as sweet as an apple, and
similar to a turnip in taste. You can eat it raw, or cooked. Leaves
and stem are edible. Good source of vitamin C and potassium and
24) Leeks - Sweeter version of an onion. May reduce risk of colon and prostate
cancer. Lowers bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. Soak little
stringy roots in water to remove dirt, and cut up and saut in any
vegetable dish or soup. Contains many nutrients.
25) Mushrooms (Star) Best mushrooms are Maitake, Shiitake, and Reishi. All
three have powerful effects on immune system. Maitake is good for
counteracting the effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Maitake
may be most potent in its medicinal qualities. Shiitake is used to
help fight cancer in Japan. May lower cholesterol. Reishi seems to
benefit everything from blood pressure to liver detoxification to
adrenal function. Stimulates immune system. Helps people under
extreme physical or emotional stress. Even cremini mushrooms are
packed with nutrients.
26) Okra Helps liver. High in fiber. Provides protein as well. High in calcium,
magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, K, and folic acid. It can be steamed,
pickled, broiled, baked or fried.
27) Onions (Star) A cancer fighting food. Protects against stomach cancer. Family
includes garlic, scallions, chives and leeks. Help build strong bones.
The smelly compounds offer a lot of nutritional value. They are
anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiviral. Contains quercetin which
is used to treat allergies. Also relieves asthma and hay fever. Use
quercetin as a supplement for anti-inflammatory.
28) Peppers (hot) Contains capsaicin, which is rich in nutrients. May actually
be beneficial to stomach. May prevent ulcers. Burns fat and calories.
29) Peppers (sweet) Low in calories, and a good snack food. They are good raw.
Slice them up and combine them with buffalo mozzarella and olive oil.
Full of nutrients. However, peppers are a member of the nightshade
family, along with eggplants and tomatoes, and are probably not good
for people with arthritis. Buy organic and wash well, because they
may contain a lot of pesticides.
30) Pumpkin High in potassium and vitamin A, and beta-carotene. May decrease
risk of stroke. Good for athletes. Fights cancer. Good for the eyes.
Needs fat for absorption so cook with a little butter or olive oil.
31) Purslane Grows wild all across America. Highest omega-3 of any green
leafy vegetable. Has lots of calcium, potassium and vitamin A.
Good raw in salads, or steam it and add to soups, stews and
vegetable dishes.
32) Spinach (Star) Provides more nutrients than almost any other food on the
planet. One of the best sources of vitamin K. Helps bones. Good source
of calcium and great for vitamin A, folic acid, manganese, magnesium,
iron, vitamin C, and quercetin. Fights prostrate cancer. Good for the
brain. Spinach is better absorbed with a little fat, so add a little olive
oil to it with a hard-boiled egg. Or stir-fry it in some coconut oil. Buy
organic and wash well.
33) Squash (winter and summer) Summer squash comes in several different
varieties, including zucchini, crookneck and pattypan. Has lots of
potassium. Winter squash comes in many varities as well,
including acorn squash, butternut squash, and spaghetti squash. Good
for weight loss because of its high water content, and minimal
calories. Also high in fiber. Peel butternut squash, and seed it then cut
it in shape of French fries. Spray a cookie sheet with nonstick spray, or
lightly coat tray with olive oil or butter. Place fries on sheet and bake
for 40 minutes, turning over halfway through. Put turmeric on top and
34) Sweet Potatoes Not for people with blood sugar problems. Very portable.
High in fiber. Good for potassium. High in vitamin A. White potatoes
have too much sugar, and not enough nutritional power. Eat the skin.
35) Swiss Chard (Star) A nutritional powerhouse, for almost no calories. Has
fiber, calcium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, lutein
and zeaxanthin. Dont overcook it. Also fine raw.
36) Tomatoes Tomatoes cooked in oil are great for reduction of prostate cancer.
Contains lycopene, which is also a supplement. Eat them with a little
bit of fat. Good for eyes. Good source of vitamin C. Get vine ripened
whenever possible. It is a member of the nightshade family, so may
not be good for people with arthritis.
37) Turnips - Promotes bone health. High-volume food that fills you up on few
calories. Buy turnips with greens attached for best benefits. Raw
grated turnips serve as a digestive aid and are good for detoxification.
38) Watercress (Star) Contains four times the calcium of milk. Has Vitamin A,
vitamin C, lutein and zeaxanthin, plus iron. Fights cancer. Can be
cooked, but probably better raw.
Parsnips Really sweet. Use in place of mashed potatoes. Put on some
butter, lemon pepper and salt. High in folate, calcium,
potassium, and fiber. Low calorie food. Amazing in soups.
Rutabagas Can be steamed, boiled, or mashed, baked, roasted or
sauted. Good in soups. Or a good puree. Good source of
potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and fiber. Low
calorie. Cut into cubes, boil until tender, toss with walnuts,
raisins, and a little honey.
Snow Peas The pod is as good as the seeds. Good fiber, lutein,
zeaxanthin, calcium, vitamin C, folate, and vitamin A.
Dont overcook. Tasty raw in salads.
Chapter 2: Grains
Dont eat too many grains. They were not part of the original human diet. They
constitute too many calories in the average diet, they contribute to celiac disease,
and they contribute to weight and bloat.
39) Oatmeal (Star) Good source of fiber. It has beta-glucan which lowers
cholesterol and reduces risk of cardiovascular disease. It has a
minimal impact on blood sugar. Contains a good amount of protein.
Also has phosphorus, potassium, selenium, manganese, and iron.
Dont eat if you are gluten sensitive, or have uric acid-related
problems. Look for groats, the least processed. Or steel cut oats,
or rolled oats, but make sure they are old-fashioned and thick.
Also, you do not have to cook oats. They are fine eaten raw.
40) Quinoa (Star) It is actually a seed. High in protein. High in lysine which is
scarce in vegetables. Use it as a healthier substitute for rice. It is
higher in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper,
manganese, and zinc.
Brown rice Forget about white rice. Eat only a small amount with your
meal. Helps protect against cancer. Lowers cholesterol.
Chapter 3: Beans and Legumes
They are loaded with fiber and protective phytochemicals, antioxidants, and
vitamins. Not recommended by the paleo diet, but only a small amount of people are
adversely affected by beans.
41) Beans (Star) One of the best sources of fiber on the planet. We need more
fiber in our diets. They also lower cholesterol. They are the ultimate
low-glycemic food. Beans also may fight cancer. They are loaded with
antioxidants, and have a good amount of protein.
42) Garbanzo Beans Helps reduce coronary disease. Great amount of fiber.
A high fiber diet will probably reduce risk of diabetes. Helps with
weight loss. Good amount of potassium, and calcium and magnesium.
Simmer them until tender with garlic and toasted cumin seeds. Or
cook, season and roast them for a snack that replaces nuts and chips.
43) Green peas Dont eat canned green peas. They have plenty of fiber, and are a
good source of vitamin A and K. Low calorie. Dried peas are ok.
44) Lentils (Star) They dont contain sulfur, so they dont produce much gas. High
in fiber. They help treat high cholesterol and high blood sugar. Good
source of protein and fiber, as well as iron and manganese. They dont
need to soak before cooking.
Chapter 4: Fruits
There are no bad fruits. However, fruits are higher in sugar. Almost all the nutrients
found in fruits are obtainable in vegetables. But if you are not
overweight and dont have issues with blood sugar, there are no
concerns with fruit at all.
45) Apples Men who eat an apple a day lower their risk of heart attack by
32 percent. Fights cancer, asthma, diabetes and cardiovascular
disease. Strong antioxidant power. And a great source of boron, which
has real bone-building properties. Eat the peel. And the most potent
apple seems to be the good old Red Delicious. Buy organic. Wash well.
Avoid apple juice unless made at home.
46) Apricots - Low calorie bundle of nutrients. Good source of fiber, vitamin A,
beta-carotene, potassium and phytosterols. Dried apricots arent as
good for you, but they arent bad. Stewed is a little better, but raw is
47) Avocados (Star) They are high in fat, but it is largely monounsaturated fat,
which actually lowers cholesterol. Reduces risk of diabetes and
cancer. Great for eyes, hair and skin. Good source of fiber and
potassium. Could be seen as a mini meal by itself.
48) Bananas Great source of potassium and fiber. Good source of good bacteria.
The inner peel is rich in nutrients. Eat it directly, or scoop it into a
49) Blueberries (Star) They are a memory-protecting food. Fights aging process.
Helps fight arthritis. Good for the eyes. Add a cup a day to your diet.
Fresh or frozen, throw them on a salad, toss into a blender, or put
them into yogurt.
50) Cantaloupe Full of lots of fiber and water (high volume food), which helps
with weight control. It lowers the risk of high blood pressure and

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