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Climate change 'irreversible' if

fossil fuels stay dominant

SUNDAY 02 NO!"#!$ 20%&
'he (orld is at ris) of soaring tem*eratures by the year 2%00 unless gas
and coal reserves are left in the ground+ (arns an international re*ort on
climate change,
'he (orld faces -severe+ (ides*read and irreversible- e.ects if moves are
not made to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions+ according to a ne(
climate change re*ort,
Solutions are available to cut emissions by 2020+ but the *ledges made by
countries to cut greenhouse gases are not enough+ said the
/ntergovernmental 0anel on Climate Change 1/0CC2,
/t's no( u* to the *oliticians 3 (e must safeguard the (orld for
future generations!d Davey+ energy secretary
About 40 *er cent of greenhouse gas emissions in recent decades (as
carbon dio5ide from fossil fuels and industrial *rocesses+ the /0CC said,
/t added that *o(er from lo(3carbon energy sources+ including rene(ables
and nuclear *o(er+ (ould need to be scaled u* from 60 *er cent of
electricity generation no( to more than 40 *er cent by mid3century to limit
rising tem*eratures,
Climate *lans 'incom*atible'
!d Davey+ secretary of state for energy and climate change+ said the re*ort
-sends a clear message that should be heard across the (orld 3 (e must
act on climate change no(-,
'he vast ma7ority of coal+ oil and gas must remain
-/t's no( u* to the *oliticians 3 (e must safeguard the (orld for future
generations by stri)ing a ne( climate deal in 0aris ne5t year+- he added,
0hili**e 9oubert+ chairman of the grou*+ said: -'he ;ndings of this re*ort are
re<uired reading for government o=ces and board rooms around the
'he /0CC's conclusions -strengthens the case for fossil fuel divestment-+
added "ay #oeve+ e5ecutive director of climate cam*aign grou* 680,org,
-/t clearly states that the vast ma7ority of coal+ oil and gas must remain
underground and that investments in the sector must fall by tens of billions
of dollars a year+- she added,
-'he fossil fuel industry's business *lan and a liveable *lanet are sim*ly
>uman in?uence 'clear'
'he (arnings came as the United Nations climate body *ublished the ;nal
re*ort of its latest assessment on the science of climate change+ dra(ing
together three studies *ublished in the *ast year,
'he /0CC re*ort said global (arming (as -une<uivocal- and human
in?uence on the climate (as clear,
@e can still avoid the most serious im*actsAovernment's chief
scienti;c adviser
/t (as -e5tremely li)ely- or more than B8 *er cent certain that the ma7ority
of the (arming since the %B80s (as do(n to human activity+ it said,
"assive cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are needed in the coming
decades to curb tem*erature rises to no more than 2C 3 the level at (hich it
is thought dangerous im*acts of climate change (ill be felt,
'@e can still change'
'he (orld at ris) of tem*eratures soaring by 6,CC to &,4C or even higher by
2%00+ the /0CC said,
/t added that delaying more action to cut emissions by 2060 means it (ill
be much harder to )ee* tem*erature rises to belo( 2C 3 the level at (hich
it is thought dangerous im*acts of climate change (ould be felt,
Sir "ar) @al*ort+ the government's chief scienti;c adviser+ said: -@e can
still avoid the most serious im*acts, @e need to transform the (ay (e
*o(er our lives,
-'his (ill be very challenging+ but the challenges for humanity if (e do not
are li)ely to be far greater,
-'he longer global emissions are allo(ed to continue to increase year on
year the more di=cult+ and e5*ensive+ the transition to a lo( carbon future
(ill become,-
Posted by Thavam

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