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TESTBANK Chapter Title:

Cardiovascular Disorders
Chapter #: 16
1. Data concerning coronary artery
disease (CAD) and specifc risk factors
has demonstrated:
1. a low correlation of modifable risk
factors to coronary artery disease.
2. the onset of coronary artery disease
in middle age.
. an association between
de!elopment of specifc risk factors
and CAD.
". no decisi!e correlation between risk
factors and CAD.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: $nowledge
Correct anser:
!ationale: %pidemiologic and
act#arial data ha!e demonstrated an
association between specifc risk factors
and the de!elopment of CAD.
"age !e#erence: &'
2. (hich of the following !al#es) when
ele!ated) places the patient at lowest
risk for CAD*
1. +ery low,density lipoproteins (+-D-)
2. .riglycerides
. -ow,density lipoproteins (-D-)
". /igh,density lipoproteins (/D-)
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Correct anser: "
!ationale: 0atients with ele!ated /D-
concentrations are tho#ght to be at low
risk for coronary artery disease.
"age !e#erence: &1
. .he ma2or hemodynamic e3ect of CAD
1. decreased left !entric#lar end,
diastolic !ol#me.
2. decreased left !entric#lar end,
diastolic press#re.
. dist#rbance in the balance between
myocardial o4ygen s#pply and
". increased coronary artery !essel
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Correct anser:
!ationale: .he ma2or hemodynamic
e3ect of CAD is the dist#rbance in the
delicate balance between myocardial
o4ygen s#pply and demand.
"age !e#erence: &5
". 6ne di3erentiating factor between
stable angina and #nstable angina is that
stable angina:
1. responds predictably well to
2. is not precipitated by acti!ity.
. has a low correlation to coronary
artery disease.
". is a res#lt of coronary artery spasm.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Application
Correct anser: 1
!ationale: 7table angina #s#ally
begins grad#ally and is corrected by the
administration of !asodilators.
"age !e#erence: &&
'. 8#rsing management of the patient
with angina is directed toward:
1. immediate administration of
2. assessment of history of pre!io#s
anginal episodes.
. assessment and doc#mentation of
chest pain episodes.
". administration of prophylactic
lidocaine for !entric#lar ectopy.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: 7ynthesis
Correct anser:
!ationale: 8#rsing care of the patient
admitted with angina foc#ses on
contin#o#s assessment and
doc#mentation of episodes of chest
"age !e#erence: "91
1. .he mechanism most responsible for a
myocardial infarction (:;) is:
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: $nowledge
1. coronary artery thrombi.
2. pla<#e fss#re or hemorrhage.
. coronary artery spasm.
". preinfarction angina.
Correct anser: 1
!ationale: Coronary artery thrombi
are tho#ght to be present in almost all
ac#te occl#sions.
"age !e#erence: "9
=. .he most fre<#ent dysrhythmia seen
initially with s#dden cardiac death is:
1. premat#re !entric#lar contractions.
2. !entric#lar tachycardia.
. !entric#lar fbrillation.
". asystole.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: $nowledge
Correct anser: 2
!ationale: .he s#dden death episode
#s#ally begins as !entric#lar
"age !e#erence: "1
5. Assessment of the patient with
pericarditis may re!eal which of the
following signs and symptoms*
1. +entric#lar gallop> s#bsternal chest
2. 8arrowed p#lse press#re> shortness
of breath
. 0ericardial friction r#b> pain
". 0ericardial tamponade> widened
p#lse press#re
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: 7ynthesis
Correct anser:
!ationale: .he most common sign
and symptom of pericarditis is pain and
the presence of a pericardial friction
"age !e#erence: "19
&. Clinical manifestations of right,sided
heart fail#re incl#de:
1. ele!ated central !eno#s press#re
and sacral edema.
2. p#lmonary congestion and 2#g#lar
!eno#s distention.
. hypertension and chest pain.
". li!er tenderness and p#lmonary
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Correct anser: 1
!ationale: :anifestations of fail#re of
the right side of the heart are
weakness) peripheral or sacral edema)
2#g#lar !eno#s distention)
hepatomegaly) 2a#ndice) li!er
tenderness) and ele!ated C+0.
"age !e#erence: "1'
19. An essential aspect of teaching that
may pre!ent reocc#rrence of heart
fail#re is:
1. notifying the physician if there is a
2,po#nd weight gain in 2" ho#rs.
2. compliance with di#retic therapy.
. taking nitroglycerin if chest pain
". assessment of an apical p#lse.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Application
Correct anser: 2
!ationale: ?ed#ction or cessation of
di#retics #s#ally res#lts in sodi#m and
water retention) which may precipitate
heart fail#re.
"age !e#erence: "15
11. Compensatory mechanisms may be
acti!ated when heart fail#re occ#rs. ;n
general) these mechanisms:
1. may worsen the degree of heart
2. are e3ecti!e in maintaining cardiac
o#tp#t for prolonged periods of time.
. assist in decreasing preload and
". minimi@e hypertrophic changes in
the !entricles.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: 7ynthesis
Correct anser: 1
!ationale: .he compensatory
mechanisms may s#stain cardiac
f#nction) especially at rest) b#t o!er a
period of time may worsen the degree
of fail#re as the retention of sodi#m and
water leads to o!erdistention of the
!entricles and a conse<#ent decrease in
the force of !entric#lar contraction.
"age !e#erence: "11
12. (hich of the following assessment
fndings is most specifc for ac#te onset
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Application
of p#lmonary edema*
1. 0#lmonary crackles
2. 0eripheral edema
. 0ink) frothy sp#t#m
". %le!ated central !eno#s press#re
Correct anser:
!ationale: (ith ac#te onset of
p#lmonary edema) patients are often
e4tremely breathless and an4io#s. .hey
e4pectorate pink) frothy li<#id.
"age !e#erence: "11
1. :edical management of
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy incl#des:
1. beta,blockers.
2. positi!e inotropes.
. intensi!e e4ercise regimen.
". aortic !al!e replacement.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Correct anser: 1
!ationale: :edical management of
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy incl#des
limitation of physical acti!ity) beta,
blockers) calci#m channel blockers)
antidysrhythmic therapy) and treatment
of heart fail#re.
"age !e#erence: "1&
1". 0atient teaching regarding !al!#lar
heart disease sho#ld incl#de which of the
1. ;ncrease A#id intake to increase
cardiac o#tp#t.
2. :onitor and increase sodi#m intake
to replace sodi#m lost with di#retics.
. ;ncrease daily acti!ity #ntil
shortness of breath occ#rs.
". 0rophylactic antibiotics sho#ld be
taken before #ndergoing any in!asi!e
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Application
Correct anser: "
!ationale: 0atient teaching incl#des
information related to prophylactic
antibiotics before #ndergoing any
in!asi!e proced#res s#ch as dental
"age !e#erence: "22
1'. (hich medication may be
administered to the patient with
hypertensi!e crisis*
1. Digitalis
2. +asopressin
. +erapamil
". 7odi#m nitropr#sside
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: $nowledge
Correct anser: "
!ationale: Bre<#ently #sed
medications for hypertensi!e crisis
incl#de f#rosemide) sodi#m
nitropr#sside) nitroglycerine)
phentolamine) labetalol) and clonidine.
"age !e#erence: ""
11. .he classic description of pain
associated with aortic dissection is:
1. s#bsternal press#re.
2. tearing in the chest) abdomen) or
. n#mbness and tingling in the left
". patient is asymptomatic.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Correct anser: 2
!ationale: .he classic clinical
manifestation of aortic dissection is the
s#dden onset of intense) se!ere) tearing
pain that may be locali@ed initially in
the chest) abdomen) or back.
"age !e#erence: "25
1=. (hich of the following clinical
manifestations is #s#ally the frst
symptom of arterial peripheral !asc#lar
1. ;ntermittent cla#dication
2. .hrombophlebitis
. 0#lmonary embolism
". Cordlike !eins
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: $nowledge
Correct anser: 1
!ationale: ;ntermittent cla#dication
(cramping) aching pain d#ring
amb#lation) #s#ally is the frst symptom
of arterial peripheral !asc#lar disease.
"age !e#erence: "25
15. Co# are teaching a patient with Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
endocarditis abo#t his diagnosis. (hich
statement below is correct*
1. %ndocarditis is a !iral infection that
is easily treated with antibiotics.
2. .he risk of this diagnosis is
occl#sion of the coronary arteries.
. A long co#rse of antibiotics is
needed to treat this disorder.
". Complications are rare once
antibiotics ha!e been started.
Cognitive Level: Application
Correct anser:
!ationale: %ndocarditis re<#ires a
prolonged co#rse of intra!eno#s
"age !e#erence: "21,"22
1&. D#estions 1&,22 refer to the
following sit#ation. :r. :. is a 11,year,old
man admitted to the coronary care #nit
with a diagnosis of ac#te inferior
myocardial infarction.
A 12,lead %CE is taken to !alidate the
area of infarction. (hich fnding on the
%CE is most concl#si!e for infarction*
1. ;n!erted . wa!es
2. .all) peaked . wa!es
. 7.,segment depression
". D wa!es
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: $nowledge
Correct anser: "
!ationale: 6n the %CE) e!idence of
infarction is seen by the presence of
pathologic D wa!es.
"age !e#erence: "9
29. (hich leads on :r. :.Fs %CE
correlate with an inferior wall :;*
1. ;;) ;;;) a+B
2. ;) a+-
. +2,+"
". +',+1
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Application
Correct anser: 1
!ationale: ;nferior infarctions are
manifested by %CE changes in leads ;;)
;;;) and a+B.
"age !e#erence: "9'
21. Complications post,:; are common.
.he n#rse sho#ld anticipate which of the
following as the most common
1. 0#lmonary edema
2. Cardiogenic shock
. Dysrhythmias
". 7#dden cardiac death
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Application
Correct anser:
!ationale: Almost all patients who
e4perience a myocardial infarction will
ha!e dysrhythmias.
"age !e#erence: "9=
22. (hich classifcation of dysrhythmia
is most common following an inferior
wall myocardial infarction*
1. 7in#s tachycardia
2. 0remat#re atrial contractions
. Atrial fbrillation
". A+ heart block
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Application
Correct anser: "
!ationale: A+ heart block most
fre<#ently follows an inferior wall
myocardial infarction.
"age !e#erence: "9&
2. (hich of the following cholesterol
!al#es indicate a heightened risk for the
de!elopment of coronary artery disease*
1. .otal cholesterol le!el of 1=9 mgGd-
2. /D-,C le!el of 9 mgGd-
. .riglyceride le!el of 129 mgGd-
". -D-,C le!el of &9 mgGd-
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Correct anser: 2
!ationale: .he higher the /D-,C) or
good cholesterol) the lower the risk of
"age !e#erence: &1
2". A patient with known CAD in the CCH
with chest pain is s#ddenly awakened
with se!ere chest pain. .hree 8.E
s#bling#al tablets are administered '
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Correct anser:
min#tes apart witho#t relief. A 12,lead
%CE re!eals non,specifc 7. segment
ele!ation. .his patient is probably
s#3ering from which of the following*
1. 7ilent ischemia
2. 7table angina
. Hnstable angina
". 0rin@metalFs angina
!ationale: .hese are hallmark signs
and symptoms of #nstable angina.
"age !e#erence: &&
2'. A patient has been newly diagnosed
with stable angina. /e tells yo# he knows
a lot abo#t his diagnosis already beca#se
his father had the same thing 1' years
ago. Co# ask him to tell yo# what he
already knows abo#t angina. (hich of
the following responses by the patient
ha!e a so#nd scientifc basis*
1. /e can not drink iced) cold
2. /e can no longer drink colas or
. /e can no longer get a strong back
". /e sho#ld not strain when going to
the bathroom.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Application
Correct anser:
!ationale: .he +alsal!a mane#!er
is contraindicated in cardiac
"age !e#erence: "92
21. A patient presents with se!ere
s#bsternal chest pain. .he patient states)
I.his is the most se!ere pain ; ha!e e!er
feltJK .he patient reports that the pain
came on s#ddenly abo#t 2 ho#rs ago and
that three 8.E s#bling#al tablets ha!e
not relie!ed the pain. .he 12,lead %CE
re!eals only the following abnormalities:
.,wa!e in!ersion in leads ;) a+-) +" and +'
0athologic D,wa!es in leads ;;) ;;;) and
7. segment ele!ation in leads +1) +2) +)
(hich of the following is probably
acc#rate abo#t this patient*
1. .his patient has had an old lateral
wall infarction.
2. .his patient is ha!ing an inferior
wall infarction.
. .his patient is ha!ing an ac#te
anterior wall infarction.
". .his patient is ha!ing a posterior
wall infarction.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Correct anser:
!ationale: .he D wa!es indicate an
old inferior wall :;) and the . wa!e
in!ersions and 7. segment
ele!ations indicate an ac#te anterior
wall :;.
"age !e#erence: "9"
2=. A patient) days following an
anterior wall :;) is in the CCH. 7he is
c#rrently recei!ing) 62 at " -Gmin !ia
nasal cann#la) 8.E paste 1K <1 ho#rs)
and the beta blocker -opressor 2' mg 06
<12 ho#rs. .he monitor shows that she
begins to ha!e 0+Cs. 6!er the co#rse of
the ne4t se!eral ho#rs) the 0+Cs
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Correct anser:
!ationale: .he potassi#m le!el is
within normal limits and
replacement is not warranted. All
other inter!entions listed are
appropriate for this patient.
increase in fre<#ency) to more than 1'
per min#te) with occasional r#ns of
m#ltifocal bigeminal 0+CFs. .he patientLs
!ital signs are: /? 5" 7? with described
0+CFs) M0 12"G15) ?? 29) 7p62 &2N.
-aboratory !al#es are blood p/ =."")
potassi#m ".") and magnesi#m 1.2.
(hich of the following) if ordered) wo#ld
be inappropriate for this patient*
1. -idocaine 199 mg ;+0
2. ;ncrease 62 to 1 -Gmin !ia nasal
. 0otassi#m chloride "9 m%< in 2'9
cc 9.&N saline ;+0M o!er " ho#rs
". :agnesi#m s#lfate 2 gm ;+0M o!er
2 ho#rs
"age !e#erence: "11,"12
25. A "',year,old patient is admitted to
the CCH with a diagnosis of ac#te
myocardial infarction. 8itroglycerin is
inf#sing at 19 mcgGmin and heparin at
1999 #nitsGhr. (hich of the following
statements wo#ld be appropriate at this
1. Co# will be able to res#me normal
se4#al acti!ity when yo# are
2. Co# will need to decrease yo#r fat
intake to red#ce the risk of another
heart attack
. Co# ha!e been admitted to the
critical care #nit beca#se there has
been damage to yo#r heart m#scle.
". Angina is #s#ally relie!ed by rest)
b#t a heart attack isnFt.
Topic: Cardio!asc#lar
Cognitive Level: Application
Correct anser:
!ationale: Meca#se the window of
time has passed when the
myocardi#m co#ld be sa!ed) the
patient is ed#cated to clarify the
reasons for admission to the critical
care #nit.
"age !e#erence: "1

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