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Setting the Record Straight:

Rep. Jesse White Responds

to Negative Attacks
My friends,
This has been a very ugly election. My opponent and his allies have spent over $250,000 in negative ads to discredit me
and distract you. There have also been personal attacks against me and my family, ironically via anonymous internet
sites, that are too distasteful to discuss here.
There are a few points I must clarify from my opponents negative ads:
1. I never advocated for an increase in the income tax. I have never raised your taxes during my eight years in Harrisburg.
The citation in my opponents ads from the Allentown Morning Call newspaper on 8/7/14 are simply false. I was not in
that newspaper that day for any reason, and I have never been quoted as favoring a tax increase.
2. Another ad claimed I voted NO on SB 732, which contained new regulations for abortion clinics in the afermath of the
horric crimes commited by Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia. This is a completely false statement. I voted YES on SB 732,
which is conrmed by the House Voting Records.
3. I never voted for a $1 billion tax increase, despite my opponents claims. The sales tax and income tax have remained at
the same rate as the day I took oce.
4. I did not vote to send $400 million of your money to Philadelphia; by voting for Act 44 of 2007, we were able to secure
funding for the Southern Beltway. This $526 million dollar project is located primarily within the 46th District; it will
create family-sustaining jobs and improve our roads without increasing your taxes.
Instead of resorting to attack ads, I have spent the last year knocking on over 10,000 doors, talking about my record and
my vision for the 46th District. The response has been clear and overwhelming; people are tired of negative campaigns.
So instead of tearing my opponent down, I want to raise the level of discourse by talking about the issues, which will
hopefully lift this campaign out of the gutter; therefore I oer ten reasons why I should be re-elected on Tuesday.
1. Protecting our Senior Citizens from Financial Abuse
I have writen legislation (HB 2057) that would increase penalties for those who knowingly scam senior citizens nancially and give law
enforcement new tools to deal with scammers.
2. Standing up for Marcellus Shale Leaseholders
Residents with Marcellus Shale leases have very specic concerns, and I have worked with statewide leaseholder groups to protect their
rights. I have proposed laws to prohibit the deduction of post-production costs from royalty checks (HB 1650) and require air monitors for
people living near drilling sites (HB 2172).
3. Improving Recruitment for Volunteer Fire Departments
Our volunteer re departments are hurting for membership, which is why I wrote HB 1926, which would allow volunteer reghters to
earn college tuition for their children based on their time in the re service. This would also lower student loan debt for our children.
4. Real Reform on Property Taxes
One of the main factors driving property tax hikes was an outdated and inecient reassessment process. By reaching across the aisle and
working with Republican colleagues, we enacted the biggest reform in reassessment law in fy years. This will have a massive impact on
preventing backdoor property tax increases.
5. Protecting the Middle Class and the People Who Sustain It
I am proud to have the support and endorsement of organized labor in this race. I come from a working class union family, and those values
have helped make me the person I am today. I believe if you work hard, you should be paid fairly. Instead of giving tax breaks to foreign
companies, I want to reinvest in our infrastructure and the people who build and use it.
6. Asking the Tough Questions on Education
A lack of funding isnt the only problem facing our public schools. We need a complete review of how programs like Common Core are being
implemented to see if we are helping or hurting our children with these rigid and ofen confusing standards. Re-examining Common Core
will be a priority of mine if re-elected.
7. Staunch Defender of our Second Amendment Rights
I am the only candidate in this race to be endorsed by the National Rie Association (A rating) and Firearm Owners Against Crime. My
record speaks for itself when it comes to defending our Second Amendment rights.
8. Watching Over the Natural Gas Industry
I have embraced the role of independent watchdog over the natural gas industry and the PA DEP. While I support drilling, I believe we
should be managing the risks beter by demanding industry best practices and fair enforcement. The Corbet administration has allowed
some bad actors to get away with far too much at the expense of the health, safety and property values of residents. By continuing to push
for common sense solutions like the banning of open air wastewater impoundments (HB 1542), I have the knowledge and experience to
stand up to the industry when necessary to protect you and your family.
9. Stopping Big Government Takeovers of our Small Towns
When Act 13 was passed in 2012, it stripped the zoning rights of municipalities in favor of a big-government statewide approach that would
have been disastrous for Washington County. By working together with local communities, we fought the special interests all the way to the
Supreme Court- and won a historic victory for the people of Pennsylvania.
10. Cant Be Bullied. Cant Be Bought.
Im not in the pockets of the special interests, nor do I ever want to be. I ran for oce because I care about helping people, not myself.
Politics is a full-contact sport, and Ive taken more than my share of hits, but I do it gladly because somebody has to. You may not agree with
everything I say, but you always know where I stand on the issues.
Like many families, my wife Eileen and I are excited to raise our son Atticus here in Washington County. At the same
time, I worry about the quality of his education and the safety of his community, not to mention the air he breathes and
the water he drinks. As a new parent, I have begun looking at issues with a new perspective, which I believe makes me a
better State Representative. Am I sometimes aggressive in my approach? Sure, but show me a parent who wont do what-
ever it takes to protect their kids. You should demand no less passion and committment from your State Representative.
I humbly ask for your vote on Tuesday, November 4.
Paid for by the Commitee to Elect Jesse White
Jesse is proudly endorsed by:

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